THE -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,"PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1910 11 houses fou rest ' Greater - Meier St Frank- Stoe .Rental & Information Bureati i Horn hunters, visit our modern, com pletely equipped Information depart ment, fourtJi floor, main building, and note the vacant houses and flats on our list. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located, . We keep In touch with all the vacant flats and , houses In all parts of the city. We have . ttj combined lists of all the real estate agents In the city. We also have a list - of all new buildings In course of con- ': structlon. , , , If You Want to Rpnt.a House See Us, WHEN you move you'll need nevr fur niture. Buy Judiciously and your savings will exceed moving expenses. . Our NO-REXT PRICES made us one cf the largest furniture house in the Ity-Mn less than two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buy era. MOROAN-ATCHLKT FTTFOTTURU CO, Grand Ave., Cor. E. Star 8t East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cara pass our door. 130--BRAND' new modem 7 room house i on Hawthorne car line; furnace, elec tricity, gas, shades. Fhone Tabor '8270. " tvr trwTWoi K rnnm mndfirn bun . g-alow, 20 per month." By Johnson, 414 Hawthorne ave. 1 HOUSES FOR RENT, ) FURNITURE FOB SALE 82 1350 cash. 7 room house for rent Fur---niture for sale.All good condition. Housekeeping rooms, always occupied. Rant $20.- 10 blocks from post of flea. This gives net profit of 140 par month. Bargain for this week only.-, 867 6th street. finm? Fast - Furniture of 3 room, house cheap M FURNITURE of 4 rooms, new, 284 Mar ' gin st., 2d block north of steel bridge, east side. FURNITURE 6-roomed cottage; rent $18. . one room rented, .H2.B.08 ;.Co--"Iurnbta. Call 7 p. m. ' ' S ROOM cottage for rent, $14, some fur- niture for sale, 676 Madison. FURMSHKD HOUSKS , 8fl Furnished cottage, 7 rooms, $27.60; low er 4 room flat, $20 month; two house 'keeping rooms, $10 month; west side river. Apply S4' North 26th. ' VT car from depot, 6th 'or Morrison to 26th, block north. ' ' : . . . $40 NEW modern 7 room house new oak and mission furniture. On Haw thorne avenue, close In. Tabor 2270. FOR RENT Five unfurnished houae-- keeping rooms, $10. Call bat 10 a, m. and 2 p. m. 104 17th st. FOR RENT FLATS IS FOR RENT ,- room lower flat mod ern, new, wjth gas, electric light with wash tubs; rent $16; I blocks from Union ave. inquire aua-jMnaun i. TWO modern 4 room flats; 1 has large attic, cabinet kichens, walla- tinted, individual basement. 12th and Col lege st Fi rjfi room upper - flat, no piano r ' small children. 626 Mill it, $12. Main FOK RENT 8 room flat, large rooms, gas anl eiecino ugnin, biuuu, jam mi. FIVE room flat west aide. Unfurnished. ' t12 First St., Main 7490 TWO flats, all outside rooms, 698 Union ave. N., opposite Cook ave. APARTMENTS 43 SAN MARCO-APARTMENTS: East 8th and Couoh ats., now ready for occupancy. New brick, steam heat janitor service; all. three room apart-ments;-private hatha, phones, gas naga Ice boxes, lleoleum on bath room and kitchen floors. Rent $25 to $29 a t montn. ' Appiy on preTniBOB, ANGELA APARTMENTS, S9 Trinity Place, between 19th. and 20th, near WashingtonNew brick building; 2, 3, 4 room apartments, furnished and fln furnlshed with private bath, telephone, electric elevator, outside porches, janl ., tor service. ' : 1 Wellington Court ' Beautiful 2, 3, room furnished apartments, steam heat free phone, janitor service, rent reasonable. 16th and Everett sts. .Main 1246. , STORES AND OFFICES . U FOR RENT Cheap, fine large, store rooms, business district Mount Scott car line, particulars axam spb. . 4-OR RENT: around floor office space. southwest corner Front and Ankeny . streets, Apply, phone Main 428 BEST location In city for meat market; cheap rent, good lease. Apply IS1 I rnniu Birrni. lSxS4 for shop or factory .... purposes; East 40th and Madison, rent . $12. Fhone East 834 FOR SALE Cheap, rolltop desk, chairs and rugs. 216 Lewis bldg. - : -FOR RENT Small store, No. ' 250 84 St., near Madison. Apply next qoor. FEW nice office in the Couch and Chambers bldg. 60S Lewis bid. . WANTEDTO BEIST . , 1 'FOUR or 8 room cottage-or lower flat ' with bath, pn Larrabee, Benton, Croa by or Cherry sts, . J. W. Gearhartr White salmon, wasii OUNG couple want large housekeep Jng room, walking, distance, $12 per month. - F-760, journoa. COUPLE would like furnished house; would board owner for, rent Phone WANTED 3 furnished or unfurnished connecting.' housekeeping rooms, east ... or west aiae. i--iPPriournai. WANTED 3 or 4 rooms unfurnished, west aide.' Q-761, Journal. ; WANTED 8 rooms, modern house,1 in , IrvinKton. Address J.' W 146 1st sft UOIiSES. VEHICLES, rETC-18 " 1 sorrol team, mare1 , and , jreldtflg, weight 2660. . ' 1 sorrel and bay gelding," weight 2460. 1 span bays, G. and M., weight 210ft, 1 span grays, geldings, weight I00. 1 BPan blacks, geldings, weight 2760. I fpaiyit?!tlln8 n1 marea, welghta 2300 to 2800' lbs. - 10 small b9rseavof about J000 lbs, weight. . ' All of these horses are sold junder our guarantee, - j HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES, 7v xjtiw Ljturrie. ave, MUST sell handsome 2400 team, mare and horse, true pullers, single or dou- ' M?v 80"nd: almost new harness, all !2i5' 0wer Bve up . business. , Call 228 Grant st. ..Take N, & S. Portland , ' car south. ' GOOD span small matched drivers, cltv broke, weigh about 900 pounds. 6 years old; will sell or trade. H L. Bulkeley, 1998 E. Stark, Montavilla. Phone Tabor 24. - -. FOR SALE Fine bay mare, weight 900 pounds; well broke; five year old. blocks west of Nashville station. Phone la"or matt, yrice 'OR SALE One mule team, 7 and $ weight 2400, gentle, sound and true Price $!00 cash. Charles H. Latourell Latourell, Or. . ' ili)HSKa and tiuggiea Tor rent by day, week and month; special rates to husinttBS houses. 6tb and Hawthorne. uJSARGAXNaaaJWteaia-'yowag maree, weight good WSeron. $42 Oranrl Mvn R. F'OR SALE Team young horses and ex In- onire 7fi0 MlRROiirl av. KTALL for rtnt at Emphe f.iblea, ilS-Ui'.fi cortiernf Jrf fornon. VANThl Sjian of" light hors'pa, weight about i05Q Jba...-:ei,.Journ:U. . , HORSES. VliHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR SALE Georgla waaton- for i horse, nearly new. Call or write to' J, De Iiano. 511 E. 8M St.. N., Montavilla. ' IJ ESTOCK AND l'CULTKl' 83 CHICKENS 120 thoroughbred Buff and 'brown Leghorns, prize winning strain, year old hens, pullets, Incubator; 3 fire less brooders, few exceptionally fine cockerels, grand rooster, 60 pldgeons. , In iota-to uit. iiome' phone u-zsii. BEAUTIFUL extra Plymouth Rock Homer pigeons, special pricei for the xj. j. Mart, enq Mi. xaoor ting, eam. FOR SALEThree 324 egg Incubators, good as new; for half price. ; Call at H. Schulze, 5 blocks south of Tremont station, in Kinaorr road WANTED 75 head tuberculin tested dairy cows. Mokel Bruce Co., Stock yard u. FRESH Jersey cow, second oalf, tuber culosis tested. 95 E., 20th, Sunnyside $20 family cow, 2H gallons dally. Block norm ana. diock eaKi i.enis scnooi. Prtrur this ad. - J. Waver."- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 MOVING picture machines, all makes, latest models we buy nothing but the ore am of American films; . our etock of aide splitting clean comedy films is larg est on the coast which we rent, at rea sonable rates. We . stand for. a square deal to all, guarantee every machine we soil, and thoroughly instruct in operat ing moving picture machine. -Laemmle Film Service, Pant ages bldg, Portland, fcORDWOOD stumpage three-fourths of a mile from Gladstone switch on Oregon City car line; for sale cheap for cash, There are about 800 cords, partly old and partly tecond growth; very ao oeeeible. Owner, 820 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE Large 3 room tent house. ev ... iron it xi a, rear ,izxii, o ii. walls; rustic siding, matched floor, 2x6 Joist, 2 doors, 2 windows. Bcenio Bta,, i diock east, i diock nortn. Meyer, NEW and ; becona . nano poo an bll Hard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Rowling alleys, refrigerators for-immediate delivery. Address, the Rrunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 48 6th, CITY BICYCLE HOSPITAL ' New and second hand motorcycles, Harley-Davidson and others; repairing npyumiiy. ymv Mornson. wain iaui. 254x44 Eastman pocket kodak, with de veloping and printing outfit, half price. , 633 E. 14th at Phone Sellwood FOR fi ALE Furnished real estate of- cash or trade for real estate. 216 Lewis via. . . BICYCLE Good wheel ' with coaster brake. - Price $1$. 208 Aliaky bldg., ou aim ivxuirioun. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Bpltz pup plea Ino.uire 172 Fourth at, elgar stand. ONE 6 ft 1 10 ft plate glass top show case for sale cheap.. Bay City Mar- FOR SALE Large' restaurant, ice box, $19. Worth $46... Corner Grand ave, hiiu vvasiungiun, WANTED Moving picture machines; also gas outfits, -films, eta G-763, fcLW phonograph and records cheap for cash, or will exchange. L-760, Jour-nai.- . $122 Ellers blano certificate: will ao cept any reasonable joff err - or ex charge. 169 E. 8th. ' TWO thoroughbred BpU pups for sale CheaO. 228.11th. - an RRRR FINE bicycle for sale .cheap; almost new. Call 812 Tillamook et FOR sale or traded launch and house; fine for hunting, inquire 44 Front at. PIANOLA cheap for cash, or will ex- uiinugq., journal. , 17 FOOT sailboat for sale cheap. Call . at 661 E. 21st st Phone Sellwood 649. $26Drophead ginger, all attachmenU. - Call SS3 E. Morrison. FOR SALE A houseboat and sailboat cheap. 0-764, Journal. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS . 0 WANTET People of Portland to know that , we highest cash price for second hand household goods. Seatef ge viusraveon. in Kusneu. Kiast i&ez OEV our prloe on your furniture, as It will pay you.. We want the goods. Savage and Fennel V 161-3 1st at Main eu. WANTED Secondhand electrio motors from 6. to (80 h.-p.;' will pay cash. n.riu uvw cc pun., ben, uei. Chance " for 8 responsible aportsmen to take interest in fine duck shooting reserve. u-ioi, journal faff WISC; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co til 1st . Main 3951. A-S443. WANTED Launch up to $200 as first payment on lot, value $600; bat $3 per month. Tabor 1914, evenings. WANTEDMovinsr, picture machine, . films, etc. Address particulars S-763, Journal. OLD auto tires 7o er lb.; auto Innor - tubes 22o per 1H . J Leva, 186 Colum- ma at. Main bids. W ANTED Good air brush for show Card work. Acme Paint Co., .209 W. Bin st., Vancouver, wash rilGHEST price, paid for 2d-hand cloth ing and' shoea. East 1051, i i "n-ni i m.iiii i i ii mi ; "t' '. ' : HIGHEST price paid tor 2nd hand fur SPOT caah paid, -for your furniture: r prompt attention always given. E. 1067 WE want your second hand furniture for spot cash. East 6204. 2'FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES 44 'Slightly Used Cars for Sale. 1 80 norsepower touring car, complete, with presto tank, clock, chains, dust hood, tire irons, casing and tube; tires on car all new; a bargain. 1 SO horsepower roadster. In first class . condition, detachable ionneau; could be used to good advantage for light ' , delivery. - 1 7 passenger Matheson car. Just the thing for hire or stage line ' Call and see at 4 . (05 BURNS1DE ST- ' Portland, Or. TbTSale -r ', TwS' Cadillac, 1 Chalmera. j" One Pope Tribune. 1 Pope Toledo. ; One' Wlnton, 1 Ford. i One Metz, 1 Bruah,. 1 Carter ear. jau so n. Tth at- FOR SALE or trader-Several 2, 8. 4, 6 and 7 passenger automobiles of var ious makes, In good condition. t ' HESS & O'BRIEN, INC. --v Corner Davis and Union Ave. - Phone E. 78 and B-1887. The Indianapolis ,; VULCANIZING & RUBBER CO, 182 17th St., near "Auto Row," open for business. Tire repairing of all kinds. New method work guaranteed. '08 7-naasenaer White Steamer or wffl trade city real estate, lhqulre United Cigar fetore, 4th and Washington, i ' FOR SALE, cheap, 7 passenger car ip first claas condition, or will trade for city real estate unincumbered. . 718 E. 8th st. a FIVE passenger Stevens, in good con dition; will trade for goad city prop erty. 445 Hawthorne ave. East 649. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 ELEGANT $650 upright grand piano, $286; would take horse and buggy, paiance jerms. jersey i a ii UPRIGHT tiano In rood condition! will sell for $160 cash: leaving city; must sell .quick. , J26 6th St. - 21!U CLaJi.i'ork-Caa(i Xustruniet,& iMUHio llotise, KH4 3d at. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Gold watch and chain, $5 gold piece charm, on Barnes road; liberal reward if returned to 114,3d St., near Washington. ' . FOl'ND Jeisey cow. OM'ner can have . aame by paying for ad. Phone E. 1S95. LOST AND FOUND 21 $5 REWARD for Information leading to arresi and conviction of party who stole package carpenter tools off Mount Scott car 3d Inst Address M, Nelson, Arleta, Or. , "" : FOuND Between 20'tbu and 21st, on Northrup, amall black purse,- contain ing money. Owner call at Fraisier's barn, 6th and Taylor, 6 p. m. Honry Stahly. . v ' .- LOST On June 6, on Astoria & Columi biaR. R. train, one small round Ma sonic pin. Finder please return to Box ioz. miappa, or ano -receive rewara FOUND Saturday morning. on Corbet; st, 1 calf. Owner can have same' by identifying and paying expenses, C. Balmer, Hillsdale, Or. , FINANCIAL 51 $ Quick loans on 'furniture and $ pianos, storage receipts, life insur $ ance nollcies. livestock, real estate. I etc., U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage $ i Co.,' 312 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ CASH paid for mortgages or . seller's interest In contracts on real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on Improved property. H. E, Noble, Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. FIRST, second mortages and contracts i purcnasedon farm and city property, anywhere in Oregonor Washington. E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. 84 6th st. WE WILL loan your money at good rate interest real estate ana personal se ourlties. Come and sea us. Penn In vestment Co, 614 Buchanan hldg. CASH tor fltst au4 second mortgages. Boarena but MCK.ay piqg. Mam 4 ijn, LET us lace your investments in high if grade first mortgages on Portland property. pg r-orbett bldg. MORTGAGE loans; 6 and 7 per cent j-ioui oaiomon. zss ttaric st, v . - MONEJC TO lOAIT S7 HUTTON CREDIT CO. , An Easy Money Proposition. Money is easy to get if you know where to get it We have ready money at all times and you can get from $10 to $100 on your aalary, furniture, piano, storage k receipt real estate contracts, etc., at naif the usual rates,- .We loan on the-easy payment plan the plan that helps you. und gets you out of debt; you get the casj all you ask for, and repay in amounts you can conveniently spare each pay day. Will remove to 307 Bpalding bldg. when completed, . corner 3d and Wash ington ats. ' HUTTON CREDIT CO., 612 Dekum Bldg. Phone Mainv 3869. $ $ $ STATE SECURH'V CO. $ $ $ B R O K B R 8 SALARY , LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO , BORROW MONE5T. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. ; - V ' WBD. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ 808 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rotnchlld bldg., corner 4th and Washington. The . teoogniaed bank of the wage earner. A. clerk, bookkeeper, machinist engineer or employe can ob tain money of us on hla note without security. $16 return to ns.,,,...,. 4.0 n a month $30 return to ua. ........ $ 8.00 a month $50 return to us.. ....... $13.85 a month Confidential; no unpleaaant Inquiries. Special i-ates on pianos, furniture, etc MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their; own names without security; cheapest rates. pal cities; save, money by setting ourf terms. Tolman, 317 Lumber Excharige. f CASH paid for mortgage or seller's . Interaalt In itnnirBti.Ait .n1 af a tA in Oregon or Wash. .Mortffage loans negoti ated vii lrnyrovea pruperiy. r. u nuoi Lumbermens bldg. 6th and Stark YOUR CREDIT la good at the Employes' Loan Co., til Ablngton. 06i Id at LOWEST RATES Loans .on any secur ities Chattels and real estate. Uplon Loan Co., 85 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington sts., WE LOA. money on diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, 269 Washington at $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenale k fit flA1.11 no- t Klc 4. mnA ilita MONEY to loan, large loana a specialty, ' building loans- lowest rates; fire In- surance. , w. o. hock. 3li vailing, MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to S per MONEY to loan improved city prop-. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. J. U White,, 831 Sherlock bldg. BUMS of $2000 upward on real estate, . Goddard A Weidrlck. 243 Stark. ANY part -of $60,000 to loan at 6 per cent interest, zup couon Diag. LOAN for the asking, .salary or chat tel. -The Loan Co., 414 Dekm bide QUICK loans on all securities. & W. King. 45 Washington oldg. Main 610. NOTICES 26 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY REF- EREE By virtue of that certain de cree and order of sale of the circuit court of the state Of Oregon for Mult nomah' county, made and given on the 15th 'day of July, 1910, In case No. 7048,,'Wherein Eliza J. Dalton, Hannah T. McGrath and John T. McGrath, her hus band, are plaintiffs, and Mary Fillacy and Frank H. Fillacy are defendknts: I, John H.. Stevenson, sola referee, will sell at the west courthouse door of the courthouse of Multnomah, county. Ore gon, in Portland, on August 24, 1910, at the hour of half past 10 o'clock a m., of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash, lots numbered three (3) and four (4), in block nine (9), la East Port land Heights, now within the corporate limits of the city of Portland, Multno mah county, Oregon, subject to confir mation of said sale by the above named court ' The abstract of title of said real prop erty, can be seen and examined at my office, 421 Mohawk building, southeast corner of Third and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. Dated and first published' at Port land, Multnomah county, Oregon, this "nth Antr Tul.r A T"l , JOHN.H. STEVENSON, Boie Kereree. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY REF - EREE By virtue of that certain de cree and .order of sale of the circuit court f the state of Ofegon for Mult nomah county,' made aitti given on the 15tlv day of July, 1910, in case No. 7049, wherein Eliza J. Dalton, Hannah T, McGrath and John G. McGrath, her husband, are plaintiffs," and .Frank H. Fillacy and Marv Flllaev. hla wifa. und John Donnerberg are defendants, I, Johirf it. DievetiBon, soie reieree, - will sell at the west courthouse door of " the court house of Muitnomah county, Oregon, In Portland, on August 24, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash, lota numbered one (I) and two (2) in block nine (9), in East Portland Heights, now within the corporate limits of the city of Portland, Multnomah county. Oregon, subject to confirmation of said sale by the above entitled court. ' ... . The abstract of title of said real prop erty can be seen and examined at my office, 421 Mohawk building, southeast corner of Third and Morrison atreeta, Portland, Oregon. Dated and first published .at Port land, Multnomah county, Oregon, this 20th day of July, A, D., 1910. JOHN II. STEVENSON, 11 Soie Referee. NOTICE is hereby given "that on" AuT. 24. 1910, at 10 o'clSck a. m l at publio auction at 408 Maln-st, Port land, Or., to the highest bidder, for cash. m tunk belonging to L. E. Coons,, to satisfy my lion on the same for board and lodging due me. UrS. -errigineer -office, 723 Central'llc'lr, ' I)S Angeles, Cal., August , 1910. Sealed proposals for dredging at ' Ban Diego harbor, California, wilt be ' re ceived here until ll a, m, September 8, 1910, and then publicly orened. Infor mation on application. W. P. Slokey, cflptnin. enctner. ' UNITED Biotiiei'liouil Leather Work era will give a dance at Rohse's park Saturday evening, Aujust 13- 0 - s RITMMON3. In the Circuit Court of the State of ! Oregon for the County of ' Multnomah. B. 7448. Oscaf B. Day, . Plaintiff. .; vs. ' Rabetta M. Day, ' Defendant To the Above Named Defendant, Babet- ta M. Day: .. : . . In i the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby requited to appear and answer the complaint la the above en titled cause and court on or before the last day of the time prescribed for the publication of thla summons in the order of this court hereinafter referred to, to-wit, on or before the fourteenth day of September, 1910; and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want there of the plaintiff will apnly to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-wit: F6r a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing Tetween plain tiff and the defendant on the ground of wilful desertion, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet This summons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to the order of the Honorable C U. Gantenheln, pre siding judge of the above entitled court duly made on the second day of August 1910, by which order it is directed that this summons be published in the Ore gon Journal once a week for six weeks, and thla third day or August 1910, is the date of the first publication tiereot Dated August 3. 1910. , , , T. 3. GEISLER, 680 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. IN the District Court of the UlSte3 States for the District of, Oregon, In the matter of Charlea E. Scott bank rupt The undersigned, trustee of the above . entitled estate In bankruptcy, will receive sealed bids at hla office, No. 81 Vb 6th at, room 802 Phoenix bldg., Portland, Oregon, up to 1$ o'clock noon of Monday,- August 15, ifllOrf or th fol lowing described property belonging to said estate namely: .The stock, of mer chandise consisting principally 'of Jew elry, stationery, post- cards and curios of the Inventory value of 15649.60 to- r ether with a lot of store furniture and Ixturea of the inventory value of $669.62 all located in store building at No. 637 Willamette at In Eugene, Ore gon. Cash or a certified xheck- for 10 per eent of the amount bid must accom pany each bid and the sale is made sub ject to the confirmation of the court the right being reserved to reject any and. all bids. An inventory Is on file at the office of the undersigned and at the store in Eugene, and the property may be inspected upon.' application at the store. 'H. 8. McCutcban, trustee In oannruptcy. SEALED bids will be received until 4 p. m,, August 11, 1910, at the office of the Port of Portland, for food sup plies wanted by the Port of Portland during the months of September, Octo ber and November, Lists can be secured upon-apptication. The Port of Portland reserves the right to reject any and all bids, . - J. p. DOYLE, - Clerk of the Board. OTHELLO lot buyers J protect your selves; organise quick. D-751, Journal. PERSONAL 2 , ' "OR. ALICE A, ORIF. Diseases of wouen and children ex cluElvely; Womej are often saved se vere surgical operations &y consulting me. Nervous diseases of ebildren a specialty. Prlvata hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation, phones, Main 8928. A-6607 Office room 10, Grand Theatre bldg. wssmngton ana nri. J IF you want to get rich on a very small u Investment, catLonJUr. Casey a'nd ask mm boout tne proposed expedition to Peru,. South America, by Captain H. J. Thomson.- We are to rf 'ocato a gold find made there a short time ago. For particulars call on Mr. Casey at room 46, Beavor hotel, 12th and Marshall its. Men cured (illicitly Modern lectrlc treatment for oiieases of thepiostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. WT t HowarLM. D., $04- Roth cqild bldg., 4 th and Washington. Are You Ruptured? The perfect truss la made and fitted by a specialist to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson, 66 6th st ' DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively! private hos pital accommodations: examinations free. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg., 8th end Ankeny. GERMAN books, magastnns, novels, etc., German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries: for eign books of all kinds. Bohmale Co, DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men,-blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid. ney. bladder and piles. 181 1st, Portland."'- ... LIQUOR habit ' permanently cured in three days: no suffering and harm less. Cardiola Institute, 1687. Peninsu- jar ave.r'rortranarvr. MRS. MAYFIELD gives ladies baths and treatments at their homes, alsr shampoo and scalp treatment Fhonti Main 925... . , MAGNETIC electrio and vibratory mas age, thermal treatment; ladles only. Boom 16,' Lafayette bldg!, 6th and Wash. WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected in ' if unilinear nee aemonstratlons. MRS. .Sophie B. Seip, mental and spirlt ual scientist 21 Selling, Hlrsch bldg. xnniii doit. WOMEN Use,. Femoids when others ' t ftii? maA Ann tiiarnnt Ay1 kJ k- a... plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th st. Mai VIRGINIA KOWl T Healer, spiritual is and mental sci entists, i 231 6th st Main 7748. SEE Thomas Kay for confidential re- porta.jMcKay bldg. Marshall ,258. BATTLE Creek Baths, ladles days, men lights. 221 Drexel Hotel, M. 1988 BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women.; 629 Bflmont st. gaxt 949H, TRY Little Hungarian-Yiddish restau rant. aoyi lamniii, near .port, hotel. Dlt SAWYER'S Squaw Root for female auments. i wowsmitn st E. 4461 SEXINE Pills only 76e box. Call or ad: dress Bridge Pharmacy, 186 Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS EASTMAN CO., INC. Architects, build ere; estimates furnished. Ablngton bid ARTISTS' SIATElu ALS ARTIST'S materials, cloture framing, 13. H. Moorehouse & Co:, 411 Wash, si AsSATEItS WELLS. 4fc PROEBSTEL, aasaytsrs, ana. lytlcal chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7608, MONTANA assay office, laboratory aod ATTORNEYS CHRISTOPHEHSON MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. BICYCLE REPAIRING NEW, second hand wheels, repairing, kef, safe and lock work. Hummer, 138 10th n. Ul'ttlXES CARDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 10 2d st Blank booka m'f'g; agts. fox Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-8183, Main 188. W A KR E N " CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving. sidewalks and croea- mgs. 817 ck mag. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. ' J. Losll, 212 Jeffer fon st Main 1424. THE RARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, .' Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. SasTMoI. WOOD & CO'aH kindiTSnn surance. surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEAXCVQ CALL up Portland Vacuum Cleaning Co., and ask, for an estimate on your carpet cleaniug; satisfaction guaranteed, l'hona Eaat IflOS. ' . lON'E Stfam :pnlng; enrnets, fpfhors renovated; guaranteed. E. &i B-2236, NOTICES REAL ESTATE DIRECTODY KAMK Baktr, D. M.. City, farm Property ... urong-Nt-ela Company ...................... Ftruhftkor A TtofiMllrfc. . ............ Bnttenorth-8tDbnoi Company, ln - Card Realty i A Investment Co.. .. ioo m vo., B. ........ .,,,... Cbapla Berktw. ......... Hobart Ar ManhalL J-arma. Cltf Property.... Houck, Oeorta A. (OolonlmtSoa).. MPP ..., " Orr Real Batata Co- Tne ....., Rchalk. Onorta D Rhtclda. J. H.. Thompaon, U. K. Oo...,. CARPET WEAVING WE 'sreave rag carpets, bath room rugs. etc, mt Patton ave. Woodlawn 2686. CHIROPODY AND 'JPED1CURIN3 Mra. M. D. Hill. 449 FMedner bldg. CIVIL ENGINEER H. J. LUDWIG, general praotlce; de- signs in steel snd reinforced concrete a specialty, 807 Lumbermens bldg. A-7207. ' - COAL AITD WOOD aaasa WOTK!Eic,5fa?NSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per '"o'ts INSIDE DRY SHORT. per load .; " RLOCK WOOD, per load ...... . -68.60 SAWDUST, for fuel -nd bedding. The Portland Slatwcod Co. Main 1H. A-7001. ". PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO, pry" inside wood, per load, $8.66, . Email dry Inside wood, per load, $2 60. Green short slabwood, per load, $8. Planer trimmings, $2; blockwood. per load, 14. . jrnones main aiva, Good dry country slabwood: heavy. Beghers Wood Co.. th and Qllsan. - Yamato Wood and Coal Company, Qarccal PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry kt .WoodrjCoaTand Dry blab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY. a n uN-.i-n :. TCaat 128. B-1026. SOTJTlt PORTLAND BIBWOOD i C6.; .... Main 8168. A-8842. Dwlnslde wood, rreea slabwood, cjean sawdust for bed- Oing. cut iuei; mwmwi VU .M,..,. , , I, .. . i . ml n II H " - -r- 'Rfist Wnnd and Coal Delivered ' promptly. . Harrington Transfer- Fuel Co..- 421 K. Morrison, FOR SALE 200 cords wood,.near Coun cil Creat Room 8, 122 Grand ave. Fhone M-aizt BEST 4 ft fir cordwood $5.60 delivered. MUltnoman ifiei wo. , dvu- i-v. STEEL Bridge Fuel Co, wood and coat Phone C-1778, B. 424 CEDAR block, $1.6 Phone. Main 2168. B0 for -80 days. A-SBIa. ' COLLECnoiT CURRENT and delinquent accounts ol. lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 708 Board of Trade Diog- n " PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debt collected, 817 AUaky. A-7817; M. 4222 COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only L. Plnckney White. Main ?(tt; A-7028. ... CONTRACTORS AND PPTLUEKg CUMMINGS & CATLIN Building In every branch of the building trades; Jobbing, remodeling, repairing P"'!"! ty; show cases, counters, helving, etc. Office and shop 871 1st st Phone Mar- snail Z32f. BRICKLAYING contracts, all kinds ce ment work, bakers' ovens; work guar irt&$e&OM Main S102. Estimates WILLI AMF builder. Job 4th. Main 62 FJSHBECK. rPwr anu hin and contracting. 6241. FOR cement work., plas taring, orlck 1 worg, excavaiiiifi. v. M.rahall 1441; A-4020. JiLKCTRlCAIi SUPrMES Motors for rent or sale. clfio Elec trio Engineering Co.. 218 Second st ELECTROLYSIS 3A80UNE ENGIXES BTATIONART v and marine; electrio equipments; launches, accessories, wheaaU and retail; engine repairing. RSierson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. GLAZING UNITED GLASS A GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 4 N. 14th. M. 4481. LEATHER A FINDIXG9 CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front lather of every description; tap maofacturers. findings. LIBRARIES ' ; CIRCULATING library, 186 6th, bet Tavlor and Yamhill. Books 3c per day. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES LaemmJe Film Exchamge handles all kinds motion picture supplies, new or second hand machines, parts, films, slides. Over Pantages theatre, Portland. PARTd. complete machines, films, song slides, films, :r reasonable. 626 Washington st. MUSIC TEACILEKa E. THIEI HORK, Tiolin teacher, pupil Sevclk. Mar. 1629, A-4160. 800 Marquam ofjTv.n. w" r r. i y .I ". . 1 VlANO, violin, cornet mandolin, Prot B. A. Bmun. inu OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe clkUist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 317 Fenton bldg. Main 8i81. DR. SMITH, graduate KlrksvlUe, Mo., 1898; post grad. 1907 $18 SweUand MCift BR. F. i. BARR, A. a O.. tul Monawr PAIKTINO AND PA PERtXG FOR painting, tinting, . paperhanging, phone East 1866, All work guaran teed satipiactory. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging, see IL P. ChrUtensen Co. M. 1983; A-4711. Wttt hf mark pnooe right call P. Doane, 104 Union, uotn pnonea PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS tor inventors frei; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler A Robb, lll.iai Mnll hlrtar Wmhlnitnn II i INVENTORS' free book. J. K. Mock. 419 Board of Trade tiate u. a. patent ofrioe.ji R. C, WRIGHT,. U. S. and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dakum, PALNT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN ft CO.. "High Standard" paint ne. cor. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-17T1. TLrsrurxcr PLUMBING Gas fitting contracts ta ' ken ' all kinds alteration work. Re. pairing estimates free, . Phone Main 2102. 844 First st UURLUH STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun Slual.aut Co 231 Stark. MUn 14u7. fi Un WD) " MmW ADDRESS V tipi FPnnF .803 Corbett EMg JI-M02, Main T401 i'O f":"l St Main aiiri A-2.V-1 .6f'2 McKay ulMlng .......Main IW. ' wg....BW and Wh. Mala BMir.....,,.,,Maraln!l 15fl7, A-1S ?o?iiM'b1,1"df M. .882 Chnmhor of Oommrce...i.. .,.. Main 1"'J 250 Aider Main 7I 5 Z?"". """If.....'.. ..Main 1 lfn.f nd Mltnomaa'.V..Eaat 67, C-1TO . Stark Bt... ...Main 82. A-23H2 u-riinScr Bl. .Main W30 Menrj- Bldg., 4th-Oak..,,.,,,,,lf. 804, A-S32T SIIOWCASKS AXt FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; w - aaa,wav allt mt m SP US SUA W M order. The Latke Mfs. Cn. , fHK JAMK8 L MARSHALL Mi"Ur CO, and office fixtures. 289 Touch. M. 2703. bkUH ANU BUWSV CAKUS FOSTER Jk k-T.WIBE t h. JItlsn nit'" In the northwest; 6th L . .... rnone Priv. Ex 56, Home A-1168. ''6i?Ny THAT 'ATTRACT 'Portland 6lgn Co.. 287 Stark. Paclflr 1696. PRrSTINO iOAra rtf UuuM lhina aitrk . 1 Ink on paper." 141 1st SAFE9 THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id st Safes t iButory prices; repairs, lockouts ppeneo; oargaina in second hand safes. SI1EVGLES BEST i Portland. See them. .201 aiiuigton st, h. is. uilbert SllLVGLE CONTRACTOR SHINGLING and roof repairing. C rmiin, jca vviiama ave. j-none b. 0273 ' bCRVEXOlA an., uoiut, plaiting, euDaivia alpg and topographical maps a spe- "aiif, mil Hi. inn St. !. H-anat. . XOVVIUi HUl'PLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brueh, aoaa 1 1 naif, mnnh . K3mA TK..JI-H iZ Towel Supply . co th and Couch sts. X hnna J4 A a A J A m wwig want mxv, TRANSFER AND BTORAGU Oregon Transfer Co. '. t- Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storaee. free trackaea. : Office, 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and 6th,, fiionea; jyiam e, A-ilsv. " C. O. PICK Transfer A Slot age Co., of fice and commodious 4 atory brick warehouse, separate, iron rooms and fireproof vaults for . valuables north, west corner Zd and Pfne ats. Pianos and lurniture movea ana packed for ship- uirni. main oao. t-jaao. nlAnna nnn flirnttur mnvA r.a..W m.A "'ft""i- u vin. Hi.' ivisin 841. A-Zi 4 T L. I u J. AAA A. ..... 'F. . . - IN 1 iS'UIUVnKNT Via aaa O. T.--.T Co. Storage. 124 Start ; Main 407 A-4169. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun. p.'""1"" to-. 131 atarn m. urn. VETtfitUNAIUAH DR. A. G. SMITH. V. 8.. U. B. Stables, v tunu main ioo. ttes. iviain idus. WALL rAPiC., HOUSE paintings paper hanging, tinting. and the goods that go with them. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.. 411 Wash, st VV tiOLEtiALJf JUliUERA BVERDrNO & FARRKLL, produce and commiae'-on meichants. 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. . M. A. aUNST-A CO , DISTRIBUTORS OF FINH CiaAR& flutTUAND.' OR. I WaPHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th od Oak ate.' ' . ALLEN tt LKWIH tiKOCBHIKii BANKS GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland. Or. Corner Sixth and Washington Bta. Trana. sets a general baaklug bualneai. Drafts iNaned arallabla to all tha principal eltlae of tha Unitad tltatae and Karope. t'onr ir cent intaraat paid on MTinga , aocounta. Bate da poalt nita. ' BONOS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber ef Ceov Biarce B.'ltJtn,K. Municipal, railroad end tublla etralc corporatlun benila, . . TRANSPORTATION WsMSaSSaiaaaWsUsaitl tjt I ALAS.(A AND BACK . Including Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS ' via Smooth "Ioaide Fauage" Twelve dflllRhtfut exonrslong from Seattle to ALASKA and back cheaper than . staying at home. v Don't wait until tttamtrt are tolJ oat Writ quick far detail and Tmrvationi Pacific CoastStsamshlp Co. 249 Washington St. PORTLAND The Open Sivex Transportation Company Str. J. N. TLAL For THE DALLES and Way Landing's Leaving Oak street dock, foot of Oak street,- Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 a. m., riurnlng, leaving The Dalles Tuesdiiy,-Thursday and Saturday, rriak- III.; willlov,MWlin Vrt n , v 1 1 O-XiJAja- EH TWIN ; CITIES for Pasco, Kenoo- wicK, aim an tohio uii uu v.uxumoia as far as Prlet Rapids. CAPT. "W. S. BUCHANAN. Sunt A. 6. WHITING, Agrnf Ban rranoisoo SB Portland Steamship Co. Hew Service to Los Angeles, via San Francisco, every Five Says. . From Ainsworth dock. Portland, 9 a. m. 8. 8. Rose City, August 11; Beaver, Au gust 16;Xlcar, August ill. From San Francisco, northbound; 12 m, 8. S. Beaver, August 9; Bear, August 14! Boss City, Anatist 19. . . From Ran Pedro, northbound. : 8. S. Bear, Angnst 18; Bose City, An- f ost 17! Beaver, August BS. I. G. Smith. C. T. A., 142 Third sti Whnne Main 402. A-1402. J. W. Rnnm 'agent. Alnaworth Dock: phone Main 2s! COOS t5AY JUIINI A Day BexvWe Str. Breakwater leaves Portland tn., July iu, U3 and Siij Angnst 7, M. 17, SU, ay, from Ains worth dock, tor Noita Bead, fcUrsUtisia and Coos Bay points, t'ruight received until 8 p. n. on day before. Passenger fare. 1st class, JlOj 2d clfiHS, $7: includ ing berth and meals. Inquire city tick ing berth and meals. Ainsworth dock Phone Main - s coc' SAN PR ANCISfXr-A XO" : " ' LOS ANGliLES DIJlECT XOBTJX PACIFIO 8. B. CO. . & 8. BOAKOKB and S. 8. BLDElft BAIL Hvery Wednesday, alternately, at 0 n. m. Ticket office 132 Thlra, near! Alder. Phones. M. 1214, A-1314. MARTIN J. HIGLKV, rnsn. Asnt, V!'. II. SLUSoUR. Frwlrflit Agent mm jgr war Souuhs Pao Aahlfln1 p. .. ttoa-bnrg raar.ger a. 4 nr. B P- 7-n v. Lot till, 4 ii p. Rllnwtm, . ... Oalifonila Kxpremn ....... wf,!,"0 rwTallla i'nuarnicar fetlverton Puasij,er " Koieat Grore PaasenRW .. ' Foraat Umra I'a.a,, ArrJrlng Portlaaa orewon Eipreaa ....... Aahlan I'aiianftr .1!"!," 8:J) T. 8 5i a. 0:40 p. . T W m. , ift:m p. . :0 p. .li:'l a. . 1'3" p. . t.uo a. ,. r- . -3i . ,10-2t . . a mi a. m. m, m. m. m. iu. ""uur raawnaer PortlauiT Kaprni fihuala Limited SilrertoD Local I! Jm Paanirr ,.' ShT, . " E- ji-gi!!rg 3wkr . . . . r..i . Vnh "'M ror"and wqrtb Coaat n.i... Sonnd -mau Tit Puget ;orth Coaat -UaUted,'vii' Nirta .iu:iu m. .... --- -ftn in. ED, m. m. m. ro. m. tlantir fir. M Pnlft Sound.. .12.18 w In r iZ via Puirot Sound P- rat..rV.ff 1 North Bank . 7:W P- Eaatiri fin.. T Pu"t Bound4.. .12:15 a. owuna " in4 m. a. m. Weaa n.t',C01?, Seattle Kx- SnI Hrhor, Olympla ana Penlltft branch ....7....;. M5 Bl. m. lTE,.S5- UniteToisy.-H ricoirpi.utl' Bta branchea .... . : .rM,enirer ....... .. :00 s. ?Stb .P"1' Kortt Bank i:15 p. Nor,.. i&a-i&zi'w No&.'' WK-it If! fc fin. "re-'Vu -liort, " m. a. sound . 7 30 a. WmS 5,p,'e Tl North feask ... :1 . a Kjmm, ti, pUget Boond ..10:80 B. ts,ia k- ... Pol"j,'"8ettle "jirpreas a'ad T:30 a. m. 4 jOO p. n. uraya Harbor i-OO tk. n. m. n. m , u1? H,ml,a ':iu 7:10 p. vr. !4,oruana epecui ........ io:o p. zacoit Passenger ... ... . .... .11 :2Q a. Owiron Rallroai A avlttlon Co. . - v. wwmu . ..... Baker City Paaacngar Ti40 -Wejhlni:toa Limited .""nilOiOfl a. tn. a. w, p. tu, 1 p.' aa. p. ni. P. CO. i; a. m. a. m. a. ni. a. m. p. m. Ornaxm 'Eipreaa 8:00 " Arrlvtn . . .rr!.:::::::::::-::-::1? urrgnn Expreae .10:80 Bao-Spofcana-Portland 0:iiO Baker City Local Paaaenger , 7:00 Oregon-Waahlngton Limited ........ Aatorla ei Columbia Slvar. , tferinr Portland- Seaaide Xxpreae a. -no a ll.n Kh.. 1 ilt.j a .... ; . ... lcvi ............ K ;au a. m. ID. Kaluter" Vutonger RaitllAr PalslalaVraa-aM ................. e:30 p, 'tnt ............... 1:1.1 p. ni. , - "e? - e A rrivinv Pn4-1 wkA 6:41 p. m. Seaaide Kipraaa .,.,......12 n. m. Monaay Hcaalda Special ....12:30 f. m. Seaaldr Expreae ' . , 10:00 -p. tn Ocean Shore Limited ......,,......10:15 p. in jUlulor and Portland Paaaengar O:' a. tn. giilnifr and Portland Paasnger .... 5:00 p. m Canadian Paelf la Railway Co. .. f..nwl,ia D,.,l..J C V. B. Short jUn vU Bpokane ... 7:00 p. Via Seattle , 12:15 a. m. ArriTUif Portland 0. P. R. Snort Line fU Bpokane ... 8:00 a. m. ta fifnttle T:0O a. m. Oraton 4k WMhlngton Itallroad Co. lavlna Portland Peattla Paaaenger ,, :3o a. si. Khaata Limited 8.00 p. m. Owl r. ...11:45 P. til. ArriTlng Portland , Owl T:15 a. m. Shaata Limited 8:20 Portland 1'aiwenger 2-45 p. m. rartTRBoir gTEEgr station. Southern Pacifio. t saMvlliiV P-ncrlaiTi . PJm fenger .., T.-40 a. m. Dallaa Paaaaneer ...4:03 p. m. 'eraat Grove Paaaangei ,1.-00 p. m. Arrtflnn Portland Dallaa Paaatngerv......;.C...... ,10:18 a. oi. Pallaa Pasaenirer .................. S:M p. m. forest Orora I'smmgrt ............12:00 tn. ELEVINTH AND HOTT BTSZIZI FAS BENGER STATION. Bpokana, Portland A Baattla Hallway Co. lalng Portlaud Inland Kmplra Eipraaa ............ ;00 a. n. For Cblcago, 8t. Paul, Omaha, Kanaa City, Rt. Ixiula, BlUinaa, - Spokane, Waabtacoa, Kahlotna, Paaco. ItoofeTelt. Qraaddallea, Ool. dendale, Ljrle, Wblte fialmon, etsrenaon and Vancoiirer. t . , . Tha Orrgonlaa .....11:00 a. m. - For- St.--Pael. Bpokane,- PaavOs Oranddatiat, Lyla, Wblta Salmon, StertiuoB and Vancoorer, Columbia Rlyer Local .............. 4:30 p. u. North Dank Limited ttOO n, m. For Chicago, Rt. Paul, Omaha; Kanaa City, St - Loula, Blllinga, - Bpokane, Waahtncna. Kahlotna, Paaeo, Booaevelt Qranddallas. Ljla, Wblta Salmon, Sterauioa and Vajjoourar. Arriving PoruauU auv vrK"tiian ......... io at, in.-. Prom St. Paul. Bpokane, Paara, Maryblll, Lyl, White Balmon,, Steveaaoa sad V"ncoTr. North Bank Limited T:30 a. m. From Chicago, - St. . Pant, Omaha, Kanaat : CItT. 8t. Loula, Billinga, Bpokana. Waahtucna, Kahlotua, Paaco. RooseTslt, Oranddallca, Ljla, ' White Salmon, ElteTenaon and Vancoevrr. Oolumbia River Local 12.8.1 p, m. Inland Empire Expras 8:15 p. m. From Chicago, Bt.. Panl. emaha, Ranaas ntr. St. Lonia, Bllllnge, Bpokane, Waahtucna, Knhtotu. Paaco. Booaevelt, Cranddallte, Ljla, : Wh 1 ta Salmon. StaTiniion and Vanwmvr. . .......... T.05 a. m. Graet Kortharn Bailvay Oo. Leaving Portland 11th and Hujt ata. Orieatal Limited, via Seattle.. 10;00 a. in.. The Oregonlan, via North Bank ......11:00a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank. .......:.. 7:00p.m. International Limited, Seattle, Tacoma and Vancouver, B. C 10:00 a.m. The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and k. Vancouver, B. C. . 8:00 p. nu Shore Line wxpress, -lacoma, ' Seattle and Vancouver, B C 11:30 X.m. Ar'rlTing Portlandlltb and Hoyt ata. . Oriental Limited, via Seattle. , 6:40 a. m. The Oregonian, via North Bank 7:03a.m. Oriental Limited, via North - Bank .' .. .v.. 8:18 p. m. The Owl, Vancouver, B, . C, Seattle and Tacoma.. 6:40 a. tn. Shore 'Line Express, Van- couver. B. C Seattle and Tacoma ... v - m International Limited, Van- , couver, B. C, Seattle 'and T a ............ i v VjllJ Tima Card Oregon Elaetrio Bailway Co. 1., " DopoTToot of Jaffaiaon St., Portiand, Or. -Lmvina Portland tor 8alm and lot. station -JTSO T M. 11:00 a. m, 2:00, 8:60, 8:80, :)(! Dm.' Limited for Tualatin and galem 9:1.1 a m. Local for W'ilaonrlll and Int. atatlr.B b'-IO o. m. Daily iip Sunday fur pointa on tha Salam. '11 City A Wfrn By. l Salm. 30 . ... 2:00 p. m. guadiy only, 11rMT?nnPortland for Forcat Grov and Int. ta"n-?7:06. 8:30, 10:20 . m.. 12-10, 2.1. 8:S0, 5:30, 8:25 p. m. Saturday only, ll.;n) Anwtn at Portland for Baltn and. lat. tattona-S:eo, lt:QO a. m.; J:tt. 4i. e.uo. TS p. ui. Local from Wllannvllle ar.l lilt ataiioiu!, :40 .- Dally eacept 8uu day,. and T:35 a. in., dally, - Arrivln Portland from Toraat Grove a"d In tat1onS:uO. 8:50. li:W a. .: I.w. 2 50 20. 8:10 p. m. Saturday only 11 -Xn p, ni. 'fiiitida l otfzJ.' ?0JE.--J : . J , Portland Rallvoy, Light St Panar C". TlekHt Ottka and Vtalilng Kuu, Tint nl Alder and Bant Vtatar . ana n.nat m.h i iw m-r,.. flara loava Bat Water and Worrtin afrc-. Orftwtt City 4:00. 0 M t. ffi. an1 ev-ry an mliiiita ui and lu-liidliig lf car nudnv't, Greiham and lrirmi"tli.i'.a plnt-4 .'.', i 4-,, S-41 '45. 10.4R, il A a. m.( 11. U, 1 -l.,i 2:5 8'4S. 4:4.. 0 45. 8:-r. H:Ji p. in. Falrvlfw and TfUidala 8 M, I i' 0:40,. 10:48, - m-. 12-o, 1:'S, i 3,. 'iA', i i,-. ;aaa .u . . . , , aun ju JU..U a. wi.. , ' ....... . . . For Vatiiuvi"irTkkl ,'.(' rrtcnu. ciMno ""i"11" I ft. tt So. 7 8 1 11:10, Hi": P- IV 8:lt), S P I. ' tn- tt. .-! M ' car kav.i at I 1 , i i r.,, Uaily timtik ..-i-y.