THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND TUESDAY EYENJNG, AUGUST 9. 1910. 13 at . " If you ar looking for an-ldea.1 horn close Into Portland (J trains daily), and which will give a nicelncome from the beginning, listen to tn s: - . IS acres all under cultivation, 1J acres in apples; 6 seres In Prmita, J acres In clover and toothy r w"h. ,''n,e view, looking over valley Into Portland. You will not be disappointed' ?ouJk this up. Price Is right and good terms. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. "-" iftf-S t..wls Bldg. 4h and Oaket-. MUh T1I0TI Look every where then come to us . f o r we can sell you 8, 10 or 20 acre. of Seared land cWe to Portland 1. deep rich soil for less per acre t han you can uy f- large farms adjoining; lays next to . four of the largest and best orchards in i the vallevi 14 mile from station: the oregoji .Jnirtrfe also has right of way through PrPeTHE Wl A. COTTGHLAN CO.. ' ' 430 H Lumber Exchange Bldg. T0 AP.RFS .n im MiitvAtinn and tiled. On electrlltnwrl2 inllee-from,-Pe?tlana. Price per Acre, rernii : "..Summit Investment Co,- ' 129 KUllngsworth ave. WooaiawjnJ617. 2 "-acres.- improved; . orchard, house. well, fenced. 4 blocks from station ..on electric railway; $860. Brown & Staver, 411 Conch bldg. ' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S4 ' - Exchange ' . ' Alberta wheat1 land and some cash for Oregon property. vth Two good business lots in Nortn .Bend, Or., and some cash for acreage near or home In Portland. - 160 acres ttmber land and-some cash tor Portland or nearby property. - 6 room new house In Brooklyn with some cash for improved acreage. , 22 acres nearly all cultivated, 5 acres of beaverdam; house, barn and orchard; near Tualatin Sta, Trade for home In ' ' Portlftnd ' ,; 1 " Fine home on Mt Tabor; will take ; aome lots or acreage aa pari pay. . i riots hrtnrinff eood rental, in North Portland; might take some trade. Stock of good furniture. .Stock of groceries. v - Stock of general merchandise, 1 Stock of hardware. ,. '; Stock of confectionery. HENKLE & HARRISON, , - ' -. -, 51 1 Qerllnger Bldg. FlRST CLASS," new 5 room cottage full cement basement, concrete floor, laundry trays and summer kitchen and dining room la the basement. Front and back entrance to basement large attic all floored. There are really 10 rooms In the house. 2 blocks from carllne, It 'has three nice dormer windows on the roof. Front and back porch. Will, take heavy team, diamond or lota as first payment Take the Monnt Scott car get off at Millard ave. See Joe Nash, or phone Tabor 2312. ' PRETTY room house, partly furnished, corner lot 1 block from car on 72d st Will trade for good team, wagon and harness. . . ' Square Deal Realty Co, 84 4th St., Cor. Oak. Room 619, Board of Trade Bldg. Exchange for Good City Prop- . ertv . ' , Good farm and fruit lands from 10 to 250 acres, aome improved, fine soil. located In fine district These are bar gains and will pay you. to investigate II you want to miy or exenange. GOODNOUGH ft SEITZ, -718 Board of Trade. WE have some fine property In Portland to exchange for farma within 80 miles of Portland. ' . .Repass & Woodyard ' 300 Henry Bldg. FINE country home, consisting of 5 bwvo u uvj in o aim it uiii I ivuui house, poultry house, etc.; 1 block -from canine. 7 miles rrom roruana; will sen for part cash; would take some Im proved city property; price 17500. , 44 jmwinorne ave. r,asi- 49 i HAVEy$484 paid on contract for 60x 100 lot in Laurelhurst which I offer as part payment on five to seven mod ern bungalow. Between 13th and 80th, Belmont and Hawthorne preferred. Will pay or assume difference. E-768, 'Journal, ..---,,.--.-,.-- 20 Acres of Fine Fruit Land T In the best part of Oregon to exchange for good city property.- Has about 600 , bearing trees, with good crop-of fruit fine spring. A bargain if taken at once. ' hone East 2684. ' VILL trade 10 acres, partially im - proved, close to electrlo and steam , line, $175 per acre; will take lots or .-, home. -r w - ----J " ------ - - - .BROWN ft ST AVER, 411 Couch Bldg. WILL exchange my equity in modern 6 -room bungalow, lot 60x100,. for a lot close in. not over $800. Sellwood 302, TO TRADE 50x60 corner on carllne; 8 room house; will take 5 passenger au . tomobile a part payment Call A-7130. . iriei, journal. TRADE two lota on Rose City carllne for automobile or flrnt layments on ' house. Lots clear, Brown Couch bldg. Staver, 411 TRACT. 160 acres, stock ranch. 80 , ' acres timber to trade for equity In anything. Boggess, 221 H Morrison st Room 6. 0.E new 7 room and one E room on - - Improved - street to trade for small farm. Owners only. O-T68. Journal $543 equity in high, restricted residence lot for first payment on modern bun ralow. 812 Y. M. C. A. bldg. ijyou want to aell, buy or trade, aee 6hoemaker Inv. Co., 527 Henry bldg. - Main 4466. A-7484, L.JaEAL-estate-bought, sold and e? changed, write or call on Chittenden. i TRADE everything, a F. tee, l6i Board ef Trade bldg. WE TRADE lor - anything anywhere. See us today. 411 Henry bldg, ' - WANTED REAL ESTATE SI Results Count T WlNT or 6 rooms. Peninsula district. 6 to 7 rooms. Highland district t -, 1 4 to t rooms, Albina district . Have several other buyers not par ticular regarding dUtrlct - Vacant lota in any good district for builder. If you wish to sell quick se L. L. WATTER8. 201 Lumbermens hlL THREE houses wanted; 1 In Ladd's ad - dition not to cost over $6000; 1 in , Waverly-Richmond district, not to , cost over $3000, and must have 3 bed rooms and storeroom or attic; 1, near the Jefferson high school, not to cost . over $3500. . with . S bedrooms. Phone 11 M I B 1I1I1 1 W li. 1 HAVE $484 paid on contract for 50x , U)0 lot in Laurelhurst which I offer ' as-part payment on five to seven mnd . ern bungalow.. Between ISth and SOth. Belmont and Hawthorne preferred. Will pay or ; assume difference. ," E-768. Journal.' . .- , WANTED Farm. Also acreage, front 1 ..'.""v or overlooking river or ocean. O Tl, Journal ..... WANTED 10J acres of Oregon land at 83.90 ner acre. Cash deal. 8-765, .Jourf-sl-.--., FOR SALE FAUM3 17 649 ACRS wheat Und worth $35to $40 . per acre. "Will sell this for $20,000 and tke $i000 Poptland property and . i;iv t-nna tin hH lance. Serley. ; Phoni J-'nlr, A-S652. ; ; - . . 1 : 0 t 'T i fn ' Yamhill county, with" - for 6th st, room ACKEACJB 17 GOLUHIBIA " OOUISTY- If you are rooking for an up-to-date farm, all -Blocked and In A-l shape, which vou call move upon at once, and having a paying proaltion from the be ginning, real this; 110 acres, 25 miles ' from Portland, one mile from Warren station. 45 acres under cultivation 100 fruit trees, bear ing. Extra good , buildings. S . room house. 1 extra large barna. ' Good blacksmith shop, and all other neces sary farm buildings. - Crop which goes with place. 800 bushels of oats, 10 acres of. kale., 'lA:.. Stock. 4 head of horses; 20 head of cattle; 10 head of young stock; 16 head of 'hogs. . 4 All farm Implements. Good cream separator and all other necessary farm articles, . Less than $150 per acre, only cash, balance 6 yeara at 6 per cent Investigate this. .'--.:"" F. E. TAYLOR & COMPANY, 402-8 LewlB bide. 4th and Oak eta ESTACADA APPLE LAND. , -10 and 20 acre tracts, all -cleared and well located, In good neighborhood, near state experimental orchard, on main cnuntv road, close to nchool and church: telephone end rural free delivery; only miles from Estacada; a flne HftTe city with all modern conveniences, and, a flrat class community high,' school. These tracts are situated In one of the most promising fruit districts In the state. Where prices are advancing rap idly. Parties In position to take Imme diate possession and Improve the prop erty can secure remarkably easy terms. Price $165 per acre. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Alfalfa and Clover Farm Guaranteed as advertised.- We have 160 acres of land in Douglas county, 20 acres is of the finest river bottom, all sub-Jrrlga'ted. Better land cannot be found in Oregon. Does not oyerflow; beautiful trout stream through - the place; excellent hunting and fishing; on fine county road; J.500,000 feet of tim ber; near good town.s -Thls is a snap the owner needs the money, -Don't an swer this unless you mean business. Price 12100; ?oo win handle, can at once, SOS Board of Trade, ... BARGAIN. . 2 acres. 14000: .'terms or will take 11500 In , trade; 10 acres cleare'd balance logged off; - 200 corda good wood, SO acres - good pasture, 22 aprle trees 6 years old; good black loam son; 6 room nouse, email cam; fenced with S wires, water at back door from good spring; 1 mlla from school.- on state ; road 9 miles from railroad station, tram to Portland every hour and only 23 miles from Portland. Room 1. ever Commercial Bank. Phone 600. Vancouver, Wash. PIONEERING IS NOT PROFITABLE. Wrhy not locate In a settled commu nity, with good neighbors and all mod ern conveniences, close to a good,, up to date town like Estacada, with a com munity high, school, good stores, a first class hotel, and splendid transportation facilities? We have an ideal 10 acre tract right In the heart of this locality, all cleared and set to Spltzenberg and Newtown apples; magnificent view of Mount .Hood, and surrounding ' moun tains; owner will make special terms to party who will occupy and Improve at once. Prioe 1265 per acre. - . CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. LAND SEEKERS ,? LOW RATES ', ' TO ALBERTA. f Now Is the time to go and In spect the crops Just before the harvest. Write or call for book-' lets and full information. . IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COa Colonization Agenta Canadian Pa cific railway, , 425-26-27-28 Lumbermen bldg. ESTACADA BARGAIN 120 ACRES, $2400. 120 acres, easily cleared, slightly roll ing, but all first class apple land; close to settled community; about 3 miles from Estacada and not far from the state experimental orchard;-property is just off main road a short distance, but owner will give right away. This is a bargain at the price and will not last long. Call today and see pictures of this section. 1 Price $2400 cash.- CHAPIN ft HERLOW, - v 832 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR SALE Two fine eastern Oregon wheat farms, 1336 acres, 800 acrea perfectly level, balance slightly rolling,' 400 acrea in wheat, 665 acrea ready for fall crop, two houses, - large barn and windmill, plenty of fine water, 4 miles to railroad. Also a fine level tract of 829 acres, all plowed and fenced. Either of these fine places at $20 per acre from the owner direct T, H. Little hales. Forest Grove, Or. $500 CASH. ESTACADA FRUIT RANCH. 20 . acres, all cleared, no waste land; on main county road, close to school and church, in well settled community, and right in, the center of the most highly developed section; only ZVt miles from Estacada, a live town with good stores, a fine hotel, a be'autlful city park and a wen equippea community nign school. Price $3000; $500 cash, balance easy terms. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Well Improved farm of 102tt acres. level land.-alluvlal soil; 70 acres culti vation; nice 6-room house, good barn, family orchard (bearing); near school, dally mail; running streams. $65 per acre. Terms. Y-697, Journal. 395 acres, Sauvles' Island, $65 per acre. income 7is per annum. Grazing extra. Ideal for dairying and grazing. 23 miles from Portland, Colum bia river side. : Address own er, A. E. Velguth, 446Sher- "" lock bldg. Terms, "Small Farms 6, 7, 11, 15 and 20 acre tracts, best lo cations in vicinity of Portland. Get full partlculara of lams ft Hall.. 213 GERLINGER BLDG. Second and Alder. ' FOR SALE 6 acres, 2 blocks from 8. P. railroad, 4 mile to Reedvllle, Or.; 4 acres In potatoes, balance in earden and clover; new 6 room house, outbuildings na wf ii. jj. jncuiain, ueeaviiie, ur. - FKrrr lands 4S 160 acres good lying Jand, cloeeo choi;e locality, $5 to $65 per acre. Get our free apple land booklet MT. HOOD LAND CO, 712 Rothchild bldg. : , ' , HOMESTEADS , 47 Crook and Lake County Home- steads, ; Oregon offers the last opportunity to get free government land. . The best land In Oregon is located in this section. Read the annual reports on the production of Crook and Lake counties, Wheat grows In abundance. Jdeal for raising livestock. Plenty of water available. ' No nlap In tha atatoa today does another opportunity exist for the man of small means to gecure free juYsramem ianns.- rne two rival rail roads now building Into central Ore gon will increase tha value of these homesteads thousands of dollars. For further nnrtlenlnr. n..... I m ,.---; v-'r "v . ymirj v Hue ,o., zu tier Inter blrtar. FOR, SALE TianiEB 28 WE are. headquarters Tor timber and lUmber rtlUrn.iM nt all Irlna 1.. TV fetampber. 631-a Lumber , E OOO.OOO fwt Douglaa fl timber oh 160 "ft. nPBr1 J,oi tland.$1440.. -Trnia, E. IlaveisUc, ,216 Lumber Ex, bldg. FOR SALE FAKMS 3S FARMERS' ATTENTION . We can sell or trade your farm. Send us complete description. We want all kinds, anywhere In Oregon. Have buy ers waiting.- The Standard Realty Co.. 421 Mohawk bldg. . ' Farms Wanted Send us description of youra. -Write , IAMS ft HALL. 213 Gerllnger Bldg.' ' ' ROOMING HOUSES FOR) SALE 53 On Morrison Street 30 room fine furniture long lease. 12 rooms, furnace heat. $600; rent $45. 23 rooms, good location. 1600; rent 50. ; . - r-r:;;r-ri r;:: 65 room oncK. zow; cneap renu Terms on either, t. 223 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Marahall 1418. 70 Rooms; rent 12&0; clears-$45Q; $10,- ooo; terms. -'i-::V; S9 rooms, fully modern,' $3200. i SO rooms, cleara $250, 33200. , 18 rooms, clears 1200, $2000. . ' . 18 rooms, a bargain; $900. 18 rooms; snap: $600., J. ' . 1 Main s77. si Hoara orxrane, HOTEL Fine location, good lease with bar, fine living- rooms. This place la clearing oyer $300 and can be bought for less than one half price as owner is sick, and must rest; cefore you buy or sell see r , . UNION BROKEKAUJS i;u. ' 242 H Alder St. K An Extra Bargain -. A 9 room house on 10th at. well fur T nished and modern in every respect; clears $50 over rent. See this at once; no agents. Buy direct from owner, on your own terms. Q-754, Journal. 22 Rooms Only $800 MODERN FRAME BUILDING, FAIR FURNITURE: RENT $50r ONE TO THREE YEARS' LEASE. SEE THIS SNAP AND YOU WILL BUY. . -fl OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO 54 6TH On Washington Street . !0 rooms, all nicely furnished, cen ter of city; fine location. Will aell at sacrifice. Terms. .See it; make-offer. 223 CHAMBER. OF COMMERCE.. , - Marshall 1418. AM forced to aell my large modern boarding hotel at once at a great sac rifice aaTt am leaving thelty;-clears $300 a month; $2250; $1500 cash,- L-763, Journal. - ROOMING house is what we want any : size; list with us; we lend to the buyer. See our list before you buy. Rose ft Campbell, room 14, 270 Mi Wash ington st. A-8805. i - - Geo. A, Bowyer HOTEL BROKER. Hotels for sale and exchange. 203 Ger llnger bldg., !d and Alder. Main 7311. TWO transient houses, good location, over 2 years , lease;, these places are making money, but owners want to change; $1500 each. " Call at Union Brokerage, 242 Alder at. ; ROOMING housea, any size, at "price to suit; we buy, aell and exchange, -PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Piag. FOR SALEA 18 room rooming house; full of the best roomers; location close In; rent $50; price $900; terma. Phone M. 3479. . , ----- - : FOR SALE at sacrifice, 9 rooms of new furniture: income s; rent iio; a snap. Bmau- payment aown, nai. as you make it. inquire s lotn si. near isiarn. FOR SALE Transient rooming house. i rooms, wen turnisnea xerms. Phones M. 3480, A-2824. 30 ROOMS, steam, hot and cold water every room; clears $250; will sacrl flce. Phone owner, Main 3877. MIXING STOCKS C8 FOR SALE ANI EXCHANGE MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and Old. C. 8. Fletcher. 125 Ablnrton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or eell mining; stocks, call on J.- B. Purcell. 810 Oak. BUSINESS XHANCTS 20 WELL established fuel business, cen tral location, railroad spur; Inter est or all; sell cheap. 451 Hawthorne ave. $150 GIVES you possession of a good rooming house clearing $50 monthly above all expenses. Owner must sell at eacriflce. See James, 88 Tenth St. WE CAN place you in paying business; before buying be sure and aee ua. Kinney ft Stampher, 531-1 Lumber Exchange bldy. A-4381.- - FOR SALE Splendid little cigars, peri odicals, confectionery. . See owner, 809 Williams ave. Fine business for counle. $50 buys half Interest in big paying .business; no real estate; young man preferred. Come quick. , Snap. 266 Mill st. . ' " ' " - ONLY dentist in large eaatern Oregon town will sell business.., Wants to go east M-766, Journal. - . FOR RENT Two room suite, suitable for doctor office or studio. Fine lo cation, west side, furnished. East' 2875. A GOOD chance for a working man; small hand laundry for sale, .$300 cash. T-768, Journal. . , , ... GROCERY store and fixtures for sale at a discount Call 815 Clinton at, corner 26th. FOR 8ALE Home delicatessen doing good trade. Owner going back east Inquire at 228 North 16th st HIGHLAND notion store, confectionery, cigars, tobacco; want to go on home- stead; rent 816, 1017 Union ave. N. RESTAURANT 36 chairs, good loca tlon, doing good business, price $800. Address Main Restaurant, Hood River. FOR SALE OR TRADcl 30 room hotel, ,. completely furnished, in good valley town. Address box 1, Sheridan, Or. ESTABLISHED manufacturing bust- ness for sale, lease, or trade. Call of address 64 Albina ave., Portland, Or. DRUG store for sale; good location. good Dusiness. 760, Journal. WANTED To buy or lease a brick yard In a email town. . 0-763, Journal. - WANTED FARMS We Can Rent Your Apartments or Housekeeping Suites . Automatic Phone A-11M " - rnoas Hala 5600 ' rrlTata Branob Excaaoga (Jooxveottng AH Apartmarnts "The Washington" . 689 TO 696 NORTHRTJP STREET ' - . ! Near Twenty-first - L , A High'Class Apartment Hotel " ' B. a. XJBXJ , ; . -Owner and Manager. ; . . T - ' Tftka tha w Oar to 31si and VweVoojf ' - ?,car to 21at and Northrup. - - V Beaatlful I room apartments tw , 1 ' nlshed and unfurnished, with all mod t ern conveniences, bath, telephone hot and eold water, steam heat refrigera tor, gas range, put, eleotrto light. Janl . - , ' - tor nervlce, etc, .. - - j,.- - i " P '- ", "'".',' - ,- - - .- - , - , '... v:-iV'k'. . PORTX-AND, OREGON, August 6th, 1910. The Journal Publishing Co., ' ' . v , . . -f Fifth Md Yatfihill, C3ty. N ' ,?e.,e,ftT'Plea---tbe-boY'- arlaciard avl-out and end - to "c, M F caanot nr it any longer at this time. The house. being foil, vre have no apartments for rent and people are coming , out here front U over the city, and when we have nothing to rent r they complain that they taw the ad m The Journal and -that we ought to have fomething to rent or keep the ad out of the paper. ... VVe have rented three apartment! since the ad was publiihed, but have rlo more fof rent just now, Very respectfully, " - - - , , . - ' T i r IT T T?l? . SO MOVING PICTURES. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. .-- ,x " s - ,. .- . ' You don't have to pay caah to start a motion picture theatre, we equip the theatre on easy terms or on a percent age basis, also teach managera how to operate, gratis. Call or-write for par ticulars. New York Motion, Picture Ex chnnga, 826 Washln gton st, near 17th. THIS WEEK ONLY. If you take a course of instruction at our school we will start you in the moving-picture theatre business free of charge or help you secure a position. Will teach you on eaay terms. For par ticulars call on New York Motion Pic ture Exchange School. 626H, Washing ton Cl. PARTY with some- money to Invest, wun position at good salary; tr capa ble, first class proposition and will more than double your money; 10 per cent guaranteed; a good permanent Invest ment with good parties where wou will fet just treatment Investigate. 0-769, ournal. - - : FEED BUSINESS !A good paying business, a growing town on the Columbia river, no compe tition, sell ground and buildings and In voice stock. Might take some trade. .HENKLE ft HARRISON ' 611 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR SALE--Confect!onery nd bakeryi centrally located, good business. - For Information address . Mrs. Alta - Whittle, Caetloroclt, Wash. . , v Be Quick Motion picture show, ' In "Portland; good location; never for sale before; a snap for someone; nets $250 per month; price $1550; $1000 cash. S-769, Journal. wint.uiJunj5Kij: cigar, ice cream and grocery, with living Irooms. You can buy this at Invoice. There la no question but lfa O. K. Invoice about $850. ' Call Union Broakerage, 242 Alder st. FAHGO, OR. New town, rich, well aet tled community, good opening for gen eral store, drugs, lumber, machinery, warehouse and elevator, , blacksmith, brick and tile factory, etc. 'Address. Far go Orchards Co., 83 6th at, Portland, Or. IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or If you wish to buy or onen one, communicate with a permanent and successful company. - Peoples' Amuse ment Co.. 610-515 Rothchlld bldg Port ia pa, UT. CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, fruit ana cigar- store iresniy stocked, cen trally located, good lease, owner must leave at once for eaat Will sell below cost Call Union Brokerage Oo.,- room 601, 242 Alder at FOR SaLK New nouae boat, best. money could build, 16x36; 'also new launch, 12 H: P.; must sell at once. Come to Cottonwood island or address pj. wens, carroiiton. .wash a Pi Dei nDDnDni'viTir ZQnAA 111 hliv, a .AMtvnllln Inf.ra.t T-Vv " J " V. VI...l,g .UbCVO. In- KtatA liftnlr fn BrkiitViArn Hca rin Vl posits over $100,000; iloans guaranteed. can at qui Mcnay mag. Mam 47io. " MAN with references, to take my real estate business for SO days; am aick; going to mountains; If satisfactory will take you in as partner; little caah re- quireq. k-i61, Journal. GIVEN away free to those anawerlng his advertlsem it within 80 daya, a map of all the California oil fields. 6a-ear-Loomia Co., 701 Oregonian bldg., r-qriiana, cin'gon HOTEL FOR SALE 14 rooms anri dtn- mg room rurnished complete; 40 reg ular boarders, in thriving mill town; price $3700, Latham ft Nelson, Coburg. Oregon. .!..-.,...,... . , LIVERY STABLE. T"" Must be sold on account of sickness, livery and boarding a tables, low rent long lease. ... PHOJiB EAST 3643. WANTED From owner, good paying rooming house, from 10 to 45 rooms. Phone Main 3877. . e ' OPENING for dentist; fine opportunity, Q-765, Journal. . HELP WANTED MAM WANTED Railway mall clerks: Port- lnnH , uramlnatlnn Nn 10 tKAA " w.w.. a . w , IU $1600; preparation free. Franklin In- Btitute, qept. zg a., Kocnester, N. Y. NEW sample nats. $1.50. cleaned. blocked. 60c. Ladles' hats remodeled. ine juattery, sib Aider, oor. 6th. Base ment. $1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you high grade dentistry by liquid air sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones. 207 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught In practical form; day and evening ses sions. Address Myers, $29 , 11th st. Portland. Main 8512. ' MEN used to working on scaffold, $3; metal lathers; expert plasterer fore man. St Francis church. E. Pin jd 12th. ' W ANTED Printer for second Mark in newspaper ana 30b plant; steady po sition. Address, stating wages wanted, News, Roseburg. Or. . WANTED Printing In exchange for first class dental work. Room 207. Alisky, bldg. v CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. - WANTED Steamf lttera. . Bwanby . ft Schneider, Railway Exchange, 8d and Stark. N-769, Journal. -,.., WANTED Good boy about 16 who can milk. Wages and good home. 8-767, Journal. ; WANTED 2d hand electrlo motors, 5 - to 30 H. P.; liberal pay for lnforma tion. David Dow ft-StmrGenr DeT WANTED Men to drive laundry wagon. E. 10th and Everett sts. WANTED Boy 14 to 16 to do collecting and help In store. 113 Union ave TWO advertising solicitors. ; Stearng bldg. Call iU SEVERAL helpers and boys wanted. '146 Page at. Lower Albina, PAINTING wanted; give dentistry. Call nit AiiHKy ping. LEARN drivingautomoblle, day or even- Ing, 826 Washington. Room 41T. POLISHER and plater wanted, 22d and Thurman.' BUSIA L'SS IIANCE3 ' HELP WANTED MALE , - - -M-l n "I 'I. I II - I - 1 WANTED Able bodied men for the U. S. marine corps, between the ages Of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing. Quarters and medical attend- I ance Jree. After 30 years sesf tce can retire wun 76 per' cent or pay una al lowances. - Service on board ship and shore in all ports of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting"-Station. Breeden bldg., Sd and Washington ats., Portland, Or, ' ' 1 V WANTED f Independent or" nonunion UNITED - METAL- TRADES ASSN.. 222 Commercial Club bldg.. OUR motion rlcture operators' school the best on the coast: competent lnr structors. We perfect men who can qualify In two weeks for positions. Ap plications received dally at our ex change. Operators receive $25 to $40 weekly. Pacific Amusement Exchange, iuarquam bldg. WANTED Men at Los Angeles; no ex- pense to learn trade of electricity, automobiles, , plumbing, bricklaying by actual work on contract Jobs; only few months required; 200 " students last year; catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co.; Loa An geleg; - 10,000 PUSIT1ON8 For graduates last year; ron and wo men learn barber trace In I weeks; bale to secure positions; graduatea earn $ to X26 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalog". Moler System of Collets. 86 N. 4th at., Portland. OUTSIDE MAN Thoroughly experienced, first class In carpets, draperies and . general house furnishings, to secure contracts. OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING. ' WAITED Salesman: many make $100 to $150 per, month; aome even more; stock clean, grown . on reaervatlon. far from old orchards, cash advance week y; choice of territory. Address Wash Ington Nursery Ca.i Toppentsh. 1 Wash. WANTED Saieamen in every locality In the northwest; money - advanced weekly; many make over $109 monthly ; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wwb, SALESMEN to aell nursery, stock; big gest nursery. In west; liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; $50 week ly , easily made, Oregon Nursery Co.; Orenco, Or. WANTED A boy 17 who can milk and ' v would be Interested in the care of -a. few cows and delivering milk; a good home" and fair wages; steady employ- tneni. can nicer 0. mi ia. misan. Jb INK opening for young man small capital required, money well secured. experience unnecessary. Call 6 to 8 mis evening: -asv) . waanington at Room 417. - , WANTED 2. young , men. to learn aute- moDiie repairing and driving. - Call 60-52 N. 7th at - Phone Marshall 864. A-4455; :'--,',,.-.--. y. INT ERNATIONAL . Correspond. ence Schools. Send for our new cat alog. 233 Alder at I1EJLT WANTED -MALE AXD - :n-. -S'T:v:i- FEMALE .".v$Z i 38 HOPPICKERS We are now register ing, for our ,farms at Witch Hazel and Reedvllle, Call or telephone Boon, as picking will commence early. A. -J. Ray & son, S3 4 Sherlock bldg. Telephone Main 842. - - -,- v ; - v WANTED Man and woman .to learn drama and vaudeville: also fancv and buck and wing dancing taught at the Chicago Dramatic ft Vaudeville School of Acting, 343 Yamhill at. Room 16, Houra from a. 'm. till 8:30 p. m. WANTED Teachers for following ; branches: Dramatic art. -atage dano ing etc. for fechool of acting; must have reierences. u-vaa,' journal, 1 WANTED -AGENTS AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital city Mursery company, saiem. ur. - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 C, R, HANSEN & CO., GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Mam office. 2 N. 3d St. Portland. Ladles' department 7th and Wash. sts. upstairs, porriana. 424 Front ave.. Spokane. ' 17-89 4th st, San Francisco. - - Established 1876. HANLEY ft TRAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO.. . neadquarteo for K. H. work. S8H N. 2d st THE OREGON. EMPLOYMENT AGCY., oen'i employment Mar. . ais. A-Z4BB. BUTTS ft ELDREDGE, . 24H N. Second. A-l 291. Main $205. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 GROCERY SALESWOMAN , Thoroughly experienced, first class grocery saleswoman can find good, per manent position. Appiy to upi. OLD8, WORTMAN ft KING. OSTRICH plumes dyed, curled, made over; Birds of Paradlseceaned. Now la the time. - ,j OSTRICH PLTJE CO., 1J''- 303 "Washington St. $1 DOWN, $1 weekly scurea far you , nign graae aentisiry py nquia air sys- im or -pamiess aenxnTry. ur. jones. 207 Alisky bldg., 8d and Morrison FINISHERS on - men's neckwear: also girls to learrt. , Columbia -Neckwear Mfgr-ty-zgi 1 BtarK. SHIRT maker, thoroughly competent no otner neea appiy, jacoos shirt co m u GDI TT Diaifl WANTED 2 working girls to room ana Doarn; reasoname price, tail JUi 13th St., near Washington. BUMMER reeort waitress, $26; other , help, clty country, j Howe's Ladles' agency, room 814. 326 Washington at WANTED Waitress and one to assist -!- in chamber work. - Inquire National hotel. Front and Yamhill. WANTED A girl to take care of chil dren. Apply after 6 p.,m., 195 17th Bt N.- - ' - ' ' WANTED Stenographer to rent desk a, a v - . 1 . .. j - ruum at in per riiuiivii, i.iwriicr una desk furnished. 626 Henry bid. WANTED in private boarding house. first olass cook; also dining room girl. 404 Madison Bt Main 20 &06 WOMAN wants sweeping, cleaning an.l , Ironing. 25o bur and car fare, full day. Phone , Main 9207, room 42." SEWERS and menders, $2 per day for experienced hands In worsted mills works. Multnomah Mohaii4 mills. Sellw'd. WANTED Experienced girl for- gen- - erai notiseworn. ; ramuy or two. can 140 F,ast '12th Bt -. GIRL for houseworkr good "home for pleasant, willing girl. 174 E. 15th st, corner Yamhill. . ' " WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone Woodlawn 441. WANTED Girl lor light housework, family of 2. Phone East 2696, GIRL wanted for general housework, small family. Phone C-2797' ; GIRLS of 16 years of age at Portland Cigar pox factory, 43 is. 3d st. GIRLS- wanted to work on trousers., 490 : v Washington St. -I'"--' -' SITUATIONS MALE WOULD like to take contract of clear- ing about 10 acres of land.- said party to furnish tools and cabin or 'tent. N-760. Journal. BY MAN of , pleasing, address accus tomed to meeting public, position in first class hotel. . .Gilt edge1" references. t ft an .- . . 1 , . , V-IU, ijui uai. CARPENTER work wanted of every de ecrlptlon; jobbing, remodeling, repair ing n specialty. Cummliigs & Catlln, 871 Flret- WMMhlg87. EXPERIENCED butler, porter or Janl tor (colored), best j of . references. WANTED By an elderly man, position as collector, can give nanK- rererence and bond. Phone East 3602. 703 Belmont WANT, cesspool workr drain tile, septlo tank a specialty! all work proaiptly done. Phone ffellwwd .1644.'. .' cAKPK;NTtR,.bulli1pr, new or repair 1 work, day or. contract Sellwood 1712. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 re L i -urlLr-nji-r-u i-Lsa "i "y l" MUNICIPAL " '''!";-'"- IFISEE'fllPLWJEOT: 0F S70 MADISON. BET. SD AND 4TH. , MALE AD FEMALE HELr. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR , EMPLOYE. - " ;; MAIN r.666. A-8624 ENGINEER Had plenty, of experience with steam and electric pumping plants, ' mine hoist,ing engines, electrlo lighting (I). C. ), and ammonia, rep. ma chinery, desires employment. R-760, ournat. - - - v - - - - AN experienced shoeman, clothing and gents furnishing salesman wishes po sition in; general merciianaiee wi, pro- fer-ftountry- A-l references. J 69, Journal.- - ' EXPERIENCED man in bricklaying, plastering and cement finishing wants position; contractor or . private, J-,762, Journnl. EXPERIENCED collector with best of references and bond wants steady po sition with firm; have horse and buggy for collection. Q-766, Journal. CARPENTER work, any kind, day or contract ' rnone Marsnan zaji. - ; SITUATIONS FEMAT.K COUPLE with child -wish' board and room where wife can work for sama, part or whole, chamber work, waitress or assist cook.. Mrs. Baker, 141 Rua- seii Bt. -. - - WANTED Curtains to launder; con- tracts ana terms to noieis ana apart ment houses; called for and delivered. Phone Woodlawn 2684. - - REFINED middleaged woman dealres situation as, housekeeper, in elderly wlriowprti home: has references. Ad dress Mrs. E. B. Davles, Milwaukie, Or. SITUATION wanted by competent stenographer, rurnisnmg , A-l refer ence. Address Miss ornccr, 413 Dover street - " -- - ' ' STENOGRAPHER, wishing to change, desires position at isu ' par .montn. Rapid and accurate. 0-761; journal, WANTED By lady sweeping, cleaning - and general housework by, day or hour. N-761, Journal. -. -. ; - - WIDOW LADY with good euburban hum would like the care of one or two children. 683 Bldwe'l ave., Sellwood. AN ELDERLY lady would like position as housekeeper for widower or-oacn- elor. G-720. Jouhnal. VERY capable girl deslrea position as lady's maid, or seamstress, -Mtin aw, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ' , , AND FEMALE . . 23 GOOD sober cook and wife want work in country hotel, v- Address James Slack, Salem, 'Or'- ''' ft--'-"'-7 ";- ' . DRESSMAKING --- 40 G. SHERMAN and. Miss Sherman up to date ladies' tailors and dressmaking, the best grade of work at the lowest prices, our practical acquaintance with this - business enables us to give you the benefit of, our experience. 1060 E. 18th Bt. N.. Portland. Or. SUITS and gowns ihy specialty. Mrs. Haggsma, 290 Eugene, rnone tzti. NURSES 60 GRADUATE nurse will take- hourly calls. Maternity caees, batns, and general nursing. Terms reasonable; Helen E. Jones. Main 110, A-1136. POSITION Practical nurse. Best ref erences. Anv sickness. Phone Main 9375.-- :'J-,:.-:,y ,-,: --s r-v --x,, .,. FURNISHED ROOM3 V . WEST SIDE FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Trans - lent. All out aide rooms, rates rea sonable. 4 O. W. P. Rooming House, Mrs. Etta Keys, Prop., 209 Alder . st, MBin 848U, A-2824. NEWLY furnished room for rent $10 per-month; phone, bath, walking, dis tance, fine locality. 286H 14th at cor Jefferson. Phon Marshall 2424. - NEWLY furnished front rooms, cholci location, walking distance: phone, bath, electric lights, modern in every respect. - 474 salmon,, cor itn. PLEASANT rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 -persons; 2 beds in room; single rooms $2.60 a week. 254 12th, eight blocks from postofflce. - " FURNISHED rooms in private family, 2 dandies, large front ground floor, bath, gas stove, that's about all, except good furniture. 636 Montgomery. 1 ,. HOTEL MASODSVAr Free phone and bath. Main 7.14. room wees. NICE, clean rooms for one or two gen tlemea or lady. 853 12th-st Main 8643. - - yr THE TEMPLE. 843 H Yamhill at. op- poslte Hotel .Portland, .furnished rooms, low rents, transient. PLEASANT rooms for two or three gen- tlemen: reasonable, running water. 292 12th. PLEASANT .front room. Nicely fur nished. - Suitable for one or two. Also small room. Reasonable. 475 Taylor. CLEAN,, airy rooms, good beds, home comforts. Reasonable. A-7796. 331 V Montgomery Bt. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern; rent reasonable- 154 18th st north. ICE large newly furnished ,- Bleeping . rooms; modern; large yard. 461 lOtn FURNISHED sleeping room for rentr private. 829 Hall st- Main 8938. NICE large front rooms, suitable for 2. Phone and bath, 471 MairLBt, FURNISHED rooms , for rent , $2 . up, 410 Washington. ' FURNISHED K0O3X3 EAST SIDE S?, PARLOR, dining room, front bedroom, first floor, one block from carllne; gas, lawn, use of phone, some use of kitchen. For adults only. Call phone East 3958. or inquire 802 E. Ash." --f , COMFORTABLE sulteTn a strictly prl- vate residence; all conveniences; walking distance; reasonable. 22$ Lax rabee at. - ' ' : H'- - - - NICE front rooma, bath and phone. 309 Russell st between Rodney and.Wll llama ave. . . -- TWO furnished rooms at 628 .Williams ave. C-1697. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 THREE unfurnished rooms with pantry ior rem monin; nico mi" iwmji pleasant, location. ' Inquire 450 -'..East Sherman -st".' :'" ! ' TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeep- ing, 206 18th st, between a, ana iw a. m., and 6 to 7 p. m. LARGE 3 room flat. $12. 2 rooms, gas, water, $7. 190 Market St. two unfurnished rooms, 1 5 month. Sellwood car. East 642 Karl at 2 OR 3 unfurnished rogmsJgHesan: ROOMS AND HOARD - - , ' 1 - WANTEDA place to board two small . children, 4 and years, for awhile also myself, u. A. uenie, vrusBtore or- Raleigh and Savler. ' ' ; TWO gentlemen to room and board. .neatly furnished room, pleasant, quiet location, near tha river.., Call o05 E, 6th st. Brooklyn ear. HOTELS 04 HOTEL PORTLAND - European plan -only: SS. $6 fly. VALLaMONT Furnished rent. S76 YamhilU ' rooms . for RELVEDKRE. Eu opean. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ien!t.tL,t,-iJ 1,250 North 15th St., near Marshall, fur- nisnea npuseKeeping roonia , ior rent modern?"-;'- -r - - i";--, ,-, - ; ,f COMFORTABLB single housekeeping room, bath, laundry, phone. 405 Btark TWO nicely furnlsned room-., for house Keeping. tjay. Mam oat.. MITC.HBLL Housekeeping rooms; light. i.,, im,u.Li ,.m-o6 , ' - " - 2 AND 3'very nice large modern houses ket ring rooms, 5S0 2d Bt j- , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS V' - WEST' SU)B -' i THE BBAVER 12th and MarshalL i urnished for housekeeping, gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for tha f" "ney; Bhort distance from Union depot, 8 or Hth st. cars north, get off at MarBhall st. No dogs. " . EL. furn'shed- housekeeping rooms; 2 ,month; 3 for $13; furnished cot tage, 7 large rooms, $27.50; lower flat, 4 rooms. : $18. 9Rth .t "Mnwh t...i sideYIver). f'-W' car from depot, 6th or Morrison to 6th: block north. ? uS?,iA -Partments. 187 17th near . Y,",nL Take W car at depot). $, I Jnd ,'i rC?Jn 'urnished sultea Hot snd cold. i Phones and baths free, $29 ?STm0AntA..M Per week and uo. Mala" 1 and J lurnlntipd room housekeeping apartments; modern convenieces, hot. LJwi,w,ate1,gaB. rartKpin rooms; $3 60 wekup, Bleeping rooms ready Aug. 10, tmnnure. -u( (joiumoia. near lOtn, $1.75 week. larva piiin fnrm.h.j k, keeping rooms; laundry, bath. Kas. clean linen. 184 Sherman, South Port- TWO front rooms, well furnished for '.housekeeping, good cook stove, gas plate, newly papered,' $11 .month. 270 Market Bt, f . ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2' a week; light, water,, phone Included; 301 Mr Water Bt. , THE COLONS Furnished houseke-u- ing rooms with all conveniences, $10 and up, central location. 503 H Alder st. THE NEWCASTLE, 402 Srd; furnished housekeeping rooms; free baths, phone, hot water.- ' ; TWO. front rooms nicely furnished, as, phone and bath. 310 Clay, 5 minutes walk to P. O. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS - EAST SIDE 48 TWO ' connecting rooms with all con , venlences, good, quiet neighborhood, walking distance to center Ot city. 864 Ross st; East 6512.'-" ,--,-S'-r -.1 NICE clean housekeeping rooms; beau tlful location. A flnn nlaea tn live: free bath, lights ' and phone. - Phona ; oetiwooq 196. $4 per week; clean, furnished houaeketr- Ing rooms; laundry, bath, 'heat, yard. , phone, clean linen. -40$ Vancouver ave. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 48S Ta . 'Coma- ave., Sellwood. ' '" HOUSES FOR BENT WHEN you move you'll ieed new fur niture. Buy Judiciously and your aavtnga will exceed moving expenses.-', Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture' houses In tha city In less than two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buy- (imr-'-n-r .r MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO, Grand Ave., Cor. E. Stark St East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars pass our door. MODERN tl room bunealow. finished aiiic, , jurnace, two ., xirepiaces, : gas, electric lights, cement basement large porches on carllne. 664 Ravensview Drive., Portland Heights. Tel.-Maln 563. $16 Five roomed furnished flat, mod . ern. $9, four roomed unfurnished cottage. Inquire In store at 26th and Powell, Woodstock car. - - - .- p FOR SALE, or for rent; 2 acres, soma fruit; 6 room bungalow; city water; Bo carfare. 611 E.-il2d st, N- Monta- ' villa. J. De Lano. " - SIX rooms, bath, pantry and closets; -modern, new. $16 per month. Mt. Scott car line, 49th st, two blocks from car line.- Owner, F-767, Journal. - MODERN 5 room nouse, $15 rent owner leaving. Call at 112$ Francis ave., Woodstock car, get off at . 39th, go 3 blocks north. . - - ' HALF of good barn and 10 room house, -west side; separate ; entrances and baths, South Portland.' $14. Marshall 1168. ' - : - , -v--.-.-. $30 BRAND new modern 7 room house on Hawthorne oar line; furnace, elec trlclty, gas, shades. Phone Tabor 2270. FOR RENT Five room flat, west side; reasonable rent Main 7490. $72 H First st ' A FREE rent In Gregory Heights. Greg-; ory investment co. , cna or koss wuy Park car line. - - - 6 ROOM modern house, lawn and roses, S22. - Woodlawn 1199, woodlawn ztzo. NEW, modern 6 room house. 774 2d at Appiy next nouse, ke trover bi. 6 ROOM cottage,, (18 Delay at, $11 per month. Take L car. bNE furnished cottage of five rooms. 62S Williams or phone c-16t. 693 Kearney sti corner 19th, 7 room house, $SS,: Inquire 889 Kearney. HOUSES FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 $350 cash.- 7 room Jiouse for rent. Fur niture for sale. All good condition. Housekeeping rooms, always occupied. Rent $30. 10 blocka from post office.. This gives net profit of $40 per month. Bargain ror tms wee (oniy.. oo i ia FURNITURE 6-roomed cotUge: rent $15, one room rented, $12. , 608 Co- lumhla. Call 7 p. m. FURNITURE of 7 room house for sale, Si90 If taken this week. Rent $25 Income $31. 72 E. Belmont 5 ROOM cottage for rent $14, soma fur- nituye for sale, 575 Madison. FUR?IISHED HOUSES SO Furnished cottage, 7 rooms, $27.60; low- er 4 room flat, $20 month; two house keeping rooms, $10 month; west side river. Apply 364 North 26th. ' VV"' car from depot, 6th or Morrison to 26th, block north, $40 NEW modern 7 room house, new . oak and mission furniture. On Haw thorne avenue, close in. Tabor 2270, FOR RENT FLATS IS FOR .RENT 5 toom lower flat, mod T ern. new. wlUf gas, electric light with wash iubs; rent $16; S blocks from Union ave. Inquire 468 Mason st. TTpprr flat, modern, near carllne, Nob Hill district;- Call Monday.- Main 4841. '"0 Abtngton bldg. - 'TWO modern 4 room flats; 1 has large attic, cabinet klchens, walls tinted. Individual basements. , 12(h and Col-, lege sts, Fi room upper flat, no ntano or Bmall children. 625 Mill st, $12. Main R024. FOR RENT 8 room flat, large rooms, gas ' and eiectne iignts, reasonaoie. 349 1 2th at. NEW modern 6 room corner flat 6"S F,. -wasn. et., cor. im. fnone n. ia". FIVE room flat went aide. Unfurnished. 372 First Bt Main 7490. TWO flats, all outside rooms, 698 Unlcut , ave. N.. opposite Clt ave. - - - FURNISHED -TLATS I FOUR room steam heated apartment, , Modern.- Furnished or unfurnished, cottei Drug Co. ' C APARTMENT? 43 SAN , MARCO APARTMENTS East 8th and Couch sts., now ready for occupancy.- New br,olt' steam heat lanltor service; all three room apart ments; private baths, phones, gas ranre ice ooxes, ueoieum on oin iwui nu kitchen-floors. Rent $25 to $29 a month. Apply on premises, ANGELA APARTMENTS, , 3? Trinity Place, between ,ltn ana autn, near Washington New brick -building; 2, 3. 4 room apartments, furnished and un furnished with private bath, telephone, electrlo elevator, outside porches. Janl-' rvl-w "i ,ii 1 Wellington Court . . , Beautiful :. 2, 3. 4 room furnished apartments, steam heat , free-i phone, Janitor service, rent reasonable. 16th a rwl ITv.F.H mt m Mfltn 1 9 4 K - , ;.t. : p , pw-g-va 8V ' u.'ii ... vpIukIvp: modprn in avow r.. Bpprt; quiet surroundings, v -private - Tin-rem porcne-r ir tooiting ror something nice see these. W 16th or S. cor. M. 6032.