THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 31, '1910. , CONTDTCED FROM . PRECEDING PAGE pleasant to talk about. Mis Grant Is the eldest daughter of U. 8. Grant. Jr., and with her Bister, Miss FaDny Grant, and brother, U. S. Grant, III. she has been the guest of the Chaffees In Adrian, Ohio, since her return from abroad. U. S. Grant, "Jr., Is the second son of Gen eral Ulysses 8. Grant, and a brother of Frederick Dent Grant Miss Grant's mother was Miss Josephine. Chaffee, . daughter of Senator Jerome B. Chaffee. Miss Grant Is a cousin of Thomas Sharp, Mr. King Is a son of 'the lata E. B. I King, of Toledo, Ohio, and has been a popular' , member of Portland society since his arrival hers a year ago. Mr. , King's mother la .a close friend of Mrs. Charles . Scaddlng, and has been her i guest a number of times. No date has been set, for the wedding, though It will probably take place In. the early fall. " Y. ' it -k "w . , Rhododenron Inn has been the mecca for automobllists within the last fort night' 'Among ; those who registered from Portland were: , Mr, and Mrs. Rus-. -. sell E. Eewell. Mr. ' and Mrs. Marlon Dolph, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gilbert, Mr. . and Mrs. Frank U Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Smith,' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Jv a Alnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. J. -Wesley Ladd, Mr. and ..Mrs, Morton Jnsley, Mrs. J. P, Thompson,, Miss Genevieve Thompson, Miss .Jean. ' ette-Thomas. Miss Portia Klefer..Mlss Elisabeth Sears, Miss Jeanette Klauder, - Mr.- and Mrs, -W. -V. Smith,. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Clemens, W. Stewart, Miss EUiabeth Stewart, Miss Marian Mark ham of St. Louis; T. 8cott Brooke, Jor dan Zan, I. A. Llnthlcuip, O. S. Bennett and John Wheeler. 1 -v. 1: . . . Next Wednesday afternoon members of the. Zeta PsJ and the Chi Pst fraternl- ties In Portland will play baseball, Following the game, the losing fratern " lty will give a dinner at the University Club. The Zeta Psl 4eam will be made up from the. following, Flowden Stott, , Chester Murphy,, John R. Hoi man. W. H. Hurlburt, Julian Hughes. Harry JLltt, George Brownlee, Dr. Otis B. Wight, - Roland M. Kelly, Stanley Jewett. Fred B. Holman,-David C; Lewis, .Ashley Vantine, Harry Falling and Eugene . Rockey. , The Qhl Psl nine will Include . Antolne Labbe. George Sailor. Roy . . Stearns, Louis Bronaugh, H. L." Shepard, Lee Patterson. George Pease. Clifford Nichols, James Alexander and Mr. Ben nett of Detroit. - v -; . ' - Mr. and 'Mrs Henry' Turrish -and 'Miss Vivian Turrish,, ; qf . Duluth, Minn., who. Rave been guests" of the Hotel .Portland; for., six. weeks, H feturned Wednesday ; ,to their fcome In the east Prior to their depar ture, the Turrishes spent the week-end at Seaside with Mr. and Mrs, Alexander McDonenll. vThe McDonells are recent M arrivals here from the east, who are living at the Hotel Nortonla. They have . purchased some. beautiful .lots near the Leidbetter place, and will build a hand- "tome residence' there. The Turrishes may return to Portland In the fall to make their home. - From Santa Barbara come word of the triumph achieved by Mrs. Andrew Welch in her - moonlight picnic. ; "Mrs. JVelch.'who has the reputation of telng the most original hostess In San Fran Cisco, sustained her reputation In this novel affair. The guests were taken to -the beach in motors along a roadway n lumtnated with grinning Jack-o'-lanterns and bright Japanese lanterns, fluttering ' like flowers of light In the breeze. The . supper was served at long tables facing .the sea( oonflws and "skyrockets casting a nngni-giow over uw bubuo ui iuwji- ment. " . For Miss Salome Levy of New Tork, Miss Estelle Seller of San Francisco, Mrs. Tandorf of Frankfort Germany, ' and tlreir hostesses, Miss Mildred Meyer, Mrs. Max Hlrseh and Mrs. Fred Seller, a lunchton was given rThursday after noon at the Oaks tavern By Mrs. Fred H. Rothchlld and Mrs. Arnold Bllts (Miss Enl Rothchlld). The table tarried decorations of yellow coreopslsy and greens., Covers were laid for twenty- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Anthony are be - Ing felicitated upon the arrival Thursday morning at their home of a small son. , Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Fisher are re ceiving congratulations upon the advent f a son Thursday, July il. - Miss Helen Cake and Miss Helen Me Cusker left Wednesday ; for Gear hart Park to join a house party at the .summer cottage of Mrs. Frank N..G1I- . bert Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. Gilbert are ' expected home this week from New Haven to spend the summer with the . Frank Gilberts at Gearhart. Mrs. Gil- ' bert was Miss Mary i Thompson, of Se attle. Alfred Gilbert was one, of Ore gon's best athletes, and it was lmmedt- SOCIETY PERSONALS j In - - .. - - - . - wp ' ately after his triumphal return from the Olympic 'games at London a couple of seasons ago that Miss Thompson be- v came his bride. 'w:'- A''-- , 'J- - -k w ; 'V ' - : Mrs.' Burton Went with her daughters, 'Helen and Marjorie, are spending a few '-.weeks in Alameda as the guests of , Mrs. Charles Dixon, Mrs. Dixon was a recent, hostess, entertaining a score of. , , friends complimentary to her northern ,i Visitor. :... .-, . . ', . . ,. : r'- .4, , - a : :, ,': :': Miss Ilda Jones returned to her home In Labish Meadows Tuesday morning, , after a brief, visit with her sister, Mrs. Anderson M, Cannon. - - ...t; ,. .Mr, and 'MrCJ, Marshall SteeC who j were married In Oakland, Cal., June 29, arrived in Portland on. the 23d of" this i month, after" trip through Yellowstone rour-Passsnffsr Coupe. ' Lonflf Wheel BaseJ ' Ample Boom. Cushion Tires. No punctures. JFrariR C. RIggs - CpSMTEU EOAB, Twnty-third and Wasilngtoc' Sts." xrirpKOiras mart 4343, A-1127. .HI Park. They have been the guests of Mr. SUpI'b parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Steel, and sisters', Mrs. Charles B. Warrens and Mrs. James F. Kwing, and returned Thursday evening to their fu ture home in Berkeley, -Cal, " - ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellsworth Smith (Miss, Mary Ellen Conyers) have re turned from a two. months' trip to Honolulu and are guests at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. W. H. Conyers at Clatskanle. They will leave in a few days for their -home In Kansas City, Mo. - ' - Mrs. J. E. Werleln, with Miss Helen Werlein and Edward ' E. Werlein, Is spending the" summer at the Pines, Tioga, Long Beach, Washington Mrs. Tom Sykes of Fargo, N. D., and Miss Bertha Hacheney of Walla Walla are guests of the Werlelns. , v '. .-..".'-- ". "- it -k - , r Mr. and' Mrs. Francis Willard Bond of Pendleton and Frank Hays left Fri day for Re'dondo , teaeh, Cal., where they will spend a month. They will be at the Palace hotel, San Francisco, for a week or ten days. ' ; ,, -.. . Mra H. D. i. Green, who Is , spending the summer at Hotel Gearhart with her daughter.- Mrs.'- C. J. Reed, ' came up from the beach to see Mrs., Flske last week, , returning , early this week to the beach to remain until August 3d. , V Lieutenant and ; Mrs. Frederick A. Barker (Miss Ruth Honeyman) of Fort Asslnlbolne. Montana, will be among the army people' In Tacoma during the encampment. They will . be guests at the Bonne-ille. - , j . Roderick " Macleay returned Monday from three mdnths In Europe. With Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Grant (M-isa Edith Macleay) of San Francisco, Mr. Macleay toured the continent by automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Grant are still In England. , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCamant and Tom McCamant returned Friday morning from a week's visit in Washington and British ' Columbia. Rainier, ; Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C, were among the points-visited, , Miss Mildred . Nichols is expected next Tuesday from two months In the east. . Miss Nichols spent much time In Joplln, Mo.; Scrantom Pa.,' and North ampton, Mass. New York and Washing ton 'were also visited. ' ' Miss Elizabeth Stewart has returned from Oakesmere, where : she -has been a student the past . year. ,She was ac companied by Miss Marian Markham, of St. Louis, who was a classmate of Miss Stewart's. V ',.; :-;.:';. ;:v;. v ; Mrs. Samuel Seller and Miss Amy Sel ler, who have been guests at the Fred Seller home;, have returned to San Fran cisco. .' On their return Miss Seller's en gagement to Joseph Goldsmith, of San Francisco, was announced. Mrs. William Taylor Patten and children of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gauld are guests of General and Mrs. T. M.' Anderson at their country place on the CoIumbWu ., Mr. and Mrs. Max Fielschner and Mrs. A. L. Hexter left yesterday for Gear hart. They will be joined for the week- ends by Mr. and Mrs, Henry Metsger (Miss Flora Fielschner.) Mrs. H. Hausman accompanied by her daughter. Miss Marjory Hausman; left yesterday for the beach, where they will spend several weeks near Gear hart . - sl, ; ' -V'- ' 4 Mrs. D. E. Dunbar and Miss Lavlna Dunbar of Seattle are the guests of Portland relatives and friends. Later they will visit with' Mrs. Dunbar's mother at Seavlew. . Mrs. A. D. Charlton. Mrs.,Thomaa B. Howes, Howard Charlton and MissLa- veils Young left Thursday by automo bile for , Cloud Cap Inn. They will re turn Monday. , w Miss Amy Rothchlld has returned from Ban Francisco, where she has been the guest of Miss Alice Kaufman for a couple of months. . She was accom panied home by Mrs. Newman. , ; ' ' i ' -' ' :., -'; :i f Miss Helen Goods, Ernest Swigert and , Holt Cooklnghanv have returned from Tokeland. Wash., where they were guests of Miss Katherine Holbrook at the beautiful country place of the-M, I Holbrooks. 1 v . .. V- w 'w :, Mrs. Edward Cooklngham and two sons, Holt and Prescott Cooklngham, wil spend the month of August at the beach.. They , will occupy, the .C. ..E. Smith cottage at Seaside. w , , - ;-.v- - ' r Miss Eva Durgan and Miss Ruba Dur- gan, daughters of Dr. E. H. Durgan nf Cupertino, Cal., will be the house guests of Dr.- and Mrs. Byron E. Miller for a month at their Montgomery street homi Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gregg are visiting in Ban Francisco, and are reg istered at the St, Francis hoteL Other Portlanders at the St. Francis are Mr. and Mrs. S. Morton Colin. Mrs. Addlscui Potter has left for North Beach, where she wll spend a couple of weeks. Miss Grace Potter Is in Cam bridge, where she Is attending the Har vard summer school..- ,-, , , .- if. v..,;sa Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Simon and chil dren and Miss Sonncnfeld are back from a delightful trip to Alaska. They vis ited Vancouver and Victoria, ' B ,C., and Seattle and Tacoma., ; ; t.',"mk-: and Mrs. '"George F." Schott have bought a home in Rose City Park at 504 East Forty-seventh ' street. North, where they will move this week. Mr. . and Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen (Mies! Leila Shelby) have returned from San - Francisco and ' have taken , apart ments at the Hotel Portland temporarily, . Madam J. H. Bauer, accompanied by Miss Flora Bauer, left yesterday for San Francisco where they will spend the month of August. ' Mrs. Henry Nowhall, Miss Dorothy Ncwhall and Miss Geraldlne Rltson of Berkeley are spending the week at the Breakers.". . t . :. ' : 1 :..-' w Mr, and Mrs. Horace E. Chapman have taken apartments at ha King's ; Hill, having recently soldr't.h'eir ranch on the .Lewis river. ,:. -k if ' -..'? " Mrs. S. D. Smith and Miss Laura Smith were guests at the Hotel Perry in Seattle several days last week, en route to Victoria, B. C. : . - ' ' r r , ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur left Wednesday morning for Honolulu. They will-sail. from San Francisco Saturday and will be away a couple of months, Mrs. " Edward Williams and Miss Florence Williams, of The Dalles, are suxsta-or Mr., aud. toaRufiggU-JBewalli for two weeks. They arrived Monday, 1. i-': . . i.-." ' i- '..'.-..;'',;.''..'.''. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe Is a guest i the , St Francis hotel In San Francisco, Miss Dorothy Morrison will leave to morrow to Join her mother, Mrs. A. A. Morrison, who with her two sons, is domiciled - at the Hotel Moore. Miss Jean Morrison Is also at the beach, The Morrisons will remain away un til September., ; . - , , Mr. ' and Mrs. l, Presley Ladd and Miss. Helen Ladd are spending the sea son at the Hotel Gearhart. Miss Helen has as her guest Miss Mary Brownie. Mis Janet Noble and her guest Miss Ruth Woolsey, of Santa Rosa, have re turned from the beach, where they were the guests of Miss Dorothy NewhalL- Mrs. J. M, McPnee and three daugh ters, the Misses Margaret Dorrls and Catherine McPhee. left early last week to spend the season at Clatsop beach. Mrs. Solomon hirsch has gone to the beach, where Miss Hirsch is spending the summer. - . ' Mr. and Mrs. James W. .Cook are In San, Francisco, whera they have taken apartments at the Hotel Fairmont" , ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. McOlnn' are guests at the Hotel Fairmont In San Francisco.' ; ' ; . ; ; , , . " " '- v'"v. ' Ilss Dorothy Huber spent the wetk in town. She returned to the beach on- Saturday.' .- !:.:. - :; 4. c i ).',. Mrs. E. C. Shevlln and two sons left Thursday morning for Gearhart Park, where she will remain for a month. Mrs. H. D. Angell is visiting in Ta coma with her sister, Mr. C. C. Johns, at her country cottage at Day Island. .:.: . Mrs. Julius L. Meier and children are at the Hotel Gearhart and will remain all during August ' v -'.. .': ''.' Mrs. I. N. Fielschner Is entertaining Mrs. Sol Ehrman and Joseph Ehrman of San Francisco at her beach home, -- Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Whiting and two children will spend the coming month at Seaside. , - " Bishop and Charles Scaddlng are so journing at Band. on, Oregon.'. .. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Swigert re turned Friday from White Salmon, EVENTS OF THE WEEK K i One of the most successful picnic parties or the season was that given by the members Of St. Mary's choir, Wil Hams avenue, last Sunday, at Oswego Beach. The party did not return until late in the evening. The famous Ore gon male quartet, composed of M. J. Keating, Joseph Alstock, Joseph A. Taus cher and Albert Ledbcrry, furnished the music for. the occasion. : Others in..the party were Mr, and Mrs.- Frank Tsus cher, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Tauscher Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alphonse, Mrs. M, J. Keating, Miss Molly Keating, MIsa Delia Tauscher, George Pyle, Miss Ruble Goulet Gregory j , Morris, Harry Gard ner, Miss Golds Goulet, Oscar Kohler and Charles Pembroke. ; On Monday evening. July 25. the members of the Kern Park Christian church tendered a reception to their new pastor, Rev, A. J. Adams, and fam lly. (A large number of the membership and friends were present Rev.- J. F. Ghormley and Rev. Dr. Cook, of the Central Christian church, and ' Rev. Thomas A. Plcton and wife, of ; the Rodney Avenue Christian church, were also in attendance and added much to the Interest of the evening. Mr. Adams 'Is a ,man of wide experience on th coast, having done successful work in California and ' Washington, and has been given a royal welcome to the state of Oregon. ? Miss Hattie Aaron, of Spokane, has been entertained extensively during her visit in this city. This week she was a guest of the Misses Abrahams. .Miss Rose Rubensteiu entertained with a lawn-party. The lawn was beautifully decorated with. Japanese lanterns. Miss Sadie Taylor entertained last Sunday, July 24, with a launching party, In honor of Miss Aaron. . The party con slsted of eighteen couples of Miss Tay lor a most intimate friends, who en Joyed the trip down the Willamette and - Columbia rivers. Miss Aaron leaves July 81, for her home In Spokane. . The Tyalsiai club gave a delightful outing to their friends last Sunday. Luncheon was served at Dr. and Mrs. William F. Fieblg's beautiful riverside home. , The girls spent the day wttn games, canoeing and launching. (The Tyalsiai club Is Composed of 13 pbpu lar young women of Washington High school. Among those present were Miss Maud Woodruff, Miss Vera Meeks, Miss Esther Hawkins, Mis Dorothy Dens- more, Miss , Mary Wright Miss Maud Wright, . Miss Tlllie O'Berg and Miss Mamie Howarton. s Mrs. W. J. Holman gave a china shower on Wednesday at her home, 48 East Ninth street, North, for Miss Rose Donald, whose marriage to Donald Mc Bride will takS place the latter part of August . The guests were Mrs. James Dorney, Mrs. J. Holman, Mrs, Guy Haines, Mrs. Glfford Anthony; Mrs. J, Taggert Mrss C. Aiken, Mrs. Charles In- glefleld, Miss Mollis Slrey, Miss Nellie Dorney, Miss Sarah McBrlde, Miss Ruby Crichton, Miss Sadie McGlnnls, Miss Ann Splldspoel, Miss Violet Inglefleld and Miss Luclle Kenworthy, - ;- w '.' Mrs.; James C Costello has returned from Seattle, where she has been the guest of her sisters, Mrs. "James Mc Hugh "and Mrs. Edmond ."'Roche' for several weeks. Several entertainments were given in the Sound city for the visitor. Last .Tuesday Mrs. Patrick James McHugh gave a card luncheon for her sister, In her Queen Anne Hill home, while several Smaller affairs were given the latter part of the week. Miss Alay Hagemann, 'who Is the guest of Miss Grace Darling Flynn in Seattle, has had many courtesies shown her the past week. Mrs. L. J. Helen thai gave, a bridge Friday ' evening In her honor, the same day Mrs. W. L. O'Con nell complimented her with a luncheon, and Saturday afternoon. Miss . Grace Darling Flynn gave a matinee party at the Moore theatre to see William Col lier .in ."A Lucky ..Star." . . Dr. -and Mrs. w. J Holman, , J. R. Hansen, Donald Hansen, Miss Rose Don ald and the Misses Lucile and Cecilia Holman will leave the first of August! ror iMenaiem ror a two weeks' sojourn.. Mr and Mrs. Patrick C Collins of East Twenty-second street, gave adln ner Thursday in honor of their' guests from the north, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc Laughlin and Rev. Charles MacAleer. :' : ; .'' it " ir y - On last - Saturday Mrs. William' VL Wilder aked a number of young ladles to an Informal afternoon at her home to meet hef. nelce Mlts :Anna Chrl8toffer. sen oi iaooma.. s , , . . ;.,,, Miss 'Alice Juston, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. L E. Juston, took a party of friends' for a delightful motor trip, Fri day evening. '. After the ride the. party was entertained at the home of MUji AX Juston. The.-party consisted of Miss Alice Juston, Miss Anna Christoffersen of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. William Wil der, and Gus Cramer, iA very srtistio luncheon .was given Thursday by Mrs. Moses at her pretty home on East Yamhill. Her guests were Mrs. Walter McGuire and daughter Helen, Mrs. William Mansel Wilder, Mies Anna Christoffersen of Tacoma, Miss Norma Ti!fer and Mr. Rountree. ' " Miss Lou and Anne Bitzer cave a theatre party last Thursday In honor of Miss Anna Christoffersen of Tacoma. ) WEDDINGS Miss Veta Olivia Bacon of Portland, and Fred G. Fully, also Of Portland. were married Wednesday of last week at Vancouver, Wash., in the First Christian chu.ush, Rev. D. C. Kellems officiating. The church was artistically decorated with white sweet peas and the wedding party stood under an arch from which hung a. wedding bell of the same flow ers. The bride wore a white embroidered Swiss made on princess lines and car ried with Bride roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss Beverly Bharp. of Vancouver, cou sin of the brlde was gowned In yellow silk and carried white carnations. The groom waa attended by. James J. Fore man or Portland. The wedding march was .played by. Miss Exle Moor, with, a solo preceding the ceremony by Mrs. Laura T. Crawford. A reception at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. rnscuia sparks, followed the weddlne. Miss Lillian Paulson of Portland was the lucky one to catch the bride's bou quet' Mrs. Fully is the daughter of ours. juaDei Bacon oi Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Fully will make their home in Portland. , j A pretty romance culminated in the marriage of Dr. Ralph Jeffcott of 8t Helens and Miss Mabelle C. Wright Of i'oruand. which took place Wednesday ariernoon ,m the j Advent Christian church. To the strains of Lohengrin' wedding march the bride, charmingly gowned in crepe de chine, entered on the arm of , her. father., t Her veil was held. in place by orange hlossoms and she carried an arm .bouquet of .Bride roses.. Rev. Charles . Hof f enden offici ated, i Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of the bride, at which otily relatives and Immediate friends were jOresent The house was artistically decorated with ferns and sweet peas. Mrs, Jeffcott was a mem ber of the class of 1807 of the Portland High school and Dr. Jeffcott finished a course in the North Paciflo Dental col lege In the same year After their hon eymoon they will make their home at St Helens,' where Dr. Jeffcott Is a promi nent young dentist. ' ., , A. H. Harms of Portland and Bertha Weddeler of Boring were united In mar riage by Dr. William H. Foulkes at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Christian Weddeler, near Boring, Thursday .Afternoon, July 28. Mr, Harms Is In the employ of Wells, Fargo Express company and Mrs, Harms is the daughter of one of the prosperous and well known farmers of Clackamas county. Within a few months her par ents have celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and her grandpar onts their golden- wedding anniversary, in the same house In which this wedding took place. -- H. H. Haskell and Miss Lellla Sharon, unbeknown, to their many friends, shipped quietly over t Oregon City on Friday of last week and were married. Miss Sharon Is the daughter of E. E. Sharon, for many ears grand secretary or me i. v. u, v: ti uregon, ana ftir. tui' lcfell Is managefof the Graton & Knight Manufacturing company. Mr. and Mrs. Haskell are at present on their wedding journey. Just where they are or when they will return is. not known. , . Alvln Lester Glpson and Miss Cathcr Ine Bucey Spencer wero married Mohr day afternoon, July 25, 1910. at the res ldence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Chris tina Spencer. 489 Blackstone street, by the Rev. Roy-Edgar Remington, rector of All Saints Episcopal church. The bride was given away by her mother. Only members tf the immediate family were present w v Roy Miller, Layton and Miss Nellie Irene Sapp were married Tuesday even ing, July 26, 1910, at All Saints Episco pal church by the rector, the Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. The bride was given away by her aunt. Mrs. Henry Cave. If R. Crane was best man and Miss Mar garet Kehrll acted as maid of honor. . James Hugh McCall and Mildred Elaine Maurer, both of .La Grande. Or were married at his residence by Rev, William Hiram Foulkes. D. D..of the First Presbyterian church, Sunday af ternoon, July 24, at o clock. Mr. Mc Call Is a young hanker of La Grande, Lemuel . B. Nicholson and Miss Lily Bruce Lyness were married on Wednes day evening, July 27, .at the home of D. L. ; Pursel, on Yamhlu street, at. o'clock, Dr. Benjamin Young, pastor of the Taylor Street Methodist church per forming the ceremony, , . G. G. McDowell of Thurston county, Wash., and Grace E. Abbott of Port land were united)' in marriage by the minister of the First Presbyterian HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES IN 15 MINUTES V Just put ' Neo-Plastlque a harm less vegetable Jelly on your face. Let It dry. In 16 minutes wash it off. That's all. No peeling or other drastic methods. Delightful sensa tion. Refreshing." Scientific. " Guar anteed ' harmleu under Pure Food Law. ' " Sold ori Approval Instantaneous results. Fine wrin kles disappear, deep lines soften, sag ging lifts up,- face becomes firm, skin tightens, complexion brightens, face looks and - feels years ' younger. AH In 16 minutes. Neo t Plastlqne Is not expensive. Write for particulars. Satisfaction guaranteed., ' rree Demonstration In Tour Own -Homo or at Our Offices at . '. NEO-K.ASTTQXJB AQrWCTf, Sept. E, Selllng-Hlrsca Bldg- Portland, Or. . - . Phone Main 3271. AND CALLING SHf V 30005-06 BET4thft-5th Buchanan bldg. Washington st. V 1 - t5c iilll church,' Rev.. William Hiram "Foulkes, D. D., at his residence,' Sunday' after noon, July1 Zi, at 4 o'clock. w ' George T. Dodd and Mabet R. Baley, both of this city, were married last Sun day afternoon at S o'clock at the First Methodist Episcopal church parsonage, Dr. Benjamin Young officiating., - ' Kyle McDanlel of Umatilla and Miss Lotta Wilson of this city were married on Monday evening, July 25, by Rev. Dr. Benjamin Young at his home, corner of Eleventh and Salmon streets. ;' Calvtn Schlador of Marlon county, and Miss Zetta White of Portland, Or., were married Thursday afternoon, July 28, 1919, at the White Temple, by Rev. W. B. Hlnson. , , w ' " Mr. and Mrs.Mark C. Potter'have an nounced the marriage of their daughter, NeutA Lillian, to Edward Randall Hoa kin of Portland. Mrs. Hoskln Is a Salem girl..- o.';:,-v vV:.'.V,-:..;r.;..r'l' ' . . , ' - ' . Walter Fox and Miss Jennie Gray of Portland, Or., were married at the White Temple. Saturday, July 23, 1910, by Rev. W. B, Hlnson. , . . - w w ' ' ' L. R. LeMaster and Mrs. Lula Smith, both of Portland, Or., were married -at the White Ternple, Friday evening, July 22, 1910. by Rev., W. B. Hlnson. Weddfhg and 'visiting cards -William Klumpp .company, 226 Washington st, ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. John C. Emericlcof Ar ington, Or.,-- announee the- engagement of their daughter, Eva M to Adolph Slegrlst, of HUlsboro. The wedding will take Place In Arlington at the Metho dist Episcopal church September 27 PERSONAL MENTION Miss Elizabeth Smith and Miss Kath- erlns Smith of ' Seattle are visiting friends In Portland. The Misses Smith are en route to Long Beach. 1 Mrs. W. P. Llllts and Miss Lucy LIUIs are at the Hbllabaugh cottage at Seaside for the season. : Mrs. A :L. Rapp and son are the guests thjs week of Mra Llliia- Frank I. Barnes of St. Paul, accom panied by his mother and Sister, are guests of friends In Portland. Miss Catherine Barrett Is at the beach. td remain until September 1. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Hansen are spend ing a couple of weeks In Portland with relatives. ' Mr, Hansen Is Kith the San Franolsco Examiner. Mrs A. M. Smith was a week end vis itor at the beach. , Miss Lou Allen and Mrs. Dora Rav of Grass Valley, Cal., returned Tuesday night from Astoria and Seaside. Mrs. ; Lewis R. Fairchlld' -and tnei Fairchild have returned from . three weeks stay at Seavlew, Mrs. S., Shaplrer and Miss Edith Shapirer returned last week from a visit of five months in New -York. Dr. Sanford Locb with his mother, Mrs. Elixa Loeb, and his sister, MIes Rebecca Loeb, returned Wednesday from a trip through southern California There they have been traveling for the past six weeks. Dr. Loeb expects to sail for Europe In the near future. Miss Amy Mergrue has returned from Tacoma, where she visited with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Lindsay, for a couple oi weens. Mrs. C.v J. Smith of Minneapolis and Mrs. C. H. tVlnphell of Chicago, are spending, the summer In Portland as (Continued on Following Page.) .. FOR THE f RFHFHRvlMT The Store Where. Your mmm 3w-390 East Mdrrison St. . Near Grand Avenue MBSBsMBSBSSSSBBHMBHsHssSSSSSsWBa "Parisiana" Corset We Are Portland's Sole Agents ..4 'H .Vr". -',, s.s-Vi v--...' 7 - v, : If you are inclined to be stout this model of "Pari . siana" will give you the long, straight lines you need . for the new Fall gowns. . Vill reduce the figure two to three inches- across the abdomen. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction or a new pair free of . charge; . t 4 - , - $LQ0 All Sizes NEWEST, VISIT THE STYLE STORE RTtI X7 O IS MM ir.Ain.irBih. C AT oi-f mm m ' Again we will endeavor to demonstrate to the pub lic that this store is always first to show every thing new in outergarments for men, women and misses. Through a very fortunate purchase we were able to secure the entire sample lines of four of the foremost and best manufacturers of high grade women's and misses' Tailored Suits of New York City. They consist of just 263 Suits of all the very newest fall materials shown, such as, the new Homespuns; Scotch Tweeds, Baratheas; Man , nish Worsteds, Cheviots, Serges, Broadcloths and ; Boucles. They come in 32, 34, 36 and 38-inch " length coats, lined with Skinner Satin, beautifully tailored ; some strictly tailor effects, others fancy Mrimmed with the new gored or side pleated skirts. " FOR ONE WEEK ONLY WE WILL ALLOW 01-lAlIffiOFI on all Suits purchased. They range in price from $20.00. to ,$60.00. Don't miss this opportunity to save from $5.00 to $15.00 on your new "Fall suit. , bgAteiit Solicited n 3 H- Credit Is Good. Cast Sit!c People's o Big Store G Parisiana Corsets have bounded into popularity from the jump. Hundreds of our , customers have words of; praise for thent. . ,. This brand of corsets is. sold exclusively in the -city, of Chicago by Marshall Field & Co. and yas secured by us after, numerous inquiries from eastern women ' who . had - worn : them' and were "ple'ased with" them'." , : TOMORROW, TO FUR THER INTRODUCE THEM, we shall feature. No! 555 "Parisiana" Reducing Corset Made especially for stout fig ures, exactly like cut, all sizes up to 36s on sale . , at This number is made after the same models as tiie most expensive French models, costing, as high as $10. All Sizes U U S4S P- WASHINGTON AT TENTH rr vi -!f?j'..-:!11-. -