THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' AUGUST 10, 1910 W PAYETTE LAKES T0GETRA1LR0AD Rich Timber Belt to Be Opened - ' by Pacific & Idaho ' " "7 Northern."" (Special Dispatch V Tte Journal.) , Welser, Idaho, Aug, 10. A crew of ;.. Pacific & Idaho Northern surveyors started out Monday from Meadows to make a preliminary 1 survey from Meadows to, Payette;1 lakes and down Long - valley as far as Roseberry. It can be safely stated that the Pacific ft Idaho Northern will In the very hear future be 1 extended to Payette lakes, Idaho's , most beautiful summer' resort that Is rapidly growing In. popularity, and the extension is certain to reach .down Long .valley at least as 'far as - Roseberry, Boise county's rapidly grow lng metropolis. ; V fv ? -a ,c . . . With the. extension! of ' this road , to the Payette lakes, there Will be 100,000 acres of fine saw timber made tributary -to the Pacific & Idaho Northern. Half of this saw timber is in large ownership. The smaller timber owners are certain not to hold ; their standing timber at present prices-. Much' of this land is more valuable with the timber off than on. " ::-' -f -' -"v' , v, ; Beach &loh Timber Bait. . ' It Is seen that there is easily $15, 000,000 worth of saw timber tributary : to the paclflo & Idaho Northern rail road, as soon as the 'railroad reaches the lakes. At least , half of this vast amount of timber is certain to be cut .-And-hauled out In the not distant future. ,' Thls Hem alone, t MSftffi "7 Is seen, to "be railroad. ' There are 60,000 acres of tillable lands In Meadows valley. This amount of . tillable land In this Valley In time will be considerably Increased . as the great , timber areas extending along Both sides (of the valley are cut down. s' . In Long-valley there are 250,000 acres of tillable lands; This, of course, Is , counting the many pretty little trlbu ' tary valleys lying along the streams that empty into the Payette river wlth . 1n the boundaries of Long valley. .And when the railroad' la extended down the Little 1 Salmon rivet , to . OrangevlUe, as it is planned to do, and which may be added to the certainties of the not distant futura, the undevel- oped agricultural area i of Jhat vicinity will also be opened, adding still more y wealth and prestige not only to the Pa cific, Idaho Northern, but also to the state of Idaho. ,": . r In order; to extend the road from - Meadows to Payette lake,' It Is neces sary to raise 1300 -feet to the lowest pass In the divide between Meadows, and '-. Long valley,- and then thenroad must ; drop 100 feet to the lakes. In accom ' pushing this It will require a J per , cent grade In reaching the: summit, and 15 miles' of railroad building. In an air line It Is about six miles from Meadows to Payette lakes. - BRICK BUILDINGS ' . RISE AT ONTARIO t,7T (Spcial Diapatca to The Journal! ' Ontario, .Or., Aug. 10. The contract for building the Catholic church has been awarded to William Raver antftOre0 Railway & Navigation company the new church edifice will be erected at onca .The foundation has been built for some time. The foundation for the new Presbyterian church will be put In next week and the contract far the building, which will be of white pressed brick, will be awarded. The brick,' work is . progressing on the five-story hotel and the other brick buildings being erected by T. H. Moore on Main street Several new residences are also in course of construction. Every house in town is occupied and there Is a great demand for houses. i- " ' Will Plant Apple Trees. (Special Dlotcb Tne Jncrnl. Dallas, Ot.i Aug. 10. Robert P. Fish er -and George D. Btewart, who came from Montana last Week to visit Mr. Fisher's aunt, Mrs. W. V.-Fuller, have decided to become permanent residents of Dallas. They have bought a tract of .land near, the city reservoirs and will plant 13 or 15 acres to apples. . j Get - First Thresher. 1 (Sprint DUpetch to The Jeiiriwil.V Marshfield, Or.. Aug. 10. A thresh ing machine which . arrived here by steamer for Charles Heller of McKln ley excited - considerable comment among the young Marshfleldltes, who had never seen one before. Lota Bring $85,000. . Bt Maries. Idaho,, Augi 10.---The sale of lots on the government townslte brought approximately f 85,000, or an average of about MS, a lot, " About 60 per cent of the property was bought by local people. Xorsery at Dallas. , . (Special DUpetch to The Journal.) ' Dallas, Or., Aug. , 10. H. , G. Camp bell and D. U Thomas will establish a rursery and graenhouM here this fall. They art fitting up a traot of land near town, for the nursery. . Covey . we all unaerstana the principle of bodily nourishment how the blood, loaded with nutritive properties, circulates through the system and ; oon etantly supplies the needs of every muscle, nerve, bone and tissue. Ths aority of human ailments are caused by Impure blood, because when the y is supplied with weak, polluted blood the system is. deprived of Its necessary strength and disease-resisting powers. Children do not develop perfectly, nor are they strong and robust unless the blood is pure and strong, while old people are afflicted with rheumatism, and other attendant troubles of old age, because of weakened circulation. S. 8. 8, is made entirely of healing, strengthening. Cleansing roots and hnrha. tha rrant find hfiHt hfnnrl ediclaaior.young.,finfl old., ., It - ourea impure or diseased blood, tones up and regulates every part of the system and creates an abundant supply of nourishment with which to build up the blood. 8. 8. S. cures Rheiynatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Malaria, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, and all other blood dis orders. Book on the blood and any medical advice free. 1 THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA. GA, r ' " : . . l ' ' ' ' J , J' J' ' I . ' r t t 1 ill ' y 'f':') -f. . ,y 2iy y Latest Pattern of Holt Comljlned Harvester Propelled by. Gasoline Engine, PRESIDENT LOVEn . TOURS INTERIOR Head-bf Harriman Lines Takes h Lon9 Auto-Trip-Over- Cen tral Oregon. (Special Dtapatcb to The Journal.) " ' Vale, Or., Aug. 10. President Lovi ett, head of the Harriman lines, Is tour ing ' Central Oregon. - He spent a day here with : a f large par ty of ' officials and left by auto for the great railroad- less area. t y ; ;;. :i: v.i Vii A special train of four cars was brought In from Ontario. Tha party consisted of Judge Lovett. head . of the Harriman system; W. H.' Bancroft, gen eral manager of the Oregon Bltort Line; D. tBBurley; general passenger agent of the Oregon Short Line, and: JAP. O'Brien, president and general manager of the Oregon, Railway & Navigation companyf C P. Buck, chief engineer Of the Oregon Railway & Navigation com pany; L. P. Williams, chief counsel for the Oregon Short Line; W. W. Cotton, chief counsel for the" Oregon ' Railway & Navigation, company; "W. P. Miller, and others. ' ' '' - T.he visit of the head officials Of the Harriman system to Ontario, Vale and the Interior of Oregon, at this time over the routs of the proposed Una is con sidered .as very significant and specula tion is rife as to Its full Importance. It is reported that the, visit Is In con nection with the Oregon & Eastern, and that building operations will soon be gin on the new line across the central part of the state, while the ta king over of 40 miles 6f the Oregon Short Line between Ontario and Huntington by the ana me epiaousning or . ma amsion point or the two roads and the eastern terminus of the Oregon & Eastern at Ontario, Is considered likely , , TRAINS .AT MEADOWS- . BYiIOVEMBER 1 ' (Spwflal mnach to The Joornal.) Meadows, Idaho, Aug. 10. Four hun dred men and teams are now working on the grading of the Facifio & Idaho Northern xtension-irom Evergreen to Meadows. From 15 to 20 per cent of the grading work Is finished.. This ex tension must be finished and trains running through to Meadows by Novem ber. Tha grading can be completed by October.., This will leave at least SO days la Which to place the ties, lay the steel and do the ballasting. The track can be laid In 16 days and the ballast ing can ba accomplished In a very short time. It can therefore be stated that Pacific & Idaho Northern trains will be running Into Meadows by November 1. SHIPS FROM CAVITE' , ARRIVE AT 6REMEBT0N UnJtd Pteae Leased Wire.) Bremerton. Wash.. Aug. 10. The United States cruiser Chattanooga and the navy collier Prometheus will arrive today from Cavlte. They reached Port Townsend yesterday and passed Quar antine Inspection satisfactorily. ' Pave Ellensburg Street. ' (pedal Dltpetch to The Jooraett Ellensburg, Wash:, Aug. e 10. Rapid progress la being made by Contractor William In the paving, of the business district several blocks of concrete foun datlon having been finished north from the Northern Paolflo depot The entire jeb Includes laying more than a mile of brick paving. .... Motlor Car Co. Seventh and Conch Streets ABLOODHEDICIiJE FOR YOUNG on OLD - everyilment-whtoh-comee-from USING GASOLINE POWER IN : HARVEST GRANGERS PLAN FAIR AT KNAPPA Lively River Town Will Make First Exhibition of Products in October; J ' : - , (Special Viapitch to The Journal. v: Knappa, Or., Aug. 10. Knappa is to have, a grange fair and farmers' . Insti tute to show the state : what can be done In the way of farm prpducts and live citizenship, . The exhibition will be held October T and 8 under the direc tion of the local grange, A committee of arrangements headed by F. EI Butler, has been named to have charge of the show, i combining the work of the grange and the farmer the plana are to have addresses each afternoon by members of the faculty of the Oregon Agricul tural college. Lunch will be provided by restaurants on the grounds and plen ty of music will be provided. It is planned to have an excursion train run from Portland to give peo ple an opportunity to see the rich coun try about Knappa, -providing an - ideal outing for a day. , This is the first ef fort made by the town to get ' public notice and everything possible will be done to make the fair a. success. COLORED BOXER GAVE HIS COIN TO CHARITY - ;. .. "V As an illustration of the big heart edness of the late Joe Gans, an inci dent 1s recalled that happened tir-8an Francisco a few years ago, when a. 'bene fit was given . for young Frank McCon nell, who went Insane from a blow that sent his head against the floor of -the ring In a battle with Spider Welch. At this benefit bout sat such boxer as Jimmy Britt, Eddie Ha'nlon, Joe Thomas, Frankie Nell and some 40 or B0 . horsemen, who were enjoying the races over at Oakland at that time. ' Billy Jordan, the veteran announcer. Jumped into the ring, Just previous to the main event and spoke a few words about McConnell. after which a collec tion was taken up. The people gathered about the ringside and' started tossing coins into the- ring and as-theydld, Jordan announced the amount, with the name of the donor. Here is how Jor dan announced the donations of the pug ilists: - "Joe Gans, $20., Jimmy Brltt. $S0. Eddie Han Ion, 40, "Joe Gans, (SO more, making a total of $50 for Mr. Gans. Jimmy Brltt makes it $60 for his donation. Eddie Hanjon makes his $70. , r ; : , . "Joe Gans makes It $80. Jimmy Brltt makes it $90. Do I hear any more?" asked Jordan. - Gans stood up and threw in $10 more making It $100 for himself. Brltt went him one better and made his donation $125. The fans expected to see some thing doing as the men kept at It Jordan looked around at the two box ers, who at that time were flush with worldly goods, and nobody said a word. Just as Jordan was ready to get out of the ring, Gans stood tfp and threw in a $$0 bill, making his donation reach the amount of $150. - v , . . - This Is just one of the many 'charita ble acts that will hang to the good name of Joe Gans. SEATTLE TENNIS MEET -' ''BRINGS OUT EXPERTS Seattle, Aug. 10. Today Is the eeo ond day of the state tennis champion ships, being played this week on the courts of the Seattle Tennis club. Miss Haael -Hotchklss of California, .-who ranks next to May Button, and Mme. Da Lobel -Mahy, wife of the French consul here,- are starring In the women's singles and doubles. Miss Hotchklss will play an exhibition match with Sam Russell this afternoon. , Russell and Fits, the veterans, disposed of Craw ford and White of Victoria yesterday, removing their worst tumbling block in the path, to the second, consecutive championship. - NO MORE HALF RATE OR FREE USE 0F WIRES ; , (United Frees Leased Wire.) New York, Aug. 10. Franks and half rate privileges have been recalled by both the - Postal and Western Union Telegraph companies. Circulars asking ,f or the return of the franks and half rate certificates were mailed today-f rom the main offices of the two companies here, The circulars call the attention of patrons to the provision of the new rail road regulation law that makes tele graph companies common 'carriers and prohibits free or reduced rate messages. The franks will be discontinued after August 18. , " Oakland Comes Stronger. - San Franclscd,. Cal., Aug. 10. r- The Oakland and .Vernon teams played 10 innings of runless ball yesterday, and In the eleventh Inning the Villagers put a yannaracr4ai 1 tha pints. hut,.aa jQaka came back -, stronger -and shoved , two runners over, ending the , contest 'with the score 2 to 1. Sgore: ; . v R. H. E. Oakland . . . it' i Vernon : i . 1 I 4 Batteries Moser and Thomas; Brack enridge and Brown. FIELDS Umatilla County. FIRST ISSUE t)F PROGRESS MAGAZINE OUT AUG. 15 The first Issue of the American Prog. ress Magazine will go to press Satur day and makes Us appearaace 'August 15. Its editor and chief owner Is E. L. Thompson, who for many years has been manager of California hotels, - at , the same time, being an associate in the publication of , the Western . Hotel Reporter.'- r-"'' ; .v c ' v ' ; Mr, Thompson has determined tq make his permanent home in Port lan 4 and ex pects eventually- to- erect s modern plant for hie magazine here. The first num ber' will be exclusively devoted to Port land and Oregon, containing cartoons of prominent men, and articles descriptive of the city and state's resources and op portunities. V Stanfleld, erstwhile have a city park. a desert. Is to wear, Don't tax your strength wreck when others are labor. Get yourself in the how yourself off to the and regain your nerve strength and ' ' - - , .... , uL.. , - J.. . and insures against collapse. J?ich in those rare tissue-building eiemcnni 01 seiect Dariey mait .j.ii .nops, u Dunas up wastea Docues. n: ?i ..1. il - : 1 i iu hi, (v is easny Kssiuuiaiea ana quicxiy Trans formed into pure, red blood and Tb UnlUcI States GovanoeBt speeifieaQf claaaifiaa Pabtt Extract aa an article of lsenue not aa alcoholic bevarasa. OrcUr m iottn lottJtt from your Jooa) druggist. Jnti'f ufon it Umf Palst, I. ' ., C . . iflL ' Absolutely the best, easiest and safest method ever discovered and used in the practice of modern dentistry. The New Liquid Air System V OUR SPECIAL PRICES FOR AUGUST BEST RUBBER PLATES ..S7.50 22-CARAT GOLD CROWNS . ... ................ .84.56 BRIDGE WORK .... . . .84.00 GOLD FILLINGS 81.00 iSILVER FILLINGS .................... Y.... .T.50 Extracting Free When Other Work Is Ordered No Students Employed We Do Our Own Work 207 Allsky Bl'dg. 3d. & Morrison Fads for Weak ft ine-teethe el all Ike eiclniees of women is doe to some derangement er 4te eeae of the ocaee distieotly lemioine. Such sickness .pan be cured is eared erVry dev by ( ' ..: ' ,. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription it Make Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It act directly on theoorfant affected and ii at the same time general restore live tonio for the whole system. It cures female complaint rifht in the privacy of borne. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioainf, examinations eoe looal treatment so Universally insisted upon by doctors, end so abhorrent w every modeat woman. , We shall not particularise here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women, but those era a ting full information as ,. to their -symptoms and saeansof positive cure are referred to the People's Com mon Seos Medical Adviaer 1008 pa jet, newly revised and op-to-date Edition, sent frtt on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to cover cost of mailinf.e(y; or, in cloth fciadin! for 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ' KEEP COOL-KEEP -When-tired f - warm - a little BATHASWEET in the tub when bathing. : ; BATHASWEET softens and per- ' fumes the water instantly, ss baths ims cent can. . IT'S WORTH A TRIAL , BATCHELLER IMPORTING CO., ; u tNEW YORK JUDGE LOVEH IS PORMIDBOUI Chief of Harrinjan Lines Com pletes Tour of Eastern and -r - Western Oregon. ISpvclnl Ttlepitch to The Joarnatl PrlnevlUe, Or,, Aug. 10. Judge R. S. Lovett, president of the harriman lines, left here early thie morning for Port hind, completing' the final lap of hli tour of eastern and western Oregon. Judge Lovett , is much impressed with the posslbllltfes of the sectlomsJias Inspected. ' , ; , ;r" - , 'U- ' He, states that central Oregon will have transportation, soon. ; The party came yesterday from Bilver Lake, a distance of 95 miles. Tey passed through'-the Summer. Christmas and Silver. Lake valleys to Silver Lake, through which passes the survey for the east and west line. ..They left the rail road at Ontario and? went to Burns and to Lakevlew. , TECHNICALITY RAISED ' . , IN AID OF CRIPPEN Si !--'f Vo( ' 1 " '; " -' 1 " ', 1 '"" ' (Cnltrd Ptea Leaitd Wire.) Quebec Aug. 10. The fact that Dr. H. H. Crlppen and Bthel Leneve were arrested by provincial authorities aboard a vessel. Which Is territory under fed eral jurisdiction, may prove to be a serious technicality In the way of the trial. The point was raised by attor neys representing Crlppen and the Le neve woman, who may demand the prisoners release on the groundof.ifc 'tegar-arresfe'"";,, .- ,. Ty .-. -i : ,;-. NORWEGIAN STEAMSHIP HIT, BY U. S. COLLIER '. (tTnited Pren Liw Wtre.V New York, Aug. 10. With a hole In her bow, the Norwegian steamer Rosarlo nature "lui?J uft afttr a day of hard work 7 Don't yourself out to the utmost and become a wasted iust beeianing to eniov the f ruita of their proper condition to do your work and best advantage. Help nature take , vital forces. It fortifies the system c - ana ionic properties or choicest A predigested food in . j . .... healthy tissues- "YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD" O & Painless Dentist Work Guaranteed Worn HEALTHY or - run - downrehake - me i p Dl Glorgo arrived today from Port An tonio andreported a collision with the. United States- collier Marcellua at 3 a. ml, Tuesday. According to the officers of the steamer the collier sustained little damage. The vessels collided in a dense fog. the collier tearing into the hull of the steamer. ; After striking, the ' vessels sheared off, scraping each other's sides without further Injury. The hole In the Rosarlo la above the water line and she was able to proceed unaided. ine atarcellus Is attached to the At lantic fleet and she has not reported as yet to the navy department TRAIN ROBBER SUSPECT ; TO BE TAKEN TO CANADA ' 'r,!t :, .' - -;'- - v.- ' (Cnlted Piw UihiI Wire.) Lbs Angeles, Aug. 10. A man arrest ed Wednesday-at Dillon, where It ia alleged he was trying to rob a bank. has been identified by the authorities there as Bill Haney. formerly of Los Angeles, Who is wanted in Canada. . He will be taken to Canada If the ldentifl-eatlon- proves - correct?- for- endeavorln g to roo a train and ror killing- a Canadian illiF YAQUINfA BAY , Oregon's Most Popujar Beach Resort , ' . I - - ...-, . . , , '... . " . . ' "- .-. .i, ' ' I ,- " ' -? -' :' '' ' -r J - ' '.'" ; - .' "''"; " " j - ' ' 1 '-'' :' -,' v.. ' . " t ' : ' 4 :.; . ITS climate Is delightful. XT has a greater variety of attractions than most beacnee,. . . because It Includes a placid Inland bay and Innumerable picturesque retreats. , TKB trip thither Is scenlo and entertaining all the way. , . XT Is the Summer home of educated, and refined families from all parte of the west. ' , ITS famous agate beach yields the choicest pebbles known, . ITS variety of seafood surpasses all other beaches. ITS accommodations for both hotel and cottage life are. of a ' - high and varied class, abundant and Inviting. 1 The cost of reaching there la reasonable because the - Southern Pacific has established reduced round trip summer ' excursion fares ' from all parta of Oregon. Send for Tregon Outings,". ' giving a good description of the delights of Newport ' - Round Trip Tickets from Portland $G.OO Sat urday-to-Monday Tickets . . .03.50 ' " ',: ' '' ' "' '' . "' .' ' -' "' . , ' ' : " . " Inquire at the City Ticket Offloe, Third and "Washington ..streets, for all desired Information, or address WM. McMURRAY Oeaeral Paaseagw Agent, Portland, Oregon " OREQOIN HOTEL I HOTEL OREGON SEATTLE Fortiand'i Xir Growing Hotl. ITtw, Modtnie OntraUy t,ootd. 7th 5 StnrK, Portland, Or. Pioneer Square, Seattle, Wn. wWmmmammVwVwVmwVw -y'rvwAnru'iAn. "njiAn jiruri jvvvuxAJiAJijLnjj WRIGHT - DICKINSON WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANY, Props. HOTEL COMPANY, Props. PORTLAND yi: PORTLAND, OR. .lSi Bafepeaa Vlaa Kodara Xastaarant. COST On SOXX.U0V SOLUM , THE IMPERIAL .'-''--,. . . - Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 ROOMS. 104 SUITES1 With Private Baths t NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING , MODERATE RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Props. flS1!! flit THL PLRKINS HOTLL CO. hai XEsmaxs tbb vuvaqxveiit oi THL PLRKINS CAFL AND GRILL ; Vrloes Modified Serrlee Improved ; Knslo Daring Xiunoh, Sinner and After Theatre . Muscial Markcc Brothers Orchestra Hot and Props t frontiersman With whom he fought Hi the time of the holdup. The Canadian authorities, who fctv been searching for him for mora than a year, have been notified and are re.idv. it la said, to pay $65(50 reward for his arrest ' ' Kalama School Too Small.' (ftoeHal Wf'Htch -. TH JoaruL , Kalama, Wash., Aug. 10. A ms meeting was .held last night to deter mine Whether the ; school gymnasium should be converted into a schoolroom in order to accommodate the Increase in the number of pupils, or If a temporary building should be ' erected. It wes voted to build an addition to the school house and not use the gymnasium. ii, '":' 1 "'1. f ' ,1 - Oil Fuel for British Navy. ', - - (fniUd Prt Leased Wlr. ' London, .Aug, 10. Investigations now being conducted by the admiralty,, it Is said, will result in the adoption of oil as fuel for the British navy. If this Is done, It la believed England will take steps at , once to acquire a permanent petroleum supply. , , , - Journal Want Ads bring results. HOTELS Headquarters fot TonrUts and Com. merclal Traval.xa Special rates mad to families and single gentlemen. The management will be pleased at all times to ahow rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablishment ta tae hotel. B. C. Bowers. Ugr, T H E CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome" CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS Beginning May 1 our rates will be as follows: Out side back rooms, $1 per day; single front rooms, $1.50 per day. Our omnibus meets all trsina. Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C W. CORNELIUS . IL E. FLETCHER - ,. Proprietor v-:-'--t:ri'! :.;::";'iJr: ", . Manager A.t Cold Water v- v Long Distance Phons LN KVERy ROOM Hotel-Lei COR. THIRD AND MAIN STS. MSffi" RATES SI. C0c" U? r