. r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY . EVENING, AUGUST 2, 1910. 1 Topics of Interest in mm ' ' IN SOCIETY Mrs. Thomas Barry and Mies EllenJ tiarry tell on me vciiaiiu x-iniitcu ouir day morning, from San Francisco for the east. They will go-direct to Ashe vllle; North Carolina, to visit relatives for a month before proceeding to West Point to join .General Barry, who will remain at Fort Mason several "week l longer to welcome his successor to the . pOSt. .': - ., ' -aA"V ' V' . W "' : Mr. end ' Mrs. Charles . E. Rumelln, ,Reed Rumelln and'Mlas Rhoda Rumelin leave tonight for an ' eastern trip -that " will Consume two months' time, The . trip wiU be taken over the Canadian route, and visits will be made In Cleve land and Chicago. Much of the time will bpent In Glens Falls; New York, Reed Rumelln wnr not return with his parents, but will be placed In' Law lencevllle, New Jersey, a - preparatory school for Princeton, i ; . '. :- "aaHa--- -''"''' ' : r. -Mr. and Mrs. M. A.,.M. Ashley and children have returned' from,; the east, where they haye been traveling since 'late- tn May.. ' .-- a-aA"--- ". , va1--; j . -v'"-' y;:- , -Mn and Mrs. J. Andre Foulhoux left today for Tacoma, to spend the Week at . .the Facif la northwest 1 tennis tourney They wllj have apartments at the Hotel " TacQma,' Mrifoullhoux will enter the lists of fair contestants, as will also Miss Lessie Leadbetter and Miss Susan 1 Clark, v Miss Leadbetter will be with Miss Hazel Hotcjiklss. C. H. Davis, Jr., has taken the Veness 1 home ,at ' Twenty-first and, Johnson streets, and will move Into his new res idence about -the first of s September, Meantime. Moore & Co. will have charge of It remodeling and decorating. " '.-;;! . ,-: '...'.. f-A,A:.".:--aa Mr." and Mrs. Frederick Alva.Jacobs returned yesterday from ' the beach. They -will leave soon for Europe. . ' t vr: a . : ' C'a V'.'-A-S'''. Mrs. A. ' B. Stelnbach and Jerome 'Stelnbach left Saturday for San Fran cisco, where they will be" the guests of Mrs. Stelnbach'a daughter. Mrs. Herst, ...r. r' .,-! , ',' '-; ;a- - V; The engagement of ' Miss . Eleanor Macdn'nald to Bamuel L.', Banks was an nounced, last Saturday afternoon, at a pretty taa given byT Mrs, Julia G. Mac donald, the- mother of the bride-elect Hearts was played on the lawn, where three tables were arranged., Each table was canopied with ft Japanese parasol, and "the three parasols roped together with hearts, making ft picturesque ef fect. Prises were won by Mrs. . John Stevefla and Miss Alma Soon. The date of the wedding Is set for the first week in September., Miss Macdonald'ls the - only daughter, of Mrs. Julia 3, Maedon ald. She has been . an enthusiastic worker In the Oregon . Association . of Collegiate Alumnae, and is now the re tiring president of the association. In their al freco performances of-"Rooin . Hood" and Browning's "Colombo's Birth. dy." Miss Macdonald took prominent parts. The bride-elect Is a graduate of Wellesley, class 04, and since graduation "has spent ft year and a half abroad. For the last few years She hasv, been a teacher at St Helen's Hall and at the East Side High school. , Mr. Banks ia a Multnomah club man and Is with the Portland Railway, Light & Power com pany. He comes from an old New Tork family; being "the son of Mrs,, John Banks of Balnbridge. New York. - The truest list Included Miss Mabel Akin, Mrs. W. J. Baker. Miss Nan Beats, Miss ' Elizabeth Beys, Miss Gertrude Bongard per, Mis Laura .Northup, Mrs. John . Stevsna. Mrs. John L. Travis, Miss Alma Noon drs. "Roger Currier (Miss Viola NoaifV and Miss ;Ethel Wajceman,,? w ; .-A-- .,.- ' fi - - .- Mrs. Sol 'Ehrman. who- has been the 1 guetof Mrs,; 1. N,-.. Flelschner afher . beach cpttage. has. returned to her home in San Francisco. . : - ' ! I f ' v ' '? '- ' i . Dr. Jesse E,tteison has "returned from a year' in Berlin, and Is ,at the Hotel Portland. . j - , Mlts Grace O'Neill has been confined to her home since last Thursday with a severely sprained ankle. Mrs. J. Bloch and two-daughters, , the Misses, Helen and Florence Bloch, are . visiting relatives and friends. In Kan Francisco. 1 ' " Rev. F. D. Finley left yesterday morn. Mng for,. Long Beach for a month's so journ. -:-.. u.'-"-'".--.-.... .,;.... - A ! .:V.-'- " Mrs.XDJ!ttte has returned from Van . couver, where she spent a month with friends. - , , , ; , ,..'.; v A:.: '1 ' ' Dr. and Mrs., F. E. Moore are In San. ' Francisco, where they are registered at the St. Francis hotel, ; Mrs. E. " R- Swinburne ? has returned to--v her home' In Pendleton, after a month' vitlt with Portland friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sanger are at the George Turner ranch on the Clackamas, where they will camp for six weeks. "v . J Announcements have been received In this city of the marriage of Miss Maude .Zimmerman to, Walter Chappeau, of San Francisco. The wedding took place on P . Illl ( II III II FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. "FiaHTINQ THB BEBF TRUST" Qo to Any Smith Market for v Columbia- River Sturgeon. v .. .ujunipia niver salmon , Halibut , , ,. Smith's Norway Butter . bmun s i-Tesn ggs Smith's Bacon, by piece ..... . ...22 Smith's Lard, 8 lb. pat) ...T....55S Smith's Cooking Compound, also pu-e; ib: pan !'.!'.'":"::',"!:"::28s Veal Breasts, for stuffing.. .10-12l4? Shoulder Roast Veal .10-124S Veal Cutlets k litilsS Veal for pot-pfe 7.. 7.7. IBS Calves' Liver , . . . ! . . . i H2 Pork Sausage ,igS Soup Bones .4S Pot Roast Beef ................... 1 ol Boef.to Bake .7 to io? Hamburg Steak ,,. ..7..12vti All the abova Meats and the following; 73i, 17 lbs. Granulated sugar ...... .81.00 ; 60 lbs. Our Best Flour High Pat. f:uaranteed ........... ...... 50 bs. Rice .. .1?.. ............gi.oo 20 lbs. White Beans .......... .gl.oo 'A lbs. Macaroni, Spaghetti or Ver- , mlcellt for u..,.k 25 . 5 lbs. Tapioca or Sago ........... 25 ' lbs. Oatmeal 25 19 lbs. Rye or Whole Wheat Flour..35 1 1 lb. Mexican Chile Peppers .30 Brooms, ach. ... .850, 45a, COo, 65o, (iO i0 lb. can Table Syrup, good . . . , , .50 - jrk ipr ,. , ZD 1 gal. can Apples, Pears, Peaches, Aprkots or Blackberries ....... .$0 I gal,. Dm or Sour Plckels ...... .3oi - 2 quarts Bauer Kraut 35 .4 cans Milk $2. AO per case ...15 8 cans SBlmon, Cdrn, Tomatoes or Beans for j 25 Bits of Furniture By a Journal Reader. 1 ANY farm houses could be made more attractive and homelike If ,the bare corners were filled In with some handy little piece of ' furniture which can be made at home with very little expense. . And every-house wife ought to be able to drjve a few nails without smashing her thumb. I will tell you or a handy utue book case made of boxes, and perhaps someone else would like to; make one. Take three soap boxes about 10 Inches deep, 12 inches wide and 30 Inches long. For-legs take fdur strips one half Inch thick and 2 Inches wide and have them about six Inches longer than the width of the three boxes put together. For the top take a board about 14 Inches wide, 82 Inches long and one half Inch thick. - Remove upper sides of . two boxes and put them side by side on the floof and nail the legs on. Put facing strips over the ends where the cracks of boxes come together. Facing strips should be 1H Inches wide, one half inch thlck'-and- about AV inches long It can be covered with pretty cretonne or with housellning or wall paper before putting together and paint the legs and facing strips with, Jap-a-lac. It could be usd for a cupboard by hanging cur tains over the front of It or make a screen, door and fasten it on with small hinges. k Another useful and. ornamental piece of furniture can he easily made with a round ch'eesebox, four old broom or hoe handles, one small barrel- hoop and 13 screws. - Measure Jhe height of cheese box and have the broom handles meas Wednesday in the Bay City, where Mr. and Mrs. Chappeau .will make their home. Mrs. Chappeau is an Oregon girl, who has . been a teacher in the Lenta school for several .years. ? r BrandUed Peaches Wiaort CH,klng.jl,ln r ELECT large, perfect peaches, wipe with a rough towel to remove the y . f ui, then pack in a stone crock. Cover with boiling water so that all the fruit is immersed; then cover the mouth of the Jar .with thick cloth so as to retain the steam. Let stand until the water is almost cold, take out the peaches and rub off the skin, ' Put a layer of the skinned peaches in the bot tom of a. Jar. and eover. with a thick layer of the best granulated sugar. Add another layer of peaches, more sugar and so on 'until the fruit Is used, hav ing the sugar for the last layer. , Pour in a pint of brandy, close and seal the Jar immediately and keep in a cool, dry, dark place. Another way of brandying peaches is to can the peaches in the usual way, but fill in the last two Inches of the Jarjwith brandy. r . H H H . .; "' Spiced Peaches. ' , FOR SEVEN pounds ftice '." peaches, peeled, allow three or three and' a half pounds of sugar, according to the 'acidity of the peaches; $c pint of vinegar, an ounoe each allspice and cloves and three or four pieces of stick cinnamon or , two doxen cassia buds. Stick the buds or cloves into the peaches and tie the rest of the spices in thin muslin bags. Boll sugar, vinegar and spices together and pour -the mixture hot over- the peaches,- which may , be left wliole or cut in halves. Let the peaches stand in the pickle over night. In the morning pour off the vinegar, bring to a, boil again, pour over, the peaches ft second time; put all. In the preserving t kettle, boll three minutes, then cartAftnd eeftl faic- tight. The peaches should be Rooked to look, clear. v Wti K In a..- J'. '..- Dropped Biscuits. - - .'.1 A r night make up the dough in tbe usual way for light bread and let , it rise over night In the morning, before kneading it break off a piece of the dough which you 1 think would be sufficiently large to supply the neces sary wants and roll 1t out the same as you would for the regular yeast powder biscuit, about a quarter of an inch thick. Take a skillet and fill It two-thirds full of good lard, let it Ret boiling Jiot, then cut your biscuits out and; drop them ia They will puff up and turn brown, leav lng a hollow inside"; Serve while hot and break open, putting the butter . on the, inside. - Do not cut open, i-." . - t - ... .. Almond. Fmlt Salad. : vV DICE a can of pineapple into pieces of "the'slse'of an, almond. To every cupfuls of the pineapple add a cup ful of almonds and a cupful of celery. Serve over this a dressing made exactly like mayonnaise, with -the exception of tne mustara. Kicn, sweet cream, beaten, is preferable. v ' k k i . Fig Padding. , ONE cupful of molasses, one cupful of : sweet milk, two and one-quarter . cUpfuls of graham flour, one cup ful of ralslnS chopped, one teaspoonful of soda, little salt. One teaspoonful of cinnamon, one cupful of chopped figs. Steam three hours. - Can ,be kept like fruit cake and steamed when wanted. Round Steak' ... . 12tt-15rf Shoulder Roast Beef , t... .10 SIHoltt Steak 12H-15 Tenderloin Steak 12ViML5 Shoulder Beefsteak .. , 12 H Beef to Spice j VP Corned Beef, plate ....... g Corned Beef, rump ......... 10-12 H cornea oepi, unuuiuor cuts. , . , 3eef, shoulder cuts., . ... , . . lOd Stew Beee to 7T-8 Beef to Boll Beef for Hash ................ .7fk-8 Steak for Beefsteak Pie ....... .12 He Beef. Hearta: .. ...................... Tripe ........ .....................10 Beef Tongues .....15c Mutton Chops ............. Mutton Stew ..... .'... ............ . Legs of Mutton .......lR Shoulder of Mutton .............. .10 Groceries at Third and Jefferson streets. Aatomauo A.-4418, i . 7. cans Sardines 25) 2 cans' Pineapple,' Peaches, Pears. . 25 d S cans N. O. Molasses .......... .25d 1 gal. Salad Oil .............. ,.1.00 2 pkga.-Shaker Salt 15c 3 pkgs. Rice or Corn Flakes....... 25e 5 pkga Kgg Noodles ...... 4.,,,..25 6 lbs. Sultan Raisins ....... ......256 4 lbs. Seeded Raisins ....,.,,,....25 1 jar Jam Or Marmalade ......... 2o 1 lb. Braxll Coffee 20Z 6 loaveft Bread, full weight. ... ; .25 tyonn -Toitet paperrrr. ; . .'."."rrr.25 2 cans- Shrimps ,25c 3 cans Ovatprn . . .-...VKA 25 os. Baking; powder, ,...j..25 1 lb. can Cflilr. Chocolate., ..... ...:tO( 2 large bars Ivory 8oap 15 1600 Parlor Matches 1 Jo- 2 5c cans Mason's Stove Blacking. .. K 2 ioxes Shlnola .,.....;. .15c the Realm f - . . 1 Made at Home ure 24 Inches from the bottom of box to floor. Take a keyhole saw ( and saw the broom handles one half Inch deep and wltha drawknife split . it off so It will fit tightly against box with a small place for box to rest on. Then screw the legs tightly to the box and four Inches from floor fit the barrel hoop around the" inside of legs and screw them, on, . It will be necessary to make holes through the broom handles with a small bit before Inserting the screws, a Now pad the- top e-f box and cover It with brass headed tacks, make four compartments In, box to be used for thread, thimbles, scissors and darn ing materials. The top f coyer Is a pin cushion. Now cut a piece of cre tonne an inch, larger all-around than tire barrol hoop and fasten it -to hoop, pulling It in slightly to hold your "work." Gild or enamel the outside of the box. the legs and hoop and you have a pretty sewing table . Just one more Idea, A Very handy article for the dining room is a plate rack made out of one window glass bo. To make 'it remove the cover and one Side; take three, pieces of narrow1 boards the length' of the box and one inch wide, nail them across 'front of box, one at bottom to. form a rest for plates, then another for plate to lean out on, fit in another little shelf in center of box from side to side fthd make it the same as the bottom one with a rail for upper row of plates. Or it can be used for cups and saucers instead of plates by screwing little brass hooks on the outer rails to hang the cups on and the sau cers tan be, stood upright against the rail ' .. ..' '-'a"-. Imitation Tutti Frvttl Ice Cream. J TAKE two - tablespoonfuls of gelatin and soak in twp tablespoonfuls of cold water. Then take one cupful of granulated suirar and nour one tint six eggs real stiff, put the soaked gela tin in the boiled sugar, and pour it over the beaten eggs and continue beating until It begins to set Then divide into equal parts. In one part put a little can- - " g vm w-uiv ma nui v.tr5 uj. oied, pineapples, cherries and a ground nuts. ; And after you have them beaten in put this In a square pan. Then take the other half and put half of the. little pink tablet mashed to a 1 powder, and beat it until all dissolve, then put it on top of your first layer and place on fee until cold, when it can be sliced like brick Ice cream, and serve with whipped cream. If. at R ' An lTp to Date Proposal. T thought you didn't tare for him. jWhat won you?" " "His language. He told me that his jovef or -me - burned like - gasoline and begged me to honit-nonk through life with ntm." Suburban Life. . -!-- -J k n m - Tray for Gas Store. f THEN cleaning; the tray to your gas y tov try sandpaper Instead of wf -the usual cleaning powder Also to get a. keen edge to the carving and kltohen knives try sharpening them on sandpaper. The result is most satisfy ing. Pull Out a Hair The Way to Tell Whether or lot ypurHaif Is Diseased : - Even: if yoU have luxuriant ead-f hair you may want, to know whether It is in a healthy condition or hot Ninety-eight per cent of the- people need a hair tonic. ,Tou can make a test your self that you can see and understand, which will tell you whether your hair is healthy or not , Pull a hair out of your head; If the bulb at the end of the root is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair Is diseased and requires prompt treatment if Its loss would be avoided. If the bulb Is pink and full, the tiair is healthy, r We want every one whose hair re quires treatment to try our Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. , We promise that it will not cost anything if It does not gtve satisfactory results. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is designed to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp Irritation, stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair already in the head, grow hair and eradicate bald ness. ' t ', ., ' ( Out of 100 esses where It-was given a thorough, conscientious test It grew hair, on 83 heads, which should be suf ficient proof that Rexall "3" Hair Tonic contains extraordinary remedial and hatr-growlng qualities.- It is be cause of our knowledge of this prepar ation and our sincere faith in its good ness that we want you to try It at our risk. ':" -.,, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is a clean, clear preparation which does notvgrease, gum or thicken the hair, and it has a very pleasant odor. We hava It in two slses, prices 60 cents and $1.00. Re member you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc., corner Seventh and Washington streets. NEW TODAY ALBANY The ooonty seat of XJaa county, la la the heart of the Willamette Valley, only 80 miles south of Portland. t Wi offer the following bargains to quick buyers., SO. 162. 40 acres of land, 27 acres of which Is in 4 year old Spltxenberg and Baldwin apples, and 10 acres of al falfa and clover, 8 acres of pasture, 2 large barns, 1 house of 6 rooms, tool house,: smokehouse, gasoline spray pump, and other tools go with the place; has electric light in house and barn, city water. We can sell this, property for $20,000. and on the easy terms, to a man understanding fruit. NO. 190290 acres of rolling land, wlh 100 acres of bottom land, 90 acres under plow, balance, in pasture and tim ber, plenty of fruit, 8 room house, good barn, living spring year around. Price, $i0.noo,--naif cash, balance 10 years time,. if wsnted, at 6 per cent in terest possession given 1st of Octo ber. Any one purchasing this tract will double their money In 18 months, and we can demonstrate this. HO. 174. 385 acres; 160 acres plow land. ( acres orchard, two sets of build ings, good vineyard, fine fruit land, two jiving springs year around, witbm H mile of trading nolnt. 6 miles from R. R. station, 10 miles from Lebanon, close to good school; all good soil. Pi-Ice $1.000. ' VO. 16113 acres. 10 acres under plow, acres pasture, good .6 room house, frame barn and outhouansA 8 acres of berries, good well, running wa ter year around, telephone goes with place. Kr-r.rS-mJlr'to - school,- mnes norm ot ijpoannn. r Price $1760, all cash except $400, which can stand for 1 year or more. Apply to : a ; . , Tebault Real Estate Co.; Inc. emiiiine WLat TKey Said (At the Picnic.) "Mother, why doesn't the big white bear go Into the water and have Mots of fun?" ' , . ,; . " - 'j . 'Tve eaten three hard boiled eggs and I'.ve lost track of the number of sandwiches; if I ate that way at home, it would kill me." , v i-. --A. '., 'a . .' 1' ;T ',' ''tV'.,.';. " "This is the first time, we've ever had a picnic that it nasn't rained," , - "Well, if I didn't go and forget the salt for the hard-boiled eggs; I Just knew I'd forgotten something." a j "I've never seen the Island In such poor condition as it is this year: and Just when so many conventions- are coming, too." v . "Just as soon as we had a ttfeat bia electric fan put up Jn the office the weather got cool again," "There's more yawning done in the office oh Monday morning thftn on all the other days of the week put to gether." 4 v "My rosebush has 17 flowers m it and, I only planted. It, a eat,ago." . - ' ' . ' .'' Almond Cookies. FOUR egg beaten light then add two cups of granulated sugar; again beat hard until light add two tea spoons of vanilla, one cupful of finely chopped almonds, previously .blanched, men two ana one-rourtn cups, of flour, slftedwrtvith one-half teaspoon of baking powder.' Drop into baking pan with a teaspoon; don't attempt to roll them. To blanch almonds, pour over them boil ing water. After a few . moments the skins will come off easily, This makes about 45 cookies. , , 1 Rhubarb and Orange Marmalade. PTflKE three pounds each of pieplant 1 and sugar, grated peel of two or ; anges and rthe "pulp of four, one pound of raisins cut coarse. Boll 20 minutes. This makes 11 alasses at a cost of 5 cents a glass. Figs or dates can be used in place of raisins.' It is fine. . t-,..U-'i U-J -i.- IJ... - JL. NEW TODAY 12 Acres ' 11. miles, out all cleared: about 3 acres In fruit and berries of beet varieties; near school, rural delivery. A splendid bargain; let us show you. ; :: B. S. COOK & CO. 603 Corbert Bldg ' HALF ACRE Inside the city;-same price as a lot 10 per cent down., Eaev terms, 420 Lumbermen Bids. The Hylands of Yamhill 670 acresi ready to plant; " could get 400. acres ready srith little work; $60 par acre; good terms. This ts by long odds tne cneapest irun land, tract in Yamhijli' county, because' " of . perfect Ueady tou!ant i lany springs, and nice stream on one corner; 12 acres in young orchard.- Part set- to alfalfa. Fair Improvements. - Geo. t Waggoner 983 Board of Trade. HALF ACRE Inside the city; same price as a lot 10 per cent down. Eay terms.1 . 420 Lumbermens Bldg. $225PER ACRE " 27 Acres 10 miles out; about 10 acres set to fruit; 8 fine springs; 9 room house, with furnace, good barn and chicken park; timber enough for wood, A splendid home. - B.S.C0QR&C0. 503 Corbctt Bldg". ' HAL;FaACRE Inside the city5; s same1 price as a lot 10 per cent down. Easv terms. 420 Lumbermens Bldg. MARRIAGE LICENSES , William A. Noon, 841 Twelfth streat 23, and Mary Howard, 22. , - Stephen Bonned, 26 East Fifty-third street, 24, and Margaret EUers, 22. James Roberts, . 245 Washington Street, 47, and Nona F0x. S3. W. T. Pillster, Prineyille, Or., 23, and Mary Kingery. 26. - John Heinnila, -815 North -Fourteenth street 26, and Jenny Sievo, 27. , Eugene Manlon, Welllngham Court, 22, and Nina Walker. 23. Ansel Clark, Woodstock, Or 23, and Ada Williams, 22. J. O. HUe. 22 Third street, 29, and Waka Sokostawa. 26. Arnold Gran, 148 gherlman street 80 and Lena Reueale, , - - Roy Hamlii, 413". Waahlngton street, 28, and Martha Santfnger, 28. W. R. Hall, St. Johns, Or., 21, and Maude Chambers. 18. Otto Berg,- Beaverton, Or., 22, and Magdelena Lueck, 18. jviarion jriicKey, oi minnesoia ave nue, 80, and Dora Lledke. 18. . Washington bldg.. corner of 4th ana waninTon sts. i . WEDDING invitations, announcements, William Klumpp Co. 828 Wash, st DREbti suits fwr rent all slsea Unique Tailoring Co. 8P Stark et CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers ana rioral dwlgn j Morrison st MEETING NOTICES 41 I SAT tielrhhor.! rnm nn to the meeting of George wasnington uamp tonight i, e Aim aw-- a wisn lu I speak to you. All visiting neignoors are welcome. H I. DAY. 0. & H. A. FREDRICH. Clerk. 1VANHOE Lodge. No,, 1, Knights of Pythias, meets every Tues day night In Us castle hall. 11 th ajMlJU&t .WotJfc-iaUt.taa- ranx. visitors. are welcome. E. M. LANCE, K. R. S. R. N. A.. Marguerite camp, meets every Thursday evening at, Ida Sd st, bet v i u as saw i" p- A., Oregon Koit camp, meeu Wednerday evenings. Allsay ball, 4 $2700 ' H20I ( 41 M. W. A Rose City camp 5466. meets Monday eveninBS, BelUng-Hlrsch Mdg., West Park and Washington T. J. Darlington, clerk. Phones. Main 9:4. A-4S8B. bmins WARD-r-To Mr. anJ Mrs. William Ward. 1063 East Nineteenth street, July 30; a ttrl. LIDER -TO Mr. and - Mrs. Alexander Llder: 8 Rever ntrref Jn! 2: b eirL HUBLER -To Mr. and Mrs. William Hubler, southeast corner Scott and Pearl, July 28; a bov, HALL To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall. soutneast corner Lodge and Pearl street July SO; a girl. . DANFORTH To Mr. and Mrs. D. W. lanforth, "2007 Hodge street. July 24; a girl. FITZGERALXV To Mr. and Mrs. M, P. Fitzgerald, 142 Vancouver, JuljMi; a girl. A A v .... -..VAV ..A:..-'.-." A. A'. " . ' LENTZ To Mr. and Mrs;,aeorge Lentz. 862 Mississippi avenue, July 29; a bov. MAMER -To Mr. and ' Mrs.' Nicholas Mamer, 1808 14th street, July 29; a bov. PR EM O To Mr. and Mrs. Harry pre mo, Woodstock. July 30; a boy-, ' PRIDEAUX To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frldeaux, 846 East Fifty-second street, July 27;-a .girt't - -V - ,' YOUNG To - Mr. and Mrs; 'Lowell Younir. 19S East Thirtieth street. Julv z; a ooy. . 1. .., DEATHS ANDERSON C. J. Anderson. St Vln wmt'swiOspltal, July H; age 47; car bolic acid (suicide). ' . UAVis :iyde Davts. Bt Vincent's hos pital, jujy z; ag si; -spinal menin sritis: - SCHUMANN Louis' Schumann. Port- - land sanitarium, July 31; age 28; per ItonHis, - -.r . .,-,-.' PAN 1 .00 lr Viiwn Pun. SHU ' Rponnd strond street, July 29; age 32; eryslp llatory condition of pharynx. CLANCY 'Daniel Clancy, St Vincent's nospuai, juiy zs; age vo;,oDBtructiou (11 DOWPIH. WALKER P. Walker. 986 East Twen ty-flrst street, July 29; ago 69; Bright s flfsease. . . BLACK William Black,' 42 East Elev enth street, July 29; age 73; strangu lated hermla. - MAX M. SMITH, florist. 160 5th it, opp. Meier it Frank's. Main 7316. FUNERAL DIRECTORS- Dunning & McEntee ffSSSTS every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 430. A-4668. .Lady aswlstsnt eller-Brynes Co., iV-.r phones; lady assistant , Most mcdera establishment In. city.- I dOOlU The JaSt side undertaker, 1jLJ1U Lady assistant B-18S8. Uast 781. E. th and Alder, J. P. Finley k Son Lady attendant. Main . A-1699. BiAST BIDit; tuneral directors, suevtas- ors to P. S. Dunntnff. Ina K. 62. U-ZbZt ERICSQN tin33?rtA.32f5; fafy i.t , ROSK CITY CEMETERY. Phones C-2114 and A-4444. EDWARD HOLM AN. undertaker. - 31 t A - I . a tf i IA ' REAL EST ATK TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title et Trust company,, jwis Diog, 4ti ana oaa. , Jonas M. Berry and wife to H, P. Pnlmor Kmith 1R foe, nf ,ftnt Sl feet of 'lot. 8,- block 7; Irvlngton.i.rOO Sarah j. Barstow and nusnana to Guv Delano, lot 8. block 45. Waverly HelKhts .-. . . . 800 Security Abstract & Trust company to Minnie C. Miller, lot 10. block 10. Elmhurst ..; .. . ..., 600 Solomon Blumauer to I. JKauf man, , lot 1. Monk 3. Blumauers addi tion .v . . ; ; .; . . , j , i v. i . . i t-, t'i . 1000 Arthur Williamson et al to Frank R. Hill, lot 13. block "A". Cher- rvdale ,. ......... rr: . . 4500 Charles L. Schleffelln and wife to Lawrence Kiesel et al . lot 7. block 2. Evanston 600 Tjjirlhurt comnanv to Ole Ella. lot 2. block 99. Laurelhurst.'. . ... 1550 A. H. Mtcelf and wife to Walter J. Wilcox lot 2. block 7. Merlow 900 Elizabeth A. Eddy and husband to .1 W. Khenard. east U of lot 1. block 22. Woodstock 1000 Edward Mlsener and wife to Grace RlfzahAth Titus, lot 18. DIOCK it. Irvlnffton ... 7000 William George Kmitn ana wire io - Otto A. Samson, lots i ana . hioclc "O". Ttvder's addition 700 Amos See man to B. W. Barnard, lot 20 and West bb 3-9 reel or. lot o. i nil 1 Vn.lW VII a 19nf Marie Moll et al to Mattle McLe- . od, 1 acre m J. K, wmen aonn- tlon land claim, sections 5, 6, 7 ; and 8, township 1 south, range ' " 9 iat 1500 W. W. Glass and wife to Edward Doak Jasper, lots zs ana z, block 8 Leo Bow Park addition -609 Loetrii Sparkssand wife tOiA. E. , Kincaid. lot 7, biocn jg, unny aida addition . ; . . .'. . 8209 William Schlegcl and wife to A. C. , . Pesco. lots 21 ana 'a. diock au, Kiiwthflrn nvenue addition .... 1500 Electric Land company to J. I. Jones, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 22, Portsmouth . 800 Isabella Anderson, fraction of lot 1, block 7. St. Johns park aaui- tlon ,to St. Johns ............ 600 Charles Hyle anu wife to Fred H. Merger, lots iu ana 11, diock o, Hvle's addition 800 Leonard Carlson and wife to Jessie D. Davenport, lot 17. blocK A, v subdivision of lots 3, 8, 7, and 9. tract "D." i Smith's addition 800 Holoombe Realty company to Lou- Is J. Mersiion et ai, lots 48, .43 and 62. Banner Acres 1933 Catherine L. Lewis and husband to j. li. and a. ourtis, 101 i, section 11, township. I south, range 2 a east .., ; . . . , . i . . j 6250 Citizens Bany to T). M. . Stuart, lots us, z, if anu an, diock o, Ralstons addition 1200 D. M. Stuart and wife- to Alameda Trust company, lots za, 24, 25 and 28, block 6; Ralstons addi tion . . , , 1200 Hftns Jackumsen and wife to Ma hala Elizabeth Gallagher, south east of northeast V of sec- ' , tlon 4. townsiun 1 south, range 4 east 4000 Edmund Senn and wife to Louis Schumacher, lots 6, 7 and 8, block- 4, - Montavllla .......... 8100 LAWYERS Abstract ft Trusv vc, room Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts specialty. ' ' ABSTRACTS of title. V. Alexander ab. Street of flee. 413 Corhett bldg. Main 68 PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading Abstractors. 204-6-8-7 Failing bldg. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 63 Look Here For bargains. We have them in city and farm property acreage. Invest in good locations. See IAMS A HALL. . 213 Gerllnger bldg. $3600 BUSINESS corner, good 6 room attractive honee, gas, electricity, por-p(-ltn hath. Ankenv car riasses door. 281 h and B. Everett Phone owner, Sell- wood 6. ....... -FOR rfAI;E-HOU8KS - CI NbAT, cosy cottage on 60 foot lot, $60 cash, $10 per month. Gregory Invest ment Co., end of Rose City Park carllne. WALKING distance; modern 7 room house, full cement basement. Price $3850. Inquire, 84 East 7th st N. $1500; easy terms; Mt. Scott line; 3 blocks north Myrtle ParK. 15 Clapp st LOOKING FOR A HOME? See Rose & Campbell, Room 44, J270& Washington. 1 I LOT AND HOUSE, partly finished, for saie-.ior -xne price oi iota arouna; MOIJEKN 6 room cottage Mt. Scott car- line; un block west Archer Place. 4TO112; $2000; terms. Ask for Moore, LIST your property with Charles I. Lewis, 616 .Commercial block. 2d and wawninirfon. Six room residence, modern; 50x100 lot; autu uncap, vwuer, m BU&vu u MEETING NOTICES 61 A Dandy Buy $2500 $30ft DOWN. 320 PER MONTH AND INTEREST, NO MORTGAGE. . 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, ; , , NICE I,OT. - 3 BLOCKS FROM CAR. HIGH AND SIGHTLY. HOUSE EXTRA WELL BUILT. DOUBLE FLOORS AND WALLS, - NICELY TINTED. LEATHER SHADES. BUILT-IN CHINA CLOSET. . . NICE BATH. a. .. RECEPTION HALL. CEMENT BASEMENT. V CEMENT FLOOR. LAUNDRY TRAYS IN KITCHEN. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ' ' -PIPED FOR GAS. ' vr? SOME SHADE TREES. ' Remember there Is no mortaraee to assume juet a straight monthly pay ment., see li today, ou will liKe II. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., , , , East 34th and Hawthorne. Phon Tabor- 618 -OT-B-2967. This Home Is Worth More A home, not too laree nof too- small. built .not to sell, but to live in; well iimsneu. unique ideas lots or ; tneni. Distinct features in living room, dining room ana nan. juvery bunt m feature, 7 ft. solid paneling, 3 front rooms, book cases, buffet, etc.; 6 foot burnt -brick fireplace, beamed - cellines. solid art bratfs fixtures and hardware through out: stationary tubs,. Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement linoleum In bath and Kiicnen, snaaes, cement walks. 'art artistic-place, well . worth, several hundred moro than asked; double construction, 2 large bedrooms, plenty of closet, room. Price $327S. Easy monthly payments. 0-73J. Journal.- - In Right hear Hawthorne ave. .- faces east on improved street, fine front Sorch, , fireplace, full riaBe'mftnt, panel Inlng room, beam celling, large closets, best nlumWna. larre bedrooms. lare lot This is a mighty swell home and you must be sure to see it at once. Monthly payments. Call 1046 . Haw thorne ave., or phone Tabor 808. Going to Build? . Let us finance the building "of your home. If you own lot small amount of cash sufficient Our reputation for well built houses, fair dealing, reasonable prices Is bringing us many clients. It will pay to see us. Northwestern Const, Co, , Successors to . Portland Realty & Const Co, 001-3 Lewis bids. NEW 6 room coUafce, strictly modern. run basement fitted up for living rooms, 6 rooms, on mam floor, attlo tinted, rooms tinted. v Also 6 room house, laree "at tin. full lot. on good street,-close to" car ; , also 4 room nouse, rurnisned, luso. corner. . a; Several others on easy terms; any thing of value taken as first payment, vacant lots or mortgages. It will pay you to e these,' Take Mount Scott car; get off at Mil lard ave. See L. Morse. No. 6605 where ear stops. . Phone Tabor 2312. BUYING this place Is like taking candy from babies.. FulUot eastern, front? age nar car. Brand new modern story ana nair. ijarge "receotion nail. lire- place and cozy corners. China closets hullt In. in dtnlnar room and all modern Improvements necessary for a claeey aweuin. uuiiatng restrictions ana auey. Easy terms. 6 per cent. -John B, Matthews 27th and Alberta. Both phones, Terms! Termsl Terms! 5 rooms, corner; rented; $2350. . . 6 rooms, $20 per month; $3000. 6 rooms, lot 67x204; $3200. 9 rooms, Holladay addition; $9000, 9 rooms, lrvlngton addition; $8600." 6 rooms, lrvlngton addition: $6500. 6 rooms, $25 per month; $4600. ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE. 7 Seo lams '&"Hall 213 Gerllnger bldg. .v . $15 Per Month :: SEE OWNER ' For this snap; 6 room cottage. Just com pleted and up-to-date every way; 6ome would say modern, but -this is strictly modern, and a full lot 2 lots if you wish: 1 block from car. In restricted district; Bull Run water. Price $2000; $300 down: balance to suit purchaser. Take Mt -Scott car to Millard ave. See Phone Tabor 2 3 1 2. Beaux Arts Homes . Artistically and honestly built homesH or an styles; tney are airrer.ent from others; let us figure' with you on a Co lonial cottage or Beaux Arts bungalow. Will build on contract or you furnish lot, or small payment down and balance montniy. . , .' . BEAUX ARTS BUILDING CO., ! 201-Lumbermens Bids'.; 6th and Stark. LONG BEACH. Six room cottage at Newton Station; lot on corner, 60x100; picket, fence; all furnished'; 6 beds, springs and mat tresses, 2 tents and ell other furniture; everything, goes for $550 cash, warranty deed; $700 on the installment plan. See Tinker & Tinker, at Long Beach, Wash., or Joe Nash. Phone Tabor 2312; or will exchange for Portland property. ARE YOU tired running down snaps? II so iry jubi unif niurc. Am (Ding to Mexico and must sell my home of -7 rooms, all modern, in Flrland, whore you have good restrictions and nice people for neighbors. - $1000 will han dle it WIU seU the furniture if you want. Will trade for rooms. Phone Tnbor 2351. F, J. Helllwell, Arleta, Or. Neat little home of 3 rooms on two splendid lots. This is a hot snap, in good location and must be sold. RABB & PATTON. 322 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. , Rare chance to get classy 6 room modern bungalow less than cost; finely finished; -interior decorated; beautiful e!eotrlj fixtures; near 37th st. and Haw thorne car; terms. ' L-714, Journal. 5 Room Bungalow In Westmoreland. New and thoroughly monem, wun rirepiace, DUiit-in ourret, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, piped for furnace. Price $3000, $300 cash, balance $30 per month. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 315 Failing bldg. $1600 Splendid 6 room cottage,' pop ular location, pretty lot convenient to the cars. This la a genuine bargain. RABB & PATTON. 322 Lumbermens hldr.-, 6th and ' Stark. - Five room modern brick bungalow, partly furnished, 2 fireplaces, 3 lots, H block from carline, "Phone B-61H and ask for 1511. GREATEST SNAP IN- VERNON DIS- ... -. TRICT. , - - 4 room plastered house, lot 80x100, all fenced, embulldings, fine shade trees, only $3600; terms. Owner, 1033 Glen ave.. A car. Phone Wooldawn 494. , 2 FINE EASY PAYMENT, BUYS; Both 6 room modern homes, full lots, one $1800. other $2100; 2100 cash. hu a nee . monthly! really 'worth Investiga tion. Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M. or A-2778. - A CLASSY 6 room bungalow on 39tlj boulevard, SunnyslUe: a rbariraln at $3500, on esy terms, ANtJELES TRUST Cft... MSAiljJ furnished & room bunscBlow, Bath, iOllet. electric lights, lawn, fruit and flowers. Phone Woodlawn 37:!. . SEE my list of modern hoiine before - buying. Charles I. I4ewls, 616 Commer cial block. 2d and W'sshlncmn. iNi.VV mouein Houses 1u livinctou. li C. Rite, 631) Wasco st. Botii phonts - FOR SALE HOUSE9 Hill Oil roi : &. li oi hi s i Look Here! THIS 13 A DANDY. $2750 $500 CASH. New, 5 nice large airv room; full basement, fireplace, -double contrurtirl throuKhout: piped for gas and electric Ity; In fact a modern end up-to-date bungalow, eltuated on a 5:1x100 foot lot. In a rpBtrictcd district; street gratia an! cement walk In and paid. t. ' SUBURBAN LAND CO., . $10 Henry Bldg. Marshall 1SR9 ' ' A-7in', Hawthorne Avenue District $2600 $150 DOWN - Will put you in possession. 8 rooms modern; -! r- - ' : Dutch kitchen. Veneered paneled dining room. . .. With rail plate, beam ceiling. Fire place In parlor, .. .. 1 Built-in bookcaee. . . ' . Cloak room -with full length mlrre Full basement and atMo, .. - . Large, lot near "ood car' service. -, Good neighborhood : SEE ROSS v 615. Gerllnger bldg.. 2nd and Alder. 5 Room Bungalow . $2400 81000 rash Kst- front, hull block from car.' This is new and some thing nice. A swell little home. . $3700 r For seven room home. - Bath. 2 toilets. china closet Dutch kitchen, full base ment , Corner lot. 50x100. One block to car line. $1000 cash, balance terms. J, M, Repass' & Son 24th and Alberta. Phone Woodawln 1834. BI(TSNAP 7 room. new. strletlu modern pnrner house, dining room and stairway pan eled, tinted walls, large porch, full ce ment basement, cement walk, full lot 1 block from car magnificently fur nished; building cost $3160, lot worth $800; furniture . cost $1500; ready to move Into; everything roes for $3150; owner has no use for same. Suite 416 itnr.ncnna Mela. . - , SAVE YOUR RENT We will sell you a home and Vorn pay us in monthly payments; we will aleo build to suit you anywhere in the CltV. - : .. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TRUS-. - teh t:u. -624. 52 Board of Trsde Bldg. -Phone Marshall 473, . SEE THIS BEFORE YOT) BUY. JONESMORE ADDITION. " " Exceptionally well hullt modprn hum, fireplace, full basement Klppnino- 60x100-lot, , etc. Must b-aeen-to be appreciated. Restricted district: two blocks to car. Also sell furniture, which was brought from east by owner. l27 East Everett st. Phone B-1588. FOUR, 5. 6 and 8 room cottRges, all eom- plete and modern and ready "to move . Into. Prices $1150. $1400, $1850 and $2000r $200 down, $15 to $20 per month ; will take lots or diamonds aa first pay ment. See owner, Joe Nash, st Millard ave., on the Mount Scott carllne. Phone Tabor 231 2. D) $JS0O 2 story 6 room house near Al berta and Union ave. Beautiful home. Call 201 Lumbermens bldgo T WAVERLY HEIGHTS BARGAIN. New modern 6-room bungalow Just finished, 32d and Clinton; all con veniences; $400' wll handle this; will take automobile as ' first payment . C. L. SHEETS. 420 Swetland Bldg. -Phone Main 7776. ONLY $100 DOWN And $30 permo- buys new-five room- modern bungalow on Clinton st, all conveniences. This H a snap. ... C, L. SHEETS, 420 Swotland Bldg. Phone Main 7778. COME out and buy a home from own-. er ana save commission, ; win rtve you a bargain in new 4 room house, four lots, all fenced. Garden and fruit. Phone B-6111 ak Tor 8711. THE MAP, THAT WANTS A safe Investment should deposit his money with us and receive Interest on tee same from 2 to per cent Port land Trust Company., S. E. corner 3d and Oak sts. - MUST sell.- $650. 4 room house. Lot 40x126. -Fireplace. -Woodshed, Fruit. Roses. Tremont, Mt. Scott cars. Avery ave., near Lewis st Owner. Mrs. Church- ' . - . IK you want a snap come quick, 4 room plastered bungalow near school, $1050; $150 down. $10 per month. See J. H. Dorman, Flrland station, Mt Scott cur. SNAP Must selL two corner lots. Pow ell Valley road, worth $600; first buy er with $350 cash next 10 davs. takes them. Owner, 709 Corbett bldtr. " WE have a fine acre tract at Flrland with good plastered house, city wa ter, It's a big barrain at $1800, Eay terms. Dement g Krlder, 248 Madison, $1300. 21 room ' house Clears 83oT Housekeeping. - Swell location. $700 down. 402 Commercial blek. 2nd and Wsshington. '-!-' - r'-. ---'- - -'...- -HOLLADAY PARK BARGAIN. New up-to-date 6-room house. Must sell. Termo r $4600 839 Clackamas et. BARGAINS In lots and houses by own- er. Terms or trade. Phone Tabor 6 ROOM house, lots 100x100.; at a bar aln. Call at 64 E;76thtS. FOR SALE fATTS. 18 Lot in Menefee Addition Attractive location, price $800, easy terms. .. McCargar Batea.& iUveiyv J15 . Failing bldg. - CORNER, lot near Laurelhurst Improve ments all In and paid for; $1000. Lots acrosr. street, $1500. without improve raents. A snap; must sell quickly, F 715. Journal. . . - . WILL SELL my $218 equity in an 1m proved lot on Rose City Park carllne; also 2-room house and summer kltcken,' $100 worth of lumber, all for $2i0. Phone Tsbor 1936. 2 LOTS POINT VIEW AUDN. $450. " Not each lot, but for both; $200 caeh, balance monthly, or trade on house. V. W. German. 329 Burnslde, M or A -27TB PORTLAND Height, 'a' whole 100x100, close to car, $2250. Terms, . Sold sep arately, , 60x100, , $1600. each. M-6D3, Jourttau' - -m.- .-.'.' , FOR SALE One corner lot, 60x100,' at the head Of California st. in Fnltnn; $60 caPh. A. M. Downing, 1615 Co lumhlft St., Vancouver, ' W8lv MT. TABOR PRoIeRTTT- Lots, acreage and tracts for sate by Wilson & Myers, , end of u Hawthon) car line. Tahor 1560. - - PORTLAND Heights'; , i)lein.ll.l lot on" er nine,-, in an exclusive realirit!M dislriiit. for . $1500. ; .'Tvnns. M-ti '-'. Joi rrnl. ' 'J - - . FRACTIONAL lot, close to Grand; 34xT,ft, on HalH'-r, tL-rmsj lil -1 $1650-; stian. T-714, Journa ONE of the bfi't lots in Tr Innr'on ( c sale cheap, on 10th and Knott fits, it 'll, Jou-nHt. ; i FOR SAiTri liv ownf-r,""t'iil.:r,l"t lu !" tnaton. 60x100. eat fiont. ti ,i. KA8T - front- lot-aitt ami ii-nf J.'11'l, iiihu i , rill-Him i-Ht.i. Main 1 192. ' , J' ) Off, $72.1 RARE .St, JotniM buy; (,oii; fluuMa Boon; li.t.-irt, I'. -v i:.:i. c.il m I" I-.-i.isn for cc ets.; Lar II 4