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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1910)
AT; wi i . 1 III ! V -VJ - - ,1 r "11" ill. I&tSXAWitZ t-v.i.-:K::s::i:si5 1 vmM -- I s ! ?i i I A i .-- Hi v. r" " ft ' : , M ii"i-"'- 'i i.Kii'f a v .j I -. ; (' ! i ' T ; . 1 lf.':- ... - ; ' IllllipiiSIl ":: .' - 1 ( VWIIHtli'Wfff V -f " A' -1 n Visas' . .A "'x -:-; f iS4''1'' -3 .4-.&s:;i4i??t ess-.;: i - - ii ttfjjminii jrir t mm r w f J-. It MI! v. 1 L i i -WWIIi 1 vv i' rl-X MJitMimUU TT7 VV. TTW'fko rAtiim ; of ' the bordur 'Pnwnf ha hemmed dress. ,ThiB whether-it "is" the Teal , hem of different -shade or- merelv an. aDDlied deeD : !-.; border of another; .'material, is mort Btriking in -ap-' .; pearance and extremely modish. -"'v--:,rrr,:i;n;:;lt IX "... ...ti. i.Jliljii';l''i''.r. i al ' v izow euecuve iu may oe in eiinpie maieriai. Jtiiu . , '. plain cut 'is'1 ehown b : theblacft-andWhlfe ?;ifine'nt' ' , frock.' The -black ; hem here kU( .very .deep-. indeed,'; t rescuing ttunoai lo.ine Knees, But ine cne orjgintn-;v ity of the costumeorisl I dres,f rom-the low-cru ; by a I , ' sjashed , seam in the front,1 'fastened by' hookjs' and I collar; is edgedfwith; black, and; with6a jtuckedjlawn .t f frill, .which : dries n extend 'to5 the" side' lapel; i'A row, V j of :buttoh8-offsets' this lapel onWe oth eide'of the ' ....frjljed ;lawn chemisettewith jts .little bow tifthk 'f L black, linen; belt is. caueht in ;f ront by. ia i buckle .strip T . HgliM '' i I ,'of "thevdotted; mater 1? '' W'''- i ii-.:.- v .;'- ' ; ; i '(! V. t- 1 1 ; t :;:.; :?... ; Jt", - 1 :"-.: :: ":: -: , J i::: i: -ill ' -:'' -. f-", ' ":''.H'''f''"4 mZ. . ',.- . . II X prefty , style fbr-ummr niornifiga is shown 1 in' -thai light j biue-and-white dotted ' deep 'hem 'of 'plain blue -and f its- valencierines.1ace yf--. .'; insertion;; cuffs ; and shallow;,: yoke. Triple', bands ' of, V : : the plain blue at yoke, cuffs andxgirdie go'vwith the , severely cut hem.r're'rjr ?f:f?Ht : . : i(buiw mura Milieu t iieiu vr uu. cycicv-jii it.; . i",' broidered I gown is continued inf';a;eat;u the mid- I E I; V;: the broad sailor "cuffs. V A; flat' Dutch' coUarof the; rF tmJ English embroidery and !a - black patent-leather "beit . f 'complete Ihis simple . but dainty f rocE. , , , ' , ; wr afternoon wear." and informal i social focca- Ia j gipna is th 'gray, silk crepe, with a deep' ham' eftect ; , V "(it is,' of course only' applied like" a '.'border') of- lib- ' I - rty satin;in slightly darker 'tone -The narrow.' f. . sash and cabochon at the left side, a littie.above the t ; . 1 ;;. li. ...: . ,, .-St .. v:': : ::.'::t. ;Kj:illSSSiiK: -'" s s li . -: fcg-Nv- ............ I ' if i . .'.:5i'A?J4.:;fg:5 fferSJ-J I : ' ' If' ' :!'Sv'vli:i::i;:i:0:!f ''4:i;f 1 '' I ' 1 if niy ' .-'. .nW-i:Vl.4x5to.fc ''ffisli 'Uv - W - ''. - Yyym : 1 I I'-' -v-: .-:-- "::;:"li;;ik::;'?!4 7 &-:iV3t I I I li' ""', mr.m iti:,.-i-77i 1 :;.:; 'ii S .1 f ' ;r ',;.. - ;f:: -nv:;:-'..-:-;-:: , X;v? f..'? A i .1 1'''.::;:.: "; : -'jvi ; . "'. :''.; '.,. ; I i i .A ' - t' i -!"(. v !:. 4 V-' 'v i v.: :j .- i ' ' . : II;:: i : , ' f -: .-; y pi. ; :;-:'-:ii . A!i ! i:f': :.: ' ' . 4 . l.1 ; hem an'd' under - the; crepe t train, that continuea ;tne . sI v 'satin birdie; 'are of; the - same' gray -libeW.. ''Tha 'iJ chemisette and fWe guimpe 'cuffs - are of fthe 'allover , embroidery .with, upper. cuffs, bandings,' atToke,ana . , ,. . shoulders and knotted .1 abot of the, satin. y t : ' 's-7 Bluekn'd-Wh'ite dotted' foulard -make -the- cool . fihort-sleeyed. and ,collarless dress," witK 'its 'hdm' of . i plain, darkt blue ;foulardM iThe plain: uepears , I J.'r 'again in the' la'ce-f rilled cuffs, inoth'e givdld-iand-in Slthe.fals bolero; effect 'lp the; blouse.'' A1 'frilled lace ; - jabot all . the way down the .waist' gives' 'a' firtihlng . ; itouch.tothie comfortable 'and pretty 'frocii.i.j t ' ' y' The'ihbdified,hem; line", is : shown-. ia the green 'and-whlteiimauia, with 'the ' exaggerated Mrrejrular .. .. ; 'iaMto the' figured 'matenalThd l?rvea . show cuffbands and side .strips of 'the JDlaing'pods, ' i-hicH-ia .cbiitinud-yrtlift; shoHlder'ndi m- a; veet-- ' effect' under' the. embroidered' Dutch c6llaT'ahd- is trimmed with tows of 'tmy brass-buttons. The tightly ; 'fitting belt is ,of green and white. u ; ' -.'!." ; Thda nnss in nrotrpsaion- tho rfdpn.lipmmfflH 'Wrami 1 .: v' .'i r " . , .:, ,: ''.":;',; ":.r. "HtayTir t ''v'.:,t ,the remhant and the making-oVer problems'for