The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 06, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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-i..;: 6 Room Bungalow
.$2600 ' '
" " $2500 . -
Ttto strlctlv modern, cost eido bun
galows, in- desirable home location,
-every "convenience, near carline, good
. view.. v ;', - !
$250 CASH . -1
On cither homo. , ,
Balance like rent. -
See Owner
MS Oerltnirer hide.1 ' 2d and Alder.
We have a choice block of suburban
property at 50 per cent below market
price on account of owner's need of
rendv monev. A- cash payment of
,,$:r00 will handle this, and we can as
Isure the purchaser a profit of 200 per
ronton investment. i .
Klii'limivf A fonts.
810 Chamber of, Commerce.
... $15 Per Month
for this ?nap; 6 roorti cottage. Just com
dieted and up to dale every way; some
odeV andTlull "iotnots If you value with completion of Madisor, street
Hawthorne Avenue
. Pour fine residence lota, close In, one
block from Hawthorne ave,,; best tar
service In city. , For a few days you
can make your own lerms on any one. of
them. This property win aavance m
wish: 1-block from car, in restrictea
district; Bull Run water Price $2000;
1200 down; balance to suit purchaser,
i Also a nw 10 room house and modern
for $18.50. 1 Take ML Scott car to Mil
lard ave. See
v JOE NASH. - J "..'
' Phone Tabor 231
Going to Build?"-
Let Us finanre the building of your
home. . Tf you own lot small amount of
cash sufficient Our reputation for well
built houses.i fal dealing, reasonablo
prices Is bringing us many clients. , It
pay to see us, i -
Northwestern Const. Co. . .
. i ... Successors to
Portland Realty & Const Co., -'
'"1-S I,ewi8 hide.
$600 60x100, south front, on Humboldt
et., no building restrictions. Terms,
550 down and $16 per month.
Jasj D. Ogden ,
R48 Mississippi aVe. ;
Phones C-200H. Woodlawn 202.
J 00 feet or more frontage, wlthtrajjk
age, on macadam street, near manufae
Hiring district of South Portland. Prop
erty faces two-' streets; good location
for blacksmith, etc. This is for srtle by
owner who will sacrifice so as to dl8
pose of property quickly. P-6S6, Journal.
FOR BALK by owner at a bargain, lot
60x100 near Golf Links Junction. Im
provements in and adjacent to three car
lines, call esu miner. ave,. .rnone Don-
wood 857
$35001200 cash; 6 rooms; well built.
Will take vacant lot as part pay-
- ment. - ....
I4000- $2000 cash, Irvlngton, on 18lh
st; 8 room bungalow. A snap.
$2650 $300 cash; Sroom cottage; an at
tractive home. Excellent view.
Half block to car.
L. 1. WATTER8. 201 Lumhermenw bldg.
Beaux Arts Homes
Artistically and honestly built homes
of all styles; they are different from
others; let us figure with you on & Co
lonial cottage or Beaux Arts bungalow.
Will build on contract or you furnish
lot or small payment down and balance
.monthly. " . '
201 Lumbermen Bide.. 5th and Stark.
6 Room Bungalow
Near Alberta car on'E. lth; finished up
in fine shape, swell exterior, large
rooms, big attic, big basement laundry,
hath and toilet, built-in bookcases, all
conveniences, fine - fixtures. Owner
must move o 8. Portland. LotjBOxlOO.
excellent neighborhood; will sell at
$4000. Call 61 Ablngton.bldg. - 1
CORNER lot near Laureihurst. Improve
. .1, i - i tinnn I nt.
.; infills an ui atiu uaiu iwi .ti,,,.
across street. $1600. without Improve
ments. A snap; must sell quickly, f-716,-
Juirnal. ' '' . :"''-;'; :'' ' ""''".-.
FOR SALE One corner lot, 60x100, at
the head of California st. tn Fulton;
$750 cash. A. M. Downing. J616' Co
lumbia st 'Vancouver, Wash?
100x100, corner blork, 1ft- Woodmere;
2 hiocks from Mt,; scoix car; om
I WANT to buy a homa on the eaBt
side, not too far out, from $3000 to
$5000; I can pay one fourth cash and
balance must ha easy payments; the
value, must be in the premises. P-738,
WANTED ,To buy good house and lot
ln Cl OIUU, III'- V- v""", lv mtivvv,
will pay $500 cash and $500 every
moninn. - OIVO lull Jiuui nmuwii
located, etc: street and number, -or do
V'ANTEJ house or bungalow, from
$2000 to $4000; owiwrg preferred. : B
755. Journal. .
I AM in he market for a ood view lot
on 1 Portland Heights carlloa.
Terms' must be easy.' H-758. Journal.
FOR 8AL13-r-FAIl "11
180 ACRES, all furnished With stock.
1 horses and tools; with privilege of
buying loo tons of hay, two-thirds.
Box 100, Philomath, Or.
80 acre, half -cleared and In high
state or cultivation; good hulldings; an
You don't have to pay cash to start
a motion picture theatre,' we equip the
theatre on easy terms or on a percent
age basis, also teach managers how-to
operate, gratis. Call or write for fiir
ticulars. New York Motion Picture Ex-
change. 626 Washington St., near 17th.
Joins best developed district; passed by
It Hood Electric line; particulars; calL
Ml, HUOU liAL l"U.,
'711-712 KothclUld Bldg.
Orchard Land
,800 acres. 36 miles out. near R. R.
and boat; best of sotl, plenty llvlna
Watcr,t$18 ner acre, $3000 cash, balance
iv years, '-
f " C:, .'" vv.- G. It. ' WEBB. . ' v
' '" 414 E. Stark st "' V
$200 WILL, place you ln'possesslon of 10
$000 CASH buys entire stock made up
goods, suonlles. tools, machinery.
store fixtures of a small manufacturing
business, established three years. Owner
has mado as high as $250 per month.
Goods well advertised and sold ln; this
city and surrounding territory. Owner
ho purchased stock in a large corpora
tion wun which ha must devote nis
time. Address P. O. Box 746. '
BAtMtt m1aam1 1 .- 1 I AllU A4lA WtAttlt
t ra v i7t t tattu in vuuiib v. i ' n , nci
eleetrio line and Portland. ' 405 Co,uch
bidg. -- -
15 acres. 7 acres clear, orchard, small
house and good barn; hay and potatoes
on nil rnn- nnlv U. tnllfS from Ore
gon City; Prtce $2500; $800 down, bal- ROOMING HOUSES f OR SALE 63
ance pieiuj ui uiuu.
Florist's Opportunity -
4 hothouses, heated by hot water; all
modern: cltv water: alxn 4 lnts find
dwelling; barn: thousands of plants and
snruos: good ousiness. For sale at
much less than real value. Very easy
terms. Oregon Land & Title Co 20
t.TPriinger oiog.
in nrra. lo In cultivation. 10 1 acres I Votu . v i a it a
nodnil tn amn rrass: . 8 room nouse, I n m..... tinn,i. onn .An e.
barn, cellar, a good spring, good 'timber, best buv in cltv -good
family orchard, good J" IS ro.ims tm-U st, H. K., price $1100,
and calf, chickens, -all farm implements; rent t0 v . , .'. v' r ,
i j . ii rtl ah main mw ' .f. ' C
omy i miif iroio uswi wu, " rooms. l t. II. K.. 1750
county roal: telephone and cream route.
frice only ?auu; terms.
6 acres, all clear, near town and irood
school,. $iioo; terms.
6 acres, fronting1. on the river; 3 acres
In cultivation, balance in native trees i
dogwood and fir; a fine place for
bungalow, only $1300; terms. ? ,
Noar 8. P. Depot. Oregon City, Or.
6 rocms, Coltimbla st, srood buy, $500,
(JI'B IxIH.Ea t VAM t H l',L,li, '
Room 14. 2704 Wash, st .;;:
ve Lind to Huyprs.
An Extra Bargain ;
A 9 room house on 10th st.. well fur
nished and modern , in every 1 respect;
clears $5o ,'over rent See this at once;
no afeents. Buy direct from owner, on
your own terms. ' G-754, Journals
' Geo. A. Bowyer ' ,
Hotels for sala and .exchange. 208 Ger-
llnger bldg., 2d and Alder. Main 7811.
cash. Inquire Q.
Delivery, city.
Lv Walling, General
1 Formerly at 519 Board of Trade, j "-.,,
Removed to 810-U-13 McKay bldg.
Exclusive sales agent for Capitol Hill.
I sell B acres red shot soil
$25 to $30 an acre. i 1
$25 cash, $5 per month, -With
no rocks or gravel, . '
Wtth a small spring creek.
40 minutes' ride from Portland.
One mile from a station.
Saturdays open till 8 p. m. .
Fred F. Huntress, 630 Lumber Each,
We will sell you a home and you cart
pav us in -Monthly payments; we will
also build to suit you anywher fn the
624. 625 Board of Trade Bldg?.
Phone Marshall 473.'
BY owner, new 6 room modern bunga
. low, price . $2150; easy . terms; no
agents' commission; full sised basement
and attic, large front ffnd rear porches,
best plumbing, Dutch kitchen, paneled
dining Voom, beamed celling and china
closets; lot 50x100 streets graded, ce
ment walks, and water in and raid tor.
Take M-V car to E. 59th st Go one
block south to green bungalow or phone
Sacrifice Sale
Sixteen acres on county road, near
Jennings Lodge station, Oregon my
carline, $3200, half cash: no trade. This
Is 60 per cent below market prloe. In
quire of owner, 620 Chamber of Com
merce ' . '"' ' '
Close to Portland, on electrld line! 10
acres In cultivation, 4 acres of beaver
dnmt house,, barn, family orchard. Price
$350 per acrer terms. Brown & Staver,
411 coucn Diag,
Bungalow With Furnace
On Hawthorne ave. carline, 15 minutes'
ride when new bridge completed; 6
rooms, buffet, fireplace, furnace, paved
Street, cement basement fine bath, tol
. let attlo, cast facinj; owner unable- to
occupy; will be sold at sacrifice; must
have $300 down, bal. easy terms. Phone
East or B-1S94.
: A bargain. New modern, 8 room
house, lot 80x100. Arlcta. Close to
car line,- Anyone, wanting a good, well
constructed house, worth more than the
price asked, Investigate ; this., Price
$3250. '
2S8 Stark fit, near 2d ,
LAND $8 up, terms to suit, others ask
- or 3 times as much: also city prop
erty, house and lot. , $1200; store , and
lot, $1200, easy terms; would take work
for payments. Owners, room 817 Hamil
ton bigg.
$900 18 rooms, sacrifice terms if taken
rigni away, call on owner: rooms al
ways full; pays well; reasons for aell-
lng". tsiift-wasn. at. ; -FOR
SALE by, owner, a nice, clean
wen paying, uttio rooming housn,
well located. Buy this and your liv
ing is insured. 350 Oak st,
i 225 acres. 70 acres, in cultivation, 155
acres pasture and timber, 10 acres in
wheat, 22 acres in oats. 4 acres vetch
and oats, 80 acres timothy and clover,
4 anres in snuds. 19 COWS. 8 heifers.
some calves, 12 hogs, 8 horses, 1 regis-.
tred Jersey uii, an ; necessary xarrn
imnlementa. , 2 houses. 7 and 8 rooms,
barn 60x90, sheds and other necessary ROOMING houses, any arkC : at prices
outbulldingrs, living spring and creek to suit: ws buy. sell and exchange.
tnrougn piace, su iniuou, o "u ruuiiiAfiu mjuiwmu Huuciiu . iu
trees ana piner irun, ira I an Henry mag.
Fortiana, mues irom uregon vny,
7 miles from Clackamas , ; i.
All this -oes for onlv $16,000: good
terms; will take part In Portland prop- ... .; ,
For further ri,rtlculars see , , ", !
' ..-.JOHN DICK -
- 624 Henry bldg. ' J
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
Phone and other bonds bouc-ht and
Sold. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Ablnrton bldg.
IF YOU wish to buy or sell - mlnln
stocKS. can on j. B. Furcell. 810 oaK.
IU acres of fins garden and fruit WANTED Good boy. Protestant over
land. 8 acres In crop; good 5 room lv 16, who Uvea with father and moth-
house, good barn 24x34, shedded; chicken er, who can give good reference i to
house, good wen; aiso waierea oy imej wuvimnw aim reiau ouHiness.
1 horse, 50 ohlckens, buggy, wagon, im- WANTED Business partner, or desires
plements, some furniture; lk miles to sell interest in profit paying fumi
fromVjregon City; everything goes for ture; manufacturing plant Inquire of
jsuuu; j.uuw nuwn. '.-'.,., ,. u. u. Ejoy uregon uiiy.
WANTED A man or company of men,
with means, who can be Interested in
large sawmill and timber deal 600
Henry ftldg.
10 acres of A-l soli, only 17 miles I vvk can Discs, vou in navm hnainau'
from Portland; .all unAer cuUivation Q" EF&f "J?
wun buii iiuuon tlinh : Kinney & Htampner, . mis
you wuni-n, s""u nuns t. v""' Exchange Dldg. A-4881
Mia V IOP m KM I , ill
21 Gerllnger bldg.
$200 WILL placs you in possession of 10
. acres cieareu ianu in vuiuvbiluu, un
electric Una and Portland. 405 Couch
3. 5, 40 Acres
Closa to Portland on eleetrio line, at
Station, $80 and up. " Bron Staver,
411 Couch hldg..
stir SALE 10 acre tracts, close
.Best soli In Clarke Co., partly culti
vated. Lies gently rolling. Price $1600
and up, on-terms. The Rldgefleld Realty
Co..Kldgefleld, Wash, r - .
HEADQlTARTERS for the best farms
In Washington county, at prices rang
ing from $15 per acre up. Pacific N. W.
Development Co.; 405 Couch bldg.
bargain. 5
Five room modern brick bungalow,
partly furnished, 2 fireplaces, 2 lots,
H block from carline. - Phone B-6111
snd ask for 1511. -
NICE little house of two rooms, ahd
lot 50x100. sacrificed for $800. , Call
213 Gerllnger bldg., particulars. '
BEST buy la Roso City Park,- 6 room
bungalow, modern in every, respect;
$3100;, $400 cash. . v.
7 room modern hou&e on E.'10th;
$3600; $1000 cash, balance to suit
. ROSE & CAMPBELL, --;-!:V
Room 14. 270 Wash, st
FOR SALE By owner at
acres, !H miles east oi
Address 714 Johnson
WILL inveBt $600 and services, 6 years'
experience, as commercial salesman,
or will buy small confectionery with
living rooms, m-yoy, journal.
. . . . is a , uu uuuauu a , - . -
Well Improved farm of 102V4 acres,
level land, alluvial sotl. 70 acres culti
vation: nice -room iiuubb, kuuu vn.ui, , j .
familv orchard (bearing); near school, I' OR SALE Confectionery and
MANUFACTURING company1 doing
good business reoulres mora eanltal:
eultl- man wlth 15000; Investigate. R-753,
itfuui iini,
dally mall;
acre. Terms.
running streams. $65 peri
Y-a7, journal.
140 acres of the finest valley land: 40 1 ...
acres in crops, balance siasnea ana in i . .. t - 1ni. TT1(? .. M
pasture; running wawr on piace; s acres r :. " . ---- r'- ,
In orchard; 6 room house, large bam, WAN'HSD lo Invest a few hundred
alt necssiry-outbuildings; on county dollars, providing get steady Job; am
road 8 4 miles to R, R.; 18 miles to no clerk, no agent B-756, Journal
Portland: bargain for $7000: $3000 cash, INTERNATIONAL Corresnonl-
balanco- time. -; , :, . '' I ence Schools.. Send for our new cat-
U. L. BrtiUKTB, , .... Rlog. !33 Alder st
420 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 77T6.At, nt ihir .'.'aA
rnntn hntAl
store, fine location. 6 rears' leasa.
Call J. W. Blaney, Hotel Alder, 4th and
A l ner; ; - .. .
..Wo want good. Uvs mtn to handle
Our latest' subdivision mor.. talking
points than any oticr subdivision which
has ever been placed upon the marKet
and the genuine" value is there; ara pre
paring for a good hot campaign; terms
easy. Commissions big. ,
Hoard of Trade, m tn
A - LARGE Investment for a - small
amount Of money.. Forelen lumber
company. Just ; organized,, has opening
ior iwo directors, as secretary and
treasurer. This Is a a-ood. clean, around
floor proposition for- the right parties.
MuBt raise $15,000 la all. B-76 5, Jour
nal, '. 'i ' v .-...:, ,::
FOR SALE Confectionery and bakery,
1 central! v. located, s-ood husiness. For
Information, address Irs. , AHa Whittle,
Castlerock. Wash. y , ,., i.i'--A K-.'.-
IF. you have a moving picture theatrt
for sale or if you wish to huv or onen
one, communicate with a permanent and
successful - company. Peoples' Amuse
ment' Co.; 610-515 ROthchlld bldg Port
land. Or. ' ' t.
$6000 will - buy an established confer
1 tionery and tobacco business on East
Side at transfer point of three street
car lines. - Lease, has four years to run
on corner buildlnir. ' Owner must sell
account ill health. G-767, Journal.
WISH to sell a half Interest in one
of' the best ravin a: ; buHlncisp in
Portland, something new. See me at
once. Chas. EL Haas.-175 12th st. eor.
Yamhill. - ;.::-;. r.
FOR SALE-iMilk route, 16 cows and 1
bull; -will 'consider renting premises,
which has capacity for doubling num-
ner oi.cows. inquire nortneast cor.
First and Ankeny. . . . s
FOR SALE or part trade. General
mdse. Nice "clean stock. " Invoice
about $3000. In No. 1 up-to-date town,
No wlndgalla need apply. Address, F-
eso, journal.-
FOR SALE; New house boat best
., money could build, 16x36; also new
launch, 12 H. P.; must sell at once.
Come to Cottonwood Island or addresi
k. wens, uarronton. wash
WANTED Able bodied men tot the U.
S. marine corps, between the ages ot
1 and 85. Must be native born or have
first papers. Monthly pa i5 t0i?:
Additional compensation possible, oa.
clothing, quarters and medical attend
ance f Attar u vun service can
retire with 75 per cent of pay und al-'
;-jwances. service on Doava s'i
shore in all pnrtstof the world. Apply at
U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting' Station,
Breeden bldg- 3d and Washington sts,,
Portland, Or. .- - ' '
' Moving picture theatres make $16 to
$100 dally. MovinK nlcture . operators
earn $25 to $40, weekly; easy. Inside
work, short hours. We help to secur
you.a position or start you la business
Call and get full particulars. New
man s Motion Picture company and
Schoolof Opcratlpg. 526 Vi Washington,
near 17th st. , ".':( -
TYPESETTER to operate a hand card
printing; machine. Apply at once to
superintendent Olds. Wortman & King.
OSTRICH plumes dyed, curled, made
over; Birds of Paradise cleaned. Now
is the time.
' . 303 Washington St
WAiNl'ED Lady stenographer who un
derstands , bookkeeping; steady plaoo
and chance for advancement to all you
can make yourself worth. $30 to stall.
72 6th st -' '
WANTED A middle aged lady for lignt
- housework. Phone Tabor 1646. or call
Sunday at 981 -B Alder st, near 830,
Good home to right party.
$1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you
high grade dentistry bv llauld air svs-
'tem of painless dentistry. Dr- Jones,
207 AitsKy bldg., 3d and Morrison.
GIRL for generalhouBaworkTfamny of
two. Phone Main 1284.
Independent or nonunion
jn'.;pninierciai uiuo Diag. .
WINDOW dresser, wanted by large
firm, t Only those having several
years' experlencs with- largn concerns
need apply. A high grade position for
the best man In thi business. State
age. salary and full details of experi
ence. Application confidential. G-7 18,
Journal. ' - . - '
;"::. ,:H- v- ;- EkPLOYE.
- MAIN ;..665..-A-662
WANTED Position as manager of first
class rooming house, by middle aged -man.
and wife, who are experienced In
the business; must be first class and a
good payer; prefer sharing profit; bank
credentials and references R-750Jour
nal. '.- , - . i'. '.':
OUR motion picture operators' Bchool
the best on the coast; oompetent in
structors. Wa perfect men who can
qualify in two weeks for poeitloris. Ap.
plications received dally at- our ex
change. Operators' receive $25 to $40
weekly. Pacific Amusement Exchange,
inarquam bfdg. .
WANTED Men at Los Angeles no ex
pense to. learn trade of electricity,
automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying by
actual work on contract Jobs; only few
months required; 800 students last
year; catalogue free.' United Trade
School Contracting Co., Los Angeles.
PHOTOGRAPH studio doing good busi
ness: two ODeratins- rooms: (rood -liarht
Owner has been called east to settle an
estate, worth $1200: quick Bale $550.
Investigate. A-762, ' Journal. -
DECIDED bargain for a saloon roan,
$975 nuts VOtl in f nil nnssSRSlnn of a
nicely furnished and stocked saloon.
Sickness compelled former proprietor to
go east. Phone A-3848.
$9000 will buy a controlling Interest
In stata bank in southern Oregon, de
posits ovei'$l00,000; loans guaranteed.
Call at 607 McKay bldg. Main 4710.
GIVEN away free to those answering
his advertisem it within 80 days,
map of all the California oil fields. 8a-gar-Loomis
Co., 701 Oregonlan bldg.,
Portland. Oregon. .
RESTAURANT in good locality for
sale, owner will allow Interested party
8 weeks to ' investigate business, and
if not as represented will pay party a
pamiy mr ma vinie, lui UOUCn Diag.
HOTEL FOR SALE 14 rooms and din
ing room, furnished complete; 40 reg
ular boarders. In thriving mill town;
price $3700. Latham & Nelson. Coburg.
Oregon. ' . ., ,
v : 10.000 POSITIONS ,
For .graduates last year; men and wo
menllearn barber trace In 6 wseks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $j6
to 26 weekly expert Instructor;' tools
free: write for catalog. Moler System
or uoueges, 8.1 N. th St., Portland.
i v.oi-itra, s; r-i. sin si., roruano.
WaWTED Salesman: many make $100
o $160 par month; tome; even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance week
ly! choice of territory. Address Wash-
Inarton Nursnrv f!n Tnnnmlnh XVaah.
WANTED ADDrentlee. hptWBpn 17 and
It years old. to learn the mechanical
work of plnno manufacturing and re
pairing. Rapid advancement; state pre
ylnu employment, age and references.
vV ANTED fcnioamen In everv locality
In the northwest; money advanced
weekly; many make over $100 monthly;
choice of territory. Yakima . Valley
nursery .;o.. xoppenisn. wawft.
SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big
gest nursery In west; liberal propo
sition; few choice fields open; $60 week
ly easily made. Oregon Nursery .- Co.,
urrntu, jt.
WANTED Railway, mall olerks; Port-
iana examination jno. iz; ssoo to
lllnn. . . i . , , ,
ivvf ,iciciiLiwii iibo. rmnKun An
stltute, dept. 284 S.. Rochester. N. Y.
DO YOU WANT a farm tlt with good ; completely furnished, in good valley
image wiu yieia umunuy lo v town. Afinress oox l, Bnenoan, ur.
6 rooms, lot 43x100; $800, $100 cash,
2 rooms, 2 lots, corner; $650, $400
cash. ' -.-. " .. ' . ., . .
8 rooms, lot '40x100: $660. $100 cash, "
, 2 small houses. 8 lots; $G00, $200 cash.
FRE'J'W. GERMAN. 329 Burnstdf. .
you are interested in buying a home
let us build , you ona from your own
plans and terras on ona of our lots; we
will give you a square deal. Gates &
Young. 412 Stanton at. ' East 2SS7-: :
IF you are intorteted in buying one oil
the best up -to date homes In Irv
, lngton, on your own terms, don't fail
to see one of these; Just completed, 8
rooms; 'the rest you will have to see
to appreciate. Call up East 2687 and I
will take ynu out. Owner.
FOR SALE 8 room house, modern. If
you are looking for a home, see this;
in a fins district $4700, $1000 down.
Terms. On E. 87th, close to Hawthorns
ave. -'.'";.,..' -;.,,.'. .'
Z room house. 60x100, close to E. 41st,
$1000: terms. 193 Morrison.
$2&o0 5 room modern cottage, 1 block
Moore Investment Co, ,
.Exchange Department
We have Improved wheat farms, from
1C0 to 8000 acres, to exchange for city
property, fruit, dairy, alfalfa or timber
land. ......-'..'
If you want a wheat farm you better j
see us. r'- ' ' - ;
We also have a few ' combination
grain, hay and stock ranches . to trade
for something else. ,
$50,000 worth of Income bearing city
property (two brick buildings) to trade
for alfalfa land. . , ..
1000-acre fruit and dairy farm near
Lebanon. Or., to exchange, only $25 ;et
- Moore Investment Co,
804-805 Henry bldg.
A beautiful home in Irvlngton on the
bungalow order; story andn half, six
rooms and sleeping porch; Just com
pleted; large fireplace, double construc
tion, speciRi cesignca comomnuon usni
fixtures, asphalt streets and cement
walks; modern in every -respect Price
$6500 and street improvements; a, bar
gain for a artv looking for a home and
who appreciates a well built attractive
house. Will accept unimproved farm
property or vacant lots to the amount of
one half. Phone ast 1466, or address
owner P. O. Box 181, Portland, Or.
FOUR, 5, 6 and 8 room cottages, alt
complete and modern and ready to
move into. Prices $1150, $1400, $1860
and $2000: $200 . down, $16 to $20 per
month; will, take lots oi- diamonds as
ti-m , C. Ta Vain . , Mil.
lard ave.. on the Mount Scott carline.
Phone Tabor 2312,
a nr. .a
land. Two . sets buildings; plenty good
water only 8 miles from Lexington,
On; $25 per acre; 40 per cent casn, Dai.
ance easy terms. E. D. Brown, Hepp
ner, Or.
H-714, Jour-
smith shops in the otty.
nal. x
MANtFACT USER'S proposition For
sale. . Mr. Vaughn, picture show.
Grand ave. and East Morrison. '
A SACRIFICE. I BiuALL hand laundry ror sale; good
40 acres 24 miles south of Portland, business, will sell cheap. Address O-
fronting on Willamette; $0 acres in 691, journal.
cultivation, balance pasture and fine ESTABLISHED manufacturing bust-
timber; 6 room house, furnished, air ness for sale, lease or trade. Call or
stock, tools and crop; everything rou address 64 Alblna ave., Portland, Or. -
L5.??L Jlberal terms. oroc.RRY store and fixtures for sals
FELTS. sg cnamper or tommwee, -.t n .n.-ount. Call 815 Clinton at..
SNAP 400 acres. 2 miles from railroad enmer S8th.
. l.t??-ll?' frnm ?:r'2J SOLICITORS wanted, good commission,
... vmi..v, vv t"" 1 inniiirA Z12 E. - Botn fit.
nalr 1 m 1aa rfrrl hmitia a t horn. Ann 1 . - 1
extra good water supply. 500 Henry bldg CIGAR and confectionery store for sale;
lini! A DTPDO th kAit ama 1W Tent 232 Sd St.
in wasningion oouniy, ai prices rang
ing from $16 per acre up. Pacific NVW.
Develonment Co.. 405 Couch bldg.
1200 WILL place you in possession of 10
acres cleared land In cultivation, near I
eleetrio line and. Portland. 406 Couch
bldg. "
A FINE farm, 700 acres, for sale. Can
be cut Into small, tracts; a bargain;
near Jaston. ' A-7, Journal.
SHORTHAND lessons four evenings
a ween, can at 738 K. salmon st
$200 will place you in Immediate pos
sesslon of 10 acres Of Cleared InnH In
cultivation close to eleetrio line and
DO you want to learn candy making?
If so, call at 110 First Garwood, the
Candymaker. --- .s - .
VANTED Good strong boy. Annlv at
office for - particulars. Bailey &
Torrey, 109 2d st. . . , 1
WANTED Printing In exchange for
first class dental work. Room 207
Allsky bldg.
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call
. fornla Wine Depot. 883 Yamhill, next
u tiuuuiai.
$5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught In
practical xorms; aay and evening ses-
WANTED A position as porter or ,
. watchman in store or factory. True,
earnest German! Well acquainted with .
city. Best of References. , C-761r Jour ,
nal, - . .. -.-( .' : . -
AN HONEST and capable man wishes a .
-position as watchman m banic, store ,
or factory) references given. Phone
Main 2407.L , ' - ' ; ': "'. '
WANTED Position by house carpenter
in -notei Dy tnorougniy competent
man, understands all kinds of repairing.
O-730, Journal. ' -
CARPENTER work wanted of every de
. scriptlon; Jobbing, remodeling, repair
ing a specialty. Cummings & Catlin, 371
i- irst tt. Marshall 327. i
WANTED By an elderly man, position
ss conecior, can give panic rererenca
and bond. Phone East 8502. 703 Belmont.
S'HOE MAN, experienced floorman' and
shoe repairer, wants position. G-755,
Journal. ' j v
kXPERIENCED chauffeur desires posl-
non wun-private ramny, iirst class
repair man. B-767. Journal.
CHINESE boy ,17 wishes situation in
good family, 'housework and help
cook.' R-765, Journal. '
EXPERIENCED young man, age 22,
married, would like position as steam
engineer. R. N. Carter, 1052 E. Taylor.
WANT cesspool work; drain tile, septio
tank a specialty; all work promptly.
done, phone Sellwood 1644, .
CARPENTER, builder. nw or repair
work, day or contract. Sellwood 1712.
FIRST class sawmill man wants to.
make change. S-677, Journal. '
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or
contract. Phone Marshall 2327. '
WANTED Cttrtatns -to launder; con
tracts and terms to hotels and apart
ment houses; called for and delivered.
Phone Woodlawn 2684. '5
A WIDOW. LADY, with . good suburban
home would ' like the cars of one or
two children. 683 BldweU ave., Selrwood.'
kXPERIENCED lady wishes" to take
care of rooming house. ,, G-758, Jour
nal. -.- ;- -. v '-" '.''
AN ELDERLY ladv would like position
sions. Address Myers, 829 11th st. Port-1 avouspKeeper ror wiaower or pacn
land. Main 8515. ' - - lelor. G-720. Jouhnal. -
NEW sample hats, $1.50, cleaned,
blocked, 60o. Ladles' hats remodeled.
The Hattery, 315 Alder, cor. 6th. Basement.-
. .
$1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for- you-
high grade dentistry by liquid air sys
tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones,'
zu AiisKy nitig., ad ana Morrison
WANTED Couple for light Janitor
- work, small apartment; housekeeping
rooms for services. 7 West sida. K-72Q,
Diamonds, any size; take oid gold for
cash. 828 Washington st
SEVERAL helpers and boys wanted.
146 Page st Lower Albina. .
MINTING wanted; give dentistry. Call
207 Allsky bldg. - . v ...
WANTED Steady, all-round farm hand.
Phone Woodlawn 403.
IfOUNG man to wash cans, $10 per
week. 327 Davis st.' -
WANTED Experienced hpy in a gro-
cery. uau io om si,
EXPERIENCED cleaner and spotter,
Vienna Dye-Works, 228 Sd st
' ' ' '
from Mississippi car. Terms.
$4000 Large fi room house, lot 26x100
East 7th st. Terms, Seeley. Phone
.Main -ZuIZt-A-ZMI,-
NICE ..modern 5 room house, $2000;
-. worth $'-'500r terms Might take some
trade. .. Owners. 112 S. Taylor st. Mt.
Fontt car. or room 317 Hamilton li'dr.
$200 cash. room, new modern bun
gnlow; price $2600. , Phdne Seeley, Main
1 6 4 5, A-5C5 2.'-,;: v -
J?OR SALE A new modern . 5 room
bunjralow; fu!l basement and attic; on
Ivy fit between Williams and Union
Aves.- Phone Woodlawn 70.
SIX room resTdence, modern;! 50x100 lot";
sold cheap. Owner, 231 Shaver at
FINE country home, consisting ot t
acres in : berries and - fruit, - 7 room
house, poultry house, etc.; 1 block from
carline. 7 miles from Portland: will sell
for part cash; would.taka - soma im
TTrovea city "properly; pru-e $7500. 445
Mawxnorne ave. jp.ssi .
LAND from $8 up to 2H acres with
small house, garden and fruit $1000,
for city property or sell, easy terms,
take work for payments. Owners, 112
S. Taylor st... lit. Scott car or 317
Hamilton bldg.
WILL take good driving horse as first
payment on some acreage; balance $29
per month. J. L.. Parberry. 520 Corbett
bldg. Main 6173, A-3624. : ,
Loti acreage and tracts tor sale by
Wilson & MyerB, end of Hawthorne
car line.1 Tabor 1 560.
V". -! $(500 $600 $600 $600.
Three lots, and 2 small houses
road addition; $20 cash.
man, 829 BurnMide.
Fred W. Ger-
$200 WILL place you in possession of 10
acres cleared land in cultivation, near
electric line and Portland. 405 Couch
1750. part terms, takes beautiful! v lo
cated corner lot and small house, east
front. two bocks from Alberta car.
Qner. 1085 K. 22d st. N.
$Ti0, easy terms, large lot. Brooklvn,
nfar 41st Good place to put monthlv
savings. WIU double in value. 1168
Ellsworth: ' " ;'' - " .',
Tots. -$io -'.inside the city. .
Rallroud addition; fine soil; $7.50
rafti, - $ monthly. Can 1 you beat It?
, Fred German. 8?9 Biirnslde. M. 27 71
-MS VlrWe?W&r?:5rTTly"wai
Phone B-6U1, ftsk for Hamlet after
7 p. in.-"' ;" - --t , - . . .
CTtR NElC"loOxioOr48th a'ridHawthornb
ave., good business or honie siie, $3500.
At ly adjoining house. ...
$3000 in two good residence prouatrtles,
nar carline; fine location, in Sell
wood. For. land up Willamette. . StJ50,
WILL exchange for city property ' 424
acres; has been cultivated. Adjoining
Sheridan 67 miles fron Portland. 211
Medical bldg, ' 'v , ,;.w..-.... .
$543 equity in high, restricted residence
lot for first payment on modern bun
gslow. D-7SS, Journal.
PORTLAND property to exchange for
Kansas; what have you? ; Box ' 136,
Arleta. Or. :. .'";
F you want to sell, buy or traue, see
Shoemaker Inv. Co., 627 Henry.bldg.
Main 4 466. A-7434.
REAL estate bought, sold and ex
changed," write or call on Chittenden,
Otto & Neill. 810 Oak St.
JTl RADE everything. H. F. Lee, 1016
oarq or xraae Mdg.
Crook County Homesteads
The best land in Oregon is located
In this section.. Read the annual re
ports on the production of Crook Co.
wheat grows in abundanoe. Ideal for
raising livestock. Plenty of water
available. No nlaee in the states today
does another opportunity exist for the
man of small means to secure land at
such low prices as offered by the gov
ernment in Crook Co., Oregon. The two
rival railroads now bulldlnar into cen
tral Oregon will Increase the value of
these homesteads thousands of dollars.
Anybody oan-soeure a-Ogfracre liutngg
stead and an additional 160 acre desert
claim making .430 acresr a- place large
enough to support a colony. For fur
ther particulars see Oregon Land &
Title Co., 206 Gerllnger bldg.
Farms Wanted
Bend us description of yours. Write
213 Gerllnaer Bldg.
WANTED To reW. close fo Portland,
6 'acres, house and barn, K-716, Jour
nal. - ..,,--,.
issued daily are read by fjvc people-so say the experts
Imagine a gathering of 192,500 people and you
bave mental -picture of trie daily reading circle
- of the-Classified Columns '
Tlie OrcgoiV Dally Journal
. .
' PHONE " "
YourWant Ad "to The Journal that's the quick
est way of getting it before the thousands of
people in every walk of fife who read the daily
r "Want Ads," .
LEARN drlvlngautomoblle, day or even-
ing. azs Washington,- Room W.
. FEMALE ' 29
AMATEURS taught and rehearsed for
dramatio and vaudeville work; made
competent for all lines of stage busi
ness; cdmpetent directors at head of all
departments; sketches .written ' and
staged; artists booked, companies organ
ised and routed; buy and sell theatres
and picture houses; only Independent
theatrical booking exchange in Portland.
Pacific Amusement Exchange, .Marquam
bldg. . ,f,.- ., - ,; .. , - . , . .
HOPP1CKERS We are now reglster-
ing for our farms at Witch Hasel
and Reedvllle. Call or telephone, soon,
ss picking will commence early. A. J.
Ray & son, 334 Sherlock bldg. Telephone
Main 842. ' ' - -
M1D0LEAGED woman wants work by
tne nour or nay. 407 jerrei-son, room A.
G. SHERMAN and Miss Sherman up no
date ladles' . tailors and dressmaking,
the best grade of work at the lowest,
prices, our practical acquaintance with
this business enables us - to give you
the benefit of our experience. 1060 E.
18th st'N.; Portland. Or.
DRESSMAKING Suits and gowns my
specialty, Mrs. Haggsma, 290 Eugene
st. - ;-- ' - y -.,
NICELY, new furnished front rooms,
, with priavte family, centrally located
in best residence district, with phone
and bath; near two carlines. 404 Clay
St., near 10th. -
Free phone ai
247 H 6th st, rooms
11.60 up per wees.
Main 771.
'"re phone and bath.
NICE neat large front room with alcove ;
for gentlemen, $10; neat airy back
room, $6. No. 650 Taylor st
WANTED Man and woman to learn
drama and vaudeville; also fancy and
buck and wing dancing taught at the
Chicago Dramatic & Vaudeville School
of Acting, 843 Yamhill St., Room 16.
Hours irom a. m. tin s:nu p. m
WE can place eight training amateurs
. in a good stock company for next sea
son. Call at Chicago School of Acting,
S43tt Yamhill r st, Room 16.' Office
hours from 8 a. m. to 8:80 p. m.
j . . -.1 1 .j " -. " .
WILL trade first class talking machine
for good organ. ; Portland Phonograph
Agensy) 850 Alder st Y - -
500 ACRES of land. 4 miles from Mo-
lalla town, land all nice and level, all
fine for cultivation; from 12,000,000 to
15.000.000 feet of green timber on land.
Land is worth $30 an acre, and' timber
on each acre is worth $30;. will take $35
per acre lor place; win sell timber with
out land cheap, and give 10 years in
which ; to: remove it .proyldlng .buyer!
pays taxes. Located 1 miles from
Molalla river; a fine tie mill site. This
is not misrepresented. . Owner has rea
son for selling. Call on or address -
Andresen jlldg., Oregon City, Or.
NO. 12 T 240 acres,, 200 acres of this
is solid timber, 40 acres farming land,
with house, barn and orchard; 50,000
ties, 10,000 pilings; river and' good
wagon road running through this place;
all. for sale at ; the remarkablely , low
price 01 jiouuu 11 lanen ai oncc
xmo. i t. i.uuo,ik' reet, 20 per cen
iruifls. 01 h. L'.- k. K.j price 115.000.
WANTED Lot . 100x100. . near Haw.
-'. thorn or between 1 Ilawthorpe .; and j
runnyeiue I'arj.niusi oe a snap lor cash.
Owners only,, Give price and location,
S-762, Journal ?
rn , rtp.. Mhnnv. Or.' V; - t , , ;
V; are l.t-auqutti leis ror timber an
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin
ney A Stampher, 531-a Lumber Ei-
chance-bid. .'... .,
The Journal's Classified Columns
Advertise anything you want to buy, sell, rent, exchange; for help,
situations, boarders or, in fact, for anything imaginable. You will
find some one from amongst our readers who' will reply to your
want from The Journal's Classified Pages The rates are one cent
. word per insertion, cash. Minimum ads, fifteen cents. .
Phone Ads ,
Cost you seven cents a line per issue for the following classifica
tions: Help Wanted, For Rent or Wanted to Rent, Rooms and
' Board, Lost and Found. ' . ,
Yonr Name la Eltaer Telephone Directory Is
Reference Enough. For Us
r STILL LOWER. RATES ARE MADE to firms or individuals
'who wish to carry ads bV the month. A phone call will bring a
solicitor to your address. . ' ' ( i . -
Journal .Want Ads Get Results
Same Rate Applies to Sunday Journal J
ovcrtha-Orerojv.Territory Like a Blanket"
A-6Q51 -
PHOWE" Main 7173
WANTED Cream dipper; also boy to
drive single, rig. Modern ( Confec
tionery uo., i3tn ana noyt.
60 HOP PICKERS Fine acommoda
, tlona. .T7lddresa 8. A. Hoef er. WnnH.
burn, Ore. '---' -i. - -
AGENTS wanted to aid ua eupply the
demand for choice nureery atocx; out
fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital
City Nursery-Company,-Salem. Or.
C, R. HANSEN & CO., :
Main office 24 N. 2d at. Fortland,
Lad lea' department. 7th and Wash, ats,
upstairs, Portland. - '.
--a- 424 Front are..- Spokane. -.
S7-8 4th st. Ban Francisco.
Established 187 . -
NICE, clean rooms for one or two gen
tlemen or lady. 363 12th st, Main
8643. '
TWO nice large front 1 rooms, In nice
locality, single or en suite,, very rea
sonable. 310 10th st, . . i
ONE large, nicely furnished, front room,
very nice' ror twp; ,
Phone. ' 428 2d st.
bath', gas and
THE TEMPLE,, 343 Yamhill St.. op
' poslte Hotel ; Portland, : furnished
rooms, low rents, transient.
COZY room for gentleman, free phone,
bath, 6 minutes to postorrice, moaer
ate. 302 Park. ' -";- -'- -.:
NEATLY furnished room, gas, bath,
- r"ne.''.L75 per week. 610 Host at.
NEWLY'furnished, modern, good neigh
borhood, reasonable rent. 325 7th st.
ONE suite of furnished housekeeping
rooms' for rent, reasonable. 402 4th. .
FURNISHED rooms for rent 2 up. '
410 Washington. .
PARLOR, dining room tront bedroom,
clothes press, bath, In private family,, -f
irstr f loorr one Dlock from carllnej gas,
lawn, use of phone some use of kitchen.
For adults only. CaH PhoneJEMLSOSS-or-inrittre-802;E.A8h.'
- - - .
HANLEY a, travers employment
CO.. neadauarten -.. for - R. R. work,
! N. 2d et. ' '
Oen'l employment. Mar. 318, ' A-2408.
NICB;LY furnished roomB by day or
week, reasonable.; 183 Holladay, east
end Bteel bridge. . - v,- - -
HOME cooking: reasonable rates,
Kearney st. Main 7018.
mother's care.- 553 E. 1
board, good home.
th. W-R car.
N. Second. A-l 2 91. J,aln
Wanted to learo laundry work. Steady
position. Yale Laundry, 600 E. .Morri
son. . '
1 VnilVfl ttlrl tn tflflrn tn hA fl wnftrofia
at 15 a week. Princess restaurant,
851 East Burnside st.
PRIVATE school of shorthand and type
' writing, 269 ;l4th,; near, Jefferson;
Terms $3 per month.'
I WANtED-Housekeeper for man and 2
' boys, 6 and 7 years oia i must, De neat.
Phone Woodlawn 283. i
' Diamonds, any slae; take old gold for
cash.- 328 Washington st.
WANTED Lady agent to handle ex
' elusive agency of bejBt hair tonic In
1 the world, B-763 ..Tottrhal. . ,. r
(WANTED Lady stenographer. Pacific
1 Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg.
UIRL.S to work in naDer box- nnctnrv
GIRL to help with house work; good
wages. Apply 322 E. 3 2d, cor. Market.
WANTED Girls f6r Hhootlng gallery;
810 a weett and tip. 2t3. Couch et;.
A N wanted. 'Experienced repairing
i second hwrid clothing. 824 1st st,
I WANTED A girl to assint In Rftleral
I housework; good home. 694 Madison.
VALLAMONT itiTnlshed
rent. 876 Yamhill.
room for
BELVEDERE. EiiropHn. 4th- and Aider-
.;,v'!;;.";WEST' SIDE rX:
FINE, suite rooms; large, airy, newly
calclmlned, painted and . furnished.
634 Morrison. --' - -
THE COLON8 Furnished housekeep
ing rooms with all conveniences, $10
and up. cntral location. 603 Alder st.
THE NEWCASTLE, 402 3rd; furnished
housekeeping rooms; : . .free baths,
phone, hot water.
THIEE room suite, strictly modern,
fooa location, ainu niccyiHg luunn.
Morrison. Main 8899.
TWO and 8 room suites, completely
furnished, modern. 5u za fit. A-4020.
FINELY furnlHlied nouseKeeping rOQH
357 12th.-
260 N. l&th St., near.Marshallii-Two fur-
nlshed housekeeping suites;, modern.
2 LARGE furnished rooms and batn,
only $10 per month. 809 1st st
TWO - furnished housekeeping , roomV!
$11 month; close In, 270 Markot
MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; llaht
gas; moderate. 7th & Flanders, A-402 1