The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 03, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Visits Villages of Foreign Mine
" ; Workers ahcl Inquires About
Black Hand' aod. Other "Or
' gahizations.. . 1 :
jnnltw! ftut Lm4 W!.l
- Wllkesbarre, Pa.,, Aug. 3.;-Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt today Investigated
the social and living conditions of the
foreign population In the coal mining
districts of northeastern Pennsylvania.
1 He particularly Inquired into the con
ditions under which the Italian miners
"were working and asked 4ibuntlees ques-
' tlone concerning the Black Hand an,d
other organizations. , ' : In most cases,
Italians whom he questioned refused, to
give him Information., fearing reprisals
, by agents of the societies. ..,
He appeared greatly Interested In the
history of murders that have occurred
at- the settlement at Pittston.
Roosevelt and Lawrence Abbott ar
rived here at midnight and slept at the
home of the Reverend Father Curran,
Accompanied by John Mitchell and Fa
ther Curran, tney Journeyed in an au
tomobile to Pittston, where the colonel
pursued his inaulries.
The 4J8rtytoured-tntt.vaUeyTlsiUng
the mine breakers, miners' nomes ana
factortesri They stopped atthe Villages
of Nantlcoke. Kingston and Plymouth.
. When asked If he Intended donning
overalls and entering the mines, Roose-
velt said:-; rv ;,.
"No. This Is not a spectacular trip.
X have ho desire to descend In the mine
cages; that is no novelty for me. , I
Imade this trip , to . obtain first hand
knowledge of the living and social con
ditions of the miners, I do not intend
studying the, inside workings of a mine.
The human side appeals more strongly
to me." ,v'".'...j. -:
While at " Pittston the colonel but
lined plans for a visit to the settle
ments of the Hungarian and glavjnln
era He paid tribute to Mitchell and to
Father Curran In a brief speech. ;
At noon . the . Roosevelt party dined
with Father Curran and forty priests,
who were guests. Roosevelt planned an
other Inspection trip this afternoon and
tonight will dine at . the home of Al
bert Lewis, a millionaire lumber man,
at Bear Creek. ' The colonel expects to
return to New York at midnight ' t
(Continued from Page One.)
were hoarse notes -ana . they .; were
squeals. It was evident that the pilots
did not share in the amusement . ex
pressed by the crowd, and by some of
the deckhands.
On. the Morrison bridge, where the
count was more particularly made, 120
footmen, S4 cars and 66 teams were held
up in the 10 minutes during which the
draws were open to let the river traffic
through. During the second closed
1 .. , 1111 . 3
Can You Ask
We are so confident that we can fur
nish relief for Indigestion and dyspepsia-
that we promise to supply the medicine
free of all cost to every one who uses
It according to directions who is not
perfectly satisfied with the results. Ws
exact no promises and put no one under
any obligation whatever. Surely noth
ing could be fairer. We are located
right here where you live, and our rep
utation should be sufficient assurance
of the genuineness of our offer.
We want every one who is troubled
with Indigestion or dyspepsia in any
form to come to our store and get a
box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take
them home, and give them a reasonable
trial, according to directions. They are
very pleasant to take; they soothe the
irritable stomach, strengthen and lnvig
orate the digestive organs, promote a
healthy and natural bowel action, al
most .Immediately relieve nausea and
stomach irritation, produce healthy di
gestion . and assimilation, and promote
nutrition. Three sizes, 25c, 50c and
11.00. Remember you can obtain Rex
all Remedies only at The Owl Drug Co.,
Inc., cor, 7th and Washington sts.
It was one of these
S An MmnntM with
. , r, , . . r- inn,,, vui umuij m Mian iceas iush"
f'f lare, 6tM nd nutntioo. Ho might almost as well eat hav
ing, lor sll the food he gets out of his food. The result Is that the stomach
grows weak the notion of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired
ad the man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies of nervousness.
To ttnnitbea th itomhcb, niton fAe activity of re on
Saws 0 aigeatlom and nutrition and bract up tba atrres, '
D' PiW Madlcat Dlavovtry. It la an do
tailing rtmcdy, and baa tba eonttdanca of pbyalclana aa
vell aa tba pralaa ot tbauaaada btaled by lta uaa.
In the strioteet sense "Golden Medical Discovery" is a tempersnoe medf.
Mne. It contains neither Intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free from alcohol
as from opium, cocaine and other dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed oa
its outside wrapper. ,
Don't let a dealer delude you for. his own profit. There is no medicine far'
stomach, liver and blood "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery."
Oontadous Blood Poison Is rniTvinfW in a m-a- u
trouble; for its evil influences ara ' often felt through many eenerationsL
Paients ;transmit the seeds o th disease to their ohldren, and scrofulous
sores, 6kta eruptions, catarrhal troublaa. -R.iimrr.itiarn u.i
- and other ubbora diseases result from this most insidious ot all poisons
There is no such thing as killing the germs of this mighty poison. Any
medicine powerful enough to do this would destroy the delicate CninKs of
z "z, -"--J -y wuuubuu iunates mis Tti at nuia pure, iresh
and nourishing. ; S. S. S. is mad entirely of roots, herbs and barks: it does
not contain the least particle of mineral in any form, and is absolutely safe
tor persons or any ge. 8. s. s. cures blood diseases and disorders of
vi.iniii.ier, waeiaer jnaencea or aoquirea. book on the Blood end
m teal adTlci fxe. THE SWOT SPECIFIC CO., ATlAHTA, GA,
U. S.
m--mMwmt. H
MliAfT V 'Y- WILLIS L.MOORE, Chief.' ' ,
' '
IORTHWESTERLY WIRDS. . ! la to amfcaaJ ioov - -, J . ,
period 18S cars averaging 60 to 100 pas
sengers each. 7S teams and 795 pedes
trians, crossed Morrison bridge alone.
The traffic had been thickening, and
from this time on there was a steady
procession of pedestrians, teams and
loaded street cars going both directions,
Crowds Congratulate Officials.
1 There was not another, attempt to
pass the draws until the second closed
period was within nine minutes of end
ing. ; Then came the derrick scow of
Robert Wakefield, who is building the
Madison street bridge, and it, war-towed
by-the diminutive Hasel Weir. which.
after whistling a number of times for
the draw, tied up to the bridge cribbing
and so remained until, 8 o'clock, when
the draw was opened. During this 9
minutes 23 street cars; 66 teams and 130
pedestrians crossed! the Morrison bridge.
Bo ended the first regulation of the
drawbridges. It had seemed particular
ly satisfactory to thoss who were cross
ing the bridges, for they1 continually
called up their congratulations as they
passed over the draw.
Judge Cleeton and Commissioner God-
dard, a 'bit chilled by exposure on the
high tower, left , the bridge. ? Judge
Cleeton was beginning his vacation of
a week, but he said he would keep in
close touch with the office during the
tima he is absent. 7'
It was evident from announcement
made this morning by rlvermen that
they will not file their complaints with
United States District Attorney John
McCourt . V
XcCourt'a Attitude. '
Mr. McCourt, took yesterday a view
diametrically opposed to that of Major
Mclndoe, who had announced that he
would consider each failure to open the
draws upon signal an infraction of the
United ptates law. Mr. McCourt made a
statement yesterday to The Journal in
which . h made clear his position. It
reads: :;: ' v
' "It appears that the secretary of war
in 1895 promulgated regulations for the
opening of the drawbridges across the
Willamette river. This action probably
ousted the county court from Jurisdic
tion in-the matter." The latter tribunal,
however, entertains a different opinion,
and, as I understand It, Intends to order
the drawbridge tenders, who are paid
by It,' and under its control, to delay
opening the draws in response to signals
where such delay would be reasonable,
having in mind the character of craft
making the signal. ,
The law under which the secretary of
war issued rules and regulations pro
vides that unreasonable delay in open
ing a draw shall render the party guilty
of a misdemeanor. In such case the
question of whether or not the delay
was unreasonable would be one of fact
and unless ths party complaining could
show that the delay in his case was un
reasonable, a conviction would probably
not be had. -
Favors Begntatlons.
"I do not understand that ths county
court intends to have Its brldgetenders
refuse to open draws, but merely to
delay opening them for a few minutes.
In order to accommodate overhead traf
fic when the congestion is greatest
I understand that no passenger steam
The Tenderfoot Farmer
experimental fsrmert, who nut ere en
i1" now ana lea ner shavings. His theory
wss that it didn't matter what the cow ate so long as she
was fed. The questions oi digestion and nourishment had
not entered into hit calculations.
It'a nnlv m "tAi" t Li n .
m maw r . . t
Department of Agriculture
(AmmtHm Ukm m I s. aw mwtHUU mmUi Iks A
ImoukdMiSiltalMtkr. . I ) i U HWSMR V
g)rak; ): raport tain, i Aram frvtth tba wla&
l(in, tJBiBftitoTCi mni, hm Maiaa, tmmm m mm lain,
Treaty f 10 aula ft koar at man. , . -.
ers of moment go through the draws,
and it appears to me that the freight
traffio could easily accommodate . Itself
to the convenience of the thousands of
people cr6sslng the bridges. ; - ;
. "I am in sympathy with the effort to
regulate the opening of the draws so
as to accommodate the public and It
appears to me that the -same can be
done without material injury to the
river traffic. It also seems to me that
the result so manifestly just should
have been attained long' ago without
such great effort If objection shall be
made to the observation by the bridge
tenders of their instructions from the
county court and complaint Is lodged
with me -I will carefully Investigate the
law relating to the matter. Until now
I have not had opportunity to investi
gate the law applicable to the same."
"Each complaint of navigation being
obstructed because of closed drawbridg
es will receive Individual consideration.
In each case It must be shown that
there was unnecessary obstruction : and
unreasonable delay before I ' will con
sent to prosecute on Behalf of the gov
ernment," aaid United States District
Attorney John McCourt today.
District Attorney McCourt has made
it evident that he does not believe the
short delays suffered by sand scows
and towboats of irregular schedule be
cause of . the county court's regulation
of the draws, a sufficient cause for
legal action by' the government.
Major James F. Mclndoe was not In
the city today.; Before leaving on a
short trip of Inspection he reaffirmed
his statement, made yesterday to The
Journal, that he will, consider each
failure to open the draws promptly up
on signal, a violation of the United
States las and cause for action on the
part of the government
government Pavors Closing.
-Senator Jonathan Bourne telegraphed
yesterday that the war department now
favors the closed period of two" hours
In the morning due to his efforts and
Influence with the department ..The
proposed government regulations allow
the bridges to be closed from 6:30 un
til 8:30 a. m. with two intermissions,
from 7 until 7:15 a. m.; and from 7:45
until 8:06 a, m. .;- -7,-i .:rii
The government doe not provide, for
the closed evening period, which under
the regulations of the county court, Is
from 6:16 until 6:45 p. m., then again
from 6:56 until 6:30 p, m
In a letter to El. C. Qiltner, secretary
of the Chamber of Commerce, Senator
1. ft.,. I.I .1 .
ouuiiw iua&oi uim yusitiun on me anw
bridge controversy, clear. Tha letter
reads, in part: - 1
f. recognize In your organisation the
organized representation, of the' commer
cial interest at Portland, and from, the
fact tHat your organisation has not only
Indorsed the demand . tor closing of the
drawbridges during the hours specified
by my amendment to the rivers and
harbors bill, but also for a longer period
than that I assumed" tnat you are sat
isfied that the commercial Interest of
Portland will not be injured by such
closing and that the advantages to be
gained by such closing fully justfy such
action by the war department
Should Use Judgment
"However. I think you should be very
careful not to go too far In indorsing the
aemana for closed bridges. People trav
ellng across the bridges must expect to
suffer, some Inconvenience due to ac
commodation of river .traffic.
'On the other hand transportation
companies and shippers must expect to
submit to some delay and Inconven
ience due to traffic across the brldkes,
Like most of our business relations, this
must be a. case of give and take. We
can not all have everything exactly to
our liking, but what ! am anxious to
do, and what I assume Jnpur organisa
tion wishes to do, la arrive at an equit
able adjustment of the opposing Inter
est I believe the transportation com
panies and the manufacturers, who are
directly interested in shipping, should
be willing to make some concession to
those who must cross the bridges.
Morning- Closing Necessary.
"On the other hand, those who are go
ing to and from their work should not
expect to have the use of the bridges at
all times. Manifestly, It is not so import
ant to the working man that he should
get borne promptly at night as it is that
he should get to his work promptly In
the morning. This , consideration led
the war department to agree to a closed
period In the morning, while refusing to
agree to a closed period at night
"While I am still of the opinion that
there .should be a closed period, in the
evening also, I think It will be best to de
ter tnat matter until we have made an ex
periment with the closed period in the
morning. I believe that the shippers
vrm una umi tno ciosmff jr, tn draw
this should be found to be the Case, then
it will be an easy matter to secure an
order for closing the drawbridges In
the evening also. It would be better to
proceed cautiously In order to avoid th
reaction that would follow Injurious ef-
fects from, closing .the,, bridges."-"-' t
Fort, and Or 1 o 1 0"
, , o a.m.
Barometer ..30.16
Humidity.. ... ..g
Wind, Direction.
Wind . Vilnalli S " '
Weather ". r.1..Pt.Cldy
(Batafallv, V. 0 4
'MaztDnm tsmperstnr el f
yesterday .... ..... "' I
William, Hess Pays $10 Fine
for Selling Milk From Dairy
That Has Not Been in
spected. . .
The first arrest of a dairyman for
selling milk in , Portland . JTrom ... cows
that had not been tested for tuber
culosis occurred this morning. William
Mess is proprietor of the dairy from
which the milk came. His dairy Is on
the Columbia sldugh, and he was. filled
$10 In the municipal court and ordered
to apply for a test to his herd.
One of the wagons of Hess' dairy has
been delivering milk to several small
restaurants in the north end. This
morning the driver left' 12 gallons at
the Willamette coffee house, Third and
OUsan streets. E. D. Smith, city chem
ist and milk inspector, served the' war
rant on the driver.
Smith notified the owner six week
ago that he must apply, for a test He
was told that the herd had been tested
and that the license for the wagon had
been taken:out' investigation showed
that his herd had not been tested,
neither had Hess applied to the health
offlcr for a test No license had been
issued, either. '-. ' . -
Hess has about 40 cows In his da.lrv.
and none has been examined for tuber
culosis. He Is selling all his milk In
Portland.1: The wagons will now be
watched, and . unless his herd 1 soon
tested, he will be stopped from deliver
ing his milk. : There are several other
The Best Treatoierit in the Wor(d, the Most Modem Methods, xapd No Guess
work or Experimenting. No Weak, Diseased, Skeptical or Hopeless Man, it
Makes No Difference How Long He Has Treated, Can Doubt My Curing Him
If He Will Take Time to Investigate for Himself How I.Am Curing Afflicted
Men After Other Specialists Fail, and After Some of These Men Had Given
Up Hope of Ever Being Cured. I Prove to Every Man That I Can Cure Him
and How I Do It Before Asking Him to Take Treatment or Pay Me a Penny,
Why ICure Afflicted Hen After Others Fail
I am flOt surnrlsed that th tnnlnrltv nt mon whn rnma in m hA not
been cured, because they had not received the careful examination given
by a skilled specialist who is an expert. Men tell me -they never received
a scientific examination until they
med to be more anxious to get
Tou will see when you eomo to
ference how lonsr It takes me to
others fall. When you take treatment
best skill, time and attention necessary to cure you. I don't make a bit
of difference on account of your pocketbook. I treat men to cure them and
glre them treatment that cannot fail. 1 want every afflicted, man to call
or write to me at once. This is all I ask them to-do to convince them
beyond a. doubt that I can cure them, make them strong, vigorous, whole,
happy, hearty, e-ven If they think they are wrecks. Men who take treat
ment from me Improve from the start end know 1 csn- cure them.
f Afflicted, men. why welt, be skeptical, diseased or weak, or continue to
take treatment that Is doing you no good, , when you enn get treatment
from '- me that , Is certain, thst does " you good at once and
soon effects a curfT Many wen have to come to me sooner or later If
they are ever curd. why not let me cure you befdro losing, your money,
health and strength In treating with unskilled specialists? . ...
If you, suffer from Blood Disease urethral Obstruction Knotted Tslns.
woUen lands, Boms, Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Mdney, Bladder or Any uri
nary Troubles, Seryons Debility, or Any Men's Disease or Weakness due
to excess or any other cause, I can surely cure you cure you honestly
cure you quickly. Not one cent does it cost you if I don't. Don't delay a
single day. Dont wait Until your life Is entirely rained. Don't worry
about payment. Come and talk to me privately about your trouble. I will
convince you. I will cure you or no cost to you. ,
Come to Me and
Motto 1
Best Treatment at Seasonably Mtw
Olre Up Before Consulting Me, . .
, uau .as onoe ir in Trouble,
, OUABJJTTZBD CUBES Many patients have told me,
after X cured tbem, that they hesitate at first to oome
on aooount of nevr having reoelved relief elsewhere,
and they bad almost beeome so skeptical as to think
Corner Seccnl esl YashUI
dairymen who are selling , milk who
have not had their cattle tested or ap
plied for a test Each of these will be
handled the same as was Hess. . Judg4
Bennett is inclined to assess, a small
fine for the first offense,. andUhe pro
prietor is warned to comply with the
ordinance. On the second .offense the
maximum penalty is to be imposed.
', Another Warrant Issued.- .
A warrant has been issued from the
municipal court for ' the arrest of C
Schneider, dairyman near South Fulton
Park, for selling watered milk.- The
warrant was secured this morning by
B .D. Smith, city chemist who took an
analysis of a sample t ml Mi from his
wagon last week;. Schneider was noti
fied Friday to come to the office of the
health department, and . promised .to be
In Saturday, but has not appeared.
Schneider : was recently arrested by
the stole authorities for selling watered
milk, and was given a fine of $2ff In
theustlce courts-He was arrested by
Constable Wagner, and pleaded guilty.
The recent test ' by-, the. city Inspector
showed he had used a large amount of
water In th,e' load he had. on the morn
ing the sample, was secured.
The . report of Building Inspector
Plummer for July shows an Increase pf
28.8 per cent in the number of building
permits Issued over JulyiJ 1909. i A; de
crease of .38 per cent is noted in . the
valuation .of improvements, but this Is
due to the Vest amount of small build
ings, ; This 625 permits were Is
sued.' The value of the Improvements Is
1908,080. ' Last year, July gave 406 per
mits, with a valuation of $911,570.
In the work of the field Inspectors,
181' violations of the building ordinance
Portland " People " Should Not
Wait Until It Is Too Late.
The appalling' death-rate from kid
ney disease is due in most cases to the
fact that .the"' little kidney troubles are
usually neglected ' until they become
serious. The h slight J symptoms ; give
place to chronic disorders and the suf
ferer goes gradually Into the grasp of
diabetes, ,! dropsy, - Bright's disease,
gravel or some other serious form of
kidney complaint . , ' V
If you suffer from backache, head
aches,' dizzy spells; if (he kidney secre
tions are' Irregular of passage and un
natural in appearance, do not delay.
Help the kidneys at oncel ' ,5 ' -
Doan's : Kidney Pills are especially
for kidney disordersthey cure, where
others fall. ; Over . one hundred thou
sand people have recommended , them.
Here's a case at home:
David Cousins, Ash and Seventy-fifth
Sts., Monta villa. Station, Portland, pr
says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills for
kidney trouble and . I am glad . to say
that they greatly relieved me. Since
taking this remedy, my back Is much
stronger and the , seoretlons from my
kidneys do not cause me near, so much
annoyance." -f -;'f:"': ? 'r'i .'V ;
For sale by all dealers. Price ,60
cents. - Foster-Mllburn Co, Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Mr. O. H. Knecht, Shelbyvllle. 111., did
... . . . . i a . . . i ,
a wise tnmg wnen ne aeciaea 10 "
Foley Kldtey PlUs. . He writes: ''Sev
eral years ago I hurt my back, . and
whenever I took cold It settled in jny
kidneys. " They began to give me much
trouble, my .back ached severely and it
hurt so when I stooped over that I could
hardly straighten up. Almost two months
sgo I read of Foley Kidney puis and de
cided to give them a trial. After a short
time I was much Improved, was able to
go to work and now feel well and strong
again. I gladly recommend Foley Kid
ney pills.- -;
i(E(ls(i Menu
came to my offlcie. and their doctors,
their monev than anythlnr else.
mo how different you will be examined.
ondltlon. it makes no air-
find It out
This Is why I cure after
from mt you ret the benefit of my
IlVill Cure You
nntU I aooontpllslt
you ibkb treatment
write for self-examination blank
1 -1.SVV7..1. Jiome. v Office lioura. t nw4 ..
?dJffrios Abdut f All correspondence In plain enveloi
x.ou io.fs.ou per
were discovered, and ordered corrected
before work op the building progressed.
There were 1642 Inspections made. A
substantial Improvement is also noted
in the quality of the .buildings. Each
month the change for better Improve
ments Increases, and the strict building
ordinance Is proving a great benefit to
the architecture of the city.
. . Good Bill at Orpheum.
The bill1 at the Orpheunt this week is
good all the way through. A fine ldt
of features comprise the bill among
which the "Operatic Festival" occupies
first place and ' is a tremendous,;. hit
Their selections are all well chosen and
sung in a pleasing manner.
u 1 .. a
Wo fcreed of Being Scrawny, Weak and
. . smaclated.
Good healthy flesh can only be gained
by the use of the proper food with thor
ough assimilation of the fattening ele
ments. "Nine people out of ten in order
to weigh as much as they .ought and be
perfectly healthy; should use Samose,
the great; fleshormng"'food.'ijl';?(''-:l
Samose , has valuable flesh forming
and tissue building properties, and when
it is assimilated with the food, It causes
the flesh making elements to be retained
and the weight Is naturally Increased.
4 Leading i druggists ; have sold i in ; the
last few weeks a great many packages
of Samose, every , one with their per
sonal guarantee to refund the money If
It did not give satisfaction . and have
had but one person ask for the money
back,1 Sent post paid on receipt of price;
50c. . Also for sale by Woodard, Clarke
In Three
No Hypodermic Injections
treatment of twenty-five doses, at
the institute or in the home, and a
guaranteed bond and contract is
given each patient that if a per
fect cure is not effected the treat
ment will be free." i ,
To the drink habit, when von can
Ibe FREE in three days time?
KlMEMociK that the treat
ment can be taken at the home
or institute, and that the money
wittHbe returned if a cure is not
effected. . ', '.-
Those addicted to the liquor
habit or having friends or rela
tives who are should not fail to
Personal and financial refer
ences on application. For full
information call, write or phone
The Neal Insiilnte
: , Phone Marshall 2400'
Wrr . . TUK DIAMOND UUXNttv. a
l4tcl Ask ;nr OrmmrUi tot A
PI1U ta U4 ul Sol4 nrtllicV
boi, tMled itk Blue RIWx. V
Tk Mker. Bntftin, V !
firaciriit. Aik forCin.irES.TER.
Cwl W
a cure, if there' Is' any doubt about
no oase Dlnir nnnbla rw mv mat nod, nrorldari I am
satisfied the patient U slnoere and reliable.
My consultation and advice Is always free, whether
or not. iz you cannot can at ornce,
lank. Many cases cured at
n- fiunda ye--l t 1 1
opes. Medicines from
Come to Me
and be Cured
When I
Cure You
pay me as yoa
get the benefit of
or treatment
. ,E,? Crail is lower than an
specialist In the city, half that others
charge you. and no exorbitant charge
for medicines. , .
mJ m xVft specialist Have bad
10 years practice In the treatment of
dlstsst-s ef men. My offices are the
beat equipped In Portland. My methods
art tnoaern end up to date. My euree
are fjulck and positive. ; I do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each case, find the chubs, re
move It end thus r th disease.
- I CP B Vsrloose Telns, , Oontraot4
Slstasesr Piles sad Speeifle Blood Pot.
son and all Diseases of Men. ......
tracted and cbronlo cases cured. AU
burning, itching end Inflammation stoo
ped In ti houra Cures affected In eev
n dv.
. f -itmrnm 1 1 n,M,
luauim vry man a llfetong cure, with
out taking medicine Into the stomach.
Examination free. If unable to call,
write for list of questions :
-Office hours a. m. to I p. m. 8ua
days. 19 a, jn. to 1 p. m. only.
. ' i r - ' :.'r ..:
His Prescriptions Give
Immediate Relief
Many Phenomenal Cures Attested to
' by Grateful Patients
I t
TB.JU ifAASIJbAA AfVV'A'OB. ''' 'j
If you are sick." don't fool with" pat-'
ent medicines In search of a cure, but
let this wonderful nature healer diag
nose your case and prescribe some rem:
edy furnished by nature. From the
egetab'e kingdom most of his reme-.
dies are obtained in the form of Roots,
Herbs, Barks and Buds, whose curative
powers are unfailing. Even the most
obstinate diseases yield to their, pow
ers. Here are a few of the diseases he
treats so successfully: Catarrh, Bar
vonsnMs. Dyspepsia. Liver Troubles. ,
Weak or Bore r-es, La Orippe, Kidney
Troubles and all Sexual Diseases.
If you uve out or town ana cannot
call, write for symptom blank and circular,-
Inclosing four eents . In . stamps.
- Open Evenings and Sundays. ;
TbeC Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162H rtrsi UU Cot. Morrison, Fortland,
, ,fi,:.IK. Oregon. . --s-c .--. i,;,1
Are You 5ick?
Dr. D. Ging Ctiow
Noted herbalist of the
Jhlnese empire, . now
issoPiated with the
)n Wo Tons Chinese
Medicine Co. , , This
toted 1 doctor has ,
earned the secrets
cnown only, to the
amous Chinese sa-
. vants fo over 4000
years and has specially imported herbs
from the remote provinces pf China that
positively cure all Ills of the human
eystetn. Diseases of the nervous sys
tem, 'female disorders, blood poison,
stomach trouble, etc., absolutely cured.
No matter how many aoctors nave nfv matter how many- "medicines
you have used without result, call on us.
We can cure you. '
Consultation free. Treatments by malt
On Wo Jong Chinese Medicine
. and Tea Company
93 ad St.. Honrs a. m. to 10 p. m.
The well known Dr. 8. K.
CHAW, with their Chlneat
remedy of herbs and roots
cure wonderfully. It hai
cuud many sufferers when
all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure for mala.
ana lemaie, enronic, private ; 1
blood poison, rheumatism nn.s.a.i.aJii
asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trouoia.
consumption, stomach, ' bladder, kidney
and diseases -of all kinds. Remedies
harmless. JXp operation.. Honest treat,
ment Etamlnstlon for ladles -by MBS,'
8. BV OHAB. Call or write to ,
2H Morrison tit., Between 1st and )d
.v Portland. Or.
Bing Chong
Cures all diseases of
men and women by
use of the famous
Chinese herbs.
brriCB houbs -
8 to . 11 a. m..
3 to 5 p. m.
Office, room 11,
835 H Alder St,
or 133 V4 1st St.
11 a. m; to 1'
p. m., 6 to 11 p. m. 885 Tlanaers, Bet.
th and Oth. . ' .
Bid G
Bentti Gsffaacaf
r A .nf anil tlmnle remedy for
r BrmmriiilL Catarrh. Hat Fmm
atlona ol ALL muocmt mambranas
atomaob or urinary orgau.
at nsuaeisTS si .
If At net curt iwu!f'
k Treat Im with aaoh botUa
or maiiaa on miuaai.
. TU Intl flarfol Ca.
Jouriial Wants'Aro Winiiera
n ?
I z, c