The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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i 4 ... ft
H UM - JUiT AS V.AVN i' r
GoAlf "TO Tt-C HIM 1
' AWO t0AJT CASE., fcyr, IF yOU
flUiuK hVE GOT To
CCAie To A ShoDo".'
quit Their- awisl..
Angels Tie Score in Ninth but
Beavers Can't Be Dis
, lodged. :
There wm po flenjlng th Portland
ilursn yesterday and whed. Los An
teles tied up the score In the ninth,
they cable right back with the necessary
run to win, and Incidentally established
the first victory for Bill Bolce since
he joined the local crew. With, no ran
from the first to the ninth Innlnr. the
loutherners shoved one over and-tled It
up, but thanks to the clear eyes of!
Buddy I-yan, Olaf Olson and Bill Rapps,
the -game was snatched out of the fire
ajid laid on tee. ,
Bolce pitched a nice game for the lo
cals and had the better of Toser, the re
liable Angel slabster. He allowed but
five blngles, two of which were bunched
:. In . the ninth frame and grave the An
gels their lonely aee. The big fellow
.had splendid control .walking two men
and bitting one, but always when two
men wero out
Boors la rirst ":' :': i
Right Off the reel, Portland breeied
Into the game with a run. Ryan walked
Just as be had done the day before
; when we put over a run In the first
' frame. However, Olstfn forced him at
second and Rapps crushed in with the
, first of three singles, Olaf going to
third, and BIU pulling up at second on
the throw across the field. Here our
old friend Casey, the Moose,, was on
the job just as he has been for - the
past month, and plhch-bingled Olson
home. Not in years has any, Portland
player hit In pinches like . the. veteran
Casey has been doing tnls past month,
and it Is doubtful If any Coast league
player has bettered his record.
The game went until th ninth frame
with, now and then a brilliant flash like
George Ort's remarkable feat of con
verting a single into an out Toser
slammed an ordinarily safe one Into
right field and hotfooted it to first
.The Beaver outfielder timed the . ball
perfectly and for the second time be has
been guarding that territory during Au
gust he shot the ball to first ahead of
the runner.- It was a barefaced robbery.
Ryan made & beautiful, running catch
V QUT IHEIK Wit.y 5AM VOU X 1 ' I -r-" 1
I .. ..... ' W " 1 1 . ' . fl . J ,. 1 . A J a . - . . . II - W ;
1 Is I M n ii j L.. A I . . 1 i. W " II 1 . m f 71. 1 r - 1 - -:- .: -..rrzz 1 .., r , . r . . -T" ' v 1 . , "TTT y
wear a plain coat. Cobs could never
travel on their looks although Cobs' imitators
have tried to travel on Cobs' looks. Cobs continue
to make fast time on the highway of popularity,
while Cobs' imitators are dropping fast into the by
, way. Good reason they lack Cobs' quality. Each
Cob is wrapped separately in waxed tissue paper.
Vest pocket edition
for pocket user
Distributers, Portland.
For the looks aid the foods try tie
I invt IMC Otc.i CP- OHCAtv.X'y II -- ,
IV v HAietESS V YOUR. ' " .
, n1 Hide, VoytuMttTAiE. At ; Aucu. its tje. FoC
A f. I n k .III II . i R&l!C Air. l.fK 'l I RtTT) ft I I I I
i . , w"-WVw, . .-vw I v , I OTC IV, TO VinIC TO I
of Waring' s liner In the fifth, cutting
oft what would undoubtedly have been
an extra base hit.
Eow Tbey lllade It
Bolce saw Daley go out the Casey
Rapps route in the ninth, but was sur
prised to witness Bernard's clout to cen
ter. Howard was. an easy, out to Rapps,
and then the' youthful sapling passed
the old gray fox to catch: old father
time. With Bernard ori second, Dillon
on first and Wheeler at the bat things
looked propitious, but Wheeler dumped
a measly Texas leaguer back of third
base more by accident than design, and
Bernard was across the pan. Olson and
Rappa disposed Of Hallinan. - .
Then Ryan came up determined look
ing In the ninth. He immediately
smashed the sphere between, third and
short for. one base. Olson set himself
to pull the only sacrifice of the day
and did It to the queen's taste. With
Ryan posed cheerfully on second our
old chum from the darks, William
Henry Rapps, picked out a beauty and
slammed it away down to the ljeft field
bleachers and Ryan registered.
Bcore: . -. . . ..
Aft Tl TT vn a m
uaiey, cr . ........... 3 003
Bernara, rr..,. ,.,,. 4' l
Howard, 20.. 4
Dillon, lb.:...-. S
Wheeler, If....,,...., 3
Hallinan, 2b..,. 4
Delmas, ss. ......... . 3
Waring, o. 3
Toier, p.............. 3
.".......30 1 625 14 0
s One out when winning run made.
- AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Ryan, cr. ...... 3 1 2 . 3 0 0
uison, sn. ...... ...... s
Ranps. lb............ 4
3- 15
Casey, 2b............ 3
1 1
Sheehan, Sb... ....... 3 0 0.
8peas, - If. ........ . ... 3 0 4
Ort. rf.. 0 0
Fisher, c. ............ 3 0 0
Bolce, p 8 0 6
' Totals ......28 t 7 27 13 1
Los Angeles... ... ,...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Hits ...... U . . . . . . .1 100 0 1 00 26
Portland : ... i , . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
HiUi . . .;. ........20110100 37
-". SUMMARY. " '
Struck out-j-By Bolce S, Tber 2.
Bases on ballST-Off Bolce' 2, Tozer 1.
Double plays Spoas to Rapps, Toser to
Hallinan, Olson to Casey to Rapps; Sac
rifice hits Olson. Stolen bases
Rappa. Hit by pitched balls Wheeler.
First base on errors Los Angeles 1.
Left on bases Los Angeles 4, Portland
4. Time of game One hour 20 min
utes. . Umpire Van Haltren.
Clubwoman Seriously Injured.
Los Angeles, Sept. 1. Mrs. Earl Nit
tinger, society woman and president of
the Women's club of Santa Monica, Is
In a serious condition as the result of
a fall from a streetcar step. It is be
lieved she will die. i - -
Q if C-
tew 5e cif ar woofo-, JOHN.RUSKUt
Los AngeleS was
again "easy." Geo.
Bolce was "hard"
for them.
:';.,..y o ,;'tr:-X.
, Oakland Is right
after us, and if we
drop a game to Dili
Ion's men, we might
lose more ground
than one! would
imagine. v ;
m... ,1..; e. ';;:'i.r,
There was. a
large rowa pres
II) ;
VCZ battle, and the fans
were treated to some very-roh, my yes,
ever so many exciting moments, espe
cially along towards the last of the
game. ' " i -'
Bolce is now among the star' twlrlers
of the Portland team. He annexed his
first victory since Joining the Beavers,
but now that his f linger is In shape,
look out
t :: ' . ; ,
It looked as though we were going to
see an extra inning game, but when
Buddy Ryan .singled to left field .' and
took second on Olson's rueatbuhti it
was up to Bill Rappa to lace the ball
safely, and he did. I should say so, the
Dill went into lef t f ielA and Wheeler is
still chasing It. ; Ryan? came tearing
horns with the winning run. , . ,
If Buddy Ryan doesn't cut out bis
spectacular playing and hitting, I
won't have any room to slip you:
"Junk" about the other boys. The little
"Irishman" is always pulling something
sensational when you least expect it
In the fifth inning, he went clean from
left center over to the flagpole in
George Ort's territory and copped War
lngs drive. I neve saw the beat of it
in my life. He might not be the hand
somest" player on the team,' but be JS
one of the most 4?popula.H Keep H,up,
Buddy, I'm strong for you'.
' ... H-JiVj
Toser pitched a nice game, but the
Beavers hit him at the right time. His
support was faultless, and the Beavers
won the game on their timely hitting.
Something tells nie the Oaks , are due
for a slump. Let us hope that they
start right now, and continue to slump
until after the Beavers get through
with them next week. . . .
In the first inning Bernle Bernard
laced a high grounder over Belce's head
that Pearl Casey went after and threw
to Rapps. It looked from the press
box as though Bernle was out, but as
Van was right on the job maybe he
knows "bestest."
That boy with the "babyM mouth and
"seagull" form was in evidence yester
day. Oh my, yes. very much so. Tou
President JLoe Cohn Arranges
Benefit Game for team
With McCredie.
Prevtous to the departure of Presi
dent Joseph Cohn of the Spokane base
ball club, for his home last evening, he
completed arrangements with Manager
Walter McCredie of the Portland team,
whereby the prospective winners of the
Pacific Coast and Northwestern leagues
will pla a game on the local grounds,
Monday, September 26.
It was after quite a bit of good na
tured chaffing that the managers of both
teams decided to play this game on the
Vaughn street grounds, the proceeds to
be given to the players of both teams.
Spokane is now leading In the race
for the pennant in the Northwestern
league and will undoubtedly finish In
first place. The season up there ends
September 25 and Cohn will start for
Portland that evening accompanied by
a specie? train of rooters and arrive
here early Monday morning. The Bea
vers being idle that day, it was a good
way of giving the players a chance to
reimburse themselves for their Journey
to their, respective homes after the two
seasons'end. . - .
There seems little doubf but that the
local grounds will not be large enough
to . hold the multitude of fans from
Portland and surrounding towns who
will want to see this battle. The Spo
kane club has many ex-Beavers among
It's lineup, including Cooney, Netzel and
Kratzberg. ; Gregg, who is now one of
lr.ortianil's-etaxwirlers, was last-yew
with the spoxane outfit, so there will
be, a lot of good natured joshing and a
fast game can be expected as the rivalry
Is keen,
vi s. -iJm
m ml
you'&s. HERt.
because, ir
Am vivi5
know who it is that has those wonderful
traits?.'! Billy Speaa? Sure. , Well, this
streak of lightning went aftef Howard's
drive in the first inning, ana he copped
it BQmewhere between the North-and
South pole in latitude 99, , 44 degrees
Fahrenheit fit looked as though, it was
going to keep Doo Cook company but
the seagull was right under It some
catch. . .
tilt. ,.!. "M&J'i : t i.v , r:l-
It's all off after this week. Yes, sir.
the girls will know pretty soon. - They
took a picture of the "mushes" of, the
married men on the Portland team yes
terday; and say; folks, you could count
the single ones on the fingers of your
left hand. This' is terrible news, and
there's no telling how long they Intend
to stay with the bachelors. I wouldn't
say a word about, this,; only the picture
will be out- soon, and you'll know : for
yourself.' Here - are the i , only . single
members of the Portland team, Krapp,
Garrett, McCredie, "Olson and Bolce. , By
golly, . you . can't . count t them. . on your
fingers, you'll, have to use your big toe
to finish' the addition. - .
. : ..
The Beavers pulled off - the squsese
ye&terday "just as easy," and the nest of
it was the Angels were asleep. Captain
Dlilon" never says a word to the boys,
no matter how. bad things are breaking
for.them. . . ;: l,M..'",r,V;,;U ,-t".' :-
' Toser stwjdr on the rubbef yesterday,
aBr.Jie.reminded poo Anderson . of a
lop sided doughnut with a headache on
a Sunday morning. ; - -
' There were quite a fewi descendants of
the ; Mikado at yesterdays game, m It
looks as if they came out to give Tom
Beaton, royal welcom but as the
bridegroom was not in uniform the Japs
couldn't Blip Tom the "banzai," One of
In every country-in
vvnercver you go, you 11 tind Budwcicer and alvays the
Bottled only
,X- 5AV
HEV,? ;
- .ywot
HA5 fctev
them must have had an argument as to
whether Tom was married, or not be
cause his "smeller" was all' chewed off
on the port side.
George Ort was there like a champion
of the world yesterday when he threw
Toser out at first base en a hit to right
field. 1 It was some play, believe me,
and it takes a chap with a "whip" like
Ort possesses to do It , '
Naele will work for the Anrels todav.
while either Gregg or Krapp will work
for the home guard.
Baker Bests Brownie. ' , .
, ; (Special I7pitck to The JoarntL)
; Spokane, Waslu, Sept 1. Baker's
splendid pitching won the game for the
Indians from the Canucks yesterday by
the score of 8 to '0. . Vancouver had
one chance to score when Brinker got
to third when the first baseman erred
on 'his single. But , two men were out
and Dick.; Breen failed In the pinch.;
Score: v . .... , : R.H.E.
Spokane -..................... j 6 0
Vancouver" 0 I 2
; BatteriesBaker : and Bhesi Erick
son and Sugden. - ; -
Hall Defeated Turks. :
' (ppedl ntioitcb to Tbe Journal.)
Tacoma, Wash., Sept L Hall's su
perb pitching' defeated the Turks here
yesterday la a fast game. The only
run scored? was! on Basseys single, a
sacrifice and an error. Hall allowed
the Turks two hits. ' Score: ' R.H.IS.
Tacoma .......... 14 0
Seattle . , .... .w ..,. ...0 3-1
' Batteries Hall - and Blankenship ;
Zackert and Lehrand. :
- : ". ;"''l;r":
-illamlhevrhi to' light, ,
New York. Sept l.-J-Harry Lewls,the
clever : welter weight . fighter, arrived
here today for his ten round bout tomor
row, night with . Harry . Mansfield, , the
English scrapper. . Lewis is in fine con
dition and promises a lively bout The
mill will be staged by ,the . National
Sporting club.
every clime-North, South, EWeithi or cea.
iu uavur-mai s wny its sales
at the
St. Louis, Mo. U. S. A. -CtL
I f (I
ll Al
i na i -i
Wrestler Tells Effete Eastern
. ers About Our Wild and
; Woolly Indians. '
i Here's some news of Eddie O'ConnelL
the Multnomah club wrestling instruct
or, who is now visiting his home In the
east gleaned from a New Haven paper:
"Eddie O'Connell, the former grappling
instructor at Tale and for two years
physical Instructor at the largest ath
letic club In Portland, Or., is spending
a few. weeks at his home in New Haven
with his brother Walter O'Connell, the
wrestling teacher at Cornell. He is
considerably heavier than when he ap
peared in marches in this city and
weighs in the neighborhood of 170
pounds. .
"When seen by a reporter yesterday,
Mr. O'Connell said he had won all of
his matches on the coast the past sea
son and had tried to get a bout with Dr
Roller, who now strips at 22S pounds.
Roller went to England before a match
could be arranged. O'Connell downed
Professor Dwyer and beat so 'many In
dian wrestlers that be did' nof keep
count of them He says there are lota
of redskins out there who can go a bit
but they will never become champions.
Out in Oregon it was O'ConneU's cus
tom to throw an Indian every morning
so as to get an appetite for breakfast
"George Bothner, of New York, was
anxious for a go with O'ConnelL after
'1i IlSl
exceed all other bottled been
- Distributor
HMI vj I
X. Jrrir. I 1
Resort To
i r J u .
tA. ?
the latter had thrown TTiiv.ns
May, of Montreal, who is one of the
uiany gruppjers wno claim - the cham
plonshlp , in the welterweight division
As Tremblay had beaten , Bothner a
number of .times, there was not much
chance .for ' the former Princeton in
structor to toss O'Connell, AIL that
Bothner wanted tn mn nut . a n...
and meet O'Connell was 2200Q for his
nare 01 we purse and 3500 for ex-.
nenses. He was tnlrt th iv .ik
would put up a purse of J2500 for the
men, winner rane aii, and he could get
a side bet of SS00O. Bothner deolined
the proposal." . -
N Pacific Coast League. '
.-..'..ft'. .' Wftn. T.n ,'
. .363
rttruanq 7 -
Oakland ..Vj,....,. S3
San Francisco .... 77
Vernon , 78
Los Angeles ...... 70
Sacramento ....... 63
Seals Can't nit, fa Pinch. ,
'(Special Ditp.tch to Th. Journal.) "
Los Angeles, Sept 1. The Seals' lost
the first game of the series here yes
terday by failing to have a pinch hit
ter In the ninth inning with the bases ;
full.. A single and two walks filled the
bases and Raleigh was taken out of
the box and Brackenrldge put in and
Berry, t batting for Lewis.; hlt into a
double play. Sutor was 'hit hard
throughout the game. Score: R. H. E.'
San Francisco ................ 6 9 8
Vernon t 10 3
Batteries Raleigh. Brackenrldge and"
Prown; Sutor and WiUiams. .
:KC 4i:,.,f.A:'..;'.'" ' ...I ,V . 'j,
Oaks Win on Error,
Ban Francisco, 'Cal, Sept. 1. The
Oaks won yesterday's game on an er
ror by Whalen In the ninth tnnlng. The
final score was 2 to 1. Maggart was
put out of the game for disputing de
cisions. Score: R.H.R
Oakland 2 10 8
Sacramento ...... ...... ....... 1 7 1
Batteries Moser and Mitie, Thom
as; Whalen and Lalonge. '
same in quality
J I 11 II! . n fjb I
V x" I f e-r w 1 I
1 I