c : . . ecu: r c:; sali: r.ii: r.oo::xa nous re:: tali: i -rt sml pome rush for :t 1 kt. stone. 104 Bel- ..'.' li.i a ruHfr tired buey you "-to trade f"r furniture, call Last WANTED HEAL ESTATE 31 VT 5 or 6-room house; will pay jnOO fash balance as rent; must be in pood location, modern and within 1 Mocks of good carllne, prefer Haw thorne ave., Mt Tabor or Rose Ctty Park; price not to exceed $3500. G-135, Journal. TvNTFO For owner, corner lot on Hawthorne av., residence or vacant, between 36th nd 50th sts.; give best price, location and terms. P-143, JO"r: nal SMALL house and lot; what have you? Must be a bargain, will accent Minf in Ished house; state all particulars. J 146. Journal. ' WANT to buy on easy term S acres on the Base Line road, not over 3 miles frcm city limits. - Address with full de tail RiH-i?l1JOHII!i!L CASH paid for equities of houses. Jots, mortgages or- contracts. , Bogges. 831 Morrison, room 5. WANTED 'Farm. Also acreage, wont lng or overlooking river or ocean. O- 761. journal. WANTED From owner, close In home or residence lot R-148. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 Farm Land$ li acres, all In cultivation; 3 miles from good town; good new room house and good tarn; fina bottom, land. Price $80 per acre. r , 102 acres, 1 miles from church, school and store; 40 acres, all creek bottom land. In crop; 86 acres slashed; house, barn, running water axd eprlng on place; well at t,he house. $3000 will handle this,, .;;.;;.. v;- 223 acres; 40 acres cleared and In crop, balance timber land; enough tira - ber on place to pay for it; good house and barn; water piped to both from spring; 4 miles from town; .new country road goes through place. Price $30 per acre. , - , Hviand Jones & Co. 409 Gerllnger Bldg. ." 2nd and Alder. . : Here Is the One You Have Been Looking-for, Investigation at. Our Expense Will Con vince You, 800 acres, 140 of which Is under cul tivation, balance in yellow fir timber, which will more than, pay for thj clear- ing; sawmill miles from place. This place lies on one of the bett county roads in Clackamas county, is well wa tered, having 6 springs and one 60 foot well, with creek running through one corner of place, only half, mile to the town of Viola, with school, church, stove, etc., but 6 miles from electric line, also an assumed .electric line which will soon be built and in operation through this particular section. This is Al apple land, the soli Is red shot. Owner is ab solutely compelled to sell, as this price will testify. Only $50 per acre, 16000 cash, balance very easy terms. If you are looking for either a home place, or sreculatton-thls-wlll-oertainly- f llt-the bill. Let us -prove our assertion that this is 831-8 per cent below any ether acreage in this locality at our expense. " F, E. Taylor & Co, 4th and Oak sts. 402-8 Lewis bldg. See us about this 20 acre farm, II acres in cultivation, 8 acres slashed and seeded to pasture and easy to clear, family orchard, poor buildings, some fine swale land, balance excellent fruit land, only 2 H miles from city limits of Portland, get busy and see us 'about this; the, price is $275 per acre terms. . . :. J, Stroud & Son Beaverton, Or. Vi " :"- -I'-r--; ' : rs ' :-:'lt,i ,." THIRTY ACRES IN THE TUALATIN VALLEY; 29 -CLEARED? 11 ACRES BEAVERDAM: HOUSE STARTED! 60 MORE ACRES CAN BE LEASED FOR 6 YEARS AT $5 PER ACRE, INCLUDING OVER 20 ACRES BEAVERDAM; ONE HOUR FROM PORT- LAND , AND CIjOSE TO TOWN , AND TWO STA TIONS. 405 COUCH BLDG. $200 WILL PUT YOU IN POSSESSION OF TEN ACRES OF CLEARED LAND IN CULTIVATION, CLOSE TO PORTLAND AND ELECTRIC LINE. 405 COUCH BLDG. Less Than $115 per Acre 22 acres. 20 under cultivation, good orchard, good barn and., fences, small house, owner must sell. Near Mt An gel, on county road. Don't know of anything as cheap and as good; $1200 will handle, balance easy terms, 6 per cent., . . 'j,-,-. 430 Lumber Exchange bldg. '. Cor. 2d and Stark sts. "Sale or Exchange 80 acres, 15 acres cleared, good I room house and barn, good family or ens, toos of hay In barn, gasoline , launch,' about 1 mile from good town, school, church snd stores, on Lewla river; ready to move Into; all goes for $2600, - $1600 cash, balance to suit, or win exenange ior gooa rooming house ' la roriiana. .-W.H.MarshalL - - ;jio; Alder st. " ' CHICKEN ranches near Portland and electrlo line or valley town, $100 an acre up; land farther , hack, $10 up. See , and make of fer. . Terms. Owners, room 817 Hamilton bldg. Main 4190. $2000 down,, balance easy terms buys iiuui wn ii m-rea lino orcnara, berrv and trarden IafiiI vrv mfIv irtK well drained soil; cleared, fenced, spring on place, no waste land, small house, lsnd lies high and sightly, n miia from Portland, good road; mail route, 1H mlUs to electric station. This pluce set to a select-variety of fruit, wui oe wDnq muu per acre in i years, . v-ij, journal. . - ; - 'v' FOR SALE 6 acres'; 1 acres in fruit new 6 room house, barn 80x40, chick en houses and corrals, plenty of water This place is about 8H miles from Cmas, Clarke county. Wash. This is an Ideal small fruit farm and chlckon runch. Price $1800; $800 cash, balance on or before 4 years. For particulars (Miulre of the Camas Realty Co., Camas sh. ' I FINEST chicken ranch land, near carllne, running water $10Q to $160. ! terms. Owner, room ' 817 " Hamilton bldg. IMP Benton County Bargain RfiO acres, 100 acres In orchard. 500 suitable for cultivation, 1 mile to school, at Belfountaln; 7-roon,i housn, barn and prune dryer. Owner netted $.1500 off crop of, fruit In 1906. This snap goes for $45 per acre. If taken soon. $lo,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent for three years. W, H, Marshall , 2S0H Alder St. Another Big Farm Snap Douglas County 160 acres, Just 2 miles from town; 40 acres cleared: fine soil; 6 room house, good barn and other outbuildings. Fam ily orchard and fine spring. Price for few days only $3000. Will irlve terms. Call 808 Board of Trade bldg. 5 or 10 Acres Annie orchard at Hosier will make you independent. Special Inducements to two or more actual sewers. A. L. - DUNDAS. ' 1i T.Hb rlin Main Kill TALK with aman Just from central Oregon. : who will tell you about the best land and how to get it Call 191 4th' st. - FOR SALE For short time at $30 per acre, 10 acres of garden land, hot cleared, near Gearhart depot- X. ,3. Rockafellow, box .87, Seaside, Or. FOR SALE At a bargain, a fine stock and dairy farm of 4S0 acres. R-118, Journal. FRUIT LANDS .45 Yakima Fruit Lands GROUND FLOOR. I want several persons to Join ane In purchase of. 95 acres Yakima lands 4 miles. from North Yakima; government water this winter; electric line build- lw.. n I. ... 1 A Mttk I1AIU ..a. v.. Ill ,n 1. I UR ydUlCB UU 11VVV UU1 VTIlt man AA AAA -V. . - - 1 - I iv,uu w purcnus mna p. &n wiWwiJS; M.ein ftul Johnson, 141 H lt st Phone Main 1966. PEACH COVE Is not the highest priced fruit land today, but we think in" 5 years Peach Cove acreage will sell for more than any other fruit land lnithe northwest. Come and let us show you Peach Cove and I am sure you will agree with us Terms arranged to suit 1 M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. i We Have Some Attractive Bar gains in Fruit Lands in me ramous Mosier ana Kasi Hooa River district - both small and large tracts. If tou are looking for fruit lands It will par you to see McCargar. Bates & Lively. 316 Fafllngbldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME SITES. Five end 10 acre orchard tracts, but few miles from the city, on electric I lines; . can be handled on easy terms and at the Tignt price. - - 1 invesugaxe at uurxpense. , 402-8 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. ..I ,-., .i, ... , .n., i I 80 ACRES or less A-l Hosier fruit land; ttv per cre. . terms. , l WANTED J7ARMS - 58 I. WANT to rent furnished ranch for a! term of years. eiDertenced man. Ad dress James L, Haseney, Brush Prairie, I vvasn. HOMESTEADS 47 Why Be Landless? -, When -there Is plenty of free govern ment land In Crook, the best county In central Oregon,' near railroads which are now building and cities springing upi This is an opportunity or aj lire time to get ajhomestead or desert claim which may be irrigated by gravity flow. Married women may take land under the desert land act. on which there is no residence required. If you want your! snare or tnis land can and we will ti you how to get it When you deal with us you have the guarantee of a reliable company. Special rates for those mak ing arrargements this week. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO. 801-802 Buchanan bldg., on Washington near Firth St., Portland, or. Homestead Relinquishment 820 acres. Crook county, very little money, near neighbors, all land taken up in vicinity, son gooa. land level, worth $16 per acre, first comer gets it Ore- gon land at Title Co.. Z06 Gerllnger bldg. BUSINESS . opportunities, homesteads and desert lands. - Inouire of O. fi. nenme, nena. or. , FOR SALE TLfcUETt SS 150.000,000 feet of A-l sugar, pine; will sell for 11 stumcaee. includina- the MATTOON & BILLINGS, 288 E. Morrison. Phone East 808. WE are headquarters ror timber and lumoer enterprises or all Kinda. Kin tey Stampher. $11-8 Lumber Ex- cnange piqg. . .-.-. ., . FOR SALE Bv owner. 160 acres tim. berland in Clackamas county; cruise 4,000,000 feet; 70c M. C-135. Journal. ROOMIXO BOUSES FOK SALE 63 R. H. GoodRmd Co. LIST OF ROOMING HOUSES. ' 616 Board of Trade Bldg. Fourth and Oak. Marshall 468. 8 room, excellent furniture, rent US. . -- . . . m . . I iuutueii,9 ana crueFpis carpets, 10-1 vun r cv. x iui tha. x , ice cream ,- lunch cated near 12th and Harrison st; nice! room; this place must be sold as own clean, homelike place. Price $700; no er elck and will sell $400 less than iiuubckccui ik. . I iuui.ib. vn y urai 01 lurniiure, seieci :::r '"' -'ca".lu, ,'iu,D u"'"7 u nouseneeping, iocs tea near 16th I and Washington: guaranteed clearina tan mnnih i iha. i i. 15 rooms, near 12th and Yamhill, rood xurmiure ana carpets; rent 66; one-1 aucnes. nouses ana almost all neces calf housekeentna. Price 11200: terma. I sary machlnerv. Mininr !, II rooms, nesr high school, mostly all iiKZL ffi! JJ -J?ntxnM fnvtnn " k Z-Tt. lILClSrill t0r 85 room transient house, located near lum ana Morrison, all iron beds, aver-I age fumiturerrent $140, with lease. fries zou; terms. This bouse clears $170 month. 80 rooms, vefy fine location, near P. O., mi nnni raj, ana xurnisnea who "best of carpets. This la a fine tran-1 sient house, with over 2 year lease. We can deliver this house for $2600, with one-half cash. These are the .k nd of houses that sell nuinlc an lonto It UD . - RO3MING house for sale. 17 rooma T filan VtsiVA lavsrit ' aIKss mamIs houses for sale. Call and In vest irate, R. M. Craner, 268 V4 ; Washington st Room 6. $2000 HOTEL AND BAR, $2000. Burnlshed completely and ; making clear above all expenses $350 monthly. cau room ui; zizft Aiaer st, Qerlln Rooming Houses, All Sizes WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE H. E. JAMES INV. CO.. Marshall 1298. v A-3799. Geo. A, Bowyer VnV rVi i'V" 203 Qerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. FOR SALE or exchange, rooming houses wo rwim ana i rnnmi. . iihtA in. vrmment .;o., ai ADington. 26 rooms, well furnished, one floor rent- S166 income. 11 Ann Hatfield, lis 'it tin. TEN rooms, .close, in, always full, rent .,;; tin, .w-auon, nice yarn and.lawn. NINE room house, newlv fnrninh .il 1s3u?fh(L'tCh"p ;nt, ,42&' Htfleld' T. 7. ' : wiuu pay casn ior roomlng-houHe from UWI rjr. AnnrMI 1,U7 . nnma - i s yHiin 22 room light houspkorr.tr-g. This place Is clearing $140 monthly. Yo'i f-t it on little cost. Balance monthly payments, 4 years lease. 16 rooms, very best of furniture. Pwell location, best class of roomers. This is a big bargain and pleasant home for nice people. Call room 601 242A Alder at, Ger- Hnger bids'. . ROOMING houses, any size, at prices to suit; we buy, sell and exchange. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSJ3 CO.. 313 Henry bldg. MINING STOCKS C8 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other Donas noucni ana sold, C. S. Fletcher. 126 Abfngton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocko, can on J. B. tureen. Jio use BUSINESS CHANCES 20 80 rooms,, near postoffice, very best f futnitur an1 c,arpet8.'KveI2 JFVa can be bought for $2600 with $1000 cash. It will pay you to lnveatlbate. R, N, Goodkind Co. , 516 Board of Trade- Bldg. Cor. 4th and Oak. Marshall 468. 1200 WILL PUT YOU IN. POSSESSION OF TEN ; ACRES OF CLEARED LAND IN CULTIVATION. CLOSE TO PORTLAND AND ELECTRIC LINE. 405 COUCH BLDG. , " ' ti.t IIVCiY DLBUiO 1WI E KO, uuiiih TVf II...... .l.kU . Jn. . Jnln bljr business: has two mail routes, one b n worth $500o"Vnd can be bought Just now for $8000. Owner has run It for over 17 years, and has made enough out of same that he has all he can do to look after his other Interests. This Is located In a nice town In the Willamette valley. This stable 'will pay for itself In a short llrao - m. vraner, ioi Maoiungion si., room f., delivery and building. You can buy stock at invoice; doing $160 per day business; if you find It otherwise we d0 0t want you to buy. You cn buy stock, rent fixtures and building. If any -off-stock, don't take It. : See Joe Nash in office at Millard ave. on Mt. Scott car. - Phone Tabor Z3iz. ' enn nrTaiMiraQ jjiTttb rrn'mla tlS values, for 18.75! 120 values V. VVV U UkIA 4 WW W W & 4k for j10.86. Jlmmie Dunn buys samples it.'T". JuxZ,ul-.r?llA LJKtn t iiiioo . Liirno uaiKauiD, iviicw Sample Suit Shop. 815 Oregohlan bldg. 7 mini pi rrrr t rr JUnlN D, UUUUAnU Financial Broker 115 Board of ' Trade bldg. At your service. 1 A fair deal to all. NICE little store, confectlpnery, - tobacco and cigars and light groceries; best" location.-- near " largest carbarn, rood business ' , for man and wife, and on extra; , worth $800; some terms if desired. Owner's home too far away; deal with owner, Call room tit, Ham ilton bldg. Main 4190 " REAL estate office, worth mors, but would sell all for $200, or retaining desk room, $150. Can't attend to all. Room 817, Hamilton" bldg., Main 4190. ' ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS. We want your house on our list: If your price is right we can sell It for you quick. Just telephone; we will can on you. - K. H. UOODKIND. CO., - ; 616 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. Tel. Marshall 468. - 400 CORDS WOOD. nave uu coraa wood, or . mora nn Tslbot road, on Council Crest' Make us an offer. Call 9 to 10 a, m. Ask for air. jnenneruon. - JOHN P. SHARKEY CO.. izzvt oin st. Fine Ravins. Business . Wall caner and naint tor "nn tr. Side business street, lovr rent, no com- peuuon; aoing a line , cash business. ij-isv, journal. . IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or if you wish to bur or nmi one, communicate with a permanent and ucceesiui company. reopies' Amuse ment Co., 610-616 Rothchtld bldg.. Port land. Or. ' f ( i .r' ".n. I. . - i.n 1 Miot ciin KB.h . iqnnt f .. . vicars 160 monthly. Call room 601 $5000 WILL nurchase one third Int.r 1 . 82,000 acres of rubber anrl ttiml a.nA- will f tmn nnn i ....... v,uuw iren vwi Xrl Responsible parties only, M- journal. A PLACER mine, f ullv ennlnnort with I value at $10,000,000 to $16,000,000. Will FOR SALE-SawmUl' boarding house o newiy furnished, $40 rent. ooaraers, gooa. Dusinese, easy terms. GIVEN AWAY TTRFff" "N of f1 California oil fields, also i , X?, I?, , 1 w-jumiiauon, -man 1" eas-ar-Loomis Co, I ,v fmmw. w I TO a resnonsibla nart w ,. j ground floor opening in a gold mine i irom au,uuu DiocKea out; Only X1600 reaulred. M-14B. Jotirnnl. -. , siiRtiRRAN- fiRhrfr vv.' j 8 ess clean stock chrenfiS rm LITTLE 'money makpr.1' ir.HliA-rffi UIii?. MA.SER; good crowim mr Belling, owner, Main 2018. fi ?AJ??iZ"vYJ. - 10c' TIVNTs ' CAT T7 "V : . k I WE OAN place you in paying business u-.010' JPu','n" Bur n s kiwi oajiiij m sure ana see ua Kinney A : ; Stampher, 631-8 Lumber Exchange bldV. A-4881. JWILL pay cash for a hotel or rooming 0-144, Journal. "r"' . . idler. WANTED A partner In a Strictly cash uume; f interest ior small amount vi nmney. ii-n, journal, I WANTED Partner with $700 to "take nail interest in nowung alley busi ness. Call 626H Washington, near 17th. FOR SALE Small handlaundry; good equipment; reasonable. R-146, Jour. lumwa lumber company can use treasurer; $6000 required. M-147, I Journal. TO get results, list your property with .Schomus A Scherzlnger, 291 Mor 7$TS rlson, room 7. - , FOR SALE Rooming house, 60 elegant l must sell; no agents. Phone Main 737l' ypR. SALE-Btat. eav, yxiil. Jl,i Creek Lumber Co., ..... u. v . VL Thomas clo. Or. HOTEL barber shop with baths, $350 or will sen half Interest. B-133. Journal' 80 acrea cordwriM timber to rW I ..4 TT 14S i " " Kuiui i.t.ont -tiuurntw MBHT'llilili YOUNG MAN, 'YOUNG WOMAN, DO YOU WA.NT TO I'll EPA If 3 YOUR SELF FOR TflE VERY HK.ST FAYINO POSITION IN THE WOULD TODAY T SALESMEN AND SALES LADIES, DO YOU WANT TO INCREASE YOUR SALARIES AND SKri'RE A FIRM HOLD ON YOUR POSITION? MR. EMPLOYE. WHATEVER TOUR WORK MAY EE, DO YOU WANT TO BETTER YOUR POSITION? MR. MERCHANT, TO BUILD UP YOUR BUSINESS? DO TOU WANT AND INCREASE IF SO, WRITE US TODAY. LET ITS EXPLAIN OUR METHODS. WE PREPARE TOU AND SECURE YOU POSITIONS. WE COULD PLACE 60 ADVERTISEMENT WRITERS TO DAY AT $160 PER MONTH AND UP. START TODAY, BY ADDRESSING THE ELLIOTT SCHOOL OF ADVER- - ING, SUITE 413 MARQUAM BLDG., PORTLAND, OR. ' Rooming House Snap 17 rooms, Washington St., rent $65; clearing $100 month; sickness; must sell. Will sacrifice for $1000. 88 10th. WANTED First class country hotel, In coast or river town; owner only. State name, Iocetlon and particulars. R-136, journal, CLEAN cut business proposition for man with $160 up; no , competition; classy in nature. . Sample and particu lars' at 131 4in st. tsee v ocnran. . HELP WANTED 9IALB CHAUFFEURS are In Veat demand. We want sober, reliable men, that we can recommend; to take our course In repairing and driving automobiles. Day and night achool. Automobile School of Oregon, office room 21. Merchants Trust building. . - i 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates Inst year; ran and wo men learn barber trar.e In t weeks: help to secure positions; graduates earn $ to S26 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free: write for cata'osv Moler 8stem ' Collets. S N. 4th St.. Portland. WAffTEl Salesman: many make $100 to $150 per month; some even more; t4ock clean, grown on Reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week- lyeaolce of territory. Address vvasn Ingtos Nursery Co.. Toppenlsn. Wash. TEAMS WANTED. 1 to 6 teams for aradlng on Council Crest Call 9 to 10 a. m., ask for Mr. Henderson. J NO. P. SHA RKEY CO., 122 Sixth st. RAILWAY mail clerks; U. 8. govern ment clerks at Washington, postornce clerks, carrlerB, wanted. Portland ex aminations October 8 and November 12. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. S14 T Rochester, N. r.- ' Dept. 314 T.. Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN to sen nursery, sioc; oig gest nursery In west; liberal proper sltlon; few choice fields open; $50 week- u , ah all v muHx. OMffnn Nurserv Cou Orenco, Or. ' rt r m-. , it Made weekly by motion picture opera tors. You con learn to operate In short time on easy terms. N. Y. Motion Pic ture School. 626 Wash., near 17tn, LEARN driving automobile and pay R,,C J J O " I. " . . , . " about our new system, S28H Washing ion si.( room pmnwn, WANTEEMTwo-young men toleam thn conf huHlness: must live at home: good wages to start Modern Conf. Co,, f 13th ana noyt. - :- ;,. : $a PER MONTH Telegraphy taught In practical lorm: aay ana evening ses sions. Address Myers, 329 11th st, Portland. Main 8512. ' GENTLE4nN partner for greatest act in vaudeville: no meatricai experience necessary, can at tne vncigo ecnooi of Acting, 43tt Yamhill, room 18, THE Meier & Frank store require the services or 100 casn Doys ana cssn girls. Apply between 8 and 10 a. m, to superintendent's office. 6th floor. WANTED Steady ranch hand under atanritnar horses: Drefer native Ger man, experienced in vineyards of Gr. many. Wm: -A. Sussmllch, Roseburg, Or. an all-round helper and dishwasher in boarding, house. Linnton White HouBe. Llnnton. Or. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia wine uepoi, sb xamoui, next to Journal. ' WANTED A boy 17, to. do milking and delivering muic Appiy ivi ta. GUsan St. . . EXPERIENCED ladles' tailor on coats, good steady position to the right man. Elite Ladles' Tailor, 646 Washington st WANTE"b A boy with wheel, about 18 vears of age. Apply AlDina uye Works, 288 Russell. WANTED Neat young man with $60 to snow property ana worn, la ouica 542 Fifth St. WANTED Two live wire .stock sales- men: A-l proposition, uau Detween 9 and 11. room 701 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Two. men at once to learn . automobile repairing r and driving. Call 60 and B2 N. 7tn. BOY wanted with wheen. Room 24, 142 2d st. WANTED All around grocery ; clerk. 4A Williams ave, WANTED Boy 14 .or 16 years, on irrocerv wason. vaii i oui u BOYS wanted, over 16 years of age, for messengers, to q. EXPERIENCED or inexperienced men wanted at tne Baltimore, pi vmn. PRESSER wanted. 490 Washington pt. WANTED Young men and wom en for positions of trust where intelligent serv ices will be "appreciated and well paid for. , Second-hand., articles; for instance, pianos, ma chinery, ' musical instru ments, typewriters, cash' registers, furniture, fix tures, autos, etc. Tangible- proper ties, such as lots homes; platting sites, raw land, farms, etc. ' Rentals, furnished rooms,' hou'sekee'p irfg rooms, apartments houses, flats, etc.1 - Hundreds of the above men tioned items or people are in demand every day and can eith er be disposed of or secured by making your inquiry , Through the Classified Col umns of The Oregon Journal Greatest Home Circulation in s ; : Portland and vicinity. ; Adverinth'orfhTaymg ior The wise advertiser profits by Journal Want Ads. WANTED, able bo.1!d-mn for the V. S. marina cuts, liciwccn tli asrs of 19 an1 35. Iiiust be native born or have firet papors. Monthly pay $15 to f 9. Additional compensation poKHlbln. t'ood, clothfnsr. quarters and medical attendance free. After SO years (ser vice can retire with 75 per cent, of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and afchore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting office, Breeden bldg., 3rd and Washington fin., Portland, Or. BOYS 16 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER WITH BICYCLE; WAGES $50 TO $80 PER MONTH. CITY MESSENGER AND DELIVERY i COMPANY, 874 Washington st., corner West Park. SALESMAN WANTED. ' Real estate salesman of good appear ance, to sell new high class subdivision; splendid opportunity open to right man who can make good. ' Call 9 to 10 a. m., ask for Mr. Henderson. ' JNO. P, SHARKEY CO. 122l Sixth st...;-... . GET out the rut! This means vou. T? vour lob holds out no hope for ad vancement; if the close of each day sees ?ou no nearer success than youjwere In he mortilng, or the day before! or the rear before. .Write for new catalogue, nternatlonal Correspondence ' (Schools, 923 Alder st., Portland, Or. ' WE "WANT afew energetic salesmen tc work 'on a proposition whew the re turns are big.- If you are not afraid of work and can appreciate a good propo sition, be sure and see us. ' CHAPlN & HEIR LOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Mr. Derby. WANTED Good boy, between 16 and If years, of good family, that lives at home with parents (Protestant), that wants-to-learn a good wholesale' and retail businesa Apply at once, 72 6th, near Oak. ' W ANTED baiesmen in every locality In the northwest; money aAvanced weekly; many make oyer. $100 monthly; choice of territory. , Yakima - Valley Nursefy Co., Toppenlsh. Wali. UELP WaTED DIALS AXD " FEMALE .... ',29 Wanted Hop pickers to pick 600 acres of hops: big crop, fine accommodations bakery, butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant, free dancing pavifton, beautiful camp ing grounds, delightful bathing; low excursion rates. Register now at Krebs Bros.' office, room 818 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. No charges for Job. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sun day 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Home A-4335, Main 8905." - BOYS and girls 1$ years old or over Good 'wages and steady work. Mult- nomah Mohajr Mills, 8ellwood. ': WANTED Hoppickers. Call at St. Charles hotel at once and see Bart lett; fine picking; get particulars. WANTED Hop pickers. Call at once. 226 Failing bldg. BOYS or girls' wanted--for wrapping soap. Mt. Hood Soap Co.. 108 N. 4th. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted .o aid us supply the demand for cjjoli s nursery stoca ; out. fit free; cash VetXly. - Address Capital City Nursertyrnpany. Salem. Or. EMPLOrjlEXT AUENC1ES 63 C. R HANSEN & CO, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AQENCIE8. Main or lice, it N. 3d SL. poruand. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, sta. upstsirs, rortiana. v 414 Frnt ave., Bpokaoa $7-l 4th st, Ban Franclsc , Establ lshed, 1878. HANLET & TRAVER3 EMPLOYMENT CO.. neadquarter ror . R. R. wors. itM, N. Jd st. THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AOCTh uen'l employment. Mar. 318, A-3404. R1ITTS a tri.nT?F.nriR 84 N.' Second. A-1291. Main' 8805. HELP WANTED rEJIALK H GIRLS WANTED, 48 FRONT ST, . , WESTERN MANTLE CO. FOR general housework. German alrl who can speak English -to assist present German alrl. family of 4. Call 600 East 26th st N. Take Broadway car to 22d and Thompson, Phone East DUB , v. v. ... i. null . & vv'L. cjniii, t. hj are accustomed to using needle on fine ftiuimoiwan Monair mius, ceiiwooq GIRL over 18 wanted to help with gen- erei nouseworK ana care or two small children. Call 809 Weldler st , Phone East 4884. CAMP help, hotel laundryreooks7wair- resees, cnamDermaids, companion, Howe's Ladles' Agency, room 814,T8261 wasnington st.1 . . WANTED Girl - to assist with light housework and child. Lucretia Court Apt. 14. Phone Marshall 1813. . - COMPETENT girl for general house work. Apply 186 E. 16th st Phone East 2007. MILLINERY MAKERS, must be thor oughly experienced , and - capable. Fraley Bros., 214 Third. WANTED Girl for general housework, family Of 2. Apply mornings 461 E. 18th st. N. ' ' - ' WANTED Lady experienced in clean ing and pressing work.i , Apply the Herald, 193.4th. -- f WOMEN and girls wanted to work in fruit cannery." Apply East 8th. and Division. Holmes Canning Co WANTED Experienced operators ct overalls and- shirts, also learners. Learners paid while learning. 76 1st. STENOGRAPHER with some knowledge of booluieeplngf- short hours, .steady, 818 Worcester bldg. . WANTED Good girl for general house- work. 4 E. 21st st, N. Phone, Wood lawn 60. ....-''! GIRLS At Portland Cigar Box Mfg. Co.. 48 Vs , E.. 3rd st ; . steady - employ ment. - .1 . ( WANTED Millinery makers, appren- iices wiu iriuuners. Apjuy ivowengari A Co. " :: ';:'- ..,;VvV.,S',, V FINISHERS and operators on pants; steaqy worK, gooa pay. 34 ist WANTED Girl, modern Con f. Co., 13th ana noyi.; gteaoy worn. WANTED Girls for ironing. Call Mon day, 609 Jefferson st. GIRl, for general housework; two family. East 8678. In WANTED Experienced girl to sew ' mattress ticks. 55 Union ave, WANTED Girl in small boarding house, $5 pec week. Call 829 Front. WANTED A .first class chambermaid. 67tt 3d St. EXPERIENCED girl 'to .'sew on ladles' worn. r-..e .names rsiior, 648 wash. WANTED Waitress; call today, Swet- WANTED German or Polish girl to do general housework, 435 Yamhill. tnuu oi tuo-si i iuuiiiiiuu SITUATIONS MALE MARRIED man, 85, sober and steady, 8 years' experience In hardware, wants position of any kind. Phone Marshall 1165, 7 to 9 a. m. 1 BOY 17. wants a good steady Job, for the winter on farm or dairy ranch. S-143, Journal. . yt , .. ..... WANTEDBy young man, a position as bookkeeper In hotel;- best refer ences. C-136, Journal. -WANTEI -Work by a UnascaDe"gar dener, by day or contract Hugh, n.nn, ojl rnni st,, City. ' CAKPPJNTER. builder, new or repair work, day or contract. Sellwood 1713, CARPENTER work, any kind, day or contract Pho Marshall 23.17. 1 ' r: 270 MADlfcON. P -ri. ZD AND 41 i MA l.ii A0 VKMAI-'? 1 1 n.1 J NO CUAItGM TO i.. -ItOVlt-a w3 i i-?fiPl,Oiii ' MAIN "665. A-66:i SORER man, niiiinj? iu nhow wiiat he can do, wishes position at any kind steady employment; permanent position rather than good wases. Addrexs, stat Inir particulars, W-11B9, Journal. ALL-ROUND mechanic wishes posi tion; strictly sober; good position preferred to good wages. Address J-1240, . Journal. ' ' CARPENTER worfr wanted ot evary de scription; Jobbing, remodeling, repair ing i. specialty. Cummlngs & CatHn. 811 First et. Marshall 2327. EX-SOLDIER, 8 years' service In the regular army, , desires position as watchirran in store or office building. Ad. J. Stone, 470 .Main st, WORK wanted, painter and paperhang er. all around man; don't drink; have had store experience, buying and selling. J-114. Journal. - J- - WANTED By a sober young man, a position as chaffeur; would prefer position With rrivate family. ' M-134, Journal. ' - .' ; SITUATIONS rEMALE . 4 v"ANTED Nursing by experienced middle-aged woman, maternity pre ferred. 'Phone Main 4110. r AS housekeeper for , widower, or room ing-house; best of lexperlence and ref erences. P-147, journal. . V ANTED to care for- child - 3 years old and up. ' 255 Clackamas. ' WOMAN wants work by the hour. Phone Mrs. Thompson, Woodlawn I8f4 WOMAN wishes laundry - work and cleaning by day. Marshall 1833. rm. is. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND ' FES ALE - S3 WANTED Care of child In good pri vate family. 0-147, journal. PRESS3IAKMQ 40 WANTED Finishers and walstmaker at once. Mrs. Hawks, 619 Duane St., Astoria, ur, FANCY " and plain gowns. - Phone prl- FURNISHED KOOMS WESTSIDB. NICELY ! furnished front rooms, suit able for 2 ladiea or I gentlemen; every - convenience; good neighborhood; central location; not ana coia water; everything pleasant; reasonable. 148 11th st. A-7418. - -' AUDITORIUM: Hotel. JOg 8d. Hot and cold running water, nicely fur nished rooms, $3.60 per week and up; day, 50c and up. ' ' FOR RENT Nicely, furnished rooms, hot andJ cold water, well furnished; 1 block .carllne. ' 841 Harrison. Phone Main 8787. ' ' v FREE! Furnished room to middle aged, lady for care of 5-year-old child even ings; modern home, s : 818 Broadway. East 1202. ' " 1 j'-'-'- FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms, tran - stent and regular, centrally located. 18SH 4th, or 284 Yamhill, bet 4th and bin. .. ;. , ... TRAVELING people can - find clean. pleasant rooms, day or week, 8 blocks ly or w 42 th from postof f ice.i manent rooms. NICE furnished front rooms, centrally located, modern convenience; suitable for one or two persons; reasonable. 21 J 18th at. K'EATLY furnished front room In mod- ern private home, gentlemen, $10 per montn. i wroaaway. n,a.ai imi. jars. ieunerr. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, steam.' heated, each suitable for two; modern. Z50 w. isttn. near Marsnan. B 10 AU T I FULLY furnished front rooms; furnace heat, alectrlcit.v, bath, phone; walking distance. 474 Salmon, cor. 14th. 327 W. PARK Front rooms for rent, well furnished, walking distance; bath, free phone. Phone Main 7969. WELL furnished rooms, furnace heat hot and cold water, pleasant locality. 850 Hoyt st. FOR RENT Front room with alcove, suitable for twa gentlemen, with board.. 170 N. 16th. LARGE front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 34 per week. 66 N. 14th. Main 7621. rooms wtea Freepnone snd hath. 'Main 7784. NEWLY "furnished rooms, with and without housekeeping; modern, $2.50 up. 263 Fifth st. NICELY furnished room, .clean, home- like: phone; close In, reasonable. 867 8rd st.. - Z FURNISHED rooms, free heat, bath and telephone; one outdopr. sleeping nouse, cneay, avi inn si. 89 MONTH Two clean, bright, batch lng- rooms, basement; closejn, to quiet person. ,. 292 10th.. : --J-... ; LAROK front , sleeping room, suitable for 2;' also one housekeeping room. 826 Columbia St. " - THE KING, 309 Jefferson; nicely fur nished rooms;' modern conveniences; central; $2.75 per week and up. ; - pXEAS"ATLt-located sleeping rooms; heat and bath. 46 Lucretia st' FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 445 N. 23d st. v FURNISHED rooms. In modern flut 408 Park st, call 9 to 2 or 4:30 to 7. ATTIC rooms, suitable for four or more boys, cheap. 408 Park st. ; . - THE ANGELES, 272 6TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, $3 to $5 week. FURNISHED ROOSTS I ' EAST SIDE S3 MODERN ' rooms," tefephone, electric lights, running water, steam heated, elevator. ; Prices,' $3 per week and up. The Gayosa, corner Grand, ave. and E. Stark st. . ; ,- - NICELY furnished parlor, and bedroom and use of cook stove, gas and nhone. zb fage St., u car, ciose in ONE nioely furnished room, $8 per month; no other roomers. 92 E.1 1th si- Phone East 4908. '"-"- THREE rooms, kitchen partly furnished. suitable for two. Sellwood, 1762., E. 22nd near Clinton st. TWO furnished housekeeping ., rooms. 952 Williams avenue. Woodlawn 1932, No children, ROOMS In private family,- with break fast; furnace heat, phone, bath. 314 polladay ave., east sme, FURNISHED room, modern, , phone, bath, gas, '255 Clackamas. . :. UNFURNISHED F.003IS 10 FOR RENT Lower -"t loor. 5 ' large rooms, large yard, $15. Phone Tabor 523. 227 E. 9th St. ' TWO LARGE unfurnished rooms, front housekeeping rooms; phone, gas, run ning Water.- 629 Yamhill. THREE unfurnished rooms and large hall, in upper flat; very reasonable, phone Marshall 518. THREE unfurnished rooms for rent 249 6th. HOTELS S4 HOTEL FOSTER Portland's ' newest medium . priced fireproof hotel; -150 rooms;- steam heat; hot aha .cold fun ning water In .every room; .rates 7frt and- $1; full half block; 247-250 Davis st, 2d to 3d. HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only: $8. $6 day. ' :' VALLAMONT Furnished rooms rent 376 Yamhtll. fof BELVEDKHh. Kurnpenn. 4tli antl Alder. KOOMS AND BOARD 13 WANTED A young lady to room and l.nn wt.l. M.L.nu J . ..... , . uuum nji.ii jnuLiitii iiiiu twuvvll UaUKIl- ter. 426" Colloge. - Main 4427. IOME cooking, reasonuhle rate, private family. Main 43S4. 654 Main st. . it: I r.v - li-:, ,xa v.e. k; rooia eI I l"Mi-d, i; ikki-tu, $4.60. ls4 " l-'i'.iKAi.Li, t iTI l.tmrd; Loir cook!ir; M-riiUinir distance. 6 44 ii Abler. Ji 2n;ii vi-,r ins T11E REAVER 12th and Marshall. turnlsh&d for houat-keeplnR, gat ranees, electrlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry all free; $15 per month up; a clean place: best tn k i, S?fy.!"hort,d.l,,Unc from Union depot. it Vt.r.k.i . ?.L' C8ra no"n. Bet orr at Marshall st. No dors. WELL - FUBNISTTeIj housekeeping rooms 3, $S month; 3, $13; furnished cottage, 4 rooms,. $18; lower flat. 4 rooms, $18. 384 North 26th (West Side son to Shth, bloi'k north. 'Uv0MiiA'",f,?r,nnls- "I ITU near .Yamhill. 1ak W car at depot), i, !nJ"U rolm furnt8hed iultes Hot and cold. Phones and baths free. $2 46U7m a" 4789 W'elt nd UW- Mal', THE SUTHERLAND -Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold wa ter, electric lights, gas ranges-free bath and phone. Jfith or "W" carllnn. Cor ner 27th and Thurman. ' A-4174, M. 20$' ONE front room, suitable for one or. two gentlemen; also three "light ' housekeeping rooms furnished or nan. Phone ;Main 8167. f TVO large parlors and kltchenetla, . beautifully furnished" for light houae keeplng. 550 Couch st., bet. 16th and 17th. one block from Washington. 1HREE cozy sleeping . roms, alto housekeeping rooms, 834 Yamhill st, opposite Portland hotel. THE COLONS Furnished housekeen ' lng rooms with all conveniences, $1$ mm up, central location. ows Alder St TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. suitable for .2 adults: walking dis tance. 633 Yamhill st FLRNISHED housekeeping suites for rent $2 and up per weelc , 1030 Ma cadanr st. , . Large, uan rooms furnished com plete for housekeeping at 831 Thur- man st. . , 813 14th st... corner Clay Large, light, convenient t and 2 room housekeeping suites. - ..' . TWO large finely furnished housekeep- ing rooms,, first floor;, alj conven iences. 353 12th st. FOP. RENT Housekeeping rooms; gas, running , water, .phone, .... Wapello 8 HOUSE KEEPING rooms; completely furnished; waslf tubs and baths. A-4021. 829 Thurman at' ' A-4021. 629 Thurman st THE COLLINS, 603 ft Alder House: keeping rooms. 810 and un. Phone A-4252. '''' 1 '- i TWO housekeeping rooms, rent reason able, good location. 490 Columbia st SlITCHELL-Housekteping rooms; light, gas: moderate. 7th &. Flanders. A-407 1 2 nicely furnished housekeeping . in basement, walking distance. 474 Clay. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE . 4 HOUSEEEPHVG'l room," buildln f and furniture new, sink, gas, bath, phone, $16. 8 room suite, - sink, gas, bath, porch, 18. 690 E. Morrison. $2 per week; clean, furnished housekeep lng rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard. pnone, clean linen, 4U'j Vancouver ave. UerviTHREE unfurnlshedT rooms for house- keenlng and furnished rooma 480 Wil liams ave. THREE neatly furnished . housekeeping ' rooms, for family of two. inriulre at ' I 403 Rodney ave. Phone East 2197. SINGLE housekeeping rooms every- j thing modern." The Gayosa, - cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark? brick building. J LARGE front room, furnished for 1 housekeeping. Apply 890 E. Morrison, f 2. 3 or 4 nice housekeeping rooms, east side, walking distance. Call 444 Rod nev ave.-: East 4866. :t .- ONE front suite of rooms, newly fur nished for light housekeeping. 288 Larrabee st. Phone East 2376. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms in private family; gas. electrlo, heat. 1111 Belmont st. ' FOR clean and nicely furnished house-, keeping rooms, call up Sellwood 133, or East 6210. , . ,; , CLEAN furnished rooms for rent . 82 E. 7th St., N. - - HOUSES FOR RENT' 13 WHEN you move you'll neeo new fur niture. Buy Judiciously - and your savings will exceed moving expenses. . Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses In the cityIn less than two years. - Lookers shown same courtesy as buy ers. MOROAN-ATCRLEY FURNITURE CO, Grand Ave Cor. E. Stark fit East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver. Cars pass our door. WE can furnish your home at a great saving. . See us before purchasing elstwhera. M. Ola trow & Co., 64-68 N. 3d st. Complete housefumlshers. Rea sonable prices. Easy terms. " -. FOR : RENT Beautiful home, B large ' rooms, beautiful, grounds;, carpets, range and shades for sale cheap; rent to desirable party; afternoon , only.. Sell wood 1195 - FOR RENT September 10, 6-room house iSi Dli-lnnn at twtvuii Hrrnit and Union aves.: $15. Phone Main 2173. M Spe owner, 129 Front. $10 MONTH, 5 room house, 2 lots bath," pantry, toilet chicken yard, barn, 6039 37th ave., S. E., near 60th st Stewart's, Mt. Soott car. $30 BRAND new . modern ,' T-rooni nouse. on Hawthorne carllne; furnace, electricity, gas, shades, Phone Tabor Z2VU. --;.- ' :;;-.., ;;' ---;"',; NEW, modern 6 room house E. 25th and Gladstone, $18 per mo. McGrath, 831 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HOUSE for rent In good location, fur nished or unfurnished, Jnqulra - at 75 1st. -! -j-" ;' ',.'..,... CHEAPEST RENT . Cottages, housekeeping rooms, from 4-ft. rbhn. cor. . First. ,- FREE rent In Gregory Heights. Greg ory Investment Co. . End of Kose City Park car, line.- ...;,-,... -...., .?. .. . , ,,y . SIX room cottage and 3 large lot, " ..chicken yard and., banulnqulra. at -392 Columbia; 310 a month. WEST SlJjr-r8 room furnished house, ' walking distance,' $50; reference. 247 Grant st. . HOUSES FOR RENT, -FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 FURNITURE of 6 ' rooms,' very cheap, Including piano, 3 dressers, sideboard and sewing machine. Fine location, near high school; modern house, reasonable rem, uwner, iuz Vancouver ave., U car. 10 rooms furnished for $800. Including - uu piano, clearing I4U 4 a month, close-in, will sell with or without piano. Phone B-1808. GOOD furniture, 6 room house; no rea sonable offer refused; at once. 1 809 1st st. - '- ' $65 buys new range, lutnlture of 4 room house; . rents $7; some fruit, 0811628 7th si ' $80 Furnltufe. 4 room flat; v rent $11; close In, nice location. K-141, Jour nal. ' - r -... . . . .. FURNITURE of 8 room house for sale, rent $35. 416 7th, cor, Hall st - , FURNISHED HOUSES SO COTTAGE, well furnished,- $18; lower flat, 4 rooms furntBhed, $16; . two housekeeping rooms, $8. West Side riv er. Apply 364 N 28th. W car from depot, 6tli or Morrison to &6th, block ncrth. FOR RENT For 6 months, new. well furnished modern 6 room house, to raspotmitolo f w p I w, - ey t itlr we 1 ktag- If distance. Phone B-1630. - . 4 FURNISHED 6 room house, 892 Hall.' iJaii net, a ana 4 p. m.; references, SlvfXLL r cottagfl to. rent, T furnished!' $12.50 ppr month. Call 446 E. Salmon. SIX room mixlern furnished house, 417 7 40"