IE OHEGOM fUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY -MORNING. . SEPTEMBER 4. 1310. 20 ID . A splendid grocery stock, close In on fast side, on corner, enjoying good business; will Invoice be- iween $2500 and $3000. Reason ablo rent. Grocery stock', will Invoice be tween J1200 and $1500: splendid locality, enjoying good trad-; good reaBoiiB for selling; rent HO per month. A corner grocery on . a proml , .. nent street on the east side; would Invoice from $1200 to $1500; rent $25 per month; splendid locality. V: Would consider an exchange for t a few acres of. land, not too far from thtt city, as part pay; . ' ' " $1250 ' " A well located meat : market, I enjoying good business, ' reason-, " . able rent, ... v.. ;.. , $500' ' . ' Blacksmith - shop, well , located ' on east side. . ' ' Otto & HarksoRealty Co, 1st at YOUNG MAN,' YOUNG WOMAN. DO YOU WANT TO PREPARE YOUR- FELF FOR THE VERY BEST PAYING POSITION. IN i THE WORLD TODAY I SALESMEN AND BALES LADIES,' DO YOU WANT TO ,. INCREASE YOUR SALARIES AND SECURE A FIRM HOLD ON YOUR POSITION? A v.--:' , MR. EMPLOYE,1 WHATEVER - YOUR WORK MAY BE, DO YOU WANT TO BETTER, YOUR POSITION? MR. MERCHANT. DO ' YOU ' WANT TO BUILD VP AND INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS 7 IP" BO. 'WRITE vk TODAY. LET ITS EXPLAIN OUR METHODS. WE PREPARE YOIT AND SECURE YOU POSITIONS. WE COULD PLACE 60 ADVERTISEMENT - WRITERS TO DAY AT $180 PER MONTH AND UP. START-TODAY, BY ADDRESSING i THE ELLIOTT SCHOOL OF ADVER ' ING. ' ,, .' SUITE 41$ MARQUAM BLDG., ' PORTLAND, OR. UK COUNTY WWE8T SHOW Vancouver, Wash,, U. S, A. Sept ember 29, 30 and October 1,1910 For Concessions Apply Clement Scott, Manager, PARTNER WANTED I want A partner to take an inter- s In a well-established ' business; it w ill require a good, ateady business man, one wno aoes not mina some iiJL . ,f 1" 3rt 'squire. $2500 and wifl. pay aoout (ouuu annually; tnis.wui bear tne closest investigation; 'age 27 to 35 years; the best of references will be given and required. For interview ad dress T-1Z3, Journal. First-class grocery; stock, fixtures, delivery 'and building. You can buy stock at invoice; doing $160 per day business; if you find It otherwise we do not want you to buy. You can buy stock, rent fixtures and building. If any off-stock, don't take it. Sec Joe Nash in office at Millard ave. on Ml. Scott car. Phone Tabor 2312. Fora Florist 4 hot bouses, heated by hot water, also -city water piped to place, includes 4 lots, dwelling and barn located near streetcar line; can be bought at much less than real value; include thousands of plants and shrubs; buildings modern snd up to date; good business estab lished; terms to suit purchaser. Oregon Land Title Co., 206 Gerllnger bldg. , Central Oregon Hotel We want . responsible parties Imme diately to take charge of small new un furnis'hed hotel in Culver Junction; paying business to start with an open lng for a big business thts winter. Call If 'Interested. ; 1 DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND. & IN VESTMENT CO. 301-808 Buchanan bldg. on Washington near Fifth. ON account of sickness the owner Is forced to sell a good livery business in the city, lease runs 4 years, and place is centrally located, and rent is .low; the stock and fixtures are worth more than the price of the whole thing. ' A good man can make money out of this, if you want a good busi ness Investigate. E-139, Journal. : Blacksmith A good opening for a practical black smith -with a little capital. Business already established, in the city. Owner must sell on account of health. . For particulars see' - - , GEO. A. HOUCK, Labbe Bldg. Feed Business ; A" good 'paying business, a growing town on the Columbia river, no compe tition; sell ground and buildings and In voice stock. Might take some trade. . HENKLK & HARRISON, , 611 Gerllnger bldg. . . ..v- 500 BUSINESS SUITS on sale, $15 values, for $8.75: $20 vilues for $10.85. ' Jlmmle Dunn buys samples and cancellations m rvew lorn. Men: -Don't miss these bargains. 'Knew" Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg. Jlmnii Dunn, manager. - , HARpWARE implements, lumber, ce ment,, general supply, located in. live iown .with best of farming country around it. ? Income has been for - the past 19 years better than $50,0.00 per vear. GdOd Treason for selling. :,Par Hculara st 103 4th., - : HOOD. business opening - for reliable man to get in 4 good permanent busl- "hess; special inducement to right man: active interest of $600 required at good saiarv and good interest in business, See Wm. Tuppsr. 414 Stearns bldg. ' , Cisac Store .Doing $40 daily, on the best transfer corner In city. Will sell at invoice and take $160 for lease. of 4 j'earSi ,,Tl)iS is a snap. Peters, i& N.-wn st. CONFECTIONERY, tobacco, cigar and . In ,rm KtAtlli: first C.lflfM Including- fountsln, 'cheap; owner musi jr-ave. 6z union ave. jm. FOR , SALE- Grocery store, good loca ilim; rent only $7'k- must sell tin ac count of sickness; will! Invoice. Phone. is .. rsi ' i. '. WiJtAtiflAo r4"sv-yyMy ftnatness - before buying be sure and see us. Kinney ft Stampher, - $81-3 Lumber Exchanr bldk. A-4sl. . WILL pay cash for a hotel or rooming nouae;. give acscripiiun, - iirsi leuer, 0-M4, Journal, . ' SO acres cordwond timber . to exchange . ror auto. , k-id, journal. , r.rr;:.:::;3 chamcis "0 BUSINESS of all kinds, rooming houses, reHtuurantH. clear stands, cundv stores. furniture repulr mores , etc., etc.; i lgar store, Morrison St., J1UU0. . . Restaurant, 6th St., $900. Repair store, paying $150 mo., $1200. Cleaning and dyeing, 3d st, $150. 9- room rooming house, Pnrk wt.. $550. 15 rooms,. ail rented, 6th St., $1250. BargainHiin homes for sale, house to rent on Yamhill. -a month. 15 acres In crop, level. 11 miles from Portland. We have all kinds of good buvs, every thing to buy and pell.- JOHNSON & JOHNSON, 302 Swetland bldg. U-.WAOfTED Wanted partner with $7000 to Invest In best navinsr business " in Portland, business right on Washingto, 1st; will guarantee, per cent to IVper cent per month 6frinvestment; have the lo cation and the business but desire to Increase business and must have ad ded capttal,,. See , Heilman, 616 Abtng- ton bid. ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS will huv LARGE CONTROLLING INTEREST In WHUi fAHlNli ; MUKUAJN BUSI NESS. - - Good steady trade. ' NO debts.; Cash deal only. Inquire No. 408 -Mohawk building, between 4 and 5 p. m.-v RfinMINa HOUSE OWNilRS. We want vour houB. on our' list; If your price Is right ve ear sell it for you . quick. Just telephone; . we will call on you. 516 Board of Trade bldg. 4th and Oak. Tel. Marshall 46$. HAVE a modern 40 room brick hotel I want to trade for land In Oregon or good Portland property. ; Having been advised by doctors to try the coast will sacririce my equity ror suuu. inis m a bargain, v Hotel near Kansas Jity, Mo. For full particulars address owner, F. w.' unite, wraymer, mo. "Country Hotel Brick hulldlns . leadlntt hotel Of the place; fine trade; outfit is all In good shape; large mills all round the town. see owner nere; you , wtus want it. :hone Main 5531. - - - - ' , '. ' ' '12000 will buy down town business that will net you $150 each month; better get busy. " -WAGGENER REAL ESTATE CO.; 210-212 Ablngton bldg. . J0HNB, goddard . Financial Broker - 815 Board of Trade bldg,. At your service.' A fair deal to all. Livery Stable Grocery store, rooming house, , con fectionery store, farms; In fact, any thing you want in me way, or pusinesa propositions. 1 can help you,-' jonn ts. Goddard. 615 Board of Trade. BRICK, new modern business block. In one of the leading towns in estate: leaving- country and will sacrifice: in come $200 per month. Price $15,000. Terms. Call at room 619 Board of Trade bldg., or 281 West Park; st. FOR BALE-vSteam cleaning works, do lng a business of $150 to $200 per montn. - H, W, Garland & Co, 191 4th st. $5000 WILL purchase one third Interest 82,000 acres of rubber and agricul tural land; will net $100,000 in next two years. Kef-ponsinie parties only. M 148. Journal. WAITING ROOM, brick, confectionery, clearing lauuo a year, ror lauou, in eluding 6 rooms of splendid" furniture, This is gilt edge. John B. Goddard, 615 Board or Trade. A PLACER mine, fullv equipped witb. ditches, houses and almost all neces sary machinery. Mining experts place value at $10,000,000 to $15,000,000. Will seu or Donu, M-no. journal. FINE hotel, 25 miles of Portland, 2 lots, -3 torv building and all- furnishings, ""'"-Tfoom 26, 303 Washington st. h. . T " , . . r., 25 ROOM rooming and . boarding house at your own price; rent $40. Give me an offer. John B. Goddard. 615 Board of Trade SUBURBAN GROCERY Dandy busl- ness, clean stock, cheap rent, living room. LITTLE MONEY MAKER; good reasons for selling. Owner, Main 201 8. INTERESTED help; will guarantee $27.50 per week. Little money re- qulred. Call 1321 B. Gllsan st. WANTED A partner in a strictly cash business; A interest lor small amount of money. N-149, Journal. FOR SALE 2 chair barber shop, cheap. Inquire 342 Williams ave. WANTED to buy rooming house, 12 or 15 rooms, reasonable, n-147, journal. GOOD real estate to exchange for gro- cery store. 411 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED MALE WANTEDGood roan with $200 , to take 1-3 Interest in good paying busi ness; salary of $25 per week guaranteed, must be capable and intelligent and able to manage. Call between 10 and 12, Monday morning, room did Aoing ton bldg. TEAMS WANTED. 3 to 6 teams for grading on Council Crest. Call 9 to 10 a. m., ask for Mr. Henderson. ' J NO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 Sixth st. WE have something new for salesmen making small towns, a neat, clean, quick selling pocket side line. If inter ested write for order book today. 20th Century Mfg. Co., 1308 Wells St., Chi cago. - -- 1 WANTED Man. must be willing to learn and capable or actlnif as our representative; no canvassing or solicit ing; good income assured. Aaaress Na tional Co-operative Realty Co., 90K Mar den bldg.. Washington. D. C. A GOOD Industrious reliable- man to take half interest in my business. I have an established ; trade and more than I can attend to, $350 required. R 144. Journal. ANYBODY can add $8 to $30 weekly to their Income, growing mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Big market. Free booklet, Hiram Barton, West 48th St., New York. HE VOUR OWN BOSS Make $4 dally silvering mirrors. Anyone can do the work at home in spare time. -Booklet and sample free. G. F. Redmond, Dept. zni, Boston, mass. . - LEARN driving automobile and pay after you get work. Iet us tell you about our new system, 326 Washlng- ton St., room 411. bxart now. GOOD carpenter' to take contract two ; cottages and warehouse Rt Fargo: also , men with teams to work ground. I'argo urcnarns tx., a ttn st WANTED Two young men to learn the conf. business; must live at home; good wages td start. Modern Conf. Co., lath and Hoyt. ' BOY wanted to run errands, must know tne city. , ' , - 1 ARCHER ft 8CHANZ CO, 6th and Oak sts. Soy wanted, over 16 veara of sge. Ma- Portland Furniture Co.: 1249 caoam roan, rwion car. . , CARRIAGE and wagon wood workers wanted by the Uolumbia Carriage and Wagon Works, 330 Water at. - WANTED A boy 17, . to do . milking and delivering milk. Apply 701 E. Gllsan st. " " . WANTED Plumbing, In exchange for first class carpenter .work. Phone, Carpenter, Sellwood 166S. WANTEl--Two live wire stock ealea--men; A-l proposition, - Call between 9 and 11, room JOl-OregOnlan-bldg, t BO V' for grocery buHiness and make self, pseful, Mr.-Habrnian, Jennings Lodge, Oregon City car, '.. . ' YOUNG man to learn iron bed stock, also boys for general work. Rudgear Merle C., 1186'Macadam'road. boy to learn trade. Fety ; Bros., ; 503 Marieay piog.. CEMENT finisher Twanted. Call WoodV la wn im.,';: -. : ; ... ;--:-iy-f- : -r-- , BOY wanted In puor box factory. F, C. Stottler, loth Hnd Glissn. - ' W ANTED Inrst cla-n JHpsnese cook i-t'all A-6314, or 725 Pat ton road. BUSINESS C1IANCT3 I1KLP WAITED MALE WANTED, able bocliad men for the XT. s. marine corps, between the ages 01 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to b. Additional compensation possime.' Food, clothinir Quarters, and medical attendance free. After 31) years ser vice can retire with 76 per cent, or pay and allowances. Service on board ship , and ashore in all . parts of the- world. Apply at U. 8.. Marine corps RecrultlnK office. Breeden bldg., 3rd and Waahlngtoa sts., Portland, Or. BOYS 16 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER WITH BICYCLE; WAGES $50 TO $80 PER MONTH. . ? CITY . MESSENGER AND DELIVERY COMPANY, , 374 Washington St., corner West Park. WANTED A , gentleman to present a proposition- to bankers and ptpfes slonal men: must be educated, of good appearanoe and address, and possessing latent or developed saiesmaninip aou lty; salary $25 weekly and commission. Immediate promotion and & permanent position if competent. Western Press Association, 1105 Spaulding bldg. BAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED : ISOO first vear: nromotion to $1,800; examination In Portland November 12; common education sufficient with our coaching. Full particulars free with po sition . or monev back offer. Ask for Booklet IM, T. Q. Earl Hopkins. Wash Ington, D. C. GET out the rut! This means you, if your job- holds out no hope for ad vancement; if the close of each day sees youno nearer success than you were, In the morning, or the day. before,-or tha year before. Write for new catalogue, international Correspondence Schools, 223 Aider St., Portland, or. CHAUFFEURS are ' in great -demand. We want sober, reliable men, mat we can recommend; to take our course1 In repairing and driving automobiles. Day and night school. . Automobile School or oregen, ornce room zi5. aaercnaniB Trust building. .- - -- ' 10.000 POSITIONS -: For craduates last year: rn and wo men learn barber trate In 8 weeks; belo to secure positions;' graduates earn $ to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools ftee; write for catalor. Moler 8sten) O' colleges. SI N. th St.. ornana. STOP peddling. When tired ringing doorbells and dodelnsr the dog. send for our free prospectus, something unusually "alive" for you; 'write for octane. Russeii-Burts Co., zausjacn- son St., San Francisco, WAWTEU Salesman: many make $100 to $150 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown 'on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week lyj choice of territory. Address Wash lng ton Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. RAILWAY mail clerks; U. S. govern ment clerks at Washington, postoffice clerks, carriers, wanted. Portland ex aminations: October 8 and November 12. preparation free. Franklin institute, Dept. 314 T Rochester, N. Y. GOOD business opening for reliable man to get In a good permanent busi ness; special inducement to right man; active Interest of $500 required at good salary and good interest la business. Bee Wm. Tupper, 414 Btearns mag. WANTED Good boy, between 16 and 17 vears. of srood family, that lives at home with-parents (Protestant), that wants to learil a good wholesale and retail business. Apply at once, 72 Btn, near uay V ANTED baieamen in every locality in. tne oorrnweti; money aavancea weekly; many make over $109 monthly: choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wwh, SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big gest .nursery in west; liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; $50 week ly easily miid. Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. 125 TO $40 Made weekly by motion picture opera tors. You can-learn to operate In short .1 - i XT V .... 1 T-! I lime on eaoy verma. . x. xuuviun r-ic-ture School. 626 V4 "Wash., near v 17th. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith CO., Detroit. Mien. WANTED Men to cut cordwood on contract; also men to clear land. Call John P. BharKey. 6th and Washington sts., mornings, between 9 and 10 o'cioek. I'mock. ght In $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taugl practical form; oay and evening ses sions. Address -Myers, 329 11th st,, Portland. Main 8612.' , LAUNDRY driver who can show re- sults can obtain favorable induce ment by addressing inquiry 289 Union ave.. South. . - WANTED Teams to do grading Wa verleigh Heights. Call mornings, be tween 9 and 10 o'clock. John P. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington sts. STUDY law; course equal to eastern schools; fall term opens Sept. 19, en roll now. Portland Law School, 631 WANTED A competent ladles' coats presser, first clasa wages paid, at East Portland Cleaning & Dye Works, 148 Grand ave., city. $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manu facturer; steady work, S. Scheffer, Treasurer, N-2S9, Chicago. SALESMEN, if you don't sell our ad vertising novelties we both loose money; sample and particulars free Japanese Novelty t;o., i:nnton. Iowa GENTLEAiN partner for greatest act in vaudeville; no tneatricai experience necessary. Call at the Chicago School of Acting, 443 vi Yamniii, room 16. $26 WEEKLY and expenses, either sex, to put out catalogues and advertise. Large mall order house. C. H. Emery, T-439, Chicago . WaNTED Experienced man to sell business chances; good opening; no money required; have a large business. B-140, journal. THE Meier, & Frank, store require the services, 01 100 onsu boys and cash girls. Apply betweeh 8 and 10 a. m. to superintendent's office, 6th floor. WANTED Steady ranch hand under standing horses; prefer native Ger man, experienced in vineyards of Ger many. Wm. A. SiiBwrtlch, Roseburg, Or. T MAnl?! Kft nnn In R veara n-Ui a imill mall order business; began with $5. Rand for fr booklet. Tells how. Hen.. cock, 6078 Lockport, N. Y. WANTED To let contract to clear 10 - to 80 acres; only responsible parties need ca41. Vanduyn fit , Walton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. AN all-round helper and dishwasher in boarding house. unnton vvnite House. Linnton Or. : WANTED Reliable, active man to han dle real estate and lire insurance. Call 808 Board of Trade bldg. YOUNG man for grocery delivery wag on; some experience Is necessary; give phone number. B-13Z. journal. WANTED Wood working machine hands. Union Store Flxt. Co., E. 15th and Powell sts. - , : - . CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wtne Depot. 286 Yamhill, next to Journal. BOY wanted, one who has gone through - graded school preferred. Perkins Hotel Pilar., 5th and VVashlngton. INTERESTED help; "will guarantee - $27.60 per week. Little money re- qulred.; Call 1321 E. Gllsan st. INVENTORS We want good money making inventions . to manufacture. B-146. Journal. WANTED Swedish baker, competent : maker df old country breuri. rail Worden Grocery Co., 833 Mississippi ave. WANTED A good coatmaker to work by weeK. . werner reierson t,o., 142 2d' St. - - ' ,-.'-,, ; .. " . ... . WANTED Two fnen at once to learn . automobile repairing and driving.. CaH 60 and 62 N.' 7th. r WANTED Boy 14 or -15 years, on a grocery wagon. Call 416 6th st. PRERSER8 on pants -psy H4S ISt. EOVS wanted,, over 16 years of age, for .. messengers. -aa. - - TWO energetic boya, w-lth wheels, ' $40 per month,. Apply 285 Alder. EXPERIENCED or inexperienced men wanted at the Rnltlnioi 287 1 Wasli. PARTNER waiited"for roof palntlngT 441 23d north. - . .... ... HELi WAITED MALE 1 I , , . . . . At C. R. HANSEN & CO., 28 N. 2d st Phones Main 15). A-1526. Established 1S76. Open all day Sunday. Other offices at: San Francisco (Foreign Labor) 332ETA Spokane, 222Vi N. Wash. st. San Francisco, 805-807 Howard St., Los Angeles, 136 8. Los Angeles st. Sacramento, 920 2d st. Saa. Francisco (foreign , labor),". 352 Montgomery St. HEADQUARTERS FOR RAILROAD AND RH3TAURANT HEL.P. WE ARE AGENTSSFOR THE UTAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND THEIR SUB-CONTRACTORS AT NA TlUJN. F.RICKSON & PETERSON AT KLAMATH FALLS AND FOR BOYN- TON, CHURCH & M'COY -i ON THE NORTHERN PACIFIC , DOUBLE TRACKING AT OLEQUA. . ALL FREE FARE. All kinds of laoorers, teamsters, drill ers, etc. wanted at Natron for the Utah Construction Co. , Wages, $2.60 and up. TeamsterB etc. for Klamath Falls; ship dailyf FREE FARE. Laborers for Ole qua,. $2.50 and up. " Good-camps, goad board good water and good Job when you get -Ihere. All FREE FARE. ' SKILLED AND MECHANICAL. Rock foreman, $76, 8 hours. ' Man to check loads of crushed rock, $60. ; , , . Bridge carpenters. $8.25. $3.50. 8 carpenter helpers,. $2.50, city;-. WOODS AND MILLS." Hooktender, $3.i. 1 ,V 1 Swamper, $3. ; , : Woodcutters, $1.2.5 per cord. 4 plledrlver men, $8.50. 4 culvert men, $3. -. . Camp flunkey. Dogger on carriage, $3. Woods teamster, $2.75. Farmhands, $35 up. . HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Dishwashers, kitchen helpers, $10 up, Cook $14. . V Cook's helper, $12. '. Janitor, $30 found. Night cook, $13. - - CITY. . 6 tunnel men, $3. All kinds laborers, $2.50, $2.75. Teamsters, $2.60., . Brickwheelers. $2.75, 9 hours. " Young man to drive express .wagon, $2.25 up. - warn man, $su. Foreman, street work. $4. . New work comlna: in all the time. A Job free to any able bodied man who is broke . , AT HANSEN'S GOVERNMENT POSITIONS, free my illustrated booklet which tells all about the civil service system; how thousands of appointments are made every month; when and wnere examin ations are held: and describes the po sitions which have to bo filled in every state; the fine salaries, agreeable work; snort hours and long vacations witn pay My book also tells how to select the ex amination you should take and how to secure tne best coacning. write me now. before vou lose mv address- postal will' do. Earl Hopkins,. IM-368, Washington, D. C. SALESMAN WANTED. Real estate salesman of good appear ance, to sell new high class subdivision; splendid opportunity open to right man who can make good. Call 9 to 10 a. m. ask for Mr. Henderson. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122V4 Sixth st. STOCK salesmen, $100 per week and better earned by earnest workers, for quick results we will pay the most liberal commissions offered in the city, 6 solicitors wanted for Portland and one for every town in Oregon and Washing ton, new corporation, ground floor prop osition offering greatest opportunities, stock never before offered. Call or, write A. C, Burgess, 806-7 .Lewis bldg.. Port land, Or. WE WANT a feW energetic salesmen tc "work on a proposition where the re turns are big. If you are not afraid of work and can appreciate a good propo sition, be sure and see us. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Mr. Derby, MAKE that extra quarter bring thou sands ,of others; one person says would not take 10 times your price for one lesson; cleaning, dyeing, pressing, spotting, taught for 25c. Inclose 25c? Cleaning Pub. Co., 14 Vera St., N. Mt. Tabor. Portland. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 Wanted Hop pickers to pick 600 acres of hops; big crop, tine accommoaationy naitcry, butcher shop, grocery Btore,- restaurant, free dancing pavilion, beautiful camp ing grpunds, delightful bathing; low excursion rates. Register now at Kreba Bros.' office, room 618 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. No' charges for Job. Office hours 9 a. m, to 8 p. m.; Sun day 9 a in. to L p. m. Home A-4335, Main R905. 50 Hoppickers. WANTED. SEE BOSS AT 21 N. 2D. WANTED, 16 hop pickers to complete crew; thirty miles from Portland; fine crop; good camping grounds. $1 per hundred; fare $1. Call Sunday, 9 to 2, room 612 Worcester bloek, Third and Oak sts. Telephone, Main 2963, A-49f3. WANTED 100 more hoppickers, 0O0. per box: best yard In the state. Long picking. Good camping ground wfth grocery. . Want, party, to r.jn boarding house. Apply to Andrew Kan A Co., 262 Oak st. Hoppickers Wanted good accommodations, 60c box. 226 Flledner bldg., 10th -axid Washlng ton st. Phone 'Marshall 1645. iif AXT-ppn a' l.nnf.,ln.a ' u., 1 li rl.. V . fi.-Vn; n Ja '11 yard: free fruit weed and good well. Start picking the 6th. Teams meet you at Gaston the 6th, E. W. Abraham, Yamhill, Or., Rt. No. 2. j.,i 1,.1-riDO k:.;i, Ta ,' for a reliable outfitting house; lib- cral commission paid; those experienced preferred. Aooress u-i4. journal. LinDDICIPRd n,anfcH all unvin """.v." whi""b s'vu. ., ,aii U..i.. aoaress u. iemery, woonourii, ur. BOYS and girls 16 years old or over. Good wages and steady work. Mult nomah Mohair Mills, Sellwood. WANTED Hop pickers. Call at once. 225 Falling bldg. BOYS or girls wanted for wrapping soap. Mt. Hood Soap Co.. 108 N. 4th. WANTED Hoppickers. Inquire at St Charles hotel. C. M. Hall. WANTED AGEKTS WANTED -One good" man in each town to take orders for made-to-measure clothes. Up-to-date styles, very low pri-ccs, orders come easy, high class permanent - business,- splendid profits, $6 a day and up: no money or experience needed; we shfp on approval express prepaid, and guarantee perfect fit Write for territory, terms and frea samples, Banner Tailoring Co., Dept 524. Chicago. ; A good position open, tor any Dxiglit,' sent thf World's SanUtl 'miIb in thelr: vicinity, In hosiery and under tl.A . 4.i I n n fist iinJ. wear -for, men, women and children. SOI.D ONLY FROM THE MILL TO THE HOME. Write for catalogue and full particulars. Q-1 40; Journal. SUw-lUJtQQdU.riFNTS make 6 Oa-a&-i yrm nell I lng our-gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs, 800 va rletics, enormous free, suinvan t:o. 1.. 1234 Van Buren bL! Chicago 111 NOSPLASH sample free, jugents. both" Boxes, Eureka AntlsprAili . Water-; straiiierS ar. winners. let free sain ple: Mil'" TOrYVTileed: send- 2c nostnaa tUJEwa6d.,aa .BuJe. i New- Vortt.-y--t WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to introduce article which helps reduce household ex penses. Particulars fre. Write today. Tolles Mfg. Co., 22J9 Atherton St., Berke ley, Cal. AGENTS wanted o aid us supply ths demand for chol s nursery stock; out fit free; cash we Itly. Address Capital City Nurery Company. Salem. Or. WANTED Agents, legitimate substi tute for slot machines, patented, sells on sight for $1. Particulars, Glsha Co., Anderson, Ind. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES &3 C. R, HANSEN & CO,, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. uaia nice. I N. 2d st., roruana Ladles department. 7th and Waaa. ata. , , upstairs, rortiano. 424 Fre-nt ave 8pokana. 17-89 4th st, San Francisco -Established 1678. HANLEY A TRAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO.. neadquarter tor K. it. worg. tm N. 8d at - : :-"-- THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY., uen'i employment. Mar. 318. A-Z4 o . . BUTTS & ELDREDGE. N. Second. A-1291. Main 3208. 24 HELP WANTED rEMALE 33 RESTAURANT cook,' $15 a week; 2 hotel -cooks 850 and $40 boat cook, 12 men $45,. family cook $40. Man- and wife, as teamster end .as sistant cook in grading camp, $50. Four chambermaids, $40, $35, $25. . uiera,' natters, f 3 v ana board. Waitress, city, country, $30. 2 second girls. $30, $26, nurse girl, $25. Housekeeper, $20. 1 Trtn . 1 r .. AAnn A f.1 . - $36, $25,.$2d. -.-" . NEW PLACES DAILY. HANSENS" LADIES' AGENCY. , 346 Wash, st cor. 7th. upstairs. LIPMAN,- WOLFE & CO wants experi enced saleswomen Jn suits, millinery, laces, hosiery, pictures, drug sundries, knit underwear, art needlework, notions, hair goods, domestic, linings and other departments. GIRLS to work In candy depart ment; steady employment, good wages. Pacific Coast 1 Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts; :,- WOMAN to i act as companion and at tendant for elderly ladyand assist In housework in family of 8 adults, one having had experience with invalids pre ferred; good wages and home to right pers'on, and considerable leisure. . .Ad dress, stating qpaliflcatlons, Postoffice Box 675. GIRLS WANTED, 28 FRONT, ST. WESTERN MANTLE CO. $18.50 per week addressing envelopes at home, spare time; experience un necessary material sent prepaid, send 10c for outfit, postage, instructions, etc., to start at once. Enterprise Pub- Hshlng Co., Covington. Ky. FOR generalhoii8work. German girl, who can speak English to assist present German girl, family of 4. Call 500 East 25th st. N. Take Broadway car to 22d and Thompson. Phone East 6908. CANDYMAKEP.S wanted: good wages. , steady emp.oyment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. UNIVERSAL shorthand has proven it self to be the best system now writ ten, quickly taught In the B. B. U., the school that knows how. 630 Worcester OiOCK, os 3d st. TWO women with good eyesight who are accustomed to using needle on fine sewinsr. Good wages and steady work. Multnomah Mohair, Mills, Sellwood. GIRL over 18 wanted to help with gen eral housework and care of two. small children. Call 809 Weidler st. Phone East 4S84. MIDDLEAGED couple will give an el derly woman board and nice room In return for slight servioesf no children and a quiet home. F-139, Journak WANTED Girls and women at can nery of Oregon Packing Co., E. 8th and Belmont. Inquire at once or phone East 39. WANTED Experienced cloak and suit hands for alteration work: also one I who understands fur work. Apply to 1 v -ma aim pun aepi., iuh & uidob, inc. WANTED Waitress. chambermaid; also girl to do housework and house keeper for widower's family, St, Louis Employment Agency, 303 y, Wash, at. A SOBER, competent man and wife to take charge of a small dairy ranch, bv the month, for short time, if satisfac tory, permanent. K-144. Journal. GIRLS for addressing and mailing clr culars. State experience; also phone. K-148, Journal. WANTED A girl for second work; no smaii . cnuaren: small ramily. 709 Flanders st. ......... COMPETENT girl for general house work. Apply 186 E. 16th st. Phone East 2007. MILLINERY MAKERS, must be thor oughly experienced and capable. Fraley Bros.. 214 Third. - ' WANTED Girl for shooting gallery, $10 per week and up. Apply cor. 4th and Couch. WANTED Girl for general housework, family 6f 2. Apply mornings 461 E. im si. r. WANTED Ladv experienced In clean inap?eS AddIv the Herald. 193 4th. STENOGRAPHERS try the E. B U for good positions; the school that knows!1""1 s-ffency. 303H Washington st IIrAni.a tnH a9 O SJ . " ' '" 11 mi 1 . n ... , WANTED A competent cook for prl vate Institution, also girl for general housework. Phone Sellwood 937. WOMEN and girls wanted to work In .fr.u!Lca,,"f!ry' . AJPP'y. EaJ . SJld i iiiTLn- UPlSiLVtfSJ. APPRENTICE girls for dressmaking, $3 week to begin with. 46 N. 8th st, be. , tween Couch and Davis. I vyajn 1 tuu i-.xprienceo. operators eti I overalls and shirts, also learners. Sbg ':" u STENOGRAPHER With MOrTIA lfn,-LJ,. or honkenin- h ;rt j;. ! vi . wli. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 994 E. 21st st N. Phone Wood- I lawn 60. WANTED Colored woman to do gen eral housework and cooking., Call A 5314. 725 Patton road. ! WANTED Housekeeper by wlilAtrar with family. Address W. B. O . Houi' ton, Or. GIRLS At Portland Cigar Box Mfg. Co., 434 Ev 3rd St.; steady employ ment. GIRLS wanted to work In paper box factory; steady employment Apply WANTED Girl, modern Conf. Co.,! and Hoyt.? steady work. WANTED Girls for ironing. Call Mon day, 609 Jefferson st. - i WANTED Tailoress on custom coats I B. Pallay, 6th floor Ooodnough bldg. 1 GIKi, for general housework; two In family. East 3878.- I j wanted for general housework; " -r - . " " ' ' " CASHIER and waitresses for delica , . 1 JV lewsen, van aumray, zps in ion ave" j WANTED Exprrenced girl to mattress ticks. 55 Union ave sew - - WANTTO - - WaHress: Colonial restau rant, 10th-and Morrison sts. 1 Morrison. gnerat nouwo 435 umhlll IKI, fr.ond work. smalThotel, out ri-,iTT ..ij a i.v-nr-r ouvji -.U7. S.UM8TRESES wanted pplY..i Rummenn & Softs, 124 j2dC , nELP WANTED -KEM AIR 2 THE MEIER & FRANK STORES re tmire a vouna woman to repair-um brellas; also two saleswomen for the umbrella department; also saleswomen for the followinsr deuartments: Gloves, ribbons, knit, underwear, hosiery, neck wear, waists, house gowns, suits. Jewelry, drugs, stationery, kodaks and needlework: also young girls to learn the business. Apply Tuesday morning at superintendent s ornce, sixtn noor, 8 to 10 a. m. WANTED Young ladiea for tele. pnone operating, witn or witnout ex perience. Apply The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., 6th and East Ankeny sts.. or W, Park and Alder sts. -. ' . :(:.-....'.. ; ' . WANTED Three energetic, neat ap pearing women to. sell stock of new corporation: 4100 oer week easily-earned by earnest workers. We . want .repre sentatives in city and country. Call or write, a. u. .Burgess, 808-7. Lewis Diog,, rortiano, ur. . SITUATION , WANTED MALE 3 MUNICIPAL BSEE EWlOTiENlT tSFFDSE 870 MADISON, BET. 3D AND 4TU. MALE AND FEMALE HSLI . NO CHARGE TO KMPLOYta OB - - - EfePLCYB. MAIN .1666, A-56H A TRUSTWORTHY young man. mar neu. wisnea work of some kind, re liable and steady, can make good at any thing, have had lots of experience with maenmcry, am nandy at anything, am a mrajiger, can give good rererenceSi .s 141, Journal. YOUNG man- with 15 years' business experience in east, desires situation as city aaiesmani willing to demon strate ability: references first class, h-142, journal. SOBER man, willing to ;iow what he can do, wishes position at any kind sieaay employment; permanent position miner man good wages. W-11SS journal. WANTED position an manager of re tall hardware store In western Ore gon or Washington; have had 15 years' experience; a years rraveung salesman oest or rererences. P-14 2, journal. ALL-ROUND mechanic wishes nosi- tlon; strictly sober; good position preferred to good wages. Address J-1240, journal. CARPENTER wors wanted of er-irv d. scrlption; Jobbing, remodeling, repair ing specialty, uummings & cat in. til first t. Marshall 2827. MIDDLEAGED man, sober, can do most any kind of work on farm: rood home rather than good wages. 234 Columbia St.. city. EX-SOLDIER, 8 years' service in the regular army, desires position as watchman in store or office building, j(x, j. Htone, (u Main st. MIDDLE-AGED handy man badly neeas employment as porter, janitor, garaener or work or any kind at sma wages, box O-l 41. Journal. WANTED By a sober young mrfii. position as chauffeur; would prefer position with private family. M-134 Journal. MARRIED man, 35. sober and steady. years' experience in hardware, want position of any kind, Phone Marshall neb, 7 to 9 a. m. PRINTER-EDITOR. 20 years' country experience, marnea, strictly sober, wants place on country weeklv. Address stating wages. 1720 Court st.. Salem. Or. WANTED Position by .experienced nouse man and "prter. Apply. 14, 303 YHniiuigi,on, rnone main 2U3. BOY 17, wants a good steady Job, for tne winter on rarm or dairy ranch P-M8. jourtiai. WANTED By young man, a position as DOOK Keeper in hotel; best refer ences. c-136, Journal, WANTED Work by a landscape ga dener. by day or contract Hug turn, i in. h'arx St., city. FOREMAN with 18 years' experience 011 the Pacific coast wishes position m uimner mm. F-134, Journal. rusiiiurt as elevator operator or watonman wanted by married man, ageo; 48 rererences. F-131, Journal. BOOKKEEPER wants a few sets of doors to keep, daytime or evening. uiia, journal. CHAUFFEUR wants position, does ow ginaii repairs. fj-az, journal. CARPENTER, builder, new or repair worn, oay or ennrrnct. sellwood 1712 CARPENTER work, any kind, day or contract. rnone Marsnall Z3J7. SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED By capable woman. Ugh housework; elderly couple preferred romeiiKe place. Mrs. Jennie Morris, 9 west vvepster St., city. GoiJ housekeeper wants a place on a ranch for - the winter. Wages not me ooject. Aaaress K-111. Journal of nee. WANTED Nursing by experienced miaaie-agea woman, maternity pre leneu. rmras main nu. j HUSBAND and wife wish posltl camp or ranch. St. Louis En on Employ SCHOOL airl wants ulace In Ruber nit for room, board and small wages. .O ji., journal. AS housekeeper for widower or room ing-nouse; best or experience and re eronces. P-147, Journal. MIDDLE aged woman wants noidtion a housekeeper widower's family; refer rnres exenangeq. y-igx, Journal ANTED to csre for child 3 old and up. 255 Clackamas. yei WOULD like bundle washing at horn plMS' 1L7I Taylor st," basement .TrATT-i V .. . - . wisnes iHunnry work an- Irv I cleaning nv oay. Marslu shall 1833, rm. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE i MAN and wife would like position on mm rancn; experienced hortlcultu 1st with university training; can furnish - . . .Villi 1 1 V I. , ouui CDB V- It., JUU nai. WANTED Care of child In good pi . 11.. r 1 1 - , . DKESSMAKIXG 40 G. SHERMAN and Miss Sherman. n uaio louicn uifjunnj ana- aressmaK- Tel Woodlawn 1014. .loso K. iKPiiC i5' FANCY and plain gowns. Phone pri vate exchange 40. Mrs. Heft. ! " I 1 FLltiMSHKD KOOCifil WEST SIDE i NICELY furnished front rinm. .i. I "le for 2 ladles or S gentlemen: - 1 centrL. locat , :' "P "nd iold water: ot'urvt 111 n tar tilou cant VAnH .kl. t A w O "v.aii.uuiWU. f;,Q "wiiBuir, , i-irj 1 mi c 1 1 a. 1.AUI roomer wanted: lar. Hiviiriu nil vi-iminto, special IIIUUCV- ments 1 to one who seldom goes ot evenlngsi; walking distance from busi Uiris need not apnly. 857. Main. !S4 S I Phones. C-2 pieaBant rooms, day or wrK. S hlooks - 1 irom postoffice, 254 Uth at, lo per- 1 (IlH,Iirl( I'-.WJM.IW. ' IIUfeNttaU.Btfc-7 'PM - gf - Nicely furnished rooms, $3 to $5 week. ITKN!;u:! 1,: Wl.ST SJDK AUDITORlCM Tl.itn. :rts; TA and cold running watrr. isliv'.v shed rooms, $3. it) per pK 4 y, bvr and up. FOR RENT Nicely fumlstie , hot and cold water, welt rnnii!- lock rurline. 3.(1 Harrison, 1 Mam Si3(, FREE Furnished room ti mliKlie. os ! lady for care of 5-year-old t hiM c -fi gs; .modern homo. 316 liromiw v. ast 1202, OR RENT Nice sleeping rooms, tmn- stent and regular, i.mra i locate,) S3V4 4th. or 284 yamhlll, bet. 4th a -A 6th. 2 11TH, near' Salmon; one cK'Sitni. large front room with alcove.-, clowrt and porch; also room suitable for J; $ii per month. ICE furnished' front rooms, centra 1 i y located, modern Convenience; suitable for one or two persons; reasonable 21$ 3th - St. - - ' - - -- ' NEATLY furnished front room in mod -ern private home,, gentlemen. $10 per month. 316 Broadway,,.- East 120'. Mrs. Petibert. ' - NICE room, fiew inudern house, fine bath: walking distance: wst slds; breakfast if desired; gQiitlemen rcuson- oie. . jwatn Z2i. - -. - TWO nicely furnished front rooma, steam heated, each suitable for two; modern. 250 N. l!th, near Marshall, 27 W. PARK Front rooms for rent. well furnished, walking distance; bath, free phone. Phone Main 7959. WELL furnished rooms, furnace heat. hot and cold water, pleasant locality, 550 Hoyt st, -.;.;'--:'-:v-----.--' FOR RENT- Front room with , alcove. suitable for two gentlemen, with board. 170 N. 16th. WALKING distance: one large front room, nicely furnished, with bath:, for sleeping or light housekeeping. 324 2nd. LARUE front' room, suitable for two gentlemen. $4 per week. 66 N. 14th. Main 7621. . OR RENT Neat and clean sleeping rooms. 1 oiocK ortiana notei. ii aiuhtU.. - . - OR RENT Extra large rooms, fur nace heat, in uuiet dwelling district. 211 12th st. - 60 up per waag. Fr phon Hrn Oath. Mala 7754. NEWLY furnished rooms, with and without housekeeping;, modern, . $2.50 up. 263 Fifth at. NICELY furnished room, clean, home like; phone; close in, reasonable. 367 3rd st. - - - -- THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia- Modern rooms $2 per week ub: tran- slent 60c up. OR RENT I.arge sleeping room for two gentlemen. 403 2d St. corner Harrison. - ' 1 FOR RENT Comfortable housekeeping rooms In heart of city; gas and phone jwrt I'arK st. 3 FURNISHED rooms, free heat, bath and telephone; one outdoor, sleeping house, cheap. 303 12th st. FOR RENT Fine large front .room, also small room; hot and cold run ning water. 440 Jefferson. NICELY furnished . rooms: ; one larg., room with alcove; suitable, for two o four gentlemen. 329 Hall. ' $9 MONTH-Two clean, bright, bat -h lng rooms, basement; Close in, to unlet person. 22 10th. -' . : IOR RENT Three large rooms; extrs clean and plenty light 661 4th. st. larshall 2235. A-1819. - NICE light room- In private fatnilv; heat; walking distance. - 419 8th. Phone 4538. ' " LARGE front sleeping room, suilabln for 2: also one housekeeDlng room. 526 Columbia st. FOR RENT Comfortabl rooms,- suit- able for two; gas; quiet dwelling ut trlct. 331 12th st. THE KING. 309 Jefferson; nicely fii? nisbed rooms; ' modefrP"cofivenlent-es; central; $2.75 per week and up. PXEASANTLY -located sleeping rooms; heat and bath -46 Lucretia st - FURNISHED room; all modern, in pri vate iniuy. i rt: inin m. ' - NICELY furnished front room, suitable ror gentleman. 401 W. Park. FOR RENT Large room for two gen- tlemen; plenty light and air. 305 12th. FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 445 N. 23d st. - FURNISHED K0033I EAST SIDE - 52 MODERN rooma, telephone, -electrle lights, running water, steam heated, elevator. Prices, $3 per week and up. The tiayosa, corner Grand ave. , and E. Btark st. NICELY furnished parlor and bedroom and use 01 cook stove, gaa ana pnone. 264 Page st, i! car, close in. ONE nicely furnished room, $ per month; no other roomers. 9 E. 11th st. Phone East 4908. THREE rooms, kitchen nsrtly furnished. suitable ror two, sseuwooa uti, 15. 22nd near Clinton st ROOMS In private family, with break- tast; iurnace neat, pnone, Data, tie Holladay ave., east side. FURNISHED room, modern, phon, bath. gas. 256 Clackamas. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 NICELY furnished,: also unfurnished. rooms, s nsrle and en suite: outet and - very suitable for single gentlemen. Kan sas bldg., 1st and Pine: reasonable. FOR RENT Lwer floor, 5 Urge rooms, large yard, $15. Phone Tabor 523. 227 E. 49th st. TWO LARGE unfurnished rooms, front housekeeping rooms: phone, gas, run ning water. 629 Yamhill. THREE unfurnished rooms and large hall. In upper flat; very reasonable. Phone Marshall SIS THREE unfurnished rooms for rent, 249 6th. - ' HOTELS HOTEL FOSTER Portland's new3t medium priced fireproof hotel: rooms; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water in every room: rates 7:"? and $1. full half block; 147-250 DavU St.. 2d to 3d. V. . HOTEL PORTLAND fcuropau -lu only: $8. $6 Ay. - ' VALLAMONT fcu'.tilhed rent 376 Yamhill. roomt tot BELVEDEKE. European. tt and Alder. ROOMS AND DO A HI) 1A THREE well ' furnished rooms for 8 people, furnace heat, bath siul phone . and home cooking,-$30 per month. 1J7 Montgomery, cor. 11th; walking dis tance. ; ;' '-.. , . ,- viNTED--."T-Wo yoiing men" to- room (! board in private family; large room, good home cooking, reasonable, btn, phone and home privileges. Telephmn. Main 999. -. - $ti PER WEuiv. good room and liwt r i . , ten minute' walk from riostof f i"v use of phone ahJ bs th. 39l J 1th si . ; THE O LYIIPI' STil Lownsila lcT'll")! ' s and board; home cooking; hot anr ioid water. HOME cooking. $4.a0 week; rn-mi w ) board. $; meal tickets, $4 50. S1 Minn si. DESIRABLE room, and tosrd; .liunm cooking; waikinp distance-. 4 1 . , K. Alder. B iWl. ; .;n"--. -..41. WANTED A young lady to io-m board with mother and frown daKM ter. 428 College, Main 4 427. HOME cooking, raotwll' 1 pilmi' family. Mitln 4384. Bf.l Mtt t, GOOD rooms and board In lionrt i( ch -. Utaia-. uoau. u.i aiukw WANTEDROOM AXp BOAnp 1 1 WANTED Room ; wlttt or wlihox! board In prlvaii family. wier '- can tw csred for durlitji vifi-k ?rr i jo 9. : , WANTED Hooin-i inl liiiiu-1 fur 1. - Ife and to HiHdi-eii, Bi.-- -( ! y 1 - aififv ina'j-i and pr' . - . , . 1 . . Journal-. - . ' v- J . : - 7TT