The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1910, Page 81, Image 81

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"The Quzliiy Czr"
MAKK. , . i . - 'i -
Manning Brothers Develop a
Novel Business, Only One of
Kind in West, Out of Almost
' Nothing, v ' . ...
Unknown to the general public there
baa developed In Portland an Industry
. like that of son In. the west. It a
' felling agency for riying-maohin sup
plies, supplying- the aviators and aero
naut of the entire Pacific coast novioe
and amateur alike, with material for
the construction of sky-machines.
Dozens of reasons explain why the
caa lighting; shop of Manning Bros at
41 Third street, la rapidly being turned
Into a depot for aeroplane supplies -the
only one of Its kind In the west , Inven
tors and sky men from all over the tjest
are now sanding to Portland for sup
plies for their machines, for silk to
cover the planes for bamboo and steel
ribs, and white pine, ' and propellers,
and a. dozen other things.
The business developed from nothing.
. Erma Mmtia aaVa Via iLf nn4n t Kam rrt W
UVWIV VUV WfW VMW HlWUUlUg vvj m v va
it Into their heads to make an aeroplane,
bl-plane, by the way, Constructed
along the lines of the Curtlss ships.
They built It and called It Cornet No.
1, and then, after a few trials, built
another .and larger machine. And they
called It Comet No. 1 -t
Comet No. 2 was, peculiarly, too fast
for exhibition , purposes. It was
quipped with a 8S horsepower eight
cylinder motor, drove through the air
tU a rata of from 70 to 75 miles an hour
t too great a speed for sharp turns
over exhibition , track. , After some
trouble, Bruno Belbel. well-known auto
driver who baa been connected with the
Manning Toys." fell with the airship
at Laierlew, Wash, three weeks aga
The high-powered, fast ship proved
not only expensive but dangerous) for
the small fields which could be got for
exhibition purposes. With the speed
running vp above 70 miles an hour the
flyer's found they had difflcul ting la
alighting and In rising, and when the
rhlp, Comet No. 1, although not badly
damaged, fell at, Lakevlew, they deter
mined to build another. . ;
Today the Manning "boy" hav a
new ship. Comet No. I, at the livestock
fair grounds ready for flights during
the fair thU week. The machine was
biult'ln lees than three weeks, and Is
of ' a different design, although the
original plana have suffered no radical
change. Comet No. I carries It inch
planes, and is IS feet long from front
to back. It Is equipped with the motor
taken froniCmet-N,-ithr Mirers
power, eight-cylinder machine, but Is
built to make a speed of only about IS
miles an hour. It will carry two
persons. . , , .
. ' The Manning brothers in the con
struction of .Comet No, I. have made
what they consider many improve
ments over the standard machines be
ing manufactured by Curtlss and others
The engine bed is of steel, as was the
engine pea -or Comet No. t, and while
about five times as strong as the or
dinary wooden bed, weighs two pounds
loss. Despite the fact that Comet No.
2 suffered a heavy fall, the engine was
not 'damaged in the least because held
firm tn, place on the steel bed, which
lld not give way. Another departure
in construction was the use of rubber
ised silk in covering he planes The
eilk weighs' less than the ordinary net
ting used In air machine, and 1 said
tx be much stronger. The Manning
brothers are the only manufacturers of ;juslnf , the t rubberised silk,
An average speed of S3 mile aa bour
was developed by an ftutomoblls driven1
vj. m yivoiicr. mo macnine was tnea
out on the Indianapolis speedway.. I
Much Trouble Could Be Avoid
ed by Little Attention and
Much of the trouble with spark plugs
becoming dirty can be avoided to a large
extent by not speeding or racing- the en
gine while idle. The high speed causes
the oil in the crank case to be splashed
up on the walls of cylinders and into
the plugs. This oil is then carbonised
by the heat of the explosions, causing
short circuits In the plugs.
The electrlo dlsoharge instead of tak
ing place between the points of the
plug, creeps across the carbon deposit
whioh kills the life of the spark, thus
oauslng the cylinder to mias fire. Much
of the carbon deposit in cylinders can
be avoided by. giving the inside of the
cylinders bath of ' kerosene oil fre
quently. This should be done, while
the engine Is warm, immediately after
returning from a trip. , t
Remove the plugs an sauirt one-third
quart of kerosene Into each cylinder.
taking pains to squirt the oil around on
the walls aa much as possible. Replace
the plugs and let stand several hours.
Tbssitart--tha-eng1ne to bum-out --thf
ou, ana carnon mat has been loosened. A
dense smoke will issue from the muffler
exhaust until all the kerosene is burned.
Clean the plugs and the engine will run
without a miss if the other part are
mechanically rlcht
Borne spark plugs are designed to be
taken, apart for cleaning, while others
are not made to take apart, but Instead
are self-cleaning tq a certain dearee. In
cleaning plugs that can be taken apart
first remove the poroelain core and
brush off the carbon deposit with a
tooth brush dipped In gaaollne or am
monia, then scrape off all the carbon
from the rest of the plug, brighten the
spark points, and reassemble. Plugs
that cannot be taken apart easily should
be brushed out well with ammonia and
the points, brightened. ,
Most people. are at a loss to know
how to set spark plug points so as to
get the best and most even explosions
in all cylinders. After, oleanin the
plug, parts thoroughly, screw them to
gether. Then if you can slip a new
silver dime between the points, the dis
tance is correct Otherwise make the
distance between the points to equal the
thickness of a dime. .- ;
-s"- ..Mersrjrx. 'V'.tto'..,. bbbbbk. m m
khi-av ' uv iv'ih ' ' iim hit :
Isjsjbsbw'; . , , , '''V'K'' " 1 .
-, ,-'" :. i
Two t1wb of Steams car, which broite all record! In 14. how race at
Brighton Beach, August 19-SO. It covered 1283 -miles In 24 hours,
" averaging 52 miles an hour. Including stops for ' supplies,' oto.
". . .:: i. ........
J. H. Cook and Wife and "Bob"
! Montgomery Make Trip
1 4 With; Perfect; ScoreX
S-i V- , -( .1
J. H. Cook and wife IFortian&jrith
Robert Montgomery driving, have re
turned to this city after a Jaunt la their
Stearns Thirty-Sixty , ooveting three
Seeks. They-made the longest tour of
e year from Portland, oovering a dis
tance of 2800 miles and going to Ban
Francisco and . return.
The Cook party .started out for a tour
to Burns and Prinevllle. but enjoyed
the first part of the trip so much that
they decided to go on. They took i
camping outfit with them, and stopped
along tne roaa wherever Bight caught
them, pitched their tents and cooked
their meals over aa open fira They
made the tour with a perfect aoora, not
even experiencing tire trouble.
They went through tho Harney valley
to Lakevlew, and drove to San Fran
cisco through the ; Shasta mountains.
Returning they came by way of Eureka
and Crescent City. 1 They found the
roads delightful, the scenery exquisite
and the weather perfect r '
They returned ' firm boosters for tat
"camping-out" tour, ,. v
A French association for the preven
tion of accidents Is offering a prize for
a safety automobile crank of improved
design..; . ',i . ,- ;,,.'..'. ;.v.
. I 'I 1 , .. i ',...tJJ
NS mmv
A Three-Da Meal
Institute Put Him. Iiitp TFim
To Beat AH Fopmcp Records
That was the beet Inveetment
rm- made in my life, and it yielded
quickest returns."
This was the way in which an in
surance man summed tip the results
?' hr toys stay at the Neal
1a want tKATA in 4 M m
.. " w ' iiu u mu in
creasing and never-satisfied appetite
for drink .
. He lost all craving enl desire for
imaw wi nsm na eained In bright
en faculties needed In business.
I never realized what drink
. dolng to i me," said this insurance
iimn, miunK or nn experiences which
..... . i.,.iVuu.i ui uusinens.
I see now that I am alert and wide
awake, while before my brain was be.
iucu. i ran meet people now With
clear eve and brlirht mlnS v.,
there tt n old ailaira that
talks.' ; Well, 1 gathered In J500 more
iiubi wcbk iimn m any oiner previous
best week, eo you see I'm not exag
. geratlngr th dollars and cents vln.
of the Neai cure to me. It is mar-
venue.' -,
This Insurance man is only one of
hundreds of bunlncss and profession
al men who have srone to the Neal
iiioumw ii,i.H.ii street, and
learned, the same.- sort of Joyful
truth. ,
i Nervous drinkers Hh kind who
lust must take a drink as a before
breakfast appetiser ana then scatter
the ' bracera" nil Ihrnnrh h. ...
til time for the "nlsht-oap" have
turned to the Neal Treatment and
found quick, certain, permanent re
lic".'. . .. - -
i They va' like the Insurance man
quoted, discovered the psychological
fact that business and excessive
drink. are not- very good traveling
IT ' fc S ill
i ? i
r H
i 1
J5retirla attracting desire
p5r"1,tent craving for liquor In
three days seems incredible, but that
Is simply a statement of fact
tSiB? tofcth- Jf.eal Institute on Hall'
L.PIJ?intIn.nt' r cheerfully ele
f"1! There is all the privacy of a
borne, club or hotel in the environ
ments of this hilltop abode.
Guests enloy this privacy. Names
are never .divulged AH communica
tions are treated In strictest confi
dence. The victim of drink can come,
stay three days and return to busi
ness on the morning of the fourth
day. ready to profit by the best three
day vacation ever planned.
The Neal Treatment Itself Is sim
ple. Twenty-five small doses of a
harmless vegetable remedy are? taken
internally, That Is all. There are no
hypodermic injections and no pro
longed stay, aa required by many
other treatments. The Neal plan is
a builder of the nervous Uasuea, and
every trace of alcoholic poison la
driven from the system. .
The Neal .. Institute guarantees a
cure or a refund of the money, and
the management always aays: "Sat
lsfy us of your ability to pay, and
then pay us when you, your phvslclan,
your friend or all are satisfied."
Write the Institute and they will
give1 you - unquestionable ' references
as to their ability to do as they
promise,, and as to their reeponsl-
If yon have a friend who ' would
like to rid himself of the drink habit
write or wire the Neal Institute, 854
Hall st.. Phone Marshall 2400. , -
The Neal Institute Is open day and
night. - - , - . ..
rBEE. - .
354 Hall Street, Corner Park,
Thonc Marshall 2400
.- t J ,i -
'v.."....'' tawaaMaawaa c-
Lured by Reports of Past Per
formances, Many' New
Salesmen Stats.
-Portland sales agent for-many of
the larger eastern automobile manufao
turers are contemplating tha-prospect
of 1911 gloomily, for tht reason that
every indication point' to an. i Influx
of competitors In the selling1 field.
During the last week or so several
agents who for ' years have sold ears
for eastern firms, haya, been.. robbed
of tho agendas, and as competition in
creases, others fear that they will have
difficulty In holding to their patron
companies, and at the sam tim make
expenses.; .
Tha situation is thlst la tha 'put,
Portland has been ere of the best cit
ies irt the country for tha automobile
salesman. Although no vast fortunes
have been amassed by sales agents,
many have prospered to the extent that
their Incomes are sufficient for a corn
fortaMe livelihood. Daailed by the sne
cess , of thoe who rhava gone before
new agents ara'anterinf tha field ta
flocks, but because , of their number
can) not hope ta taata the succesa of
tha plorieers. , For that Reason the aa
tonjohlle ; selling business, considered
f rora ' tha point ' of view of the ; old
guard; has not beea brisk during the
Yt. ' .-v' - . ;-. -1 4 -J
New tha prospect ,af multitudes of
new selling: : agent coming into tht
fleld4 confronts and : frightens all, ihe
new-and i-the-oldj Member of the . pio
neer satfadrof agenlafear-hat with
tha invasion of a few dosen new arriv
als, the field will ba -so - divided that
none will realiie an Income sufficient
to warrant the risk. ,
TO ,
Announcement has Just been made
tha tha Howard Automobile company,
which formerly distributed Bulcks In
Oregon through the -agency of the
Northwest Buick company, is to estab
lish a - branch In Portland for direct
distribution. The new establishment Is
to be under tha management of MeL
O, Johnson... : -; ' --f : .-
During tbopast year ' Johnson has
held the Buick agency in ArUona, but
previous to that he was first manager
of the Howard Automobile company in
San Francisco-and later held the slm
liar position ' with tho Los Aageles
branch.' - ' --: 1 - -- -"Tha
Portland branch, according to
C. S. Howard, is to b tha distributing
center for the northwest Tha Buick
has-been en of tha cars most In de
mand throughout Washington, -Oregon
and Idaho this season Just closing and
consequently Johnson is preparing for
a big sale of 181,1 modal by the Port
land house, i i
For the purpose of informing car own
ers a to the proper pressure to b used
In the inflation of tires in proportion to
the weight carried, a manufacturer of
rubber tire has compiled the' following
table. Th weights are for cars unload
ed. For weights exceeding 1000 pounds
per wheel. 8 Inch tires aad over are rec
ommended. Table follower " , ,
j Air pressure
. . - Wt per wheel. Recom,
Pise. Inchea. - Pounds, . Pounds,
2S to Ztxt Vl SIS ' 40
2s to itxi tea,' . so
8x34 4. 400 ' 60
80x3 H n,, ........ 460 ' 00
2xSH ....,.,....... 650 '. " 60
H and S6xl ......... 00 -o
.1 650f . . 7g
650 76
................ .x 7fl i ts
8s4 . 750. . 76
Do you know how to lock your motor
car so it cannot be run off 7 Have a
hols bored thrmiirh ' tha mmlF.tit.1,
pPhIcn'Uie gear"shif ting lover operates,
u mat wnen ine paaiocK is in place the
lever cannot be moved from the notch in.
which It has been placed. Many locks
hav been prepared, j ,
The tihot a Car
Is In . Its -Engine
: -White' Cars, are fitted wltft four-cylinder, fourycIecngines of -extreme
simplicity. ' The four cylinders are cast in one piece, as--.
suring compactness and absolute rigidity. They are imported cast
ings, the, same as , are now in' use on. the' high-priced and high
power cars.' ' .
Perfect cooling is assured in White 'engines, a continuous watet
jacket surrounding the four cylinders. This is a great advantage
over the engine whose cylinders are cart ; 7
, . Again, the casting of the f our cyUndert in one piece makes pos
sible the greatest, improvements in years namely, the intake and
exhaust passages are made a part 01 the engine casting. A single.
" intake leads from the carburetor to the engine, and a single exhaust
leads from the engine to'the muffler, instead of four Also, but one
. water pipe. leads to and from the engine. .
- In fact, White Gas Cr engines are so complete and possess so
many advantages over other engines that they must he seen to be
appreciated. White Gas Cars are equipped with engines that pror
long the life of the car. several years over other makes of engines.
&lw Cm' C.
' r76th & 'Lladison St$.
C"ArEastmutfGttfl Mgr.
(J. S. Brackett, Secretary .
Our Commercial Vehicle Department Is in charge of a motor de
livery expert, and we are showing a complete line of commercial
vehicles adaptable, for any, line of business and for immediate der
livery, If you desire any sort of commercial vehicle, let us" show
- xr , - . r . .t t . . . . . .
you me w niie v-ars. .ur u yon aesire any particular type 01 DOdy
for vour machine, call on us and inspect our line of chassis, which
are in various sizes and shapes and adaptable to any style of body.
3-5 Ton Trucks H Ton Trucks
i). 150d-lb:t!knveryWag
: - i y : Hotel Busses y
Light Delivery Wagons . Ambulances, Etc
. j.rt.rnr j. ui r, rt -tf''fltr
f.-.--v .4:-.., ....-fy
'riff:::. ' '..:ufeUY'i ,'-'
Piters iillolii
IJ fy?t hadour first experience of the pleasure of owning airi autoniobile with 'a
. :-t 1 i x- Tlhirfif - Knf ifii ,tiw tArnr.-ieifirtV, Viv " vl- 1 '
a a a a a VMAkf ' W V WX 3LA LVI 1 liriX II 1M TIP AT II 11 1 ' TilC
.a a -r 'm m ----,----,;. s. . iifvy , u UV0
tion. It is so finished, so restful, so satisfying that it appeals to me, through and
through. I do indeed thank you for making so complete a car." , N .
J This letter from a lady in California tells a big story brief ly. ' ' . ' : .
The Six doc alter tha whole aatotnobfl aai
"It "accomplish ej preriouily Impossible resulti
In quietness, ' comfort, flexibility, hill-climbingf .
. and economy. , . ... v . t
Money Bpent lavishly to perfect car of foot,
cylindera can only add to the price yoa pay. It.
can never add that finishing touch of corrtinaotu
power, which Is found only m the Six. : .
f The Wlriton Six Is high-grade In dtilgn, ma
terials, workmanship and classy finish, v
; It il superior la the beaoty of Its perfonnaiKsa.
And ' itipretne , In low cost of upkeep. Its
world's record ef 77 cents pr 100 miles Is the
direct result of its six-cylinders, its continuous
power, and ta beautiful operation.
The Winton Six hai the only self-crankmg mo
tor. Air does it . No clock springs, no compli
cated mechanism. Just ona imgle moving part.
' Jhe-1911 48 H. P, Winton Six Touring Car
ells at f 3500 F. O, B. Portland, fully equipped. '
11 J5LSj P'e compare It with cars that cost
Our catalogue . telle . t plain, forceful, easlly-
anaersiooa Story,
. The equipment of a car always denotes its grade. The 1911 Winton Six. has
Bosch magneto, dual ignition, exide storage battery, Stromberg carburetor, War
ner .Auto meter, electric lights with extra storage battery, 36 inch wheels, 5 bow
.mohair 'top 'and folding glass front.- : , -
- ; - : C. B. MINERS, MGR.- : i
PHONE MAIN 2583 OR A-4944. ' . 522-28 ALDER STREET.