The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    " tl
S Giving Machine
Custom Shade and
Drapery Work on :
2nd Floor
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p3 Sol d 'on
Mli Floor
Hthe Tliird Floor r.
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Portland's ' first FREE MOTION I PICTURE" SHOW opens ' tomorrow.
Ma tin (t
E v en in g
-il IPerformance
In our Auditorium; Fourth
show in the city. All are invited to attend any of these performances free.
showing the wonderful demonstratioVin honor of the homecoming of the
iavored ex-president from his famotfa hunting trip in South Africa,, The
most enthusiastic picture ever taken A refined; interesting educating per
formance for old and young. Don't fail to see it. ABSOLUTELY FREE.
dDMs-W wfliMM-lKfipi SatflUFiayEvWg
" ';,;.!' t " -i r" ' "''V'i';'-."xl-""-"J-"L- ;L" '.'- '
In addition to pur fine Motion Picture Show; we will give a Public Concert
on the !Third Floor. On account of the many attentions and beautiful ex
hibits, the; thousands of people bent on pleasure and sightseeing, the- busy
shopping at the various counters, the demonstrators showing the, merits of
their goods and waresthis store seems more like a great fair than a mer
chandising emporium. 'ALL" ARE WELCOME foTENJOY TOMOR
ROW'S ATTRACTIONS. Popular selections by one of Portland's lead
ing ; orchestras. Come f and spend v a t pleasant evening;' Visit the PRO
ERY, Fourth Floor.; REST ROOM,. PUBLIC TELEPHONES, 2d floor.
CaMy Pep
Tomorrow we open our Candy Department, which in every way promises
to bethe best in the rcityw' Only the purest goods will find place here. A
complete stock of Standard HometMade Candies will be carried in this sec-
LATES, excellent assorted chocolate bonbons in boxes. A full line of Mail
lard's fine jar' goods,' package goods, etc, Jordan Sugared Almonds, cte!
.FINE HOME-MADE CHOCOLATES don't fail to ask for them.- They
are made by our own candy-maker and only the purest materials are used.
There are many attractive features about this department. Pon t fail to
pass that way when visiting the store. In Basement, near the soda fountain.
Royal Worcester iBon iTbiu
bBciti'Copsiets Sahllri Waists, Etc EtcJ
Manlcqrlrig and ' Ilalr Dressing
Department, oh the Second Floor
The most up-to-date' parlors in' the city, under the
management of Iadarn Hudsonj All attendants are
graduates ok Eastern schools; assuring the; best of
service. Facial massage,' arm' rpoulding, hairdress-"
ing and manicuring a specialty. .. On i second, flopr.j
The Ncw.Trunli and Bag Depart
menit Seated 6
Sole; agents for 4 Portland for : the famous "Inde--
structo" Trunks. , A complete stock of Handbags ':
Suitcases ;Straps,t Tags,', etcv' We guaranteelthe' -lowest
pricei on travelers' accessories of -anyhouse .'; , roruana. u, in trie, trunk department.
.V-' . J. .
, The best high-grade Castile Soap, large, cakes",, mottled; ior. toilet and bYth;-iii-:
lar orice 10c a cake;, very special Saturday, at i the; extremely low. price of. cake ; tC IT-
Tooth Brushes, a lot1 of 1000 in all style and shapes;, jnany !goQd, hand-drawn gen-. ,1 (A "JV
uine bristle brushes in the lot; pur egular 2Scialuef;. 'special tomorrow only, choice IUC -W
L-yiiiBf '-twu ul Tn?i 'lion .. i
ADalry Lunch -In the
Ba b e iTi en t Cafeteria
: '
Light lunches, sandwiches, hot coffee," tea,' choco-
late, malted milk", beef bouillon, etc.," served on short
notice ; Hot cream of chicken sandwich'; onr Oft
special ' sale: all day tomorrow at this price,' faUC
Special 1 n Basement
Ice Cream and Cake 10c
Purely made ice cream, peach, atrawberry, vanilla,
chocolate tlavors, . Diackoerry water ice, pineapple
and, orange ice served with; cake, -which 1 fl
made in our, own bakery; special tomorrow 1UC
In the Boys' Section of bur Oothing Department tomorrow --a sale of 300 Boys
xvnKKerpocKer suits, au new ooupie-Dreastea, singie-Dreasrea ana jorioiK styles.
r- ' i Marl rf all-tonnl material Vi nMvf nattrn ailftrH. tn ietav trttrfVier ' Rit-c
Ctrt' . : for boys from 2 to 17 years of age. Parents will find the most reliable ) in
rTT41' 7 1 1 . 7- , , makes of clothing at this store. Reg. $5.00 values priced for tomorrow at bfaT:
Peroxide tf Hydrogen, the. strongest and best made; the best antiseptic known;. IO
our regular 25c the bottle; special tomorrow at; the, very.; low; price of,. per,bottle iC
1 rl - -4 OTl ' fl. -.' rt'I' rtTI ' VfVTl Tl 1 XT TTT h v - ' . ' - - Tfc T? T " n '
unnffl, siu iae :TOm9 w oiriiM-siini: a raiffl Moire
I ! I ff" ' ' 1 - ,-. (.(.toll. 1tS' I I "I II , , . , , , I , )l i . 1 ( C(J - M
and West , Park SttFeett:
6 to 9; 30 F M
Shop in the evenings at thia beautiful new,
store. .Three and a half, hour pi bargain
wonders,- which are of vital mtereat to all
thrifty; people. Specials from 6 o 9:30."
Women's !15c Vests f or "Sc
Women's 35c Pants for 18c 1
65cWomen's Union Suits S9c -
6. to 9:30 p.: ra. tomirrowWotnen'i low
neck; sleeveless Vesta, sues 4,
:m'ade of good quality. cottonV our reg- '
uiar 15C values; on special aaie, eacn : g
UNION SUrrS--An odd line of Women's
Union . Suits,' -low neck, aleevelessilace
trimmed, : umbrella style or s tight , OQl
knee ; regular valuer, to 65c; . special ' O i? C ,
WOMEN'S PANTSA very special even-'
ing sale of women's lace trimmed cotton
Pants, sizes S and 6; our regular "IQf
3Sc values ; special evening price' at A C
Women's 35c Wests for 10c
. i ' .. , , . " ... ', t i..
Women's 25c Vests for 11c
6 to 9 JO p. m. tomorrbw-An evening sale
; of Women's low neck aleeyelesi Vesta,
with lace trimmed yokes, excellent quality
cotton; our regular 35c values; on Ifj
special sale, evening price at only) 1 JC
ANOTHER LOT of low neck sleeveless
Vesta, with plain or trimmed yokes, sizes
4, 5 and 6; our regular 25c values; 11
special . evening sale prict at ;, only 1 1 C .
50c Veiling at 17c the Ycrd
75c Windsor Silk Tics nt 29c
-t it.v..f i-: .'.. : : ..v.-j;
6 'to 9:30 p.lm. tomorrow-A hig showing '
of Windsor-Ties in fancy deiigni v They
are all silk, in it full assortment of colors;
special evening price at only,; each t29f
VEILING Odds'. and ends, to be sure, but
to you it's the same a though we had com.
plete lines. (You only , want a veil length
or possibly two. " .There is a good variety
of colors in pliin and fancy meshr 1 7
values - to 50c; .special price, yard til C'
Boys' 25c Caps tor qnlylOc
Boys' 50c Caps tor Only 19c
6 to 9:30 : p: m. tomorrow In theneV'
. juvenile store," first floor, 50 dozen Boys.
Caps, in good seasonable patterns and materials;-
our -regular 25c values; ilA'.i
special evening price at pnly, C;v
LOT 2 There are 25 "dozen' In this lot and
: they are' rare surprises iri vaTuev;; The pat
terns and , materials are good; our n '
tegular values -4 to 50c; .special at liJC
Gl,OQ Fancy lVeck wear at
g2:gQ Auto -Scarfs for:si;j
FANCY NECKWEAR All "the short
lines.' and :o4ds and .ends in Women's
.Fancy .Neckwear, Dutch '-collars, -' lawn
and lace 'combinations,' Datcfi collars
-with jabots attached, jabots and i cas
cades in all the newest styles, some are
, a: little; mussed, - but all are' excellent
values to $L00; bn specfal sale -QQ
-all' lay tomorrow? at- this, price 1 OoC
Ol.GO Silk Gloves at Only;98c
. . . . , .i . ., : : ,: ' '"'' " 1 'i,'"1" "
Women's High-Grade Silk Gloves in the 16-batton 'length ' 'Colors black,
white, gray, diampagne, navy and red. Very popular summer;
AUTO SCARFS Hardlr a' day: jn the
year, when you ; won' -'h ye use . for ' an
"auto' scarf J; Every woman should own
'one.1- Tomorrow weojff'er a big'shoWing
Jf all the Jp6pular,shadesf21yardsi long
and ', 1 yard wide, neatly .hemstitched ;
our regular $2.50 values; 4onveryspe4
cial sale -for ' this t Saturday ! d
sale at this-s very ' low-price1 v 1 .K)
""" 6 ivy anq rco. vciy popular summer , fQ it last DiacK cotton,. sizes 0a to vyt. ine PCSt VSiUes we nave ( m ,m ;
styles.- Reg. 1.50 values specially marked for this sale,: the pair-"oC j . yet offered. Ready sellers at 25c pair.- Special for tomorrow atl4C
Boyo Waoh Suits at
Children's Wear at One-Half
pity to put a heavy suit cm a boy these
not days . when : good , cool wash suits
'can be bought so, reasonable.' We offer
all pur new. sujts,' sizes 2ji ,to 8 years,
made of good -dependable wash ma-
iterials, cut in very latest stylet; regu
lar 75c to $5:values; special ' sale -1 A4
for Saturday at' this lowprice, at 2
Chliclren'o 25e
CHILDREN'S WEAR The infants',
and children's store, second fldor,, of
fers for tomorrow' selling, an exten-.
sive stock of -Muslin Drawers, Gowns
and Skirts; ages from 1 to 6 years, all
good style, well made garments; our
regular selling values from 15c to $375;
on special sale for tomorrow .at- fa
the lowtprice pf exacy on-half
Hose Only 14c
Children's and Misses' Hosiery in fine quality;! and. 1 'rib, excellent quaW
ity fast black cotton, sizes 0 to y. The best values we have
S10.00 lalucs 'for 5359
Our, final. August Clean-Up Sale of 200 Linen
"Coats,, alt- new; styles, semi or n tight-fitting; .
, plain ttaUoredi'or'i shawl collar effects, -fine or
heavy weave linen materials; full length and
cut full in the skirts.' white or natti. ' J
jal colors. - Reg, val. to $10, special J J J
a iu 6ic Buoma inicrcsi u women, as mere
,, "ii' ! I V'f' i! .ii mi ;i i nil i i.l! i , ; (
are styles in the lot for every occasion. While ,k
enjoying the attractions of the day,' take a'fcyg':..:',
; nuiiutw . w twn u gugn uu unc, Anere are , 4
coats of pure linen materials and cloth-of-golfi ?
silk. They , come m: plain tailored styles cu;,
on the neat semi-fitting lines. Some have th '
plain' self-faced collars, others are faced witl
blue and' white polka-dot materials. They 'ar.(
all new,' styled in the ' full lengthl fcp Tf A
Regular values to $18 JO priced at tjD,b j
."1 ' - A ' '
AIM. -1 r 11
- , .a a i
02.00 Eagle Shirts lor 01.35
03.50 E. & W; Shirts for 02.35
The liiost popular shirts on trie
market. Famous for their good
ness of quality, perfect fit and ex'
cellent patterns. An enormous
showing of values from $2.00 to
$3.50. They are madeof imported,
madras;Jfine percales and imported
ginghams. ' They are made right. .
too. ' Cutt to fitr and the seams are :
sewed so they will never, rip. : It's
needless to say "There are plenty ,
-of handsome patterns"; All fash-
ionable fellows know that the best
, . - ' , .
patterns are" always found .. in the
E. & W. and the Eagle z Shirts.
-1 fi
Tomorrow we offer our regular $2.00 values at, each, S1.35
Tomorrow we offer our regular $2.50 values at, each, $1.65
Tomorrow we offer our regular. $3.00 values at,1 each, $1.85
Tomorrow we offer our regular $3.50 values at, each, $2.35
6 to 9;3Q P: M
Come and enjoy a pleasant and. prontaljJc
evening; visitiflgr and shopping in ' this great
! emporium. Many attractions introduced.
rr':'- 'I,' - 1
;Womch 'o 5 Coata
' . 'j 77 '
Suits and Drcsoto
ST. SO Value 029
6 to 9;30 tomorrow evening, we offer tne
, pi the." greatest ; sales we have ever .at
tempted ' in ? a general way. We witty en-,
deayor to make a final and complete clean
up of 1000 Women's Ready-to-Weap Gar
ment v including linen coats in full fength,
semi-fitting! styles, neatly" tailored;. linen
or cotton crash suits in natural or -! colors,
semi-fitting ' jackets with pockets, ' a ' full
line " of sizes; lingerie dresses,, all new
stylesin..fiiie la wa. materials, trimmed ' in
iaces, embroideries, etc; street' or ' house
dresses in all colors, the newest styles;
some with tunic effect skirts,', others that
button from top to bottom, a complete line
bf sizes; all grouped at one frO Mt
price; regular values to $7.50 $lJ
$1.75 Waists tor 79c Each
6 to 9:30 p. ro.-An unusual assortment of
lingerie and tailored Wash Waists, all new
styles, neatly trimmed in laces, embroid
eries, etc: This sale promises another great
crowd at 6 o'clock. The offering deserves
a liberal response; values' to $175; 7Q
'special' evening sale price at only 'lfC
Women's $10.00 Hats $5.00
6 to '9:30 p." m. In the millinery " store,
second floor, a good line of Kail ; Hats,
trimmed" with . fancy wings, quills, .bowi
and contrasting color ribbons and coni.c
feathers; to .vtrart -arly shoppers
offer $6.50 to $10.00 r values" at tff flft
the extremely Jow price of only pOUU
85c Alarm Clocks at 49c
Guaranteed t:mcKeeper, frre to get you
-op " in the . morning. Take ; advsrntag'.
$3.75 Wash BoIIeriat $2.50
Boys' Stockinps the fiatr 8c
6 td 9:30 p. m. First 'special sale- of'-Bovs
'pioiKings in ur new ;uvnue Department;
good, ' dependable -quality cotton, - fast col-.
:or.s;t double" ktife, "heel and toes; our ; y
. regular 1 5c sellers; 4.pecial sa!e.pri;c OC
Regulars Gi25Hat1Flhgg Special 57c
Regular gQc Cutt Llnlco Special 19c
The jewelry store, first floor; offers for, tomorrow's attraction an entirely new' line
of Rhinestones and fancy atone set novelties in eold aiid silver; finish 12- Pi j
inch stem hat pins; regular $1.00 and $1.25 values; on special sjale at on
CUFF, LINKSH-For mea or; women, i, All new oatterns in 12-karat rolled ; in
jpjate and' rose or gren gold finish ; regular stock values to 50c;! special for 1 5? C
I uenuinr 51.35 uowns yc
Women's Gowns, niddeof good 'quality'
join gcloth ''in;.' th e ' slipove, an d V-neck
pYn frbifjt , styles.: nicely ! trimmed in
torchon !ate and ".embroidery: Oft
Ul;25 and" $1.35; values; at,, eaclf'0?C
A broken ; line' 6f ; Women's, Bon Ton
Corsets, made Vof fine French . coiitil bp
Ktici. ,i.:ii: 1 i.'...i..i.i.
waiiaictr uvtftu Willi uuui VaAa U1C Wd'
lohn, ; , trimmed ' 'with POace-
errb, or rjbbbn; val. to $12, at
240 1
Mcri'SMTGct lJnclcpwcar at 3Sc
y ! T'-' 1 1 - 7 r i' i i i ( i ii i ; i , w i n '
A general cleanup 'of all short lines and broken lines of Men's Summer Underwear,'
lisle thread, meshes, 'mercerized lisles, nainsooks; .soiseftes, dimities, bslbrtggans;
etc w Every style and kind of a: garment, , short sleeve shirts and knee length
"drawers! 'or long sleeve shirts aitd ankle length drawers; we' group entire lot J ly;
for this great aale' tomorrow and rn'ark every articTe In the lot at half price f3
11 We will send one out i(ondayJ ; They are
. good copper wash boilers; No. 8 and 9;
regular $3.59 ; and $375 values at mSiSO
$1.50 tea Kettle at 87c Each
Nickel tea -kettles in sies 7, 8 nnd 9; reg
ular $1.25, $1.35 and $1,50 values at 7f
50c Caps and Saucers at 25c
Thin - china decoratc(f-'ps an! Viuccr.,
Regular 50c Socks at 27c
(A' big: showing of Men's Fancy Half
Hose,' embroidered,' lace or solid )w1g
"colors ;v regular - 50c values, cat ';C
Reg, $1.00 Neckties at 55c
-i-T"-) ..' . - ,.. .... , . , , ,,, , ,, tl
Men's F.our-in-Hand .Ties, iri a very se
lect line of pattern: all arf this CP
season's:' $1 values:, special' at OJC
25c Hosiery at 12c a Pcir
Women' Cotton' and Li-le H-e in fi-
made, white.-grays and ptnk; to
ular values lo 2c: '.ale w t