f 'v 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2, 1310. All Garo Trancfcp to Pdrlland'Q New Retail ShopPrfJ DlotrlctDcmoriQtratloit Dcnnison'o Art Fopei7 Goodc -First Floo; Grocery Dept. Delicatessen and Battery on 4tl Floor Soda Fountain In Basement Children's? Flay Ground on Floor McpirEscmrmp :.AMei?9 Tennffiii mi 'W.sfl "'IPsupEs Sffredte 1T0 . - ' '. : . .-. ' . . ... " .. ,'..-... . ; : . ... k ..','"..!'', ; . .. , ' ..... ..-,' V v ... Plan to Spend the Pay HereVigitlrio and 31ioppirifl by the ClockNew Bargains 1 op Every Hour V rgegiii(gg (MM s ft t r- : : . s 1 & f ' ., ,. ... ... . .. . .., . . . , ,. .- , From 8 to 9 A. M. 35c Cretonne at 18c a Yard 8 to 9 a.' m.; tomorrow.- In the Dra pery store, third floor, fancyj figured Cretonnes, white ground with beau tiful floral designs; our regular 35c values; special for- this hour O onljtat low price of, per yard IOC Children's 25c Waists at 11c 8 to 9 a. m. tomorrow. In the Under- , wear Department, on first" floor, Chil dren's knit Waists, sires 2 to 13 years One of the popular makes that finds favor with particular parents;, regular 25c values special at 11C Boys' - 25c Caps at 1 5c Each 8 to 9 . ra. tomorrow, V5n Portland' greatest and most beautiful store, a sale of SO dozen boys' Caps in new cloths and, desirable : patterns; . our regular 25c values; just to get ICm you out in the morning, at ; . . 1 C 10c Laces Now at 2c a Yard 8 to 9 a, m. tomorrow A-large as sortment of Torchon Laces, Edges and Insertions, hv widths up to V inches,1 all good patterns. Our regr ular stock values up to 10c a J yard; special for this hour at, yd. fcC 5c Toilet Paper Now for 3c 8 to 9 a. m. tomorrow. An oppsrtu nity to lay in a supply of .Toilet Pa per. The new Century quality, 1000 sheets t0! the Toll; a very fine quality of smooth, strong paper. Our O regular 5c iliuality,.- special price JC Women's 50c Hose 27c Pair g to 9 a, m.- tomorrow-.. Women's Embroidered . Hose in extra . quality lisle, nicely embroidered insteps; col ors tan and black only; our regular stock values to 50c, a pair;; very .OTL, 'special for, this hour only, pn 61 C From "1-to 2 P. M. 40c Ribbons at 24c the Yard 1 to 2 'pm. tomorrow. Hair Bclw Ribbons, in a beautiful, lustrous qual ity of taffeta; widths up to ty inches; white, black, blue, pink, navy, etc. Our regular 45c quality on pe- cial sale 4at this hour, .yard artC $3.00 Handbags $1.69 i Each 1 to 2 pi m. tomorrow.' Good qual ity goat seal, in black only; hand riveted, leather-covered frames; pro tected corners, full leather lined i ex tra coin., purses; gilt, gun 01 CA metal trimmings; $j,50vals. - JitUJ $1.75 Brassieres at 98c -Each 1 to 2 p. m." tomorrow. In' the beau tiful Corset .Section, second floor broken lines of Brassieres ' or Bust Supporters of fin longcloth, cross back and front. -'Embroidered, AO trimmed; $1.50 to $1.75 values HOC '50c Play Balls NowW Each 1 ta2 P?tn. tomorrow. The new Toy Store will contribute children's Play Balls, just the thing ; for little fel lows; 4-inch leather-covered balls; well made; cannot hurt the 'Of., child. Regular 50c values, ea. it 1C Women's 50c Vests 23c Each 1 tck 2 p. m. tomorrow. Women's low neck, sleeveless, ,' lace-trimmed JVesti,-ia,..good UualityJJislc-orcot-,J ton; sizes 4, b and 6; our regular 50c values,, very special . for this O0 one lour only at low price, ea. faJC Watch the Clock. Shop by. the hour; From 9 to 10 A. M. V STECTAIS I I $1.25 Ankle Ties 79c a Pair 9 to 10 a. m. tomorrow. Children's .Ankle Ties, in patents, taji kid and black kid leathers, with hand turn soles, with or without spring heels; aixes from the baby , sire, 2 7Q to 8; worth $U5 a pair, at I 25c Toothbrushes 12c Each i ii i , '. 1 , .' 9 to 10 a. "tn. tomowowl A very fine quality of French Tooth Brushes, bristles securely drawn. Don't fail to oass down this aisle and get one during this hour. Regular 25c .0 J values, very special at,., each iC I $6.00 Couch Covers for $3.95 9 to 10 a- m. tombrrow. Tn. the Dra pery Store, third floo, heavy Tapes try Couch ? Covers in rich Oriiental and floral designs; fringed all around. Our regular $6.00 values, QC special this hour each .... JS7J $12.00 Corsets $3.98 a Pair 9 to 10 a. m. tomorrow. Women' Bon Ton Corsets, .made Vof, fine French coutil, finished at top with satin ribbon and lace; silk hose sup porters, high bust, long AO hips and hackj $12 values 90, $1.50 Underwear Special 59c 9 to 10 a. m. tomorrow. A big as sortment of men's underwear, bro ken lines in summer weights which are booked for speedy closing. Shirts or drawers; values to $1.50; CQ very special at,- the garment. , J7C 25c Cake Plates at 10c Each 9 to 10 a. m. tomorrow. In the Crock ery Store, third floor.:; A; sale v of handsomely decorated German China ; Cake Plates, such as you would choose if paying the regular 1 A price. - AH, worth 25c each,; at 1UC From 2 to 3. P. M. $100 Middy Blouses93c Ea. B to 3 p. m. tomorrow. 'In the new Garment; Department, second floor, women's and misses' Middy Blouses in white with light or dark blue or tan collars; values to $2; on AO. special sale for one hour only JOC $5.00 Oxfords $3.19 a Pair 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow. Women's patent, tan, brown, wine, kid and gun metal leathers, made p in pumps or oxfords, in a large assortment of nice styles; regular r values i to 0 .1 Q $5.00; special at, the pair vJ 1I $1.95 Combinations for; 98c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow.' In the beau tiful new-Underniuslin Section, wom en's i combination Ckirt and Corset Covers, made of fine longcloth, daint ily trimmed irt fine lace and in- QQ sertioif; $1.75-$1.95 values at.. UOC $.25 Mechanical Trains 89c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow. If you .can't bring the little fellow, take" a train home to him. Mechanical Iron En gine, with heavy spring.. 'Complete Vain with tender and passen- ofl ger cars; , $1.25 values, special OIC 10c Can Openers at 5c Each 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow. In the Kitch en Goods Store, third floor. Shop by th bour.all day Avgood, Jiandy. Can Opener.: Won't slip or.cut your hand. Our, best regular 10c , seller on r special sale for this hour only at St Watch the Clock. Shop by the hour. i SPECTAIS Specials on Sale From 10 to 11 A. M. Only Reg. 20c Em-, broideries at 7c 10 "to ll a. m. ten morrow. ' An im mense ' showing 'of Embroideries in cambric or nainsook materials, edges and V insertions ' In new, pleasing pattern s; our - best ." regular values to1 20c a yard, special for one hour at, yard . C 35c Umbrella Pants 19c Pair 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow. In the Knit Underwear Store,' first -floor, women's lace trimmed ' knit Umbrella Pants, sizes 4, 5 and 6; seasonable and serv iceable values; ready sellers at Q 35c; special for one hour only 15JC 10c Note Tablets at 7c Each 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, a sale of extra quality plate finish, note site Tablets, ruled; also plain Hindoo fab rics, in the note size. , Good tim to lay in a supaly of , these regular 'Jl 10c values; special for this nour IC $1.00 Belt Pins at 49c Each 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow. Don't miss this sale of splendld.TBelt Pins and Buckles; a large assortment of new novelties in hammered brass, oxidized silver and green, gold finish; J Q regular : values to $1.00, ach . , HJC $1.75 Drawers at- 98c a Pair 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow.5 A1 one hour sale ' of women's hand-made Drawers of fine ' quality longcloth, nicely embroidered or plain; regular J 1.3 5 to $1.75 values; .special AO or this hour only at, the pair 51 OC $1.75 Framed Pictures at 95c 10 to 11 a. n- tomorrow, in the new Picture Department, assortment of popular . studies, heads, landscapes, etc., framed in heavy 2-ineh gold frames, 18x22 inches; splendid QCm new $1.75 values, special for VDC An Ah Day. Sale Butter, 2 -Pound I .V HtfOlU A M. 1 I -r-w A w n ::. 'I I Our first sale of choice Creamery Butter. Made under the cleanest and most sanitary conditions. We aim to give our patrons quality at all times. And know full well that Butter is an article that can make Or mar our reputation for high, grade foods. Therefore, we give you best at less than the 7(i orice of ordinary butter the souare IUL Specials on Sale From 3 to A P. M. Only Big Special Sale of $8.50 Wash Suits $3.15 Each 3 to 4 p. m. tomor row. In the beauti ful Garment Store, r cleanup of linen ant cotton Crash Suits in plain tailored styles; natural anid colors; values ;to '( $8.50 on special sale 4 1 C low price o $2.50 Axminster Rugs $1.79 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow. In the big Carpet Store, a one-hour sale of fine quality high-pile Axminster Rugs, 27 inch, 500 in the lot; all good patterns; our regular $2.50 values; 1 7Q special for one liour only y 11 5? $2.00 Kid Gloves 79c a Pair 3 to 4 p. m; tomorrow. "An 1 offering of interest to all women. . Fine qual ity real; Kid Gloves, broken lines, no one line complete, but all sizes in the. lot; colors red,, black, green, navy. brown and tan; values 70, to $2.00; special for 1 hour at I J7C $1.85 Women's Chemise 98c 3 to 4 p. ; m. tomorrow. Women's French hand-made Chemise, with beautifully embroidered fronts, , in scroll and floral designs; ' excellent values at $1.50, $1.65 and $1.85. Very specially priced tor this one hour only at low price of, each 08c 35c Box Kites Now 19c Each 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow. In the Chil dren's Toy Storei near the children's playground, popular Naval Box Kites, well made: -best flyer - known: size 30x14x14 inches. Our best reg- 1 ular 35c values on sale(for only A?l FreeBoys' Watches Free 3 to 4. 6. m. tomorrow. An interest- ' ing offering to boys. With each boys' lU.9?.iLdHrjthis hoar atJ$-9l more we will give a ooys xsew tng- land Watch, guaranteed to ?f4A keep time; 1 hour only., ml vv Watclj.the Clock. Shop by the hour. ti l. oi.l A $2.50 Shirtwaists on Sale 89c Each 10 to 11 a. m.. tomor row, in the' beautiful garment department," second floor, a sale of . 300 lingerie and tailored Waists in the newest styles; all sizes; trimmed in laces. or neatly tucked and plaited; CA. .values to $2.50 OjC Large Bed Sheets 44c Each 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the Do mestic aisles, first. floor, a sale, of large size Bed Sheets, very good quality, torn and hemmed ready for use; priced very special for this one hour at this low price TrxC $1.25 Feather Pillows at '89c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, - the" Bed ding Store, third floor, a sale of all feather-filled Pillows, covered with herringbone stripe tick; the kind that does not pack, Our i regular -OA good sellers at $1.25; special at OJC $2.50 Auto Veils Now $1.48 2 to'3 p. " m. tomorrow. The Veiling Department has Just received another large shipment of chiffon Auto Veils, good quality, 2 yards long, 1 yard wide; good assortment of 1 AO colors; regular $2.50 values 0ltO 75c Wash Suits at 49c Each 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, In the new Juvenile Department, first floor, : a sale of boys' washable Suits, made of good, durable' materials; regular 75c sellers; very special for this 1 JO hour only at low price of, ea. HVL Great Sale Rogers Silverware XII Sectional Plate; exposed parts are plated three times usual thickness. 90c set of 6 Teaspoons, special 794 $1.60 set of 6 Dessert Spoons $ 1.27 $1.80 set of 6 Table- Spoons f 1.58 $1.80 set, of 6 Table Forks for f 1.58 "of iExtra Cliolcc Square for 7Qc . . . ''". 4 . ii Special Sale of $1.50 Handbags Now 89c Each 3 to 4 p. m. tomor row. Shop by the hour. Women's Handbags;' leather lined, fitted , with coin- purse, with' nickel or gunmetal frames; black only; regular $1.50 values on special for this hour tomor- QQ. row at, each H $5.00 Dinner Sets Now $3.90 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow. . In China Store,' semi-porcelain Dinner Sets, lily of the valley decorations; full gold line, fancy shapes; $9.95 set of 100 pieces, $7.75; $6.40 set Of 60 pieces at $4.98; $5.00 set of tfJO Qf SO pieces, for 1 hour only vKU 75c. Fancy Neckwear for 39c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, an exception ally ' good lot of : Ladies' Neckwear in cascades, jabots, Dutch, collars, Dutch collars with jabots attached; also stock collars; our regular OQ 65c and 75c vajues, special at 0JC Kurd's 40c Paper Special 25c 3 to 4 p. m. tomdrrow. The Station ery Store offers for this hour only Hurd's fine wove Ottoman Quire Pa per in two popular sizes; regular 40c quality,; Special, the quire, 25c. OP I; Envelopes to match, special at mwC Yard-Wide Percale Now 10c it. i 1 1 . " L.. 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the Wash "Goods Department, first floor, a timely sale of good quality yard-wide percales,, for Summer dresses, waists, childrenVdresses, men's shirts, ) etc.; excellent quality; 1 hour 1UC 75c Union Suits at. 43c Each 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow. A sale of wnmrn'i fine oualitv Union' KiiiHt. ft low, netk.Mlftevrlfai,.; u'rohtellaUtyleU sites 4. 5 and 6. t The ideal under- sizes garments for summer. Our AO regular 75c ' values special at x JC Walch the Clock. Shop by the hour. From 11 A. M. to 12 SPECIALS I I 40c Sauce Pans at 25c Each 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow. Plan to spend the whole day in the store. The Kitchen Goods Department of fers for this hour only 4-quart cov ered Granite Iron Sauce Pans, OC regularly worth 40c special at mwC 15c Linen Collars at 5c Each 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow. Watch the dial. New bargains every hour.. La dies' all pure linen Collars in a full assortment of sizes. - A big lot to be ' sacrificed. Regular 15c val ues, special this hour at, each UC 75c Collar Pins at 39c Each 11. a. m. to 12 tomorrow, The Jew-r' elry Store will lend its splendor to this salcNew stone-set novelties in oxidized silver, rose and green gold finish; our regular values OQ to 75c each; very special for OiC $2.50 Petticoats $1.98 Each 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow. In the new White Store. Women's white cam bric Petticoats," inade with deep em broidered flounce, some' with plain tucked flounce ; splendid 1 fl Q $2.25 and $2.50 values at $ I 30 21c Decorated Plates at 10c 11 a m. to 12 tomorrow. In the China Store, third floor. A sale of German China Decorated Plates, gold border with pink . rose decoration. Our regular 21c value, -very A special for this hour, only at IUC Women's $4.00 Shoes $2.98 1 1 - a. r m." to k 12 - torriorrow. ; In the Shoe Section, first floor, : women's hand turn Shoes, soft, flexible and easy; good quality stock; principally $3.50 values, with many $4 0 QQ pain in the lot; special at "J HO From 4 to 5 P. M. $8.50 Lawn Dresses for $3.55 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow. Don't miss seeing this line; 100 in J the lot. Dainty Lawn Dresses in white and colors, nicely trimmed in laces; all this season's styles; regular (JO CC values to $8.50; special at vJIJ $1.35 Gowns No'w -98c Each' 4 to 5. p. m. tomorrow. Women's Slipover Gowns, short sleeve styles ' of fine nainsook, trimmed with nar row linen torchon, lace, threaded with ribbon; also high and V neck; AO values $1.25 and $1.35, each.. UOC $5.00 Automobiles Now $3.65 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow. Bring the boys to - see these new Automobiles for children; well made. of steel, with large, roomy seat and body 36 inches long; : 15-in,: wheels; $5.00 M PC values ; tpecial this hour at : HJ UJ $3.50 Pajamas Now for $1.49 4 to 5 p: m, tombrrow, in the hew Furnishings Department,' on, first floor, men's Pajamas -of sateen or soisette materials; regular values to $3.50; priced very special A( for this hour only, choice 50c Chamois Gloves 27c Pair 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow. A rare op- ppnuiiiiy io secure wic niusi popular ummetGlovcs-Jiaturl-.color ci--. nioisciic, very scasunsuie un tcuun( of -being',; washable. ; i Regular values , up to' 50c the pair, at .41 C Watch the Clock. ' Shop, by the hour. '. V , - From 12 to 1 P. M. V A SPECIALS 7 if $3.00 Spray Brush at $1.95 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow. In the Equipment Department, on the third floor, Knickerbocker Bath ' Spray Brushes, made i rubber with nickel fittings and hose, complete, fcl QC Regular $3.00 values, each $! $1.25 Sweaters at 89c Each 12 tol jp. m. , tomorrow. In the Chil dren's Store, second floor, a sale of child's Sweaters, white with blue or pink collars and cuffs; ages 1 to 4 years; regular $125 values, OQ special for this hour only at 03C $4.00 Oxfords at $2.98 Pair 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow. Just td get the men to visit this attractive sec liottof the new store, we will sell any , of bur $3.50 or $4.00 Oxfords, giving you your unrestrict- djO AO ed choice tor, . per pair. . . 4t JO $5.00 Corsets at $3.98 Pair 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow. At Port land'! " newest " store. Women's lace front Corsets in the well known "Howd" models, made of finest French cOutil or batiste; velvet-grio hose supporters; $5.00 val- CQ ues; for ;. this one hour at vOVO $1.75 Fishing Rods for $1.10 12 to 1 p: m. tomorrow. A snap for the sportsman. High grade 4 piece Split Bamboo Rod, Y feet long, well rod, worth $1.75; special for this one hour only at 311U 65c Beauty Pins at 39c Each 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow; Gold Beauty Pins, solid top or gold filled, in .plain or stone-set; all sizes, in a variety of patterns to please", all ; Who ; come; good values, to 656; ,on special OQ sale for one , hour only, each OVQ From 5 to 6 P. M. 25c Flower Outfits Now 19c S to 6 p. m. tomorrow. Dennison's popular flower outfits for making all kinds of paper flowers. See demon stration in booth in main aisle. ? Our regular 25c values on 1 special ; sale for this hour only, each lwC Children's 20c Hose 9c Pair 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow. Take advan tage of this very, special offering of children's fast black lxl ribbed Cot ton Hose, with reinforced heel and toe; sizes 5J-4 to 9; regular Q 20c values; special this hour only ?C 35c Fancy Neckwear for 16c, 5 to 6 p. m. tdmorrow. A good as sortment of ladies' fancy Neckwear, some slightly mussed. Dutch collars," jabots, Dutch collars with jabots at tached; regular 25c and 35c values, special for this hour, at IUC $L35 Petticoats at 89c Each 5 to 6 p. m, tpmorrow. Why not trade in the best store? Women's pink, check Gingham. Petticoats, cut lull; tailored styles, with deep shirred ruffles; our regular $1.35 val- on ues on special sale at, each,. 0t 25c Hand Brushes 15c Each 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow Shop by the tf.. J t U.. ...... ' titXM !!(. I strong, flexible and reinforced tru- i ties; they are ready sell? rs at 1 f" ; 25c each; special .for tins hour A Watch the clock.' Pli.j hy I ( I 5 to 6 p.m. ji K SPECIALS H