) THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11, 1310. -.- . . - . . i , ,. I , , -' r -- . I -" ' i . . . I ,. o 4 r t c T-fa r i FOR SALE LOTS,, WHAT gives property value? Its neat niatha business center of town. F.BwtiOty. IB this fact ernphasiied when ;...-'w tivA nfAaa Wlin One Alio MoV Stop bemoaning lost opportuni. a io. , vmi did not get in on tne ground floor when youxan buy row ves. now when tno lot future or Portland 'is assured, on the ' west Side, with frontage on one of the prin clpal Streets, within tne mue circle of the P. O.. right on the carllne nd with all improvements, Pavement, cement sidewalks, sewer, gas end water mains, included in the PuT.P1rt of 11800. Terms. This space will be worth from $30,000 to M-MO' ? residence restrictions are off. The Wan who bifilds here will grow rich. B-'Jeu, Journal lii WfjPEIT? - have choice bloct of suburban property at 69 per cent below price on account of owner a jieed of ready money. A cash payment, c-f 12600 will handle this, and we can as sure the purchaser a profit of 200 per cent on investment. Kxolusive Agents, Chamber of Commerce. SG0O. 50x100, south front on Humbolt st, $15 cash and $15 per month. , .; : $1!50. 60x100. on Albina ave.,, Improve ments In and paid for. $2600. 60x100, business lot on Missis Ippl ave. : James D.Ogden"'" " , 1 MS. Miss. ave. . Thones Wood lawn 102, C-200B. Irvington 14th and Schuyler ts.r swell 100x100 quarter; paved streets, Ideal site for swell home. .., - . .' JfSU. " HAAS ft RINGLER. 211 Lewis bldg. AN EXCELLENT investment; view lota that are really close In on the west elde, 1. e., within walking distance of P. O. and those that have an absolutely unobstructed view of everything with out the climb, together with-good jsar service, are scarce, and will be mighty valuabie in the near future. I have such a lot on the" proposed Scenic boul evard which Is to be four miles long, for I1S00. Terms. , In a year you won t be able to touch it for . $4000. - C-765. Journal. ' ---'- - ; Close in Comer, Holjaday Ave. Income over $750 per year. Stores can be built in front New R. R. bridge makes this most desirable corner on Holladay. Price will be $16,000 on com pletion of bridge. Owner leaving for higher altitude. Will sacrifice for $11, O00 H cash, bal. 6 per cent. No trades. This Is the best Investment buy in Port land. Call 818 Abington Bldg., mornings. ONE acre tracts. West Side, finest soil. close to cent car fare; splend d ma cadamised county road, magnificent view, unrivaled for a suburban home, cheapest close In acreage to be had, very easv terms. Take United Railways car to Glen Harbor, agent on the ground, or call 422 Mohawk bldg. I !Mr. BuyerIf you want a ranch or acreage in merest coun ty in the state of Washington, and at reasonable price, see the following!, Ml El! if 1 Improved 10 acre tract, nlr-4 -miles from city limits; very best of soil; no gravel; near school, church and store, new house and barn; bearing orchard, level road to -city ;- adjoining 10 acres sold for $4500 cash. This tract for quick sale .$3750. $1750 cash, balance 7 per cent. . - CHA8. L. HUNTER, r .- ' 22S-226 Boardof -Trade, ' Look everywhere then come to us, for we can sell you 6, 10 or 20 acres of cleared land close to Portland, deep rich soil for less per acre than you1 can buy large farms -adjoining; lays next t? four of The largest and best orchards in th valley; mile from station; the Oregon Electric alsohas right. ''of wayfthrou6B property. COUGHLAN CO, . 430 Lumber Exchange Bldg. - 5 and-10 Acre Tracts - AH cleared, now in ' crop, located at St. Paul, Marlon county. W are sell ing these tracts for $150 per acre on your own terms.: We will take you to see them by auto Sunday. Better Join our party. Phone us for full Informa tion. , The Standard Realty Co., 421 Mo hawk bldg. Phones M. 1980, A-83S4. 10 acres in cultivation, remainder cleared; running water, old. house and barn, close to electric line, less than 1 mile from steam line, close to Portland, $180 per acre.-- -' -.-' -BROWN ft BTAVER, 411 Couch bldg. HAWraORNE'AVEiJE "LOTS' ' ' Not near,' but facing right on the av enue, corner of S2nd; will. If sola with in next two weeks, go for $1000 each. Owner on place. ... 50x100 Lola near - Piedmont car barns and Jefferson high school. Price $525 . Terms,, $50 cash and $10 per month. - Summit I nvestmentCo. 128 Killlngsworth Ave. Phone Woodlawn 1617. DOUBLE YOUR MONET, ' V' XIO MONTHLY, m '''" A good level lot on graded street, with Cltv water, cement want going aown, close to carllne and only 12 minutes ride to new Madison bridge. The new bridge and many new homes building will yield big profit on small investment for you. Complete abstract, perfect title. Call at once, 516 Abington bldg. . '10 ACRES Black soil, all In cultvatlon and tiled. On electric line. 12 miles from Portland. Price $220 per Acre; Terms ' Summit Investment Co, 129 Killlngsworth ave. Woodlawn HIT. ONE acre tract. room hoiise chicken house and park, small fruits, SO cords of wood, good water, 18c fare; price $778; some terms.; Nimmo. Runey Co., 81 $ Hamilton bldg. CHOICE home site, nearly all in fruit. 4 blocks to country station on ure gdn City carllne; $800 cash, balance very easy terms. w-(8, journal. "SWAP" OOLOIX 25 60 acres, $2400, terms; 40 acres, with cron and- personal pronertv. 17000. terms; 80 acres, all clear with crop and personal property,' $16,000, terms; 60 acres, crop and personal property, $6000, terms; 4U acres, an clear, running water, swale land, $5000. The above buys are near railroad, school and less than 30 miles from Portland. The following Is acreage on carllne. and near Vancouver: 11& acres, good buildings' and in high state' of cultiva tion. $6000, terms: 10 - acres, - $4500, terms; 5 acres, $1460, terms; 10 acres, szxou, Terms.. For further information call on or address . . . , J. B. ATKINSON. Room 1 Commercial Bank bldg. ' Phoner Maitr 669.-""Vancouver,-WaBh," BARGAIN. :; -,. . ' 43 r acres, $4000; a terms or will take $1600 in trade: 10 acres cleared balance logged off; 00 cords good wood, 80 acres good pasture, 22 apple trees 8 years old; good black loam sou room nouse. small earn; fenced with ' 8 : wires, water at. back door .fromgoodi spring; ..1 mile from scnpoi, on state road 3 miles rrom railroad station, train to Portland every hour and only 23 miles from Portland. ATKINSON & EDICK, Room 1, over Commercial Bank; Phone 600 ; Vancouver Wash, Helpl Helpl I Must Have Money, I absolutely must raise some money at once andwlll sacrifice, my beautiful 16-ncre farm, 8 miles east of courthouse; on hard surface road, near electric line, 16c fare; over 800 assorted fruit trees, 1 acre each, ' currants, goosebes, grapes, raspberries, blackberrlesfogan berries, strawberries, balance lit garden truck; Fine soil, no gravel, fair build ings. I must have money. ' Will sacri fice tor J6750; $4760 cash, bal. long time. Talk with owner. , Nichols. 620 Board of Trade bldg. - Umpqua Valley. Oregon 636 acres; 235 bottom, balance ; mostly open pasture; some tlm-, ber; well watered;-water piped to ' house and barn; on county road and R. R.; phone, R. F. D,; 7 , room house nearly new; 2 barns; alt fenced with Page wire; $36 per acre. Grungstad, 829 Chamber of Commeroe. - . I HAVE practically a new Oliver type writer; I want a smaM safe in ex change for it. Room 511 Gerilnger bldg. A Syracuse liammerless shotgun, made to order: not worn-any.wwith' ejector; in fine condition; expensive case: for a Jersey cow. Fred F. Huntress, biu ijura ber Exchange. , 1 . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 TRADE FOR CITT PROPERTY. w40 acres of good fruit land, running water, on county road 66 acres of rich bottom land, H mil from town,, good location for dairy. 50 acres of fine land 8 miles from Kelso, live water, good road. ' Kelso,' Wash. Farm for City Property , - " If you have a house and lot or lots that are right in price, we have some choice acreage in the Eagle Creek sec tion that is Al, with goodlmprovements. Bee us at once. MOUNT HOOD LAND CO., . . 712 Rothchlld bldg. WHY buy where you have to ride all day on the street car when (you can ret a lot on the west side, -within easy walking distance of the P. O., ln.a splen did locality, where there are beautiful liomea, for $1400? Terms, the west aide is the side, and it Is the place to Invest your money. C-769, Journal. GOOD FACTORY LOCATION CHEAP. 100 feet or more frontage, with track age, on macadam street, near manufac turing district of South Portland. Prop erty faces two ,treets: good - location for blacksmith, etc. This is for sale by owner who will sacrifice so as to dis pose of property quickly. P-686. Journal. A BEAUTIFUL lot 60x125. Joining Laurelto'n Heights, -on 53d st. with bouse; fine view. Bull Run water. All for $1000; terms." Also 2-horse spring wagon, .fitted for camping, cheap at $(ia. Call or write 1623 li. Ullsan cor bith) any time except Sunday. -. . LIKE living in the country but still . within the mile circle on the west elde, I have a full sized lot, near car line, with beautiful trees and f ollage. wHiL'ia-wild-Beenh nature' view, for $1800. Terms. C-764. Journal. EMM ml Southwest corner, of Holman and Haight; 50x100. witn alley; must have money; will take $1100 cash. . Phone owner. Main iiiv. . ,WHY go on the east side when you can get i lot within walking distance on the west side, in an exclusive restricted district, near carllne, for $12507 Terms. c-jst, journal. - YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park ror ouu; i-a aown anq io monthly. Building restrictions. Bull Run water. . eireeia graaea. cemeni siawaiKS. 1 24 626 Board of Trade bldg. PORTLAND' Height, splendid . lot on carllne In an exclusive residential dis trict, for $1500. Terms. L-769. Jour- , rai. - MT. TABOR PROPERTY1" IOts, " acreage and , tracts . for sale - by Wilson A Myers, end of Hawthorne - - rar line.- Tabor I860.- '" FOR SALEBelle Crest lots near Coun- try cjud grounas, eo each. LM62, I'ASOKAMii; lot. on west side. . viubu in, tjuvuyx, grflliT, S -(t jtmr - ni. , lUrtftt-H loi, tn ana E. Clay sts.; triing. uwfici. rimnc jaoor ACltKAGC FINE country home, consisting of 8 acres in berries and fruit, 7 room house, poultry house, etc.; 1 block from carllne, 1 miles from Portland; will-sell lor part casn; would taKe some im proved -city-property ;rprlce $7500.. 446 Mawtnorne ave. ' t.asi sis AUTOMOBILE. 40 horse, 4 cylinder, In A-l' condition; value $1800; to ex change for beach property at Tilla- mookOr. W. H. Lang Co., 414 Abing- ton Diag. EXCHANGE! 28 room rooming house ror most anything; fine lease, near new bridge and depot. Main 8S53. 229ft TO TRADE 60x50 corner on carllne: 8 room house; will take 5 passenger au tomobile as part payment. Call A-7130. iwei, journal. Alfalfa and Clover Farm . Guaranteed as advertised. . We have 1(0 acres of land In Douglas county, 20 acres is of the finest river bottom, all sub-irrigated. Better land cannot be found in Oregon, Does not Overflow; beautiful trout stream -- through the Flace; excellent hunting and fishing: on Ine county road;- 3, 600,000 feet of tim ber; near good town. This is a snap the owner needs the money.' Don't an swer this unless vou mean business. Pries $2100;-$800 will handle. Call at once.' 808 Board of Trade. v LAND. SEEKERS LOW RATES ' TO' ALBERTA. ' . , Now Is the time to go and in spect the crops Just before the harvest. Write or call for book lets and full information. - IDE-M'CARTHT LAND OX. , Colonisation Agents Canadian Pa cific railway. 425-26-27-28 Lumbermens bldg. 140 acres unimproved land, fine soli; 30 miles from Portland on railroad; land all fenced, plenty water. $26 per acre; $1500 cash, balance long time, per cent; will take Pdrtland property up to $1000 or $1500 for first payment. Own er. Acme Real Estate & Inv,- Co., 880 Chamber of Commerce. - " - 1 43 ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 Rooming Houses ".v 16 rooms, 8d st, $1100: $660 down. 12 rooms, nthSt, $1050: $600 down. 13 rooms, Flawtrs: $800; terms. 12 rooms, 6th stl $700. 10 rooms, 3d st.;j$750. " ' ' " -See Rose & Camreii. We lend to buy ers. Room 14, 2v V4 Washington st. A-3OS. 7 Room House; West Side Very substantial furniture: owner must sell: will not refuse any reason- abe offer; rent $22.60; can get S more rooms ror jio .extra monthly. can S4H 6th. - - - .. v.- v .". - . 42-R00MS-42 - Monev maker, rood location, - rood lease. Price $1300; terms. 402 Commer cial, block. 7 22 Roomsr East Side Flnelv" arranged house In fine local ity; always filled- price $800: cash; rent 150: 8-year lease, call 54 8th st, AM-foreed -to-ell - my - large- modern boarding hotel at once at a great sac- $800 a month; $2250; $1500 cash. L-763, journal. -.- . v . ' . ROOMING houses, any size, at prices to suit: we buy, sell-and exchange, -PORTLAND ROOMING ' HOUSE CCs tia Henry Diag, 11 roomB, rent $35, - big Income, good lease; owner has left on account of sickness: vour own rrice." Trade. ; ' 808 Board of ROOMING HOUSE clears $100 month; take city; lot-as first payment: will sell-cheap, - Inquire 88 10th, near Stark. FOR SALE Transient rooming house, is rooms, wen furnished. , xerms. Phones M. 8480, A-2824, buy in town, rooming house 16 rooms, auu , casn, no ageiHs: clears $90. 231 6th , BUSINESS CHANCES 20 UNUSUAL - opportunity for live man; $250 for . half Interest in electrrcal business;, no stock to carry: income $160 monthly guaranteed; hustler can - in crease to $500; monthly expense 920: other-Interests' require my time; 'knowl edge of electricity not necessary, Q-763, journal. ONE HALF or whole interest in good - paying , Paint and Wall Paper. STORE. Low rent no competition. Call $12 Tillamook' st, evenings. WILL sell you a M interest in a busi - ness that will double your money In 2 years; not a wildcat scheme, but a le gitimate proposition that will bear In vestlgation; $2000 will get it, but must be at once; no further expense and no services required." B-759, Journal. J ' BUSINESS CHANCES $&00 cash buys entire stock made up goods, supplies, tools, machinery, store fixtures of a small manufacturing business, established three' years. Ownor has made as high as $250 per month. Goods well advertised and sold in this city anl surrounding territory. Owner has purchased stock in a large corpora tion 'with which he must devote his time. Address I'. O. box 746. . THIS WEEK ONLY. If you take a course of instruction at our school we will start you in the movlng-ploture theatre business free, of charge or help you secure a -position. Will teach you on easy terms. For par ticulars, call on New York Motion Pic ture Exchange and School of Operating, VlSVi Washington st. HELP WANTED SIAT.E JCJJARN drivlngautomoblle. day or even v ing, 326 Washington. Room 417. HELT WANTED MALE AND FEMALE .. 29 5PENINO for dentist; fine opportunity. 0-765, Journal. HELP WANTED MAL3S WANTED Able bodied men for the O. S. marine corps, between he ages of 19 and 36. Must be native turn Jr have first papers. Monthly pay $15 . to $69. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of V&T and al lowances. Service on board ship and shore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting 6tatlon, Breeden bldg:: 8d and .Washington sts.. Portland. Or. ' - VANTED 3 good solicitors for Portland rtown and-city in uregon ana wasning- ton; reliable and trustworthy men only; a good side line . for small business men in "country towns; we reach the; homeseeker and Investor and eliminate all commissions. Investigate our sys tem: you will like It. No Commission Realty Advertising Co., 414 Stearns bldg.j- Portland, with offices at Seattle and Spokane -' ' -, - FREE BOOKING AGENCY; The New York Amusement Co, make no charge for securing positions or reg istering your names, wanted: perform ers, singers, musicians, operators, etc. 62H WbkIi., near 17th. ' v HOPPICICERS We are now register ing for our farms at Witch Hazel and Reedvllle Call or telephone soon, as picking will commence early. A. J. Ray & Son, 334 Sherlock bldg. Telephone .Main 842. DRESSMAKING 49 SUITS and towm ifiv stecialty. Mrs. Eugene. Phonec-" Hagcrsma, 290 Eiiger 51. FURNISHED TtOOSrs WEST SIDE FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Trans ient. All out side rooms, rates rea sonable. O. W. P. Rooming House, Mrs. Etta Keys, Prop., 209 Alder st. Main 3480, -A-2S24. v NEWLY furnished room, strictly mod ern, light and airy, single or double, $4 up; good location. - 407 - Columbia -M., n.-ar 10th st. - DRAMATIC and vaudeville companies , organized for road shows and routed. Call at the Chicago School or Acting, 843 H Yamhill st, room 16, Booking in PLEASANT rooms, suitable for 2 or 8 persons: 2 beds in rnrmi- Kins-la rooms 2.50 a week. 254 1?th olo-ht Mocks from rostofflce. ' tun St., rooms ud ror wee Main 7764. PTa:iMY.76i F l jtrtiirir urn iMTfi WANTED Man and wife to take charge of smalt farm on Sophie's Island. - In quire H. W. Prettyman, 810 Oak st. . TWO furnished rooma ia private fam ily; oncarline; free bath' and phone. Tabor 1753. - .WANTED AGENTS THE TEMPLE, 343 V4 Yamhill at. ' on- posite Hotel Portland. furnished rooms, low rents, transient. - , THIS WEEK ONLY. -If you take a course of Instruction at our school we will start you in the moving picture theatre business free of charge or help you secure a position. Will teach you on easy terms. For par ticulars call on New York Motion Plo ture Exchange and School of Operating, 626 Washington St. WANTED - Independent or .nonunion -. ,. . UNITED ' METAL TRADES ASSN 222 Commercial Club bldg. FOR SALE Confectionery and bakery, centrally located, good business. - For Information address Mrs. Alta Whittle Castlerock, Wash, FARGQ, OR. New, town, rich, well set tled community, good opening for gen eral store, drugs, lumber, machinery, warehouse and elevator, blacksmith, briel and tile factory, etc. Address Far go Orchards Co., 83 5th st., Portland, Or. IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or if you wish to buy or open one, communicate with a permanent and successful company. Peoples' Amuse ment Co.. 510-515 Rothchili bldg., Port land, Or. LIST your property with us, rentals or sales, special attention given to non residents. We have . every facility for handling property. -. WILLIAM DAVIDSON A CO. rt-1 600-502 Henry bldg. - LOOK HERE. Room for one more man Of ability to get ground floor chance In large corpor ation Just forming where money in vested now will more 'than double In a year. R-677, Journal. MI Our sales of apple lands In our Mt Hood district are making us happy. Hood River , and : Minneapolis buyera have Just taken over 500 acres. In five years - these lands will be selling for $600 an acre because they are practi cally the same in every way as Hood River. Get our booklet and look Into this before the Mt. Hood Electrio's building booms prices. . . MT. HOOD LAND CO., - ' 712 Rothchlld Bldg. - v $200 will put you in possession of 10 -acres of 'cleared land in cultivation, close to electric line and Portland. 401-5 Couch. ' . EQUITY of $200 In lot to trade for . launch, value of lot $500, balance $5 per month. Tabor 1914 evenings. IRRIGATED LANDS , . , : 42 $543 equity in high, restricted residence lot for first payment on modern bun galow. 812 Y. M. C. A. bldg. IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see Shoemaker Inv. Co 627 Henry bldg. Main 4466. A-7484. 240 acre of Irrigated" land 6 miles southwest of Klamath Falls, all the best kind of soil;- price $20 per acre: 160 acres or unite salmon iruit iana with 2.000.000 feet of eood timber n the land; price for a few days $12.60. per acre. - w. n. JL.ang co., 414 ADipg- ton .piqg. ; i .. .. , REAL estate bought, sold and ex changed, write or call on Chittenden, Otto & Nelll. 810 Oak st. r 1 TRADE everything. H. F, tee.' 161! Board of Trade bldg. WE .TRADE for anything anywhere. See us today. 411 Henry bldg. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WELL built 4 or 5 room house or cot tage, part cash with monthly pay ments. , Address Oscar Penker. 1500 E. Oak st. ACRE or large lot, with or without small, house, near river preferred; must be bargain; terms. Q-765, -Journal. WANTED Farm. Also acreage, front ing or overlooking river or ocean. O 761, Journal. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. MODERN HOUSE FOR SPOT CASH. About $3000. 314 Hamilton bldg. WANT 2 -or 8 acres near Portland on electric line. P-768. Journal. WAKTED FARMS , 3S Farms Wanted Send us description of yours. - IAMS & HALL, . . 213 Gerilnger Bldg. Write ESTABLISHED solid business. Owner ' wants reliable partner to wait on Cus tomers, etc. Will guarantee business to be clearing $250 a month, and give you a trial before you invest a cent Call 417 Board of Trade. . BUSINESS CHANCE Partner retiring, wishes to sell his half Interest in old established firm. Short hours, very easy work. Very small amount of money required. . Investigate thoroughly before investing, P-766, Journal.. $200 will put you In possession of 10 . A1ea nf .pitfnnul lsnl in AulttiratUn close to electric line and Portland, 404-5 Couch. Gold! Gold! Gold The chance of a life time for A svni dlcate to-rab one of the best placer propositions in vne -acmc rvortnwest X-680. Journal Rooming House Snap 17 rooms, Washington st; rent $65: Clearing $100 month: sickness: must sell. Will sacrifice for $800. - 88- 10th. OUR motion picture operators' school the best on the coast; competent in structors."' We perfect men - who-, can qualify in two weeks for positions. Ap plications received daily at our ex change. Operators receive $25 to $40 weekly. Pacific Amusement Exchange, iuarquam bldg. . - , ' WANTED Men at Los Angeles; no ex , Dense to learn trade of electricity. automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying by actual worx on contract jods; oniy raw mpnths required; ?00 students tast year; catalogue free. ' United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles." ' 10.000 POSITIONS - For graduates Inst year; men and wo men learn barber trade In ( weeks: helo to secure positions; graduates earn til to 2S weekly; esper Instructor: toola free: write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. SS N. 4th St., Portland. YOUNG MEN. 18 years of age, who will jiaye a gooa opportunity to learn tne business. mornings. " OLDS, Apply to superintendent WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Salesman: many make $100 to $150 per mouth; tome even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash IngtOTi Nmrsery Co., Toppeniah.. Wash. WANTED Salesmen In every . locality In the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly: choice of territory, Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlah. Wa-b. v - NOW S the time to prepare; raWway ' man, carriers.- tsena ior cataiotr. Bal' ary, $500 to $1800. -International Cor respondence Schools. 233 Alder st Phone Main 1026. Open 9 p. m. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply tht demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. ; Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. MALE or female agents to work on sal ary, good reliable firm. Apply at once. iCall evenings, 414 Sherrett-ave., Sellypod. - .. ,,; - ... E2HTIX)Y5IE3ST AGENCIES 33 LARGE cozy front room for one or two; reasonable. 428H 2nd st. C. R. HANSEN fit CO,, GENERAL, EMPLOYMENT AOENCIB Main office- $ N. ' 2d at, PortUnd, Ladles' department, 7th and Waan, sts. . upstairs, rorusna. ... ' ' 421 Front ave., Spokane, 17-89 4th st. San Francisco. ;. ' EsUbllshed 1871 3BANLEY . TRAVERS EM PLOYMENT CO.. neadauarters ior .. n. it. wors, UM S. 2d at . -THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY., 1 Gen'l employment. Mar. 318. A-2406. PARLOR, dining room.' front bedroom, ciotnes press, oatn, in private family, first floor, one block from carllne; ga, lawn,' use of phone, some use of kitchen. For adults only. , Call phone East 8958, or inquire 802 K: 1 Ash- FOR RENT 2 nice front rooms, private family. $8 and $1& per month; walking distance. Telephone C-2293. 886 Lar- rabee st. - FOR RENT 2 outside rooms in prlvat- iamuy. ue 01 piano. i-Jast 1B8. Ross:' . - . ... -.- 24H BUTTS & ELDREDGE, N. Second. A-1291. Main 3205. HELF WANTEDFEMAtE - 2 FOR RENT Large front - room and bath. 2 srentlemen. 246 Clackamas. 3 blocks to Steel bridge. ; - NICE front rooms, bath an phone. 80 J Russell st, between Rodney and Wil liams ave. - - - TWQ, nice front rooms nicely furnished. Ku location, oat J!,. Morrison, nSftmT BAT.F.SWOMAN Thoroughly experienced,-first - class grocery saleswoman can find good, per manent position. Apply to Bupt. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. OSTRICH Plumes dyed, curled, made over; Birds of Paradise cleaned. Now la the time. ; OSTRICH PLUMB CO, , 803 Washlnrton St. WANTED ExDerlenced alrl for general housework to go to Aiasica; amau family.- Apply between 0 and 11 a, nr., apartment 5. The Hartford, 21st and Flanders sts, : ' 21 DOWN. 81 weekly s-cures for you high grade dentistry by liquid air sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, 207 Alisky bldg. 3d and Morrison WANTED A first class, energetic, ex- Merienced labeler for tea, coiee ana Wadhams A Kerr Bros., 4th and Hoy t snlce department: none other need apply WANTED Experienced nurse girl over 18 years, city references required. Phone afternoons. Main or A-1576. - 482 Harrison st. . ' :,'.-: Housekeeper wanted very little work, more for company ror a small girls; fine hdme for right party. Call at 726 Powell, between 7 a. m. and 8 p. m HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged, woman. . and cook,-for from 1 tos 8 men; nice country home; fair wages. -: j-76Z, jour nal. - - ? '' DRAMATIC art. elocution, makeup, etc: experienced teacher; graduate; terms reasonable." Phone Tabor 1275. " WANTED Girl to assist at housework, 8:30, to 2:30. Phone M. 6780. 393 Jack- son st. ' ' '': - - - WANTED A girl to take care of chil dren Apply after 6 p. m., 195 17th St N. - - - - WANTED Experienced girl for gen rrrnj iiuucenuiA. A a iaii, J v& I TV w. vail SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big gest. nursery, in west; liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; $50 week ly easily made.. Oregon Nursery Co., Orenro, Or. - WANTED A boy 17 who can milk and would be- interested In the care of a few cows and delivering milk; a good home and fair wages; steady employ ment Calj after 5. 701 E. Gllsan. FINE opening for young man, small -capital required, money well secured, experience unnecessary. Call 6 to 8 this evening. 326 Washington st Room 417. - WILL take as partner and learn re sponsible person electrical work: plenty of worifin sight. Must-have $200 cash. References .-exchangeiL.s, 6-781, Journal. - FOR HaLI New nouse boat, . best mortey could build, 16x36 also new launch, 12 H. ' P.; must sell' at once. Come to Cottonwood island or address E. Wells,' Carrollton, Wash. - . -C5XYEN AWAY PRE Map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publication "Cali fornia Oil Fields."- Sagar-Looml Co., 701 Oregonlan bldg., Portland, Or. ' - A RARE OPPORTUNITY. $9000 will buy a controlling interest in state bank in southern Oregon, de posits over $100,000; loans guaranteed. Call at 607 McKay bldg. Main 4710. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 WE ara headquarters for timber and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney Stampber. 531-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. - ' - ' :' HOMESTEADS FOR SALE FARMS Sacrifice Sale Sixteen acres on tounty toad, near Jennings Lodge ' station. Oregon City carllne, $3200, half cajihi-no-trade.-Thts is 60 per cent "below mrket price. ' I n qjlre of owner, 820, Chamber of Com ti eree. r : . .. - - . - '' 60 acres, 2 miles from town; 13 acres un der cultivation, 27 more can be tilled; fine 8nrlnBJPle350iH-ltfiftft-rtnTirn"anA balance 2 years, 7 per cent .160 acres, 6 miles from town; about 20 acres cleared; between 500 aad 800 cords of wood; good spring. Prlce2500; $1000 down, balance 2 or 3 years. 7. : For an Investment these are hard to beat In Clark county. W. S. HARVEY, Washougal, Wash. - -Why Be Landless? Wnert there is plenty of free govern ment land in Crook, the best county In Central Oregon near railroads which are now building and cities springing up. This is an opportunity of a life time to get a homestead or desert claim wnicn may ne ' lrrigatea py gravity flow. Married1 women may take land under the desert land act on which there is no residence required. -If iou want your share of this land call and we will tell vou how to ret It, When . you Ldeal-Jirlth us you ; ha ve- th- guarantee or a reuauie company, tspeciai rates for those making : arrangements this DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO., .. 801-302 Buchanan Bldg., on Washington. near 6tn at,' tortiana, ur,- itciST CLASS acreage on Willamette liver, 3 10 acre tracts, 300 feet each on river, all in cultivation,' fine peach land and garden, 22 miles from Port land: fine $15,000 summer home going Wp adjoining; price $400 per acre; rMsh. Oeo. N. Eckler, 310 Oak st. $200 will put you in possession of 10 acres of cleared land in cultivation, dose to clectfic line and Portland. 404-5 Couch. - . 1 1VK ACRES st Oak Grove. 20 minutes walk from carllne, 200 cords of wood in the tree. $500; balance $150 per yar at 8 per cent. This is a bargain. , GRAY REALTY CO., , 833 Alisky Bldg.. - ' - FOR SALE Two fine eastern Oregoa wheat.farms. lS3S acres, 800 acres perfectly level, balance sllrhtlv mm no un. acit-B m wneai, bi acres ready ror fall crop, two houses, large barn and windmill, plenty of fine water, 4 miles 10 rauroaa, aiso a line level tract Of 829 acres, all plowed and fenced. Either ui nit-Be une piaces at )zu per acre from the owner direct T. H. LUtle hales, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE cheap, cigar factory in city. jLi. .auiiHfiea ousmess. very -111110 money will buy this if taken at once. Other business' reason, for selling. B 751, Journal. ' - WANTED to exchange 2 good horses, new buggy and harness and some cash for light , business with living rooms WELL established fuel business, een- irai location, raiiroaa .spur: H inter- t "461 Hawthorne WANTED Party to take charge of res- taurant with rooms; must give good references -and be able to give small security or . ponq. inquire 687 Union ave. North. - . . : WANTED Boy with wheel; 16 years old.. . , .. ... , . ... . - OSTRICH PLUMB CO., 30 J Washington." WANTED A man and team to haul . wood pear Council- Crest; can make upwards $6 per day. 1224 Grand ave., room 8. Phone E. 4424. - WANTED Railway mail clerks; Port land examination No.: 12; $500 to $1600; preparation . free. Franklin In stitute. dept. 284 8., Rochester. N. Y. 140 East 12th st. FEMALE Wanted, first class skiTt- maker Wanted, -first class coat fin Isher. Quick. 362 W'ash. sf. GIRLS over 18 wanted, at Western Mantel tJo.r 28 Front rt. - GIRL wanted for general housework. small family. Phone C-Z797. OPERATORS and finishers on pants, steady worn. H46 1st st. 20 WOMAN to do general housework. Union ave. N. Phone East 2489. GIRLS of 16 years of age at Portland Cigar box factory, 434 E. 3d st. SITUATIONS : T . f T. 'Tt T. liv ftiAUiyuiN, ue. i.au inu eta. MALE AVD FEMALE HELT. NO CHARGK TO EMPLOYER EJbPLOYE. ., MAIN r,665, , A-66J -NEW--am"ple--ftatBi-y81.l. cleaned: biocKed, 60c. Ladles' hats remodeled. The Hattery, 315 Alder, cor. 6th. Base ment. - - - WANTED Several men for Janitor ser vice; night work; steady, good wages. Apply engine room Portland Trust bldg.. Contractor White. ' . . .. -I WANTED Man with - business ability and $500 to $1000; good salary and good income assured. Call 414 Stearns Diag. ENGINEER Hud plenty of experience With . steam and electric pumping plants, mine hoisting engines, electric llithtlnar D. C). and ammonia ren. ma chlnery, : desires employment. . . R-760. Journal.'- - ? - WANTED Position as collector by f-young-man-frST-T years'-experlence; no pad naDits ana can give tne Dest references. Q-766, journal. est or all; sell cheap, ave. WANTED Neat young man with $60 to learn real' estate business; can make big money. 242 6th st I have a first class steady position for a good man who can furnish $300 cash security. Call itt room 515, Roth- Clllld bldg. ' ' .'- -:- : - , -.. WE CAN place you in paying business; ' before buy ins; be aura and n lKinney & Stampher, 631-2 - Lumber tsxchanir oiok a-4881. , vWlfB .Weil improved farm of 1024 acres, level land, alluvial soil.; 70 acres culti vation; nice e-room house, good barn, family orchard (bearing); near school, daily mall; runnlnr streams. $65 per sere. Terms. Y-697. Journal. Crook and Lake County Home- : :.?steads. Oregon offers the last opportunity, to get free government land. . - The best land in Oregon Is located in this section.- Read the annual reports on the production of Crook and Lake counties. - Wheat , grows - In abundance. Ideal for raising-livestock, ; Plenty of water available. No place in the states today does another opportunity exist for the man of small means to secure free government lands. The two rival rail roads now building into central Ore gon will increase the value of these homesteads thousands, of., dollars. , ., For' further particular - Bee 1 Oregon Land & Title. Co., 206 Gerlinger bldg. - OPPORTUNITY. . Five or ten acres at Mosler will maka rm 4nfVpnt"nt.' fowts""tnrttine' to buy on eaxy terms from owner, 224 Lum-. 1 ? Kxrhfinge. ' . 1 ALt. "ii'i'nd of acreage for sale or trade; loiifVn and lot for cule or trade in all rana ct th niy. i'KI sei'N'T PKALTY CO,' 401 KwetUna bldg. Small Farms I, 7, 11, 15 and 20 acre tracts, best lo cations In vicinity of Portland. Get full particulars of lams ft Hall. 2J3 GERLINGER BLDG. Second wnd.,JAlder $200 will put you In possession of 10 acres of cleared land in cultivation close to electric line and Portland. 404-5 COUCh. .:. ' 120 aero farm in Yamhill luva, wr muuw. lit sin st, room 8. $900 will place you in small manufac turing Dusiness witn machinery and ood trade to. make money. Sl-754, ournal. '"'-" . ...... -.,.,..-, BLACKSMITH, good place, cheap rent, $30Q, good tools and stand. B-753, Journal. OLDi established outdoor business, sac rifice on account of illness. Call 102 1 2th st -'':, - ONLY dentist in large eastern Orecon town will sell business.; Wants. to go east.1 xa-(oo, journui. - , $1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you high grade dentistry by liquid air sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, 207 Alisky bldg..- 8d and Morrison. $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in" , practical form; day and evening ses sions. Address, Myers, 829 11th St., roruana. Mam soiz. v - WANTED Good man for farm work, steady iob. -wages $35 ner month and board: no drones wanted. D. L. McLeod. Lyl. Wash. . - WANTED A young man understanding snortnana, stenograpny ana DooKKeep ing, familiar If possible with hay and giaui. ova n'jniu ui Jiauc Pluf$. WANTED Printer for second place in - newspaper and Job plant; steady po sition. Address, stating wages wanted, News, Roseburg. Or. . ,.;-. . WANTED 2 young: men tozlearn-auto-moblle repairing and driving. . Call 60-62 N; 7th st Phone Marshall 864, A-4455. ' - - , , . v WANTED Good man to take ; wagon and solicit for cleaning and dyeing works; splendid, offer for good party. 09 union av.e. rvonn WANTED Position by young man of 80, 7 years' experience; no bad habits ana can give tne . uesi rezerences. w 766 Journal. EXPERIENCED collector with best of references and bona wants steady 0O' sltlon with firm; have horse and buggy for collection. o-76S, journal FURNISHED ROOSTS EAST SIDE ;.. 551 UNFUKNISHED R003IS 10 UNFURNISHED rooms, water, gas . ,...V..U, W V . . . . .... 4. . . ...u..v room close In. phone Main 4069. TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeep- lng. m. 206 and 13th st. 6 to 7 p. between m. 8 and 10 TWO t unfurnished ; rooms, $5 month. UNFURNISHED rooms. 546 GllBan. near 16th. , 110; 8. $15. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 WANTED A place to board two small -'children, 4 and 6 years, for awhile also myself.- D. A. Behle, Drugstore cor. i 'if,..." n '' ROOM and board for working men in private family. 492 E. 28th st. UP-TO-DATE 6 room flat, close In; gas range, irce pnone. mast xns. HOTELS 84 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only: 13. 3R day. VALLAMONT Furnished , rooms for rent 376 Yamhill, BBLVEDERK. European 4th and Alder.' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' WEST SU)E J THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall. Furnished for housekeeping. ras . ranges, electrlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 per month .up: a clean place: best in the citr . fr the money; short distance from Unlo depot. Taxe o or 16th st cars north, get ort, at Marshall' st. No dogs. WELL.,, furnished housekeeping rooms; ! 2, $8 month; $ for $13; furnished cot tage, 7 large moms, $27.5fl; lower flat.' 4 rooms, $18. 364 26th st, North (west side river). "W" car from depot, 5th or. Morrison to zgth; block north. ONEONTA" apartments. 17 17tk near Yamhill. .(Take W car at depot). 3 $ and -4 room furnished -suites. - Hot -and cold. Phones and baths free. $20 per month. $5 per week and up. Mala 4697,- A-4789,-J.. I and 2 furnished room housekeeping apartments: modern convenleces. .'lot.' cold water; running water in rooms; $3.60 week up. Sleeping rooms ready Aug. 10, new furniture. 407 Columbia, near lutn. FOR RENT One housekeeping, suite. alhO one large sleemna- rooTJ. suitable for two persons. , 290 H N. 16th. Main $1.76 week- large clean furnished house-. -keeping rooms; laundry, bath. gas., clean linen. . 184 Sherman. South Port land, ' - , - - - ' i - "; TTlREE convenient furnished house keeping rooms; running water, good neighborhood, close In, $25 month. 292 10th st. - -" - ' THE COLONS Furnished- housekeep ing rooms with all conveniences, $10 ana up. cntrai location. ova Aiaer bi. THE NEWCASTLE. 402 3rd; furnished, housekeeping rooms; free baths, phone, hot water. - - TWO front rooms nlceljl1 furnished, gas -a phone and bath. 310 Clay, 6 minutes' walk to P. O. ' 250 North 16th st, near Marshall, fur Dished modernr- houaekeeplng rooms for rent 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 5 minutes from postofflce. Main 6342. 490 Clay st. ' NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms Olose In. 308 Columbia st. housekeeping COMFORTABLE single room, bath, launary, pnone. 405 Stark, BY MAN of; pleasing address accus- tomed to meeting pudiic, position in 0-762, Journal. Gift edge references. CARPENTER work wanted of every de scription; Jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specialty. Cummings ft Ca'tlln, 371 First st. Marshall 2327. RELIABLE young man, speaks English and German, desires position as chauf feur; also experience In landscape gar den In sjJstreferenceB-762ourna 1. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light gas: moderate. 7th ft Flanders. A-4071 TWO large, light rooms and bath for only $12 per month. 809 1st st a 2 AND i very nice large modern house keeplng rooms, 680 2d st POSITION 8 timekeeper or similar ' clerical work-railroad, camp or fac tory, experienced, capable and efficient K-764, journal, AJX AROUND printer wants Job near Portland. -Address 117 Taggartt Portland. POSITION as watchman take care of or run steam plant If necessary. B. BOX 68, UtMUS.-Ur. A, B, V EXPERIENCED butler, porter or Janl- tor ' (colored), ;best A-8T8S. of .v. references. WANTED By an elderly man, position -.as collector, can' (be bank reference ana bond. Phone Kast 35z. -fwa peimont, WANTED Shrewd, reliable man with WANT cesspool work: drain tile, septic .a.vaa a. a - I A a 1a ak . dA, v. An) i I ,f I 1 All MAtlf T T t TVl nil V 6u as .partner in an oia reliable business. ; Room 322 Foster hotel. -.--.' "WANTEJNeat young man with $60 to learn - real estate business: make bic money. - 242 6th st - FOR RENT Two room suite, suitable for 'doctor office or studio. Fine- lo catlon, west side, furnished. East 2875. MINING STOCKS FOIL SALE AND EXCHANGE MINING and Industrial stocks; tele - phone and other bonds bought and sold. C. 8. Fletcher. 126 Abintrton'bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or. sell- mining roAtAyi .-yreg,AtA oti. ROOMING HOUSES FK SALE 53 A GOOD chance for a working man; small - hand laundry for Sale, $300 cash. T-768, Journal. . HIGHLAND notion atore, confectionery. -, cigars, wuccuj wih io go on nomt stead; rent $16. 1017 TTnlon ave. N. KisaiAUKAWi a cnairs, gooa loca tion, doing good business, price $800' Address. Main Restaurant, Hood River. BARBER SHOP 2. chairsj 2 baths; half -interest $150. E. R. Thompson, Kern farit, mi. genu car. Arieia f, u. FOR SALE OR TRADii 30 room hotel! 'completely furnished, in good valley town. Address box 1, Sheridan, Or. - RESTAURANT with or without rooms, fnm ma k m?frA Vi a An n,.ll . a.a. i - 'vi 6wu v,m-,.w vu v n ci 1 i OOQ iowuer at Kenton,, on, Kllpatriek -st, . V. . GROCERY; one of the best in the sub urbs; live, growing business, Deshon, 4U I jjuruogriiiynB r.iin; Piuy, FOR SALE Restaurant , dolnir rood business. Long lease. Apply Dooly Rfin. A. Rnwvfir HOTEL BROKKR. ' ' Ift Co., Board of Trade bldg. Hotels for sale and exchange. 203 Oer-1 WANTEDt-To buy or lease a brick linger bldx 2d and Aider, lala "31L , yard In a small town. 0-763,. Journal. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale grocery; state ( age, experience, references, phone number. R-763, Journal. TEACHERS for Ore., Wash., Cal. and Nev.: we hire direct Pacific Teanh. era' Agency. 304-5 Le,wls bldg.. 4th-Oak, WAJNiJtiu xoung man to work on a dairy; wages' $35 a month. Phone Woodlawn 2773, WANTED Printing in exchange for first class dental work. . Room 207, Alisky bldg. - --"i --" ? J - CHEF headquarter and helpers, Cali fornia Wipe Depot. 286 Yamhill, next to Journal. . WANTED Good boy about id who can , milk. .Wages and good home, 8-767. journal. i :..;'.', v' WANTED 2d hand electrln mntnv K to 20 H. P.: liberal Pav for lnformn. tlon. David Dow ft Son, Gen. Del. W A NTED-2 "boys Vltfi" wheel;"" good wages. Appl- 285 Alder St., next door to Alder hotel. BOY Over 16, with wheel, to deliver. Vienna Dye Works, 226 8d. WANTED 2 first class plasterers. E. Pine and 12th. , PAINTING wanted; give dentistry. Call 207 Alisky bldg. tank a specialty;1 all workpromptly done, phone Sellwood 1644. ;',."- CARPENTER,-bullder,--ew- or repalrf work, day or contract, eeiiwooa int. kind. CARPENTER work, any contract Phone Marsnau day 23J7. 9 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' EAST SIDE 48 A A- -n i ' i"mtmtommmi'tolmi, - TWO connecting rooms with all con veniences, good, quiet neighborhood, walking distance to center of city,, 364 FOR T-ENT Three furnished house keeping rooms In private family; gas, wood and bath; nice lawn; adults. . 181 Russell, : East 2299.-, ;.-....,,- ,:.,. i per week; clean, furnished housekeei rng rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phone,-clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 488 coma ave., Sellwood. 1 Ta- FOR . RENTHOU!:E8 12 7 ROOM house for rent on Clay and 16th, west side; newly papered and kalsomlned throughout: flna range, all connected goes with place; bath, tol-. let and basement; ftMteslrable place. See adjoining house, 608, or J. R. Horning ft Co.; 319 Alisky bldg. 2 SITUATIONS FERIAMC v COUPLE with child wish board and sroom whera wife can work for same, part or wholf chamber work, waitress or assist cook. Mrs. Baker, 141 Vt Rus sell st. ". ; ' ' '"-, REFINED mlddleaged woman . desires i situation as housekeeper,' in elderly mHrinwor'A home: has references. Ad dress Mrs. E, B. Davles, Mllwaukle, Or. WOMAN wants' work 25c. per hour, for ilrst days in tne ween; b biu pre ferred. P-764, Journal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier wants position; ' references. Wood- lawn 2269. - . - GOOD experienced woman having child - 1 year' wants position as . house- kfMNbQ-?7Wournii VERY capable glrFdeslres position ss lady s maid, or seam si reus, mam gua. NURSES 00 GRADUATE . nurse will take calls. Maternity casos, ba general nursing. Terms reasonable. Helen E. Jones. Main 110, A-1138. FOR SALifc;. or ror rent; z acres, some frultr S room'bunculowrlty water;" 6c carfare. 61J E. 82d St, N.. Monta yllla. J. Dj Lano. ' ' $11 MONTH 6 room iottage, bath, tol let, 2 lots, barn, chicken yard. - Mrs, Wolf, 147 'Warner t, Stewart's, Mount Scott car. - - - . . - - $30 Ten room house, 669 Commercial St., near Williams ave. and Russell. SINNOTT & SINNOTT, 525 Chamber of Commerce. $30 BRAND new modem 7 room house on Hawthorne car line; furnace, elec tricity, gas, "Shades. Phone Tabor 2270. WELL furnished 10 room house for rent 746 E. Burnside, corner 22d St., $60 per month. Phone to Sellwood 1606. $30 BRAND new modern 7 room house on, Hawthorne carllne; furnace, elec- ijjHtyKijehjdes. Phone Tabor 2270. MODERN 4 room cottage close In, $13 per- month. 120 Morris st. Phone Woodlawn 862. . ; : FORIiENTAFiv.uom t la W, wesv M reasonable rent. -Main 7490. , $72 Vi First st. '--- FREE rent In GregorrHeights. Greg ory Investment Co. , End of Rose City Frn car line. , vnuritf 6 ROOM modern house, lawn and roses, ths, and ' 32. Woodlawn 1799, Woodlawn 2720. I NEW, modem 6 room house. 774 2d st 1 Apply next house, 229 Grover .at,, ,.".'