fTHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY , EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1910.' 12 ir FOR 8AIJS LOTS 18 RBFH6JNC . IT. "0 .a We have a choice block of suburban property at 66 per cent below market m price on account Of owner' need or ready .money, A cash payment 01 ., 12600 will handle this, and we can as j" sure the purchaser a prom of 800 per cent on investment PmliiMivn Arents. 820 Chamber of Commerce, 'i ; Fine Corner Cheap . ' On E. 82d. facing- south on E. Main, r )uat north of Hawthorne; ewer, gas, water, streets all bard paved. preUl est corner. 60x100, in Hawthorne district Just the- place for apartment A11 r -r fine bungalow. An Ideal building spot , This is the cheapest buy on the east aide. Owner buying farm must sPOe f city property. Phone East or B-1894. On carline, at etlon; 6e fare: runMng water: cleared land; 1750, $100 cash. - HSNvi&MENT CO. Owners 817 Hamilton bldg., - Ill 3d at. or Bor 87, Route 2. Mllwaukic, Or. j GOOD FACTOR! VOCA'1'1UTIk: 100 feet or more frontage, with track age, on macadam street, near maxufaC- ' turing district of South Portlana. Prop. erty faces two streets;: food location for blackemith. eta This Is for sale by owner who will orifice so as to to - pose of property quickly. P. Journal. FACX6RY slte--bargain8; & ml -, -, Powell sts.; soon be on electric stand- ard gauge, double track- For laundries, canneries, sash and doors, woodyards, - barns, etc. Buy now; easy terms. Own er. H. Grebu, 980 K. Stark st, r YOU can buy a lot near Row City Park for $500; $25 down and $10 monthly. Building restrictions. Bull Kun .water, .' streets graded." cement sidewalks. 624- tJS Board of Traoe dips FOR SALE by owner, a food bus'"" property. Close In on east sWe, $7000 will harfdlej would take some trade on balanee. E-760. -Journal. Phone East 6210. CORNER , lot near Laurelhurst Improve. ments all In and paid for;. $1000. Lots across street $1600. without Improve ments. A snap; must ell quickly. F 715, Journal. . . To Contractors and Investors Will sacrifice my lot at 1155 E. Steph ens st for $750: value $1000; nuf sed. C. F. SIMONSUJN, uwntr, $600. Two choice lots, 60x134 each. Im - proved. See owner and lots at two blocks north, $ blocks east of Lnt pchool house. .Mt Scott .car. , E. J. Peck. ; 7 :r ::LL'::j FR SALE One cornerlotTBOxlOp, at the head of California st. in Fulton; 1760 cash. A. M. Downing, 1616 Co lumbla st., Vancouver, Wash. -, MT. TABOR PROPERTY, Lets, acreage and tracts for sale . by Wilson Sc Myers, end of Hawthorne car line. Tabor 1560. ACREAGE 57 " High grade acreajs near R. B. and depot, close to Portland; good soiL Pr.iee $15 up to $40 per acre. We have choice Washington county farms. Improved, from $26 PACIFIC I?. W. DEVELOPMENT ' i. CO., 405 Couch bldg. I U acres close to , Portland, with mi vi nf fitv. 22 acres In apples, 4A acres In pasture. Excellent spring on place, with sightly spot for beauti ful home. You cannot go wrong on this place. Th price is right and you can make your own terms. Will give good income from time you come Into pos . session. If you do not want this amount Of land wu cut up same iq.suii. - F. E. TAYLOR & CO, 402-8 Lewis Bldg. 4th and Oak sts. ;2WKlTOf,JiliEiTE. - If you are looking for an Ideal home Close imo foru&na l iraum uoi, and which will give a nice Income from tiA twfflnnfnr llllttn to this! 1$ acref all under cultivation; 10 acres in appies; t acres iu iuhcd, . acres in clover and timothy; with fine view, looking over valley Into Portland. You will not be disappointed If you look this up. Price is right and good terms. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 408-8 Lewis Bldg. 4th and Oak sts, Lots $70 Each , We are putting our new addition on tho OREGON CITY car line, on the market at 270 ner lot graded streets and lots cleared. This is excellent soil and very sightly property, with grand view of tne mountains. This is unex celled for home or Investment as ? rices will advance very rapidly. Terms, 0 per cent down, 6 per cent a month. Also Best and cheapest acreage on the market 12 mile' from Portland, close to car line. $160 per acre, terms to suit EMPIRE LAND CO.. . 601 Merchants Trust Bldg.. - 826 Washington Bt. FIVE acres cleared, house, barn, hen nery, orchard; fine creek; $1000 cash, balance $1400 at 6. One acre with modern bungalow, fruit trees, garden; to fare; $3750, terms. Five acres cleared, new house and barn; wilt trade for -house aud lot. Also choice bearing orchard tracts close In. Bishop, 829 Mo hswk. ' AM forced to sell at once, 8 2-3 acres, . all in cultivation; level land .. good soil, small house,' well, etc.; 10 miles from Portland. ?i mile from R. R, sta tion. Will sell for $350 per acre now, because I must have $600 at once: bal ance easy. Adjoining, unimproved land for eie at 4QQ per acre. N-7Z. Journal Sacrifice Sale Sixteen acres on county road, near Jennines Lodge station. Oregon Citv carllne, $3200, half cash: no trade. This Is 50 per cent oeiow market price. In quire of owner, 820 Chamber of Com tneree. Fine Tract Cheap 20. aeres of fin land, located short distance from Portland;. must be seen to be appreciated; cleared; small house and barn; $1500 cash, balance, $1500, easy iffrmH. tit verunKPr Ding, 3, 5,10 Acres Close to Portland on electric line, at station, $80 and up. Brown ft Staver, tu txmon ping 3 and 5 Acre Tracts All under cultivation, f 17 per acre, runnine- water, near canine. Terms. ukuwn a utavek, coucn Hldg. i&50 buys a choice Vi acre close to car line. . Fire cent fare. ' It minutes' ride from heart of city e.nd no draw ' bridges to bother . you. Easy " terms. M E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. ; U - jjuj.iuijJovl whar.- house, , well, fenced. 4 blocks from station on eletrli railway; $60. . Brown ft Staver, u vourn rio. . Ff'H SaEe- By owner at bargain, 6 acres, miles east of Mllwaukle. m.ireM 714 Johnson. " CU T of sight for spuds, 6 acres ready tm plow, $500 takes it home, good m me EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 WE nave some fine property In Portland to exchange for farms Within 30 miles of Portland. t Repass & Woodyard 300 Henry bldg. - FINE country home, consisting of i acres In berries and fruit. 7 room house, poultry house, etc.; 1 block from carllne, 7 miles from Portland; will sell for part cash;' would take some Im proved city property; price $7500. 446 Hawtnorne ave. rasi ota.-. I HAVE $4S4 paid on contract for 80x inn lot in T.nrwlhurs which I offer as part payment on five to seven mod em bungalow- Between 13th and 30th, Belmont and Hawtnorne preierreu, wiu pay or assume, difference. E-768, ourna! WILL, trade 10 acres, partially lm Droved. close to electric and steam line, $175 per acre; will take lots or BROWK ft STAVER, 411 Couch Bldg A FINE cash business paying Z& per cent on capital mvestea. income 4uu per month net, will consider - good rial estate In exchange, - Particulars, 205 Couch bldg. $340 equity in $700 fine view lot. 60x 100, restrict district. Including grad ed streets and Bull Run water, as first a-yment on lve. room stricuy moaern om. J-764, 'Journal. WILL exchange my equity in modem 6 room bungalow, lot 60x00, for a lot close In, not over $800. Sell wood 802, or write J-766, journal, TO TRADE 60x50 corner on carllne; 8 room bouse; will take 6 passenger au tomobile as part, payment. , Gall A-713Q, L-761, Journal. ' WILL exchange for city property 42 H acres; has been cultivated. Adjoining Sherldaff,' 67 miles from Portland. 211 Medical bldg. TRADE two lots on Rose City carllne for automobile or first payments on house. Lots clear. Brown & Staver, 411 Couch bldg, TRACT. 160 acres, stock ranch. 80 acres timber to trade for equity In anything. Boggess, 221ft Morrison st Koomt, ONE new 7 room and one 6 room on Improved street to trade for small farm. Owners only. 0-788. Journal. ., FINE paying rooming house , to ex change for small farm or acreage; value $1500. 281 E. 6th,-near Salmon. $543 equity in high, restricted residence lot lor nrst payment on moqern oun- galow. 812 Y. M. C. A. bldg. F you want to sell, buy or trade, see Shoemaker Inv. Co- 627 Henry bldg. Main 4f65, A-744, REAL estate bought, sold and ex changed, write or call on Chittenden, Otto & Nelll, 810 Oak st. TRADE everything. H. F. Lee, 1015 Board of Trad bldg. WE. TRADE for anything anywhere. Bee us today. 411 Henry bldg. WANTED REAIi ESTATE 81 I HAVE $484 paid on contract for 60x 100 lot in Laurelhurst which I offer as part payment on five to seven mod ern bungalow. Between 18th and 80th. Belmont and Hawthorne preferred. Will ay or assume difference. jwos, ournal WANTED Lot 100x100. near Haw. thorne or between Hawthorne ana Sunnyside car: must be a snap for cash. Owners, only. Give price and location. B-ibZ, journal. $340 equity in $700 fine view lot 60x inn rntricted district Including grad ed streets and Bull Run water, as first payment on five, room stricuy moaern home. J-764. journal. WANTED A modern house or bunga- low of 6 rooms, within a few blocks of the Jefferson high school. Phone Marshall 1948. WANTED Farm. Also acreage, front- tng or overlooking river or ocean, u 761, Journal. .- FOR SALEFARMS 17 CHEAPEST BUY IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. . SB acres. 26 acres 4ft cultivation. 10 acres of timber, balance pasture; all lev el; 6 room house, barn and outbuildings, f;ood well, spring ana creex; small xam It orchard. Personal orooerty. 1 team of horses, 4 cows. 2 calves, 40 chickens, wagon, buggy and fartnin Implements and tools to work place with; located It miles from Portland on mam county road. mile from graded school, high school, 2 churches and store, R, F. D. and milk route. If bought at once, can be had for $6000, $3000 cash, balance 6 years t. Good reason for selling. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgage Loans, Ground Floor, Henry b)dg., 4th and Oak. Phones Mam bcm, a-3z. Farm Lands 40 acres,, 82 acres cleared; I acres fine oak timber, all fine bottom land; 2 miles from good town and V mile off county road. Price, $50 per acre; terms o buiu ' 223 acres. 40 acres in cultivation ; enough wood on balance - to pay for place: new county road being cut through tilace: good house and barn: 4 miles from good town. Price $30 per acre. - Hyland, Jones & Co, 409 Gerllnger Bldg. 2nd and Alder. BARGAIN. 42 acres," $4000; terms or wijl take $1600 In trade; 10 acres cleared balance logged off; 200 cords good wood. 20 acres good pasture. 22 apple trees 6 years old; good black loam sou e room nouse, small Darn: fenced with 3 wires, water at. back door from good spring; 1 mile from school, on state road 3 miles from railroad station, tram to Portland everr hour and oniy .28 miles from Portlana. ATKINSON & EDICK. Room 1. over Commercial Bank. Phone 600. ' Vancouver, Wash. LAND SEEKERS LOW RATES TO ALBERTA. ... Now la the time to go and In spect the crops Just '"before the harvest Write or call for book lets and full Information. IDE-MtABTHY-UKD CO, Colonization Agents Canadian Pa clflo railway. 425-26-27-28 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE Two fine eastern. Oregon wheat iarms. .U3s acres, suo acres perfectly level, balance slightly rolling;. 40U acres in wneat. bbo acres ready ror fall crop, two houses, large barn and windmill, plenty of fine water, 4 miles to railroad. Also a fine level tract of 829 acres, all plowed and fenced. Either or these line pieces, at xzu per acre from the owner direct, t. H. Little hales, Forest Grove. Or. Well Imnroved farm of 102 Vt acres. level land, alluvial soli, 70 acres culti vation; nice 6-room house, good barn, family orchard (bearing): near school. daily mail: running streams. $65 Der acre. -Terms.. i-oi, Journal DO YOU; WANT farm that with' a-ood tillage will yield annually 26 to 40 bushels wheat per acre? I have it 960 acres, and all but 30 the rinest wheat land. Two sets buildings; plenty good water; only 3 miles from Lexington, Or.; $25 per acre; 40 per cnt cash, bal ance easy , terms, ta. v. urown, iiepp ner. Or. 40 acres, 4 miles west Linnton, . U mile United -railroad tunnel, near Philips: 26 acres cleared: near school and church; beautiful view, good build ings good orchard, well watered; known as Rainier place; with team, stock, Im plements, eropj - terms: ,no agents. M. B. Hoard. R. F, D. 1. box 27 Holbrook, i 1J acrfea a-lfat rh-ready-tffplow for fall wheat .600 acres plowed, bal food pasture. 2 miles R. R; station, ell or trade at $26 an acre. OLIVER ANDERSON, Owner. 317 Hamilton bid g; 640 ACRES wheat land worth $35 to $44 per acre. Will 'sell this for $20,000 and take $8000 Portland pronertv and give terms on balance. Seeley. PhoniJ 17 If you are looking for an up-to-date farm, ' all stocked and in A-l shapa, which you can move upon at once, and having a paying prositlnn from the be ginning, real this: 110 acres, 25 miles from Portland, one mile from Warren station. 45 acres under cultivation 100 fruit trees, bear ing. Extra good buildings. 6 room house. 2 extra large barns. Good blacksmith shop, and all . other neces sary farm buildings. Crop which goes with place. 800 bushels of oats, 10 seres of kale. ' Stock. 4 head of horses; 20 head of cattle; 10 head of young stock; 16 head of hogs. . . .- All farm implements. Good cream separator and all other necessary farm articles. Less than $160 per acre, only Vx cash, balance 6 years at $ per cent Investigate this. - . F. E. TA X LUR ft COMPANY. 402-3 Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak sts. 896 acres, Sauviee' Island, $65 per acre: ' income ..-.ins per- annum. : Grazing extra. ' Ideal for '. . dairying nd erasing. 2$ miles from Portland, Colum bia river side. Address own er, Av E. Veljguth. 445 Sher- lock bldg. Terms.' FRUIT LAXDB 45 140 acres good lying land, close to Mt Hood electrlo and auto roads; $40 per acre, -terms. Smaller tracts. In choice locality, $50 to $66 per acre. Get our free apple land booklet , MT. HOOD LAND CO., 712 Rothchlld bldg. ' $10 Per Acre Gash Will put you In possession of the best' irun iana in urenon. i no western siope of the Cascade mountains on the Esta cada carline Is conceded by horticul turists to be best adapted for apple cul ture of any land in Oregon. Oppor tunity awaits you. Investigate our of fer. Any size tract you Wish. HOMES A INVESTMENTvCO.. Owners. 917 Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d Bt F 80 acres, near Gresham, 1H miles from station on electrio line: 20 acres under cultivation, good soil: 2000 cords of wood; $60 per acre if taken soon; terms... v . , MT. HOOD LAND CO, 7iz KQtncnuq Ding. KEACHES are one of the most proflta ble fruits raised when protected from frost. . Peach Cove is an ideal spot with fine sandy silt loam soil, air drained and protected from frost; with two miles of river frontager only 18 miles from Portland. Call and let us show you this beautiful tract M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. . HOMESTEADS 47 Crook and Lake County .Home--r r steads, , :. r : 1 Oregon offers the last opportunity to get free government land. The best land in Oregon is located in this section. Read the annual reports on the production ot Crook and Lake counties. Wheat grows in abundance. Ideal for raising; livestock. Plenty of water available. No place in the states today does another opportunity exist for the man of small means to secure free government lands. The two rival rail roads now building into central Ore gon win increase the value or these homesteads thousands of dollars. For further particulars see Oreron Land & Title Co., 208 Gerllnger bldg. FREE -HOMESTEADS. ' 160 acres, fine creek through the place, can Irrigate about 60 acres, 6 miles rrom raiiroaa. can locate you on the fine place for $200; all wheat and alfalfa land. f . 160 acres of fine wheat land, been in wheat for 4 years, ,6 miles of railroad, fenced, shack house, for only $1000, i D. 8. CAMERON REALTY CO. 61$ Washington st, Vancouver, Wash. TIMBER HOMESTEAD. Rellnaulshment. 6.000.000 feet most- ly yellow fir, in good belt of timber. Wagon road to place and within 60 miles of Portland. HYLAND. JONES ft CO.. 40$, Gerllnger puuqmg. WANTED FARMS 33 FARMERS' ATTENTION We can sell or trade your farm, fiend us complete description. We want all kinds, anywhert in Oregon. Have buy ers waiting. The Standard Realty Co, 421 MonawK Diag. Farms Wanted Bend us description of yours. I AM 3 ft HALL. Write 3133erUngei Bldg.- WANTED To rent, close to Portland. 6 acres, house and barn. K-715, Jour nal. FOR SALE TnXBETt 28 600 ACRES of land. 4" miles from Mo lalla town, -land all nice "and level, all fine for cultivation; from 12,000,000 to 16,000,000 feet of green timber on land. Land is worth $30 an acre, and timber on each acre is worth $30; will take $35 per acre for place; will sell timber with out land cheap, and give 10 years In which to remove it providing buyer pays taxes. Located ltt miles from Molalla river; a fine tie mill site. This is not misrepresented. Owner has rea son ror selling, call on or address C. D. ROBESON. Andresen Bldg.. Oregop City, Or, WE are headquarters (or timber and lumDer enterprises or an Kinds. Kin ney ft Stampher, 631-3 Lumber Ex change bldg. ROOMING HOUSES FOR 8 ALE 83 Rooming Houses 12 rooms, 12th st, H. K. $1050. . 13 rooms, r mnaers st, isuu. 16 rooms, Third st, $1100. iv rooms, Tnira st, n. ic, .60.- 0 rooms, coiumma St., iduu. ROSE ft CAMPBELL, Room 14. 270H Washington st v We Lend to Buyers. NINE room house, fine location, walk ing distance; some terms; bargain price if taken before Wednesday. Square Deal Realty Co, 619 Board of Traae. UP-TO-DATE rooming house, close in on east side; 44 rooms, modern $ story brick; hot and' cold water in all rooms; the cleanest house in Portland; will trade for good property with small cash payment; run an tne time. Bee J. H. Horning ft Co.. 319 Allsky bldg. - , An -Extra Bargain A 9 room house on 10th st. well fur nished and modern In every respect; clears $50 over rent See this at once; no agents. Buy direct from owner, on your own terms. G-764, Journal. , 70 Rooms; rent $280; clears $450; $10,. 000; terms. .., . . 39 rooms, fully, modern, $3200. 29 rooms, clears $250, $3200. " ' 18 rooms, clears $200, $2000. 18 rooms, a bargain: $900. , 12 rooms; snap; $600. Main 3877. 919 BoaTd of Trade. Best Ever- $ rooms, 1 block from Washington Bt All oak furniture, clears $66 above ex penses. Price. $360. Peters. 16 N. 6th. ROOM f NO" houses, any " size." at prices -to suit: we buy, Soil and exchange. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO, $13 Henry bldg. FOR SALEA 16 room rooming house; full of the best roomers: location rlonn JTP.4 $5i price $900; terms. Phone M. 8479, 1 :, --- 30 ROOMS, steam, hot nd cold water FOR 8 ALE-tFARMS FARM- 1ALB 63 .Geo, A, Bowyer ' HOTEL BROKER ; ' Hotels for sale and exchange. 20$ Oer llnger bldg., 2d and Alder. Main 7311. " MIXING STOCKS C8 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE .. MINING : and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and old. C. 8. Fletcher. 136 Ablne-ton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining . stocks, call en J. B. Purcell, 810 Oak. BUSINESS (OANCES SO MOVING PICTURES. , . " YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. You don't have to pay cash to start a motion picture theatre, -we equip the theatre on easv terms or on a cercent- age basis, also teach" managers how - to operate, gratis, call or write ror par ticulars. New York Motion Picture Ex chanse, 526H Washington st, near 17th. CIGAR STME CONFECTIONERY AND FRUTT. ' On best transient street in the city; good lease; laundry commission makes free rent doing $3.0 daily; this place Is well worth $700; on account of sickness Will sacrifice, $450, terms. To see 4s to buy, t-eters, is n, ttn st PARTY" with some money to Invest, with Dosltionat good salary: If caoa- ble, first class proposition and will more than double your money; 10 per cent guaranteed; a good permanent Invest ment with good parties where wou will Jet just treatment Investigate. 0-769, ournal. ' Grocery Store i v Inoludlng 7 living rooms. 4 years' lease. rent $40; this place is doing $60 daily; will invoice $2500; price this week $2000 or will trade for city property. , Peters, 15 In. btn. ' FOR SALE Confectionery and bakery, centrally located, good business. For Information address Mrs. Alta Whittle. Castlerock, Wash. , . IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or if you wish to buy or open one, communicate with permanent and successful company. Peoples' Amuse ment Co, 610-516 Rothchlld bldg, Port lana, or. FOR SaUs New house boat best money could build, 16x38: also , new launch, 12 H. P.; must sell at once. Come to Cottonwood Island or addresi E. Welle. Carrollton, Wash. " A RARE OPPORTUNITY. : $9000 will buy a controlling interest In state bank in southern Oregon, de posits over $100,000; loans guaranteed. can at 607 McKay Diag. Majn 4710. MAN with references, to take my eal estate Dusiness ror so aays; am sick: going to mountains; if satisfactory will take you in as partner; little cash re- quireq. jwei. journal. ' GIVEN away free to those answering .his advertlsem it within $0 days, a map of all the California oil fields. 8a-gar-Loomls Co., 701 Oregonlan bldg. r-oriiana, uri'gon. HOTEL FOR SALE 14 rooms and din ring room furnished complete; 40 reg ular boarders; in thriving mill town; price $3700. Latham ft Nelson, Coburg. Oregon.-"' , LIVERY STABLE. Must be sold on account of sickness, livery and boarding stables, low rent, long lease. - . , PHONE EAST 8641. Cigar and Confectioner Store Doing "good business; good location; a good buy; small amount of money . re quired. Call at 201 Burnslde st RESTAURANT. Fine location, doing big business. Want manager - who understands the kitchen and buying. Would sell Interest to right party. 416 Rothchild. bldg" FOR SALE -A-first class dyeing and cleaninr establishment . AaiW rolrvt $16 to $20. long lease and well estab lished trade. N-766, Journal. ' i Restaurant , In A-l location; cheap rent", doing $30 daily; price today $100. Peters, 16 N. 6th WANTED. 12 or 14 rooms, partly furnished. Rose ft Campbell, room 14, 270 H Washington. WANTED Business partner, or desires to sell Interest in profit paying furni ture manufacturing' plant Inquire .of O. D. Eby, Oregon City. WE CAN place vou in oavlnJ" buslnMs: before buying be sure and see us. Kinney ft "Stampher, $31-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. A-4881. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store, fine location, 6 years' lease. Call J. W. Blaney, Hotel Alder, 4th and Aiaer. FOR SALE Splendid little cigars, perl odioals, confectionery. See owner, 809 Williams ave. Fine business for couple. $60 buys half interest In big paying . business; no real estate; young man preferred. . Come quick; - Snap. 266 Mil) st v . ONLY dentist in large eastern Oregon town will sell business. Wants to go east M-766, Journal. WANTED From owner, good paying rooming house, from 10 to 45 rooms. Phone Main 3877. ' . GOOD,, chance for a working man; small hand, laundry- for - sale. 2300 cash. . T-768, Journal. GROCERY store and fixtures for sale at a aiscount. tail 816 . Clinton st, Sftrner 26th. SMALL confectionery and bakery. Rent . $16. 6 living rooms. Price $600. Pbone Main 6095. . FOR SALE Home delicatessen doing Kooa irauo. uwner going oaCK east Inquire at 228 North 16th st. HIGHLAND notion store, confectionery, cigars, iuuhl-cu, want 10 go on Home stead; rent $16. 1017 Union ave. N. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 room hotel. completely furnished, in good valley town. Aaarm pox 1, pnenaan, ur. ESTABLISHED manufacturing EusT ness for sale, lease or trade. Call or aaaress 84 AiDina ave., Portland, Or. ''T'' ROOMING BOUSES FOR S We Can Rent Your Apartments or Housekeeping Suites Aatomatio Fhoss A-1188 Fnrfns IZala 8603 2rlvte Branch Szonange Connecting All Apartments . s "The Washington" X 689 TO 696 NORTHRUP STREET- , ' :;Near Twenty-f irst ; , . . A High-Class Apartment Mel '.':' n. k. Let Owner and W Our to Taks the "THE WASHINGTON." TT7 ' ' "W" car to 21st and Northrup. . . ' Beautiful" 6 room apartments fur- , ., y nished and unfurnished, with all mod- . , ,i ' em conveniences, bath, telephone, hot - and cold water, steam heat, refrlgera " j tor, gas range, gas, electrlcT light Janl 1 ' tor servlre, etc. t PORTLAND, OREGON, August 6th, 1910 The Journal Publishing Co., ' ' ' . " : ' V ' ." .,' -Fifth ahd Yamhill, GtyC ' ',- Gentlemen-tPlease take the;'kbove:...atlacJidd-mt.aiid-uMiidM c mc uia, as v i-iiinoi carry it being full, we have no apartment for rent and people are coming out here from alt over the city, and when we have nothing to rent they complain that they 8aw. the ad in . The "Journal and that we : ought to have' something to .rent 0r keep the ad out of the paper. . We have rented three apartments since the ad was published, but have no more for rent Just. now. Very respectful, - BUSINESS CHANCES . SO WANT a Jtaurant Here's your chance to BtSt one. with a good lease. Best of reasons for selling. Fine loca tion, 'good business; three rooms; rent only $46, Price $500- If ou raven t tne- ouu aonrt answer tni positively the least money that will buy it. 208 AHaky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. marine corps, between the ages ot 19 and 36.. Must be native born or have irei papers. MOntniy pay i Additional compensation possible. Food, Clothing quarters, and medical attend ance, iree. i ,Ai tor SO'T'rs servico can retire uiih 7n r,, i.nt nf nav and al lowances. Service on "board ship-and shore in alt parts of th4 worlds Apply at u. d. marine. Utirps Kecruiting omuuu, f ortiann. ur . 1 WAN r J . . ' a a i r. ; -.' . - . i 7. 'Independent Vr nonunion . UNITED i METAL ' 'TRADES ASSN, 222 Commercial Club bldg. OUR motion-picture, operators' school the best on the 'coast; competent in structors. - We perfect men who can qualify in two weeks for positions. Ap plications received daily . at our" ex change. Operators receive $26 to $40 weekly. Pacific Amusement Exchange, ftiarquam mag. WANTED Men at Los Angeles; no ex ' pense to learn trade, of electrlplty, automobiles, . plumbing, bricklaying by actual worx on contract jods; oniy rew. months, required; 200 students - last, year; catalogue . free. -United .Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. ; ' 10.000 POSITION For' graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trace in weeks; help to secure positions; graduates-earn $il to $26 weekly; expert instructor: tools free: write for catalog. Moler 8stem of Colleges, $S N. 4th St, Portland. WAITED Salesman: many make $100 to $150 per month: some even more: stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advenes week y; oliolce of territory. -Address Wash Ington Nurserv Co, TOpponlsh. Wash. WANTED Salesmen In every locality In the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice ot territory. Yakima . Valley NcrserV Co.. Tonneniah. Wh i WANTED Good boy, Protestant, over in, wno lives wun ratner and motn er. - y4io can give good reference, to learn wholesale and retail business. 72 Sixth, st. ',v-. v- - , i SALESMEN. to sell nursery, stock; big gest nursery In west; liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; $50 week ly easily, made. , Oregon Nursery Co, Orenco, Or. . WANTED 2 young men to learn auto- moDiie repairing, ana driving. Call 60-52 N. 7th st Phone Marshall g4. A-41D0 WANTED Railway mail clerks; Port land examination No. 11; . $500 to $1600; preparation free. Franklin In stltute, dept. 284 S., Rochester, N. Y. NEW sample nats, $1.60, cleaned, blocked, 60a. Ladles' hats remodeled. The Hattery, 316 Alder, cor. 6th. Base mente ' : - - - - ' $1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you high grade dentistry by liquid air sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, Z07 Aiisny Diag.. gq ana Morrison WANTED Couple tor light janitor work, small apartment; housekeeping rooms for services. West aide. K-720. Journal.- - - , , $6 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in practical form; day-and evening ses sions. Aaaress- Myers, - 339 nth st, Portland. Main 8612. . TWO good steady men to handle wood and coal teams; steady .work at good wages: married men preierrea. males sen Fuel Co.. Russell and Railroad sts. ANTED All around machinist; good wages. - renaieton iron worxs, Pen- aieton. ur. WANTED Printing In. exchange for ' first class dental work. Room 207, Aiisay oiqg. ' . CHEF headauarters and helDers. ' Call roraia wine uepot saaxamnui. next to journal. v; WANTED-Steamfitters. Swanby ft Schneider, Railway Exchange. 3d and BtarK. IN-6S, journal. IN TERNATIONAL . Corresponi ence Schools. Send for our new cat- aiog. Z33 Aider st, WANTED Expert plaster foreman,' . helpers on scaffold; metal lathers.. St Francis church, E. Pine and 12th sts. TWO advertising solicitors. V Call . 414 Btearns oiqg. . SEVERAL, helpers and boys wanted. PaTNTINO wanted; giye dentistry. Call . 2UY AllSKy oiqg. - -- . ' WANTED Experienced boy in a gro- eery, can 415 6th st. - - LEARN driving automobile, day or even- Ing. 6Z6H Washington. Room 417. HEU' , WANTED 3IALK AND -4 FEMALE 29 HOPPICKERS We are now register ing for our: farms at Witch Hazel and Reedvllle. s: Call or telephone soon, as picking will commence early.t .A. J. Ray ft Son, $34 Sherlock bldg. Telephone Main 842. ' . WANTED Man and woman to learn drama and vaudeville; also fancy and buck and wing dancing taught at the Chicago Dramatic ft Vaudeville School of Acting,; 343 Yamhill st. Room 16. Hours irom v a. m, tut s:sv p. m. WANTED -Teachers - for , following branches: Dramatlo art. stage danc ing, etc;, for fcchool of acting; must have references. G-762, Journal. WANTED AGENTS' AGENTS wanted to aid us supply; the demand for choice nursery stock: out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 65 HANLEY ft TRAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO . headquarters tor . R. R- work; UH N. 2d st - Manager v Slst m4 Morthrap any lonecr at inisiime. ine nouse ?. A EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 C, R. HANSEN & CO.. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office . 2 N. 2d st. Portland. Ladles departmwnt, 7th and Wash, sts, upstairs, Portland. s 424 Front ave.; Spokane. . 17-89 4th st, San Francisco. Established 187. THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY, Gen'l employment. Mar. 818. A-2408. BUTTS & ELDREDGE, 24 H N. Second. A-1291.- Main 8205. HELP WANTED FEMALE i 2 08TRICH plumes dyed, curled, made over; Birds of Paradise cleaned. Now Is the time. ; , OSTRICH PLUME CO, a u 3 Washington Mt. WANTE3-Lady stenographer who un derstands bookkeeping; steady placo and chance for advancement to alt you can make yourself worth. $30 to start 72 th -st. -' , '' $1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you1 high grade dentistry by liquid air sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, 207 Allsky bldg., 8d and Morrison. WANTED Experienced girl, general house work and cooking; small, fam ily adults. , Wa8"5 $30. "663 E- Mor- FINISHERS on men's necicweari also girls to learn. . Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 291 V4 StaHc SHIRT maker, - thoroughly, competent. no otner -neea appiy, jbuooo onirt -u., BtarK. , WANTED 2 . working girls jto room and board; reasonable, price. ;au 101 iota ot., pear winniini'iii. BUMMER resort- waltrtsa, $26; othr help, city, country. - Howe's Ladies' agency, room 314. 326 4 Washington- st. GIRL for cooking and general house- " work; good home .to right person. Phone woodiawn bso. WANTED Waitress and one te asaist in chamber work. .-Inquire National hotel, Front and Yamhill. WANTED Stenographer , to rent -deek -room at $12 per month, typewriter and flesk Ttimisneq, bzb Henry piqg. WANTED In j private boarding house, - iirsi ciass couk bioo auiiiiK ruum girl.- 404 Madison st, ' Main 2006. SEWERS and menders, $2 per day for experienced hands in worsted mills works, Multnomah Mohair mills, Sellw'd. GIRL for housework: good home for pleasant wining girt it js. iota st, corner Yamhill. - GIRL "wanted for general housework. small family.'- pnone C-3797 GIRL to label bottles, easy work. Eu- ... reica unemicai to,, 431 m. wasnington GIRLS to work- in paper box pactory; uregon raper box f actory, 3 front. GIRLS wanted to work on trousers. 490 Washington st. . ; ;'; . ' WOMAN wanted. Experienced repairing secona nana doming. 324 ist st. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 MUNICIPAL FB8EE EilPWiEilT OFFICE s 270 MADISON, BET. 3D AND 4TH, MALE AKD FEMALE HELT, NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE. ' !- ..MAIN .1665. A-S624. WANTED A position as porter or . watchman In store or factory. True, earnest German. . Well acquainted with city. -Best or rererencet. u-vbi,, jour nal. AN experienced shoeman, clothing and gents furnishing salesman wishef po sition In general merchandise store,' pre- rer country; A-i reierenoes. ,jv-io, Journal. EXPERIENCED man in , bricklaying, plastering and cement finishing wants position; .contractor or private. J-762, Journal WANTED Position by house carpenter in notci ty tnorougniy, competent man, understands all kinds of repairing. O-730; journal. WOULD like to take contract of clear lng about 10 acres of land, said party to furnish tools and cabin or tent N-760, Journal CARPENTER work wanted ot every de scrlptlon; Jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specialty Cummings ft Catlin, $71 First st Marshall 2327.. .WANTED By an elderly man, position as collector, can -give bank reference and bond. Phone East 3502. 703 Belmont EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires poBl tion with private family, first class repair man. B-767, Journal. WANT cesspool work; drain tile, septic , tank a specialty: all work promptly done. Phone- Eellwood 1644. CARPENTER, builder, new or repair work, day or contract. Sellwood 1712. CARPENTER work, any kind, day or contract- Phone Marshall 23J7. ; SITUATIONS -FEMAXB 4 WANTED Curtains to! launder; con- tracts and terms to hotels -and apart ment houses; called for and delivered. Phone Woodiawn E664.-- . - SITUATION wanted by -,, competent - stenographer, furnishing A-l ; refer ence. Address Miss Officer, 413 Dover street I A YOUNG eastern lady with m years' experience as trained nurse, aesires a position in doctor's office or as doc tors assistant, rnone laoor zz. WANTED By lady sweeping, cleaning and general housework by day or hour. N-761, Journal. ' WOMAN wishes day work. Will assist in moving or any work. 661 East Mor rlson,' Mrs. Harlowe. , A WIDOW LADY with good suburban - home would like the care of one or two children. 583 Bldwe'l ave., Sellwood. AN ELDERLY lady would like position as housekeeper ror-wiaower or Dacn elor. G-720, Jouhnal. " V SITUATIONS .WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 GOOD sober cook and wife want work In country, hotel. Address James Slack,- Salem, Qr,.-v.?".--'i"- DRESSMAKING 40 DRERSMAKING-r-Suits and gwns my specialty. Mrs. Haggsma, 290 Eugene st Phone C-28nl. ; SUITS a,nd gowns mjr specialty. Mrs. ' Haggsma, 280 Eugene. Phone C-2SK1, Kt'ltSES 60 GRADUATE nurse will take -hourly calls. . Maternity casos, $aths. and general nursing. Terms reasonable. Helen E Jones. Main 110, A-1136. ! POSITION Practical nurse. Best re erences. Any sickness. Phone Main 9876..!, FURNISHED ' KOOMS . WEST SIDE 1 ONE large, nicely furnished front, room, very nice tor two; - ucuiv ga na phone. 4284 2d st. - ' - - ' , THE TEMPLE. 343 Yamhill st.-op- poslte Hotel . Portland, furnished 1 rooms, low rents., transient, VLliASANT rooms for, two or three gen. t tlemen: reasonable, 1 running water, j 292 12th.- . : - -,: , PLEASANT front room. Nicely fur-!.- nished.' Suitable for one or two. Also Small room. Reaeonable. 476 Taylor. CLEAN, airy rooms, ; good .beds,- homeJ . . in ....kl. .... A ICQC mil r 1 Montgomery st. '- i i NEATLY furnished room, gas, bath, ; phone, $1.76 per week, 610 Hoyt st. NEWLY furnished, modern, good neigh borhood, reasonable rent. 825 7th st. .EWLX.fujalshad.roomsaatMlBS'.wenefiSR - Kearney "st.7POmer19thn"i:oom rearmahl .154 18th st north. NICE large newly furnished sleeping rooms; modern; large yarn. 4a v join TWO furnished front rooms; first class table noarq tor 4 young men. 4 eth FURBISHED ' sleeping , room for private. 329 Hall . Main 3938. (NICK large front rooms, suitable fr 2., in on eji n q path. 4(1 aiai n st . FURNTSlIfcJD rooms for rent 12 uu. f 4104 Washington. ' j v FURNISHED R003 2 :' ' " " '. WEST SIDE j " : ; ' NEWLY furnished room for rent '$10 per month; pnone, bath, walking dis-1 tanre, fine localitv. 2864 14th st. cor-- Jefferson. Phon Marshall 2424. WeVvuY furnished front rooms, choice location, , walking, dlatance; phone, bath, electric lights, modern In .every yri.ii ir PBimun., cor mn, . PLEASANT rooms, suitable for 3 or 8 - persons; 2 beds in room; single rooms $2.50 a week. ? 254 12th. eight blocks irsurci, Air tin mon.. ror I4tn. HjRNISHED rooms in private family, 2 dandies, large front ground floor, bath, gas stove, that's about all, except good furniture. 635 Montgomery; MYO (Ml A ffll IM ' 34 roon" un ear wees.. Free phone ana batn. Main 7764. NICE, clean rooms for one or two gen tlemen or lady. , 353 12th st Main 8643.- , .'-'.'. ... . - .......,(' FURNISHED ROOMS . V,; EAST SIDE 53 PARLOR, dining room, front bedroom, , clothes press, batlv in private family, first floor, one block from carllne; gas, , lawn, lm vt puuae.nome use or Kitchen,'. For adults only. Call phone East $958. or inquire 802 E.'Ash.. ' COMFORTABLE suite In a strictly prl ' vate residence; all - conveniences walking distance; reasonable. 228 Lar. rabee st. K V '': , 1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS 1 10 THREE unfurnished, rooms with pantry for rent 38 month: nice lar a- ronm' pleasant locatton,,tinaulre.450 - East Sherman st. ; V ; . y- . 1 LARGE 8 Voom flat. ", $ 12. . 2 rooms, 2 OR 8 unfurnished rooms, 646 Gllesan. ROOMS AND BOARD H in TWO gentlemen to room mil huM neatly furniAhed room, pleasant, qttiet . location, near the river. Call 605 E. i etn st. urooKiyn enr, NICELY furnished room, choice board. - In nrtvntA famllv n 4 v.n mn Convenient, reasonable. Phone East 143 .HOME cooking: reasonable rates. 777 ivearney st, main Y01S. LH1LDREN " to board, "good home!. mother's care. 653 E. ltth. W-R car. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European llaa ( uni) j j. n af J, VALLAMONT Furnished rooms, for ' rent 376 Yamhill. , r f BKLVEDKHE. European. 4th and Alder - , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS B .WEST SIDE r. '' THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall. Furnished -. for housekeeping, gas , ranges, eleotrio lights, hot water, bath. laundry, all free: IIS twr month nm m clean place: best in the citv for the nny; short distance from Union depot. m-v marnnaii Bt. 1N0 qogg. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; 2. !R month,- tn t1- .nf.k4 tage, 7 large rooms, $27.60; lower flat. 4 rooms, $18., 864 26th st. North' (west side river). "W" car from depot 5th or to zotn; piqcK norm. ,NElN:rA".ftPartmen' J7 17th near Vamhlll. Tak Xtr ... .,ti $' and 4 room furnished suites. Hot and cold. Phones and baths free.' $20 Pjr month. $6 per week and up. Main 1 and i furnished room housekeeping -aDartmenta: modm rAnTniArAa. hnt. cold water; gas ranges in rooms; $3.60 week UO. Sleebinar rooms reariv Anr in new furniture. 467 Columbia, near 10th. $1.75 week, large clean furnished house keeplng rooms; laundry, bath,- gas. clean linen. 184 8herman. South Port land. i-1 . v. r . TWO front- rooms, well furnished for i housekeeping, good cook stove, gas plate, newly papered, $11 month. 270 Market st. ; ' CAMBRIDGE building- furnished house keeping rooms, single and in suite, 3d ana Morrison street. ,Appiy room . HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2 a week; v light, water, phone included: 301 H Water st. .. v,-... -; THE COLONS Furnished housekeep ing room with all conveniences, $10 and up, central location. -603 Alder st THE NEWCASTLE, 402 3rd; furnished . housekeeping 'rooms; free . baths. pnone, not water. AN inside single housekeeping room ; phone, gas, bath: $2 per week. ,170 Park st, near Morrison. THREE room , suite, , strictly modern, good .location,' also - sleeping rooms. 628 Morrison. Main 8899. TWO and 3 room suites, completely fornlshed. modern, 580 2d st A-4020. TWO hicely- furnished housekeeping rooms for rent reasonable. 402 4th. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for bouse- keeping. 492 .Clay. Main 6342. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light gas: moderate. 7th ft Flanders. A-4076 HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS . y- 9 AST SIDE 4T9 ' NICE clean housekeeping rooms; beau tiful location. A fine place to live; free bath, lights, and A phone. '.Phone , eeiiwooa .133. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; bath and gas. Phone Tabor 1810, 1 4 8H E 83d st. Sunnyside. - l per week; dean, furnished houttekeer Ihg rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard, phone, clean linen.' 406 Vancouver ave. NEATLY furnished rooms for light . housekeeping; bath, electric ugni, phone -Phone East 168. 83 E. 10th. .. .. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 331 Larrabee. ..... . LIGHT housekeeping rooms. ,468 Ta- coma ave.. Sellwood. 1 : HOUSES FOR BERT 1?. WHEN you mve you'll- need new fur - niture.- Buy - Judiciously and your savings will exceed moving expenses. Our NO-RENT. PRICES made us one Of the largest furniture houseslnthe city in less than two years. .......... - Lookers shown same courtesy, as. tuy ere. v-, "" j - ' MOROAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Grand Ave., Cor. E. 'Stark St East -Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars pass our' door. - - - MODERN . 6 room bungalow. finished attic,, furnace, two fireplaces, gai electric lights, ' cement basement, large porches; on carline, 664 Ravensview Drive., Portland Heights. Tel. Main 6S. $16i-Flve roomed 'furnished fist, mod ern. . ? $9, four roomed unfurnished cottage. Inquire in store at 26th and Powell, Woodstock car. - . . 1 iSIX. rooms,' bath, pantry and closets; modern, new, $15 . per- month. Mt. Scott car line, 49th st , two blocks from car line. Owner, F-767,' Journal. - . MODERN 6 room house, $16 rent, owner leaving. Call at 1128 Ffancfs ave.. ' Woodstock car, get off at .,39th, go S blocks-north. " ' HALF of good -barn and 10 room house, west side; separate entrances - and baths--South Portland. $14. Marshall 1168. ',;. i -. ! '"i-f fOR RENT Five room flat', west side; , reasonable - rent; Main 7490. - $72 4 First -st. ; . ' ' . SIX rooms, -one block , from Ankeny car; piano, gas, .bath, basement, wood shed, lawn. 821 E. Ash. - , FREE rept in Gregory Heights. Greg ory Investment Co. . End Of Hose City Psrk car line. ' ' 6 nOOM modern house, lawn and roses, $22. Woodiawn 1799, Woodiawn 2720. NEW, modern 6 room house, 774 2d 6 room house, 774 2d st Apply next house. ZZ orover st. house, $36. Inquire 689 Kearney. HOUSES FOR REXT. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 $350 cashi 7 room house for rent. Fur niture for salo. . All upood condition'. Houeekfieplng rooms, always - occupied. Rent. $30. 10 blocks from post- off lee., This plvos' net profit of $40 per month. 1 Bargain for this week only. 367 6th-" street every room; clears $250: wui sacri fice; Phone, owner, Main '3877, . 4 .'i - -