7'' I'jrrvrrnii nmmni P .111 l 1411111 Ul LOILiUtOOIlUULU (Continued From .Preceding Page-) Vrtucation, are entitled to state certifi cates and life diplomas - '';. - ' , St Ward's academy and college stands for the physical, the Intellectual, and the moral growth and development of young women. It Is a Catholic institu tion, hut welcomes students of other denominations and avoids all attempts to Influence their religious convictions. The faculty - aims at cultivating those virtues which . are woman's abiding glor- wanting which, no degree of mental culture can make her the ideal of perfect womanhood. , - Students have . access to Portland s public library, to the gallery bf art, and to the city museum, containing exten sive and excellent ,zoologiCi.l and geologi cal collections. From Jime to time, they are privileged to War dramatists, musicians and singers of note. , The department of music aims to pro vide instruction to students, who deslra to pursue any .. branch of music prac tical or theoretical, ' ( LOCATION OFCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITY OFFERS SPECIAL ADVANTAGES ; Columbia university was founded In 1901 by the Most Reverend Alexander A. Christie,' D. D., archbishop of the see of Oregon City. ' The institution Is con ducted by the Congre-aUon Xt the Holy Cross, a religious body of men devoted to the higher education and Christian training of young men. Since the close of the first scholastic year1 the school has been conducted by this eminent teaching body. ' " The location of the university offers special advantages for study. - It is situated on, a beautiful tract where cul tivation has aided nature, four miles from the noisy bustle of busy Portland. This removal from the distractions of the town gives the students opportunity to jursife their work, with the quiet and concentration needed for earnest study. The faculty live on the grounds of the university, dine , with the stu dents, and are accessible to them at any time. Extensive grounds afford ample opportunity for physical exercise and outdoor sports so necessary to the de veloping student .The gymnasium adjoins the campus used for outdoo sports. The track hall is 190 feet 'long 'by 120 feet wide.". It Is kept In excellent condition and is used for indoor, track meets, winter baseball practice, basketball, tennis and all manner of running, Jumping, pole vaulting and weight .throwing, The arched roof does away with supporting pillars and affords a free, unobstructed ground room convertible Into an im mense playground during the rainy season.1-' ..-! .'-;. ' '", :? 'X. .:;' r The work of Columbia is thorough and the discipline is intended to develop strong and eelf reliant men. DENTAL COLLEGE EXTENDS FIELD TO : MEET THE DEMAND ; To meet the demand of Increasing population for qualified .dentists the North Pacific College of Dentistry is ex , tending its field and offering students unusually good opportunities for pract ical work. The faculty Is well organised and consists of the moat able specialists of the northwest The college building, a four-storyj brick structure, is located In the cen tral portion of the city at Fifteenth and Couch streeT, with everything necessary for treating all branches of pharmacy according to modern methods1 The fa cilities will be continually improved as experience may indicate to meet the de mands of Increasing attendance. v The chemical and pharmaceutical lab oratories are upon the third floor and are well equipped with cases, complete outfits for qualitative and quantitative analyses,' and for thoroughly practical work.-- .--i-.- w-.-..'.."-' ' The bacteriological and microscopical laboratories are well lighted and sup plied with Individual desks, microscopes, Incubators, sterilizers and apparatus for preparing and mounting sections. " :,-. There are two large lecture 4 halls, where theoretical intsruction is given In the seversl .branches, affording accom modation for large dtoMe.-:t.'--h-'f t Students who are able to give only a portion of their time to their studies may take such branches, as they desire and devote the remainder of their time to other work. Those who adopt. this method will require a longer time to complete the course, but many will be thus enabled to take the work who oth erwise would not be able to do so. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY . HAS AN UNUSUALLY V LARGE ENDOWMENT ... . ' ' ' J" " ' '" )' ' ' X ' '.' V ? '1." Congregationalists of Oregon are Jut- ly proud of Pacific university, because of the efforts the church has made to build up a large Christian school. How great has been the success achieved may bo seen when It ls shown that Pacific has the largest endowment of any non state Institution In Oregon, a While the church .b- . rescinded its 'direction of the school, the fund gathered will make the future usefulness or the institution grat. . ..... " - . . . . i , , Pacific university Is located, at For t Grove, west of Portland,' with eight electric trains dally, between, the col lege city and the metropolis. The en vironment of Pacific ls Ideal, the tone of citizenship and the .'college spirit being elevating and : clean: - The . at tendance at Pacific hag grown" encour agingly for many years, v ' . UNIVERSITY OF OREGON . HEADS EDUCATIONAL . SYSTEM OF THE STATE Built by the people: for the people, the University of Oregon Is afitting head of the educational eystena' of the state. With a faculty of 81 In the col lege proper, 29 in the, medical school uui 10 in , the musio department, the university Is fltfftd to do the work demanded of It , by the people" whose money has made It what It la. v The purposes of the university are two-fold to supplement the high t.obools of Oregon and to encourage araduat study. The growth of the in stitution has, been rapid and steady, with the future very bright. Courses in engineering, law, medicine and music fllC llbcHillV nil I rrnirr,H n.lunl ,.ir- iuK lrum all parts of the slate. 'Jne library Is a feature of the Unl veralty equipment. With more than 10, '0i) , volumes carefully selected and Loured la a H-londld building the library FAR IHDKE OF !H l!l EAST L .jli'U Is one that the people of the state should be proud of. A magnificent mu seum,; is maintained while the labora torlesTsre the best that money can buy. The University of Oregon was, estab lished by the legislature in 1873. Deady hall, the. first building, was erected in 1S76 and 'that fall the instltutlorwopened its doors the first time. In 1884 a law school was added and three years later the medical school was opened. , The moral tone Jn Eugene has been kept clean and elevating. For four years no saloons ha,ve bee,n allowed In Eugene nor lo Lane county, the people demand ing a clean atmosphere for the young people who attend the university. The peopie of Lane county have always been ardent supporters of the school, hav ing erected the first building bn the campus as a free-will offering. A col ony of 11 modern buildings adorns one of. toe most beautiful campuses In the northwest. - .,-.''. , The work of the university is thor ough and practical. , The effort of the faculty Is to bring students to know themselves, to realize their own possl- Diuues. This being done the state of Oregon fulfills its duty to the young person whose good fortune gives him entrance to the university. RECEIVED INSTRUCTION UNDER FAMED BERLIN MASTER OF PIANO MUSIC : ''t'v '' "' .' x--x --. Professor Albert TV. Baldwin, lnstruo- tor In piano, was a student under Le- schetUky In Berlin for a number of years. His work in Portland has; given him a niche all his own In local musi cal circles. , Mr, Baldwin's .Instruction carries a strong personal interest which proves a great aid to students. His studio Is at 765 Marshall street . COMBINES BEST METHODS OF OLD AND NEW WORLDS IN TEACHING VIOLIN Professor Emll Thielhorn, 900-1 Mar- quam building, is master of the violin. His methods of teaching are unique, be ing a' combination of the best methods being taught In America am in Europe. Professor Thielhorn was the pupfl of Sevlck when the noted master was at hia best In Russia, Much of Sevlck's system ls given to pupils of Professor Thielhorn. , ' NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY j3---v- a - , BIBLIOGRAPHY. -Hazeltlne Anniversaries an Holl- days; references and suggestions for picture bulletins. 1309. M ; BIOGRAPHY. IbsenSpeeches and New Letters; translated by Kildal. 1910. Calne Recollections of Dante Gabriel Roesetti. 1898. t Hortori-Alfred Tennyson. 1900. " WillBon- Uta and Letter of James woire. iaua, ' BOOKS IN ' FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Wiegand- Friedrich der Grosse. Heyck Der Grosse Kurfurst Koepp Die Romer In Deutschland. Heyck Kaiser Maximilian I. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. Wright Adventures in the Arctlo Re gions. 1810. - " - ' -. -t - fiction. ' ' ; Jackson-Dav of Souls. : ..J... FINE ARTS. Caf fin Btory of Dutch Painting, 1909. - .-.,' .- Hemenway Hints - and Heirs for Xonng Uardenera 1906. Hicks Building Plans and How to Draw Them. Edition 3. 1909. ; 4 Wees Photography of t Colored Bub Jecta .1909. . , HISTORY. . . Burton-r-Amerlcan Primitive Music, with special attention 'to the songs of the OJibways. 1909. :" LITER ATURR Chesterton Twelve types. 1906. v Macdonnld Imagination and Other Essays. 1883. Macdonald Progressive. Speaker, con taining the best readings and recitations for all occasions. 1897. . Tucker Foreign debt of English lit erature. , 1907.' '.;-;.;''. MUSIC .-A v;'jf t Vieuztemps--Concertos for Violin and Piano. pt in 1 vol. 1901-1902. . Ware, comp Mother Nature's Festi val. 1896. - . . PHILOSOPHY. - Brooks Conflict Between Private Monopoly and Good Citizenship.; 1909. . - . RELIGION. ' - . Bacon Fourth Gospel In Research and Debate. 1910. . . 6trong Psychology of Prayer. 1909. i.,v,...,-.; SCIENCE"-" ;""' Edgcumbe Industrial Electrical Meas uring Instruments. 1908. . . . Gurley Manual of the Principal In struments 'Used in American Engineer ing and Surveying. .Ed. 43. 1909. Hale Calculations of General Chem istry. E1. 2 rev.. -1910. - , SOCIOLOGY. Ashdown Arms and Armour. 1909. ; - Columbia University N. Y.; Teachers College, Horace Mann School Freeman Our working Girls, and How to Help Them. 1908. - How to Sol' Real Estate at a Profit Ed. 8. 1910. Ripley Financial History, of Vir ginia. ,1609-1776. 1893. Peyton - American Transportation Problem. 1909. lJRedlger Principles of Education. temVs?0aoraKe" Ca5,nf S,, 'USEFUL ARTS. ' ' Boes Modern Butcher. 1906. i -Ennis Linseed OH and ' Other . Sned .. Fossibly there. are some, musicians who have , ' f ecenty investigated , and , do , not. ', "know that there are more Kraiiich I' A Bach GFand PiasidiS manufactured in the United States than , any other make but one, Jlave you seen the Kranich & Bach Grand Pi , j ' anos with 4he Isatonic Pedal, or the .; Kranich & Bach Upright With the Violin Plate? -,, - ' u -. We invite criticism, analysis and testa of the Kranich & Bach pianos, both grands and uprights, which teore- v i ,e,nt hi8hest8ttainable "an'dard in piano craftsmanship The Kranich & Back Grand With tfie Isatonic Pedal :X.XXX.x X .;.-;-:-.- ,' ..,,: '; T.V'' ' : , v . .: v' ; ;, , .- . ,. , . -. v . XX '"..; ":X. j1; W.;.". :'X,;, ''i:v.':'v. X , X-Hsr- 'XiA.(, XiXr'f: ,-! .r'li(-,.i?.-'"i; ij'. i;-4 ! ''...'J'i-i-ivr. ''C'..."ii;"i'f:.'5..;y7; '::.r,.''f!;..:..:;, JM'-t :v -;Sold Only by . (. " : :,' 111 Fourth Street, Near.Washlngton, Portland, Or. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUKNL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JIJLY SI, Oils. 1909. Glover "Dame Curtsey's", Book of Recipes.' - 1909. - , - 1 , , McKonzio Exercise -In Education and Medicine. 1909. ... - Marks Inventions, Patents and 'Pe slgns. n. d. "' - ' Smith Suction Gas riants." 1909. Starke Alcohol, the Sanction for Its Use Scientifically Established; tr. from German. 1910. WeedCopper Mines - of the World. 1908. ' , HOOKS ADDED TO' REFERENCE DE PARTMENT. Columbia County fOr.l Dvlnnm.ni Leaaue Columbia County, Oregon, n, d. Kanninx. comn. Selected Artlni Capital Punishment. 1909. Fanning, comp. Selected Articles on the Election of United States Senators. 1909. , Lankeeter Treatise on Zoology. B vol.' 1900-09. " - Oakland ' (Or.) Develonmnt l,Mnii Oakland, Douglas County. Oregon, n. d. Phelps, comp. Selected Articles n the Income Tax. 1909. " Phelps Selected Articles ort the In itiative and Referendum. 1909. Wood Westinehoiisn E-T Air ftmU-o Instruction Pocket Book. 1909. united 8tates Agriculrture, t Depart ment of Irrigation of Orchards: Viv Samuel Forties 1910. (Farmers' bulle tin 404.) .. :: .... United States Public Health and Ma rine Hospital Service Relation of Cli mate to the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. . 110. BIG. BOOK TRADE Gill Co. Preparing for the ' ,; Year's Business. That The J. K, Gill' Company of this city, headquarters for school text books are looking .forward" to a banner year in school books And. stationery supplies," is evident from,; the fact, that they havo Just recently secured the services of J. H. Mitchell as manager of their, large Educational Department. 'Mr. . Mitchell ' has been engaged , In school '.work ' for more than twenty years and for the past ten years has been in charge of the Pacific coast of fices of the Educational Publishing com pany of Boston. The firm considers It self fortunate in securing the services of so experienced a man, who ls so well equipped to handl the educational .-.ln teresta of the northwest vvr ' More Cheap Rates. , On, August 3,, the Canadian Pacific will again place on sale special round trip tickets to .eastern points. There will be only one sale .date for August Early reservations should be made. it EL CAMPANILE m The Best Equipped, Most Beautifully Situated Women's College on . the Pacific Coast. . Located In a magnificent wooded park of 150 acres in the suburbs of Oakland, California. Delightful weather the year round. . 'v Fifteen college buildings, of wood, stone and brick, in their pic turesque setting, make the whole a delightful scene. . The college faculty numbers 38 members, including graduates from the leading women's colleges, and Amherst and Stanford, and several state universities. Individual attention is possible, aS the classes are small. The courses of Mills College represent 22 depart ments of learning, including hygiene, physical training and domestic science.' . - " The college is Christian, but non-sectarian, chapel services being conducted by ministers of all denominations. ... . , For Catalogue, Address LUELLA CLAY CARSON, President Mills College, California. : Applications for Enrollment Must Be Filed by August IS, 1910 IBIS Mil - Oil CHILDHOOD ' " ' ' ' 1 Hold Interesting Meeting at : Recent Chautauqua at Gladstone Park. ' One of' the most successful, meetings of the year was held by the Oregon State Congress of Mothers at 'Gladstone Park on ; Thursday, ,July 21. Throngs of fathers and mothers gathered In the great auditorium to attend themeeting of the Forum and listen to an address by Dr. Jonah B. Wise of Portland. Dr. Wise . was introduced by Mrs. R. H. Tate, president of the state congress, and gave a most helpful and inspiring talk,, laying especial emphasis upon the need for responsible parenthood? for a single i standard - of 'morals for. both sexes, and for the Introduction into our educational system of s,uch Instruction as shall .Insure to every ..young person a thorough knowledge of the structure of hU own, physical body and the use of all Its functions. -..Such instruction, Dr. Wise believes, ls hecessaryto safeguard the health and morals of young men and women, as it Js only by ,a knowledge of, the Xactt of life, and by the intelligent xhoice or the individual ' in avoiding the temptations and pitfalls of every sort and applying constructive methods to the affairs of everyday life, that health of body and strength of . character can be developed and maintained. v At the close of Dr. Wise's address Mrs Fred Olson sang "Silver Threads Among the Gold," and as an encore fa vored the assembly with "Home, Sweet Home." . .:.'- ..'-.. liv'.. : '' Ay round table,, under tle condueti of the executive board, Mrs. R H. Tate presiding, was held in the kindergarten pavilion at 3:30 p. m. The capacity of the pavilion, however, proved wholly In adequate foe the accommodation of the large numbers desiring to attend, and nearly as many were gathered about on the outside as were able to get Inside the building. ? -, ; -' , ,:'. .' Five minute talks were given on the A A Co 8gB. following subjeots: "Preparation for Parenthood," . Mrs., Thomas Hawkes; "The Child and His Food," Mrs. Cathet rine R. Chapman; "The Child In School." Mrs. L. H. Wells; "The Child Out of School," Mr. E. B. Colwell. Throughout all the round 'table talks two features were most marked, namely, the recognition of personal" responsi bility and the necessity for cooperation. The ftrst subject dealt with the re sponsibility of parents for bringing Into the world a healthy, normal child, and responsibility-for keeping It so by such intelligent care, feeding, , training and example as will .tend to the development of ; the highest possibilities- of Its na ture.. . . , . t r, ,v... . '-.;. Cooperation, first between the par UN OF Offers Degrees in the GRADUATE SCHOOL. ' 1 J: CATALOGULS SLNT FRLL ' Address the Registrar, University of -Wbere-:DotROosf of fc;tei' Orpiis aid f iaio " Come Iroii? .1 T5k6 Hocks - IS? S1 v 351, 353, 355 Washington St. ; Cor. Ehth (Park) fits,- XS10." .-'( ents themselves In their efforts to se cure I the health and happiness of the child was urged; second, cooperation between home , and school that is, in telligent ' effort on the part ' of parent and 'teacher to know each other and work In harmony for the promotion of the, welfare of the child., In short, a united and intelligent effort on the part of all Interested persons to secure health and happiness for each and every child coming, into th-world. The kindergarten and t nursery at Chautauqua this year have had by far the largest attendance since it was opened, and it really seems as If moth ers, Including all women with the moth er heart were awakening to a realiza tion of their personal responsibilities Eugene V''. ' '.-.' '.-'.:...'...:. V : .1 ''.'"-' .,.','".- '. .': Y T T T (T .Y ' m , t m . . . a a ..as n i-Tkv . y OREGON Schools and Colleges COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. " 1 General Courses in Liberal Arts . Special Courses, Including Course Preparatory to - V Course rreparatory to Law :" r Course Preparatory to Journalism ' SCHOOL OF COMMERCE. : ; COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. : ' Civil, Engineering - 1 , ; Electrical Engineering . " - t Railway Engineering! " ' . Chemical Engineering SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. .SCHOOL OF MUSIC. ' " ' . f . :" . ' ' General Courses in Theory and Harmony Piano ", . ' ' s . - ; Voice ' . ' ' - Violin ' ' ' ' ' SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, in Portland. , , SCHOOL OF LAW, in Portland, Following is a partial list bf schools in Oregon who have pur chased Organs and Pianos from Eilers ! Music riouse, as tHe limited space here does not permit us to give anywhere near the full list eyeri in this one state. In Washington, California and ldah you will also find that most of the schools, colleges and universities haves been supplied with Organs and Pianos from one of our 40 establishments. Over 70 per cent of the pianos in these four states are . sold by Eilers Music House. There must be a Reason. Perhaps it is because we have the exclusive representation of Pianos iand Organs which have" proved their superiority over all others for school purposes-- such celebrated makes as the Kimball, Hobart M. Cable, Les 7 ter and Eilers Pianos and Kimball Organs." ' ... ' ; Portland Academy School . Hall, 191 mtigt., . . Portland.. -; , . , St. Mary'a Academy, A , School District sel. The Dalles. ' Portland Academy, lth Montgomery sts. Port land. ' .Western Academy of Mu sic. 2d snd Morrison sts., Portland. - . St, ' Paul's Academy,- Ml ' slon Landing. ' Ockley Green school, Port . - land. -, '-. ' . "Woodstocjt school, Port land. . c . 'Shaver schodl, Portland. School District No. 1, Ver-, non school, Portland. Crook County High school. Prlnevllle. - St. Helen's Hall. Portland Heights, Portland. - Dr Island district school, Deer Island. Sisters of the Good Shep " herd. Portland. . Fotir Corner . school, ; St Paul. School District No. 32, Newberg. 1 St. Lewis school, St Lew--I' - is, - . -ix-x-4 School - District No. 79." School District Ohio Landing: otiiuni tiaii tci. Dalles. Stafford school, Sherwood. philomath college, Philo math. ' - ' School District No. I, St. Johns.' Ontario High school, On tarlo. r fl - Columbia college, Milton. School - District No. 15, Portland. , ; Hill - Military Academy; Portland, - tilling achool. Portland. School District No, 74, Brownsville, Seaman's Institute, Port land, T. M. C. A.. th and Tay- lor sts.. Portland. 8chool District -. No. 31, " Milton. ' ; Larret Mountain school, Witch Hasel. Reedvuie. Wildwood school, WUdK Chambers school, . Port- wood, lano, Midway school, Wild wood. School District.-No union senooi, Aurore,. -r roriiana. -. Balm school. Balm. Sisters of Mercy, Portland. as well as to the value of intelligent co. operative effort, which certainly bodes well far. the advancement .of human progress. ' ' -' . ' " ' ' ".' ".'"' PEARSON'S ACADEMY Preparatory Separtmeat of ' Whitman -,. . College. '- A boarding and day school for boys and girls, offering a thorough high school course under unusually, favorable conditions. Prepares for Whitman and other principal colleges. Careful super vision of health. High moral . tone. Christian surroundings. Use of college gymnasium, large athletic field. Mod erate prices. Prospectus sent upon re quest Rov. Frederick M. DeForest, Ph. D., Head Master, Walla Walla. Wash. ' .,' 0v Fdllovnng Medicine - " t: v ; v i i ON RLQULST Oregon, Lugcnc District -No. 9, Plesssnt Vally arhnnl. . .... .. , . 1 . - ml No. 10. NaDlstrict school 4of Kami-' i ' h. Katnlnh St. Mary's Academy, Port- Creston . public land. ' -.. Portland. Sisters of th Holy Name, School District Morey's Landing. Cowl its. School District No, 44, La- School District monta. Rm school, No. 20, No. .N.' 4S. 9, 10,. ' No. 98, School District : Tnpiai T Denver- school, Eagle lone schoo'l, tone. ' -.u. School District No. iiu. i. 'i fie Newbera. Rockwood School District No. 27, Gresham. Lusted school. Qresham. Camas School District. No. . 1I. Camas Washlngto n County school, Phillips. Sisters of I. H. M.. East 9th and N, Alberta sts. Portland." St. Ignatius' school, 43d and Powell Valley road. Portland.? , Mountain Side . school, Hillsboro. ' . District -No. , 91,, Oregon City. ' f Bonanza public school, Bo nanza. Mountain View .... school, Corvallis. -" - y Bethel High' school, Mc Coy.; Union School District No. 26. Boring. , Baptist Union schoo, Des chutes. Medical Springs school district, Madras. 29, 8stf-lMaVn PettyrroTS Srts., Portland Oregon. Largest and ilost Bsllalils Dealeri in Wtrtera Amsrlo.