The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 24, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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Low Stage of Water on River
' Gives Major Opportunity to
. Locate Necessary Pjaces for
. Work."
.. Taking advantage of the present stage
.Of low .water In the Snake river, Major
Jay J. Morrow, United States engineer
officer In charge of the Second district,
Is making an inspection of the river in
a skiff.
The purpose of the Inspection being
made by Major Morrow is to look over
the river in order to find out where to
expend this year's appropriation to tie
best advantage. He .started his trip
in th vicinity' of Riparia or Palouse
Jlaplds, and will make the. entire trip
to the mouth of the Snaked near Uma
tilla Rapids, In a skiff, accompanied
probably by Captain Bowman, master
of the dredge Wallowa.
The present stage of the water in
the Snake river, from Lewlston to the
mouth of the river averages about half
' a foot below the ero mark, which was
placed by the United States weather
bureau officials at the lowest point
ever known by rivermen of that sec
tion when the gauges were put In. It
is expected that this low stage will
be of material benefit to the major in
making his inspection, as he will be
better able to see what places are most
in need of attention.
The appropriation for the work on
the Snake this year la $25,000, and at
the present time one drill scow and the
dredge Wallowa are at work improv
ing the channel. Th river is now at
thti lowest stage that it has ever been
Since the gauges were put In, and it
Is Impossible for the work to be car
rJed on In some places.
This Wallowa is now at Palouse Rap
ids, where she IsQffysting put sub
emerged reefs, and the-dcill scow is at
Pine Tree Rapids engaged in similar
1 On- the Columbia river the dredge
Umatilla is engaged in building wing
dams at Homily Bapjds. The dams are
being built there while the water is
high, and as soon as It falls to a point
where this work cannot be carried on
she will take up the matter of lmprov
, Ing the channel. Another drill sepw
' is at work on the Columbia at Uma
tilla Rapids, blasting out reefs. The
improvements being made by the dredgo
Umatilla, and the drill scow at Uma
tilla Rapids are being made under a
different appropriation than those on
the Snake. , 1
It is expected that Major Morrow
will return from his inspection to
morrow, ;. .
Has Lumber Cargo for China Other
. Lumber Carriers Finish Soon.
It Is expected that the British steam
er, Glenlee, Captain Sloane, which Is
at the Victoria dolphins, will complete
. her lumber cargo for North China to
day. She Is taking on the remainder
of her cargo at the dolphins from the
: river, the lumber being rafted from the
mills to that place. She is under char
ter to the Pacific Export Lumber com-
pany, and will take out in the neighbor
hood of 8,600,000 feet of the Oregon for
est product She will probably leave
down tomorrow.
, The British steamer Belle of Scot
land, Captain Nutman, Is about due to
finish loading-lumber for China at Linn-
: ton. She is under charter to the China
Import & Export Lumber company and
will leave port with about 4,000,000
feet of lumber aboard.
Another lumber carrier, the Norwe
gian steamer Alden, which Is completing
her cargo at the Inman-Poulsen mills,
twill finish about the end of the month,
and clear for China, for Balfour, Guth
Tle & Co, and the Norwegian steamer
Selja of the Portland & Asiatic fleet,
Is now finishing at the Eastern & West
ern mills for Manilla, and it Is expect,
d that she will be ready to clear the
. last of this month or the first of next
Collector Malcolm Authorized to
Lease Launch for Purpose.
Collector of Customs Malcolm has
received Instructions from the bureau
; of navigation at Washington. D. C, to
detail his inspectors' department ti
' make a patrol of his district in regard
; to the regulation of motorboats, sal'
boats, rowboats and all other small
craft. The bureau of navigation has In
view the enforcement of the navigation
laws, in so far as lights, equipment,
life preservers, and the means for' ex
tinguishing gasoline are concerned. The
collector has been authorized to lease
a launch for the purpose and the patrol
will be Inaugurated In the course of a
few days.
The state board of pilot commission- j
ers, through Captain Fred Hagemann,
and the governor of th state, have of- :
fered the use of the pilot schooner to ;
Commander McNulty for the newly or- :
fcanlxed Oregon Naval militia. With I
the schooner the reserves will be ablo
to practice seamanship and the duties '
of the sailor aboard a ship. Recruit- !
Inn for the naval reserve Is progressing !
rapidly and it is thought that before j
long a full division will be completed !
Drilling of the new recruits will begin
in tiie near future.
Reward for Chinese Cook.
A reward of $100 has been offered for
the apprehension or Information that
will lead to the apprehension of Lee Ah
Htng. cook on the British steamer Glen
lee. who deserted from that steamer at
midnight yesterday. The description
given of htm to the immigration In
spector shows that he Is 35 years of
X - Utti Cofdntml .
I H' ' A safe and simple remedy 16r
Ifm I Bnnckitii, Oxtarrk, HJ FttT
' "' I taAtauMtkme, trrltotloM, nine
I V. I tlonj of ALL mootn. namtmnM
I i it '4 I of llnlnfi of the bom, throat,
t pj I atom&ob of trtcukTj onto.
9i etcn furstlf mwmmmm
traotlM with owSb bottle I I
" " A ' r """" L- jj
Til Imt Qemial
! age, S feet 8 Inches tall, no queue,
I and that he has a- round scar under each
ear. He has not been aeen since he left
the ship and In case lie Is not captured
before the steamer Balls tomorrow, the
owners will probably have to give -up a
$500 bond.
Astoria, Aug. : 24. Arrived at mid
night and left up at 10:30 a. m., British
6teamer Towergate from. Puget Sound.
Arrived down at 1 a. m., Barge Amy
Turner and schooner W. F..Jewett. Ar
rived down at 4 a. m., Steamer Redondo.
Sailed at 2 p. ra., steamer 8aginaw, for
Raymond. Arrived down at 9 a. m.,
steamer Golden Gate. Sailed at 7 a. m.,
steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Arrived
at :16 a. m., steamer Caplstrano, from
San Francisco. Sailed at 10:40 a, m.,
steamer sGolden Gate for T'Hak
Left up at 10:40 a. m., steamer Capls
trano. . " ,
Eureka, Aug. 24. Sailed yesterday,
steamer Eureka, for Portland.
San, Pedro, Aug. 23. Sailed, steam
ers Geo. W. Elder and J. B. Stetson, for
San Frajiolseo, "Aug. 23. Sailed at 8
p. m., steamer Hoqulam, for Portland.
Astoria, Aug. 24. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth.
Wind north 6 miles; weather, clear.
TIdea at Astoria Thursday: Hlgn
water: 4:00 a. m., 7.6 feet; 4.20 p. m.,
8.6 feet Low water; 10:06 a. m., 1.6
feet; 10:69 p. m., 1.0 feet.
Notices to Mariners.
Notices have ' been issued by John
McNulty, nautical expert In charge of
the local hydrographie office as fol
lows: Captain G. Banting, American steamer
Col. E. L Drake, reports passing a
small wooden vessel, bottom up, 66 to
60 feet long. Painted tight green. Time.
August 13, 1910. Place: Latitude 44 de
grees north; longitude, 124 degrees, 36
minutes west. Twenty-one miles south
$7 degrees west from Heceta Head.
Derelict vessel, about 40 feet long, 10
feet wide. Bottom covered With barna
cles. Sighted by Captain Theodore John
son, American schooner Alber Meyer on
July 24, 1910. Place: Latitude 38 do
greesc, 44 minutes north; longitude, 137
degrees, 24 minutes west
latitude 40 degrees, 34 minuter,
north; longitude 124 degrees, 34 minutes
west passed a spar standing 10 feut
out of water seemingly attached to
submerged wreckaage. Captain Cur
tis, steamship Santa-Maria. July 19.
.August 12, latitude? degrees, 38 min
utes north; longitude? 12S degrees, 26
minutes' west, a small-Vessel bottom up
was sighted. 8 .
Florence, Aug. 18, V10. Depth at
11:45 a. m., 10 feet, 6' Inches. Aids in
good order. Channel is from beacon and
end of Jetty. F. A. Florence, Lan
county, Oregon.
Coqullle River Bar. Aug. 16. Depth
at chart plane, 8 feet. Aids in gooJ
order. Channel straight and In ccnte-
between north and south Jettiets. J. 1,
Kronenberg, Prosper. Or.
The mall address of the war vessels
California, Pennsylvania and Co.i.rauu
will be changed from "In care of the
postmaster, Pacific station, via San
Francisco," to "In care of the postmas
ter, New Tork City," until further no
tice. The address of the Buffalo will be
When You Think
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness alwsys associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards as a natural necessity there it no woman who would
ot gladly he free from this recurring period of psin.
Dr. Pierce' a Fmrorlta Prescription mmkea
weak women atrong mad tick women
well, and Urea them freedom from pala.
It eatabllahea regularity, aubdnea tnllaw
nation, hernia ulceration and cures
male weakneaa.
Sick women sre invited to consult Dr. Pieree by letter,
frtt. All correspondence strictly private end sscredlv
confidential. Write withont fear snd without fee to World's Dispense ry Med
ical Association, R. V. Pieree, M, D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
If yon want a book that tells all sbout woman's diseases, end bow to cure
them at heme, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing
enlj, and he will send you s frtt copy of his greet tbonssnd-psge illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in psper covers.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stsmps.
Contagious Blood Poison is the most powerful and destructive of all
blood disorders. 1$ corrupts and vitiates the entire circulation and mani
fests itself in the most hateful and loathsome symptoms, such as ulcerated
mouth and throat, copper-colored spots, and even sores and ulcers on differ
ent parts of the body. The poison causes the hair and eyebrows to fall out,
and sometimes the linger nails come off and the entire glandular system is
j attacked. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood Poison which does not
;rid the circulation of every particle of the insidious virus. The least taint
left in the blood will break out afresh, when treatment ia left off. S. S.3.
! Is the real and oertaln cure; it goes into the blood and by removing everyi
particle of the poison, and adding rioh, healthy qualities to the circulation,
forever cures this powerful disease. All who suffer with Contagious
; Blood Poison may cure themselves In the privacy of their own homes by!
1 using S. 8. 8., and following instructions contained In our Home Treatment
Book, which which we will send, together with anv medical advice desired.
free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
what these two
Dr. Wong Him, 1268 OFarrell
street, San Francisco, Cal. Dear
Sir For several months I suffered
.with terrible agonies of pain in my
stomach, not being able to eat or
retain any food. I got no relief
until I was recommended to you.
After the first treatment I got relief
and now, after several months' treat
ment of your herb medicine, I feel
entirely cured of my trouble. Dur
ing my treatment with you I have
gained SO pounds. " I tender you my
most sincere thanks and remain,
gratefully yours.
MRS. E. THOMAS. Antioch, Cal.
Bing Chong
Cures all diseases of
men and women by
use of the famous
Chinese herbs.
orrica hours
8 to 11 a. m.,
8 to 6 p. m.
Office, room 11,
U2SU Alder St,
or 133 1st St.
11 a. m. to 2
p. m., 6 to 11 u. m. 385 rianflets, Bet.
tn-atiff-eta, r--
Y ' f . I
xf.'s.:.. - i
nm iiiirl ilnlmiinijmr niifl
"Asiatic station, via . San Francisco,
Cal." Albany the same.
Time ball drops On the custom house
at 120 degrees meridian-' mean noon.
Charts for all the world for consulta
tion. Corrections for all charts,, sailing
directions and pilot charts for free pub
lic use. ,
Naval reserve recruits will hand their
names and addresses to 600 Chamber of
Commerce, Captain Shepherd or to 407
Custom House, Commander McNulty.
."""Towergate Here for Lumber.
For a cargo of lumber to. be trans
ported , to Buenos Ayres. the British
steamer Towergate arrived at Astoria
this morning; from'comox, and left up
for Llnnton at 10:30 o'olock. The Tow
ergate will take on, be .cargo of about
3,000,000 feet of lumber at the Llnnton
ballast dock, to which place the ma
terial will be rafted and barged from
the Monarch Lumber company's mills.
She is under charter to the Pacific Ex
port Lumber company.,
ll'i Make Man Tablets ton Reed
We Prove It Free.
"Nerve wrecked" seems like a harsh
word, but it's true. There may be a
mousana reasons wny your nerves have
become- totally wrecked. It ' does not
stop .there, weak, worn out nerves is
the cause of most bodily ills. The blood
becomes Impoverished thin and watery
uric acid gathers in the system, caus
ing . Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble,
'i'hen comes Nervois Prostration, Sleep
lessness, Anemia and a general break
But listen there is a certain sure
cure in the right way with the use of
Mane-Man TaDiets. Tftey are the safest
most beneficial and effective nerve
Duiider, blood purifier and dlsease-de-fler
ever compounded. They have no
equal. Try them today. Don't be
a Skeptic, Skeptics die young, because
you can't convince them.
B. E. Morehouse, Portland, Oregon,
frankly states: "I have taken two box
es of Make-Man Tablets, and I find
them' to be the best medicine that I ever
took. I have gained ten pounds In three
weeks, and I can now obtain a good
night's rest."
Make-Man Tablets will make you well.
You can try a 60 cent box, free, by
writing today to the Make-Man Tab
let Co., 255 Make-Man Building, Chica
go, 111. If you are already convinced
that Make-Man Tablets are what you
need, you can obtain them from youi
ilruKglRt at 50 cents a box, with mosey
back if not satisfied.
p3 I
Established in California Since 187a.
Between Oongh and Oct via sjts.
No Agents. No Branch Offices. Beware of Impos
tors. No Samples of Herbs Sent Out.
Dr. Wong Him has cured hundreds of ailing men,
women and children by his wonderful Chinese herb
treatment. If you are ill, call or write to him. Read
gratefui patients Say:
Dr. Wong Him, 12C8 OFarrell
Btreet, San Francisco. Dear Sir
For several years, while suffering
agonies of pain, I tried in vain to
find relief from physicians of vari
ous schools of medicine. When, as a
last resource, my life being In great
est and Imminent clanger from a
mortal disease? applied to you, you
cured me with your Chinese herb
treatment and saved my life, for
which cure I tender my most sin
cere thanks and remain, most grate
fully yours, MRS. PAULINE KARL
FORMES, 1458 Grove street, Oak
land, Cal. . .
The famous
DRS. S. K.
C1IAN. with
their reme
dies of herbs
and roots
cure won
derfully. It
has cured
many suf-
iJJ' whenMkS.J.lUIIAN
uiuvr reme
dies have failed. Sure cure for chronio,
private ailments, nervousness, blood
poison, rheumatism, 'asthma, pneumonia,
kidney, throat and lun trouhl
diseases oi mi Kinns. Kemeaies harm
leas. NO OPERATION. Honest treat
ment. Consultation free. Examination
for ladles by Mrs. B. K. Chan. Call or
write to i
228H Morrison St., Bet. Tirst fc Second,
: Voxtlaad, oreea. . ...
Fees In Simple Cases
To Perfect Health, Strength
and Robust Vitality.
When Others Fail
Call and let us give you a careful pains
taking examination absolutely free. Our
opinion and advice will cost you nothing.
Perhaps a little advice Is all you need,
X-RAY Examinations
When Necessary Free
Remember There Is No
Man Too Poor to
Get Cured by Us.
No Money Required to
iwivii. lilt, m. a uiii a ut a M. jr owmaB
us, with their permission, refer you to CURED patients and show you letters thanking us for curing' them wIVen
others had failed. Call, let us convince you. Call and get the facts and truth about our treatment.
You Who Are
comes active, the nerves become strong
eyes beoome bright, the face full and
tems are invigorated.
We invite ail
We treat men only and cure promptly, safely and
thoroughly and at the lowest cost Varicose or
Knotted Veins, Hydrocele, Weakness, Blood and
Skin Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Disorders, 171
ters, Sores, Painful Swellings, Burnings, Itching
and Inflammation, Urinary Obstructions, Nervous
ness, Loss of Strength and Vitality and all Special
and Delicate Disorders of Mem
Onr fees as specialists for cures are less than those charged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines fur
nished from our own laboratory for the convenience and privacy of our patients, from $1.60 to J8.50 a course If
you cannot call, write for our PBEE
Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 12 m. only,
em's 'Ailments
Scientific Treatment
My success has come as a reward of abil
ity and honest, earnest and scientific ap
plication of thorough understanding.
There is not another physician or specialist anywhere who treats men's
ailments as I treat them. This is a fact thatshould be duly considered by
tho6e who have repeatedly been disappointed in their efforts to obtain a
cure. In no other branch of practice has medical science so lagged, and
the forms of treatment now commonly employed among the profession are
largely based upon theories that have been handed down through genera
tions of doctors. An evidence of tWs is the prevalent inability to success
fully cope with several of those ailments peculiar to men.
I have learned Nature's laws applying to their cause and cure. Through
this knowledge I have rjerfected forms of treatment wholly original and
distinctive. Every requirement for a thorough cure is scientifically met,
and as a result I am able to completely master cases commonly regarded
ae incurable. I especially invite those who have" been long afflicted to con
sult me. My success in curing difficult cases has brought my marvelous
growth of practice and made
Men' Ailments
Every case of ailment I treat Is
thoroughly cured; my patients have
no relapses. ' When I pronounce a
oase oured there Is not a particle of
Infection or inflammation remaining,
and there Is not the slightest dan-
frer that the disorder will return in
ts original form or work Its way
into the general system. No dis
order Is so trivial aa to warrant un
certain methods of treatment, and I
especially solicit those cases that
other doctors hare beea unable to
You Pay When Cured
Advice and Consultation Free
- .
Come and have a private talk with me concerning your ailment." Even if you are not .prepared.
to undergo treatment at this time, I can always give helpful suggestions to men who are disor-
dered or ailing, f you" cannot come to Portland, write for particulars of my system of home
' treatment. Interesting literature; and colored charts if you will call. ;
. Offices Open ATI Day From 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to 1.
. Momson
The Reliable
clear, energy returns -to the body, and
the arructed to
consult us personally or
Suffering From Lost Strength
cure you and make a man of you. Under its Influence the
aa steel, so that nervousness, bashiulness and desnondencv dlsapp
If In Trouble Consult Us Today, Free
We have added to onr office equipment, for the ben
efit of MEN ONLY, a PRSE KUSSUK of Anatomy and
gallery of scientlflo wonders. Man, know thyself. Ltfe.
else models Illustrating the mysteries of man, showing
the body In health and disease and many natural sub
give you the very best opinion, guided by years of suc
cessful practice. My cures are permanent and lasting.
No tonics that stimulate temporarily, but thorough, sci
entific treatment that cures.
tay Cured.
Original Methods
I depend upon nobody's theories, but
treat my patients in the light of my own
knowledge and experience.
me the foremost specialist treating men's I
Onr 110,000 Museum of
Anatomy Is now open to
male visitors. Ths largest
snd finest en the coast
All men visiting Portland
Should see this education
al exhibit, showing ths
numan bedy in wax reproductions.
Street, Corner Second, Portland, Oregon
fi r o - Th n fi1
brain be-
ear, the
the moral, physical and vital
by letter.
BOOK. Hours. 9 a. m to B n m
29 1& Morrison Street, Bet.
4th and 5th, Portland, Ore.
The Leading SpeotaUH
war OWT.Y.
V u novrx J mm
Varicose Veins
' Wlthost using knife or eaustlo, with
out pain and without detention from
business, I cure varicose Veins in one
week. If you have sought a cure else
where and been disappointed, or if you
fear the harsh methods that most phy
slolans employ In treating this disorder,
come to me and I will cure you soundly
and permanently by a gentle and pain
less method. Don't delay. Varicose
veins havo their dangers, and bring
their disastrous results. ' If you will
call I Will be pleased to explain my
method of curing.
dosing to drive the vires, to the Interior,
but harmless blood-cleansing remedies
that remove the last poisonous taint.
1 1 " 1 111 """ - '." 1 .i
r. 1 t
i Xs positively cures Varicose Veins.
Hydrocele, Buptnre, Obstruction, Special
Ailments of thv4Proitatlo Troubles, Kid
ney and Bladder, Blood Ailments and
Ksrvous Weakness.
If you want a perfect cure, cure to
stay cured, treat with the old reliable
firm. Don't .waste your' money with
cheap and unskilled' specialists. Get the
best always. The best Is none too good
for you and always the cheapest in the
end. .
Remember, we treat only cases we
can cure. Cure or no pay is our motto.
What more can you ask?
We will cure you of , your trouble
never to return If we i tell you so. Re
member this. . -. -
We are specialists In our line, not
cure-alls. . .
Call at once and 'let a true specialist
examine you today, not tomorrow. ;
Stop suffering; get strong and vigor
ous. What more to be desired than
health? Nothing.
Come and consult us free of all charge.
If you live anywhere in the states of
Washington or Oregon, then you know
of some one in your neighborhood whom
we have cured, for our practice extends
to all parts of these states, and even
Into other states. '
We guarantee a complete, safe and
lasting1 cure In the qulckets possible
time, and at lowest cost for honest,
skillful and successful treatment.
Consultation and examination free
and confidential. Call at once. , ;
Tie Old BeUabl Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance ' 128 Second street. Portland,
Or. Office -nours 9 a, m. to 8 p. 'm.
Sundays, 10 a. m.
i. 10 i
p.. m.
You Will Feel Better in
a Few Treatmenfs
Through the relief afforded to suffer
ing humanity in this Northwest, C. Gee
Wo, the Chinese doctor, has been her
alded by all his patients s the great
est of his kind. He treats any and all
diseases with simple yet powerful reme
dies, compounded from Roots, Herbs,
Barks and Bulbs, many of which are
not found in this country and their
healing properties familiar only to the
Chinese scientists. With these remedies
he guarantees to cure Catarrh, Cancer,
Asthma, Ziung Troubles, Bnsumatlsm,
Nervousness, Stomach, Zalvsr and Kid
ney Troubles; also Private Diseases of
Men and Women.
If you live out of town and cannot
call, write for symptom blank and circu
lar, inclosing 4 cents in stamps.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese MedicineCo.
1st St., Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or
Are You Sick?
Dr. D. Qlng Chow
Noted herbalist of the
Chinese empire, now
associated with the
On Wo Tonjr Chinese
Medloine Oo. This
noted doctor has
learned the secrets
known enly to the
famous Chinese sa
vants for over 4000
years andhas specially Imported herbs
from the remote provinces of China ths.t
positively cure all Ills of the human
system. Diseases ot the nervous sys
tem, female disorders, blood poison,
stomach trouble, etc., absolutely- cured.
No matter how many doctors have
failed, no matter how many -medloines
you have used without result, call on us.
We can cure you.
Consultation free. Treatments by mall.
On Wo Tong Chinese Medicine
and Tea Company
93 ad St.. Honrs 9 a. m. to 10 p. n.
C?i&. !!' Ah y..r UraniM lot
S'lll In Ur ana
out, tetied with
ti b.. .th... n... -r .... v
tun knows u Bat, SUcst, Alwnv Rallible
CERTIFICATES or tltto made by the
Title A Trust company, Lewis oldf ,
4th and Oak.
A. G. Carlson and wife to H. A.
Reinke, 16x470 feet beginning
at - the southeast corner of
Tract 2, Lamargent Park .... 880
Herman Metzger, trustee, to B.
F. Marshall, lots 5 and 8. block
8. Reservoir Park 800
Holcomb Realty company-to Bar-
Limi barai..Zlglcr..Jo s l.n ?. and f j r
uiock 10, xryington Park . . , . BOO
EaWTERS Abstfaci Trusv ut, room
Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts
ABSTRACTS of 4ltle. D. Alajiler aC
irci niriffe. tu oroeTi nios;. Main
PACIFIC-Title & Trust Co., the leading
ADsiraciors, ut-o--j Failing bldsb
tee of Wo Pay
- L ' ( 1
Vj -A-- it
Gee fell
War SB " '?
If M
Moid uraadV
Mold mullicV
Blua Ribbon. W
''4 I : .. ; 1 , - ' ..-,. .'