f . THE OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1&10. 1 wmtm riAVALRESERVElS i !IDVAUTIIORIZED Enrolling of Merr. for First Di- vision to Begin Immediately ' Says Commander McNuIty; , Drills to Start Soon. ; . Recruiting: for- the Oregon naval re. nerve will begin , Immediately, accord ing to Commander John McNulty, who - has been ' instrumental- In getting a oaval militia started here, " All pre ' liminary work, such as settling the .legal status of the organization and such matters have been completed and now the actual work of forming one or more divisions will be pushed as rap :. Idly as possible.,' --..-, The new naval organization will for the present be under the state military board, as special, legislation will be ' necessary to place It In & class by ...it . self, and Adjutant General Flnzer of the Oregon National Guard has author ized the recruiting of men for the nav al militia. Before this perraissldn could be se- cured, - however, it was necessary to . consult i with. State. Attorney .General Crawford In regard to the legality of such an organization. He decided that a naval militia could be started under the Jurlsdlotion of the military board, , , after which the .adjutant . general au thorized the recruiting of men. The work of handling the legal matters of the naval reserve . has devolved prin cipally on George S. Shepard, who-holds the rank of captain in the new organ ' isatlon, In order that he may have the authority to , conduct these affairs.1 ' ! Commander McNulty, who Is nauti- fCal expert of the local hydrographlo of fice, said this morning that names 'of " those desiring to ffln the, reserve would be received at .his office and the work , of recruiting the first division would begin Immediately. As soon as enough men, from 35 to. SO, are secured, drills will begin .In the Armory,- the prelim inary drills .being setting up. exercises and foot movements." , - As a variation of these drills it Is , hoped to secure three or four 12-oar cutters from - the government so that the division 'may be able to take up . boat drills as soon as ' possible. ' i STOPS NEA1UXG COLUMBIA. ' 'Three Loaded With Coal .Coming From Newcastle; 50 Days Oat. Three coal ships for this port are now Bearing the Columbia river and , within the next two week the first one will be due to show up. All three are coming this - way -from Newcastle with " Australian coal, of which there Is said ito be a shortage here at the present time. The first to arrlvewlll probably be the British ship Andromeda, which is out 60 days today, The others are ,the French baric General Bolsdeffre, out 47 days, and the' British ship Glenalvon, out 17 days. The average passage from Newcastle is about 65 days, although it ba been 'tnade In 19 davs. " - 'Another coal laden sailor" which Is now on her t way to "this port is the - French bark Buffon, which is out 66 days from Swansea. She will, not be due until November- or December. These cargoes are-all consigned to the Paclfio Coast Coal company. OFF FOR ALASKA. T t!,,;:-;St:f',...f "" m's-fW'', k"' 8vem Portland People Listed on 1 Steamer Spokane, Leaving Seattle. t Among the passengers listed for tha last -trip of the Pacific Coast Steams ahlp company's steamer Spokane, which . railed from Seattle last night for Skag way and Sitka, were a number of Port landers. ' After her present round trip, which requires 15 . days, the Spokane will. be. tied up until next season. . Peo ple from Portland who are listed among the Spokane's passengers are: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Neate, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Efflnger, Mr. and-Mrs. C- C. ColC Mr. and Mrs. a. S.' Sherman and Mrs. -Charles L. Mastic. ESTDIATES MADE. Engineers nope to Start, Work on . North Jetty- at Sluslaw Soon. . Preparations are now being made by the United States engineers to start work on the' north Jetty which the gov crnmen will build at the entrance to the Sluslaw river, the people of the Port of Sluslaw standing 60 per cent D) 'A INLAND Spokane 35 V. m 11 11 A "-'THE OREGONIAN NORTH BANK LIMITED f U IVI. Spokane 6:S5 JL M." ' " ..; -:t Observation Cars, Parlor Cars, Cdmpartment, S t an d a r 4 ; and Tourist Sleeping Cars, pining Cars nd Modern Coaches , HOYTSTREETTATIOrniLEVENTiraMjTirOYTTg: : ; , Third and Morrison Sts.i .: 123 of the cost Major Morrow said this morning that as soon as the legal re quirements, to safeguard the government in the project, have been' made and au thority has been sent from Washing ton, the work will commence. Estimates for the work are practically all made. A total appropriation of $430,000 for the construction of the north and south Jetties has been made, and the; Port of Sluslaw will stand their share Of the expense of building them. The south Jetty. Is how under construction and It Is hoped to begin work on the other in a short time, , RYGJA CLEARS. Oriental Liner to Sail Tomorrow With Valuable, Cargo. With a full cargo of flour and lum ber aboard, the Norwegian steamer RygJa of the Portland & Asiatio rieet will sail at.,dayllght tomorrow morning for Hongkong by way of Japanese ports. She har-aboard "17,9 1 barrels of flour valued at $80,622 and '1,720,648 feet of lumber and some general ireignt, tne total value of the cargo being $101,226. On this trip the RygJa will go out In command of Captain Meyers, who ar rived here, August 8 to relieve Captain Svendsen-iThe latter expects to take a,, vacation, of several, months and will spend most of his time In Portland. FALCON" SAILS, Wool and Salmon Included r In ; Steamer's New York Cargo. ; Laden with general cargo for New Tork and San Franclsoo, the Amerlcan TTavaiiiin tnmr Falcon sailed at noon for 'the Bay City, She had two car loads of wool, one carload or saimon, both of which are. consigned to New Tork, and 100 tons of feed for tha Cal ifornia port" - - '. On her last trip up her the Falcon had the largest cargo in point of bulk, that she has ever brought In, according to the agents. Her bonded cargo was very much larger ' than -she . usually brings. - A large part of Tier cargo was from the steamer Alaskan, whioh put into Ban Diego wltlr fire In her hold re cently. The balance .of the damaged frnm tha Alaskan will' be brought up on the steam schooner Grays Har bor, which Win aue to arrive nere in a few, days. ' ' ' ' - MARINE NOTES . Astoria, Aug. 10-WInd northwest. 22 miles; - weather cloudy, sea moder ate.' Arrived at 7:30 a. m. and left up at 0:40 a. m. steamer Breakwater from Coos Bay; sailed at 9:30 a. m. steamer Elmore for Tillamook; arrived down at 9:30 a. m. "and sailed at 11 a, nu,' steamer Golden Gate; arrived at 11 a. m, schooner. W. F. Jewett from San Pedro. .' " ' - ' ' Eureka, Aug. 10, -Sailed laat night, steamer Eureka for Portland. Raymond, Waah., Aug. 10. Arrived last night, steamer Hoqulam from Port land, j San Pedro, Aug. -Arrived, steamer W. S. Portr from Portland. - -. Ban Francisco, Aug. 10. -Arrived at 8 . last , night, steamer Nome' City; schooner" Mabel Gala from Portland; sailed at 6 p. m. yesterday, steamer Grays Harbor for Portland; sailed' for Portland" at 10 a. m.. steamer Beaver. ' Hobart, Aug. . Arrived, French bark Thiers from Portland. Tides at Astoria Thursday; ' High water 1:45 a. m... 6.8 feet; 6:12 p. m.. 7.6 feet Low water 10:60 a, in, 2.4 feet; 11:60, p. m., 2.S feet ALONG THJB! WATERFRONT. Major's JtF, Mclndoa and Jay J. Mor row will leave this afternoon for San Francisco where they will ' sit on - the promotion ' board. Major Mclndoe - -is president of the board. A good record waa made .br the gov ernment dredge Mathloma last week when she took out 6111 yards of ma terial at Lambert's Bend. . For her outward cargo tha steamer Rainier, .Captain Lundquist, will take 850 tons of wheat and 360,000 feet of lumber fo". Son Francisco, With a full cargo of general freight and ZOO passengers, tha steamer Roans oka, Captain Dunham, will sail tonight for San Francisco and Los Angeles. - After loading 60T.OOO feet of lumber at Llnnton and 100,000 feet at Knappton, the steamer Carmel, Captain Hardwick. will go to Aberdeen te finish,, her cargo tor San Francisco. 1 .' ;, Captain Del me r Shaver,' who has' been on a trip to Dawson, telephoned from Bellingham yesterday that ha expects to be back at his desk tomorrow. v Captain A. Hoben has resigned as sur veyor, for.- the Bureau Veritas, a French company which classifies vessels. He is succeeded by F. A. Ballln. On her : trip from San 'Francisco to this port , the steamer Klamath, Captain Jahhsea. lost II hours because of head winds and fog. She was 80 hours in making the trip. There were 42. pas sengers on the Klamath and she had 600'tons of oement and 260 tons of as phalt. '. ,t It is aald that the .work done on the British steamer Glenlce, while she was TO Kt " empire express K. Columbia River Cascade Mountain1 Scenery Third Ct. . 100 Third 8t ' on the drydock, was .done In a remark ably short time, the vessel being on the dock only 22 hours, out of which there were 10 hours when no wrk was done at all.-. The captain was very much pleased. ' . ' . : m , is i i ii i NEW TODAY O N 1 ON 10 acre of -tha finest beaverdant aoU; clean and level, ready for planting. The kind that grows the big onion that pays for the land in one year; a staple product and always high. Where on earth can you buy lands thai will re turn to you the purchase price in one yeart This we can assure youL. Price, $200 an aore; one fourth, cash; charge the balance to Mr. Onion and he'll pay tha bllL See us for close prices. . , WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. , Oregonlaa Building. ,r;-.Cest;You;, , ;v M v Forget P(0: Killalatin Park Portland's Most Scenic .Acreage. High and , sightly,' ideal v spot for country, home. Lots of soil, good and rich. , Beautiful.' macadalnized road , runs through property, $400 7 Per Acre Q JJ Down, 2 Per Month ' The SSt. Helen's Hall will open their fall term of 1911 in their new home at Willalatin Park. .Values will dou ble before buildings 'are completed. Automobiles run to tract daily. See us at once. Willalatin Inv. Co. 214-215 Board of Trade bldg. " , Main 6659, A-4710. 100x200 . HALF BLOCK Modern 9 room nouse, full cement, 10, foot high basement, new furnace, fireplace,, well fenced, 35 , bearing fruit trees, 25 shade trees." 20 foot high holly tree, 8x26 feet fine bear ing grape arbor, automobile garage, two good chicken houses, plenty fine roses, Till Jcinds or other line flowers; good location, oalyt two blocks from car and only 15 minutes from West Side. This is, a beautiful home; all streets will be hard' surfaced and fin ished in four, weeks. Price $9500. c : A. J. GANTNER. . " 618 Board of Trade Building, Fourth " " and Oak' Streets. Office Phone Main 3875; Residence . Phone Sellwood L38. THIS GOES QUICK Klickitat Fruit Farm leo Atntrs. io aoxes vtr cok- HZKCZAIi muiT. water, gooi house and large barn, etc 60 acres Under plowv . -r ' Think of It $5250, TERMS 10 acres in fruit worth an is asked for it. , First cora first served. . . i'.', . y GEO. S. CASCDY CO. Xiobby Oommercial Club Sldtf, HAWTHORNE .'corner;: Good 7 room house. This will be aire of the : best business, corners on Haw thorne, and la priced 25 per cent below the market. I4&50; terms. Alberta Street Block- of frontage on thla eomlna business street, $6600; might divide. 896 BOARD OT TBAS3L .,' . Slain 7871. f . Union Ave. Corner, A Snap 116,000 iLaxr OASX. , - - . 2 store roomaT ' I ( room apartments. - . 1 handsome residence. . ' " : ? -.. ' Income ' - f Owner going east and offers an un usual opportunity foV Investors.- L. L. WAITERS 201 Zminbermens bldg1,, 8th and Stark. 77 100x100 Two ' modern 6 room houses, brrrrr4(rT5erorittrroirEa5t Tenth street, one block to car, Half cash. .A: J. GANTNER 618 Board of Trade Building r ' -' Fourth and Oak Sts, AN MEETIXQ NOTICE? 41 CAMP . meets every Wednesday evening in W. O. .W. temple. 128 11th St. All members requested to attend. Visitors welcome. E. H. DEERT. O. C HERMAN SCHAIE. r -- Clerk. M. W. A., Roso City camp lltl. tnels Monday evenings, Sellins-Hlracb blda., Wat rark and WaehlnKtoo F. J. Darlington, clerk. Pbones. Main . 9:94, A-4SN6. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Oral Thunhas. (Aug. 9, 1910.) OTTO THuNHAS. 1.. MtlgUCIIW LMII), 1 .. Thursdyr evening at 109 tX St, bet Waali. and St ira. B. N. A., Oregon tlou camp, mu weantmay ayaoinga, Aiisay naai, o and Morrison. MARRIAGE LICENSES GoeffreyR. Tulley, 21 King: street, 27,and Josephine Btatter, 26; William Oxnam, Chicago, X1U 21, and Jane 8wineyr 18. II. W. Watkins, 655 B. Balmon street. 23. and Bessie Bchmld, i0. James Baldwins, 493 East Thlrty-seo-onti street, 36, and Mary Lewis, 29. -David Felosteen, 839 Sherman atreet, 24, and Bary Kafmaiv 19. J. Edwin Amos Jr., Oxford hotel, 40, and Julia McKenna, 87. C. D. Cooper, 145 North Twenty first street. 41, and Anna Walker, 42. " ..A. J. Sherrill, 147 Second street, 80, and Frances NovaJt, 22; ' , , . ' , , George Fessler, University Parle, 21, and Dollie Cox, 18. . R. L. Morris, 410 Twenty-third street, 22, and Anna Steers, 20. : K. W. Haddock, 816 Merohanta Trust building, 85, and Mattle Gerritz, 27. Joseph' Nussbaumer, 670 East Twenty first street 29, and Mabel Papp, 24. W. Fi Newcombe, 83 Park street. 85, and Donla Coomber, 35. - - Everet Englund, San Francisco, CaL. 28, and Susan jonnson, zs WKDUINQ curds. W. G. fcimith A Co.. Washington bldg., corner f 4th and waaninrton ate. WEDDING Invitations, announcements, William Klumpp Co. 826 Waah. at tRE8d suits for rent, all slsea, Uniau Tailoring Co., 30t Stark at CLARKE BROS.. floriBts- ftn flowers and floral desttrns. 98 Morrison st. BIIiTHS HURST To Mr. and MrsV Bert M. Hurst, 1193 East .Salmon street August 7, a boy.."-'. v . ,.'..-:, ,'-: .-. ROBINSON To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rob inson. 1958 Hawthorne avenue, August 9, a boy. . ' '.)", " RIGGS To Mr.- and Mrs. A. T. Rlggs, 4 Miner avenue, July ii; a gm. JOHNSON To Mr, and Mrs. J. A. John son. 6u2 Tenlno avenue. Julv 9. a girl. M'MUL,I,ENU-To Mr. and Mrs. Albert McMullen, 689 Marlon street, July . T, a girl. . a KNOHL-Xo Mr. and Mrs. W. F. KnohlT uax urove. July 2 a, a Doy. BACON To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacon, 716 Linn avenue. August 8. a boy. - BEAUPHE To, Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Beaupre, 707 First street, August- 4, DOANB To Mr. and Mrs. John Doane, 147 Forter street, July 28, a girL. ' BRYANT To Mr. and Mrs. W. K. 1 Bryant Eihral station. July 8. a girl. STRONACH To Mr., .and Mrs. W, Stronach, 1626 East Twenty-first street, July 7. a -boy. DEATHS STEVENS August 10, at the family residence, Lents, Or Hannah Stevens, lata of Auburn. N. .. aced 76 years. beloved wife of George Stevens, de voted mother-' or .-'' Herbert "a.' btevens. Announcement of funeral later. - BUSSBLL Grace Busaoll,' 66 East Beventy-eightn street - North, August 8. atrad 18: cseudo leukemia. O'BRIEN Michael O'Brien, Lurelhurst station. August 6, aged 87; tubercular meningitis. - THOMPSON T. O. Thompson, Mult- noman county nofipitai, August t, aged 65; etrnngulated hernia. HAUKIN Joseph Haukin, Multnomah -. -county nospiiat, August s, agea u; nenhrltls. . TOW chong Tow, Willamette river, August d, agea i; arowning vacci dent). p " J'' THAYER Frances Thayer, Good Sa maritan hospital, August , aged ov; Bngnt s oisease. MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 6th at, opp. Aieier & vranK B. Main 781B. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEntee C5K8S,E every detail. 7th and Pin, t Mala 480. Zeller-Brynes Co, phones; lady , asslstan Til William i ave.. not o aaalatant Most mcdarn establishment In city. I fcHjril The tut aide undertaker. LCiflLLil Lady assistant B-188S. Kast 711. E. 6th and Aider. J. P. Finley & Sen IKSf Ldy attendant Main s. a-i. EAST SIDE funeral directors, success ors to F. d. Dunnin. Inc. K. S3. hJ-ifti tRlfQHM Undertaking Co., Mala LnlOoUIN 8188. A-J235r lady ass' t EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. 838 a St L.aay assistant, aaam mn. REAL ESTATK TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of Utle made t7 the Title A Trust company, Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak. Henry T. Paterson to F. B. Hol . brook company, lot 25, block 44, Irvlngton Park $ 840 H. W..Brice and wife to Roy Suber, lots 6, 8, block 9, Troutaaie oo LAWYERS Abstract & Trusv jc, room Board of Trade bldg.? abstracts a spnciaity. i ; ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab straot office. 413 Corbett bldg. Main PACIFIC Title A Trust Co., the leading Abstractors. 304-6-8-7 Falling bldg. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 , Rose City Park The district of select homes. Ton can tmy a homa from us on the easiest kind of terms. Our prices range from $2800 up with all Improvements paid. Remember, we live here our ofTloa ta bare, and all our business is dona here. It will pay you to consult us before buying. . . T v . 1 Take Rosa City Parte car, fet off At 52d st . - " Hubbell & Son Phones C-2177, Tabor 81 8 L r . Mil AND GET OUR PRICES ON - . , RESIDENCE PROPERTT. . VACANT LOTS, ' 1 ' AND CLOSE IN ACREAGE? We have fine eastern Oregon wheat, alfalfa and fruit land for sale at very reasonable prices. Also fine stock ranches, well watered and plenty of wood. See C T. Plnkham & Son, 181 Madison st, near west . end of new brlnge. Warehouse Site -. Have tha best warehouse or close in business buy In Portland. Has trackage; will double in value the next 6 years. Will not listen to trade, but will give favorable terms. 'Ground equal to hi blocK, but has more advantages than U block. I Verv' best part of business and warehouse district See Hellborn at 616 ADington Diog. BUSINESS corner and good 6 room at tractlve house, 38th and E. Everett; Ankeny car passes door. Phone owner, Sellwood 69. FOR SALEi-HOUSES CI "AWBetoir fS REAL VALUI ITS REAL VALUE. -New; 6 rooms, 2 story, thoroughly modern, solid construction; built for a home, 85th and Tillamook; $3800; good terms. - Buy of owner and save- com missi on a -" -.... O. I EDOF.COMB, 410 PARK ST. f CAMP VV.O.WA 61 i. Irvlngton- A beautiful 9 room home. Just completed, bungalow style, lot 60x100, 19th st, near Knott mod- , em lu every respect; two carllnes; . price $7250; 82000 cash, balance . to suit. . , Realty Associates of Portland, Oregon ' No, 1 Commercial Club Bldg. - $150 Down $15 per Month, VrtlaPtt ti nAm kitnnnlAW 1 - KAv1 Aft S blocks from carllne in good neighbor hood, streets graded, cement sidewalks in, cement basement; price $2250. . J I a , . m I & rond. 405 E. Morrison. Phones B-1437. East 1118. SAVE YOUR RENT v-.. We will sell you a. home and too can pay, us In monthly payments; we will also build to suit you anywhere in the city. - - . PROVIDENT 'INVESTMENT tk TRUS- TEE CO. . - 684, 626 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone .Marshall 478. Must Be Sold tiiso NO TRADE. and garden, with 8 room housS, Juat Hie f lace for youni? or elderly couple where hAlV InVMtmiant im aura 4n aw Olna . t v vu n v a v v n, a I lung owner. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.. Main 680S, A-at. van - evenings, southeast cor. 22d and Preecott. Alberta car. BY owner, new 6 room modern bunga low, price fisiao; easy terms; . no agents' commission; full sized basement and attic, large front and rear porches, best plumbing. Dutch kitchen. rmfteTud dining room, beamed celling and china ciosets; ioi duziuu, streets graded ce ment walks, and water In and paid for. Take M-V car to E. 69th st Go one block south to green bungalow or phone $100 Down $10 per Month - 4 room and cottage; 60x100, one block from car, nice garden: price $1050. Ciona 406 K. Morrison. A Phones B-1437, Bast ltl5. Double Constructed 6, 6. 7 and 9 room bungalows, in re stricted neighborhood; new, absolutely modern; price easy terms, $8750, $3900, $4300, $5700. Take your choice; see IUBIU. .'!'.. ' ... lams & Hall 813 Gerllnger bldg. CLOSE IN. - ONLY 12900 v Bungalow, 6 rooms, basement, . attic, buffet, etc. Model kitchen. . screen porch, new and up-to-data. Improved restricted district, near 80th and An. keny cars. Only $500 down if you are reaqy xo Duy now. cau James u. Logan, own vvwbu, mi., room im, . j NICE modern 6 room home, $2000, - worth $2500; terms; might take some trade. Owners, 112 S. Tay lor st, Mt Scott , car, or room 817 Hamilton bldg. FIVE rooms, modern, E. 37th, $2500. rooms, moaern, sa. Zitn, 83000. 7 rooms, modern, E. 27th, $2760. 8 rooms, Sellwood, full lot $1650. 6 rooms, modern, $2100 spot cash. 6 rooms, modern. $1900, $200 down. THESE ARE ALL BARGAINS. zus AIlsKy Bldg. Will Bear lnvestieation My 6 room bungalow at 644 Green wood ave., one block south of W'-R car- fiiia, can d securea at a Dargain; make offer now, as I leave Portland Septera- ubt i. ruvng chmiwooq Io8. Fast Riirnsirlfl Rktrirt For sale, my home, new and modern In every respect 6 rooms, full cement base ment ana a furnace. At home evenings. lrj tut urcLTin l. MT OWN 6 room cottage, all modern, block north of Hawthorne avenue:' fine view, iruit, iawn ana nowers, $3500; only 8700 or less cash, balance easy. Some lots or acreage. Phone B-S5S0. THE MAN THAT WaNTH A safe investment should deposit his money with us and receive interest on tee same, from 1 to 4 per cent Port land Trust Company, 8. E. corner 8d ana utn its. WHY pay rent when $300 cash and $15 ner month will Hit v . v,... ' - - - m.'j mm w .wva. UVUOO on a corner lot 85x96 feet. 4 flocks of vni hub, whii ruoes, Derncs, gar a en, chicken house, all fenced; price 31350. iau m ism st. none wain 1038 Business Prooertv Snan KftxlOO lot on WlUlama ava nn lng 9 per cent on purchase price; $2000 handles It Will double in value in $ yeata. x jmfiq rjg fuz OWNER will sacrifice for $2100, easy terms, pretty cottage, furnished, luuuio, uB.ui, laiuoun corner, Detween two-cars, 20 minutes' walk to West Side. No agents, Tabor 2338. Ror oot, rorwana tPOR SALE 80x100 foot lot, with house furnished, at 642 Qantenbein ave., Portland, near Albina postoffioe. Price $2800. Call at $90 Vancouver ave., or pnone i-mo, AN ideal home; 6 room cottage; 60x100 i lot for $1800; 1 lot $900, 1 lot $750. in South Portland. Will sell all together or separate. See owner, 1516 Columbia St., Vancouver, vvasn. ONE acre tract 2 room hoiiaa rhioWn ..house and park, small fruits, 60 c-da of wood, good water, 13c fare; price $776; some terms. Nlmmo, Runey & Co.. 313 Hamilton bldg. ' $6504 room house, lot 40x126; must sell; going away; Mt Scott .oarllne, Gtot off Tremont 4 blocks down Avery avn. vtiici, iii 9. vnurtjniii. ' - $800 CASH buys a 8 room home, lot "45x100. bath, modern plumbing, full basement: pay balance like rent On W-W xarllna Tnnnlr IKK XK Aim BT owner, new modern $ room home, finely built, hardwood floors, best term Phone Woodlawn 1571. FOR SALE A new modern 6 room Dungaiow; iuu oBBement ana attic; on Ivy at between Williams and ' Union Aves. Phone Woodlawn 70. SNAP Must sell two corner lots. Pow ell Valley road, worth $600; first buy er with $360 cash next 10 days takes them. Owner. 709 Corbett bldg. fc'OR SALE OR TRADE 6 room mod ern bungalow, for dairy cows. Owner going-oh farm. Phone Tabor 113., C. T Ta... l.l.tl (L V 1,1. iCLti, I HAVE cow several new homes com pleted. Modern, close to car. $7000. $500 cash. baL $100 per month. C-1868, it;. OWNER M'tiST' "SELT His new,' beautifully furnished 8 room modern house at once. Call 1033 .East lbtn norm orwrun j-ioi, journal, NEW 7 room modern house; 60x100 lot. lull cement casement cement walks and curb. $4200; terms. Owner, 1258 to. Main ist. . Nn.AT. cosy cottage on 60 foot lot. $80 scash, 31.0 per month. Greeery Invest ment Co., end of Rose City Park carllne. SEE-my Hat of modern houses before buying. Charles L Lewis, 616 Com- m erclal block, 2d and Waahlngton. CIST your property with Charles I. Lewis, 616 Commercial block, 2d and Washington. BUY now yoiir home in Woodstock; 6 " p.wTti mum i n niis', ? ivor'Term97 snxmo east face, im Henry hldg. BY owner, new 6 room strictly modern house, East vamhiii St., near 36th, 1 block soutn oc Kunnysioa car. FIVE room modern bungalow, $2650; terms. Inquire. 309 Stark. NEW modern "houe in Irvlngton. R. B.'Rlce.6D0 Wasco st Roth phones. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 . ,Worth$2500 - ' Will Sell at $2100 , Half cash. easy payments on balance. This - cottage baa 6 ' rooms, cement basement and has . Just been connected with new sewer; lot 46x100. two blocks from Hawthorne ave. Good residence district; nice homes surrounding -and this house is located in the prettiest grove In Portland. When the new bridge is completed in September this property will be 1 worth $3250 of anybody's money. I am the owner and must let this go at $2100, as I need the money -for other operations. 1 W, W, Espey. 'Owner : 319 Commercial ' block. 2d and Waahlngton sts. See These 6 room house. In n fin lnrattnn. strictly modern in every way; $1100 uuwu, imiance io per montn. . . Swell Bungalow6 -Rooms - Brand.&ew and mndnrn in avnrv wiiv. This la a first class buy; mast be seen to oe apprecnttea; teems, uee us lor iuu particulars. . . - . . lams & Hall - , J1S Gerlinger bid. ' Second and Alder sts, Fine Jrvington Home Sacrifice, built different with 9 ft finished attic for billiards and dancing; garage In basement; plate glass, elaborately fitted throughout; finest neighborhood; $3500 home adjoining; new $6000 home being erected in same block. This must be seen to be appreciated. Price only $8500; cost over $9000; business liability causes sacrifice. Phone East or B-1894 for particulars. MODERN EAST SIDE HOME BARGAIN. Large, modern house, with best of construction; nearly new; very con venience, including iireptace, oeamea ceiling, built-in bookcases. K bedrooms. ruses, trees; aouDie iot; nara suriace streets. ; Will also sell furniture. Can be had for small amount Of cash and Daiance at 6 per cent. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg. The. Best Bargain in the Rose uitv Park District Nearly new 5 room bungalow, with bath, toilet fireplace city water, full basement, paneled dining room with plate rail, lot 60x100, east front. Street improvements' paid. $2300 this week wnn smaii payment down, wortn $2700. Owner, Main 8407. Evenings, Main 6761. Here Is-a. Pickup ' One of the finest most modern and up-to-date bungalows in the city, built by owner for a honsa; everything about it Is the very besCf-B beautiful rooms. If you see this you will want it. for there Is no better. Owner leaves for California In a few days and must se" weai urown. 7Pg swetiana wag. Beautiful Modern New Home, six rooms, double walls and floors, paneled dining room, built In buffet Dutch kitchen, full cement. base ment 2 blocks to car. close in for 8650 cash, balance $1850. Easy terms 6 per cent, uaii Main FOR SALE LOTS te Close in Corner, Holladay Ave, Income over $760 per year. Stores can be built In front' New R. R. bridge makes this most desirable corner on Holladay. Price will be $15,000 on com pletion of bridge. Owner leaving for higher altitude. Will sacrifice for $11. 000. Mi cash, balj 6 per cent No trades. This Is the best investment buy in Port land. Call 616 Abington Bldg., mornings. HAWTHORN Not near, but facing right on the av enue, corner of 62nd; will, if sold with in next two weeks, go for $1000 each. Owner on place. ' - - Fine Corner Cheap On it. 3 2d, facing south on E. Main, Just north of Hawthorne; sewer, gas. water, streets all hard paved, prettiest corner, 60x100, in Hawthorne district Just tha place for apartment flats or fine bungalow. An ideal building spot. This Is the cheapest buy on the east side. - Owner buying farm must dispose of city property. Phone East or B-1894. ..50x100 Iits near Piedmont, car barns and Jefferson high school. Price $525 Terms, $50 cash and $10 per month. Summit Investment Co, ;. . 129 Klllingsworth Ave. Phone Woodlawn 1617. CORNER 100x7, near 41st and car; beau tiful Richmond $700 $100 down, bal ance small monthly payments, 6 per cent. It's your opportunity to secure large lot, close in, Owner must sell another only $500. See about It at once if you know values. Jam. C. Logan, 326 H Washington St., room 406. ' GOOD FACTORS LOCATION CHEAP. 100 feet or more frontage, with track age, on macadam street, near manufac turing district of South Portlano. Prop, erty faces two streets; good location for blacksmith, etc' This is for sale by owner who will sacrifice so as to dls poe of property quickly. P-686, Journal. im Southwest corner - of Hoi man and Haight; 60x100, with alley; must have money; will take $1100 cash. ; Phone owner, Maln 4379. "RoseCltv Park. Snap . Will sell lot 60x100 on B. 62d st for $700. This includes basement exca vated, forms set for concrete founda tion; temporary board and tent house. inquire tuv j-ienry umg. graded, cement walk and curb in, 4l reet acova graae ot street, unonmruciea view of Eastmoreland and the great Reed- institute; will sacrifice $100 on present value- if - taken., immediately. f none i. in. van TOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for $500; $2$ down and $10 monthly. Building restrictions, Bull Run .watery streets graded, cement sidewalks. 624- 6Z rtoarn oi iraug mug. IF YOU have a home, acreage or a farm to sell or if you want to buy one, see Rose & Campbell, room 1 4, Z704 wasnmgton st. FOR SALE-One corner lot, 60x100, at the head of California st. in Fulton; $750 cash. A. i M. owning, , 1516 Co lumbia St., Vancouver. Waan, .,T, rp . dad DDrtDrDTw" - mi. A mUJl A A.Vl, 1X J. i , - Lots, acreage and - tracts for sale by Wilson & Myers, end of Hawthorne car line. Tabor 1560. v . $600 $800 $800 $600. Three lots and i small houses, Rail road addition; $200 cash, Fred W. Ger man. 829 Burnaide. LOTS, $150 INSIDE THE CITY. -Railroad addition; fin soli; $7.60 cash, $6 monthly. Can you beat ItT Fred W. German, 329 Burnaide. M. 2776. FOR SALE Belle Crest lots noar Coun try club-grounds, $600 each. D-752, journal. FOUR lota in Fortamouth Villa extend ed. for sale at a bargain. McCargar, Bates A Lively. 315 Failing building.- $15 DOWN, $10 monthly; fine 50x100, east front lot 100 'feet from Alberta tt; $700. Phone Woodlawn 274. CORNER lot Fn Albina homes read, ch.-sp for cash If taken Immedlataly. E-761, Journal-1 . . - FOK SALE HOUSES im 1 i .. t SPECULATOR. ' MR. BUILDER, -'. " OR , MR. HOME BUILDER. : READ THIS AD. 1 We have two nice, level lota, situattd on the very brink of the hill, overlook ing tne city, , Willamette, coiumnia riv ers and Vancouver, two blocks from Portland Heights- car, where the ntre t Improvements are ordered now; we tan deliver same, 80x135, for .v $2200 TERMS . WE FIRMLY HET.TEVTS that the lots win double In value inside of all months. 1 . .;. ; SUBURBAN LATJD CO.. " 610 Henrv Bldg. Marshall 1889. . A-71"S, We have a choice- block of suburban property at 60 per cent below market price on account of - owner's need ef ready money. A cash payment of $2500 will handle this,. and we can as sure the purchaser a profit of 200 per' cent on investment E Exclusive Agents. 820 Chamber of Commeroe. ; CORNER 100x100 only . $3500; reduced from . $4000; west side; on carllne; can be cut up and resold at profit; suit able for rental flats with stores; owner murt have some money at once ai. I will sell $1500 down,, balance 1. 2 ai' i 8 yearp at per cent If you kno.v values It's your cbatice. James C. Logun 336 Mr Washington St.. room 404. ACKEAOJt Acreage Worth the Money ''Without the 'irriprovemepts 1H4 acres, just Outside the city limits, highly improved, 7 room bungalow, ab solutely modern In every way. full bas ment and bath, new barn and -chicken house, 2 horses, 1 cow, 150 chlckoi n mower, rake, plow, harrow, etc., 9'ii acres family orchard 6 years old. f Ii ? garden, cemant walk to and around house, 8 cents railroad fare on S. .1'.-. line, walking distance from Heights car; price $11,000, terms. , - Wynn Johnson Co, ' Room 809 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 1948. - 10 Acre Tracts -Easy Terms $135 to $200 per Acre Close to Portand " And electrio station, new tract lust ened; pick your piece; cleared land TrtrtTTVatlon. some cleared beaverdam lsnd, some beautiful fir and oak tim bereiivJ tracts, all well watered,- nu stumpsTBVe or waste land. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 404-6 Couch Bldg. Look everywhere then come to us, for we can sell you 6, 10 or 20 acres oi cleared land close to Portland, deep rich soil for less per acre that) you can buy large farms adjoining; lays next to four of the largest and best orchards in tht valley: ft mile from station; the Oregon Electric also has right of way through property. ' ' - , THE W. A. COUGHLANjCO., 430ft Lumber Exchange "Bldg. Tmnroved 19 acre tract only V miles from city limits; very best soil; no gravel; near school, church and store; new house and barn; bearing orchard, level road to city; adjoining 10 acres sold for $4500 cash. This tract for Quick sale $3760, $1760 cash, bal. 7 per. cent 223-26 Board of Trade.- 5 and 10 Acre Tracts All cleared, now in crop, located at St Paul, Marlon county. We are sell ing these tracts for $160 per acre on your own terms. We will take you to see them by auto Sunday. Better Join our party. Phone us for full informa tion. The Standard Realty Co., 421 Mo hawk bldg. Phones M. 1980. A-8S34. 10 acres in cultivation, remainder cleared; running water, old house and barn, close to electric- line, less than 1 mile from steam line, close to Portland. $160 per acre. J BROWN & 8TAVER, 411 Couch bldg. - 10 ACRES Black soil, all In eultvatloir and tiled. On electric line. 13 miles from Portland. Price '$220 per Acre; Terms . Summit Investment Co, 129 Klllingsworth ave. Woodlawn 1817. ; - - Sacrifice Sale . - Sixteen acres on county road, near Jennings Lodge station, Oregon City carline, $3200. half cash; no trade, Thla Is 60 per cent below market price. In quire of owner, 820 Chamber of Com merce. FIRST - CLASS acreage on Willamette. - river, 8 10 acre tracts. 800 feet each on river, all in cultivation, fin, peach land and garden, 38 miles from Port land; fine 315,000 summer home going up adjoining; price $400 per acre; ft casn. teo. tjc-K ler, tiv u st. FIVE ACRES at Oak Grove, 20 minutes' walk from carline, 200 , cords of wood In the tree. $500; balance $150 per year at 6 per cent. This is a bargain. H GRAY REALTY CCv ; .., 333 Aiisky mag. FOUrt acres, 10 miles from Portland, i block from Oregon Electric car, 40 apple trees, best of soil, half toavr datn. all in meadow, only $1500; $300 cash. 401 Swetland bldg.' 10 ACRES Improved; close in; new buildings, plenty fruit good Spring, near electrio car, cheap,. . ' 65 acres improved, ft mile riverfront, all stock. Implements and crop, WOI.FKTKIN, 227 Front -OPPORTUNITY. Five or ten acres at Mosler win make you independent Now is the time to buy on easy terms from owner, 224 Lum- ber Exchange. ALL kinds of acreage for sale or tiJ; houses and lot for. sal or trade In U parts of the-city. v. P CRESCENT REALTY CO..V 4i Kweti.-ma mug. ONE aore tract, 2 room house, chTwTi 'Thouse and park, small fruits, B0 coul of wood, good water, 13o fare; ' pric $778; some terms. Nwnmo, lluny Co., 813 Hamilton Hrtg. 3i 5, 10 Acres Close. trFiinwA en et.-fl: J'-e, station, S0 hiui uy. I.iuft & t -. !.-.;, 411 Couch - bids. CHOU'H riorne ell", -neiirly 11 in duit, 4 hlorks lo country ttlfm on gon City carllne: Svifi cah, ba'.aiK ' " t"OR SAI.K -l!v " o i-r d'-'i'-.-v-. re. 2ft nilUa t -f . .- " Address 714 Jo.nr.ion. FOR SALE -I-OTT MO il mm 11131 AND 14 I01ES