THE OREGON ! DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY , EVENING, -'AUGUST 4, 1910 C0ARSEGRA1NI1AS ADVAI'DE BECAUSE FARMERS HOLD OT '; Oats Move to $28.50 for No.,1 White, Jracl Delivery and Feed Barley Is Up to $24 a Ton Today. V " fornla Young America "fancy, 17Vsc; firBt8,.16c; Oregon fancy, l6Hc. Potatoes Now .river whites choice, per box, 6075c; extra, 7pK5c; per cental, 80c J1.05. OnlnniU-I'er Kartr. il.25 5S1.50. Oranges Choice, per box, jl. 6003.60; extra choice, I2.60S3.25; Valenciaa, choice. $2.00(tf2.6Q; fancy, J3.po4.00, SEATTLE "PRODUcl PRICES FOR TODAY 'Colttd I' It si Lcn(l Wlc. ' ' Seattle. Auir. 4. Butter--WashIngton creamery, firsts, 34c; ranch, 25e( east ern creamery, aac. pruceiss, ztcr vre gon, 82C". . Kbss Local ranch, 2Sc;, eastern se lected, Z8c; Oregons, 80. v ,Cheese-r-Tlllamook twins' and triplets, l7V&18c; Wlscoimin. twins, 1818c; loung Americas, J,yc; 'vuiamooK . Jtouug Americas, 18c. - . ' - -' Oniona-r-TexaB Hernuidas. J1.25 Per crate; Walla Walla, 2o per pound; Cali: fornlaJ1 li (U' 2c Der DOUnii. Potatoes ancy gradea, jaziyuo per ton; fancy eastern Washington, sizp 16: new California whites, 11.50 sack. .. '')' - '.J '':.':. .? Market for coarse grains Is very firm ..- and higher. -1. .;..,-..; :- , .Boosted by tho 1 very '-light offerings and the absence of a carryover, values - for both barley and oats are materially "changed over first quotations. ' There was an especially strong tone in the oats market,, and for No. 1 white the trade is today freely, offering' pro duoera on the basis of : $28328.50 per Ton, iracK aeuvery jrruanu, aivuuusi few have the nerve at this time to offer the lower figure Farmers will not look at such a quotation at the moment Those who have been looking: for tremely low walues-;on -new barley -are ' evidently changing their , opinions, , for today there was another advanca lnthe rrice of feed and brewing stock, and nrnaent Indications oolnf. to 'a further advance. -Feefl barley is today quoted very firm at $24 a ton end brewing has been moved to 125. This has forced The first car of new wheat from the " Falouse country this season was due ... here today.- . ' ' - ' v "Wheat market here Is 'drawrins;. with a weaker tendency. HTherft was another change for the better In Liverpool val uea todav and parts was sharply high er, but recent declines abroad have forced the. trade here to. alter their quo. .; tatlons. T v; , - Only a nominal amount of wheat has : been purchased at Interior points re r.ntiv and this has been at a decline of from 1 to 4 cents a bushel from first quotations'. 0 "r . '.,' Millstuff market is firm owing ty the 'mall eunnlles available. Strength is llv nhiiwn in bran and shorts. hfficlar weather forecast for the half - hlta fnf the cnmlnu- 38 hours: Portland and vicinity Fair .tonight end Fridav. Warmer Friday. North Oregon Fair 'j tonight and j Friday. Warmer Friday, ; except near me cu, Washington Fair tonight and Fri day. Cooler aast portion tonight. West- ridaho-Probabiy fair tonight and Frt" day; cooler north portion tonight. i PRICE OF PRODUCE ,' V, - JVT SAN FRANCISCO .n ITranrlflfrt. AtlP. 4. Wheat-r-AuS . tr.iipn mnA nrons. . f 1.7Rffl 1.80 : . 8onora, $1.761.80: good to choice California club. -41.62tf 1.67H; northern wheat, bluestem, $1.751;80; club. $1.62 l,67-4i! Turkey, 1.70L75; Russian red, $1,2& '-.01.65. ' " " ' nriv Peed. rood to choice. $1,07V4 1.11 14 i poor to fair, $1.001.05; new .shipping, l.iapi i; cnevauer, nom cases: extras, 83c; firsts,' Slo; seconds, 23c; thirds, 20c. , ' Butter California freh; extras, 82cj rirsts, 80c; seeonns, Cheese New California flats fancy, 18c: firsts". 14c; seconds, 124c: Call My Corns Don't Uurt AUII IARGE VMALIJIG CDMPATiY FORMED New Concern Will Include Hal ibut and Shark Fisheries; To MakeKalue and Oils. a.-. .(United Press Leafed Wire.) : Vlotorla, B. C.,' Aug. 4. Representa tlves of Mackenzie SI Mann, wjio control the Canadian Northern railway, have token an option on the , holdings of per J the Pacific Whaling company on .the coast and a deal whereby this Industry will be formed Into , a new company which will have at Us command several million dollars capital, la expected to LAKE-VIEW GROWERS J0 POOL THEIR WOOL be consummated within the next few . ! (Hni.i Di.nnh tB t. ioiirn.Li i ' Plans are already on foot for the for Iake.view. Or Autr 4. The woollmatlon of the new company, which will erowers of Iake county have orsanlzed Include hoth halihiit and : sharlc floh. and are making plans to build a large erle, . Th9 utter industry will be the 'J tKiPi SJuffi2 1 t . of lta kind ever atarted in the as tcood. as f or .severaUrears. No sales of new . world. The capital necessary for any consequence word made until a few this extension will probably ,be. ' raised weeics ago. 'Xho price paia rangea lr0m m ionaon. U to 16 cents. ' .-. The extension of the enterprise will Hereafter the, wool (rrowers will out , ... . .. their clips In a pool, and will-air sell h'i;Ih:i H;h.,rnJ " iBi.V S at the same time. ' They will follow the branches of the whaling industry and system adopted in many other sheep' seo- will include .the manufacture of glue lions oi me west. Tiie cup tnis year ana me, compounaing oi ous, tor ,uori' EIMlfflll; UD HEII sota. The British ambassador and the minister of the Netherlands will attend the dedication as guests of honor, Chavez, French Aviator; Rises 5405 Feet; Will Attempt . .. Higher Flight. Earl Grey Off for Hudson Bay.1 nnlpeg, -Man., Aug. 4. With Hud son's Bay as his objective point. Earl Grey starts from Winnipeg today on the most ambitious tour ever attempted by governor general of Canada. He is ac companied by a party of eight persons, among whom are several, officials of the government 'at Ottawa. The party Will travel 600 miles by canoe and portage and a still greater distance on - the steamer "Earl Orey," which is to meot : (tnltd Preis LeaMd Wire.) 1 Black Pool, Eig,, Aug. 4. The alti tude record for European aeroplane flights . was broken here yesterday by Chavez, the French aviator. Chaves as cended to a height of C405 feet Later he will attempt to break Bropklns'. reo ord made at Atlantic City, v ? was exceptionally good and the aheep- catlnar as well as for illuminating cur- la good circumstances. , . I poses. - men are MffiLlON .POUND WOOL SgpSOLD BYIONE MAN (fioeelii D Una fli to Tlie Journ.L Ban Antonio.- Texas. Aur. 4. What Is believed 'to be the largest individual wool .clip ever, recorded in this state, was ; put on the market a few days LANE SOCIALISTS . y ; HOLD CONVENTION i ' Special Dlip.tcB to Tbe JmjrotL) . ' Eugene, Or., Aug. 4. The L,ane county Socialists held their county convention in Eueene yesterday and named a full ago by Charles Schreiner, i One of the county ticket, besides adopting a plat- uibbbbi .BJieep. rollers in DUU" ""M form. , .The ticket nominated is aa fol A bAwPi X 113 V. f DAWbCUUU ( 111111 J VU 1 lows: inn. This year's wool , and - mohair rr JJnt eflatOr from Linn and roductlon in Southwest Texas will not counties, a. js. jvneeier, oi waitonMor e iar eucrt oi iu.uuu.uuu duuhub. dc- inl ine Desi in nearly a -aecaxie, BUILDING PERMITS Lane county senator, E. F. Emmons, of Springfield; for representatives, Benja. min Morss, of Cottage Grove; H, M. Shaw, .of Eugene, and Max Burgholzer, of Bailey; for county Judge, B. ' F. TCfimnf. of Cottar Grove: for sheriff. J. "2r3 I llfiihr .tr ftt Vllontrm At ffftilntv lArlr' It ' TT : XXftyla ".frt'"'f,A" l4fl,w 'tfamii n l : , ei-meiyioo PPl aVeDUe! William T. Cornelius.' of Goshen; for a V'ScotCTepalr one story frame coroner,-Martin Miller, of Eugene; for dwelling, comer gkidmore and Ganten-. surveyor, O. H. Todd. bein; builder, L. McCrosky; $150. ". .. v 1 " 1 " atiu-ST?rVu52Kdr IT.ft0,2!.S2:5 f - ' Man .Killed by Train. mK; Ran " : aer, r-rr Castlerock. Wash., Aug. 4.A young V. a.' Oppenlander. erectVtwo atory Stoddard -wai i .truck and in frame dwellinff. . Avon street, between Stantly killed yesterday by Bn O. &. w, Marguerfte and Twenty-seventh; build-1 train. He was walking up the track, New Yorki Aug. 4. Dr. qharles Wat den was seriously crushed yesterday in an acol dent, which totally wrecked the self designed and constructed monoplane In which ho was preparing to. attempt a flight It : was necessary to saw the frame of the aeroplane before the. un conscious aviator could be removed front the wreckage. , i. , ., ; Walden, had put the engine of his monoplane in order, had tested', the planes and propellor and announoed that everything was ready. - He climbed to his seat, atartad tha powerful motor and went careening around the aviation field, not attempting to raise the monoplane from the ground but allowing it to run on the starting wheels. As ho attained a' speed of more than 80 miles an hour the wheels struck a rut. The shock tore the steering levers from the driver's hands, unbalancing the delicate machine so that It somersaulted and crashed to the ground in a shattered wreck. . Dedicate Pilgrim Memorial. Boston, Aug. 4. Arrangement for tbe dedication, tomorrow of the Pilgrim memorial at Provlncetown, at which President Taft Is to deliver the principal address, have been completed In all their details. The president will proceed to Provlncetown on tha united- states Steamship Mayflower, and will be greet ed upon his arrival by a salute from the vessels of the North Atlantic squadron In- provlncetown harbor. Governor Draper will deliver an address introduc ing President Taft to the assembled thousands who will attend the exercises, In addition to the president the speakers will be former President Charles W. El lot of Harvard university, Senator Hen ry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, and Honorable James T. McCleary of Mlnne er. Bame: $2000. Mrs.' copp.' repair one story - frame dwelling. East Twentieth street, be tween Alberta and Sumner: builder. C W. Hakes; $360., , ' - M. cPearson, renair one story frame dwelling, corner East Thirty-seventh and Center; 'builder. P.-Vragnizan; $250. F. -Johnston,- erect . two story frame dwelling, Ellsworth street, between Twenty-seventh . and " Twenty-eighth; outiaer, sneve; izoou. almost directly In front of an approach' ing train loaded with dirt for the fill, and in order to avoid It, stepped over onto the main track which parallels it, without being aware that a train waa approaching. .. ' L His Reunion of Odd Fellows, Pen-Mar. Pa;. Aug. 4. Thousands of mAmhera nf the order Of Odd Fellows V. a Martin, re-pair two story frame frtfm southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, dwelling East Ninth street. be- tween Llnh and Marlon; builder, 6. H. waioerg; For Your Hair i'V Tird, Ailing, Swollen, Smelly, Sweaty Fet, Corns, Callouses and Bunions, ' ' f TIZ Cures Right Off. " a v ' " Bay good bye to your corns tha very ' first time you use TIZ. Tou will never know you have a corn, .bunion , or cal-f . lous, or sweaty, Aired, swollen, aching feet any more.' it's Just wonderful the way tha pain vanishes,! Rub the corn- hammer it wun yournsx u you wisn no mora pain 'after T I Z than if there had never been a blemtsh On youf feet; Doesn't that sound good to youT Doesn't itT . Read- this. -.;, :-.v - w-' - "The coma on aither of my toes were kg large as the tablet yon make to ear them. Today there is aa aigii f corns on either foot and no soreness. 5 It's an np-to-date Oodiend.' Sam A. Hoover, Progress, Jf. C. t, ,""!.' Just use T,I Z. It's not like anything else fqr the purpose- you ever heard of, 'It's the only foot remedy ever1 made which acts oh the principle of drawing" t out all the poisonous exudatldna which r causa sore feet Powders and . other loiuciuon 111CICIJ I'lUg uu ins Durm. 1 14 cjeans them out and keeps them cleansl it wormi right off. You will feel bettar the very first time It'if used. Use it a week; and you tan forget you ever had aore feet. There la. nothing-, on earth , that can compare with 4t.' T I Z Is for ttnlA .t all driiireHnta. 9S.onta n rtirect,-if you wish, from Walter tutjwr Dodge & Co., Chicago llli Recommended . and sold by ; West Virginia and Virginia attended their annual Joint-reunion hera today. w. kT Reiner: rct tw torv frnm. Addressea were aeiiverea nyuraw Mas- dwelling. East Twelfth and Mulberry ter E. E. Crumer of Pittsburg, Grand streets! builder. J. A. Wilson: $3000. ; i Master J. F. Green of Baltimore and Oth' G. B. Buck repair two story frame er high officials and prominent members Z7 lVrf "Dm&, 7 ii', el,w?8n of the fraternity. Thirtieth and Thirty-third; o builder, I H. . Helzer. ' erect .one and one-half I story frame dwelling. Falling street between Williams and Rodney: builder, rt vr trwir a Ann- ttsnn . P. Haden, erect two story frame store. Maeley; builder. G, IL Kiecker & Soh; Jg lre F3CtS We Want YOU J. J. Armstrong, erect two story frame dwelling, East Twenty-third street, be tween Tillamook and Thompson; bulld- A. w. Johnson erect one atory. frame aweinng, jsi .ignty-iirat street, cor ner Hollftday; builder, same; $50. A. C. Smith, repair one and one half story frame dwelling, - Thurman, be tween Twenty-second and Twenty-third; builder, V. Carlson; $400. . . - William Whitlockv . erect two story frame dwelllnw. East Forty-ninth street, between Clinton and Ivon; builder, name? xikiiu. tTTT T! MIIie Meal Cured He" Cured In Thre's Days 1 to Prove at Our Risk. Marvelous as it may seem, "Rexall "SB" Hair Tonlo has grown hair on heads that were once bald. Of course it is' understood that in none of these cases were the. hall1 roots dead nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny ap pearance.' '':r---,':-.i--:l----'' When the roots of the hair art en- P. .eT Sullivan, repair" two story tlrely 'dead and the pores of tha scalp frame.dwellin 1199 Mallory strot, be tween vJarrett and Jessupt builder, Ledaux & Ledaux; $200. Phoenix Iron Works, erect two story frame foundry, corner Union avenda and: Stephens: .builder IL . L. CamD' & Co.; $5000. : : J. Corklsh, repair two story frame dwelling. 211 Lownsdale,. between Tay lor and Salmon; builder, same; $1000. . Mr, DMph. repair three atory frame tore, ;271-8 Everett street ' between Third and Fourth:, bullaer, Goro Izuml; $50; l.v-, , : ' James. Watson, . erect three story frame apartments,' 706 Everett street between Twenty-first and Twenty-second? -builder, F. S. Hallock: $10.000.. - . Y Good Samaritan hospital, repair "one ana one nan siory - irame aweiung, Northrup street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third; builder,. F. S. Hal lock; $200. . -T ,v ,; . ... - ix. y, t,yiie, erect one story irame dwolling, JeBSup : street between De troit and Denver; builder, same; $2000. E. 8. Couch, erect one and one half story framf bam. Mora street between Whitman and Nellie; builder,' same; $500. ' , JACKSONVILLE TO , . . GET WATER 'SYSTEM . n ..!.. :.:' 1 (Special DiBpatck to .fn Joomki. - '. Jacksonville, Or., Aug. 4. At thVmu nlclpal ielectlon yesterday Jackaonville voted-to 'ftsiia $30,000 in bondsfor tbe establishment of- a gravity waiter sys tem. ; : The Vote was practically unani mous, only- one vote being tecorded against the measurei .water will prob are glased ov,er, - we - do not believe that anything can restore hair growth. .When Rexall ,"'93". Hair ; Tonlo : will do as above stated, It Is not strange that we lvive auch great faith in it and that we claim it will prevent baldness when used in time It acta acientlflo ally, destroying the germs - which ara usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of tha hair, stimulating and nourishing them. It Is a most pleasant toilet " necessity, is delicately- perfumed and will not gum nor permanently stain the hair. " We want you to get a nottle-f Rex all "93" Hair Tonic and use it as di rected. If it does not relieve scalp irritation, remove, dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and promote an Increased growth of hair and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us and without ques tion or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid ua for it ? We lend our Indorsement to Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo and sell ft on this guarantee, because we believe It Is the best hair- tonlo ever discovered. 5 It comes in twao sizes, prices SO cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain it only at Tha Owl Drug Co., Inc., v Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. Tltfc Owl Drug Co. Seventh' and Washington Sts. Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrof ula. pimples, rashes, etc., are due to Im pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters la a cleansing blood tonic. Makes you clear eytd, clear-bralned,-volearraklnned. ' . Itching piles -provoke1 profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan'a Oint ment cures Itching, bleeding or protrnd. . ing piles after years of suffering. At any drug store., '. ,.K- . If you haven't the tlma to exercise -regularly Doan's Regulets Will prevent constipation. They Induce a mild, easy, ""healthful acfloV 6ft he "bowels withouf griping. .Ask your druggist for" them. 25 cents. - 7 ' , ; .- , f-'-,1 .-, ;(,.- ,;t '.a ., .p? '.", vi1 1' Stopsnrache In two?minutes; tooth ache or pnln of burn or scald In five minutes; hoarsenes.i, one hour; musclo . ache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil, mon arch over pain. 1 Caused by sick stomach, ill t ably be brought from tha headwaters of . reSUiated Dlle, SlUSKlsh DOWClS. Jacksoir fcreck, where there Is a bountiful P . 00 . .1 supply onif ive- miles distant.- -. Under r ncryoug jpirain ,ur um wyi the safest and surest remedy is the present adaifrilstraUon Jacksonville has rrjade as many improvements as in any'lj years previous, and several more are: jinder way. , , ' , CELEBRATE' REVENUE - yl CUTTER SERVICE TODAY "Washington,' Aug..' I.HrAU over . the 1 world today, wherever they may 4Je, the! officers and crews of the vessels of the tilted .States,' revenue cutter aervlce will, f onmally celebrate tha 120th anni versary of tha establishment of the eer-1 vlee. ..The character or the' anniversary Celebration a substantially the same on I all of thtl vessels. -The ships are "full dressed"' from dock to foretop. and the Offlcers'anti crews. In ful uniform.Kare mustered on - th main deck while the executive officer- reads a brief .history of the revenue' cutter service. t-,' y Power Site on Klamath River. (Salem Bureau ot Tbe Journal. 1 ' Salem, :t)r,y Aug. 4. State Engineer John-II. Lewis yesterday approved the applleatiorrf -nv 11 K' Brown wha ie cently filed on a "water power site pn the Klamath liver near Klamatb. Falls. Mr. Brown made application for 20,454 horse power and ents forth that $2so, 00O will be expended in developing the power Tihlch. will be used1 for-general purposes..:' The fillngfee In this case BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Srwhw. In besM lOe. and 2 So. the party at Fort Churchill. His excel lency will be the first governor general to make the overland trip across the country to the Hudson Bay region, ... r .Record Apple Crop, (Special Dlspatcn to The Journal.! , Dayton, Wash, Aug, 4. Estimates obtainable from leading growers place the apple crop of the Touchet valley this year to exceed 1(0 cars, which is nearly twice the amount of the hereto fore record crop. The first lightning rod In the world Is said to have been erected la Prendlx, Bohemia, in 1764 by a learned priest RESORTS TO LAW TO ' V RECOVER $2615.97 . y , , . . . E. G. Drinker has begun suit In tbe circuit court against the North Pacific Trust company for $2616.97 on Sever! claims, the majority of which were, as signed to him by Eugene rarsdn. J! aya Pearson was employed as presi dent of the' company in June, 1009, at a salary of $250 per month, and $200 back salary is unpaid. Tha other claims ara on due bills to Pearson for monny paid out and for work. IS C7 rl - Fees In Simple Cases mm 'mm Restored To Perfect Health, Strength - and Robust Vitality. .' . 1 NEW LIFE FOR WORN OUT AND NERVOUS MEN (Cirsi (SDiieM? . - . : YA. ' u. ;:.v...v::...';,,y..'''' - anfr . 11 a , .. . - i : - '-,-.... I No Hypodermic Injections ' An INTERNAL treatment o only 25 doses, taken in the day time, and a guaranteed bond and contract given each patient that if a perfect cure is not effected the treatment will be FREE, whether taken, at the institute or Mi the home. - , - . .' from Drunkards to Free Men in Three Days This Is the Hopeful Statement i Cured Men Are Making as They Leave the Neal Institute. . " REMEMBER that the treat ment can be taken at home or at the-institute, and that the money will be returned if a cure is not effected. - - 1 Do Not Fail to Investigate This " Strong Indorsement of v , the Neal Cure RT. RtV. M0NSIGN0R FLAVIN Pastor Bt, Ambrose Church, Ses Moines, . sow ' " . Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 9, 1910. To Whom It May Concern: My attention having been called to tho Neal Treatment for the cure of the drink habit, and their claim that it did cure in three days, elicited my personal investigation, and to do1 so it became necessary for me to send one of my people to the Institute to be treated. This I -did, and I am fileased to say that he was cured per ectly, and - the . patient assured me with great f orcelulness that he no longer had the reast inclination to drink,' and that all desire, craving and appetite for drink had . been taken away. It is a grand, good work, and a great benefit to humanity. , (Signed) M. FLAVIN, Pastor St. Ambrose Church, 'Des Moines, Iowa. - For full information book and copy of contract, call, write or phone. The Neal institute 354 HALL ST., CORNER HALL AND PARK ST, PORTLAND, OR. Phone Marshall 2400 When Others Fail Cali and Jet us give you a careful pain taking, examination absolutely free. Oi opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice is all you need, - ' ? . " '' X-RAY Examinations' When Necessary Free Remember There Is No , . Man ' Too Poor to .Get Cured by Us. No Money Required to Commence Treatment WE, TREAT AILMENTS OF HEN ONLY AND GUARANTEE JME8 ,Mcn. Get the Truth From Your Physicians C Xlle? DOCTORS AND 8 PE OI AIJBTS WH O kX V JB MTBM V HOPS O "MO CWI8J MU; and let . .us, with their permission, refer you to CUBED patients a na yo.J tritmSt others had failed. Call, let us convince you. Call and get the facts and truth .about our treatment. MEN DON'T GIVESUP The Reliable Specialist or TJtEM, o 9TB ASS KBSTOSnfOr ?IWQ 1CBH EJXaT DAY TO MSJSiraiMH, Tou way have been unforunate In selecting a doctor to treat you, or you pay not have ajjn yourself the at tentlon which ou put tha matter off you are getting worse ed your systemT flow, if you really thi. rfMir. to h. strona call at our insUtuta at once and consult the RELIABLE bpbciaijIB i o, woo end worse. Li health, vim and vigor do havi your disease demands. You know that every day you j fe does not possess for you tha pleasure It did.. Would d vigor that was yours before tne ravages of disease have Festored hundreds of men to health, many.of whom, perhaps, were in a worse condition then you are. In short time after tie treatment is begun, aeciaea improvement is noiicea. ma wnen qibuhbbou ub; Bv v under our care resiora to am netum nur. nuonuou uvum ui i . ; ; , s ' ; , ,i You WHo Arc Suffering From Lost Strength ' ; OUR METHOD OP TREATMENT can cure you and maka a man of tou. Under Its influence the brain bj- comes active, the Tnerves become strong aa steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear the im bMoRU ? bright, the face full and clear. Energy returns to the. body, and the moral, physical and vital sys- . terns are Invigorated, , Wa invito all tha afflicted to consult us personally or by letter. . . , , Men If In Trouble Consult Us Today, Free FREE MUSEUM FOR i DUCATI0N OF MEM We bare added to our offioa nninment, for the ben efit of MEW OSX.T. a MBS MUSEUM of Anatomy and gallery of scientifio wonders. Man, know thyself, life. also models Illustrating tlie mysteries of man. showing tha body In health ana disease and many natural sub- 3 OWTOTariojr' 'ntBBMTJHOTA-CAN- ' I)TI ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING, - t cheerfully give you the very best pinion, guided by years of sue- x cessful practlca My cures are permanent and lasting. No tonics that stimulate temporarily, but thorough, sci entifio treatment that cures. , - Medicines for- I av course. If . to. to S p. a We treai men only and cniV promptly, safely and thoroughly and at the lowest coat VaricosB or Knotted Veins, Hydrocele, . Weakness. Blood and Skin Diseases, .Kidney and Bladder Dlsordera, Ul. eers, Soreg, Painful Swellings, Burnings,'-Itching and InffammaUon, Urinary Obstructions, Nerrons' nesa, Loss of Strength and Vitality and all Special and Delicate Disorders of Men. ' Our fees nlshed from ..... MAM MM Evenings. 7 to I. as specialists for cures ara Imi than those charged by t&Jl1WA'.t our own laboratory for tha convenience ijnd vow of cw wnta from jl 60 1 to $8.50 call, write for our VBSS . SBlMr-JIZAlCXaTATZOV BlAJTi: AJKD BOOK. "ours. S a. t Sundays, 10 a. m. to 13 m. only. rriTI? Anrrnil MEnir hi -IBTCTITIITI? 391 Mprrlson Street, Bet. , 1 UL UUiUUll 11 lliUlVtMU I1M Of 1 1 1 U I U 4th and 5th, Portland, Ore. DR.. WING LiEB : ; The Great Chinese Doctor , &OCATED IX POSTLATO flWCB 1880 , He Is caned the great- because he cures all 'diseases . without resorting to the knife. Call and ' have a free examination. J He will tell you the V exact nature of your-troubre. - He treats success fully every form of female complaint, - all private and blood diseases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheu- . ' mat Ism .and all disorders of the stemach, liver and .t A - " 1,- MA.l M-... I. ...lMM AM AIUU.JBi" MiV HCm IIO-U HIVBfc Muwwa 6UIWI VH" uu motion when tht victim is not too mucn run flown "hythe -fltseasffrand -wtlrwiHieTttorrhager-tn sn-incredibly snort time.; He brews Ms own medi cines from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetable, teas, all of which are entirely harmless, nd whoso medicinal properties 1 are, unknown to American doctors. lie uses in his practice over noo different oriental remndies. wunareas or tes timonials from grateful patients. ' DiV. WIINQ UeE, 27 N. Fifth OUgSS r cm We Guarantee You a niii- THE OLD RELIABLE PELVIC SPECIALIST LINDSAY .128 SECOND STREET, PORTLAND, OR. - Who positively cures Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Rupture, Obstruction, Special Ailments of the Pros tatic Troubles, Kidney and pladder, Blood Ail ments, and Nervous weakness. If you want a perfect curej cure to stay cured, treat with tha old te llable firm. Don't waste your money with cheap and unskilled specialists. Get the best always. The beat la none too good for you and always the cheapest in the end. , . Remember,' wa treat only cases we can cure. Cure or no pay Is our motto. What mora can you askT , . j We will cure you of your trouble never to return If we' tell you so. Remember this. , , Wa ara specialists in our line, not cure-alls. " Call at once and let a true specialist examine you today, not tomorrow.. sop suffering; get strong and vigorous. What more to be desired than health? Nothing. 4 . y . Coma and consult us free of all charge.. If you live anywhere in the states of Washington or Oregon, then you know of some one In your neighborhood whom we have cured, for our prac-' tlca extends to all parts of these states and even Into other states. We guarantee a complete, safe and lasting ears in the quickest possible time, and at lowest cost for honest, skillful and successful treatment. Consultation and examination free and confidential. '....:'..." -v.. i , ''. H:;v.V.. J- Call at once. B1.-UMAY- The Old Reliable Specialist . Corner Alder and Second Sts. Entrance 128 2d St, Portland, Or. ' Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays', 10 A. M. to 1 P. UL .... mmitmtn. . . i very xjtscn U interested ani thonld ' know about the wonderful MARVELWhlrllolSprsr The new Vrtnl 8tt1-- , 11 cimowa U tanUj. Aik roar drorstrt for 1 It. irhnnnt.uDDlr tho Mtnvr.L accent far Ula.inted book Mslea. It rlrei full wirtlcuiari n4 41reo turn. lnTmlubl to UdlM. JUBTli CO, 44 lart IN BU JWW TOSV tm sale by - SlldBwr .- rmi Cfcr- WMd.ra. taarke Ct as Lese-oa-ia Drag i X .X PorsisnUcrvcEsscr-co RESTORES VITALITT Hava cured thousands of cases of Nervous Debility and Insomnia. They clear the brain. and strengthen the circulation, make di gestion perfect and impart a magnetic vigor to the whole being. $1.00 per box, I boxes guaranteed to cure or refund money, $5. Mailed sealed. Book free. Persian Med. Co.. 835 Arch st, Philadel phia, or get it in Portland of Owl Drug Co. 4ti w 1 1 C t, s, . ul IIuuIj tii. )1