:hj?ctcd Velvet Orb 1 .-. V Tup CtnllscrMIc:::! Pcro VdoI-cnd -AL:cIatcly- Camtury"Unt!?rv;ccr for Lion end tlio Cobbrited Star 'Drcrid.KccIivccr for I- '"-'J !i Vljjjj fl I Vk&.( v ?. 1 , ' ' ' -V . J Jl&. ft i -v New Fall and Winter Styles in Men's Cloth ing Nov on Display j fi i-yr EsttlHthed !Ci j y- . iHii. v r r mm aoooo qoo a on Portland Agent! 99 n oi'it 7, o If 1 r 1 V ' VX- -X. 1 i rifl . lir X.. I II - Ml ma M m M l f - r J I Largest and Most Modern Men's : Furnishing Goods Section in the Northvest i ii v v- " -n ra "Inn r it egin Tuesday Morning US f , ... for PiireWodaadApsototely-S -We are exclusive Portland agents for this won- derful Stuttgart-Koenig brand form-fitting all- wool Underwear, for men. A pre-shrunk Un- aerwear, wnicn eviaences tne neaitn-preserying. invigorating and tonic properties when worn next to the body. Men whose occupations are sedentary,, as well as; those who are exposed to Koenig's Wool Underwear. The wearer is in- , sured against colds and. chills, from dampness 1 l rei I Vv I ntl ' i, I I J iifF US' and climatic extremes by the absorbent heat-generating and. heat-retaining properties of pure wool: All this, without annoying itching and prickling attendant on the wearing., of ordinary r5tW7 Irfel'WfflT woolens, Koenig's Underwear being made only Jn Yl''Wi'l TlHI h the softcst eeciest pure lamb's wool EACH rSJ UV-H "J iih'tl F GARMENT is cut. fitted, made and finished in a careful and ' workmanlike manner. The ma terial is thoroughly pre-shrunk, and sagging is insured against by the fact that nothing but pure wool of the finest grade is used iri the manufac- ture. The" natural color fabric is used exclu- ' sively no dyes nor, chemical bleaches being employed, which fact alone gives longer life to the garment. It is lull fashioned. anoVall seams are felled. KUKNiG UNJJKKWKAR is well within the reach of the man of moderate means. It is, in fact, the only underwear he CAN afford,4, e., THE :i BEST. Single l; and double-breasted 1 C g Ct f nm shirts,and ankle length drawers; prices from ipl.JU 10 Ipvi VQT SjQTlXiQut Principal Portland Agents C. Siiri MMayer's .Neds? You will find on display in our Men's Furnishing Xfl Section, first floor, one of the largest and best as- AFftVTjTp OlP 11 sortments of this celebrated Neckwear ever placed VV V&SxV&lT uwU L uxlilX on sale bef ore C. STERN & MAYER are one of the - largest men's neckwear manufacturers jn the world. We are their exclusive Portland agents. The looms 'of Trance and America; the clever de signers and cunning craftsmen in silk, give -of their best to be made into these cravats; in consequence whereof there is no neckwear made which is hand somer, more artistic or in better taste. It is called the "STAR BRAND." THE SILKS, fine im ported Barathea, Gros-Grain Reppi Silk, Eau-de-Sbie, Bengaline, Poplin, Crepe, China, two-tone and changeable silks , in plain colors,, hairline . stripes, neat figures, flowered designs, Persian; bias and diagonal ' stripes and dotted, and checked pat terns in all the new combinations. THE COLORS, myrtle, hunter forest, reseda, heluv lavender, amethyst, purple, navy, , light blue, Copenhagen, biscuit, mode, fawn, ''tan, tobacco, maroon, Bur- . - gundy, London smoke; taupe elephant, silver gray and all the new leading ; shades. THE STYLES,. French folded , four-in-hands with wide, flowing ends, reversible and tubular ties and English squares, batwings in all .1 1 j 11 . r'. ii. ... ! r. -.11 5iiauc5 aim wiuius lor an siyies oi collars wiae ones ior wing conars, nar-' i ' v rowones foreclose front collars'; one-half to two inches in width. Specials. : , ' Prices Ranging Prom 50c Each to $3,50 Dig Assortment Special Qffering, 50c Fa Ties 25c In order to introduce this wonderful make of Men's .Neckwear, we offer as a special inducement a line of ties including all the popular plain colors as well as the new combinations of colors, checks and stripes. This line of ties is made of the new soft popular fabric called bengaline soft, rich and lustrous. An opportunity, for the economical buyer to secure ties at one half their real value. Made in the. popular four-in-hand style, ng ' suitable for the close-fitting collar worn this season. Our regular 60c values. Specially priced, each &0C The Greater Meier Frank Store Principal Portland Agent Plexo Suspenders For the Man of Action HpHE hidst violeht of ex- crcise does nbt,vmake ycju conscious .of them." 50c UUmHa M. Apr. t, If 1 It Slide , KNOTHE SUSPENDERS are made .for comfort,, appear ance and wear by .the largest makers, of suspenders' in this . country; There is , a Kriothe Suspender to suit every occasion $ and every man's taste; i It takes the full producing- capacity : of the1 finest and most extensive plant of its kind to supply the demand for the best suspender made THE KNOTHE. The: ; line .includes all widths and weights of the fine elastic, lisle and silk webbings in a multitude of: patterns and shades ' black, white, tan, blue, pink, , lavender, etc.; they are hand somely finished with cantab, plain and cape buckskin and hog skin ends, i The buckles are brass, -nickel-plated, ' gunmetal, ; sterling .or gold. These, however, , only .serve to add to the appearance of the article. The COMFORT the FIT and the WEAR are " the surpassing features which are found ' in EVERY ONE, regardless of the price; .We sell more Knothe , - Suspenders than any other 'firm. in the West. Investigate.' Prices Rahgihg; From ,50c to. $350 Pr, PlexorSuspnaer exactly as cut 3PB " Guaranteed to wear for one year.; Mail orders promptly filled. The Greater Meier ? Frank Store . j-. .... ., ........ .... .... . ,. . Principal Portland Agents Geo. Frost Co. tTc5) IS) Boston Garten are made of bed materials b l clean factory, by well-paid help. Every pahr warranted -r petalty, a new pair of your money back. BOSTON GARTERS RECOGNIZED THt STANDARD. AND WORN THE WORLD OVER BY WELL DRE8SED MEN. QCOHOC FROST CO.MAHCM 6m tbmt Bom OAwm W I "n s ! A v ... v IheBostel GafW" . A hose supporter that is just a little better in every respect than any other; it fits a little better, grips the hose a little surer and more gently, looks a little handsomer, wears a little bit longer and doesn't cost a little bit more; in silkot and silk elastic and silk non-elas-tic! webbing; all colors; priced at vjC tO JUC The Popular Velvet Grip Hose;;iSn ffeMomeMari 1 Made by George Frost & Co. The Velvet Grip Hose Supporters for.womeh and. children; carried in all styles, ptnnrgewo'n," padrbeits, etc.; niaricrinnpla1nda"iTcy" elastics m ail colors; also the Worth Waists in all M2cs. tt"' ""' 111 " , The prices for these excel- t C fl P Maa Orders Promptly Attended To ient articles range from 1 DC KO OC V t '