The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 24, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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    T" IT A T
izXJ sv;;G pool
After a visit of the rark board and
ths mayor yesterday afternoon to the
if swimming pool at Sell wood park,
they decided another one should be built
4 ... T J 1 ' . ... 1
abla to attract the boys along useful
lines. South Portland people have been
after SuperlntendfintMtsehe and the
park board, to build them a pool, and
the opinion of the board Is that It shall
be done. The peninsula people also
want a dooI. They will be taken cam
and Stark streets. This meeting is
called by resolution of a convention
hel $ Ab gnst-ttr-Bt-wMctr-l 2clnbs "were
represented, for the purpose of complet
ing the permanent organization of a
body of delegates from all the clubs to
discuss and act upon matters of com
mon Interest ,
Written notices have been sent to the
presidents of all the clubs whose names
could be obtained, and It Is expected
that none of them will fail to be r res
mittee will present a set of rules for
the government of the club and for the
conduct of the meetings.
It is common knowledge that the
rules of order 'are a large factor in
the, future success or failure of the
organisation, and It is expected that
thev will be carefully and thoroughly
Fall Rh
of as soon as possible.
considered. Some unfinished business
' " uwuiu rui unnu ctinj' next year, xne
new Sellwood pool has proven bo pop
ular In filling a want long needed that
the park board will be very liberal In
the way of swimming pools.
Instead of the boys using the river,
they will be given nice cement tanks,
relating to school matters will come
up. The members of the school board
A convention of delegates from ths
have been Invited to attend. , ir time
permits some new matters may be pre
ent with their delegations. All the
lmnrovement clubs In this cltv in en
titled to representation, and If any have
not received written notice thev are
improvement clubs of this city' will be
held at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening: at
will vIaIA marVetahle
wnere they will have a sand pile, lock
. o. auu jiiio, tucK- meiu i o ocioc icimorrow evening- at I nereoy requested to send at last three I sap at the age of lour pr rive years ana
, than will M l I a l A. : . . ... . - -. " 1
hereby requested to send at last three
Bjmramwu. , jo una iino uinco sujie oi jonn xi. noon, tnira delegates, one or wnom should. If pos- continue to do bo until It is aoout it
i of attraction, the city hopes to be 'floor of Lumbermens building, Fifth l glbls, be the club's president A com-1 years old. . ' . . ;
Portland Agents Willamette Sewing Machines Buy One on tho Club Plan
-Pay LOO Down arid g l .00 a WeekrMachine Delivered on First Payment
V mm WW
, (fl); V kW
:-'-;.;'v--.' I'M' "fV " ) ) I ' ' '
TerGreaer, Meier 'Friam&'-StoiPfe
Yum Yum Woven Wire
Springs Spieciql$l.89
I ' Tomorrow and Friday, in the Fourth Floor Furniture
Section, the lowest price ever offered on the best
spring made. They come in all sizes. Strongly made.
-Everyone knows what the Yum-Yum Spring is and
what they usually cost. Sizes 2-6, 3 ft., 3-6, 4 ft. and
4-6.v Take advantage of this phenomenal fl Qii
saving and buy them now at this low price 3) I Oy
$5 Small Rugs at $3 35
$3 Small Eliigs at $1.95
Tomorrow, in the Third Floor Carpet Section, Electra
Axminster Rugs, size 36x72, in large variety (fr y j j.
of patterns and colorings, regv$5.00 values MtOu
Size 27x60 inches, regular $3.00 values, special at $1.95
BIGErOVTAXMINSTER RUGS; size 30x60 inches.
Values regularly sold at $4.00 each on spe
rial sale for tomorrow at this very low price
to 4 Halls
legiSar &0 for f 5e
w ,r & Wis
To make room for our fall importations of Hats
for autumn and winter wear, we have repriced
every hat, shape or frame now in stock at prices
that cannot fail to effect a speedy clearance.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday you will have a
grand chance to buy millinery, many styles being
so cioseiy aineq and so much m touch with some
of the fall arid winter models that the economical
...... " 1 ' .' i - V 1 ' ,
purchaser will readily see the advisability of tak-
ing advantage of this bargain opportunity. There Bff
w a Bai wciu-u,,anu wim mis ena in Vh
view prices have .been cut far below the regular fL.
wholesale cost. Take advantage of the savings. 0
tOT ONE Qever adaptations of; imodrted models.
alsooriginal creations. from our own stock rooms. The
former prices range from $12.00 to $40.00. (f 7 PA
Specially priced for three days' sale at only P uU
LOT TWO Street Hats in a large variety of styles,
mchidmg hats appropriate for the present season ; also
models suitable for earlv fall wear. Fnr. t1 i
J merly $6.50 to $15.00. Specially priced at 3)t)"t)
LOT THREE Auto Bonnets in a laree varietv of
styles, regular values up to $9.00 each. & J i f
Specially priced for this great clean-up at 5t40
..... ...... .
LOT. FOUR-Ready-to-Wear Hats, suitable . for sea
shore or mountains, and some nnnrnnriat tl -i rr
for fall wear. Values to $8.00 for 3 days & I ,"5
LOT FIVE Sailors, a lot of just one hundred.
Regular values worth up to $5.00 each. Spe- fiJZA
cially priced for this great clean-up sale at VOC
LOT SIX Children's Summer Hats and Bonnets,
the entire stock to be cleared "out at extraordinarily
low prices. . - Take advantage of the savings offered.
LOT SEVEN Flowers, Foliage, etc., all that are
left over, must go at once, as we carry none over
from season to season. Special reductions are of
fered on the entire assortment. Tempting low prices.
LOT1 EIGHT Ostrich Plumes, Our large stock
containing hundreds of plumes white, black and all
colors -offered at reduced prices. Take advantage
of the big values and low prices and "get aTfine plume. '
See the New Arrivals in Women's Suits. Coats. Waists, Etc-New Silks
and Dress Goods, New Embroideries and Laces, New Gloves, New Hosiery.
New Veilings, New Suits for Men-It Is Worth a Special Trip to the Store
Every Day to See the New Things as They. Come in-Take Advantage
.- ' -- ' . ' ' - ' ",r
Don't Miss the Demonstration of Nemo Corsets. Mrs. A. L.
Craig, an Expert From' New York, in Charge of the; Dem
onstrationCome in and Be Perfectly Fitted With a Nemo
Tailored by hand Made up in the miost
Stylisk Materials and. in the recogbnized
fashionable, fall colorings These, suits are
equal to those sold in other stores at $20
Balance! of Stocktof Summer Suits at
Third and Oak
First and Yamhill v
89 Third
. First. and Morrison.
; Second and Morrison
;?v ' MiOTxr TP a 1 1 . Qn i c
jl v v v x uijl Km u.x iO
via . r . J rf Vy
. f
pun v' -i
Zq -..C3IB9
Guaranteed to Give Service ,
Equal to Any $25 Suit Bought
Outside of This Store -
Materials (both inside and out),,
style fit and tailoring of the suits we
sell at ?15 are equal in every way to
those sold outside of our store at $25.-
That's why we ban guarantee them
to give equal service1 ; '
We give a written guarantee.
Popular Price Clothiers
Fifth and Alder
,r ., fcitnwJMEiiiHlij
New Throueh Service
8aillng Every nve day.' Direct to
To 3an Francisco First Class..... f 10.00, 813.00, fl5.(KWSeconl Class, $ 5.00
9S, 9
id B
J. W.fRANSOM. Agent, Ains'worth Dock, Main 248.
iu oau f imiuiacv nisi lans. . oxuaiu, bj.ji.uu, fio.wisecona Ulas
To Los Angeles Firs Class.. .. . .831.60, $23.00, 938.60 Second Clas
H. G. SMITH, C. T. A., 142 Third St., Main 402, A-14C2.
Vby thousands of people
"'" Out of town popl
etn hT8 tholr pJo(
no Dnugewon on
,!llhd la OM
oltr Crawra S.OQ
Qotd Fil!ln
EumI Filling
InliyFillinii 2.50
good RuMtr . m ttm'
piitw 5.C3
BMt Bed Rub.
m.W.LWlH.nmmtMMiiuai WltM I.OJ
, n tmw tm'.Mn n win Pilnlni Extr'tlm t0l
TklnlaM Extraction U rn whraplotMorbrldne work
. inid. OotiiiUtio Snar.Xo ooDBOt mi (Mitar m
Mitood. UodcrneloctrioequipniKot. Bmt metliod
for S3.5Q
22k (old or orclai
VissBental CoJ
every day. - ;
TOSBODftfl: A.M. ff.ll, Ionia?, S to J