The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 30, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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    U J.
' ?! " rt t i r-T) I "f.rt' f -,.,f-f : V , -.t affT.ngi liiff j r f r w -" ' - -., t
;r:!ai:J Aficnts- John S. DroYn hmznz Red Gcoco -School Shoes Glolso-iycrniclso Section::! DooIicccq
Tomorrow, in our seventh floor tearoom,
for the luncheon specials, we serve delicious
Chili Concarne y'Epanolia, at SO
Laupin's Au Pistache,' special at ....10$
BabaAu Rum. special tomorrow at ..lty
Deviled Ham Sandwich, Potato Salad 15V
Cucumber Salad, special tomorrow at 15
Note the low price for Butter tomorrow
in the Pure Food Grocery, and remember
that it's the purest and best butter to be
had, The taste tells of the quality.
Tomorrow, special sale, the square 60
Thursday, the 2-pound square 69'
Friday Surprise Sale Watch.
Saturday, the 2-pound squa're ?
Tomon-ov Hg(ay:
From 8 to 9 A. M.
From 9 to 10 A.M.
Oh Sale From 10 to 11 A. M., Only
From 11 to 12 1,1.
From 12 to 1 P.M.
T T T T " T
y0T Mi
. Dress Ginghams 6c Yard
For the first hour only, on . a large
table in the main aisle, first floor,
1200 yards of Dress Ginghams i&A
fast colors and good patterns; 11
regular 12j4c values, special at U4 C
ChildrenV 15c Hose 8c Pair
hn : haro-airt ' taW Wthe main aisle.
-first-floor. 500 pairs - children- Stahr--
less dye, ribbed cotton nose, in; an
sizesi . our regular 15c ' values,
snecial for : first hour. ' the Dair 0&
'. - ' u.
15c Ribbon at 3c the -Yard
Plain Taffeta Ribbon, in odd colors,
2 and 3inches wide, a lot of 1000 yards
on sale in the main aisle, first floor;
our regular. ,15c and 20c values, O
special for one hour tomorrow OC
Women's 12c Vests 5c Each
11 i ' "' " 1 ,n '. 1 .'
, For one hour on bargain table in the
main aisle, first floor, 500 Women's
Vests, in - low neck sleeveless style,
fine ribbed cotton; our regular C
12c values, special tomorrow at OC
25c Neckwear at 9c Each
jabots, rabats and stocks, slightly
soiled, 1000 in the lot, on bargain
table, in main aisle; our regular 25c
and 35c values, special tomorrow ft
for one hour -8 to 9 a. m. only If C
La' Blache Face Powder 29c
For one hour in the Toilet Goods
Section, first floor, the - famous La
Blache Face Powder, the most popular
face powder known, special to- OA
morrow for one. hour, the box -wC
Thin Blown Tumblers 3c Ea.
For one hour in the basement 10
ounee size Thin Blown Table Tum
blers; regularly sold at 60c the dozen,
special tomorrow for this one O
hour at the low price of, each ; OC
Prom I to 2 P. M.
10c Hair Nets 39c a Dozen
For one hour In the Notion Section,
Hair Nets in all the natural shades,
3000 in the lot; our regular 10 each,
pedal tomorrow for one liour OQ
at low price, the dozen, only J JC
Children's 50c Aprons at 19c
For one hour, an odd lot of Children's
Sleeveless- White Aprons, made of
good quality lawn, Gretchen style;
our regular 50c values, on spe- IQ,
cial sale oh second floor, only 1 SfC
Women's 50c Gloves 19c Pr.
For one hour, Women's Silk Lisle
and Chamoisette Gloves, in broken
assortment of sizes, good colors; reg
ularly sold at 50c the pair, spe- QA
cial tomorrow at, the pair, only 1J7C
Women's 25c Vesta at 12c
For one hour, Women's Summer
Vests, low neck sleeveless style, fine
or Richelieu rihbed; cur-regular 25e
values, in the main, aisle, first 1 0
floor, special tomorrow at only , l&C
Wisdom's Robertine at 29c
A liquid Face Powder, fine for any
complexion, removes tan or freckles,
warranted' free from nnvthino- that
r can possibly injure the skin,
special sale tomorrow at only
Boys' 35c Caps at 5c Each
For one "hour in the Men's Furnishing
Section, first floor, a broken lot of
Boys Caps, good fabrics and styles;
our regular values to 35c, on spe?, r
cial sale for tomorrow at, each OC
'Embroidered Collars 25c Dz.
For one hour only, Women's Plain or
Embroidered Collars, slightly soiled,
sizes 12 to 14; &ur regular 15c to 25c
valuesfZ'i each, or the' dozen orv
u 11
III fieOlNNINO v jlj
$1 Kid Gloves at 25c Pair
For one hour on bargain table in main
aisle, first floor,' 1000 pair Women's
Chamois, Suede ; and , Kid Gloves,
soiled and broken sizes; our 0
regular $1.00 values, at, the pair JC
Fine White Cambric 10c Yd.
i For one hour Ton bargain table, in
" mala alslrTinnex,-1000 yards -of fine
' White Cambric for making undermus-
hns, etc., 3& inches wide; regn
lar .l24c value, special, yard ivC
7c Silk Ribbon 9c the Yard
For one hour in the main aisle, 2500
yards all-ilk Taffeta Ribbon, in
white, black; blue,;., pink," red, navy,
alice and brown; 3- inches ' Q
wide; regular 17c valuthe yard yC
4 Pairs' Women's Hose 25c
Plain Black Cotton 1 Hose, seamless,
fast color, all sizes. There are 1200
: pair, at this low . price, on sale on
bargain table, in main aisle, OC
for this one hour only, 4 pair . fcuC
Men's Cashmere Hose 18c
For one hour in the Men's Section,
first floor, 600 pairs cashmere hose,
in black, gray natural and oxford;
regular 25c values, special to- 10.
morrow for one hour, the pair IOC
:35c - Salt Jtoxes at-25c Each
White' Porcelain" Salt Boxes, r: with
delft decorations, . for - one hour in
the basement Housefurnishing Sec
tion; our regular 35c values, OC
t the low price of only, each OC
Picnic Hams 14c the Pound
These I; hams are tender, juicy and
sweet, exceptionally fine flavor, small
picnic hams, on sale in our Pure Food
Grocery for one hour tomor- 1Al
row at only, the pound iTtC
From 3 to 3 P. M.
Women's $12.00 Coats $4.85
In the Coat . Section, Women' and
Misses' Coats, in broadcloth, worsted,
covert and taffeta, tight, semi, fitting,
or loote styles; our regular l QC
values to $12.00 each, at $40
$5.50 Sugar & Creamer $3.79
For one hbur in Cut Glass Section,
.handsome Sugar and Creamer, me
dium size, heavy handles, in deep,
brilliant cuttings; our regu- f O 7(
lar $5.50 values, special at
$3 Reed Rockers $1.95 Each
On the fifth floor, Children's Reed
Rockers and Chairs, full reed sides,
with arms, handsome and durable; our
regular $3.00 values, special (I QC
for one hour at only, each , w- A tVD
White Lisle Elastic 5c Yard
For one hour in the Notion Section,
White Lisle Elastic, in all widths,
from i to iH-inch; our regular 10c
and' 15c the yard, special tomor- C
row at the very low price, only vt
$10 Linen Waists at $2.48
For one hour in the Waist Section,
White Linen Tailored Waists, beauti
fully embroidered in colors and white,
small tucks, etc. Our regu- tO AO
lar. values to $1000. at only 440
Children's $2" Sweaters 65c
" Boys' and - Girls' Pure" Wool Jersey
and Heavy Wool Sweaters, ages 3
years up, coat or , V-shaped neck;
come in all colors; regular val- CC--ues
to $2 each, special, 1 hour UiJC
Japanese Rice 4c the Pound
For one hour in the. Pure Food Gro
cery Section, fancy. Japanese Rice:
pure white, wholesome and good,
special tomorrow at, tne pound t:w
Wash Dresses, $5
Values, for $1.48
A one-hour cleanup of
Women's and Misses'
Wash Dresses, in lawns
and . ginghams, plain
white assorted checks,
odd sizes ; and broken
lines; values to $5.00,
special sale at 1 AO
Jow price of v '
Lining Taffeta 59c the Yard
For one hour" in the Silk Section,
1000 jards Lining Taffeta,: in the new
shade! of brawn..' navv. . erav. f tan.
gobelin, lavender, etc.; regular Cfl
75c value, special, the yard w7C
Stamped Corset Covers 39c
Corset Cover Patterns of fine ma-
terial stamped "iti T)eautlfur "designs,"
ready to embroidery large assort
ment of patterns, third floor. OQ
Art Department- one hour
$2.00 to $3.50 Corsets at 98c
For one hour in the Corset Section",
500 medium and long waist style cor
sets, with long hip and high or low
bust; our regular $2.00 to $3.50 QP
values, special tomorrow, only OC
Women's 3 5c-50c Vests 17c
For one hour in the main aisle, first
floor, on large bargain table, 50 dozen
women's low neck ' sleeveless Vests,
lace trimmed; bur regular 35c f 7
and 50c values, special at only If C
$1.00 Walking Gloves at 47c
For one hour in the Glove Depart-'
ment, 500 pairs Women's Cape Walk
ing Gloves, in tan only, sizes 5j4 to
7; regular $1.00 values, special A7g
sale tomorrow at, the pair "IC
25c Ribbon at 15c the Yard
Fancy Print Warp Ribbon in all col
ors, four inches wide, a lot of 2500
yards for this one hour sale; our
regular 25c value, on special 1 P
sale at the low price, the yard ; IOC
Cream Cheese 19c the Pound
For. one hour in the Pure Food Gro
cery, basement, Tillamook full cream
cheese, wholesome and pure, the kind
that the most particular people Q
prefer, on sale tomorrow, lb. 157C
On Sale From 3
Women's $15.00
Suits Now -$4.85
Women's and Misses'
Linen and Rep Suits,
in white, tan and blue;
made with 34 to 45-hv
semi-fitted coats; some
plain tailored, others
braid trimmed; regular
vals. to $15,; A OC
special only: w"0V
$8.00 Silver Tea Sets at $5.99 j
For one hour in the Silverware Sec
tion, 4-piece Tea Sets, -with teapot,
sugar, creamer and spoonholder;
Forbe's quadruple plate; IC QQ
regular $8.00 values, only $0W
75c Curtain Materials 12c
For one hour, 200 sample lengths of
Lace Curtain materials, 30 to 45 ins.
wide, renaissance and cluny lace, 1
to 1J4 yards in length; regu- 0r
lar values to 75c yard, strip 1m2C
Boys' 50c Overalls 18c Pair
For one hour in the "' third floor
Clothing Section, overalls for boys,
made of blue or black denim; our
regular 50c values, special to- 0
morrow at this low price, pair , IOC
Men's $1.50 Underwear 98c
For one hour in the Men's Furnish
ing Section, Men's Cashmere Wool
Underwear - in - natural,, color; re gu-
larly sold at-$1.50 the ga'rj- Q8
ment, special tomorrow, only . OC
$2.00 Handbags at 98c Each
100 Women' Handbags, all leather
lined, in tan or black leather fine
quality, all popular and up-to-date
shapes; regular $2.00 values, AO
special for one h,our at, each 'OC
$3.00 Axminster Rugs $1.95
Axminster Rugs, 27x60 inches; regu
lar $3.00 values, special at f 1.95
Wilton Velvet Rugs, in oriental col
ors and designs, 27x54 ins.;
regular $5U valuesonly
25c Hair Rolls for 12c Each
For-one hour in the Notion Section,
tapered or straight Hair Rolls, in
good assortment of colors; regular
at this low price 3 to 4 only 161
$1 White Waists
Special Now 49c
For 1 nour. Women's
White Lawn and Mull
Waists,' in plain tat-,
lored style or embroid
ery trimmed, high neck,
open front, long
sleeves; " good - range
sizes; $1.00 val- Aft
ues, special i at W
25c Mesh Veilings 9c Yard
Mesh Veilings, in plain or dotted
styles, great assortment of colors, a
lot of . 1000 yards for: this hour; reg
ular 25c values special tomor-
row at the low pricej the yard vl
Boys Knicker Pants at 73c
For on hour in the third floor Boys'
for boys from 5 to 17 years of ..age,
in fancy tweeds, knickerbocker TO
style; $1 and $1.25 values, only ;i lyv
20c Embroideries at 6c Yard
500 yards of Swiss and Nainsook Em
broideries in edges and insertions,
eyelet and blind designs; regular val
ues to 20c the yard, special to-'
morrow for. one hour at only UC
$1.50 Umbrellas at 93c Each
Men's and Women's Umbrellas, fast
black Italian . cloth, paragon frames,
or 16-rib style, 26 and 28-inch . size,
neat handles; our regular flO
$1.50 values, special at each 5mC
Lace Curtains at 79c Each
300 single Lace Curtains, none in
pairs, Irish Points, Clunys and Re
naissance effects, white or ecru; reg
ular values to $10 theair, spe- 70
cial for one hour at EACH I UC
Hoppickers' Gloves 6c Pair
Hoppicking time is1 here and every
one who goes to. the hop, fields will
want several pair of Canvas Gloves.
Men's, women's and children's
Canvas Glove's, special, the pair OC
75c Preserving Kettles at 56c
For one hour, Royal Steel Gray Gran
iteware Preserving" Kettles, 12-quart
ir4 ixrnlar 75c valne. nef ial - .in
the basement Crockery SecJion.Pl? J
at this very low -price, each tJOC
to 4 P, M. Only
Dress Goods, 60c
Values, Now 45c
For one hour in the
Dress Goods Section,
1000 yards of 36-inch
new plaid Dress Goods,
?:ood colorings; . tine,
irm, durable weave's;
regular 50c yard, spe
cul at the very AC
low price, yard TrOC
$6.50 Go-Carts at $4.23 Each
One Motion Steel' Collapsible Go
Carts, with mbbeMired wheels, laree
hood, reclining back; our regular
$6.50 values, special for one d4 no
hour on .the fifth floor, at wTifaJ
$2.00 Motor Veils at 95c Ea.
A. great bargain in Motor and Auto
Weils, made of fine grade chiffon, 2
yards long, one yard wide, large 'as
sortment of -colors; regular QC,
$2.00 values, special at only JDC
Women's $1.50 Silk Hose 95c
For one hbur, Pure Silk Hose "for
women, made from the woven cloth;
will . not run, in,, the thread; come in
black only; regular $1.50 qualr QC
ity, special for only, the pair VDQ
60c Batiste at 25c the Yard
For one hour, White French Batiste;
32, inches wide, 25 pieces in the lot;
regularly sold at 60e the vard, spe
cial in White Goods Section OC
at this low price, the yard JUdC
Sugar-Cured Hams 19c Lb.
Mild and Sweet Sugar Cured Hams,
the same kind you regularly pay 25c
,tne pound tor. JSo phone orders
filled for these; not more than
"two to a customer, the pound IJJC
75c Laces at 14c the Yard
300 yards of Venise and Net Top
Lace Edges and Bands, widths from
1 to 3 inches. Come- fit white "and
cream only; our regular values 14
to 75c the yard, special at only X ft C
Women's $1.50 Drawers 87 c
For one hour, Women's " Drawers,
made of fine cambric, nainsook and
muslin, trimmed with embroidery and
laresT-w-TrgtrTrrsrr vaPTo 7"
ues, special, on second floor, at Of C
Women's $15 Dresses $4.85
For one hour, one-piece dresses for
women, made of linen, in all the lead
ing shades; some with .Dutch necks,
sizes 34 to 38; our regular A Or
values to $15.00, special at VI0
Boy's' Shoes, $1.09 the Pair
For . one . hour, boys' and youths
-Shoes,-inchocolate-vict; black or tan
Russia and kangaroo calf leathers,
sizes 10 to IZYi, special fdr f 1.09
Sizes 1 to $one hour at fl.29
Seif-Lighting Mantles ,27c
Something that should be on every
gas jet No matches required, you
simply turn on the gas and the man
tle lights itself;' regular 25c 07
value for one hour -at only lC
Boys' Knicker Suits at $1.98
For one hour in the Clothing Depart
ment, third floor, dark mixed cheviots
and cassimeres, sizes 7 to 16 years,
stylishly made; our regular AO
$4.00 suits, special at only $130
85c Emb. Flounces 25c Yard
For one hour, 18-inch Lawn Flounc
ings, with tucks, embroidery and lace
insertions, suitable for women's pet
ticoats; regular values to, 85c, OC
special in Embroidery Dept. mwC
$1 .50 Sewing Tables 99c Ea.
For one hour on the fifth floor, Sew
ing Tables, with top 36 inches square,
with yard measure, steel spring fold
ing device; our regular J150 QQ
value.special tomorrow at only 77C
25c Stationery 10c the Box
1000 boxes fine quality Linen Writing
Paper, with envelope to match; a
grade regularly sold at 25c .the box,
special tomorrow for one hour fl
at the very low price, the box ? 1UC
From 4 to 5 P. M.
Children's Shoes $1.09 Pair
For one hour, .Misses' and Children's
Pumps and Oxfords, in tan and black
vici kid, patent leather, gunmetal;
food .leathers; sizes 8j4 to 11, 1.09
izes 11 V to 2, ipewal, pair , fl.29
Women's 7c Handk'fs at 4c
For one hour in the first floor Hand
kerchief ' Section, plain white hem
stitched kerchiefs,.-full size, J4-nch
hemstitched border;, regular 7c A
va'es, special tomorrow, only C
50c Wash Silk at 25c the Yd.
For one hour only in the Silk De
partment, 1200. yards of Wash Silks,
in polka dots and corded effects? reg-"
ufot prices 50c the yard, spe- OC
ci?.l tomorrow for one hour at mwC
60c Table Damask 39c Yard
For one hour in. the' Linen Section,
first floor, 25 j)iecea Mercerized Dam
ask, "prettypatterns, -good finish and
quality; our. regular 60c value, Oft
special tomorrow at, the yard 7C
20c Hose Supporters 8c Pair
For one hour in the; Notion Section,
Children's and Misses' Hose Sup
porters, in wide, strong elastic; black
or white; our -regular . val-; O
ues, special sale at only, fh pair OC
,$10".00 Wool Rugs $7.3S Ea.
For one hour in the Carpet Section. 1
Wool Rugs; in several colors, 9x12 ,
feet $10 values, , special at f 7.35
wide; reg; 35c values, special fa JC
Favorite Blend Coffee at 25c
For one hourVin the Pure Food Sec-
ttnn Our Kavnrit Rliifl Ctff Am
cof fee, tomorrow, the pound iuC
9 IDS,, arJCWiAU, 1 ilUUK ?
Children's 60c Rompers 62c
For one hour in the third floor Cloth
ing Department, fast color charabray
and gingham Rompers, pink and
white stripe, ages 1 to 6 years; OO
our regular 60c values, only U&C
Women's Low Shoes $1.47
'.. 1:, 1 .;'.,,' '' . - ' , '
600 pairs Women's Low Shoes,in
"laHnialent leather, "Rus'sTa" calf and"
vici leather welt or turn soles, broken
lines', most sizes; our regu- f A 7
,.y?!uii! $5.00 pair; only! 9 IJtl
Men's 50c Ties at 25c Each
For one hour, Men's Handsome land
Stylish FoUr-jn-Hand Ties, all new,
flowing end or French fold style; 100
dozen in the lot; regular 50c OC
values,' special tomorrow, only uuC
Women's 50c Hose 18c Pair
Plain or Fancy Brick Hose, in black,
white or colors, lace boot, embroid
ered boot, polka dots, etc.; full fash
ioned; our regular 50c values, 1 O-i-special
for one hour, the pair IOC
35c Jewelry at 12c the Piece
For one houra special lot of Pretty
Pins, combs, barrettes,- stylish i and
natty;, helps tothe appearance of the
smart woman; our regular 25c lOl
and 35c values, special at only 1C
Women's Handkerchiefs 11c
Fot one hour, In the Handkerchief
Section, first floor, Women's Em
broidered Linen. Handkerchiefs, with
tf-inch , hemstitched borders; 11
our values, special at only i 1C
35c Curtain Net 25c the Yd.
For one hour in the Drapery Section,
good French Curtain Net, in ecru
only, 50 inches wide; regular 35c val
ues, special from 12 to' 1 only OCi
ai the ( low 1 price, the, yard '.
From 5 to 6 P. M.
35c. Tooth Brushes 19c Each,
For tone' hour, in .the" Toilet Goods
Section, special lot of Tooth Brushes,
for men. and women, alt sizes, all
styles and textures; our reg- 1 ft
ular 35c values, special at only IvC
President Suspenders for 29c
For one' hour in the Men's Furnish
ing Section, the Genuine President
Suspenders for men, in lisle and me
dium weight webbingralways Oft
sold 50c the pair, special, only 7C
Men's Low Shoes $1.87 Pair
For one hour in the Shoe Section,
third floor, low shoes, made of patent,
"colt "leather, with hand welt sole,
sizes 6 to 8$; regalar $5.00 .M 67
and $6.00 .value, the pair $lOf
Men's $25 Suits Only $5.65
For one hour in the Clothing Section,
third floor, all wool suits . of black
unfinished worsted, sizes 40. 42 and
44; high grade; regular tC
$22.50 and $25.00 values $J.U
Women's Flan'l Gowns $1.09
For one hour in the Muslinwear Sec-"
tion, women's Outing Flannel Gowns,
slightly soiled from handling; our
regular $1.50 to? $2.50 val- C ! Aft
ues, special at' low price vlU
Women's Umbrellas at $2.39
,, . i 'i .1. 1 1 .1
For one hour. Women's Umbrellas
of colored silk, with novelty handles;
best grades, -good colors; our regu-i
lar price $5.00 and $6.50, 0 OA
special for this hour, at ? wLtOJ
Child's 20c Collars 3c Each
For one hour, Buster Brown Collars,
2XA and. 3 inches wide: sizes 12 to
j U54t-eglar4y-pried-r5e' and-20cf
valnes, special sale in Neckwear. O '
Section at the low price, each OC