.xi.nr. mso? AUDITORIUM lintel, 20R',S SJ. Hot and cold unninf water, nicely fur ntahed rooms, $3.0 per week and up; f'.iy, 50c and up. FOR RUNT Nicely furnlnhed rooms, liot and cold Water, well furnished; 1 block cm rline. 341 Harrison. Phone Main S737. - . , LARGE, finely furnished front room; hot water, heat, . large closet; also, connecting room; walking distance. 429 1 arket 15 1 . jp ho ne A-40UG. - EXEGANTLV furnished room, Unlit and airy, gas. hath and fre phone, right tip town, suitable for one or two gentle men. $4 a week. 350 Oak st. WANTt Married couple or S youn.i men' to occupy double parlor In mod ern horn., walking distance, $3 each per week. Phone Main 818.V FOR RENT Nice Bleeping rooms, tran sient and regular, ctntra'ly located, JS3V4 4th,! or 284 Yamhill, bet, 4th and 8th, .- I TRAVELING people can find, clean, 1 pleasant rooms, day or week, 8 blocks I from postoffice. 254,12th at; also per ' t'18-"" rooms. ; ? I LA RGE. clean, newly furnished, well I heated - rooms In beautiful corner 1 h""8"- easy walking distance. A-2547. I SALEM ; House; transient, regular and housekeeping,, rooms; one diock wo gon Electric depot. 288 Front st BEAUTIFULTY furnished! front rooms; furnace heat, electricity, bath, pheme; walklne distance. 474 Salmon, cor. 14th. H0TIEI-MAS(DDS $1.60 up per wee- Frew phone and bath. Main FOR RENT J furnished and . unfur nished rooms; gas, electricity, phone, bath. 808 College. ' ! THR-M large , comfortable , sleeping rooms, outside light, walking -dlsr tance, gag, electric. 228 Sherman at. fcTRONT suite of 2 housekeeping rooms, well furnished? bath, - gas and phone. 421 6th st. TWO large finely furnished housekeep - lng rooms, first . floor; all conven iences. -863 13th st ONE suite housekeeping rooms; also ona . sleeping room; bath, not and cold wa ter. 628 Morrison. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms. Apply 428 Hall at ' " NICELY furnished rooms for rent, prl- yate family. 4Q starn st, NICELY furnished front room. Park st. JfURNlSHED ' room suitable for !, with - Doara; rererences. zj mm m. NICE clean furnished rooms very rea sonable at 633 Washington st. f? THE ANGELES, .273 TH 8T. Nicely rurnisnea rooms. t, to i FOR RENT 1 front room or ensulte; also single room; close in. 42a 8d at. Is'ICE, large front room;modern homo comrorts.4Br 10th, cor. Jacksori. IriTRNISHF.T) room a.- iti modern 'flat. 408 Park st, Call 9 to 2 or 4:80 to 7. . FURNISHED K003IS EAST SIDE S3 ROOMS In private family, with break fast; furnace heat' phona, bath. 814 Holladay ave., east side. , ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 1 TWO fir three nice front rooms unfur nished, $8 and $10per month, walking I distance, can 83S TinamooK sc I BeSIRABLE, 1 or 9 unfurnished house- til t i . M h- Ua t tQ9U i gin gt. fiftn KnAivii ' 9tlA 1flth hot 'v. . tT-. 1 a., n n A Crilmnn ' ' da v- :r 1 Uj I KJi aim Rttimvu. . . w HOTELS 04 HOTEL FOSTER Portland's newaat medium priced fireproof hotel; ISO rooms; steam heat hot and cold ruj nltior wntfr In every room: rates Ibn and $1; full half block; 247-250 Davis st., za to a a. HOTKL PORTLAND European , plait only; 13. ar. VAXLAMONT urnloh4 rooms lof . wnt; " 7 'Tarnhm. -'-:,"-",-:.-v; feELVKDKKK. European 4th and Aide? ROOMS AND BOARD 19 nvn or room acartments. adjoining, fitted for 6 gentlemen, furnace heat hot running water, private phone, fine labia, also J double rooms with board, private house, central, $40 and $80 per montn. aw- - "r BOARD and nicely appointed room for two, ladlea preferred: rtew home f ur pace heat walking distance. , Phone B-18S8. HOME cooking. $4.60 week; room and board, $8; meal tickets. . $4.50. 284 Main st. ' . ) HOME cooking, reasonable rate, private .family. Main 4884. 584 Main at WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED t rooma and board in prl- th chll- vata famllFi man and wife with flren B. 2 and 8 months old. Phone B-1669 or A-135. Journal. WANTED 2 furnished rooms for light housekeepug, wunin waiKin" dis tance: state price. A-) 88, Journal - WANTED Room, and board in Irving- ton, by teacher In Irvington school, D-144. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE. . THE BEAVER 12th and , MarshalL Furnished for housekeeping, gas ranees, alectrio lights,, hot water, . bath, laundry, all free: 816 per month up: clean place; - best in the city tor the money; short distance from Union denot. Take "S" or 16th st. cars north, get off at Marsnan st. no dogs. WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2, $8 month; 8, $13; furnished cottage. 4 rooms. $18: lower fiat 4 rooms. 818. 384 North SStn TWest Bide river), w ear rrom depot tin or Mom on to 28th. clock north. ONKONTA" apartments. 187 17th neat Yamhill (Tako W car at depot), t, 8 and 4 room furnished suites. Hot and cold. ' Phones and baths free. $29 br month. $5 per week snd up, Mais 4887, A.4739, THE "feVTHERLAKD Newly" furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold wa ter, electrio lights, gas ranges, f roa bath ana pnone. itn or "w canine, cor ner 27th and Thurman. A-4174, M. 2088. THE COLONS Furnished , housckeen. lng 'rooms with all convenience, $18 and u.-central location. BOSH Alder sU FURNISHED housekeeping , suites fur rai na up, per wock. nxa. cadam St. ; . . . . DESIRABLE suits of housekeeping ,rai o eingio room, reasonable. THE COLLINS, 6iii Alder House" keeping rooms, $19 and up. Phone VERT desirable housekeeping rooms; adults. 847 Market. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light gaa; mode-afro, 7th & Flanders. A-4078 2 nicely furnished housekaentner hasemetrtr'walRlng aiBtance. 474 Clay. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ; . - EAST BIDE . ; 48 TH3 ST, MARKS, cor. Grand and H. Burnside, lovely front housekeeping suite, exceptionally -well 'furnished; pnone, nam, gas, iour canines. 122 per month. " ' " -. .. HOUSEKEEPING, 1 room, building and furnlturs naw, sink, gas, bath, phone, $1. I room aulte, sink, gas, bath, porcn, in. o uj. jiorrison. $2 per week; clean, furnished houaekeep . lng rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard, pnone. mean jmen. w Vancouver ava irtftEiS oeauy iurnisnea nousekeeplng rooms, for family of two. Inquirs at 4)8 Hpqney ave. pnone uast 2197. ONE front suite of rooms, newly fur nlahari fnr Hcht hnimekeerilnir 288 Lnrrabee'it. Phone East 2376. FOR clonTn Mini nlcelv furnished hnnsn- f -iteen rimisT-cajrtfr" Sell wo6d ' 3 37 HOUSES FOR REN1 12 A B room cottage, modern In very ro tpeot 809, Front st, 12 Greater Meier & Frank Store! Rental & Information Bureau Home hunters, visit our modern, com-1 plotely equip,)V'd Information depart- ment, .fourth floor, main building, and iK.te the vacant houses and flats on our list. You'll save time In petting properly i and comfortably located. We Keep in touch, with all the. vacant flats and houst'S in all parts of the city; We have i the combined lists of all the real estate! agents in the city. We also have a list j of all new buildings la course of con- atructlon. If You Want to 'Kent a House See Us, . 1 WHEN you move you'll need new fur jilture. Buy Judiciously and your savings will exceeft moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the city In leas than two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buy ers. ' MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO, ! Grand Ave., Cor. E. Stark Bt East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars i pass our door, - . WE can furnish your home at a great saving. u Sea us before purchasing elsewhere. M. Olstrow & Co., 64-68 N. Sd st. .Complete housefurnlshere. Rea ls o n ftbldp rlceb. Kasy terms, NEW, modern 8 room house. E. 26th and Gladstone, $18 pet mo, McGrath, S31 Chamber of Commerce bldg.f , CHEAPEST RENT f Cottages, housekeeping rooms,, from 'tini cor. jnrst. j 1 FREE rent in Gregory Heights. . Greg ory Investment Co. End of Rose City farg car -line.' WEST SIify--8 room furnished house, walking distance, $60; reference.. 247 Grant st. i. ' - -" , HOUSES FOR REXT, ' ' ' ; .FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 FOR RENT East 46th, near Lincoln, 3 lots, 8 room house, - stable, chicken house, etc. R. A, Taylor, 49th and Haw- tnorne. u-iBie. GOOD furniture! '6 room house; no rea ' sonabl offer , refused; at once. w 809 let st, FURNITURE of E room cottage for sale and rent; bargain. 171 W. 17th st. FURNISHED HOUSKS SO $65 Furnished house In Irvington, 6 rooms, reception hall, piano; will lease; after 6 p. m, phone Main 9000. City mapa free for strangers. HARTMAN A THOMPSON Real , Estate Deot. . . . ? Chamber of Commerce. 8- ROOM modem-furnished house, ITT N, 23d. Phono Main 7020. FOR RE.!T FLATft 13 FIVE room flat, west . side; furnace, fireplace, range. Phone. Main 9014, or call 419 Jackson. ' OR. RENT 4 room unfurnished flat, bath, stationary tub. wood hoist 681 8d. cor Grant. ' ' TWO modern 4 room f lau. one Taas large attic, walls tinted, cawnet Kitcnen. 12th and College ats. ' j. WELL furnished 4 room flat, electric, gas. 673 3d St Marshall 448. APARTMENTS 43 ANGELA apa'rtment 33 PJasst BeTweenTThand 20th, hear Washing- ton. New brick building. 2. 8 and room apartments, furnisned and unfurn ished with private bath, telephone, ,eleo- trio elevator, ouiaias porcneB, jannor service. ' . Wellington Court Beautiful 9, J, 4 room furnished apartments, steam heat f phone. Janitor service, . rent reasonable. :6th ana ;vereti sts. Main ino. HALiiMY court corner Williams ave.. on Halsev sL. lust opened: nioelv fur- h I Ail 9 nr 4 -rv m mm r m Snta' nrlitaia batn; strictly modem; reason pis., rant. rnone u;asi 02s WANTED 8 room furnished apart ment. Have children. 5, -2 and ( months old. B-1669 or A-l 8 5. Journal. 8TOIIE3 AND OFFICES 11 STORAGE. General Merchandise. Floor space to rent THE J, McCRAKEN CO. 72 Front St. FOR RENT Store 40x25, concrete base ment. on 1st st Call 211 Sherman st fWO large toresy-igle or double; $1S single or $80 for 2. 864 Vi E. Oak. FEW nice offices in the Couch and Chambers bldg. 808 Lewis bldg.; FOR REXJ MISCELLANEOUS 83 FOR RENT Largs hall In first class - building, centrally located. . Apply office Auditorium hotel, 20SH 8d st. between Salmon and Taylor. WANTED TO KENT WANTED One nice largo room with pantry, or 2 rooms in private family for housekeeping; must have Sunday; no cnuaren. ii4S. journal, WANTED Store room about SO foot front; must be close to O. R. & N. tracks on east side. W. E. Johnson, 284 Margin st. ' WANTED 1, 2 or 8 unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Main 4028. ' WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished or unfurnished flat Close in. X-lsa. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE. 1 span brown geldings, 2800 lbs. span sorrel mare and gelding, 1300 lbs, span bay mare and gelding, 2800 lbs. span bay mare and gelding, 2800 lbs, scan hlnclt maros lKSn lha 1 span mules, 2850 lbs. 1 baygeldlng, 6 years. 1200 lbs. bay geldlnr. 10 years, 1260 lbs. bay mare, 6 years, 1C50 lbs. bay gelding, 7 years, 075 Its. Spotted pony, S years. 7 HO lbs. v unbroken horses, 1000 to 1100 lbs. All guaranteed exebnt nnhrnlr horses. - . - . t...' HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. , 420 Hawthorne Ave. ' Stockmen -1 have art Imported English Shire IlOn. Welrhlnr IKKn nnimria E v.mr-m atal- . . - - " " r" " " ' "i j 1 old; uarrumeu m every particular;' will sell at a .bargain or will trade for Portland or valley property, or. give terms. Ad diess D-141. Journal. , FOR SALE Fine chunky, 2400 . lb. team, mare and horse, 7, and 8 years Old; fast travelers; true 'pullers; suit. ay.fI?r tnX wT;t good heavy harness; all $185. Mrs, O'Neal. CU 887 Weid ler t near Union ave. - MUST sell, going east, 2600 lb. work team and harness, $175; 2400 lb. team and harness, $140. These are bargains. 830 E."26tn st. Woodstock car to Powell st, then south, 'Z .Mocks, 'i - : TLAM of young mares, weigh about 2600; "1 mare colt new 9 Mitchell wagon set of new harness; will sell sep arate. "Call at Hotel Stevens, 657 M Wll liams ave. C. C. DeatrlcK. MUST sell good, chunky, 2400 lb. team", mare and horse, good workers, guar anteed true pullers, new heavy harness, complete, $225, Call at 287 Weldler ,st, corner Union. ' FOR SALE Fine 1100 lb: Wilkes mare, 8 years old; fast and gentle: suitable l.Z m. worki Jm- Bu0sry. $io- can 887 Weldler st. UOR&E8 end ouggies for rem by day, wees: ana nionir.; spciai , rates .19 business , houses. tb and Hawthorne, ast 78. HORSES boarded; pasture and indlvid- ual paddocks; fine feed and good ca, Rose vists. Farm. Tel. Main 625, Mer rill, 7th and Oak. . FOR SALE Fine chunky 1150 lb. mare", "iut in unve orriai2, ?ioo. call 387 Wwldler St.. east' side, near Union Ave. WILL rent one horse express outfit and board horse for 21.60 ner dev. H-149, journal. tOR HALE Uniribletoiilan riding pony, Inquire 1493 Fern st; WoodUwn. ... novi:;:j roil nr.xs i:o::.::;:'., v:::;icli.:'. etc. is j .-I. 1 i w .... lJji 111 1 1 1 1. 1,1 1 11 11 , nii'ini I -them (onw matched teams weighing i from 2400 to S2u0 lbs.; also come pood 'delivery horses; all young and sound, and every horse guaranteed. ISSVfc Mad j iaon, approach ..of bridge west. FOR SALE or trade, a good farm wagon for a good buggy and harness. A. Kane, 4?C- Lortng st. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 33 GENTLE horse, coal black, 6 years old; child can drive: worth S2K0. 8175 will taki horse, buggy and harness. . Sea Mokel-Hruce Co., stockyards. ' FOR SALE Thoroughbred Anconas, $10 per trio. Mrs. J. B. Small, phona Taor 136, Lents, Or. IF YOU WANT to buy or sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co., at atock vards. . SETTKR pups for sale, 6 weeks old, cheap. . 409 Stark st ' FOR SALE .MISCELliANEOUS lfe FOR SALE A- nice clean stock consist ing of groceries, hardware, dry foods and notions', shoes, feed and flour, three large rooms well located. ... Closest In vestigation invited. This - business Is on a paying basts, but owner wlshea to retire and will give long lease, at low rent or . will sell; 83000 ash required; Balance time to suit. . C. E, , Hedge, Beaverton. Or. ' - WHEN driving east of Portland, call ' at J, Sorensen, the photographer, seven miles east of' Portland on the Section Line road and have some pos tals or other photos taken. Beautiful, natural background. Guaranteed ; work. Call Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday afternoons.-'' . ; - - -, FOR SALE or trade, pleasure launoh .27x6, fully equipped, 8 h. p. 4 cycle en gine, good nouse,speed 10 miles; a fins outfit at a bargain. O. F. Trainor, 627 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery. Address tho Brunswlck- MaiKe-uoiienaer Co., 48 5th. THREE National cash registers; all total adders. ; Will sell very cheap If taken at ones. Penny Cash Grocery, 148 2nd st, between Alder and Morri son. - r- j ... NEW tent and furnishings, stove, cots; alSO new men furniture, AnA Viaiisa- hold roods; ; decided bargain; leaving city. Main 4866 or write G-149, Journftl. NEW 12x14 tent kitchen addition, board floor and sides; completely fur nished, on Council Crest; a bargain. FOR SALE cheap, fine Besson cornet also good violin and case; also folding gan. Call SJljiWasxLojieajt. organ, 17th: FOR SALE Piano and household goods. Party leaving city, 418 . Vancouver ave. East 3887. fc'OR SALE Cow "kale seed, also plow and oultlvator. 733 Bidwell ave., Bell- wood. - FOR SALE A pump, tank and wind mill.- mono Taoor 1580. $87 buys brand new range worth $45. 163 Grand ave. . Second-hand motorcycle in first class condition. Cheap. 128 12th st. WANTED MISOaXLAXEOUS 0 UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING. Furniture repaired and upholsters 4 ws buy and soli new and seoond han rurmture, estimates cneeriuny given. MODERN FURNITURE HOSPITAL, 800 4th St. Phone A-4266. WANTED Peopl of Portland to know that we pay. highest' cash prlpe for second band household gooda. Seater fc Gustavson. 148 Russell. East 1S62. GEa our pries on your furniture, as It will pay you. We want the good Eavags and Pennalt, 861-8 let st Main 860. BH WISF; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. til 1st . MalnlBl. A-244J. OLD auto tires 7Ho per lb.; auto inner vuoes, sue per jo. J. J-.evo, jb uoium. bla st Main 6198. r GET TOP CASH PRICES for your f ur nlture by ringing up ( Main 828 or A- 4De (A-4X&0 after p. m. or Sundays). A SURPRISE to see the prices we pay ior ina nana furniture, ss urana Ave. Phone East 294. Hockfeld & Sons. EAST SIDE auction Jobbers want 2d hand furniture, hlsrheat nrlca naM, 81 Grand ave.. E. 1081. 1UCK LAKE, suitable for 2 or S par ties:-state terms and location. A-134. Journal. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attenuDn always given. E. 1067 HIGHEST price paid for 2d-hand cloth- ing ana snoes. east 1051 hlbliEST price paid for 2nd hand fur-i niture, etc. Phone MarshM 2344. Wanted- Moving picture machine; etc. D-180. Journal. gas outfit MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 THE Ches. E. tor Band Instrument & Muelo House. 88H Sd st FOR bALE AUTOjlOBILK 44 LU"L "un-,n" bA"rgAins! I ivi f-cyunaer uiasmoDile, 5 pas Senarer. fnllv nnlnnpit tn ffrm conatuon. will sen very cheap for cash. x ivvt e cyunaer uiasmocna. s naaw senger, In first class Condition, fully equipped. Will sell cheap. 1 1908 4-cyllnaer Cadlllao tourabout, fully eoulpped, in first class condition. This car at & bargain if taken at once. , 1 1909 40-h. n. 4-cvllnder. & na Buick, first class condition. This car at the price is an especially good buy. 1 Detroit electrlo Stanhope, sood as new. For a, Quick sale will sen cheats. I COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, F6k sALb or exchange: I Buicks, 4 Reos, 1 Mitchell, 8 Cadillacs, 8 walmera-pgtrolt. T Wayne, l Pope Toledo, 1 runabout; all . In first class condition. 1 Portland Auto Commission niiMn, ou-oa Ktn St. FOR SALE or trade Several J. S T 6 and 7 passenger automobiles of var- - HESS & O'BRIEN,' INC uorner uavis and union Ave. 1 1910 White Steam, 1 Continental, 1 jApperson. Will exchange for. prop, erty. East Bide Auto Co., Holladay and V 11 lull, NEARLY new 6- passenger Pope Toledo car, sell cheap or trade for vacant suburban acreage. Darling, 217 Abtng ton. Main 6887. A MOTORCYCLE 8 It P.. good condition, fcr sale or trade. .Call soon ss party is leaving city.. Office Main 7314. Res' STORE your autos in a fireproof garage; $3 per month and up, s. W. - ,77 f v JLeji8VliU MOTORCYCLE and bicycle repairing". work guaranteed. 18a Morrison. M 1909, . z?' LOANS WANTED 30 WB can place your money at high rates : of interest with gilt edge secuilty; First mortgages for long time perl-tos Investment & Trustee Co., C24-626 Board , of Trade bldg. ph)n flUlfBiinU ft WILL pay 8 per cent for $1500 on 9 acres rich land on Cornell road. Just west of Portland; land in fmilt and vegetables. R-146. Journal. ' FINAAClAli FIRST, second mortiraees and rnntrno?- purchased on farm and city property oHjwii-io m urrun ur wasntngton, F Ti npveresnn'. Ve,n ton b'flir.; S4 stW st wAori iur mm uu mwuuu uiuiimusw lot and build-ng contracts, Call or address 607 McK ty bldg, Main 4710. LET 'is nlace yr investmentsTin high . raaoirslMMi-gages an F-rttand property. 602 rbett Wdg. - - v MORTGAGE loatH. 8 and k per cent' Louis Salomon, 33 tttark st. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate se curity. Fsrrjngton, 416 Comm. Club. Building loans A. C. Furlong, eontrac .tor. 636 Cha, of Com. Main 4664, Til 1 Quirk loans on furniture an I 1 I pianos, storage receipts, life Int-ur- tl ence policies, livestock, r'-al estate, i etc. I!. K. Heal Estalu & HrokruK 8 fo,, 312 Hamilton bhlir. Main 2uh4. 8 CAbtl paid for mortsugt-s or seller's interest In contracts on real estate In Oregon or AVash. Mortgage loanH negoti ated on improved property. H. E. Noble, Lumhermens bhlk'.. Rth and Stark. MONEY TO.LOAX S? $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ H-K-0-K-K-H..H SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10, repaid in installment of.,,.. .8 .45 $20, repaid in installments of $ ,90 $50, repaid in installments of...... $2.00 , Larger amounts in proportion" We xlo not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges in plain figures. . Business strictly confidential! - STATE SECURITY CO., " 8 $ 8 9 308 Falling Bldg. 8 9 $ $ HIJTTON CREDIT CO. 807 Spaulding.Bldg. . An Easy Money Proposition. Money la easy to get if you know where to get it We have' ready money at all times and you can get from1 $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture, piano, storage receipt, real estate contracts, etc., at half the usual rates. .Ws loan on the easy payment plan the plan that helps you and gets you out of debt: you get the cash, all you ask for, and repay in amounts you can conveniently spars each pay day. Main Z 9 69. THE CRESCENT LOAN AUENCY. ' 402 Rothcblld bldg.. corner 4th and Wfcshington. The leoognlsed bank of the wags earner. A olerk. bookkeeper, machinist enrinesr or employs can ob tain money of us on his not without seeurlty. US return to us.... i... .8 1.09 s month in return to us ,.j$ 8.00 a month return to US...-.' Ill.lS a month Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. ppeciai rates on pianos. lurnitura. eto. lONEY advancvo salaried peopia. bouse keepers and ethers upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 89 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms. Tolman. 317 Lumber Ratchanga, CASH paid for ; mortgages or seller's interest in oontracts on real estate in Oregon or1 Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on improved property. II E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. TOTJR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Cc, 111 Abingtocu 10614 Sd st LOAN money on diamonds and lew- elry st reasonable interest for long or short time. A. ft M- Delovage, Jewelers, 889 Washington st , ju.uiijiijuiu jjuju. in-sums i- fsuvi - up . iu fwvv,-wn viij iinruvaa prop erty, for term of years, J. L. Weli8 Co.. 636 -Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on any securl ties chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co., 88 Lafayette bldg- 6 & Wash. MONEf to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans: lowest rates; fire in surance. W. G. Beck; 812 Falling. MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to 8 per cent Qoodnough & Seiu. 718 Board of Trade. - - R. A. FRAME Short loans on any kind of security. Fleldner bldg. , phone Main 5239. MONEY to loan, any amount, on real es tate, furniture or piano;' lowest rate, J. E. Nichols, 620 Board of Trade. 8100.000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire lwauranc.--MeKensl-a to., uernnger mog.. s ana Aider, MONEY to loan on improved real estate. j. u. vvnue, sat snenooK piqg. 6UMS of $2000 upward on real esute. Goddard -ft Wetdrick. S48 Stark. ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 8 per cent interest 205 Couch bldg., LOAN for the asktng, salary or chat tel. i ne jjoan v,o.. fit ueaum Diag. SALARY LOAN 8 F. A. Newton, 615 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved olty prop uj,' nn nut vuroen oiag. QUICK loans on all .securities, 8. B.1 lng. 48 Washington oldg. Main 6100. NOTICES. 28 SUMMONS. la the Circuit Court of the Stat of . uregon ror tn county of -. Multnomah. B, 7448. Oscar B. Day, . Plaintiff, vs. BabetU M. Day, Defendant To the Above Named Defendant. Babet- Ir the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint in the above en titled cause and court on or before the last day of the time prescribed for the publication of this summons in the order of this court, hereinafter referred to, to-wlt, on or before the fourteenth day of September. 1910; and if you fall to so appear and answer, for want there, of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in tho com plaint to-wlt: For a decree dissolving tHs bonds of matrimony now existing between plain tiff and the defendant, on the ground of wilful desertion, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet. This summons if served upon you by publication pursuant to ths order of the Honorable C. U. Gantenbein, pre. siding Judge of the above entitled court duly made on the second day of August 1910, by which order it is directed that tnis summons pe published in the Ore gon Journal once a week for six weeks, and this third day or August. 1910, is the date of the first puhllcaUon hereof. JUtutC, August j. isio. T. J. GE1SLER, r,A u v . Attorney for Plaintiff. 630 Chamber1 of Commerce, Portland, Or. nlngaway from home at White Sal-'OloaLy'Lh-i on August 24, 1810. Age 16, height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 140 lbs.. nlOnilM HirVit Krnmrn V, . i V . 5 1 J ojr, has scar over right eye, scar on under xi peculiar wau on account OI hurt in back; wore plain toed shoes, dark worsted pants( dark worsted coat with silk thread through it torn near C0.Scr sIde Pckt; Hffht. gray hat with Stiff Virim tnnlr Hs-V,, a alls with him. In walking often strikes ijccib luBeiuer. if found, write or wire T. A. Miller (fauier). White Salmon. XVamh . i t-i v i rwnru. U, S. engineer office. 723 Central bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal., August 9, 1910. Sealed proposals for dredging ai San Diego harbor. California, will be re ceived here until 11 a. m., September 8, -nw men puouciy openea. lnror mauon on appiicauon. W. P. Stokey, captain, engineers. not be responsible for any In-dehtednes- Incurred hv mn wie n E.' Weaverson. EDW. P. MALL CO. has removed from 80S and 810 Abington bldg. to 104 2d st LOST AND FOUNTJ 21 NQXALL-Curea xorn callous, burning, aching, inflamed, stinking feet 25c, all druggists, by mail Address Dr. Fletch- er, foot specialist Portland, Or. LOSTEhvelope with $230 In currency, name "Nordstrom" on top, Saturday. Liberal reward, Finder please call at 411 E. 12th st. N. FOCND--L-dles' watch. Owner can have sb m by Identifying and avin this advertisement. Box A-137, Journal LOST Black and tan hound, 10 months old; rewara for information. C. L Cullcy, R. F. D. 1. , . LOST Amethyst ring with figure of bird In soft gold. Finder please re turn to journal oince; rewara. AUTOMOBILE Lost last night on Kel ly st, bearing from transmission oase; reward to finder. Z-168, Journal, : LOST New Zealand greem stone gold mount Finder return tooffice Hotel Antlers; reward. f LOST Female French bull, color dark lbrln(eL.iiberIjBVrii.t Xiwdei 164 w. r arn ti. a-4"o. wibs ay vox. PERSONAL 22 TRY LltU Hungarian-Yiddish restau rant. 346 Yamhill, near Port hotel. BEX1NE Pills only box. CaTl or aiH I , Pills only .&? box. Call or ad- Bridge 'Pharmacy, 186 Morrison, stress IIXA?,CIAL r;.:;.ov.L ALICE A. ;RIF. PIseases nf wo-iiaa ami children clurlvely; Worn- are often saved se vere surgical onerations by consulting m. Nervous dlseasso of children a ipecialty. Private nospital accommoda tions. Conflnemists cared for. Cor respondence solicited.- No.cltarge for consultation. Pnones. Main 392S, A-5607 Offioe rooms 10, Grand Theatre bid:, Washington and Park. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES EPE- CTAI T Y DR. VLADIMIR Ki JINDRA From Europe. , ELECTRO-THERA PETITIST. My cures are pa'iless. prompt ajid thorough. Suite 63-52-51-60-49-48-48. 2 70 W Washington bide., cor. 4th and Washington. The Wavfi Dure A treatment for rheumatism; nervous disorders, stomach7 trouble; recom mended by physicians, nurses; cures ef fected wherever used. Suite 7 Selllng Hirsuh bldg. Main' 3271. v Are You Ruptured? . The perfect truss is made ond fitted bv a specialist to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge: Wilson. 66 6th st. Modern electrlo treatment for diseases Of- the prostate, nervous debility, piles, ec., w' L Howard, M. D., 804-8 Roth Chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. ' DR. irwTn Physician ana surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations: examinations' free.' Main 4047, A2411. 606 Common ""'in Diag.. stn end AnKeny. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, eto. German, English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for sign books of all kinds. ' Scbmaie Co it in, si. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures msc-M- oi mn, diooo ana skin dis eases sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid. nejr. bladder, and piles. 181 1st, Port- lann. LIQUOR habit permanently cured In three days: no suffering and harm. less. Cardlola Institute, 1627 Peninsu lar ave.. i'ortland. Or. - DH.u G. S. DOVE. Ph, D. Ps., teacher of phrenology. Commercial block. 242 Washington, room 8D6. LADIES 95o will make a switch out Of your combings. , Sanitarv Bernitv Parlors, 400 to 412 Dekum bldg. -WOMEN Use Femoids when others fail; sold and guaranteed by the Aus- plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th St. Main 8108 WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected in 15 minutes; free demonstrations. aetnng-wirscn Diag. spmnrar scienust 21. oeuing-lilrsch bldg.- Main 6824. DR. MARY KRAEMER. SDeclallst for' a women: bloort tnedlrlnna. vamlnatlnn jrnnq. ot jnissiBHippi ave. wooa. 1673, BAiM of figs, remedy tor diseases of women. 629 Belmont st East 3498. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADVERTISING. The A. A, A. Have Any and everything you can wish for m ouBineBs cnances; we nave more ana sell for less commission. See us, how we ao in. iSDDe Blae. CUT PRICES "Wensel Fritsche, archlteot Belmont, corner 89th street. Tabor 665. Work iirsi ciass, EASTMAN CO., INC. Architects, build. crs; estimates iurnisnea. Ablngton bid ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. B. H. Moorehouse ft Co.. 411 Wash, at AM ATERS WELLS ft PROEB8TKL, assayers, ana- lyiiciu cnemists. us wasn. m. ibvt. MONTANA assay office, laboratory snd orm tnHiing worn, ibs. Morrison. ATTORN ET9 CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. general prsotlce. 411-13 Buchansn bid. A. H. TANNER, attorney, rooms 811-814 Spalding bldg., 3d and Washington sts. BATHS AND SWIMMING ELEGANT steam, tub, shower, baths, sanitary plunge. Portland Baths, l7 4th. 26c. UlfiLNL-- CARDS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 108 3d St Blank books m'f'g; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see ths new Eureka leaf, a-3183. Main- 18$. WARREN CONSTRUCTION ca Street, paving, sidewalks ings. 817 Beck bldg. and cross TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losli. 212 Jeffer son st Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, rortiana omee, 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WCOD ft Co.. all kinds of in surance. surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEAMNd IONE Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovateo; guaranteed. IS. 360. B-.236. CARFKT WKATIJSQ NORTHWEST RUG WORKSi rugsfrom wiu taipata, rag lusscarpei cleaning. 168 Union ave., near E. Morrison. WE weave rag carpets, bathroom rugs, cro. tola nnon ave. woooiawn Z8S5. CI3SSPOOL CONTRACTORS EX DAVIS, cesspool-well contractor: sen. tic tanks specialty. Sell, 1644, Tabor 1915 CHINA PAINTING REALISTIC and conventional taught. Firing dally. Studio Mrs. E, A. Smith, 293 12th. , CHIROPODIST CHIROPODY AND PEDICURIN3 Mrs. M. D, Hill. i F lied ner bldg, CUANnU AND DYKLNU CLEANERS AND DYERS The Regal cleaning and dyeing, pressing. Coua try orders sollclte.d, 270 Grand avs. COAL AJTD WOOD Good dry country slabwood; heavy. Seghers Wood Co.. 9th1 and Gllsan. Ctarccal PROMPTLY DELIVERED Wood Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st , White & Benson Fuel Co. : 416 East Morrison. East 914. Formerly 0JC. Wood and Coal Yard. BOTFrHnFSRTLANb LABvVljC)rc6" Main 2163. A-3842. Dry Inside wood, green slabwood, Mean sawdust for bed- aing, cut tuei; DiocKwopa. Best Wood and Coal r Delivered promptly. Harrington Transfer ft Fuel Co., 421 E. Morrison. Bootless Anthracite, Rock springs, Australia, etc. Phones East 303. C-2303.' uDLUr SEN i FUEL CO. )famato Wood and Coal Company, x Wood, Coal and Dry Slab 37 E. Morrison. East 228. B-1028. UoaU Rock Springs, New Castle and . Australian picked and screened, 36.60 ton end up. ' Phoenix Fuel Co Mar shall 2117iT ' ' ALBINA FUEL CO., 4? Aibina ave., also I Broadway and E. 33d' at;, prompt tle 'livery, rhones E. 182 C-llil. Oil REAL ESTATE Jjer. D. M., Cltyt Ft?n Proptrty Brntiji Steel Ciimpiiiiy , Brulmkcr A Bene,lict ril Helty fc IrTt?tnint Co Cfiok & Co.. u. a ......ft".'! t'lupln A Merlnw C'i2 Ch.nnhiT nf Cummerce, , Hubnrt ft Munball. Vnrm. CMj Proprfy.....tim 7. JJ( Alder , Hooct.. Gorg jt (ColoBlaUoo...... Knunp j, Jlaonet .,.. Oregon Real Estate Co.. Tb. 8''Hlk, Oeorr D Ktalelil. J. ti Thon.pon, II. E. Co.... COAL AND AVOOD H0TICEpS fx SLAB WOOD GREEN 'SHORT WOOD, per I?ad.,S2.9 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. 82.75 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load ..-.$3 80 BLOCK WOOD, per load ..$3.50 SAWIiTJRT. for fuel nd bedding. Tie Portland SJatswcod Ca Main 8119. A-7001. BURN OIL REDUCE YOUR. FUEL BILL. , Install the "Shanklln Oil Burner" in your Range or Furnace, 25 per ... cent cheaper than .Coal or Wood; no Soot, no Muss, no Ashes; Just like Gas. Demon stration at our store, 282 Yamhill st. Main 6131. A431. .PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Drv Inutile wooil ner load. 83.60. N ' Small dry inside wood per load. 32.80. ? Green short slabwood, per load. $2.60. Planer trimmings. 33: blockwood. per load. U f nones Main 870, a-(ds. BOXWOOD , "Order now before the advance. . , X IMA nnrAvunnA MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. Both Phones. WE sell the best coal in the ,ctty at the price: 83 per ton; Hannaford nut. $8.50 pr ton; 4 tons $25 for 10 days only. Economy Fuel Co., 3467348 E. An keny. B-2343. E. 214. ' COLLECXIO-S CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 703 Board of Trede bldg., 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 317 Allsky. A-7817; M, 4222. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney White. Main 6074; A-7026. ' 'V - CONTRACTORS AND BUILDK1W CUMMINOS ft CATLIN Building in every branch of the building trades; lobbing, remodeling, repairing a special ty; show cases', counters, shelving, etc- Office and shop 71 1st t 'fnone Mar shall 327.- ' Br.lCKLAYER contractor; all kinds brick and cement work, also bakers' ovens; work guaranteed. Main Z10Z. M'MAHON' GRAVEL CO. Gravel Prompt attention to all orders. Kern Park. Phone Tabor 2369. WILLIAM F1SHBECK. carpenter and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 206 4th. Main 6341. . FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on G. C. Olson, Marshall 1441; A-4020. 192 Grover st J. H. BURTON & CO.. architects and builders, 148 1st Main 1817; A-1817, CARPENTER, excavating contracts, Job bing specialty. W. E, Jenkins. Thr. 274. DANCCVO MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S Dancing School (formerly Bertha Beckett's), Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Class every Saturday evening; private lessons daily- walU and two-step guaranteed in four lessons. DANCING lessons, 25c. Every morn ing, afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal. Willson's Dancing School, 38614 Washington st. between W. Park and 10th sts. Phone Main 7637. RINGLER'S DANCING SCHOOL Classes Monday and Saturday evening. Private lessons daily. Social andTancy dancing. 23 1H Morrison, corner. 2d. PHONE East 222 to call and repair vour electrlo bells. Irons, lights, fans, eto. Let us give you figures on wiring your house or installing your muwi. we can save you money, Motors bought, sold and exchanged. Hawthorne Electric IP-. 43 nawwuTHP q. tiKinri for runt or sale. Pacific Elec tric Engineering Co.. 213 Second st ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo 's hair re moved. Mrs M- D Hill 4tf Flledner. FURNITURE REPAIRING CALL up and we'll call. Expert and prompt service; reasonable. Paynes, East 4734. 361 E. Morrison. GASOLINB KNG1XE9 STATIONARY and marine; electric equipments; launches, accessorise, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relron Machinery Co.. U6 Morrison. GLAZtNG UNITED GLASS ft GLAZING COtf All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. HAT FACTOR JT MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators in the city, 84-6 3d st. ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at halt price. LKATRKR A FINDINGS CHA8. L. MAST1CK ft CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap mautacturers, findings. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 186 5th, bet Taylor and Yamhill Books 3c per day. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All klndu repair. - 104 N. 4tli UOHON PICT ORE Stl'PUES Laemmle Film Exchange handles all klniia motion nlc'.ure supplies, new or second hand machines, part, films,- slides. Over r,aiua&;i ineatre, Portland, P VRXB, coinpleto machines, films, song glides, films, leasonahlf. 626 Wash. lliJsiC TEACHERS MIS8 RACHEL PAULSON, teacher of piano and harmony. Studio 38 Ruseel bldg., 4th and Morrison. Call Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Phone Wood lswn i)4L --- - - - ' ; ET VaiB tOKiN. vioim leaciier, t pu gevclk. Mar."ltfl!, A-4160. 800 Marqiiam Pja.o, E. A. vtuim, cornet, mandolia Prot Pmlth. 22 12th St . EXPERIENCED teacher wishes be gin nera on piano, 6dc. Woodlawn 808. OJDJl) JOBS ' Stoves repaired, set up, soldering, machine work. 302 Grand ave. East 5341. T0'iEOPATHIU i'iiXSlClA.Ss 0K. LILLK8KLLH1 PATTERSON, sps-oi-list on nervss, acute Snd chronie dlseasfS. 817 Fenton bldg. Main si-si. DR. BiTH, graduute Kirksville, Ma. 1838; vost grad, 1807, 318 8 w thiol bldg. OR. F. i. BAKK. A. 8. U., U( uiiw bldg., 8d and Morrison. Main 3226. PATENT . All OK N hX .i?ror3g"'x i3wiia , m ww ItANDiiOOKS tor Inventors free; tells . how ra obtain and value of patents, tradenir-ka registered. Beeler ft Hobo, 177-181 McGlll bldg.. Waahtiuton. ) C PATENTS -procured by J. K.:-Mock, a-torncy-at-iBW. Itvte of V. 8. patent of. flee; 'I'ddk free. Hoard 'of 'Trade hMff- - 'lt C. WRIGHT. V. I ants; infringement B. snd fori'iirn it- casus. 604 L-'kutn. 0 I ri ! I AIDRKS 3".l Coriw.t EMa... ......Ill ?t 52 M.-K.ir litis, "5 ni-nrr hh;s 4 4 M.illl I ;';si.irtiiii'if i-.-i i M .;!.. f-.l A A-'!' Mil !' !.' iln f t orhtt lliic.. .....Mn'.S I 4 T,hb. p.lil? lean - 7 Cl)rober nf Cfimtn-rMi. ...M-.lB id A i i 1 rn1 A. lad MultoonKb.. . .Kst f i n' Htnrk Ft Mula A-SC'l GerllnRer Itlc! ...Miln r Hjenry Klilc., 4tb-Osfc ....M. 8i4. A .; PAINTING AND FAPEKTN a FOR best work, pricns right cull I A -PeAjLUi?n F(l pa,i,"tin' . ,vnt,". pan-rim ii nnr. laH. Allworjt is guaranteed. J TAINT. OIL AND GLAS3 IE-?EAC.H CO., Pioneer paint Co, .136 lst. Main. 1334, A-7043. ttASMU-MON CO.. "High Mtandard palnt. ne. cor. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-i771 MORGAN WALL PAPERoT"2lo2d at. between Salmon and Main: PLUMBING Gas fitting contracts tak aI1 k.inds alteration work. Re- ggSjTgg. ffe- Fb0 Maln CJ,.pT work, any slzer jobs: you or .?t?isll ma,tHPial: -6y - Job work; estimates furnished. H-lOg, Journal. rRnrmo WELCH raiTl tW!P' never tilings wtta type ud ink on paper.1' 141 i .1 RLtiUIOt tifAALfS) AXU SEAL- STilILS n(1 office sutlonery. Cun- """"' stl Btara. Alain 1407. 8AiES THE Mosler Sdfs Co, 101 Id Bafss JcorJr .Prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargains In second hand safea jSROVV'CA8K3 Aau FliTURiO SHOWCASEa- of every description; ,?nll, m r f nd, At01t futures mJe to order. The Latke Mfg. Co. THW JAAiii L MAKtiHALL U CO, . w,5nB 2,ld bowcases, cabinsts, store gngnffioe fixtures. lh Couch. M. 2703. Him .AAU SliOtV CA1U FOSTER ft Kf:i8P:R ..- h. i.... "ign makiks in the northwest; 6th "6lN THAT AT'l RACT" - Vortlana Bitn Co.. 887 Stark. Paolflr- 1398. 8-RVlX04- IV ALTER M. OBER, platting, sunrtl-id-,di?& topographical , maps a spe iilalty. lJ E. 2ath st. N. B-2099. lOWA,L -tiTLT (LEAN towels dally; comb, bruuh, sohp, i 2 Supply Co.". 8th and CoucO Bt., Hione Main 410. A-4410. ' wT.t.i,n orland. See them. 201 Washington st. 8. E. Gilbert JIUAA8FJ-U AU UTOnAGli Oregon Transfer Co. j " Esubllsbed 1S70. I Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, tree trackage. Offlee, $10 Hoyt st, bet 6th and t. rnuiiH. aiain . a-iisv C O. PICK Transfer ft gtciage Lo.. of" lies ad commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms snd fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for -shiD-ment Main 696. A.1998? U OLSON-RDBI TPiMaBi-D'cn" ,5l"eai. transfer snd storage, safes, pianos and furniiure moved, packed and Shipped. 209 Oak st . mi ? .r.? iW UiiPKNDENT Baggage ft . Trancfxf Co. Storace. 324 Stark. Main 407. A-4168. TYPEWRITERS A V "1. k ' tt n t e rt. repaired, sold. Cun--?'?LcJ?" 231 Stark. M. 1407. VJfl tUUNAKUll D.AQ- BMITH, V. a. V. a EUbles, ... 248 Ftont Main 4186. Rei. Main 1 803. WALL PAPSL. H.E?E.f"lntInf- !aPr tng. tinting, p ir i .1? 4 with then! -1.!?PUB Co., 411 Wash, st - WHOLESALE JOliiliOW -VERDING ft KARRKLL. produc. and coramlss'.on ineichants. 140 Front st Portland. Or. Phone Main 179 M. A. GUN ST ft CO DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, Wri1"5W8 CO-i wholesale - grocers. 1 iSit&.?J?tfm? ro""r 4th AI.UKN LKW13 GKOCKlR B.1NKS Cornar Blith and Waahlngtw, Sts. Tranil . - iimiM iiiiio ouimna. Drata l?f. ?."d .! u,, n? EofP Hons par cent interest paid pmlt Tunlu. par cent Cas da- , on iivlngi accoaau. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M0.RHIS BROTHERS. OiambOT ef Ob meres U Ulnf. Municipal, railrond and tmbUe arrlee rorpurallw boo da. TRANSPORTATION San rranoisoo k Portland Bte.msh!n C , Hew Bervlco to Xos .Aaelsa, yiafiln' Francisco, every 1'ivt pn From Alnsworth dock, Portland a a B. Bear Bept. 8, Rose tatV-wL From San Francisco, northbound. 12 m taaW" - 7,:Seil 3' 8, From Pan Pedro, northbound - city Y'ftW' Spt" 6' 0"' H. G.' Smith. C. T. A;, UJ Third t phone Main 40, A-1402. J. W Il,i,ni' irnit. Alnsworth Dorli'' i,h: ', i???.i The Open Elver Transportation Company' tr. J. iNa 1XAL Street, Monday, Wednesday and Frid 1 v ati 1 a. m., returning, leaving Th vlvl, 'Pni ii Thllrl.i v nrl B, " . Tuesday. Thur lng connect tions at' Coiilo "with STuI E. TWXUT ,.,t.,tf 11 11 lll IM11F1TW AH tk.-l'.,!.!., , far as .Priest Rapids. - " CAVT. W. 8. BUCHANAN, fiupt 1 A. b. WHITING. A Anr, SAN FRAXCWCO AND I.OS ANGELA nmi:cT tro&TB 3s.oxrio s. s. co. B, S. EOASOKB anf S. S, Ira CAJ1 Every Wednesday, alternatuly, at 8 n. m. Ticket office 132 s Thlra, uAr Alder, Phones M. ISM. A-1314. MARTIN J, HIGLKY. Foss.- Aot W. H..SLUSSER. Firlght AK..nt . ; : - OKAVD gfg'l ION. - : - . ', .Steamer Brsskwater frr.ni A!n? dock. I'ottlnnd. 8'p. m.. s-'i)it"iiiiir , 13 , J7,'. October. 4, u. i, i'v-wd ery Tuesday nlRht Fr Alaska dock until 5 p. router t'avq; l'.r, c'. 1Kb? r,"i' tVii (i-t'y. 31 i, ' Mi fl'tl 1 f MlhS, i 1. inOllMililf 111- Ticket ' iii't t a I'honvS 5l.iln '. 1 , A-IJ . li(ill' H - ' - ; 6IlLGLi;S " J.