THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 6, 1910 , .WILLIE- AND' JOKING .JOBJES GET:'S0OME WITH' THE .EOYS': VATfVfcAS 3UMMEtFA,T AFTER BeiHy ..''.YFILlfc . ( f r FORCE Ttia APARt Will IE. .. 1 ; f AT; i i. WM' 4r tr-Fv- - -i ? V". - r f V '' ms At : . y i . , . . 4 ? f . r.J i .)( : rf. h - ' ' jDEAIUTOMMYr IfixedupiaAboxing glove like .this idiigrmto'have omejfuniwit&ithe boys who stopped at our,hotel.v JohnnyfJones;andjlpretendedUblbeiboxuig. The 'trap'and oneohthem'pvtfbnlthe'gloves.,- Johnnywaited until he;gotthem bunched.rightland.then.duckediandjetthe.gloyetri awfulmadf ' , - : ' ' " )Yours, etc.,y ' ' -t Vv- "', - ;,, . W ' .. " " . '- .. - . ; . r '; idiytwater. and'theywere WILLIE. -J i :v - c - - - !'' EMPLOYS INVENTIVE I .: ... .V... V L- S ery.Y .cj . 1 T&THER. t S obwJK -WlVH THE Q RJE! ' , FIDO HAb AH CD1 5"tEM P ER " , Ck RLAHD MOTH R. t51 CK.Wt TH THE R PPj . . ; UNHAPPY- SPIRITS HO WUmUt)AWK,- : AHO THEN' RCTUW TO HLTOEHOT, t l 1.1,,.. . nR I y i-r 1 T. eH0WF ( FIlWOWLS WTO HUrVGRYMOANS, " , ' AWAIT TO iPlCftL Victim SONSI V OLD BEELZX&US.POTS OK "FRESH, COAL. : .in . 1 1 - . .. . . v . r 11 1 - 1 1 1 IF . I r . w -.y.. i -fmrnn, n -.. 1 r.:i i 1 r 1 1 ; 1 ....'--i is. 1 ' ' " ' V t ' i i ' VyHILE GOBLINS RENO THEtfHDD A4RJ..; OUD BEEL2EBUBTOTH.3RK: IN MlRSTtf, ,WHlu WAlTlMGTOlTHgoULQN EAgTH; bti;UF IS SWEET AND Al-t-SOBLf ME.- 7 j -flee, victim, flee: while therei&time; For-Vou are: mext upon the list- i . , . - i ! iii pnpnw 3 1 PLOM AtY3 I PLOM ACY ! THETRlDOTH VllM TH EDAVJ utps u Afe tuprphai f mm 1RF1 fFrTME'fltA!EH.RnKf AWA v ;-....jjiP S if HONS KrtSCtffM, J . f r . 4.,..,, . ' , t- - ;- ,- "