w i,rlii-;i'i.. i i 12 WHIN you movfl you'll need new furni ture. l':uy Judiciously ami your sav ings will ki'pciI mnvtnir expenses. Uur NO-K10NT TRICES niaile us one of the largest furniture houses in the city In less than two years. Lookers shown tha same, courtesy as buyers. ? ' MOROAN-ATCHLET FTJRNITUKK CO.. Grand Ave. Cor. K. Stark St. Efcst Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars Tas 0ir Jioors. 8 HOOM modern house on Woodstock c.ir line, $25. " ., 7 room modern houHe, large, lot, $15. 10 room modern house, large, lot, $25. 6 room modem house, furnace, auto mobile house, close in, $30, Oito & Harkson Realty Co, 133 First St. FOUR or five room flats In talking , distance; bath, toilet, electric lights, wood lift. $15: 100 feet from best ca service In Portland. 703 Belmont. Phone East 3502 ':, WE can furnish your home at a great v saving. See us before purchasing elsewhere. M. Olstrow & Co., 64-6 N. 8d st. Complete housefurnlshers, Rea- sonaoie prices. Easy terms. FOR RENT- Fine furnished house in Piedmont; swell residenoe; sIbo one unfurnished near carbarn; $18 month. 15.1 Knllngsworth ve. - . FREE rent In Gregory Heights. Greg ory Investment Co. End of Rose City Park car line. .GOOD 7 room house cement basement, large yard, rent $20. 681 Gantenbein ave., cor. Fargo. FIVE room house, . 627 Stephens at.. $i2.&o; walking distance, tan, aoa Evllth at . - -;--:'v'- y---V; : FIVE room house and bath, modern conveniences, in Bunnyide, blocks irom -cap. Apply ms Aimay, A 6 room 'cottage, modern In every ro- ' AAA ... . . V . HOUSES FOR BEJfT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 FOR RENT East 4th near Lincoln. I lots, g room house, table, chicken house, etc. R. A- Taylor, 49tn ana naw thorne. B-IBld. NEW furniture 7 room cottage, all rooms rented, on S. lit at . -X-137, ' Journa'l. FURNITURE of 6 room house, lnclud in suite of housekeeping rooms. E. 12th sf. '" 1 - s- FURNITURE of 7 room, house for sale and house , for rent. 443 . K Davis. Telephone East 1507. FOR SALE" 9 room house, clearing $40; will tak aln 2853 will take; part cash; furniture new. $80 Furniture 4 room flat, rent $11, nice location, close in. v-l&l, journal, FURNISHED HOUSES 30 $66 Furnished house in Irvinrton. rooms.- reception hall, piano; will lease; after 8 p. m. phone Main 9000. City maps free for strangers. . HART MAN & THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce, FURNISHED 6 room house, 892, Hall. Call bet. 2 and 4 p. m.! references. - 6 ROOM modern furnished house, 447 N. zaa, Phone Mam 7020. FOR RS-. T FIAT 13 6 ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale cheap, all new; rent $20. 451 E. Ankeny. . TWO modern 4 room flats one has large attla. walls MnteO. cabinet kitchen. lzth and college sts. APARTMENTS 43 Corner Williams ave. and Halaey st. lust ODened: nicely furnished 2or ; room apartments; private bath; strictly modern; reasonable rent, none isza, ANGELA apartment, 89 Trinity Place, between 18th and 20th, near Washing ton. New brick building,' 2, I and 4- room apartments, furnisned and unrurn lshed with private bath, telephone. aleo trie elevator, outside porches.. Janitor service, Wellington Court - Beautiful 2, ' 8, 4 room furnished apartments, steam beat, free 'phone, Janitor service, rent reasonable, 16th ana a,vreu bis, niiin kid, - STORES AND OFFICES . 11 STORAGE. - - , General Merchandise. y "i Floor space to rent . -. . THE J. McCRAKEN CO. 72 Front St. FOR RENT Store room 18x40. at 261 Russell st.,. good location for barber shop . or any email business, Alblna Creamery C. 259 Russell st. , STOREROOM and modern flat for rent. Call 616 E. . 21st st, near Powell. , FOR RENT Store 40x26". concrete base- went, on 1st st. Call 211 Bherman st TWO large stores, single or double; $18 single or $30 for 2. 864 H E. Oak. FEW nice offices in the . Couch and Chambers bldg. 908 Lewis bldg. HALF store for rent suitable for an electrician. 232 2d st. FOR BENT- MISCELLANEOUS. S3 FOR RENT Large hall in first class building, centrally located. Apply office Auditorium hotel. 208U, Id at. j;tween Salmon and Taylor. ' - WANTED TO KENT WANTED One nice ; large rodm with pantry, or a rooms in private family for housekeeping; must have Sunday; no cnuaren. JJ-14S, journal. FAMILY 8 adults want unfurnished house, 6 or 8 rooms; must be -strictly modern, Holladay or Irvirigton district preferred. K-1S6. Journal WANTED To- rent store or part of store suitable for plumbing stock on west side.' -T-161, Journal. WANTED 2 or 8 unfurnished rooms. West Side, walking distance of den. tal college. Phone East 6128. t HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 16 FOR 8 ALE 8 -inch Bain wagon with woodrsclr t4n lenfhernttftrtee-'rtiVtftA tired top buggy, $80; will take cow or poutiry in exenange. it. Ban, Fir. iana station, Mt. scott cart-Tabor 1664, f UH BAL,ti i team, narness and fteavy wagon; weight about 2800; sell cheap, account sickness. 461 Goldsmith st, FOR'N SALE Eight . year sorrel horse; sound in every respect Fred Furrsr. on mile north, of Gates -station On Gresham llneA--: ;i--- OK--BALK 14- head horses and 6 mores, suitable for rancher. Fulton Feed Barn, 1640 -Macadam road ; Take fiiton car to opposite wilheim park. HORSES and buggies for Tent bv dav. went anu iiiuiii.ii, siwciai rates to business . nouses, sin ana Hawthorne. HORSES boarded: pasture and Individ, uai paaaocKs; nne xeea and good caruri Rose vista rarm. xei., waii 6itr Mer rill. 7th and Oak. - ' FOR SALE Fine chunky 1160 lb. mare! 8 years old, very fast gentle, safe for lady to drive or ride, $100. Call 887 Weldier at., east siae. near union ave, GOOD sound pony cheap; .gentle, for ladies or cnuoren; saaaie, Driaie,' etc. 1233 Mfssouri . ave. Phone Woodlawn 814. FOR SALE Good sound white pony, 12 years oia, weigni ou; price bid. ,-, ai- blna Creamery co. o Russeu st. FOR SALE--860 lb. horse, cart and har- ness, new: iz bales nay, b sacxs oats, $76. Going away. Beiiwoort 629. HORSES and buggies by day, week, 'month; rates "to business houses, Tabor 1112. FOR SALE or trade, a good farm wagon for' a good miggy ana narness 4 a, -T.ortTlir St. "" .. " J GOUD family horae, bugy and harness FUR SALE--Cheap, 2 good work horses, Appiv bj. j Bth sna MSKiyon. V"(5R SALE Hsmbfetonlsn' Elding pony, inquire 1433 Fern st, woouiawn. rnnRPs ivn wnnx? for sale. span brown gehlirca, 2S0(lbs. I One 7 passenger Thonins. 2 Franklins, in senses or women and -children ex- spKn orrel mare and gelding, 2900 lbs. I 2 lluieks, 4 Reus, 1 Mitchell, 3 CadillHcs, i clusively, Womcu are often ssived se .lan bay mare and gelding, 2800 Hs. ! 6 ...,almers Uetroit, 1 Wayne, 1 Pope I v. re surgical operations by consulting span bay mare and pelding, 2600 lbs. Toledo, 1 runabout; all in 'first class I me. - Nervous diseases . of children a span black mures, ISoO lbs. condition. Portland Auto Commission i "Penalty. Private hospital awommoda- suan mules. 2SS0 lbs. " iim,w r.n.K m 7th of ! tions. Confinements cared for. Cor- hay gelding. 9 years. 1200 lbs. bay Keidinc. 10 veara. 12f0 IDS ., bay mare, 6 years. 1050 lbs. bav ee dlnir. 7 vears. ICS spotted pony, 5 years, 750 lbs, unbroken horses; 1000 to 1100 lbs. All guaranteed except unbroken horses. , - HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. 420 Hawthorne Ave. Stockmen T V.n,A a. l.tnit IT'r.OrHnh KVtr tfll- lion, weighing 1850 pounds, 6 years old; warranted In every particular; will sell at a bargain of will trade for Portland cr vallev nronertv. or ctve terms. Ad- lfAitss D-141. Journal. . " '. A NUMBER of first class horses, among them some matched teams weignins from 2400 to 3200 lbs.; .also some good delivery horses: all yofung and sound, and every horse guaranteed. 185 Mad- isorj,- approacn or Dnage vest, , MUST ' sell,' going east, 2600 lb.- work team and harness, 9175; 2400 lb. team and harness, $140. These are bargains. 880 B. 26tu st. Woodstock car to Powell St., tnen soutn 2 diocks. , TEAM of young mares, weigh about 2600; 1 mare colt, new 84 Mitchell wagon set of new harness; will sell sep arate. Call at Hotel Stevens, 657 Vs Wil liams ave. C. C.yDeatrlctt. Ctt.l MUST sell good, chunky, 2400 lb. team, mare and horse, good workers, guar anteed true pullers, new heavy harness, complete, $25. ; Call at 287 AVeidler st, corner) Union. ' , - - TrvESTOCR AND POULTRY 85 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Anconas, $10 per trio, Mrs. J. . B. Small, phone Tabor 186, Lents, Or. XF TOU WANT to buy. or sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co, at stock- vnrds. " - SETTER pups for sale, 6 weeks old, i i;ncjv t vfr cum iv ot. - F01i'ALK--MlSCEUiANEOUS, 1U FOR SALEA nice clean stock -consisting of groceries, hardware, dry goods and notions, shoes, feed and flour, three large rooms' well located. Closest in vestigation invited. This business is on a paying basis, but owner wishes to retire and will give long lease at low rent, or will sell; $3000 cash required. Balance time to suit - C, E. Hedge, Keaverton. or. : - - ' : I HAVE the-following articles I want to sell: Borne iron beds," springs, mat tresses:' dressers, steel ranges, sewing machine, refrigerator, extension table, lot of chairs, gas range, screen door, carpets,. 2 showcases. ', 386 E. Alder st. FOR SALE Small grocery and notion store, close to sohool; four living foams, cheap rent,- with three years' ease; fine place for man and wife. P- 160., Journal.- j FOR BALE or traae, pleasure launch 27x6, fully equipped, 8 lu p. 4 cycle en- vine, trnnA hmiaa. Kneed 10 miles', a fine outfit at a bargain. O. F. Trainbr,, 627 Chfrnber of Commerce" biag.- NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables boucht and sold on easy terms. Bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery Address the Brunswlck- Baike-Collender Co., 46 6th, ' THREE National cash registers; all total adders. . WW eell verycheap if taken .atneaPenffirBfrrocery; 148 2nd St., between Alder and Morrl son. . - FOR SALE A good family cow, $30; also Oldsmoblle runabout in good shape, for sals cheap. Phone Sellwood 1384. FOR SALE, cheap, rine Besson cornet, also good Violin and case; also folding organ. Call 62614 .Washington, near THE Northwest Typewriter company, 222 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 8870. is the onlv comnanv sellinv strictly fac- tory rebuilt typewriters; prices $10 to $68. 189 JOUrnal " FOR SALE- Cow kale seed, also plow DAUJWVUW ivaiio oogu, aiav and cultivator. - 73S Bidwell ave. Sell wood. FOR SALE Good sewing machine, in good order, $5. Oregon Shoe Shop, 222 td st t FOR SALE Gasoline wood saw, with or without horse. Apply Segher's wood yard, 9th and Giisan. FOR SALE National cash register, cost $66; good as new; price $45.. Albina SCOTCH collie, 8-months old. 195 Blan- dena, corner Commercial. 'Tana u can FOR BALE A pump, tank and wind mill, rnone xaoor losu. FOR SALE Cheap ' or trade, canvas g ovs making toois. js-ib, journal. $37 buys brand new range worth $45. 168 Grand ave. - GOOD six burner . Imperial range for sale. 909 E- 10th st. N. WANTED- msCayLLANEOCS S UPHOLSTERING AND . FURNITURE ,KEf AliuNu, . i Furniture repaired ' and upholstered. we buy and sen new and second nana furniture, estimates cheerfully given. MODERN FURNITURE- HOSPlTALi,, 300' 4th st. .- -'-'. Phone A-42.66. WANTED People of Portland to know ' that we pay highest cash price for second - hand household : goods. Seater & Gustavson. 143 Russell. East 1662. WANTED The care of a young child. . 1IUI11 cwii. Mjf,, - ....... v. " - mother's. care. Tel. E. 8381.: , House ad dress 256 Clackamas, YOUNG lady to help select and share furnished apartment; two rooms. Rea sonable. Phone Sellwood 1724 or G-16S, Journal. GET our price on .your furnltune, as n will na.v von. wn want the eoods. Savage & Pennell. 351-3 1st st, Main 360, BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., mi-ist. wain ai, A-itf40 OLD auto tires 7c per lb.; auto inner tubes, zuo per id. j. ieve, io Colum bia st. wain i8. A SURPRISE to see the prices we pay for 2nd hand furniture, 83 urana ave. Phone East 294. Hockfeld & Sons. GET TOP CASH PRICES for 'your -fur- . nlture oy ringing up ftiain or a 4698 A-4266 after 6 p.Tn. of Sundays!. EAST SIDE auction Jobbers want 2d hand furniture, highest, price paid. 94 Grand ave.. E.-1051-.- DUCK LAKE, suitable for 3 or 8 par- ? ties; state lerms anu location, a-184, .Trtiirnsl. " WANT ED-econd hand stencil cutting macinne. U jjurns, aq st. . WANTED A second hand heater. Phone Main i76. prompt attenmn always given. E. 1067 HIGHEST price paid for Zd-hand cloth ing ana snoes. n.asi ivoi. - HlGHES'l' price paid for 2nd hand fur- niture. etc. Fnone M.trsnan z44. WANTED Moving picture- machine, gas outtfTT etc. irrnv, journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 THE Ches. E. lork Band Instrument A MUSIO Mouse, BS4 80 st. 0 FOB ALE AUTOMOBILE'S 44 liXJJi BARGAINS. J-"--.---3 1 1909 4-cyllnder Oldsmoblle, 6 pas senger, fully equipped. In first class coridtiion. Will sell very cheap for cash, 1 1908 .4 cylinder Oldsmoblle. S nas. senger, in first class condition, fully equipped. Will sell cheap. ,. . - 1 1908 4-cyllnoer Cadillac tourabout fully equlppedr in first clasg, condition: This car at a bargain if taken at Once. ' 1 1909. 40-h. p. 4-cylinderH 6 passenger Buick, first class condition. This car at th price is an especially good MbUj t"l,rrrnTe!(,rtH6 Btaniioue, good as new.. . For -a ctuick sale will sen cheap. COVEY MOTOR CAR'"ca MOTORCYCLE snd bicycle repairing, work guaranteed. 189 Morrison; 'M 1909. . 'or hat.k or exchange. i zirm zrr-.'rrz ; , BARGAINS. 1 1910 "White Steam f, 1 Continental, 1 Apperson. Will exchanKe for prop erty. East Side Auto Co., Holladay and t'nion. 1 STORE your autos in a fireproof garage; $3 per month and up. S. W. Bailey, 755 Belmont. LOA.VS WANTED 80 WE can place your money at high rates of interest, with gilt edge secuilty; First mortgages for long time perliide. Provident Investment & Trustee Oo 624-528 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. t - ' ' $800 wanted from prlyate party; no loan asrents: 5 vears: s-nod c.ltv security. P-153, Journal. FINAJTCIAli V; ai Quick' loans on furniture and $ pianos, storage receipts, Jife lnsur- $ $ ance policies, livestock, real estate, $ etc. . u. 8. Real Estate & Brokerage i Co., 313 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084,. CASH paid for, mortgages' or ' seller's interest In contracts on real-estate In Orpgon Or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on improved property. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg.; 6th and Stark. FIRST, second mortgages and contracts , purchased on farm and city property anywhere ' in Oregon ." Or Washington. F, fL. Devereau. Fentoo bldg,, 84 fith 8t, CIVIL engineer wants to hear from hieh ciass promoter who can find ma.mer uonotn proposition. , journal, CASH for first and second mortgages. - lot and building 'contracts. Call or address 607 McKay bldg. Main 4710 LET us place your Investments in high Rrads first mortgages on Portland property. 602 Corbett bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7- per cent uouia Baiomom Z83 Btark st. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate se- curtty, jcarrmgton, 416 Comm. Club, Building Loans-A. C, Furlong, contrac. tor. 636 Cha, of Com. Main 4664. MONEY TO LOAX S? HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding bldg. LET US HELP TOU. SPECIAL RATES. ' ' MONET TO LOAN ON KA8T TERMSI. This company is backed bv men with unlimited capital for the purpose of neiping moss in neea or temporary as sistance. V CALL ON US IF YOTT KFTED HELP. We allow you to pay back Just as much as you can easily spare. Rebate for any unexpired time. ' HUTTON CREDIT CO., 807 Spalding bldg. Main 2369. $$ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ I t K-R-O-K-W-R-a -. SALABY LOANS ON PLAIN ' NOTES, $10 TO -$100 LOWEST RATKS TN PORTLAND. $10,-repaid in installments of...., .$ .45 $20, repaid in Installments of......$ .90 $50, repaid in installments of...... $2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges in piam iigures. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. $ $ $ $ 308 Failing Bldg. 4 $ $ f $690 Ol at7jeTrentE:aldaMperty; i $50007 aT7 per cent, want two loans. ; a000 at 7 per cent, west or east" side. $2500 at 7 per cent, west or east side. - $2tuo a. l per cent west or east side. booo to lend October 1. Want improved property for all above. 203 - FAlLflNCJ BLIXJ, MONEY advanced salaried people, house- Keepers - ana otners upon tneir own names without security;, cheapest rates, easiest payments r offices in 66 princi pal cities; save, money by getting eur terms. Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's interest In contracts on real estate In 7au... - Trr 1 x I nmnp lung,, WIU aim Plata, ' YOUR CREDIT Il good at the Employes'. Loan "Co., 121 ADingtOn, I06V d t WE LOAN money on diamonds and jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. "A.' & M. Delovage, jewelers, z wasnington st. miONEY TO LOAN In sums of $500 -up to $3000, on city. improved prop erty, for term of years. J. L. Wells jo., can y;namoer or-tjommerce oiqg. MONEY to loan, large loans a sDeclalty. DMiiaing loans; lowest rates; lire in surance. W. Q. Beck. 312 Falling. MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to 8 per cent Goodnougli it Belts, 718 Board of Trade. i Lowest rates; loans on any securities, chattels or real estate, union Loan Co., 35 Lafayette- bldg, 6th A Wash, sts. R, A. FRAME Shprt loans on any kind of security. Fleldner bldg. Phone Main 5 23 .-' - - MONEY to loan! any amount on real es- tate, lurnuure or piano; lowest rate. j. k. wiciiois, 630 uoara or Trade, $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, firs insurance. McKensie & CO., uerunger biag., Zd and Alder. MONEY to loan on improved real estate, J. la. White, 831 Sherlock bidg. SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. -Ooddard & Wledrlck, 243 Stark. ANY part of $60,000 to loan at 6 per cent intereac. .tup uouc.i Diqg. LOAN for the asking, salary tr chat- tei. xne ioan i'o., 414 ueKum bldg. SALARY LOANS F. A. Newton, 6 15 Henry bldg. . - - - MONEY to loan on Improved city prop- QUICK loans on all securities. - S, W. King.-s wasn,ington mag. Main sioo. NOTICES. 28 U. S. Engineer Offic 723 Central build ing, Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 11, 1910. Sealed proposals for dredging at Los AngeUs Harbor. California, will be re ceived here until 11 a. m., September 10, 1910, and then publicly opened. In formation on application. W. P Stokey, Captain. Engineers. WILL pot be responsible for any ln- debtedness Incurred by my wife. . G. E, Weaverson. . 1 EDW, P. MALL CO. has removed from 309 and 310 Ablngton bldsr. :to 104 2d st. ' - ! -- LOST AND FOUND 21 $100 'REWARD is offered by Portland Art association , (and no ouestiona asked) for return of the articles taken' from tne museum: iicman. mosalo neck lace, 3 . pins, blue lava set in gold, bracelet,, pair cuff buttons and 'scarf pin, coins set in gold,, stons cameo pin ei wun pcana, LOST The address of - gentleman who Doug.ii some iruu in rront of Mar- 3uam Grand Tuesdsy, Address H. M. ohnson, Gresharh, Or. Route 1, box 6(T. STRAYED or s stolen, a light red cow, tips of horns sawed off, white flanks: missing since morning of September -4. Address 91 E. 9th st. N. - . . WILL the lady who found silver purse containing watch and money, at 7th and Washington, Thursday, kindly call tyvisv ljauics watcn. , uwper . can nave ssm Dy laeniuying ana payln this advertisement. Box A-137, Journa LOST Amethyst ring With figure of bird in sort goia. jj'inaer please re- turn iv journal omce; rewara. - -AUtOMbBlLE-Lost last night on irT ly st, bearing from transmission case; rewara w iinue. journal, ADDRESS WANTED Daniel D. Myers, iwno oougni , iana inrougn , US, 1902 Beswlck ft Co.. 260 Oak. St., , ; LOST Hack and tan male hound. C, u tjutiey. rnone 10 banay uoaa groo ery store. Reward. LOST Gun metal watch, Initials G. H. . on back. Phone Woodlawn 1416. Re ward. lAol' Large yole. on east side, Johnson st iJ.'A. Wilson, 322 I ;:::..;. U, iu. ai.ice a. grii , rcspondenre solicited. No charge for consultation. Phonos, Main 8928. -A-5607. Offica room 10, Grand Theatre bldg., Wasditnptnn find Park. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES . A PE--- CIAI TY DR, VLADIMIR K. J1NDRA From Europe. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST. My cures are na' iless nromnt and thotouph. Suite 63-63.51-B0-49-48H-48. 270V4 Washington bide., cor. 4th and . . .iniiiu It'll, The Wave Cure 5 A treatment for .rhmimatlfim nervous disorders, - stomach trouble; recom mended by physicians, nurses; cures' ef fected wnerever used. suite 7 Beinng Hlrsch bldg. - Main 3271. N : Are You Ruptured? - The cerfeet truRS is mads nnd fitted bv a specialist to men. women and chll- aren. csaiisiaction guaranteed or . no cnarge. Wilson, 88 6th St. $mw mum mmm Modem electrin trontmant for rl1aeineB Of the prostate, nervous debility, plies, etc. W, I. Howard, M. D., 304-6 Roth- cniio ping., 4tn and waahlngton. t. ijil. ijr; w i. Physician and surreon: -treats women and; children exclusively; private hos- pjiai . accommoaauons; ; examinations iree. Mam tw; A-Z411. 606 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. : GERMAN books, magazines, novels, eta, uerman, Kngush, French, Bpanisn, SwediBh and Italian dictionaries; foreign books oi au Kinds. , Bchraaie co zz 1st St. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and plies. 181 First, Port- LIQUOR habit permanently cured in three days; no suffering and harmless,- Cardlola Institute, ,1627 Peninsu lar ave.. Portland. Or. NOXALL eures corns, callous, burning, aching, inflamed, stinking feet 25c, all druggists, by mail. Address Dr. Fletch er, foot special lst Portland, Or. DR. G. 8. DOVE, Ph. V. Ps., teacher of -phrenology.- Commercial, block, 242 Washington, room 806. . r , LADIES 95c will make a switch out of your combings, Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 to 412 pekum bldg. WOMEN Use Femoids when . others fail; sold and guaranteed by the Aus plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th st. Main 8106 WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected - in 16 minutes; free demonstrations. 9 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Neo Plastlque Agcy. MRS. SOPHIE P. SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist 21 Belllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6824. ; . , WANTED To adopt baby girl, by cou ple in good circumstances; stats age, etc. E-164, Journal. BALM of figs, remedy tor diseases of women. 629 Belmont st East 2498. YRY Little Hungarian-Yiddish restau rant. 845 V4 Yamhill, near Port hotet SEXINE Pills onty 76o box. Call or ad dress Bridge Pharmacy, 186 Morrison. BUSINESS, DIRECTORY ' The A; A, A, Have Any Snd everything you can wish for in business chances; we have more and sell for less commission., , Bee us, how we ao it:, iaooe bide. "ARCHITECTS tJSSsssSassSsSa-ssaSSsjs .n.,iw,i , aaatajsMBaSSajasasaasssM CUT PRICES. . , v m Wenzel Fritsche. architect, Belmont corner 89th street Tabor 866. Work nrsi ciass. '.- x ' ' " EASTMAN CO., INC. Architects, build- ers; estimates rurntsnoa. Ablngton bid . ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. EI H, Moorehouse ft Co., 411 Wash, st AbbAYERS WELLS & PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- lyticat cnemiBts. zo wasn. m.- 7608. MONTANA .assay office, laboratory and ore testing worn, l so Morrison. y ATTORNETS CHRISTOPHERSON- A MATTHEWS, General practice. 411-13 Buchanan bid. A. H. TANNER, attorney, rooms $11-814 Spalding bldg., 8d and Washington sts. BATHS AND S WOLMING ELEGANT steam. . tub; shower . baths, sanitary plunge. Portland Baths, 167 4th. 25e. BUSINESS CARD HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st. jLtimin uwtk ui - A , onLo. iut guiles Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new JQurega lear., a-3183. Main 183. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and , cross ings. 3lf Beck bldg., , ' TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jopoing. j. l.osu, Hi jeirer son st. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., yortianq orrice, u Worcester .oiag, JAS. Mel.. WOOD & CO., all kinds of insurance, surety bonds. MCKay bldg, CARPET , CLEANING IONE Steanv Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteed, m. sso, B-2236. CARPET WEATLNO NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from 01a carpets, rag rugs, carpei cleaning. ids union eve., near rt. morrison. WE weave rag carpets, bathroom rugs, etc. 1618 Patton ave. Woodlawn 2685. CESSPOOL CONTRACTORS n. DAVIS, cesspool-well contractor: sen. tie tanks specialty. Sell. 1644, Tabor 1915 COAX AXD YTOOT BOXWOOD Order now before the advance. Aiso cordwood. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. Both Phones, WE sell the best coal In the city at tne price; in par ton; wannarora nut $6.60 per ton; 4 -tons -$26 for 10 days oniy. economy r uei uo., io349 An keny. B-2343, E. 214. ' Good dry country slabwood; heavy. segnera vvooq o., vin ana unsan. .PELIVEKEU : PROMPTLY Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st White & Benson Fuel Co, 415 East Morrison.: East 914. Formerly O. K. Wood and Coal Yard Best . Wood ana Coal Delivered promptly. Harrington xrsnsrer r uei jo.. si is. Morrison. gootlefis Anthracite, Rock - springs, Australia, etc, f nones Kast at s. .ssna a EDLEFSEN FUEL CO Yamato Wood and -" Coal Company. Wood, Coal and Dryilak 1 WESTER?? "l''L'KL' 'COMPAN Y 287 E. Morrison. East 226. B-1026 LuaL Rock Spriirgs, Mew .Castle au Australian picked and screened. $tl.r ton and up, , Phoanix Fuel Co, Mar shall 2117. ALBINA FUEL CO,, 47 Albina ave., also Broadway and fc. 33d St.: prompt de Oil livery. Phqnes E. 1SS. C-111T. ' 1 REAL ESfATE -DIRECTODY Ji ! , . . . 1, SAUK- ADDRESS Bkir. D. f ntT rtrm Frooerty ,,.808 Corb-tt felds... Brong-Steel forormny , j'O Brubakor A Beni-Olrt.".. Card Rnlt A Inrmtmrst Co...... Chsptn It Herlow 2i:s LBnnih of Cnrotnercs Main Hohart ft Manbail, 'ara, City Property.... .Boom T, 250 Alder Malo 71 Hnnrk. Omm a.. (HoUmlf atton l 49 I.ibbe Bids. Main 1X Knapp k Macce; 7 Cham bar of Common.. ..Main anil A-IO10 Oregon K.l Eatatt Co., Ihe... f11? A. and Multnomah. ... East 67. C-t"0 R''halk, , (Jpora-a D... ""I3t TX f,t"i: MU 3!)2, A-iZ-WI Pbielda. J. H ......Av.- ... Garltmrer Bids........... Mali! M30 TboKpion. M. K. Co. .....uenry emg.. 4tb-Oak V. 8084, A-B327 CIIINA PAINTING REALISTIC and conventional taught Firing dally. Studio Mrs. . a. Smith, 292 12th. " ciiiKoromsTs S HIROPODY AND 'PEDICURINfi Mrs.iM;- D."HIH, 429 Fltedner Ping. CLEAN1SU AND DIEINO ULm CLEANERS AND DYERS the Regal cleaning ana oyeing, preBsing. ywuw-try-orders solicited. 270 Grand av. COAL AND WOOD GREEN BHORT WOOD, per load.. $2.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord. . $9.76 lNSiUK DRY BHOKJ, Per AOau. BLOCK WOOD, per load, i . . . .w . .$3,60 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. tec ' FonianasiajDWOoa to. - . HiTaIm 11(1 iCrrtrtl BURN OIL REDUCE YOUR FUEL ATA. Will. 1)1 i V) 1 v V ' Install, ths "ShankUn Oil Burner In Jrour Range or Furnace, 25 per cent heaper than Coal or Wood; no Soot no Muss, no Ashes; Just like Gas. pemon- tratlnn'it an, tnr 282 Yamhill St. Main 6131, A-Z431 vaimk-Ti"- KT.Amvnon co. ? Dry Inside wood, per load, 8-S;. Small dry Inside wood, per la0 fi rS Green short slabwood, per load, $3.bU. Planer trimmings. $3: blockwood. per load. $4. , . i'nones jwain mv, a-"' SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO.. Main vifii . a-TiHa . lirv lnsiae wuuu. green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel; niocitwooo. , COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinnuent accounts col lected, wens Mercantile Agenur, i Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 817 AiisKy. a-th; ot. COLLECTION 8PEC1ALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. lu. x wii-ivucjr , i.j . -, -7026. - - -- - ' : 1 . CONTRACTORS AND nUlLUEItS CUMMINGS ft J3ATLIN Building In every branch ot we ouuomi iuf, Jobbing, remodeling, repairing a special ty; show cases, counters, shelving, etc Office and shop til 1st it Phone Mar shall 2327. - - -v Ki'MAHON OR A V EL CO. Gravefc Prompt attention to au uruen. Do.lr thnn TnhnP 2369. WILLIAM FISHBECK, carpenter and builder, Jobbing and contracting. 4VV 4th. Main ez4i FOR cement work, p astsring. '-one work, excavating, calh on G. C. Olson, Marshall 1441; A-4020.? 192 Grover st J." H. BURTON & CO . arewtects and nuiiaers. us xst. nmiii urn " f " CARPENTER, excavating contracts Job bin g specialty. W.B.Jenkins. Tbr. 274. DANCEVO MR.- AND MRS. HEATH'S Dancing .School h (formerly - Bertha Beckett's, Allsky bldg.r 8d and Morrison sts. Class everyySaturday evening; private lessons daily; waits and two-step guaranteed in four lessons, tiANCING: lessons,. 35a Every tnorn lng, afternoon and vening. Prof. Wal. Willson's Dancing School. 886 Washington st. betweenW. Park and 10th sts. ynons mam iuqi. RINGLER'S DANCING SCHOOLr Classei TMonday and Saturday evening. Private lessons dally. Social and fancy dancing, niv """". ELECTRICAL SUPJrTlES PHONE ;East 222 to call, and a repair your eiectno ovuo, iy. etc Let us give you figures on wiring your house fr Installing your motors w ean savs you money. Motors Klectnc to-i j """"' MWiirro v-t ----- , MOTORS for rent orsaie. Psxsifio Elec rto Emslneering Co.. 218 2d st ELECTR0LYST3 MOLES, wrinkles, up.rfluous hair .re- movea. mrs. i'l- " "" , FURNITURE REPAIRING CALL up nd we'll ncalUKiEatpert and prompt service, . y-;-r- irest 4724. 86m K Morrison. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and " marine; electrlo equipments; equipments; launcnes, cccu..--. wholesale and retau; engin l-"'""- Relerson vt nhlnerv Co.. 186 Morrison. P LAZING UNITED GLASS GLAZING CO All Kinds glass worn. -: 1 ' HAT FACTORS MEN'S haU cleaned and blocked at the " u. xntrtryr- lareest hat ren- lrfn in the city, 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. . Hats direct irora the factory at half price. LEATHER flMMNUS CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Frottt Leather of every description; tap manufacturers. iimi"'ft"v LIBRA K1ES CIRCULATING -!" J11 Taylor anq imiuiM. uww MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and m achinery. Alt kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES i...mmi Film exchange handles all kinds motion picture supplies, new or second hand machines, parts, films, slides, viver ranmts" iub, -viv,ttiiu, PARTS.' complete machines, films, song - slides, films, reasonable. 526 H Wash. . MUSIC TEACHERS LADY piano teacher, eastern conserva tory graduate. iuia (eaauiiauie. . avi Relme-nt. Tabor 116. E THlELHUttW. vioan leacner, pupu eeVClK. jvlHr. iog A-to'J, vvv iTiariunm PIANO. Violin, cornet mandolin. Prof, hi. A. pmiin, -t.ni oi.. EXPERIENCED teacher . wishes .. be g Inners oft piano, 60c. Woodlawn so2 ODD JOBS Stoves repaired," set up, soldering, machine jyorkJOajand a veEaatml, OSTEOPATH1L- 1'UYSICIANsi nR T.ILLEBELIiTjl PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, actae and chronic d 1 senses. ' al? ronton, ptug. Main 8Bi. jjat i fiailTU, H'raiaMStSi- -Mekv H tor--Mfl.T 1898: post graduate il0 1, 818 Swet lanfl bldg. . . - DH F. J- BAHK, A. S. .0.. 207 Mohawk bid g-1 3d and Morrison, Main 2:126. RtilUER tiT AMI'S AM) SKAJ.M STENCILS and office stationery, f.'un uingliuin Co., 131 Stark. Mala 1107. TEtErnos'' ....A-44;2. Miiln TWt Mala anil A-a."i''l ,...Mttn M. .Monti all l."ST. A-lMtf ?ai St , z 'M7 uniidlnj HenpT Elds Mais 53. PATENT ATTORXEYS HANDBOOKS for inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler & Robb, 1'7-181 - McGlU bldg., Washington, D C. iMit procured by J, K. Mock, st-torney-at-law, late of V. S. patent otV xree. rtoarq or xraae bldg. R. . Cf WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum gement cases. 604 Dekum ' . ... - --Z1 ' PAINTING AND PAPEKlXfl FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. uuang, m union. Both phones. UK .painting, tinting, paperhanging. -Phone B. 1356. All work guaranteed. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS IC E. BEACH & CO., Pioneer Paint Co, J.l l,t. 'fflim.lljl. A-71143. UA 0MUS8EN & CO., ."High Standard" paint ne. cor, 2d & Taylor, M..A-1771, MORGAN WATTiTPAPER CO.. 230 2d -BLi-gP.?w'rcn Salmon, and Main. 1 PLOtnixa- COILS made for furnaces, heaters, stoves connected promptly. Phone Main 8004. - - - PRINTTJIO , V.-- -:WELCH.PRIi1TmGC0.Sr ' "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 141 Int. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bargains in second hand safes. SHOWCASES &XU FIXTURES SHOWCASES Of ? every descrintion: bank, bar and store "fixtures made to orner. The Lutke Mfg. C9. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. . new and old showcases, cabinets, store ana omce nxtures. zn couch. M. 2703. blUA AND suutv uaiuw FOSTER & KLEISER, signs; the largest "6" "loacm iu ino Dorinweni: ruin and Everett sts. Phona Prlv, Ex, t5, iwmsass,, 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland . Sign Co., 287 Stark. Paclflo 1696. WALTER M. OBER, platting, -subdividing and topographical maps a spe clalty. 160 E. 28th st N. B-2099. .XOWiOa bliiTLT CLEAN towels daily; comb, brush, soap. $1 per month. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Co., 8th and Couch sts.' Phones Main 410, A-4410. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. Bee them. Washington st. 8. E. Gilbert ' $01 TRANSFER AJUD aTOKAOis y Oregon Transfer Co, Established 1870. ' Transfer and forwarding agents, . Storaee: frA trackave . Off 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th 'and 6th. rnones: Mam 69; A-I169. ' O O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of- iice ana commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed lor snipment. Mam 6s; a-1996. OU!OV.ROR TBiVRCl'B rv i , General transfer unii atnra.a .ifu pianos and furniture moved, packed anti shipped. 209 Oak st Main 547, A-2247, INDEPENDENT Baggage fc Transfer1 Co. Storage. 22.4 Stark. Main ant TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented,' repaired, sold. Cun- ningnam to., mi Ktaric. Main 1407, VKTEKLXAUIAII DR. A. G. SMITH V. S.. V. B. Stables. 248 Front Maln 4156. Res. Main 1802. : WALL PAPS. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the. goods that go with them. B. H. Moorehouse & Co., 411 Wash, st Vi ROLhrtAl.K l OliUlOU E VERDI NO St FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Frpnt St., i-ortiaiiu. yr. j-nune Main iiy. M. A. GUNST & CO.. DISTRIBT'TORS OF FINE CIGARS fUK TLiAZS I), OR. WADIIAMS & CO., wholesale grocers. manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th snd Oak sts. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS GEKMAX-AMEHUAN BAKE Portland. Or. , Corner Blxth and Waablngton lit a. Trana - acta a general banking bualncaa. Drafti issued mailable In all tn. principal dtlee ot tta United State and Europe, roar per cent Interval paid , on aaTtngi .accounUL fiat 4e Klt Blt. ' - -" BONDS AND INVESTMENTS ORHIS BROTHERS. Chamber ot Com- Bierc B Idlng. Municipal, railroad and ubllc aerTice corpora uua noaua, ..' ' . ' . - S4 TRANSPORTATION San rrancisco as Portland Steamship Oo. New Srvic to .10 s Angsles, via. Ban rrancuco, every -vs justs. , Frcm Alnsworth dock, Portland. 9 a. m Bear Sept. From tsan Boss City From" Ban r-eorv, noruiuuuna. BVr pop H vuy -"i.Z?'i'Ah. aliiM-, t " tk? o agent, Alnsworth Dock; phone Main The Opes Slver Transportatuin Company Str. . iN IXAL por tW;7 I,jiding3 street, Jtonday, Wednesday and Frldiv at 1 a. m., returning, leaving The Dalles lng connections at Celilo with STEAH ,, and all points on th Columbia U Priest Rapids. . T. W. a BUCHANANS Sunt i ' '- - - , WICK, I far as CAP-l AAUat,&,U IMRECT HOBTH PaCIHO B. S. CO. - MARTIN J. 11IUI.K V. Taas. Agent W. it KI.l'tjSER.-Vrelglit Agent . PLUMBING Gas fitting contracts tak . en; all kinds alteration work RtuV l?02ng34fFiat.8t e' v,I'hono Maln PoXDVv!nS t, . CONTRACT work, any size Jobs; you or ,!Snf W'. Orrs Hsr- I furnish material; day or Job work; Yit p..?2n,h Bena iicaea .... : P. : esiimares rurnished. H-I06. Journal. o, oss Htj jo, seavsr-15. rinabro, S"S, V, ,Z , . . rancisco, norinoouinci, lj m. oint Le' Z u. r, m t, m r,iV Bent. 3, Eeajer 8, Bear 13, JS ?o2a- 8:S0' :J'-8.,.P!.."4 imUf S. S..BOAROKB sad S. S. EUSB Call, V!:h il W); P- -12 M. ' -', t Every Wednesday, alternately, at 8 n. m. '. itio,'. .i,?'',.51."',,"' t " Ticket office Ut ThlrO. owr Aldr. I ;6. "UI f " , b , Iboiwa il. 1SU. A-1814. - -s t''l K"",n, xh k" AX C003 ' bay uirr. : Steamer Breakwater itail.-i frm Al r. dock. i'ortl-mi. is p. m., Scptcni'.,- , 13, i0.' 27, October i, 11, IS, -., e. ery Tuesday riisrht. Freight re-eiw 1 t Alaska dock until 5 p. m. d lily, i is- senger fare: First - class;- $10. I class, $7, including meals and t-n .. Tickets on wala at Alnsworth il Phones Main 268, A-1234. Boutbern Taaifia. . ieaiina PoriLnwCZ : Ashland Paan "ft a. Hnaehiirir p.. m. , r.7to? Penger . e i v- , llJO 7-30 . " 4-int p. n iio p. K. . 5; V- oi- J0:(H p. " . P- tB- a. in. r txprfaa ., uw5tVL??V -n rorrallli Pa,njw . Sheridan ?roT ''"nir,r V. ........ Oregon Kxpn- .... AhlanJ fmngrt ""-" Portland r::I'er Phaats MmiLr Ell.. .................... '. .' ' s :m p. - Heat side-, . n?J,.yi Pnge, 6 10 p. fchsrld.. Paa-enge? I::;;::" "in a. D,. HJirort Pamnr : -,., miio . nw Jfortharn Paotno.. ,f.Vil Portland AtUntle Kj" i'VeV'Amni. .Jl3 15 Si S ' Twlii ntfT Noftb Bank ... 9:00 a. m. KTrtVr.S2rM1 ! N"" BPk . T:O0 p. o. , .Bound.., " . aa ifrth ?t l North Bsnk 8:18 Ltn,lt vis Paget f NoCkrB.''ifi'lV w"iis Ksrti " r-'fle Co.lt" nrnrsii ! Dump oand , .....7 ' ' " t oo TT7-. Z. ........... BV ii, ".Z " "Ire T'a North Bonk ... :W p. m. Mlaa,,i Prei,IU " "o"" ..10:30 p. BJ. Mi'wori Rim ' Expreaa tla North ' Mi.rrf T:80 a. . S. Pla..t South Bead an- ryi narbor .,.... 4 01) p. Si. Pnget Bonnd Limited I.!..!.. T in p. m. jra.colt Passenger . . . . .11:00 a. m OragPB Hsllrosa Ic Sav1ctloB On. Lraviri Pnti,n ?aker,tv Paenger . . . , . . . 8 :00 a. m. Thr rMliea Loc,! 4:00 p. id. Bpokati. flyer :f0 p. m. Sco-Spokane-Portland .. ... . , ,11:00 p. m. Oregon-Washlgton Express., ,. 8:00 p, m. - ArrlTttig Portland Toe Dalles Lo-al .'........v........ 10:15 . a SpokaneFlyer .............. 8:00a.m. uregon-Washington Express.. 10:80 a. m. Duu-ouimno-roriiana ...... ,Ii:s0 a. m. Jiaser tity Loal Panr T:0O p. m. Altorts A CnlnmMa DIM,. 1 ' Leaving Portland i .. ' Seaalde Expreaa :W . m. Ocean Sbor Limited .............. :3i a. m. Saturday Seaside Special ....,..,.. 2:::0 p. m. Seaside Bxpreas 8:,W a n, - itaimer Faaaenger l:1S p. m. Bainler Paaaiiger . ........ 6:45 p, m. ArrtTlng Portland Sftaalile Bxpreaa ,12:0S o, si. Monday fteaalde Special 12:R0 p. m. Beaaide Express ...................10:00 p. ov ifwn Doore i.imiien .......1:io p. m. Rainier and Portland Paaaenger .... 8:4fl a. m. Rainier and Portland Pnmenrer .... B-on e. m. ' ' Canadian Paclfle Kallwsy Co. LeaTlns Portland . ' Soo-Spokrtne-Portland ;;,,., i. 11:00 p. m. Via Seattle .12:15 a. m. ArrlTlns Portljnil Soo-8pokane-Portland .....11:30 a. m. . . .10:30 p. m. via Seattle Oragon Waahtna-ton Railroxl Co. Iavln Portland . Seattle Paaacnger 8:80 a, ra. Bhaata Limited .................... 8:00 a, ai. OwJ . 11:45 p, m. Afriving Portland : ftwl i,...M,,,, -is a. ts Shaata Limited ... 6:20 p. is. Portland Paenrer z-o n. tn. FFIH80K STRKEtTtATION. Boutharn Paolfio. Lealiif Portland pallaa Paaatnser .... Dallas Paaaencer .... ............ T:40 a. in. .....a,,..,.... tsa p. aa. loreat Grove Panengas 1K0 p. aa. Arming rortiana Pallaa Paaaanror ...,..,l:m a. si. Pallaa paaaanger a. forent OroTa Paaaenger .1300 m. ELEVEHIH AND HOYT STBEEXi ?A8- Bpokana. Portland It SeaUla RaUway CaT , IiaTlns Portlan Inland Empire Exprem ............ 9 KM a. n. for Chicago. Bt. PanL Omaha. Kanaas City, St. tools. Billing. Spokane, Waabtncna, Knhlotoa, Patco. BooaeTelt, Granddalle. Gol dendale. Lla, Whit Saliaoo, Btrnos .tad VaneonTer. " Ibe Oregonlaa ................ .....liron . tn. For Pt.' Paul. Spokane. , Paaao, Granddalle. , Lrla, White Salmon. Sterenaon and VaneoqTer, folomMa Rlrer Local 4:80 p, aa. North Bank Limited ............... THIO p. n. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Eanaa City. . Bt Loult. Billing, Spokane. Vfaahrnrna. Kahlotu. Pco, Roowelt, Oranddnlle. LyU, Whit Salmon. Stevenson and vaseonver, . ArrlTlns Portland ....':., he Oregnnlan .................... TJB From Bt. nil OF""!, r, aaarrniil. Lrl Whit. Salmon, Stenoa and TancottTer. . Korth Bank 'limited . ......... a... T:S0 a. n. From Chicago. St. Paul, Omnia. Kanaas Clt- St. Louia, BlUlnga. Spokane, Waahtncn. Kabiorn. Paaco, BooaeTelt. Oranddalfe, Ljl. , White Salmon. BteTf noa and Vancouver. Colnmbl Blrer Locl ..............12:85 p. m. Inland Kronira Eipree ............ i;18 p. ... From Chicago. Bt. Panl. Omaba. hanaa CttT St Loult, BtUIngl. Spokane. Waahtncn. Kahiotua, Paco. RooeeTelt. Oranddallee. Ljle, White Salmon. Bfeeennon and VaneonTer. Orest Worthem Railway Qo. ' ; Tavlns poroanu .., . Orlfntal Limited, via Seattle.... ,,.10:00 . m. The th-egonian. via North Bank. . ..11 :00 i. ra. Oriental Umitod; rla North Bank. T:00p. . tnternatlonal Limited. Seattle, Ta Inoom i Vancouver. B. 0.. .....10:00 a. m, oAnJal Limited, via Seattle...... S en I. m. Lrt!?AJSE!rW Nerth Bank.... T:S a. I nV.7 limited, via Nrth Bank. . . 8.18 p. . : n . twnrea. Tanconrar. B. Shor u . T.-nro. , . . 8:30 . m. International timjtsd. Vofer. B. r Seattle "Jrpnn"' B Wi n. w. Era-a "oaEggw electrio by, co. -tiUon Front and Joffeiaon St. S?"Sh5 telem and Int. Point-Lv,le WoC5?and 9:30, 10, 1M10 a. o : 2 OO, , 8-40 . w,w .limited for Tnnlatln 8:S0's iem 8 1 m' Loel vrHonlIJ j only ll 1 Poland from Salem and Station :40SA'' . Local from WHsonTlll. and 'M. .w.r .P', Dillr, pt Kanday. tad IB k A rto-SO P. sY' nff;4nVsdall tL'i m Tereat Oroea n4 Tit, 6t!oi''Bi?Z''w -Bl-2?-Z-l -"- J - " , Xt 4 AM "t Water . s iin .... aiAiwl Simla. t ana .a ,. , sa' J.rSi1? "o 43. ii:-ta m-, 12 u. i.t M, 8 46. , $ m, 6:4S. tl M p., m. - ' ft,,tj ndVM.lr:W.T 4S. I - r n. riZ vaneoutur-Ti.et oUire M ltln IU.. 4,a-, i . . . v ' - m " . i r"m. SenU a.u . Va, '"r '7?-Sh rElly ee:it SunJay. n:: t-t atatlon o.iiwp- .... 1 i t .'