)niti OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST 10, 1910, 11 07 Land $8 Up Terms to suit; others ask two or three times as much. Also city propertv: house and lot, $1300; itor and lot. $1200; easy terms. Take some work. Owners, room 317. Hamilton bid;. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 Have a Full Block In town of Iforth Yamhill, with 7 room orchard, to exchange tor room residence in Portland. Yam-' hilt property Is valued at $2000. Can pay some cash. What have you.ln prop erty not exceeding 13000? .'. "rr Chasrtr Hunter 223-25 Board of Trade. : ViKST CLASS, new 6 room cottage full cement basement, concrete floor. : laundry trays and summer kitchen ana i' dining room lRthe basement Front ami back entrance to Taseraerit large attic e.11 floored. There are really 10 rooms in the house. 2 blocks from carllne, it " lies three nice dormer windows on .the roof. Front and bark porch. Will take eavy team, diamond or lots as first ' payment. Take the Monnt Scott car get off at Mi Hard ave. See Joe Nash, or phone Tabor. 2812. . ' EXCHANGE for city property Land from $S up to 2 H acres, with small house, garden and fruit $1000,. or sell -easy terms; take some work for payments. Owners, 112 S. Taylor' st, Mt Scott car, or 817 Hamilton bldg. .; - , Farm for City Property If you have a house and lot or lots that are right In price, we have some choice acreage In the Eagle Creek sec tion that is Al, with good Improvements, Bee us at once. ' . . MOUNT HOOD LAND CO., 712 Rothchlld bldg. FINE country home, consisting of 5 acres In berries and fruit, 7 room house, poultry house, etc.; i block from carllne, 7 miles from Portland; will sell for part cash r would take some im- f roved city property price $7600. 445 lawthorne sve. East 849. TO TRADE 50x50 corner on carllne; 8 room house; will take 6 passenger au tomoblloas part payment. Call A-7180. I ,-761, Journal. 1 ' -- " TEN ACRE, ranch, half cultivation; house, barn, etc.: Vt mile railroad, ltt rail electric liner to trad for house and lot. Wolff Land Co., 1454 1st st EQUITY of $200 In lot to trade , for launch, value of lot $500, balance $5 per month. Tabor 1914 evenings. - $543 equity in high, restricted residence lot for first payment on modern bun pa low. 812 Y. M. C. A. bldg. ROOMING house. 30 rooms, clearing $150 month; trade for real estate. 88 loth st. If you want to sell, puy or trade, see Shoemaker Inv. Co, 527 Henry bldg. Main. 4465. A-7484. HEAL estate bought, sold and ex- changed, write or call on Chittenden, Otto & Nelll. 310 Oak st 1 TRADE everything. H, F. Lee, 1015 Board of Trade bldg. -- - WE TRADE for anything anywhere. See us today. 411 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 AVE have buyers for all kinds of prop erty; deal with us if you want to buy, or sell and save commissions. No Com mission Realty Adv. Co., 414 Stearns bldg.; 408-9 Mutual Life Bldg., Seattle.; Boa-io Eagle dik., Bponane. - , WELL built 4 or 5 room house or cot tage, part cash with monthly pay ments. Address Oscar Penker, 1600 & Oak st; . ' - " ' WANTED-tFarml Also acreage, front- lng or overlooking river or ocean. G .71, journal. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. MODERN HOUSE FOR SPOT CASH. About 83000. - 314 Hamilton bldg. tVANT 2 or 3 acres near Portland on electric line. P-768. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 11 88888888388888888888 g ... ... ... ,,... , ... ., .. .: g 8 FIFTY acres in the Tualatin vsl- 6 8 ley, 87 acres perfectly cleared, 8 : 8 balance timber and pasture, fine H 8 water supplies, new house, good 8 barn, school mile and on phone 8 8 line and R. F. D. Price $6500. 8 8 60 acres near Estacada electric S S line. $7 acres cleared, balance very S 8 easily-cleared; some timber: land 8 8 is all level and the best of soil; 8 8 fine bearing orchard and abundance 8 6 of small fruit) all fenced with good S S wire fence; good house and barn, S 8 fruit dryer and other outbuildings; 8 8 good team, 2 cows, poultry, binder, 8 8 mower, wagon and full equipment 8 8 of farming tools go with place; 8 - 8 close to school, on main county 8 ' 8 road, phone .line and milk route. 8 8 Price $6500; good terms. 8 8 35 acres, 1 mile from Estacada 8 8 line, 6 acres in cultivation, all 8 i 8 fenced, good water supplies, fine 8 8 bearing orchard, fair buildings, 8 8 close to school and chwrch. Price S 8 $3000; terms. i ." S 8 ' Let me tell you about these S 8 places and show you the properties.' 8 8 1 have many others, more than I 8 8 can advertise; farms for the dairy- S 8 men, fruitgrower, wheat and stock S 8 ranches in eastern Oregon. S ' J. -H; '-SHIELDS -- 8 205 Gerlinger bldg. Main 8S0. 8 8 B888SSS888S888BSB8 8 S . . 20 acres, 14 miles out dose to Ore gon Electric and 8. P. R. R., 9 acres in - high -state of -cultivation, house and barn, good family orchard, good well, all fenced; Crops go with land; easy to make a good living from start; will sell cheap and easy terms. W. H. Lang l0., tit Auingiun uiug. ;, 320 Acres Stump Land1 : Railroad 'running along one side of this place; II taKen within the next 10 days can be bought for $15 per acre, cash, balance 2 years: if you want a good investment come in - and let us ten you at out mis. REPASS A WOODYARD 300 Henry bldg.' 60 acres, 2 miles from town; 13 acres un 4er cultivation,. 27 more can be tilled; fine spring. Price $3600; $1600 down and balance 2 years, 7 per cent. ' 160 acres, 6 miles from town; about 20 acres cleared; between 600 and 100 . cords of wood; good spring. Price $2600; 1 $1008 down, balance 2 or 3 years, 7. For an investment these are hard' to beat in Clark county, W. 8. HARVEY, Washougal, Wash. ; - . Red Land Bargain Fine farm of 830 acrs near Sheridan: bout three fourths cleared; 40 acres in walnuts and apples; 40 acres oak tlm-' per. . nw an acre. noarq or Trada, . Aiit9r 11, j,iLaivr. uM.itiitu ia aaruen ana clover; new room house, outbuildings E- Mct'laln. Reedvllle, Or. t3'VriTfcS what land worth $35 to $40 p?r avre. Will sell this for $20,000 ml tnke $000 Portland properly and fi tnme nn balance. Seeley. Phons iriam tSiii A-66i2. . ..... . ....... ACItEAGE TUALATM mUH ; . ACREAGE": 17 2 Genuine Bargains FOR FEW DAYS ONLY. : 134 acres; 60 In cultivation; all lays good; fine crops; hay cut and in barn; good well and springs; water pined to house, and lawn; good 6 room . house; barn 60x100; swell milk house and other buildings -..' 15 cows.' 1' thoroughbred bull. 7 head young stock; team or good mares, l colt. : -'- Binder, mower, disc harrows, plows, wagons, buggy and other - Implements and tools. A fine location, 5 miles from Ry. station and boat landing; 1-3 mile to school; phone, -and on good county road. Everything ready tomake money. jr you want a good larm, see tnis Mon day or Tuesday. ; Price, including everything. 310.000: 1-3 cash takes it; baL 3 to 6 years, 6 per cent interest 162 acres; 110 in cultivation; no' waste land: ajl good and lays fine. A genuine ranch.' Large slase 7 room houser barn Implements: good team and stock, - v A Dig Hay, stock and dairy rancn. west of BhHr" : Yn nurht to see it. If you do you will say it's the best you have seen ror tne money, ana. win ouy it. Owner's wife sick, and he thinks he wants to move. . , Thi rannh nwlnr tn ' la Are amount in FOR SALEFARMS cultivation, and the Tway .. ground lByr.T7t)ff Swetland faldgT6ttrandWahlngton, will increase in vaiue. very rssi. t-nce goes up shortly. Now only $15,000; 1-3 cash, bal.,8 per cent Vim have, smaller Places for fruit and dairy; low prices; If Interested, write, or come up ana see ,ior yourseir. Washougal Dairy & Land Co", " Washougal Box 10 Wash. M"r, BuyerIf you want a ranch or acreage in ine Desi coun ty in the state of Washington, and at reasonable once, see the following '.-feX '4 60 acres, $2400, terms; 40 acres, with crop and personal property $7000. terms; 80 acres, all clear with crop and personal property, $16,000, terms: 60 acres, crop and personal property, $5000-, terms; 40, acres, "all clear, running water, swale land, $5000. The above buys ave near railroad, school and less than 80 miles from Portland.,; The following is acreage on carllne, and near Vancouver: 11 V, acres, good buildings and in high state of cultiva tion, $5000. terms; 10 acres. $4500. terms; 6 acres, $1450, terms; 10 acres, $2800, terms. Jm further Information call on or address , . - - .J. B. ATKINSON, ' . Room 1 Commercial Bank bldg. Phone Main BOO, Vancouver, Wash. about 200 acres can be plowed now, of mm. V 1 .U &W.. nar . " . .. land;. S5 acres now in clover and alfal- ance oak and first and second growth. bw ummr; mnes xrom bneridan on good rock road, 11 miles from Mc- T1nnvlll S mil., in tr"nt.mlA . ranch fenced and cross fenced; living wmrr m every pasture; county roaa ena R. F. D. mail route pass door; 4 mile iv buuuoi; leiepnone in nouse; o good barns and sheds and other out build- iiiKB. miBrio oia ' o room nouse. rnce ou per acre it soia witnin next 1 wlr Armi l AtiwA Xt Address J. N. -Grohe,, R. F. D. 8, gherlr ua.il, Estacada Fruit Lands. 100 seres, with use of 40 more on the cretk for pasture; 8 miles from car line. 6 miles from Estacada; good wagon road; 18 acres in crop about 80 more almost ready for theplow; 3 acres well kept , Voung orchard, some bearrncr: K room house, barn 85x60, woodhouse and workshop., Spring, also- well, on the porch. A good place for fruit and dairy combined; $3200. t!200 cash. De scription oi gooa properties on 0. W, P, Land Co, Signboard, 1st and Alder. BARGAIN. " 41 acres, $4000; terms or will take $1500 In trade; 10 acres cleared balance logged off; 200 cords good wood, 30 acre good pasture, 22 apple trees 8 years old; good black loam soil: 6 room house, small barn; fenced with 8 wires. at k.i; door from good spring; . mile from "- "., vn fine roaa s miles from railroad station train t Pnrti.. . hour and on it i$ miles from Portland A11UIMJU A JSUICK, i Phone 600. -. Vancouver 'Vmh LAND SEEKERS LOW RATES TO ALBERTA. : Now is the time to go and in spect the crops -Just before the harvest. Write or call for book lets and full Information. IDE-M'uABTHY LAND CO., Colonization Agents Canadian Pa- 46-26-27-28 Lumbermena bldg.' Ott BALE Two fine eastern Oregon wheat farms, 1336 acres. 800 acres perfectly level, balance slightly rolling, jv ovic in wurai, oto acres ready ror Jcr.P' wo houae.' large barn and windmill, plenty of fine water, 4 miles to railroad. Also a fine lever tract of 829 acres, ail nloweri iftui cnA n,.. of these fins placea-at- $20 per acre from the owner direct T. H. Little- naiea, f orest Grove, Or. Well improved farm of 102 acres, level land, alluvial soli. 70 acres culti vation; nice 6-room house, good barn, family orchard (bearing); near school, daily mall; running streams. $85 per acre. Terms. Y-697, Journal. Small Farms -Jtl''lh fn.d 20ire traets. best lo cations In Yiclnlty of Portland. Get full particulars of lams & Hall. 218 GERLINGER BLDG. Beconq ana Alder. 140 aores unimproved land ftn& nti- to miles from Portland on railroad; land i Efn UV. ,ly water. 2o per acre; ,uuv.. u... wuance iong lime, - 6 -pert cent; will take Portland property up to $1000 or $1500 for first payment Own-1 Acm, iteai Jigtate & inv. Co.. 830 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU WANT a farm see me before jrou buy. I have all sizes at right prices. Geo. A. Houck. 227H Wash! 120 acre farm in Yamhill county, with stock, for $3500. 225 6tb st, room 8. FRUIT LAXDS 3 ''TCSE1WLI Our sales of apple lands in our Mt Hood district are making us hsppv. Hood River and Minneapolis buyer have Just taken over 500 acres. In "five years these hinds will be selling for $500 an acre because they are practi cally the same in every way as Hood River. Get our booklet and look into this before the Mt Hood Electric's building booms prices. MT. HOOD LAND CO., 712 Rothchlld Bldg. 80 acres, near Greshtfm, 1 miles from station on electric line; 20 acres under cultivation, good soil; 200O cords of wood; $50 per acre if taken soon; terms. . MT. HOOD LAND CO.. odver-Orcbard 15, 20 and 80 Acre Tracts . Aoout .ona nair pjanted on , each to commercla. varieties. Expert i reports and photographs subject to examination. Will take Portland property for part payment. It will pay you to Investigate. D-6E3, Journal, or telephone Main 1500. 45 FOR SALE or trade. 1IH acre fruit ahd truck farm. 1 mile from Myrtle Creek, Oregon. New, unfinished house, barn and outbuildings; orchard of pears, prunes, peaches, apricots and apples, all bearing! Fine peach crop of Muirs and Crawfords Just ready fot-market. Plenty of vegetables. Valuable mare, 2 hogs, Jersey cow and 2 dosen chick ens. Harness, wagon, cultivator and garden tools. V"l lor suuu. win iao bungalow or good vacant lots In Port land up to 11200 In trade, balance must be casli. .Address Charles W. Rice, Myr tle Creek. Or. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 240 acres of irrigated land miles southwest of Klamath Falls, all the best kind Of soil; price $20 per acre: 160 acres of White Salmon fruit land with 2,000,000 feet of good timber on the land; price for a few days .$12.50 per -acre. W. H. Lang Co., .414 Ablng: ton bldg. v - - FOR BENT FAR5I3 14 GOOD farm of 48 acres fori rent, and alt crop, stock, implements and house hold goods for -sale at a bargain; only 12 miles from Portland, IV, miles from car line and close to school; plenty of, fruit, good well and spring;party must leave farm on account of sickness. Look this up If you wish to rent. Neal Brown, WELL experienced - farmer wants to rent a farm on shares. P-768, Journal. ' WANTED FARMS US Farms Wanted Sena us description of yours. IAMS & HALL. 218 Gerllnger Bldg. "Write FOR SALE TIMCETX 28 WE are . headquarters for timber and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney & Stampher, 631-3 Lumbar Ez change bldg. '; !- 6,000,000 feet Douglas fir timber on 160 acres' near Portland, $3440. Terms. E. A. Hsverstlc. 826 Lumber Ex. bldg. . HOMESTEADS 47 Homesteads "Deschutes , valley, where fortune calls." Do you want a home in this productive country? We can locate you on homesteads or desert claims which may be irrigated by gravity flow. This land lies in Crook, the best county in central Oregon, where railroads are building and cltlesprmglng up; where the products were raised . which took first prize on grains and grasses in the National Irrigation congress In 1906, and also captured the Hill cup at the International Drv Farming congress in 1909. , We sell deeded, improved irri gated landB. . wheat lands near Culver and are the exclusive sales agents for Culver junction, tne new railroad town located at the junction of the Hill and Harrlman lines which are now building through the Deschutes valley. Party leaving Tuesday. Free automobile fare to Culver for those whom we locate. Call at once and arrange for transporta tion. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND St IN- VESTMENT CO., 801-802 Buchanan bldg., Portland,. Or. TjikoI nfflna Pnlvd, fir Crook and Lake County Home- steads, - Oregon offers the last opportunity to get free government land. , The best land in Oregon is located In this section. Read the annual reports on the production of 'Crook and Lake Counties. Wheat grows in abundance. Ideal for raising livestock. Plenty of water available. No place in the states today does another opportunity exist for the man of small means to secure free government lands. The two rival rail' ,roads now building into central Ore gon will Increase the value ' of these homesteads thousands of dollars. Tot further particulars see Oregon MINING STOCKS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE MINING and industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought . and Old. C. B. Fletcher, 126 Ablngton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. Purcell. 810 Oak. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE S3 SEE) these rooming houses, the best bar gains in the city. 15 rooms, 'good furniture, best loca tion. West Side; only $1000, V, cash,- 14 rooms, fine transient house; Just think of it, only $950; ft cash, located near P. O. 9 room fine West Side location,' In come $89 month; $200 cash, balance easy payments. , 80 room, transient and single, near otn ana vyssmngton; over j year lease; rent $186. Price $2100. only $700 cash. These are the kind of houses that sell quickly; don't lose any time looking tnem up. ir you want to our. sell or iraue rooming nouses, see . H. E. JAMES, 88 10th St.. Tel. A-3799, Marshall 1298. - 88 ROOMS, on one floor, brick building; 4 4 years' lease; rent $100 per month; will clear $200. This is a, money maker. 22 rooms on Washington st, good lease, swell furniture, furnace heat; $1550 handles this; will clear $150 per month. - 28 rooms, two floors, brick building, lease; rent $75; will trade for city prop erty. We have good bargains in rooming housea It costs you nothing to investi gate. ' Gray Realty Co, . ; V. 833 Alsky Bldg. On Morrison Street Near Olds & King's, 80 rooms, cheep, long lease, 20 room apartment nouses;, terms on either. '223 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ' ' Marshall 1418. HOTEL- Fine location, good lease with bar, fine living rooms. This place le clearing over 3300 and can be bought for lees than one half price as owner is sick and must rest; before you buy or sell see - UNION BROKERAGE CO. -' 24 2 H Alder St. 22 Rooms Only $800 , MODERN FRAME BUILDING. FAIR FURNITURE; RENT $60, ONE TO THREE YEARS', LEASE. SEE THIS SNAP AND YOU WILL BUY. ' ' OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO.. 64H 6TH. An Extra Bargain A 9 room house on 10th St. well fur nished and modern in every respect; clears $50 over rent See this at once; no agents. " Buy direct irom owner, on your own terms. G-764, Journal. 42 ROQMS-42 Money maker, good location, good lease. Price $1900; terms. 402 Commer cial D10C.K. . ROOMING-HOUSE is what we want, any size; list with us; we lend to tha buyer. See our list before you buy. Rose & Campbell, room 14, 270 H Wash- ington bt A-3SUQ. AM forced to sell my : large modern boarding hotel at once at a great sac rifice, as I am leaving the city; clears $800 a month; $2260; $1600 cash. L-763, Journal. '.' " ' . . TWO transient " houses, good location, over 2 years' lease; these places are making moneys but, owners want to change; $1500 each. . Call at t - Union Brokerage, 242 Alder st. ROOMING houses, sny sise. at prices to suit: w, ouy, sen ana exenange. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO, i nenry piog. X-l rooming house on 6th st; finely fln- heVall.4rmsi er rnw-riinfi! Call 41 Va ' N. Is doing good business. 6th st. FOR SALE Transient rooming house, 19 rooms. Well furnished. Terms. Phones M. 3480, A-2824. . 30 ROOMS, steam, hot and cold water every room; clears $200; will' sacri fice. Phone, owner, Main 8877. FRUIT LANDS ROOmjJQ HOUSES FOR SALE B3 EIGHT rooms, close to city hall, rent .,820, -$250; $75 cash., bal. $15 per monin. ir you want this call today. 82 rooms, net income $100, rent $125; good location, loase; $1500; cash. 28 rooms, year lease, rent $65; $2000, cash. . ' -. .;. , .. 22 tooms, good location, good furni ture, net income fiuu, rent isu; sjuuv, H cash., "-' 33 rooms, lease 3 years, rent $130, fine location, net Income $180." Price, $1600; 000 cash. 25 rooms in heart of city, 8 years' lease, rent $110; a good money maker; $1500. 17 rooms, close in, rent $50, income 1150; $1200, l cash. ;;, 24 rooms, rent $80, 2 years -lease; $1600,'' ternus, 80 rooms, rent $150, lease 2V4 years; $6000, terms. . . 60 rooms, rent $200, Please $ years; $5000, H cash. 88 -rooms, rent $250, lease 3 years; $5500, terms. " v ' -.- , - These are ' good money makers afld the price is right Crescent Realty Co., tut BwexiBnq piag. 70 Rooms; rent $280; clears $450; $10, . 000; terms. 89 rooms, fullv modern, $3200. . 80 rooms, clears $250, $3200. IS rooms, clears $200. $2000. ' 18 rooms, a bargain; $900. 12 rooms; snap; $600. . " Main 8877. 319 Board of Trade. On Washington Street - 20 rooms, fine furniture, always full, rent only $60. See it; make offer. . 223 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.., Marshall 1418. Geo, A, Bowyer. . ; HOTEL BROKER. Hotels for sale and exchange. 203 Ger llnger bldg., 2d and Alder. ' Main 7311 BUS INfcSS CHANCES 20 Are You Looking for a Business uoniectioneries &uu, iuu, siouu, $2600 and others. Hardware, good trado, central, good lease; groceries, $700 and up to $3500, invoice; saloons, several of them, some good ones. : Confectionery and pool hall, a bargain; rooming housea from $560 up to $4600. .. - Houses and lots in several localities. Call and see us. : " GOODNOUGH & 8EITZ. ,f 1 718 Board of Trade. ' - THIS WEEK ONLY. ' If vou take a course of : instruction at our school we) wilt start you in the moving-picture theatre business free of charge or . help you secure a position. Will teach you on easy terms. For par ticulars call on New York Motion Pic ture Exchange and School of Operating, 526 K Washington st . FOR. SALE Pool room and confectionery, For further Information call on owner, 405 Hawthorne ave, FOR SALE Confectionery and bakery, . centrally located, good business. For information address Mrs.. Alta Whittle, Castlerock, Wash. FARGO, OR. New town, rich, well set tled community, good opening for gen eral, store, drugs, lumber, i machinery, warehouse and elevator, blacksmith, brick and tile faetory, etc. Address Far go Orchards Co., 83 5fh st, Portland, Or. IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or if you wish to buy or open one, communicate with a permanent and successful company. Peoples' Amuse ment Co. 810-618 Rotbchlld .bldg., Port- iana, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, fruit and cigar store freshly stocked, cen trally located, good lease, owner must leave at once for east' Will sell below cost Call Union-Brokerage Co, room qui, Aider st Corner Grocery and Bakery. jx utugaui. lam who owner. u .314 East 7th St, BUSINESS CHANCE Partner retiring. wishes to sell his half interest in old established firm. Short hours, very easy work. Very small amount of money required. Investigate thoroughly before investing, P-766, Journal. - . i A GENUINE GOOD BUY.'- ' " 20 rooms, furniture very fine; loca tion the best in the city, and clears' over 3100 mo. Price only $1500. Terms. See James, 88 10th st. Confectionery Store' v Exceptionally good location. Owner will give full particulars at 411 Haw- tnorne sve.. run balu j-iair. interest in a run. sale: real estate and business chance of. fice, good fixtures and property list; small investment; owner leaving; In veaiigate tnis. f-ina, journal. WILL take aa partner and learn re sponsible 'person electrical work: plenty of work In sight Must have $200' casn. tteierences exonangea, B-761, Journal - FOR SaL) New house boat, , best money cpuld build.. 16x38; also new launch. 12 H. P.; must sell at once. Come to Cottonwood Island or address E. Wells, Carrollton. Wash. -A RARE OPPORTUNITY. . . $9000 will buy a controlling interest in state bank in southern Oregon, de posits over $100,000; loans guaranteed. Call at 607 McKay bldg. Main 4710. GIVEN away free to those answering his advertlsem it within 80 days, a map of all the California oil fields. 8a-gar-Loomis Co.. 701 , Oregonian bldg., HOTEL FOR BALE 14 rooms and dln - ing room furnished complete; 40 reg ular boarders, in thriving mill town; price 33700. Latham & Nelson, Coburg. Oregon. ' , ' WELL esta Dliahed fuel business, cen- tral location. railroad spur; y, lnter- est or all; sell cheap, 4.51 Hawthorns ave. WANTED Neat young man with $50 to learn real estate business; can matce pig money, xti 6tn st I have a first class steady position for gooa man wno can rurnisn 300 cash security. Call at room 615. Roth- child bldg. WE CAN place you in paying business; before buying be sure and see ua Kinney Stampher, 631-3. Lumber Exchange bid. A-48S1. ONLY dentist in large .eastern Oregon town will sell business. Wants to go east. M-766. Journal. . FOR RENT--Two room suite, suitable for doctor office or studio. Fine lo. cation, west side, furnished. East 2876 OFFICE furniture for sale cheap, with good list of property of all kind. 401 8wetland bldg. Crescent Realty Co. . A GOOD chance for a working man: small hand laundry for sal ttnn cash. T-768, Journal. ' GROCERY store and fixtures for sale at a discount. Call -SIS Clinton st, come HIGHLAND notion store, confectionery, cigars, tobacco; wan t4 eo on hom stead; rent 318.' 1017 TTnion ave. N. RESTAURANT 86 chairs, ' good oca" tlon, doing good business, price $800 Address Main Restaurant. Hood Rl ver. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 room liTStei! completely furnished, in good valley wwn,, Auurvaa i, eneriaan, ur. RESTAURANT with or without rooms" for sale; good chanceto do well; see1 owner at Kenton, on Kllpatrick st -GROCERY; one of the best in the sub- urDs; live, growing ousmess. Deshon. 407 Lumbermena Bank bldg. I FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good business.' Long lease. Apply Doolv ESTABLISHED manufacturing busTT ness for sale, lease or trade. Call or address 64 Alblna aye.j Portland. Or. WAN I ED From owner, good paying ruvming noum, irura jv 10 40 rooms. .""'",4" o VKJfS K4-Lr. DRUG store for sale; good location, good business. 760, Journal. . -. WANTED To buy or lease a brick yard in a small town. Q-763, Journal. CITY and .outside stores for sale. Some tf-ndien. ; yiw .Henry bldg. uimmau lor uontist; tine opportunity 0-765, Journal. , 20 T lire NEAR CORNER OF FRONT AND GIBBS STS., A TWrO-CHAlK . EVERYTHIMn COMPLETE FOR BE- GINNlira BUSINESS AT ONCE. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD AND FINE LUUA TION FOR A FIRST CLASS BARBER TO ESTABLISH HIMSELF IN A PROFIT ABLE BUSINESS. LIVING ROOMS IN, REAR OF SHOP. ' LOW RENT. LONG LEASE GIVEN. KEY AT DRUG STORE. CORNER FRONT AND GIBBS, OR CALL UPON I. OEVURTZ & SONS,,173. 10 D1KS1' b J. T. A SPLENDID grocerstore having good patronage; it is on the corner close In on east Bide; would- invoice" about $2500 or over, reasonable rent and long lease will be given if desired: good rea. son for Benin: It is 'no trading stock: It Is a good respectable proppsftion. . Sbkndld meat market, well iocated. enjoys good trade on prominent street close in on east side; can be bought for fizau; it Dears tne. closest inspection.' Otto & Harkson Realty Cor -133 ,1st St ' ONE HALF or whole Interest in good paying ' Paint and Wail Paper ' ' STORE. Low rent, no competition. Call 811 Tillamook st, evenings. . I'..' HKLP-.WANTED--IAIJ '- WANTED 3 good; solicitors for .Portland and a Dermanent reoresentatlve in every town and city in Oregon and Washing tear Tellable and trustworthy men only; a good side line for small business men ..in country towns; we reach , the homcseeker and investor and. eliminate all commissions. Investigate - our sys tem: jou will like it No Commission Realty Advertising Cos, 414. Stearns bldg., Portland, with offices at Seattle and Spokane. : ' " - ' THIS WEEK ONLY, , If you take a course of instruction at our school we will start you in the moving picture theatre business free of charge or help you secure a position. vvm teacn you on easy terms. or par ticulars call on New York Motion Pic ture Exchange and School of Operating, S2H Washington st - ' ' - , WANTED r : Independent or nonunion UNITED METAL - TRADES ASSN.. 222 Commercial Club ffbldg. OUR motion .picture operators' school the best on the coast; competent in structors. We perfect men who can qualify in two weeks for positions. Ap plications received daily . at our :' ex change. Operators receive $26 to 340 weekly. Pacific Amusement Exchange, .marquam bldg. ....... WANTED Men at Los Angeles; no ex- pense to learn trade of electrlolty, automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying by actual work on contract Jobs; only few month required;, 200 students last year; -catalogue -free United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates Inst year; men and wo men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $16 ti $23 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler 8stem oi colleges. i w. tn st, Kortiaoa, WANTED Salesman: many make 3100 to $150 per mooth; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, fsr from old orchards, cash . ad vance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash tngto? Nurserv Co.. Toppeniah. Wash. WANTED baiesmen tn every locality In the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over 8100 monthly; choice of - territory. Yakima Valley nursery t;q, loppenisn. vvaanu KOW'S the time to prepare; railway mall carriers.' Send for catalog. Sal ary, $500 to $1800. International Cor respondence Schools. 233 Alder at Phone Main 1028. open p. m. SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big gest nursery in west; liberal propo sition; few oholetf fields open; $50 week ly easily madej Oregon Nursery, Co., Oreneo. Or. - '- " -- - -. WANTED A boy 17 who can milk and wouia oe interested in the care of a few cows and delivering milk; a 'good home and' fair wages; steady employ ment Call after 5. 701 E. Gllsan. FINE opening for young man, small capital required, money, well secured, experience unnecessary. Call 8 to 8 this evening..; 326 M Washington st Room 417. WANTED Psrty to take charge of res taurant wun rooms; must give good references and be able to alve smnll security or bond. Inquire, 587 Union ave. North. 1 , . - WANTED Boy ,. with wheel ; IS ' years ....old..' - --' . - OSTRICH PLUMB CO., 803 Washington. WAITED A man and team to haul i wood near Council Crest; can make upwards $6 per day. 122 Grand ave,. room 8. Phone E, 4424. 't - WANTED Live rustler for city. retail tea and coffee wieon rnnt' .tni.i. ence and best reference essential Grand lTnlnn Tmm Ait UfB.kl-,AH . .. WANTED Railway mail clerks; Por land examination No. 12; 3500 to 31600; .preparation free, ! Franklin In stitute, dept. 284 8., Rochester, N. Y. NEW sample nata. .31.60. -., cleaned. blocked. 60c. Toadies' hats remrvlol.rt The Hattery, 316 Alder, cor. 6th, Base 81-DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you nigrj jriun aentisiry Dy uquKbajr sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, 207 AHwky bldg.; 3d and Morrison. $5 .PER MONTH-Telerranhv tmnht In practical form; day and evening ses sions. Address f Myers, 829 11th st. Portland. Main 8512. WANTED Printer for second place In newspaper and Job plant; steady po sition. Address., stating wages wanted, News, Roaeburg,' Or. WANTED 2 young men to learn auto mobile repairing and driving. Call 50-62 N, -7th St. Phone Marshall 864, A-4455. ' BOY to learn printing trade; must be willing to. start with small .. wages: rapid advancement ; Watson's Print Co., Ooodnoutth bldg. . WANTED Good man to, take. wagon and solicit for cleaning and dyeing works; splendid Offer for- good party. 687 Union ave. North. - ' WANTED Neat young man with $50 , to ' learn real estate business; ' can make big money. 242 5th st. BOOKKEEPER, . wholesale grocery; state -age, experience, references, phone number. ' R-763, Journal. . WANTED Printing first class dentals Allsky bldg. In exchange for work. Room 207, CHEF headquarters and helpers.. Cali fornia. Wine Depot 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. WANTED Good boy about 15, who can milk. Wages and good home. "S-767, Journal. . . - - . WANTED 2d hand- electric , motors. 5 to 30 H. P.; liberal pay for Informn-4ANJPaill'w--4ikwri Pen 1 f f t, - TWO advertising solicitors. ' Stearns bldg. , ' Call 414 SEVERAL helpers and boys wanted. us age si, Lipwer Ainma. PAINTING wanted; give dentistry. Call tVt AIIHKy IIKlg. LEARI dklvlng automobile, day or even. I II II , I 1 I ing, 8ZS4S wasnincton. Room 417, BUSIMISS C HANCES life nELP WANTED MALE WANTED Able bodied men for the U. 6. marine corps, between the. ages- of 19 and 35. Must-be native turn or have first papers Monthly pay $15 -.to-$69. AddMJonalcompensation, possible. Food, clotliihgrquarters and medical attend ance' free. After 30 years service can retire with 76 per cent, of pay und al lowances. Service on poard ship and shore In all parts of the tvorld. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recfruitlng Station, Breeden . bldg.. 3d and Washington sts., Portland, Or. ' J - BELT WANTED MALB AND ' . .; FEMALE 29 ' FREE BOOKING AGENCY. :The New York Amusement Co, make no charge for securing positions or reg istering your names. - Wanted: perform ers, singers, musicians, operators, etc. 626 Wash., near 17th. - HOPPICKERS We are . now register ing for our farms at Witch Hazel and Reedvllle. 1 Call or telephone soon, as picking will commence early. - A, J. Ray & Son; 834 Sherlock bldg. Telephone Main 843. - ..v-v WANTED Man and woman to learn drama and vaudeville; also fancy and buck: and wing dancinx .tauirht at the Chicago Dramatic & Vaudeville School of Acting. 843V4 . Yamhill st. Room 16. riours rrom a. m. uu h:i p. m. WANTEtV AGENTS -AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. , Address Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, or. MALE or female agents to work on aal ary, good reliable firm; Apply at once. Call evenings, 614 saerrett ave., Sellwood. EMPIX)VIENT AGENCIES ' 55 " C, R. HANSEN & CO,, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main of ilea 26 N. 2d at, Fortland. Ladles' depurtmunt, 7th and Wash. sts. upstairs, Portland. 424. Front ave.. Spokane. ' , 87-89 4th st, San Francisco. HANLEY A. TBAVERS EMPLOYMENT - CO.. neadaflartera ror R. R. work. 28H N. 2d st tCHE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY., Gen'l employment. . Mar. 318. A-2406. BUTTS jli ELDREDGE. ' 24 'H N.- Second. ;A-1 tn. MaiH8208; HELP WATEi FKMALB 2 GROCERY SALESWOMAN Thoroughly experienced, first class grocery saleswoman can find good, per manent position. Appir to tsupt. OLDS. WORT MAN A KING. OSTRICH plumes dyed, curled, made over; Birds of Paradise cleaned.' Now is the time.- -- - i-j-i----'f-rvt , OSTRICH PLUME CO, aos Washington st. EXPERIENCED stenographer for gen eral office- work. State salary ex pected, phone number, ate ' Must be of good appearance and ' capable.-. R-765, journal WANTED Experienced girl for general housework to go to Alaska; -mall family. Apply between 9 and 11 a, m., apartment I, The Hartford, 21st and Flanders sts. - - -! $1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you high grade dentistry by liquid air sys tem of painless dentistry. - -Dr. Jones, 207 Altsky bldg., 3d and Morrison.. WANTED A first class, energetic, ex- perienced laDeier lor, tea, coiee ana Wadhams A Kerr Bros., 4th and Hovt spice department; none other need apply. ACCURATE, speedy typewriter in ab stract office, near Portland. Salary moderate to start . State qualifications. H-a. journal, WANTED Experienced nurse girl -over 18 years, city . references required. Phone afternoons, Main or A-2576. 482 Harrison st . - . .- HOUSEKEEPER. WANTED Very little wora, more tor company ror i smau girls; fine home for right party. - Call at 726 Powell, between 7 a. m. and 8 p. m. WANTED Girl to assist at housework, 8:30 to 2:30. Phone M. 8780. 892 Jack son st. WANTED A girl to take care of chil - dren. Apply after 6 p. m., 195 17th St. N. ' .. WANTED In private boarding houe, first class cook; also dining-room gin. - tut manison st. Main zwis. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Family of two. Call iu r.nst lztn sr. WANTED Neat appearing girl for confectionery work; Inquire Irvlngton Confectionery, 18th and Broadway sts. GrIRL wanted for general housework, email mmuy, rnone j-ztni, . ! 6PERATORS and .finishers on, pants, r'OMAN to do general housework. 207 unron ave. iM. rnone East 2489. -GIRLS of 14 years of age at Portland Cigar box factory, 43 H E. 8d st. GIRLS wanted to work, on trousers. 490 Washington st. SITUATIONS MALE MUNICIPAL, 4 , - FUSEE EMIPLfBYMEOaT- OFFICE .170 MADISON, BKT.-3D AND 4TH. MALE AX FEMALE HELr. NO CHARGM TO EMPLOYER OR . . EMPLOY EL T r MAIN ; .-.666. A-8624, ENGINEER Had . plenty-f -experience wjiu Hieim ana electric pumping plants, mine hoisting engines, electric lighting (D. C), and ammonia rep. ma chinery, desires employment. R-780, iuurnai. WANTED Position by - young man of 30, 7 years' experience; no bad habits and can give the best references. Q- dUUIIIUI, EXPERIENCED collector with best'of references and bond wants steady po sition with firm; have horse and buggy ror collection, u-ibb, 'journal WOULD like to take contract of clear. Ing about 10 acres of land, said party to furnish tools and cabin or tent w-760, journal. BY MAN of pleasing address accus- tomea to meeting puDiic, position in first class hotel.... Gilt edge references. Kj-ivt, journal. CARPENTER work wanted ot every de- enpuon; jooDing, remoaenng, repair ing n specialty. Cummlngs & Catlin, 371 First st. Marshall 2327. ' POSITION -as timekeeper or similar . clerical work, railroad, camp or, fac tory, experienced, capable and efficient .-, journal, POSITION as watchman take care of or run steam plant if necessary. B. A. B., Box 68, Lents, Or. , - EXPERIENCED butler, . porter or Jani tor (colored), best - of, references. A-8783.; ; - '- -.-. - . VVANTED-rBy an elderly man, position as coI'ectoHTJ, can give bank reference ana puna, r none u;ast 3BOZ. 703 Belmont WANT cesspool "ork;i drain tile, septic- tank a specialty; all work promptly done. Phone Sellwood 1644. WANTED Position by boy, 17; 2 yrs. - high school educatlorr. 0-769, Journal. CARPENTER, builder, new or repair work.- day or contract. Sellwood 1712. CARPENTER work, any kind, day , or contract Phone Marshall 2817. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 WOMAN wants work 26c per hour, for first days in the week; east side pre ferred. P-764, Journal. - WANTED By lauy sweeping, cleaning and general housework by day" or hour, . N-761, Journal, f - , - - ; . A WIDOW LADY with good suburVmn 1 . '. home would like the care of nn r 4Aex.iiiiKt!ll) bookkeeper and cashier . wants position; references. . Wood lawn 2269. . . . " GOOD experienced woman having child l'-i yearfc' wants (position ag houst; kieieH Q-767. Journal. AN, ELDERLY lady would like puxttion as . housekeeper for widower or bacn elor. 1 Q-720, Jouhr.al. . SITUATIONS FEMALB mmmm' COUPLE with child wish, board and room where wife can work for sam, part or whole, chamber work, waitress or assist coolc Mrs. Baker, 141H Rus sell st. - " REFINED mlddleaged woman desirea . situation as housekeeper, in elderly widower's home; has references. A-AV dress Mrs. K. B. Davlpg, Mllwaukle, Or7 VOUNG ladv stenogiaplier speaking 5 en lnnguages wishes position, f,('-mPntn8' office experience; references. P-762, Journal. WOMAN wishes day work. 20c an hour. - Phone Main 1625. or A-2876. VR". capable , -girl' desires position' as iimiu. weamBtress, Main 2Us dJiesssiakinq 10 SUITS and govns my specialty. Mrs. 60 GRADUATE nurse will take hourly Calls. - Maternity Min.ii k.ih. anA generali nursings Terms reasonable. neien ta. jones. Mam 110, A-1186. OSmON Practical nurse. Bei,t 'ref erencea. Anv .sickness, v Phnn Main 937.5. . FURNISHED KOO " WEST SIDE ' - FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Trans . lent. Ai out siae rooms, rates rea sonable. O. W. P. Rooming House, Mrs. , Etta" Keys, Prop., 809 Alder st, v Main . 3480, A-2824. , v-y , ,- s-,- ; PLEASANT rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 : persons; 2 beds in room; single room , $2.50 a week. 254 12th, eight block from postofflce. . j , ITELMiKl.Vil ree phone and bath. Main Olli st. roams up per wees. . 7764, THE TEMPLE.' ' 343 H Yamhill st, op- poslte Hotel" Portland, furnished rooms, low rentH. transient. NICE large newly furnished; sleeping rooms' mnrlorn- lnrco virH : 1K1 inth LARGJEJ ooty front room for one or mi rramiimuia. isna St. 1 ' v FURNISHED R003CI ' vi:;. EAST SIDE , ; ' 82 PARLOR, dining room, front bedroom, clothes press, bath, in private family;" first floor, one block from carllner gas. lftwn, use or phone, some use of kitchen. For adults only. ... Call phone East 8951, ur mumm tut in. Ain, THREE nice newly furpished roomev electrlo light and bath,, 116; walking? distance. 468 E. Mill. ; . - NICE front room, bath and phone. 80s Russell st, between Rodney and W1K Hams ave. - . UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO unfurnished, rooms for housekeep- ing, iu i am si., Dec ween b ua id m., and 8' to 7 p. m. . ' ' TWO unfurnished rooms, $5 month. Sellwood car. East 642 Karl st OR 8 unfurnished rooms, 646 Gllesan. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 WANTED A place to board -two small -children, 4 and 8 years, for awhile also myself. . p. A. Bebie, Drugstore cor. . waieign ana inn. UP-TO-DATE 6 room flat, oloee in; gas ; range free phone. East 2173. HOTELS 64 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan I only; 33. $5 &y. . - VALLAMONT Furnished rent $76 Yamhill. rooms for BELVEDEHE European. 4th and Alder. : , ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOM!) . a THE ' BEAVER 12th and Marshall. Furnished for housekeeping, gas ranges, electrio lights." hot water, bath, '. laundry, all free; $15 per month up; a ' rlHIl rmrm. ka. In. ;k....tl V. . Y J 'j .... V It, Lll J IUI .ll money; short distance from Union depot. i" o vr iotn st. cars nortn, get on at imnnaii st. io aors. . . WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; s montn; s ror u; zurnisnea cot tage. 7, large rooms, $27.60; lower flat. 4 rooms, $18, 864 26th st, North (west side river). "W" car from depot, 6th or Morrisoiy to 26th; block north. ONEONTA" apartments. 17 17th near, Yamhill (Take W car at depot), t, 8 anoV- 4 : room- furnished auitea , Hot and cold. Phones and baths free. $20 per month. $6 per week and up. Main , A-lS. 1 and 2 furnished room .housekeeping apartments;, modern convenleces, .ot, cold water; running water in rooms; $3.60 week up. Sleeping rooms ready Aug. .0, new furniture. 407 Columbia, near 10th. $1.75 week, large clean furnished horse-. keeping rooms; laundry, bath. gas. clean linen. 164 Sherman. South Port land. TWO front rooms, well furnished for housekeeping, ' good, cook stove, gas plate, -newly papered. $11 month. "270 marKet st. 1'HREE convenient furnished house-1 keeping rooms; running water, good neighborhood, close in, $25 month. 292 loth st.'-, .; -'-.rt , THE COLONS Furnished housekeep ing' rooms with all conveniences, $10 and tip. cnlral location. 503 Vj Alder st. THREE clean furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, yard and tub. Inquire 629 Thurman st THE NEWCASTLE, 402 8rd; furnished housekeeping rooms; . free ' baths. pnone, tiot water. TWO front-rooms nioely furnished, gas. pnone ana Datn. . sio uiay, a minutes want to p. u. 250 North 15th 'st, near Marshall,'-fur-, nished housekeeping' rooms for rent modern." v - ' ' . COMFORTABLE - single housekeeping - room, bath, laundry, phone. 405 Stark. MITCHELL Hdusekeeping rooms; light gas; moderate. 7 tn 3j y ianaers. A-407S TWO large, light rooms and bath for only1 $12 per month. , 800 1st st. 8. 2 AND 8 very nice large. modern house keeplng rooms, -E80 2d st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , - EAST SIDE 48 TWO eonneotlng-rooms -with; all eon-"-yeniences, good, quiet neighborhood, .' walking distance to center, of city. 35 1 -Ross, st, East 5512. v ' FOR T.ENT Three furnished - house. . keeping rooms In private family; gas. wood and bath; nice lawn; adults. 181 KuRseU. East 2299, ' $2 per week; clean, lurnlBhed houHeket, ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard. phone.- clean linen. ' 406 Vancouver ave. LIGHT - housekeeping rooms. . coma ave., Sellwood. - 488 Ta, FOB HENT HOUSES k ,,12 FOR SALE, or for rent; 2 acres, some fruit; 6 room bungalow; city water; 6e carfare. 611 E.. 82d at, ...N., Monta vIUh. J. De Inno. v $11 MONTH 5 room cottage, bath, tol- ' .let,1-8 lots, barn, chicken yard; Mrs. Wolf, 147 Warner at, Stewart's, 'Mount Scott car, y - , $30 Teh room house, 669 Commercial . - st; near Williams ave. and Russell. SINNOTT & SINNOTTi 026 Chamber of Commerce.- MODERN 6 room house, $15 rent, owner leaving. , Call at. 1128 Francis ave., Woodstock car, get off at 39th, go 3 blocks north. 5 room cottuge, large yard, reasonable ; 1 E. Market st.fcnear Grand ave.' Phone East 1948. - - ;- FOR RENT Five room flat, wtst side; reasonable rent " Main 7490. 872 H First st. - - FREE rent in Gregory HelKhts. Greg ery 1 n vest men t m Co. End y f Rose CI (JL. r b rR rar uiir. 6 T.OOM modern housn, lawn and roses, $22, Woodlnwn 17, wooaiawn 2720. NEW, modfi-n 6 roomjliouse. 774 2d st Ap pi y next lioufe. 229 Qrover st. ' . : ROOM cottni?, 8 .Delay St.. $16 ... per nioBtli. Take Lear.-- w - - 193 "Keainev st., corner 19th. 7 tooiii Jhiuse, . $35. Inquire JS9. Kcarnej