The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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Mrs. Henry Waldo Coa and children
are home again after some time spent
on tba Coa ranch In eastern Oregon near
Btanfleld. ' Mrs. Coe was accompanied
home by her son. Mayor George C Coe,
of Btanfleld, who is spending, the week
. In Portland as the guest of Ms parents,
Master Eart Coo has practically recov
ered from the severe accident which .he
sustained a number of weeks ago.
: 13 ,;! . Li i. 'JL.
, Mr. and Mrs. ' George F. Russell arc
- leaving tomorrow to be week and visit
ors at Gearhart On their return they
will bring with them their daughter,
. Miss Nan Russell, who has been a guest
for tha past week of the A.' H. Blrrells
at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Russell
hava recently returned from the Alaska
trip. .
I V i a, V
" Alaska has not "only Ieen tha Mecca
for many Portland-folk this season but
. In the east It has become quite the thing
to go to Alaska Instead- of - abroad.
Sailing from Seattle last night on tha
last Alaskan trip of the steamer Spo
kane, were listed a number of Portland
people, among them Mrs, -Charles L.
' Mastlck,' Mr. and. Mrs. S.S.- Sherman,
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ef finger, Mr. and
Mrs. C C Colt and Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
' Neat' Dr. Ousters Q. Baar Is home
from Tellowstono and Alaska. Miss
. Gertrude "White is among those, who
have, been to Alaska, She Is now In
Banff and will not return home until
September. Clarence Jacobsen Is also
In Banff after having made tha Alaskan
trip. .
t . , -. ;
Sylvester Peterson was tha guest of
Robert M. Tuttlo last week on a visit
to tha Tuttle ranch.Jn.asterajDxegoiL,
, , - , v.e e,
I F. George -of Stanfield, Or., Is spend
ing the week In Portland on business,
i A portion , of the time has been spent
as tha guest of tha Henry Waldo Coes,
Tennis la tha word In Seattle-this
week, where the twentieth (-annual tour
nament of the Tents club Is In full
sway. Society has charge of all ar
rangements, and the afternoon tea fea
ture Is the excuse for many charming
gatherings of Seattle's1 elect Miss Harel
Hotchkiss Is the piece de resistance of
the Seattle tournament,' as wall as, the
, Tacoma and Portland tourneys, and Is
winning new laurels for her matchless
playing. "
Miss Daisy Clark and Miss Laura
Clark, of Baltimore, are guests of their
sister, Mrs, J. Andre Fouilhoux in her
atractlve apartment on Kings Heights.
The Misses Clark have, just, returned
from Alaska. , ' - i
; Mr. and .Mrs,. Harold. , Koenemann
(Miss., Margaret -Wallace) . of Cologne,
Germany, arrived Monday from Hood
River where they have been guests of
Mrs. Koenemann's parents, Mr. . and
Mrs. R. H. Wallace. The Koenemanns
are at the, Hotel Portland, where they
- will remain a week or ten days. ,
Mrs. Emanuel Mayer, and son Mel
ville Mayer wll leave Sunday for a sev
eral weeks' sojourn at Banff. , . .
,.,.- t , . .
Mrs. Henry Sohulderman and children
'Will leave tomorrow for sNorth Beach,
to be gone until October. Mrs. J. C Ed
wards and children have returned from
North, Beach, Where they have been rus
ticating for six weeks. Miss Mamie
Schulderman accompanied the Edwards.
. Miss Alice Dougherty and Miss Cath
erine Cahalin left last vnlght for Tel-
lowstone. They will visit In Seattle and
. : Spokane en route, and will proceed from
Spokane with a party of friends through
; the land of geysers. Miss Dougherty
' returned yesterday from several weeks
at the seashore. -
e e, -
' ' Mr. and Mrs,' H. J. Blaeslng left last
night for New York, to be gone during
the month of August
I -jL: ' .:, . ' V.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlegel and son
Talmer Schlegel, left this morning for
tha Cascade range, to be gone the great
er part of the month.
Mrs. J. W. Rosslter, of Chicago, Is
the guest of Mrs. Robert Holman near
Gresbam, Mrs. Rosslter has Just re-,
turned from Calif ornia, , . - .
, .. ,
MIbs Georgiana Abbott is visiting In
Seattle, where aha is the house guest of
Mrs. G. M. Butterworth, '
; in. victoria; b.c.
- I . ' ? imi. . S
(Continued Froo Page One.) '
r land ha practiced law, but aoon entered
the employ of Macleay ft Corbett In
1884, when Donald Macleay . became
president of the Board of Trade, now
the Chamber of r Commerce, Mr. Cohen
became Its secretary, a position which
ha held until 1887, when, with the aid
of eastern relatives and friends he and
a number of local people organized the
: Portland Trust company, the first finan
cial Institution of its kind in Oregon.
Mr, Cohen was elected secretary of the
Start a lint of Your Own
by buying Sixth's meats.4 Other people would be glad
to sell meat as cheap as Smith does, but they can't. -They
don't pretend to. , - . - ; ,
At AII of Smith's Markets You i Can" Buy
. Milk-fed Spring . Lamb Shoulders,
. pound 12 1-2
Loin and rib Spring Lamb Chops 18)
Legs , of genuine milk-fed Spring
.Lamb . -,7 18?
s Shoulders of Young Mutton.. ,.10
Loin and Rib' Chops, of Young
Mutton ,15$
Legs of Young Mutton,. ;.15i
, Sirloin, , enderloin and Round
Steaks ,15
Pot Roast Beef...... i...lOt
Boiling Beef and Stewing 'Beef,
pound..,,..,... ;.......7, 8e
"Fighting tlje
' By Jean Dare.
THE statement of Dr. Stanley Hall,
president of Clark university at
Northampton, Mass.. that girls
&re born flirts and that "flirting
Is a woman's safety valve," has
provoked wide discussion throughout the
east Some are shocked at Dr. Hall's
directness of assertion, but others, who
admit having taken a preliminary course
In Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells and other
latter-day writers;,. were prepared for
advanced views.
"I believe that by no-act of parlia
ment or by congress or by any man
made law can you change human nature
to any great extent" Dr. Hall Is Quoted
as saying, "As flirting Is hereditary.
It must remain Impervious through all
time to man's edict Flirting, which
may be harmless If not carried too far,
is woman's emotional safety valve. A
girl needs 'to flirt It she Is young and
full of spirits, and generally It does her
no injury. She is less serious In her
little flirtations than -might be . sup
posed, being given to extravagance of
word and phrase. " - ".
fWoman is delightfully effervescent
in her actions and 'so her ability for
really deep feeling while In her 'teens
has been often questioned. I doubt if
any girl In her 'teens was ever seriously
In love, The man- who puts his trust
In the emotions of a girl in her 'teens
Is In dangerous waters. Flirting is the
most natural recreation of girls. Golf,
tennis, canoeing and all sports followed
by the sex are tame to the young girl
without the tincture of that which
seems to be love. . The golf links and
the tennis courts would be deserted by
femininity if, thereon, with his -armament
- of - bow- and arrows and - ruiver,
Cupid did not attend."
- Dr. Nathaniel Butler ,of the University
of Chicago agrees In part with Dr. Hall.
"Flirting is only the expression of wo
man's natural instincts. In a natural
state of society there would be no ob
jection to It In our complex civiliza
tion,, however, it is frowned upon by
convention and woman's natural emo
tions are placed under the yoke of custom.-
When a woman meets a man who
attracts her, It is only natural that she
company and in November, 1890, upon
the death of. Captain Noyes, he was
made its president r - -,
Mr. Cohen had been a sufferer since
early childhood from a weak heart Ha
had frequent attacks of heart failure,
which in tha last few years . became
more frequent Before leaving for his
vacation, he confided to his business as
sociates that he expected to live but a
short time and had arranged all his af
fairs in anticipation of the end. -
He Is survived by his wife, who was
Miss Ella Harper, of Harper's Ferry,
Va., and" a mother and two sisters,-who
reside in Baltimore. Mrs. Cohen will
leave Victoria with the body at 6 o'clock
this afternoon and will arrive here to
morrow afternoon. Arrangements for
the funeral will not be made until af
ter the arrival of Mrs. Cohen with tha
body. . . -
'' f Continued from' Page' One.) ' '
tha. aotion of the- open primary elec
tion. - , '
it ! also, balna- asked if it is not In
dlmnt contravention Of the spirit of the
primary law ror tne state cemrei com
mittee to take sides in the Republican
primaries for and against Republican
candidates for nomination.
Prepare for Battle. .
It ttaa-heen announced that the state
central committee, at its contemplated
meeting, Is to make plans for the primary-campaign.
The committee is-to
be put behind the convention tickets,
hnth tt and countv.- Head cm an era
are to be nnened in Portland for'thafl
purpose. , Meetings are to be- arranged,
fmr,a.!rn literature Is , to be - prepared
and circulated, speakers are to be ar
ranged for, ana campaign runas are 10
be. collected- and -expended, all 4n the
Interest - of the convention .nominees.
Nn Republican candidate who has not
been nominated by the conventions, is
to be given aid or tolerance, in ract
tha state central committee, ' through
Its officers and headquarters' machln
rv. fa tty work for., the defeat of all can
didates who have not been nominated
hv the Aonventlona.
This situation la causing much un-d
favorable comment on tne ground mat
it tends to nullify that portion of the
nrimaj-v law which' aruaxantees' an onen
and fair field to all party candidates in
tha primaries. . ,
; . Cooling, Soothing , .
Durin the dog days heavy workers
ara in need of a cooling soothing bever
age, one that can toe used as a ttBsue
builder and general revivifier of tha
entire system. For such a beverage
Hop Gold, the fa: .oua bottled product
of the Star Brewing company exactly
fill the-bill. This Ideal beer is made
from the choicest and most costly in
gredlents. Order a trial ' case today.
Phone East 48. B-1146. Free delivery.
Corned, Beef."..; 8e 105
Smith's Bacon, by the piece 22 1-2
Smith's Bacon, sliced.,. ...... ..25
Smith's Haras.,,.......,., 21
Smith's Compound..,.. ,.13
Smith's Pure Lard; any sie tins 18f
Smith's sweet fresh Norway . But
ter ...I.;. .......75
Smith's fine, fresh Chinook, Sal
mon .,15c)
Halibut v ......i. ..iOt
Sturgeon . . ....... . . 85
Fresh Eggs I...., 30t
Pork Sausage ... ..15)
Beef Trust"
Should attempt to interest him in her."
These statements are too sweeping;
There are Just as many girls who have
no taste for flirting; in fact personal
observation would show that the ma
jority of fair femininity pursues its
way sanely and modestly. . It is harking
back to the old principle that because a
few isolated examples of "flirts" have
come to the attention of the eminent
one,: the entire sex Is damned. Men are
quite as guilty of flirting as women,
and yet no one would think of acouslng
men1 of such traits.
- Dr. . Hall is treading on dangerous
ground when - he openly countenances
flirting; in fact,, encourages it -Of
course, flirting isn't a violation ef . a
United States statute, but it is respon
sible for the shattering of countless
ideals, and tends to a cheapening of the
moral standards of, both sexes. Flirt
Ingf means to turn inconstantly from one
thing to another, to play at courtship,
to act tha lover for sport to feign devo
tion to kindle tha affections of others,
when you have nothing to give in re
turn. ,fll ' ' t - ' v
- The young woman, who deliberately
sets out to ensnare the affections of a
man for the sake of a tribute to her
vanity, and .the attention and presents
he may give her, is hopelessly cheapen
ing; her wares. The girl who plays at
love Is despicable. To awaken love in
a man willfully, and give it no reward
is a serious matter. When a man loses
faith In one woman he usually loses
faith In all. ' Unrequited love to soma
men is as great a tragedy as it Is In
the lives, of soma women. One might
go so far as to say that flirting Is
largely responsible for . the low ideal
of womanhood held by many men. When
bitten by "One, all others are discredited.
Flirting Is a mockery - of the best
thing in life, a true and. honest love.
The man whose love Is worth winning
shrinks from the girl who has a repu
tation for conquests. He doesn't care
for a love that has been tarnished and
tainted by too many mock encounters.
Flirty Little Gertie may have her In
nings for a brief time, but when the
bloom has been rubbed from the peach
there ara few who care to buy.
. (Continued From Page Ona)
or Inches in height He has a large
head, bushy black hair, dark eyas and
an affable, pleasant manner. He
dresses extremely well.
- ' Actions Attract Attention.
Such a man it was who- talked with
the Hotel Columbia clerk. He gave Mr.
Talent A cigar and asked for envelopes
and note paper. He said he had ar
rived in Vancouver not long before, and
had Just returned from a visit at the
garrison. He wrote. several letters and,
still acting strangely, struck up another
conversation with the clerk.
"Isn't there any place around here a
fellow can amuse himself?" he asked,
nervously. ' v.
"The only place I Jmovr," answered
the clerk. "Is the skating rink across
the street"
. "Well." remarked the man, "that looka
pretty good to me."
He told the clerk he was a sales.
man. . . .. I
"But I'm all through with that ha
He seemed troubled "sad." the clerk
said and wandered nervously about
the lobby. He talked almost incoher
ently. Before he -left - tne, hotel be
canned the tlmecard of trains.
"That North Bank train leaves for
Spokane at 7:S8 o'clock, doesnt ltT"
he observed.
Mr. Talent said it did. He did not
see the affable stranger again. The
man had no hand luggage with him.
Newspaper men and the police found
by inquiring at the station that a man
of v Rosenbaum's description got aboard
the North Bank, train for Spokane when
it left "Vancouver at 7:38.' i Persons who
gave them that Information did not r
member if he had luggage. -
As soon as he read Rosenbaum's let
ter ..this .morning, Mr.. Sargent tele
phoned to George w. Payne, president
of the National Land Investment com
pany, who is secretary and treasurer
of the Paclfio Coal s Gas company, and
George F. Clement vice-president and
manager..: They were in Portland, and
wasted no time in getting to the hotel.
When Mr. Sargent told them that Ros
enbaum owed the hotel less than 1100
they said they would pay the bill.
Although Mr.' Payne tried to keep the
story out of the newspapers he said
Rosenbaum could not possibly have got
away with any of the company's funds
for tha reason that he did not hava tha
handling of any bf them. Rosenbaum
has been in the employ of the compa
ny for about three months.
" Xlked by Employes.
What was his business before that
time Mr. Payne did not know, but
Rosenbaum was well recommended by
his brother, ! a prominent attorney ef
Seattle,. Wash., and others, and the
directors hired him. He showed every
promise. they said. :
- Rosenbaum was seen about the Hotel
Portland several .time yesterday in
the morning and early afternoon. He
was well Jtnown to all the employes and
well liked, - He was enthuslastlo about
his business, but had been discouraged.
With head offices in Seattle, the Pa
clfio Coal . A Gas company operates . a
coal mine near Tenlno, Wash, a town
on the Northern Paolfle, It is capital
ised at $500,000 and stock Is, being sold
in it by officers and others. ' The com
pany la carrying large advertisements
offering coal for sale to stockholders.
The Portland .office of the company,
in-Suite-J, Hotel Portland, has been
open for about two weeks, -
WOMAN, 45, KILLS - -.
Continued from Page One. -
the gun to her. shoulder and ordered
her to move away. The girl then went
to her home and told of the shooting.
Sheriff Ferguson, of this city, , was
notified by telephone 'and in company
with the proaecutlng attorney went to
the scene in an automobile and arrested
Mrs. Totten, who had made no effort
to escape. When taken into custody
she was cool and betrayed no emotion.
, Mrs. -Totten will 'be given a Prelim
inary hearing at Cashmere Saturday.
A building' permit authoriclnr tha
ereetlOn of a 600 font ateAl nnrf ftrtn.
crete dock and warehouse waa taken out
tnis morning By the Oregon Railroad &
Navicatlan oomnanv. Thn ntnirtnr' will
extend west from the Western terminus
of the new eteel bridge. Its cost as
given In tha permit Issued from tha of
fice of the city building inspector, will
be $130,000.
- Graas stains may be successfully re
moved from any wash material by
rubbing the stains In molasses and
afterward washing in the regular way.
All woodwork and furniture to be
treated to a coat of white enamel
should be sandpapered first, that a
streaked effect may ha prevented. - -
V i ( . (!,;
Hot alum water is the best 'insect
destroyer known. Put the alum In
hot water and let it boll until it is all
dissolved,, then apply the solution hot
with a brush to all 'carpets, matresaes
or other articles infected. Ants, cock
roaches, eto,,, are also killed by it
while it has no danger of poisoning
the family or injuring the property.
Tablecloths and sheets which show
signs of wear at the folds should have
two or three Inches out from one side:
and at one end. - This will alter the
place of all tha folda and give' quite
a new lease of . 11 fa.. Huckaback tow
els which begin to get thin in thi
oemer, may nave sides turned to mid
dle, and can then still ba used tot quite
a long time, : ',
' i n p'
Hlntrt or 'Put-im t.nrwha. '
Col? baked beans with brown bread
and baked apples. '
Mayonnaise of cold fish with, graham
bread and lettuce.
Pecan and celery sandwiches seasoned
wiiu onion juice. , .
Potato salad with sandwiches made of
hard boiled urea.
, Corned beef with rye bread horserad-
ssn, ana anreaaea cabbage.
jCo14 chops of-porkrlamb- p mutton
wrappea in wax paper. ,-
Apple sauce or stewed prunes with
gingerbread or.molasBes cookies.
Broiled salmon .with chopped celery
and mayonnaise with white bread.
Sausage sandwiches with pickled on
iona, and. whole wheat Or rye bread.
Cottage cheese
pickled beets and entire wheat bread.
or wnoiesome and nutritious awaet
stuff dates with peanuts or walnuts. -
Lettuce leaves between - slices of
white bread thickly spread with , pea
nut butter. v
Inalde the city? same price aa a lot
. ja v" "ywn. aiaay lerroa
a0 Lumbermen! Bldg.
; Lest You
Willalatin Park
Portland's Most Scenic Acreage.
country home. Lots of soil, good
a tin ni-h P..,,ti(l j .j
road runs through property.
$400 :D Per Acre
10 Down, 2 Per Honth
The St. Helen's Hall will open their
iim icim oi ivu m tneir new home
at Willalatin tarfc. Values will dou
ble before buildings are completed.
Automobiles run to tract daily. See
us tt once, .'.v:
Villalatin Inv. Co.
214-215 Bosrd of Trade bldg.
Main 66Si, Ai7ia
lMl4t eltvj same price as a lot
, 10 per cent down. Easy terma
20 Lumbermens Bldg.
Of Household
gnerlal iiU nnli.. .. ...
5f.ur.e.)' A1J tha furnltura and fittings
of residence from East Tenth st. will be
ntn nsp mi KMm shMabi a . -n .
tV ll&fZ "hlngi
, auuf t A V tje ill, ) .
. Zk ST. GTX.XAir, Aaetloneer.
Inside tha cityr same price as a lot
19 p.? down- Easy terms.
20 Lumbermens Bldg.
; woodmen ef the
nwi meets every Fri
day night in W. 6. w.
Temple, 12S Eleventh
street All members re
SV'l tft, b Prent
No 1, K. T. Stated conclave
this evening at 8 o'clock.
Visiting, Sir Knights cnu
teously invited.
vv. a. mackuh, Recorder.
M-..w,.A- Ro".9 camp 04S8. mUta
Monday evenings, 8elllng-Hirack bldg,
Park- mnA 1A,'..hln.. w V
Dartlne11' clerk. Phones. Main ':4
B. N. A., Marguerite camp, meeta every
wmIi. end Btirk.
Oregon hoh camp, meeta
and Morrison. ,
CHILD -To Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Child.
it iiwi, juiy ii, a girt,
RAMSEY To Mr. and Mrs. It M. Ram
Jl"a' boyrt Mtern!ty nospltal, July
MOUNTTo-Mr. and Mrs. IV. Hugh
d. muuui, rw nana Maternity bos
Ital, July 21, a boy.
uuiiiJoin.iiM 10 jar. and Mrs. Bol. H.
Goldstein. Portland Maternity hos
pital, July 21, a boy. - - '
FISHER To MK and Mrs. Forrest 8.
Jaly--Slir-e-beyr" -i " '
ANTHONY To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald An
thony, Portland Maternity hospital
July 28. a boy.
nnfrl.r t vr.. 111..., n...t., auu Aula, aiuw i xjvyin,
Portland MtrnJtw hnmit.i a 1
a girl.
iiAWTHOKJNE to Mr. and Mr. Claude
pltal. Aug. . 2. a boy.
BIRin3 '
TOMPKINS To Mr. and Mra Forbes
Tompkins, Aug. 4, a girl,
DONKLSON To Mr. and Mr. Daniel
Donelson, Portland Maternity hos
pital. Aug. 5, a boy. - '
PLEBUCK To Mr. nd Mrs.' Paul
Plebuch, Aug. 6, Portland Maternity
hospital, a boy.
PERKINS To Mr. and Mra. Enalgn
i'red M. Perkins, Peruana jviaternuy
hospital, A u g. 8, a bo y . :
W. "W. Frazce, corner Powell and Foster-streets,
32, and Anda Kamsay, 23. -
Stephen , Wing, 429 Main, 21, and
Sarah Joiner, 13.
A. B. Kobertson, Condon, Or., 21, and
Gertrude Brehaut, 22.
Harry Glfford, Lents, Or., 42, and
Mary BchUler. ii.
. P.. G. Renne, 485 Columbia boulevard,
28. and Echo Nason, 23.
- Robert Gibson. 460 Williams ave., 45,
and Isabel Marshall. 30.
. . George JJ. Herd, general delivery, 28,
and Hilda Meyn; 80. . '
J. - Hallstensen. 400 North Twenty
third btreet, 80. and Luida Johnson, 21.
W. P. Consonno, 4S9 Flanders st. 21,
and Mary Lemm, 18.
Ford Koblln. 606 Washington street
tl .nil Clh.wt...4 Art
walford Davis, 889 Ros street 27
ana Jennie uunkeiman. Z7.
. Geoi ge E. Myers, Perkins hotel.-2.
and Edna Suttle, 22.
Charles Hawthorn, 67 Fifth street, 20.
and Amelia Hervert, 27.
WEDDING -cards. W. G. Smith ft Co
Washington bldg., corner of 4th and
Washington eta. - ,- . "
WEDDING Invitations, announcementa,
" William Klumpp Co. 32 8 H Wash, st
DREbB suits fur rent- all slsea Unique
Tailoring Co., SO Stark st
CLARKE BKOS.. florists: fine flowers
and floral dealgns. isi Merrlaoa st
BROWN In this city August 10, at the
family residence, 1088 Williams ave.,
Cecelia M, Brown, aged 86 years, 28
rine Brown and the late Michael Brown,.
Announcement or lunerai- later.
KERANEN Elmer Keranen, S3T Guild
tree tAugfl ago.- 4- months. Inonl?
tlon. 1
8AILS Harry Balls, Spokane, Wash.,
Aug. 8, age 28. Heart disease.
VOLllAN--Howard Vollan, 821 Minne
sota avenue, Aug. 8, age 8 montha
KINDER Nancy Kinder, Good Samari
tan hospital, Aug. 8; age 63. Fracture-
of skull.
AALVIK Peter Aalvlk, .St Vincent's
hospital, Aug. 8, age 84. Peritonitis.
TAVILLI Henry Tavilll, 1483 Division
street Aug. 8, age 2. Enteritis.
DIXON Hazel Dixon, Stewart Station,
Aug. 9, age 6. No cause.
CALAV AN Katie Calavan, 1000 East
Salmon street Aug. 8. age S3. In
anltlon. - '''-
MAX M. SMITH, florist ISO tth St.
opp. Meier & Frank'a. Main T218.
Dunning & McEntee uS-
every detail tth and Pine. Mala 480.
A-4SS8. Lady aaslstant
Zeller-Brynes Co, iV. .nw
phones; lady aaslstant Moat modem
establlahment in city. : .
V CSrP The m. slot undertaker.
JLEJtVLfl Lady assistant B-1888. East
T81. E. th and Alder.
J. P. Finley & Son
Lady' attendant. Main . A-1S.
EAST 81DE funeral directors, auueeae
ore to V. 8. Dunnlnw. Inc. E. S2,B-868
rRIPQHM Undertaking "Co., MaAn
LnlUoUll 8188. A-328B; lady aaw't
&DWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. W
Id at Lady aaslatant Main SOT.
CERTIFICATES of title made' by the
Title ft Trust company, Lewis bldg,
4th and Oak. ;- . ; .
Lena Friedman to Weston Tour
nay, lots 6 and 6, block 23, Rail
" way addition 100
G. F. Hlnmers and wife to W. A,
Blakeley et al, lot 7, block 84,
Sell wood . 250
A. B. Gates and wife to O. L.
.... Applegate. IS acres beginning in
Gates county road at southwest
corner of the A. B. Gates land
in section 14, township 1 south,
range 2 east .................. 8,2S0
J. F. Sachs and wife to Amy
Anderson, lot 28, block 6, Ar-
leta Park No. 2 i. KB
River View Cemetery association
to Ottelega Schabbehar, lot 86,
block 104, said cemetery..,... 100
N. M. Davis et al to Claude E.
Rose-et al, south 20 feet of
lot 8 and north 20 feet of lot 4, :
block 16, Central Albina. ...... 8,000
Adolph Henkey to J. XHrich
tichmld, lot 11, block. 1. Slaes
addition . .. 1.280
Ladd Estate company to 8. P.
Mulllns, lot 10, block 27, West
moreland . . ... . ... . . . e 40,
J. B. Shandy to Frank C. Espen
haln. land beginning on aouth
line of northeast quarter of .
northwest quarter of section 26,
township 1 south, range 3 eaet. 1,689
B Currier and wife to Laura E.
Lanu et al, lot 11, block 16,
Sunnyslde addition 8.300
Albert F. Darling and wife to
William A. Darling, lot 16, block
89, Vernon 4800
Frederick M. Branoh and wife to L.
C. Davis and George D. Riechers ;
west 66 2-8 feet of lots 1, 2,- 3, "
block 2. Sunnyslda 4,000
Same to J. I Lowey, east 33 1-3 t - .
feet of lots I 2, 3, block 8, Sun-
nyslde 00
Andrew Kan and wife to Amml S.
Nichols, land beginning 176 feet
west from a point 60 feet weat
and 6 feet north from north-
west corner of lot 3, block 3,
Chrlstensen's addition to Mount
Tabor 6,000
W. H. Nunn and wife to Andrew
Paulsen, lot 8, block IS, North
Irvlngton 480
W. P. Wilson and wife to Carl An
derson, .lot 12, block 9, Railway
addition ... 204
B. a Priestley and wife to Nellie
Tolmkn, lot 12, block 13 and
block 26, East Creston. ........ . 1,800
George A. Smith to H. El Noble,
east half of lot 8, and all of lot
8, block 3, Roselawn 2,760
H. Hamblet and wife to Fred
... Christiansen., lots 17. 18. block ,
20, Falrport . ... .......... 560
John M. Pittenger and wife to W,
W. Clark et al., south 46.6S feet ,
of lots 4, 6, block 4, Mlnrose. . 480
B. M. Lombard et aL ta W. W.
Clark et aU lots 2. S, block 4, '
Havelock ........... i ........ , 100
Arleta Land - Co - to--Bertha -L.
Moore, lots 21, 22. block 6, El
berta ..' , B50
Arleta Land Co. to Bertha L.
L. Moore, lot 22, block 3, El- - '
berta 825
Werner Stark and wife to Abe
Horensteln, lot 11, block 29,
Multnomah, except north 40 feet 1,000
H. Wittenberg and wife to Adolph
, N. Nerlson et al.. lot 11. block
12, Irvlngton Heights 100
Rancy D. Smith and husband to
Henry Mohrdlack, lots 26, 27,
block' 122. University Park.... L0O0
Mary G. Hart and husband to
Clinton Alger, lots 8, 4, block L
Katharine 800
Maria Louisa Hughes et at to
George F. Anderson et al., lot ,
6, block 89, Irvlngton ........ 10
3. H. Lilly to Andrew Linden. lot
43, 44, block 6, Railway addl- .
tlon .v ISA
X H. Hacker et al. to Bertram E .-
. Aaams. ioib ir,i. uvoctScWUi-
ana Park 280
Mabel. Weldler et aL to Jane Mo- .
Klnley, lot 12, block 7, Sunny
side 800
Portland Trust Co, . of . Oregon to
Florence 'C. Ellerbe, lote 1, 2,
block 83, West - Portland Park 100
H. M. Ackley and wife to Title St
Trust Co., 10 acres beginning 4
chains 60 links fast and 9 chains
links north of qnarterpost on " 1 ""'
wast line of section 6. township
1 south, range 1 east...,...,,., 1,500
Interurban Realty- Co. to Hush ,
McLane. .lot 3, block 4. Belle '' "
Creet '460
Klng'a Helebts Realty Syndicate
. to Syndicating Realty Co., lot
- 23, block 7, King's Heights addi
tion .. 850
Glen Harbor Realty Co. to Frank
Batter, lot 13, block 4, Glen liar- -bor
W. S. Rllea and wife to L. B.
Merton, lot 18, block 10, Weat- s
moreland ; .'. ............ . . : . . . 4,000
C A. Young and wife to M. Brede-
mier. lots 10 and 12. block 39,
Irvlngton Park ... , , 475
Joupph M, Healy et al to J. G.
Wilson. lot 9. block 8, Waver
leigh Heights 875
H. Hamblet trustee, to Mrs. N. B.
Gallagher, lots 1 and 2. block 8,
Fairport , 600
Portland Trust Company of Ore
gon to It. T. Shearer, lots 24, 25, '
26, block 76, West Portland'
Park ) 207
C. A. Helm to James P. BerryhiU,
lot 12, block 14, Loveleigh ad-
dltion ( 800
Cecil I. Smith and husband to Mary
A. HelUel, lot 3, block 3. City
View Park , 2000
Mary A. Heltzel to Charles ,L.
Smith et aL, lot 3, block 3, City '
View Park 2100
Tyler Investment company to Ar
thur Louden et al., lots 17, 18, .
19. 20, block 16, Willamette ad- - -dltion
.- 1100
Syndicating Realty -company- to ,
, A. W. Horn, lot 23, block 7, -Kings
Heights 1250
John P. Sharkey company ,to oj
anna Schmeer, lot 17 block 24,
Waverletgh Heights 850
Levl Redlum to W. A." Bartholo-
mew, lot 11, block 4, Rochelle.. 4000
Rose City Park association . to
Leroy R. Fields, lot 4, block 89.
Rose City Park 1200
A. W.' Prink and wife to W. A.
, Townsend, lot 1, - block 29,
Jonesmore addition .., 2610
Flrland company 1 to H. I. Pow
era, lot 12, block 2, Flrland 175
Title Guarantee & Truat company
to I. C. Scott lot 85, block 1LJ
Dover , 200
Carl Schlewe and wife to Albert
Volgt et aL, lot 7, block 84, 1
Multnomah" . 2000
Inevstment company to John B. '
Grimes, lots 10, 12, block 41,
Irvlngton Park 600
Emma ,J. Detick and husband to
.. E. A. Hornbeck, part of north
west of section 33, township
1 north, range 2 east , ., 8000
W. E. Lewis and wife to C. M.
Rasor. -100x50 " feet In section "jT
- S3, township 1 north, range 2 -eaat
. 1070
Leander LeWis and wife to C M. -Kasor,
land beginning at north
east corner of southwest quarter .
of southeast quarter of section
88, township 1 north, range 2
east . ...... . . . .............. . 630
May W. Moore and husband to M.
. E. Dryden, lota 4 and 6, block
' 6, Falrvlew addition .......... 1300
Florence Warlnner to M. E. Dry
den. lot 3. block 5. Falrvlew ad
dition 650
LAWYERS Abstract Truav ue., room
. Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts a
specialty. .
ABSTRACTS Of title. D. Alexander ab.
street of flee. 418 l;orhett bldg. Main 66
PACIFIC Title & Truat Co., the leading
Abstractora 804-6-6-7 Failing bldg.
BUSINESS corner and good 6 room at
tractive house, 28th and E. Everett;
Ankeny ear peases door: phone owner,
Sellwood 69.
13600, 3800 CASH.
This house waa built to sell for 84200;
It will sell for that on easier terms now.
It haa living room 14x24 feet firenlace.
hardwood floors, cement basement Dutch
kitchen, porch - 40. feet long; the lot is
full size and graded, sewer, gas, etc., all
paid; lot worth 31100. The house would
cost, contract. 83000. We have 4 others
at aame bargain. Fact is, we will lose
money on these houses that we may get
casn ror otner purposes, jr-none
shall 646. 902 Lewis bldg.
. $150 Down
$15 per Month, .
Modern 6 room bungalow, lot 50x100,
8 blocks from carllne in good neighbor
hood, streets graded, cement sidewalks
in, cement basement; price 82250.
Meiklejohn & Pond .
405 E, Morrison.
Phones B-1437, East 1118.
We will sell you a home and you can
pay us in monthly payments; we will
also build' to suit you anywhere in the
624, 526 Board of Trade Bldg.
rnone Aiarsnan 478.
BY owner new 6 room modern bunga
low, pries $2150; easy terms;; no
agents' commission; full shed basement
and attlo, large front and rear porches,
best plumbing, Dutch kitchen, paneled
dining room, beamed celling and china
closets; lot 50x100, streets graded, ce
ment walks, and water in and paid for.
Take M-V car to E. 69th st Go one
block south to green bungalow or phone
$100 Down
.. $10 per Month
4 room and cottage, 60x100, one block
from csr, nice garden: price $1050. .
Meiklejohn & Pond
405 L Morrison.
Phones B-1437;. East 1118.
Will Bear Investigation .
My 6 room bungalow at 544 Green
wood ave., one block, south of W-B car.
line, can be secured at a bargain; make
offer now, as I leave Portland Septenv
East Burnside District
For sale, my home, new and modern in
every respect. 6 rooms, full cement base
ment ana a furnace. At home evenings,
A safe Investment should deposit his
money with us and receive interest on
tne same, from 2 to 6 per cent Port
land Truat Company, B. E, corner Sd
and Oak sts.
OWNER wllj sacrifice for $2100. easy
tmiua. pisuy cumjo, lurnisnea, B
rooms, bath, valuable corner, between
two cars, 20 minutes' walk to West
Side, No agents. Tabor 2333. . Box
Dot, i-urunnu
ONE- acre traot 3 room house, chicken
house and park, small fruits, 60 cnas
of wood, good water, 13o fare; price
$775; some terms. Nimmo, Runey ft
$300 CASH buys a 6 room home, lot
,45x100, bath, modern plumbing, full
basemen tr pay- balancelike- - rent. On
bungalow; full basement and attic; on
Ivy st. between Williams and Union
Aves. Phone Woodlawn 70.
SNAP Must sell two corner lots Pow
ell Valley road, worth $600; first buy
er with $350 cash next ' 10 days takes
t nem. 1 vwnf.r. iua i;orpwu Diag. ;
FOR SALE QR. TRADE 6 room mod
' em bungalow, for dairy cows. Owner
going on farm. Phone Tabor 113. C.
t ToVrv Arletfl Or
I HAVE now several new homes com
'pleted. Modern, close to car, 37000.
$500 cash, bal. $100 per month. C-1866.
NEW 7 room modern house; 60x100 lot."
-full cement basement, cement walks
and curb. $4200; terms. Owner, 1M8
i. Him HI.
SEE us if you Tare looking for a house.
We have them.
500-603 Henry bldg.
Nil-AT, coxy cottage on 60" foot lot, tso
cash, $10 per month. Gregory Inveat
ment Co., end of noBe City Park carllne.
SEE my -list of modern houses before
. - -a -ri- i-T' . . wv..
LIST your property with Charles L
-Xewfs.' m CommeJ-clal Mack 2,1 1V3
BY ow ner, new 6 room etrlotly modern
'house,, East Yamhill st., near 85th,
FIVE room modern bungalow. $250
terms, inquire bus BtarK.
"EES "."1 ' ." . " .j !"". 1.
'SEW modern houses in Irvington. R.
B. Rice, 690 Wascq tl p.oth phonea.
mm -,
6 Room House
On the ridge, the gateway to the Red
Institute, - Magnificent vUsv of tha olty
and only 2 blocks from the car. The
home 4 well built and modem; nice
parlor, reception hall, bathroom, dining
room on first floor, fine portico, sleep,
lng porches, plenty of fruit, dandy gar
den, nice fir trees for shade;
Price $3500
Terms can be arranged to suit pur
chaser or we will trade for arood acre
age conveniently located. Don't phone
about thla, but come out. '
Woodstock Sta., take W-W ear.
Southeast Portland IS growlns.
$100 ,Down,"$20 Month "
$28506 iroom bungalow, Piedmont - -.
32750 6 room cottage. Vernon.
81300 5 room cottage,' Montavtlla.
$29505 room cottage, Rose-City ParX
$13504 room cottage, Vernrm.
$3500 6 room cottage, Hawthorne av,
1297fi ft rnnrti hnno-filnw - harH-oift.irl
floors, Rose City Park. .
a.ibo many otners tn smair-payments
down and easy monthly payments. -
201 Lumhermens bldg. 1
Finp.. IrvlriMnri Hnmo" Sarrlfirfi .
New. ahsnlntelv modern, new Wes
built different with 9 ft finished attic .
for . billiards and dancing; garage in
basement; plate glass, elaborately fltt?d
mrougnout; nneat neiernDornooa;; 3Mi
home aojoinlng; new 85000 home belli i
erected In same block. This must le ,
seen, to be appreciated. Price only
28500: coat over 89000: business liability
causes, sacrifice. Phone East or B-1631
for particulars.
' Swiss Bungalow ' .
E. 87th st, near Hawthorne ave., $28',0.
iaucastv naianc easy terms,- riwm,
ftne bath, hard wood floors and Dutch
kitchen, shades and fixtures lncludirt;
a fine little home. See us immediately.
211 Lewis bldg.
Mr. Investor
If you are looking for a home In Hot
laday's, Irvlngton, Highland, Walrut
Park, Vernon, Irvlngton Park, Sunr y-t
side East Portland, Bruno, Mt Tabr,
Foxchaae. Garrison, Edendale, Rose
lawn, Sellwood, Portsmouth, Willamette
Heights, we have listed the best buys in
each of these additions. It will pay yuu
to see us for homes, homes, hom-m.
H. A. Chandler, 610 Lumbermens bid;..
bin ana taric. Main vt6.
5 Rooms Corner Lot
84500 takes new bungalow in Sunny
side; firenlace, furnace, eto. very flr".
The place is worth more: terms 812l
cash, balance to suit 4
Also other bungalows, from $2800 u .
Including street Improvements, Can e H
oungaiows on terms as low as $150 ana
$30 monthly,
Bargains Offered :-
- Are you looking for a first class buy?
If so look below:
Bmall house, 2 rooms, corner; $800. -6
rooms, Irvlngton; think; $5500.
6 rooms, E. Madison, corner, lot: $4500
9 rooms, Holladay addition; $9000.
8 rooms, Williams add.; see this; $570).
New, strictly modern.
Easy terms given. See.
IAM8 & HALL. 213 Gerllnger bldg.
$3250, aeven - rooms, beauty, term i.
Tou can chase your legs off runnln 1
down propositions ' of new modern
houses for sale by owner who mu.t
sacrifice only to find $500 or more profit 1
asked on first cost. . I am offering thi
week a new modern home at $300 lostv
Full basement, cement floor, furnace, '
elegant light fixtures, fireplace, shades,
everything complete and fine condition.
Call 607 McKay bldg.. Main 4710.
- Practically new modern 7 room house.
In Vernon, & block from car, thla sldtv
of 20th st, for sale on easiest term.
possible. Owner leaving city and will,
accept $106 or $200 down balance like
rent. This house is one of the bent
constructed' buildings in Alberta, Good-:
nough 8 Millard. 422 Ablngton bldg..
10SH a st.
ONLY $100 down and $25 a month on
balance buys swell new 6 room bun
galow, 60x112 lot. south front, im
proved street sidewalk and curb; pan
eled dining room, full basement - big
floored attic, best plumbing and fix
tures, near good carllne and 10 minutes'
ride to new bridge; complete abstract
title has been examined. Call at once,
616 Ablngton bldg. ,
Away Below
New, 6 rooms, 2 story, thoroughly
modern, solid construction; built for a
home, 85th and Tillamook; $3800; good
terma Buy of owner and save com
missions. O. L, EDGECOMB, ,
410 Jf AtiK. Bl.
$1850 Good Bargain j
" Choice, sightly corner 87tyxl00, with
small house, in Vernon. Heights, 1 block"
from Alameda Park. Phone owner
a. m. to 5 p. m Main 6803. A-3634. Call
evenings and Sunday and see property
and owner. 2 2d and Prescott st Take
Alberta car.
FORCED to sell below value Have 2
lots 60x100 with house, garden and'
fruit; adjoining lots are selling for $600
each. I am leaving city and will sacri
fice my Improvement of $350 and will
sell for price of lots $1200; $600 cash. .
88 10th st.
Fine Scenic Home
On Mt. Tabor; 7 rooms, large lot with
fruit and flowers' a fine view that can
not be out off. This is a snap: will sell
on easy terms. See owner, 313 Cham-'
ber of Commerce.
$8000, Bargain; -$1000 Cash
3 new houses,-1 rooms each.
Comer, north and east frontage, 175x100.
Entirely modern, every convenience.
Good loealltv. near streetcars. ' '
FRED TF. HUNTRESS, 680 Lumber Ex.
$2500 5 room bungalow, double walls
ana riosrs, nrepiace, ouxmu tot, a
blocks from car; can be had for 1200
down. Take Montavtlla car. Get off st
Stark street House number 2047 E.
Stark. - Go and see it yourself. Owner-
lives In house.
IF you are interested in buying one of
the best up to date homes in Irv-
ington, on your own terms, don't fall
to see one Of these; Juat completed, tl
rooma; the rest you will have to see
to appreciate. Call up East 2687 and X
wtll tane you out. uwner.
Modern 7 room house on corner Tot, 1
block from carllne in heart of Sunnv-.
side; $500 cash down, balance easy
terms. Phnne A-44!2, Main 7491.
IF you are Interested In buying a home
let us build you one from your own
plans and terms on one of our lots; we
will give you a square deal, ; Gates ft :
Young, 412 Htamoo si.
FOR SALE 80x100 loot lot, with house
furnished, at 642 Gantenbeln av,
Portland, near Albina postofflce. Pr!'4
$2800. Call at 890 Vancouver ave., or
$18 DOWN, $10 monthly; fine BOilOO,
east front Jot, 100 feK from Albert
St.; $700. Phone Wqodlawn2674 ,
EQUITY of $260 in lofto trMO"7oir
per. month. Tabor 674. jjnlnif
.CORNr-R lot in AiMna b-j;-"'-;' l4
for tash If taken lmir.ed:f.':y. t .....
Teitcnal .
PORTLANTTTlelghta. a -yiiTtiTV- . I
jint, firms in citiiiuv, f irr:.
C-7tiS, jpiir'ial.
200 feet'fai-ing Ailn-'-i ' ; f t
I'Otl HALir-ihe ts't i .'t 11 .
52 foot fronUg. t'all Ji.'.
T. 1"''J"u; ,""' v-'""