THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1910. 13 FOR KEXT-r-LTOTJSES 12 Greater-Meier & Frank Store Rental Jb; Information Bureau " nomii hunters, visit our modern, com pletely equipped Information depart ment, fourth floor, main building:, and note the vacant houses and flats on our list. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch with all the vacant flats, and hcuses In all parts of the city. We have tlx. combined lists of all the real estate rente in the city. kWe also have a Hat of ail new buildings In course of con struction. If You Want to Rent a House . See Us, ' Houses for Rent " $26.00 7 room modern' house with' B lots on Woodstock rarllne. ' - $20.00- 4 room modern flat, on WH-IIpp-is ave. S16.00-6 roofti modern house, gas, full lot, on Bortliwlrk st. . ' $12.005 room house on list st 'barn. " - - -. js 00-3 room house on . Woodstock carllne. 1 . . . .' , - - Otto & Harkson Realty Co, . . . , mlst et. WHEN "OU move youm neea new ru nlture. Buy Judiciously and you savings will exceed moving expense Our NO-RENT PRICES made us opa Of the largest furnltura bouse In -,M city in less than two yaava. ; i Lookers shown same courtesy as buy MOnOAN,, ?CHLBT FUHNITURB CO virand ave., eor. F. Star it. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cart pans ur qqpr. MODERN new house, seven rooms, $14 month. 615 E. 74th st N. ' . HOUSES FOR RENT, . ; FURNITURE FOR SALH 82 FURNITURE of 7 room In fine loca tlon; will sell cheap; low rent. 175 17th. cor. Yamhill, ' - live 'rooms, 2 housekeeping suites corn plete, corner lower flat, rent $1$, cheap. 2 Union ave. ALL or part of . furniture of 8 room i nouse, new ana moaerni ciu u, FURNITURE of 11 roms for sale, house for rent. 338 Clay st - FURKISHE1) HOUSES 80 FURNISHED cottage, $20, or $15 ttn " furnished; -lower 4 room flat, $18 month; two housekeeping rooms, $10 months-west side -rivers-Apply 4 North 2th. W" car f rwm depot, 6th or Morrison tfr 26th", block north. 6eVEN room furnished house, 959 E. Davis st. Call at I5H' na st. N., up- ataira. NEW 7 room furnished house, 684 - E. Alder, $50. , Call venlng or phone FOR1 KENT FLiTS 18 FOR RENT Upper floor of 5 rooms. walking- distance, west aide. Phone Mr. Abbott. .Main 1909,, between $ a. m. ana 8 p. m. iiV'Onmodern- 4 room flata nearljrBew, . cabinet kitchen; one has -large attic, walls tinted. t2th ana college ma 1 1 A MODERN 6 worn ypper flat, nice lo- ; xjaiion. . torn ana nemn., ! ' 629 Everett. " MODERN 5 room flat, sleeping Jorch. close, m, tree pnone, jinni. sit a. ...J, ... i in r'ij ...r Li 'lift r NEW modern upper 5-room flat; $18. I -vi h .11 nnt ARC ritnfAti at 4 SIX room flat for rent $20 per month, at 11 - - a. A. .M ADA W .4 - fug )Bl By LBH a3 78 xpv - FURNISHED FLATS 60 FOUR room steam heated apartment. Modern." Furnished or unfurnished, Cottei Drtlg' Co. - - APARTM3NTS 48 4 THB WASHINGTON" mv- IW car. to list and l.'orthmp. a Beautfful 6 room .' apartments -fur Dished and unfurnished, with all mod--eonvenlences, bath, telephone, hot . and eld '-water, steam heat, refrif era : ter. gss range, gas, eleetrlo light Jani tor service, etc. " ";: ,-" ' . . 1 . STORES AND OFFICES It ROLL TOP desk and deskr room for rent In well lighted and well furnished room. 419 Henry ping. FOR RENT; rround flsor office space, southwest corner Front and Ankeny streets.: Apply, phone Mam 4ZZ, FOR RENT 8mal) store. No. 250 3d et.rnear Madison; ' Apply next floor,' FEW nice of floe in the Couch and Chambers bldg. 601 Couch bldg. , LESK , roouk for ,rent .117, Alisky . : bldg;- - . -;. , FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS S3 s-ii . jrn. i sri.if' ii ,i - rui n-i in i h i it'"1 I FOR LEASE 100 by 150 feet 80th and Clinton s suitable for woodyafd or laundrv. Tnnnlr !2JU WmhlnitOB sL Room 11, A-7287. Main 4347. V WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent a three or four, room v house on east side, not too far out. Or on west side near west end of Hoyt street; State location and rent want ed. K-717? Journal. 13 your place vacant? ,,If so let us fur nish t you ! a renter. lams & Hall, real estate and' rentals. 213 Gerlinger bldg. Phones,' Marshall 2379, A-8674. - HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 TEAMS WANTED Any num ; viper; $7 per day r free stable room;-" Apply Robert Wakefield &, CoVs Works, Mt.Jabor Res-, 'ervoirrrast-eoth-str VOUR choice of 4 horses: must be sold this week; been used by the Shasta Water Co., who have replaced them with automobile delivery wagonsf no reason able offer refused. 433 N. 26th st in- Fiae gate HERE Is a chance to purchase a fine thoroughbred saddle horse, cheap, 6 u, years old. , Owner will break to har. pees if wanted. The Nobby Stables, ' rin ana r lanners srs. none Main 02Q, l uR R-VLE -1 pair gray mares, weight 1406 lbs guaranteed te work any where, $I7p W. J. Mclntyre. Wood- i i iniY xviiinni PL. i $225 buys matched team of .sorrels, weight 2550 lbs., true to pull single or dour.le; harness is heavy breeching com- TMre t un rfffincnre, wavier St. ' GOOD team bay mares. Weighs 2360 lbs. Double harness and good farm wagon." $200. ,843 East 18th, Take ,rroolyn, car, iiKftKS-and uuggies ,ror rent by day, week and month; special rates to nutini-ss .-nouses. in ana Hawtnorne. ; j.ari 11, IOR quick sale; 4 ranch horses, about 1200 lbs., $260 takes them. F.. Rogers, FOR SALE Good ranch team, weight 2500 lbs. Call 243 N. Taylor st Lau rel wioa-uaKe Ml. acott car, FOR SALE One sorrel horse, weight 9o0, 4 yoars-; old, wjl! sell cheap if nan ai once, uwner, is woqney ave, FOR SALE Top buggy .and horse, 'a bargain at $60; last house west end -teKk-mor N;"87 r foA SaXE 1 young draft horse. 1700 , '"" guaranteea strictly .iirsf class. firn-T yvona vo., tn ana OJisan DRIVING horse and buggy for sale,- JiORSES for ale at old MiKinlev hami Lnts, Mt. 8f-ott car; prices rlotht. STALLS for 7nt Inquire Herrlok gro- -r, o-vtiarson su r HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 .Horses for Sale ,; 1 sdrrel team, mare and gelding, weigm zoou. . i 1 sorrel and bay gelding, wtlcht 24BO. I i span cays, li. and M., weisiit 1 span grays, geldings, welpht 2600. 1 span blacks, geldings, weight 2750. 10 spans geldings and mares, weights 2300 to 2800 Ins. 10 small horses of about 1000 lbs. weight; - All of these horses are' sold under our guarantee. ' HAWTHORNE AVE. 420 Hawthorne ave. BAY horse, weight 1600 lbs., true to selling so low; price $135. Call resl- A n t c j urni-. en cavier pi. . LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 83 SIXTY Rhode Island Red hens. 15 months old; fine stock; selling account leaving cuv. Take Mount Boott car to Aasnvuie station. 823 Gentry avv FOR SALE , or trade for dairy- cows. Unfinished bungalow. Cement base ment.. Lot 65x100. Phone owner, Ta- oor H3. Arleta, "WHITE Leghorn cockerels for sale, full blooded.' 540 Alblna ave; FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE Airedale terrier pups; these are fine specimens and will make grand dogs; bred from high class registered aire and dam; will be sold cheap to make room, for other litters; also fox terrier pup. Rockfoi'd store. Hood River, Or. v . - CORDWOOD stumpage . three-fourths or a mue irom uiacmone awjicn on Oregon' City carllne; for sal cheap for cash. There are about 800 cords, partly old and partly second growth; very ac cessible. Owner, 820 Chamber of Com merce, .' i - FOR SALE Two complete well drill Ing rigs (gas), 2500 foot capacity; ono rig now set up oH a 200 foot well and will be Included with the sale If taken within a few days. - 390 Van couver ave. Fhone C-2478. - FURNITURE Including, high . grade . piano, everything first class and at a bargain, account leaving city. Take Mt Scott car to Nashville station. 823 Gen try ave. NEW' and aecona nana poo, and bll Hard tables bought and sold on eftsy terms. Bowling alleys. ri , refrigerators for immediate aell very. Address, th prunrwicK-itamg-coiienqer CO., 4 sta, $2300 for a one. third interest In an up j- to date steam laundry In good town; no opposition; must sell. 0-733, Jour naL ' : ' FOR SALE 200 cords wood 1 mile west Council Crest Inquire '122 hi jranq ave. jrnone niasi 4Z4. Room K FOR SALE Btereoptloon machine, 150 slides. I carriers, cheap; i Phone Sell wood 648. v r - J UPR IOHT piano in good condition; will selL for $150 caslulleavlng ltyj-muat net, quiUK. ao Din Bl. NEW and second hand furniture, bicycle ; and repair business. Address V.-699, Journal'' ...: . ..,..;,, ..... HOME is sold. New furniture must go at once. Cheap. 247 E. 14th st. " tlO Davis sewing macnine with at- iw iwiirnn, tail &&S jj.. Morrison. FOR SALE Good Kimball organr cheapi oi vrmug m. x-iiune yvooqiawn ie, -GOATS for aaie. call at 1520 E. Gllsan. Tabor 822. - - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash price for Second band household goods. Sea ter tt Gustavaon. ' 148 Russell. . Bast 1662. UEi ijr price on .your f urnuute, ae m It will pay you. We want the goods. Savage and Pannalt. 861-1 1st st. Main WANTED Fof cash. Four" or six hole No. 8, steel fange. Must be in first- ymBB cunuiuon.-, rt-Yo, journal. BF WIB.f; get more for your second hand furniture bv selllnv It m Vnri ' o.. 3tl 1ST. MSin SH61, A-I445. OLD auto tires 7c per lb.; pld rubber ..uux1-"nQ "noes sc per id. J. L,sva, 186 Columbia st. . Main 6198. VIEW camera, ,64x84, detail descrip. -. tion, price and . appointment. S-6.6, Journal. - " . . ... ' , WANTED TO BUY Diamonds, any sise; take old gold for cash. 828 Washington st " ' WANTEtS-Offlce furniture, second hand. desk, carpet, chairs, etc. - Ad- Mfwia oit riucnanan Ding. WIL1 t1 ant for Splrella Corsets call HIGHEST price paid for 2d-hand cloth HIGHEST price paid for 2nd hand fur. mure, riv. j-none jviarsnail Z34 SPOT cash paid for your rurnHjre: pronat attention always given. E. 1067 r FOR . SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 REO RUNABOUT, almost new. rumble ' Mat- 1 Passenger, generator, lamps, all complete; will sell or trade for real estate; cash value $500,' Ross, owner, FOR SALE 1910 ; Chalmers-Detroit '6 passenger touring car, good condition, $1100. Inquire Baliou & Wright. - . -.- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 1 ' ' .YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS, v. From the "House of York." ; . The Chas. E. tork Band Instrument and Masie House. - , "Special Distributing Agents." : l 884 8d St. - - - . 7' FINANCIAL 51 FIMAMGIAL Attention of manufacturers and mer chants An expert financial man from the east Is now in Portland and prepared to handle the financial department of large Institutions requiring funds, either by means of Stock or bond Issue or bv the sale of commercial paper; business of established, responsible con cerns only solicited; principals onlv. Ad dress with full .particulars in confidence j Franklin A. Umsted X Hotel Seward. Portland, pr. . , Quick loans on furniture and $ pianos, storage receipts, life insur- $ ance policies, livestock, teal estate. $ to., y. 6. Real Estate & Brokerage $ Co.. 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ CASH paid for mortgages or sellers interest In contracts on real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on improved property. H. E. Noble. Lumbermena bldg.. 5th and Stark. FIRST and second mortgages and con tracts purchased on farm and "city property, anywhere In Oreron or Wash. jington. EL. Deversaux, Fenton bldg., WE WILL loan your money at good rate Interest, real estate and personal se curities. Come and see us. Penn In vestment Co., 6 MKiansnbiig. CASH tor first and second mortgages, lot and huildlna? contracts. Call nr ;adreas 507, McKay niag. Main 4710. - MUHTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. MONEY TO LOJtTT 27 MONEY to loan, targe loana a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire la- sum nee, w. u. pecn. su failing. MONKY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent Goodnough Seita. 71$ Board cr -iraoe. MONE? to loan on improved city prop erty. - William MoMaster,, 801 Vor LI l MONKY to loan on Portland real estate! Harding A Reynolds Co., 318 Chamber Of Commerce. i' . i MOEY to loan-on-rmprovedTMl estat J. 1,. White, xsi Sherlock bldg. ANY part-$66,000 Vo loan at 6 per cent mtorest. ; zoa uoucn Ding, SUMS of $2000 upward on real stale. Goddard ft Weldrlck, 243 Stark. LOAN tpt the asKIng, Kaiarv or chtN tel. ; The Loan Co.. 414 lftum bldg. (Jt'lCK loans on all securities, vv7 Klnu, ii wasbiagten oldg. Main 1106. 27 HUTTON CRED'.T CO. An Easy Money Proposition. Money la easy to get If you know where to get It We have ready money at all times and you can get from $10 to $100 on your jalary, furniture, piano, storage' receipt, real estate contracts, etcv at half the usual rates. - We loan on the easy payment plan the plan that helps you and gets you out of debt; you get the cagft, all you ask for, and repay In amouintt you can conveniently spare each pay day. WU1 remove to 807 Spalding Mdg. when completed, corner id and , Wash ington sts. ... . HUTTON CREDIT CO.. - 612 Dekum Bldg. Phone Main 2S69. $ $ $ STAT) BlCbHl'l lf CO. It a k u k k a SALARY LOANS "ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ' APSOLUTFLY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND flAT. TO 8 P. M. ktatr BummTTY CO.. $1$ 808 FAILING BLDG. $ I $ THE CRESCENT LOAN AltENCY. 402 Rotnchlld bldg., corner 4tb and Wkshlngton. The lecognized bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can ob tain money of us on bia note without se urlty. ,- ;' . i. 81C return to us...,..... 4.0 a month $30 return to us. ..,.;...$ 8.00 a month $50 return to us. .$18.85 a month Confidential no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, .furniture eto. MONKY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms. Tolman, 817 Lumber nxcnange. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's Interest In contracts on real estate In Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on Improved property. H. E. Noble, Lumhermens omg.. 6tn ana fttarn. ' V ' YOUR CREDIT In good at the Employes' Loan Co 111 Ablngton. 1044 8d tt WE LOAN money oo Oiamvnda and Jew elry at reaaonable Interest for long or short time. A. ft M. Pelovage, jewelera. 269 Washington t : SMALL amounts money loaned 8 per cent on good security on short time; private resident; confidential. Phone C-2403. .-.v.'-.y-; -j $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance.? McKenale 4k Co.i Gerlinger bldg.. 2 and Alder. NOTICES -28 - -- -. ...... In the Clrcolt Court of the State of Oregon for the County of, Multnomah, B. 7448. Oscar B, Day, . Plaintiff, v . - ; ' vs. .- Babetta M. Day. ' " Defendant To the Above Named Defendant, BabeU ta M. Day: -f ' In the name of. the state of Oregon, you ara hereby Tequlred to appear and iniw.r th, AomnlAint. in the above enr titled cause and court, on or bef orer the last day of tne time prescrioea ior the publication of thW summons In the order of this court, hereinafter referred to, to-wlt, on Tr before the fourteenth day of September, 1910; and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In tho com plaint, to-wit: r. For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony, now existing between plain tiff and the defendant, on the ground of wilful desertion, and for uch other and further relief aa to the court may seem meet.:.;' .--.-" v..,- This summons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to the order of the Honorable C. U. Gantenbeln, pre siding Judge of the above entitled court, duly made on the second, flay of August 1910, by -which order It Is directed that this summons be published in the Ore gon Journal once a- week for six weeks, and this third day or August, 1910, Is the date of the first publication hereof. " , Attorney for Plaintiff. 630 Chamber of commerce. Portland, jr, Sale 6f real property by ref- EREE By virtue oi tnai certain de cree and order of sale of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Mult nomah county, made and-given on ths 16th day of July. 19j0, Incaae No. 7048. wheretn Eliza J. Dalton, Hannah T. McGrath 4tnd John T. McGrath, her h" band, are plaintiffs, and Mary FUlacy and FranK ti. uiacy are aeienuums; T. John H. Stevenson, sole referee, will sell at the west courthouse door of the courthouse of Multnomah, county, Ore gon, in Portland, on August 24. 1910, at the hour of half past 10 o'clock a. m., nf u.M rfav. to the hlshest bidder, for cash, lota numbered three (J and four (4), In block nine (9), In East Port land Heights, now wnnm tne corporate limits of the city of Portland, Multno mah county. Oregon, subject to confir mation of said, sale by the above named The abstract of titles of said real prop erty can be seen and examined at my office, 4Z1 wonawic ouuaing. soutneast corner or Third ana Morrison - streets, Portland, Oregon. - . .' Dated and first published at Port land, Multnomah county, Oregon, this uutn day or Juiy, a., v., isiu. JOHN H. STEVENSON. , Sole Referee. ' SALE) OF REAL PROPERTY BY RE " EREE By virtue of that certain, de cree and vrder of-sale of the circuit court of tne state or Oregon for Mult nomah county, made and given on the 16th day of July. 1910, in case No. 7049, wherein Kllca J. Dalton, Hannah T. McGrath and John G. McGrath. her husband, are plaintiffs, and Frank H, Flllacy and Mary Fillacy, his wife, and John Donnerberg are defendants. I. John H. Stevenson, sole referee, will sell at the west courthouse door of the court house of Multnomah county. Oregon, in Portland, on August 34, 1910, at the hour or 10 o'ciock a. m., or said day, to the one (1) and two (2) In block nine 9), in East Portland. Heights, now within the corporate limits of the city of Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon, subject to confirmation of said sale by the above enuueu cnun. . The abstract Of title of said real prop erty -can be seen ana examined at my office, 421 Mohawk building, southeast corner of Third and Morrison atreets, fortiana, Oregon. Dated and first published at-Port land, Multndmab, county, Oregon, ,lhll zum aay oi juiy, a. jj., iio. JOHN H. STEVENSON. ; "' ' - . Sole Referee. OFFICK disbursing nuarter'miitAV."pni-f. land. Or.. Auk. 1. MlO-Seaftd nrono. sals, in triplicate, vvlll be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., Pacific time, Sep tember 1. 1910, for 10,000 tons of hay and 10.00Q tons of oats, Tor delivery at Portland,- Or., Seattle. vWash.,- Tacoma, Wash., . or other prominent railroad points, or- at Manila, P. I. - Information and blank 'proposals furnished at this office on application. The . United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bias, or any part tnereof. Envelopes conialnlne- propo sals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Oats -and Hay .ana addressed to Capt. Ira L. Fredendall, ouartermaster, U. h. a NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS', MEET ING.--The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Sullivan Extension Mining Company, for the' election of a hoard of directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before them, will be held at the office of the company, rooms 601 to 504. Chamber of Commerce building, Portland Oregon, on Auguat .10, 1910. at 8 o'clock p. rn. ; GEORGE F. HOLMAN, Secretary, Sullivan, Extension Mining Company. . ' - . - ' ur!ron.' Jmy 29.-1910 SEALED bids will be received by the undersigned until 10 a. m., Wednes day, August 10, 1910, for 100 yards of crushed rock daily, which the county can furnish at the Llnnton quarry. The rock will be in bunkers, and can be ioaaea4s-eae ...w gews 'a'he enty reserve, the right to-reject any and All t I J , , 17 M TfltM - e A . . an num. p. a. r ieiQB, vounty uiprK NOTICE V. H. Eppa is from thllTdale In no way connected with the Pacific Fuel company, a corporation doing business in the city of Portland. Or. All collertions and accounts will be adjust fd by cither J. J: Ciuirchly or ' F. P. Waring, or pavments by check to the Pacific - Fuel Co. -j- MONEY TO LOAN .20 TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS, Notice is hereby given that the coun ty -superintendent of Multnomah county will hold the regular examination of ap plicants for state and county papers at ihe Ladd school building, West Park and Jefferson streets, as follows: . FOR STATE PAPKRS. ' Commencing Wednesday. August 10. at. o'clock a. m., and continuing-until Saturday, AUpust 13, at 4 p. m. ., FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday. August 10. at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing .until Friday, August 12. fit 4 p. nv Full program mailed on request. Applicants, writing here, who wish certificates issued in other counties, should secure consent from superin tendent of county to which papers are to be sent Having regular electric car service from Portland, applicants for Washington and Clackamaa county cer tificates will not be accommodated. here. . K. F. ROBINSON, - 1 County SchoolSuperlntendent. - - LOST AND FOUND 21 FOUND 1 ! chestnut mare, .weight -be tween 1800 and 1400;' owner can have same by proving property- Bnd paying expenses. . W. J. Mclntyre, WoodBtoqk, Or., foot Knight st '' : . LOST White Russian wolf hound from Leitrem dor kennels, near Mt. Scott carline. at 45th and Division sts. Call Tabor 125. Suitable reward. - ears, round black spot on left siae. Reward. 138 Arvln. St., Stewarts, ; or pnone Tanor ijitm LOST--Bay mare, 1000 cr 1100 lbs;, no shoes, brand Cor Q on left hip, tip of far silt, return or Information reward ed. C. O. Sandstone, Hillsdale, Or. ? FOWND-i-Pocketbook . containing , small amount of money near 2d and Alder. Owner can have same by proving said property. Call Journal office. LOST Pocket wallet Monday, August, 1, near Goldsmith and Alblna ave.. con tents valuable; reward. 1808 E. Flanders. LOST Gold watch, on or' near Barnes "Road. Liberal reward, Call Main LOST Solid medal - fob.- William - B. Mlxter on back: $10 reward. Return to Ramapo Hotel. ' No questions asked. LOST Ladys watch and pin, initials "I. M. I." Return to room 229. Hotel Harrison; reward. 1 , FOUND Spits male dog with collar. 711 tt. uavis st. fnone B-Z37S. PERSONAL 23 DR. ALICE A. 6RIF. Diseases of wo-nen and children ex- clutlvely ; Wotnej are often saved se vere purgicai operations py consumiig me. - Mervous diseases ot enuaren a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. - Conflnemeats cared for. Cor resnondenoe solicited. No charge' for consultation. Phones, Main 8928, A-5607 Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg. wasnmgton and Parle - ,: - -; en Cured Qulcfelyr - Modern viectrlo treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, eto. W. i. Howard, M. D.. 804-6 Roth coil bldg., 4th and Washington. " ' Are-You Ruptured? The perfect truss la made and fitted bv a specialist to men. women and chil dren. - teattsraction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson, 66 th st. " "BLUE TIPS" A soothing and healing - remedy for female disorders. A local antiseptlo. something new. By mall fl box. Ad dress Blue Tip Medical 3o., 468 H Sixth street, Portland, Ore. . DR. LEWIS, . Physician and suraeon: . treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations: , examinauons free.' Main 4047, A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. MIDDLE age gentleman of means, htgh ly educated and refined, would corre spond with lady of suitable age of means, object matrimony. K-714, Jour nal. - - - .... , - GERMAN booka. inagannns, novels, eto German. English.. French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co. 129 1st st. ' , ' DR. -WALKKR. specialist; quickly cures diseases of men. blood and skis dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles, j 181 . 1st, Port land. MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent, use Sexold Fills as a bracer;, ret stores lost, vigor;, price 1 per box,, boxes- for 65. T. J, Pierce, 811 Alisky. LIQUOR habit permanently , cured in less. Cardlola Institute, 1627 Peninsu lar ave., portiana.or' SANDERSON -CO.'S Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for ' delaved periods, 82 per box or 8 boxes ,for 85. T. J. Pierce. 811 Alisky bldg. MRS, MATFIELD gives ladles baths - and treatments at their homes, also shampoo and scalp treatment. Phone Main 925 V - v WRINICLES removed, sagging corrected in 16 minutes;: free demonstrations. v Heinng-mrscn Diag. Mam 8271 WOMEN Use -Femoids when others fail; sold ana Guaranteed by the Aus- piuna urug vo., uv in, etn st. Main 8109 MRS. VIltGINIA ROWE. ' Magnetlo iteaier, epiruuai una menuu scientists. oi" hi. mum i HQ- MAGNETIC, electric and vibratory mai- sage, thormal treatments,"1 ladles only. Room 1. Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash. of women; all irregularities corrected; no exposure, van or write m Alisky. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP Mental and . spiritual scientist 21 Selllng-Hlrsch Diag. aiam n2. 6EB Thomas Kay for confidential re ports. McKay bldg. Marshall 268. BATTLE Creek Baths, ladles days, men BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of . women. a eeimont st. Kast 2498. TRY Little Hungarlan-Ylddlah restau rant ttM ramnui, near Port, hotel. EEXINE Pills only 75o box. Call or A dress Bridge Pharmacy, 186 Morrison. BOLINDA Am "ivlng hero; send your ; address to F-71 8, Journal. Ktlma. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTISTS MAT EI HALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse 4k Co.. 411 Wash. st. Abo ATEXT3 WELLS A PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- .MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore tea ting work. ' 186 Morrison. ATTOIlIVETS CHRISTQPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. BICYCLE REPAIRING NEW; second hand wheels, repairing, Key, safe and lock work. Hummer, 138 lOtn. UtttLNESb CAKDS HOWK. DAVIS COMPANY, 101 Id st, Blank booka m'fg; agts. tor Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see the new Eureka leaf, a-8188. Main 188. W A RBlN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewaiga and cross ings. 817 Becfc bldg. N TIN sooflng, guttering,- repairing and general lobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jeffer son st. Msln 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office. - 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & Co., all kinds of In eurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. cinRopouisns CHIROPODY ' ANTJ PEDICURIN3 MrerM.- rrHt.-?-P4Wnr hld .. CA1UET CLEANING CALL up Portland -Vacuum Cleaning i Co., and, ask for an estimate' on your carpet cleaning; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Ens! 1698. ' , ' ,' CAR PE ':JEANING-:-ione Steam Cloaulne; carpets, feathers renovated, raaranteed. -.East' 8601 B-22S9. NOTICES REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY .NAME-. BukiT. P. "M., Cltr. Farm Property...... Brong-Kteele Comranr ............... Brabakor ft Bncillct Buttrworthtephino Company, loe..... Curd Realty A JnTtDlnt Co,.i."" ....303 ....110 ,...6i)2 .... o a Co,, b. b,, ............ I napln ft Horlow.... z.""'il Hobart ft M.rshill, Farmi. City Property Honck, Oeorg A. (Colonliatlon). . ....... Kuapp ft Mscy. . ............... ..... Or)rc RmI Batata Co., The.. . .......... dobalk. Georc D rtucida, . H .......... Tbompaon. M. E. Co.......... - CAKPET WEAVCVQ WE esve rsg carpets, bath room ruga, etc. 1618 Patton ave. Woodlawn 8685. CLEAKtnQ AND DYEHiQ 4:-'". ..;v');. PHONE MAIN 8081 ,--;.-.,, -To call for your suit to be sponged abd pressed by one who understands the business. The Elite Cleaning & Press ing Works. 818 3d. corner Clay. coal akb vroon ; N0TICEpf peci aln SLAB WOOD GREEN 8HORT WOOD, per l?ad.. 82.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. 82.63 INSIDE DRY BHORT. per load ... .88.69 I1LOCK WOOD, per load 88.50 SAWEUST. for fuel and bedding. Tb'e Pcrtland Slabwcod Co. .Vila v A7ftftl ' UltXllM St A A Hi a v v . PACIFIC SLABWOOD XXX i Dry inside "wood, par load 13.60. k Pnalidry inside wodd, per load. 8J.80. Green short slabwood, per load, 12.50. Planer jrimming, 3;.blockwood, per l'hones Main 7U, A-iaoo Good dry country slabwood; heary. Leghers Wood Co., 9th and GHn- Yamato Wood and Coal Company. arcoal PROMPTLT DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry SL Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPAN X, 187 a. MorTlsou. East 926. B-1086. SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO.. Main 2158 A-8842. Dry Inside wood, grew slabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel; blockwood. li. Edlettfen, the tuel man Ch. of Com merce; sells ar.tnraclte and cannel; : Jso cbeaper graces nf coal and dry wooa. iTEEL Bridge Fuel Co., wood wid coat Phone Cel778, B. 424, '- CF'DAR block, $1.60 for 80 daya. PhonerMain 216J, A.-aZ. BEST 4 foot fir cordwood 85.60 dellv- ered. Multnoman Fuel Co. Both pnonea. , COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col iected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 70S Board ot Trade bldg- 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency, all debts collected. 317 Alisky. A-7ai7; M. 4zzz. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists collections only. U Flnckney White. Main 6074; A-7026. . ' --- CONTRACTORS ANDV BUILDERS CUMMINGS & CATLIN Building In every branch ot the building trades; Jobbing, remodeling, repairing a special ty; show cases, counters, shelving, etc Office and shop 71 1st st Phone Mar shall rui. H. T, WYATT, general contractor; grad- i -i... n ...1 j .... ,nna H. zttn r.: rnona wooaiayn auao WILLIAM F1SHBECK, carpenter and builder, jobbing and contracting. 20 4th. Mam 6Z4i. FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on Olson, Marshall 144K A-4020; " ELECTRICAL BUPPLIEa Motors for rent or sale. Paclflo Elec tric Engineering Co.. 218 Second st ELECTROLYSIS e)asaisasj14assae" MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo -s hair re moved. Mrs M. P Hill. i Flledner. GASOLINE ENGINES sessiss'isisiits',' STATIONARY and marine; eleetrlo equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. GLAZING UNITED GLASS & GLAZING CO.. All kinds glass work. N. I4tn. M. 44i. LEATHER riNUINU" CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; Up maufacturers, findings.' LIBRARIES CIRCUI-ATING library. 186 6th. bet Taylor and Yamhill. Books 8c per day. ; MOTION PICTURE , SUPPLIES . . Laemmle Film Exchange handles all kinds motion plctura supplies, new or second band machines, parts, films, slides. Over Pantages theatre, Portland, PARTS, complete machines, fllma. song slides, films, reasonable.- 626ft Washington st. MtiilU TUACUERa PIANO lessons; special rates for ensu- Ing year to pupils beginning during August. rnone ni. E. THIEI -iUKN, violin teacher. .pll eevciK. .iar. i,,, fl",t,tf- gvv jKinijunrn PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. Prof. . A. smitn, ivi mn mi. , OS1EOPATUIU PUYblClANS PR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe - cUtist on nervts, acute and chronio Oiseases. ill r n."n uiu.- wmn rn DR. SMITH... graduate Klrksvllle. Mo., 1538; post graa, iui, -i sweuaad bldg. LK. F, J. BARR. A. a U, KUi MfOnawv bldg., 8d and Morrison. Main 2226. PAINTINta AXI PAl'EKL4i FOR painting, tinting, .paperhanging, .phone East 1366. All work guaran- teeq satiPiaciory FOR PAINTING, tinting, paperhangina;" see H. P. Christenaen Co. Main 19S3; A-4711. FOR best work, pricca right, call f. A. PATENT AXlOUSKln HANDBOOKS tor inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered.' beeler A Robo, 17 i-mi mcuiii Diug., wasnington, u. C Inventors' f re book. j. k. Mock, 419 Board of Trade (late U. 8. patent ofnee.) R. C WRfGlh'." U. S.' and foreign pat nts: infringement cases. , n Dnkum. . PAINT, OIL A. I GLASS RASMUSSEN. & CO.. "High SUndard" paint ne. ccr. 2d ft Taylor. M. A-"7l. T. E. BEACH & CO. Pioneer Paint Co,1 135 1st st. M. 1334. A-7045. PRINTINO, IB 'Doers of clever llilnira wnii tyo uJ Ink on paper." 141- 1st i RURUKR STAMPS AN! SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 231 Stark. Main 14l7. SURVEY OfU IVALTEK M. OBER. rtattloK. suMWid- r lnc and topographical trtaps a sue- Itaity. i9 b. stn irn,' tt-zviw.r Corbett Bl(tB.."ll''.ll.A4n2. ihla T401 ' 8eind ft .Mula and A'-JtV' MpKhjt Bunding,,.'....... ...... ..Main 6fl. ra i-mujeite Iiia.,.tll anfl WBl. Main Ktvi '".ST X" Bine-...,...Marhnll ISflT, Ri til r-rtpK, IA ....... art . a.,, A ....S2 ChnrotM.f nf Commerce,,,., Msln Wt ....Hoom 7. 2M, AWer. .Main 71 49 Labbe Bid........,,........ ..Main 13 T Cbainbr f Cnmm ....Crand Ato. and Uultnomab, . .Eaat 07. C-1TO ,...!UH Stark Pt ....Mala 82. A-2:2 .... erllnBer ,.,...,..MlB 8439. nry ciug., no mt, ...... ...M. 8084. -S!T J5UOWCASEB AITO FIXTCRES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixture made to order. The Latke Mfa. Co. THE james i. Marshall' mho. co. new and old showcases, cabinets, store nd office flttures. 2fc Couch. M. 2108. HIGH AAO SMO ;V CAULiS FOSTER & KLEISER, signs; the larg - estjilgn makers In the northwest; 6th Ind Everett sts. Phone . Prlv. Ex. 66, Home A-1155. "blONS THAT ATTRACT" Portlund Blgn Co.. 287 Stark. - Paclflr 1696. 8AFES THE Mosler Safe Co. 108 Id st. Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargatnn in second band safea SHINGLES ' BERT tn Portland., Bee thom, 201 vvanuiiigiun si w. ti. uunert. XOWEIi 8CTFLT ( LEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland . Laundry 4 Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts, Krone Main 410. A-4410. - ; IKAA8FEH AND HTOnGU Oregon Transfer Co. . ; . , Established 1870. '. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, free trackage. : -810 Hoyt it, bet 6th and ttb. ynones: Main 69, A-llss. C. O. PICK Transfer & Stotace Co.. of. flee and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed tor ship- nieni. main nvn, A-ivvo. OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO. : General transfer and storage, aafaa. pianos and furniture moved, packed and snippeo. ivv at. Main . A-ZZ47 INDEPENDENT Baggage c Transfer Co. Storage. 824 SUrk. Main 407, A-41. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cub insnam jo 211 BtarK. M. 107. 5 VKTKKLNAKVUI DR.; A. O. SMITH, V. S.. V. & SUblee, xi -ient Main 4169. Res. Main 1801. ' WALL PAP35.. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them. E. H. Moorehouse A Co., 411 Wash, st WUOLEbALK JOBUEUS EVERDINU A FARRELL, produce and commission metchanta. 140 Front at. rortiuna. ur. none Main n. -- M. A. GUNST A CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. rvKTLiAND. OR. WADHAMS A CO wholBsaTs" srrooera manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th na iak sts. " ALLEN St LEWI8 GKOCERIES. BANKJt r' EBMAN-AMER1CAN - BANK Portland. Or. T Corner Stith and Waablnstoa Bta. Trana- " acts a general banking bnalneaa. Drafts iMoed Tallable la all the principal cities of tna unitea tttates and Europe, roar per cent Interest paid on salnja ' accounts. Safe de- poait vaoiti. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS R ROTH ICRS. Chamber ef Com . v icerce B.'ltJIng. Municipal, railroad sad lubUa ssrvloe eurporaUon bonds, , TRANSPORTATION ALASEU AND BACK, Including Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS via Smooth "Iniido Pauage Twelve deUffhtful excursions from Seattle to - ALAbKA and back cheaper than ' 1 . , - itaying at home. : Dom't wait ant it utiamtrt art olJ eat Writ auick for detail and reeenrafiona Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 249 Waahlnston St. PORTLAND ColumblaKlvcrSccnery Fast Excursion Steamer CHAM. R. SPBNCBR Leaves dally except .Wednesday, 8 a. m.. For Hood River and way landings and return leave Hood River, 2:30 p. rn.; s arrive Portland 8 p. m. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Leaves B a. m.; returns, 6:30 p. m. ' First Class Meals Served. Fore, One Dollar Hound Trip Up-town Office, S3 6th' st. , Phones Marshall 1979, A-129S. Landinp and Office, Foot Washington st Phones'Main 8819, A-2465T . Lowest Rates to Picnio Parties. ' E. W. SPENCER, OWNER, ' The Open Biver Transportatloa Compaay Str. T. N. TEAL For THB DALLES and Way landing's Lfavlng Oak street dock, foot of Oak street, Mondays Wednesday and Friday HI I III.. ivn. y lux Jt tiQ X.'aitC8 Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, mak Infr connections at CelUowlth STEAM EB TWIN CITTB3 . for. Pasco, Kenne wlck. and all points on the Columbia as far as Priest Rapids. ;f j , CAPT. W. 8. BUCHANAN, Supt. vk :; - . " -u u Saa rranolsoo as Portland Steamship Co. tfsw Service to Loa Angeles, via San y. p. 1 111. j yent. X'rancisco, vvexjr aive uuy. From Ainsworth dock. Portland, 9 a. m S. S. Beaver, Angnst It Bear, August 6; " Boss City, Augtist 11. From San Francisco, northbound, 12 tn S. S. Bear, July' SO; Boss City, August 4i Beajrer, August 9. From f-afe Pedro, northbound, '. & 8. Bs City, Auerust 3 Bsaver. August 71 Bear, AugurS la. H. Cr. Bmlth, C, T. A., 143 Third stl phone Main 402, A-1402., J. W. Ransom aarent, Ainsworth Pock: phone Main 288. COOS BAY L-ilNIfc- 5 Bay Service Str. Breakwater leaves Portland 8. m., fuly 18, 33 and 23: worth dock, for NortA Bmd, JUarshfield and-Coos Bay points. . Freight received until 0 Pfja. onnay oeiore, i'assenger fare, 1st clasa, 210: 2d class, 7: includ ing berth and meals, . inquire city tick in berth andmeala. Ainsworth docfc iLijGblLi5tiaL0AA LOS ANGELE9 UFRECT ''s.:;'KOBTK-ACirio s. s. toi: S. S. ROANOKE and S. 8. SLBBB CATS, Kvery Wednesday, alternately,, at 4 n; ra. Ticket office , 132 Third, hear : Alder. Phones Ji. 1314. A-U14. .',-, MARTIN J. II1GLKV. pass. Agnt Wi-H-lLtoSR.-Ftihlr-ABnfc iCSANP CENT-RAT, 8TATI0'. Southern rcif:e t'ortUn.1- , r Althing ..... 6:SO . m, ..... I is p. n.. ..... ii l). nj. ..... p. ui. . .... 7 4. p. m. ..... l M a. ui. T;20 a. in. ..., 4:i p. la. ..... :: l. ui. ..... S:0 a, in. ..... 6:411 p. m. .. wiuiiira ..... , . , forvalll! PaaihaM " : enerldn ton lB:intxr w Forest Forent "rove fttmngft Arri ...... 7:30 a. m. ,.,.. 10:'" p. m. ..... 6 30 p. m. . ,,..,11 'mi a. m. .,., 2:31 p. m. ...... 9: SO a. ia. ...... 6 SO p. n. lam ma Famnjerr . ,n rfl" 1 ,. . ..... For tl ud Express Limt.ii SllT?r .-' .... tnm T , . -. . . ...... w "'' Bine, m , setigr .... gllTertoa Paawn .4. , ... 8:K) a. TO. ...10:30 a. in. , ., a:iiO a. m. la Pnret North Catt''t';i;:,l 10:10. a. m. Bin ; " .MmltV , 1 North tlaiitl- :.- ,. T 00 p. IH a. m. TO. in. ra. Bl. m. re. AtUotte EinriM J . ZUV A.,.i2 Twin Olt lit "f'n Ban s.. Twin U t El! &E? Bonnd J no a. an p. oo p. IS . 00 a. :)a.' :00 p. :4K a. :10 a. :98. p. :00 p.. WlB-ourl Ril? No"l Rank ..... S Sound oprew Tla Puget U!Wt. niter i,-' 'I.-- V .-.10: Bank anno PoTtlanH V "1 brioc'" " ' 7. . , . . . o..iVOB,r Limited Pn in. ra. 15 p. 20 a,' m. a. a. ra. ra. MSIII - :80 a. :10t. Co EiprVM ' Via "Pn.;i 15 p. 20 h. 15 p. 80 b. i. :..t BaSf . T.. arnrtli 1 North ;30': :O0 p.' i Sound , ,; ---V"" T' rugn Pfmm (, ';aTOn-8ettVe MipnU ".'ni iT?: O'J'n'Pl. South Bend and .' ryi Harbor ,i Pnet Sound Limited i"!""'"'" ? v!?5?.nTjrr"Portlnd Special ....... 10 . :10 p. :30 p. m. m. in, m. --.n raaernrr ...... 0 w a. ' ' Oregon Railroad KayltaHoa Oe. RfllfAP Pl, ' ' gon.w..hingtonBuitted;::::r.:io;oo a. ta. 9- tn. p. ai p. n. p. B. a. in. a. m. a. a. a. m. utt tsiiirs lvotzfti ................. 4 00 soo-8Pok.nrporti;Dd:,:::::::::n:T;oo 0r!2?..5r.. v . '-oo ii.uiy x-oniano- ... , . . The - DaUes Local ..,...,w... 10-1S Snokans rt. i'' OregonExprMi ..!!!I"2I""""lo:30 800-Bpokane-Portland 9-'o0 naer nty uofti Paeaenser , T:0O Orn-Wanhlngton l.lmlfrd ...!.!" SOO Aaterla Columbia rwr. waslde Express ,-.......... 8:00 a. m. a. m. p. m, p. m. p. ni. p. to. -ean enore Limited o-20 Saturday Seealde Bpedal 2:S0 Seaside Express . a-jg Rainier- Passenger 1:15 ivoiiurr raexenger ................. S 43 - Arriving Portland- Reaalde Expreas i2 ns Mnndx r Relrf. M " J S 1 Reaalda Express ...,...,.,. ,1000 Ocean 8hor Limited ...10-1S Kaimer and Portland Paaaenger .... 9:40 Rainier and Portland PaaaatureT B:0O Canadian Paolfio Railway Co, Iavlnr Pnrtlnnri 0. P. R. Short tine rla Spokane',.. T:00 P. tn. a. m, . a. bv a. m, via eeaiue ...............,....,.1Z;15 Arrivlnir PM,t1nA. C. P. K. Short Line ls 8pkane 4,, 9:00 via rsartie : ... t:QQ Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Paeaeiifer 8:30 a, ta. Sbaata Limited , 5:00 p. ta. Owl . ft. ...... .11:45 p. la. Arriving Portland Owl , ............................. T:1B a. m. Shaata Limited ...... ......... .i... B 20 p. m. Portland Paaaenger 2:45 p m. JEFTEESON STREET STATION. Bouthera Pacific. Leaving Portland . . . Dallas Passenger T.-40 a. n. Dallas Passenger . .................. 4:05 p. ta. forest Grove Passenger 1;W P- Arriving' Portland-- 1 Dallas Paaaenger ..................10:1.1 a. tn. Dallas Passenger ., 5:63 p. m. . Form QroVe Paaaenger .12:00 - . ELZTEHTK AKB HOYT BTBEETS ; JA8. ,,. ... BENOER STATION. - ; Spokane, Portland A Seattle Hallway Co. 'f Inland Empire Expreas ............ S:00 a. m, . For Chicago, 8t Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, 8t. Looia, Bllllnns, Spokane, Waabtucna, -Kahlotus, Paaco, Rootevelt. Granddalles, tiol dondale. Lylt.'WhlU Salinon, Btereasoa and Vaneonver. " -. ' " ' The Oregonlaa ....... .11:00 a. . m. p.m c. t.nt OnnlraiM. Pv Orannnllfl. Il, White Salmon. SUvenaoa and Tancouvea, loinmuia nirer uocbi ....., y. m. North Bank Limited T:00 p. 01. - for ChicagMv t. Paul, Omaha, Kanaaa Clt7, St. Loula, Bllllnifa, Spokane, Waabtnma, Kohlotua. Paaco, Booaevelt, Orinddallea, Lfle, White Salmon. Stevouaoa and VanceuTer. . ' Arriving; Portland :v; The Oregonlan ....... Tjp From St. Paul. Spokane.- Paaco. Maryhlll, trie. White Salmon, SttTensoo, and Vancouver. North Bank Limited . ;aO a. m. From Chicago, St. Panl, Omaha Kanaat City, St. LouU.- BllUna. Bpokane, J aaljtnpna, Kahlorua, Paaco, Roosevelt, Oranddsllea, Lyle whitu Bilnuin. SferenaoB and Tanconrer.- Columbla BlTer Local ..............12 M p. m.' Inland Empire Mpreas ............ o.i p- - From Chicago, St. Panl. Omaha, Kanaaa Pity, St. Loula, Bllltngs, Spokane. Waahtacna, Kahlotoa, Paaco. EooaeTelt. Granddalloa. Lyle, White Salmon. Sterenaon and VancoUTfr. , Great Northern Hallway Oe Leaving Portland Uth and Hoyt eta. Oriental Limited, via Seattle. .10:00 The Oregonlan, via North Bank . ..j.....i.5.u. ......11:00 1 T.lmltBil via North a. 01, p. m. . . a. 01. p. m.' p. m. a. m." a. m. p. tn. a. tn. p. m. p. m.' Bank T:00 International Limited, Seattle, ' Tacoma and Vancouver, B. C .......10:00 The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and m ; . Vancouver, B. C... ........ . 8:00 Shore Lino Express. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B C. ......................11:80 Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt ata Oriental Limited, via Seattle. . 6:40 The Oregonian, ; via ioriu 7:05 8:15 6:40 S:30 Oriental Limited, ; via North The Owl; Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma. . . . , Shore Line , Express. Van couver. B. C Seattle, and i Tacoma . . , - -j .Mnnol T.lmlted. van- rmiver. ST C. BeatUe and Tacoma . -vllivjj: 9:Kft Time Card OwgoBgtgctTl Railway Co. " Depot foot of Jeiferaon St.; Portland, Or. 1 tayina Portland for Salem ami Int. stations -lil-30 760. U) a. m.f 2:00, S.50. 6:30. S M H m." limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:1,1 a m. Local for Wileonvllle and Int. atatlona 5-10 D m. "-111 eicept Smiilay for point on the. Salem. Falla City A Weatirn Ry. Tla Salem, 6;30 a. ., 2:00 p. . Sunday only, 11IeaTlnsnPortland for Forest 6rOT and Int. stations--T:D5. 8:30, 10:20 a. a.; 12:10, 2:li), S:S0, 6:30, 8:25 P. m. Saturday only, ; ll ? ' A"rrlTlne at Portland forv Rulem nd Tnt. slstlTns--). U.00 a. m.; 4:15. 4:fi. .... g-20 -10-m p. ui. Local from Wllaonvtue anrj Int stations. 8:40 a. ra. .. Daily rpt Sun da, ami 7. 5 a. m, dally. - : irrlvlna Portlund from ForMt Crotn and Int ettUns-.00. B&O. 11:40 S-1 ,.; 2 M 5 20 S:l) r Saturday only 11:00 p. '' - PortUndKfilwy, tight A Power Co. T ' ' lTi-ket Office aud Waltlag Rnniji" . . s'ltst and Alder and JSM Water and Eaat Morrison Street. , Cars lear Eaat Water and MtvrUoa nwi - Oreaoa City 4:MV S. Bl. and Try SO mimitee to and Including laat cr mldnisht, (Ireabara and Intermediate pilnUfl :. 'i,!.'., I -44 :4S,. 10:4ft. 11:48 1H,;I2., L'. J 4V 3:45, 4:4- 3:45. 6 45. ll:BS p. m. FalrTlew and Trtdl-a5. '1 i d , 8:45, 10:45, a, . 12:45, 1:45, 2:43r ;, 4 fj. mt .Ar m ..iA m m -4:e Jeeo d iiiltrtBe'lIat? C.;,;,. S . 10:4i a. 12.45. ' 4 . U. .. i.-Vrm MraacouterTicket office snf afii-jir rueiti. ,8-wtui and Weehlftffton rnf-.-, . . '. n tS, .W. 7:25. 8.1XN S .A5,. 9 : In, S f", 5" . 11.10. II :S0V u. in. -12 Vi, I -In; S -10, 8 50, f:. 6:10, 5 8 T ,:.;, g.lS. 8.25. 10 -."I, 11.4.1. On third Mnn-Ur ! rr u-'-i i.e lint car learea t 7-"r P- nsi! atr. ert tn, . m. m. m. Bl. 01. m.