THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY '31, 1910. TOMS TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS . Orpheum .......... . Vaudeville Grand Vaudeville Pantages Vaudeville Eyrie ......... Idolized Ida" Star Moving Pictures The Oaks, Navassar Ladles' Band J TIi Journal at sorts, Tha following agents will sup- ply Journal subscribers at regu- 4 lar city rates: ; e) Seaside, Or.: Horace A. 'WH- son, agent; headquarters at 4 Lewis ft Co.'s drug store. Long Beach, Wash.: Kerlee ft Co., agents; Aberdeen stores. 4 Newport. Or.: 'William Bur- a . ton, agent v. ... . Gearhart Park, James Cellars, agent ' Columbia Beach: B. D. Lan- don, agent " s Ilwaco. Wash., and ali points on North Beach: Louis Cohen e ,news agent. Ilwaco railroad agent. Breakers, Waeh.t Breakers hotel. t Collins.' Wash.: C. T. Belcher, agent . . Carson, Wash.1 Frank MoQln- -tiis, agent - '-.'- Seavlew, Wash.: Kerlee ft Co., , egents.NAberdeen store. ) . Shiperd's Springs: Mineral Springs Hotel Co., agent. Hot Lake, Or.: . Hot Lake Sanl- tarlum, agent . . . " Wllholt, Or.: ." F. W. MjeLeran, agent - Wsnaha Springs, Wenaha Hot Springs hotel. Multnomah County W7 0. T. V The . Women's Christian Temperance Union of Multnomah county will hold Its reg ular monthly meeting next Friday, Auy gust E, at Sell wood. This meeting will be helj fh the grove north of the school house. Take gellwood car and get off at Clayburn avenue; walk . north to grove.' Meeting begins promptly at 10:80 a. m. The program for the day consists of business, reports, muela d a de bate: f'Resolved, That It is beneficial to Oregon for women to have the ballot" Mrs. S. Alice Hanson leads the affirm? ative and Mrs. M. L. Christian leads the negative, , each having tw6 assistants. This question It la announced, will hot be discussed In the usual, -serious, cut-and-drled way, but In an Interesting and humorous way,', affording more fun than food for serious thought Everybody Is expect to bring lunch for noon, y", , Secretary Ballings DelayedRichard 'A. Bellinger, secretary of the Interior, will not arrive In Portland tomorrow as Intended, but he will be here a ; week later. In consequence of the delayed visit the luncheon which was to be given at the Portland Commercial club tomorrow, will be "given a week later. Notice to this effect has been sent by President Harvey Beckwlth to those In vited to participate. ' : Teamster Charged With Cruelty. A severe case of cruelty .to. animals is charged by Patrolman Barsee to John Murphy, a . teamster, whom' he placed under arrest yesterday afternoon Bar see says that Murphy set the brakes of vhis wagon just before starting across the Morrison street bridge, , and then beat his horses the entire length of the span because .their speed did not suit him.. . Value of Character. "The . Value of Character" will be the subject of dis cussion at' the meeting of the Parable club lrt the lobby of the Toung Men's - Christian association this afternoon at I o'clock. The leader will be J. C Mee- . ban, office secretary of the association. E. F. McKee will sing a solo and will lead In several songs. All men are In vited to be present.; ;-;v v,.;, Drove Autos Too Tat J. B. Teon was one of the alleged auto speeders placed under arrest yesterday. Patrol man Sims , of the motorcycle squad' timed him on Grand avenue. Others a rested by 81ms on ths same' charge were Wendell K. Phillips, Alexander Samuels and Cecil Cobb. ' Hibernians Shank Police. Chief of Police Cox received a letter yesterday from E. H. Deery expressing the thanks of the Ancient Order of Hibernians for JETOLBY ts the kind that comes from our ; store. 1 We're proud to give, a distinctive Heitkemper Pedigree to everything we sell always s glad to claim our own. Select your ' jewels and; jewelry care fully, for they last a lifetime then are passed on as heirlooms. No divided responsibility - when trading with "us. Just concern yourself with your, individual choice we will make good rn every other representation. UEITKEFtlPEQ'S ', 286 MORRISON ST YourNew House 1TBESS EIiECTTtlGAX TXXTOSSS. - Heasonable estimates given gladly. ' fJorrisoa Eleciric Co. 8. C. JAOOKR. J. E. MAXON. 891 B. Morrison. Both Phones., PEDIGREED iiCHTiftft iJ I - VT5r ' Work or a J 5Cfl IEKriptiohs, ir s -l " imnoEOT Xr k ' i) the efficient work' of the police force and the courtesy of members of the de partment during the recent convention of the order in Portland. Mr. Deery In his letter calls particular attention to the fact that not one of .the Hibernians suffered from a theft during the gath-, Deer Season Opens Monday The deer season will open tomorrow and the hunt fan is already , getting ready to go out a-nlmrodlng. Game wardens, how ever, are being kept busy warning the hunters that they may shoot bucks only, and yet stay Inside the pale of .the law. , Where during the .whole of last year on- ly $68 combination hunters' and anglers' , licenses were Issued, 1021 have been Is sued already this year. And as for the anglers' licenses alone, 66 S2 have been issued during this year, while for all of last year, the records show only 21S7. More than 8000 hunters' licenses ' were Issued, during 1003,. while only 748 have been ' Issued thus far this year. But the fact that the hunting season , does not open until tomorrow explains the difference. Bank Debate Continued. After a week of arguments in the civil action brought by Thomas'C. Devlin, receiver of the Oregon Trust, against directors , of the Defunct bank, one of the six at torneys for the defense will take up the legal debate again Monday. A. E. Clark, . of counsel for the plaintiff, holds tlfe , record for making the longest argument in the case. He began speaking Monday at noon arid did not wind up until Fri day at noon. John H. Hall, of Port- . land, and ,C. A, Johns, of Baker City, . ofcounsel for the defense, spoke Fri day and yesterday, tilt was brought by Devlin to recover,; from the direct ors between 300,000 and .8400,000, al leged to have been lost by the bank be cause of mismanagement negligence and misapplication of funds. ; '. . . Man With . Megaphone Arrested A megaphone is said to have been used yesterday at the new store of Olds, Wortman: & King by Edward Dixon, with which to shout words accusing the store . of being unfair to union labor. At the ame time two men paraded the streets carrying " banners. Dixon was arrested on a charge of disorderly con duct, but the men carrying the banners could not be Interfered with because the ordinance barring them has not yet gone into effect - . Hamlet la Hebrew The Jewish Dra matic club of this city will present "Hamlet" translated Into Hebrew v at Arion hall. Second and Stark streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. The club has given ' two previous plays this season" for the benefit of the poor Jews of the city. There are 18 members In the company, with Miss Clara White as the leading woman arid Solomon the lead ing man. A Goldstein Is business man ager and L. Sherman stage manager. ,. Telephone Badge Stolen. The police are making particular efforts to recover a badge which was stolen .yesterday from James Qulnn, an employe of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, fearing that the thief may use the In signia to gain entrance to homes ion the pretense of being an employe. Qulnn took off his coat whHe doing some work In the rear of 23S Third street and both badge and coat were stolen. Thief Wears any ' Whiskers. An old man with long gray hair and whla kers," Is the description ef the thief who robbed the room of Carl Nelson of 230, First street, according to a report to the police department A young girl who Uvea in the same building saw the old man come out of Nelson's room, and the same day Nelson found that a tel escope and , considerable wearing . ap parel had been stolen. Concert "by Peninsula. The Peninsu la band will give a concert from 1:30 o'clock to 4:80 o'clock this afternoon In the Peninsula park. This will be the first concert the band has given this season In the new resort - The park grounds have been fitted up for the com fort of visitors and a large number of swings have been placed for the child ren. ' , Deserter Is Arrested. Gtlas W. West did not wander far enough when he deserted from the United States bar racks at Vancouver, Wash., and was ar rested yesterday at Second-and Yamhill streets by Sergeant Oolts of the city police department through a description. He will be turned over to the barracks authorities. . . Certified Milk Is recommended and In dorsed by the State Medical society and state board of health. Is bottled and see led on the farm under the strictest government requirements and is abso lutely pure and delivered In the city in bottles on lea Telephoneyour orders in to Haxe-Iwood, Private Exchange 40 or A-6001. v August in Branch Libraries. Dur ing the month of August the Sellwood branch library will be open dally from 5:30 to 8:00 p. m. only. The Gresham reading room will be open afternoons only and the other : country reading rooms will be open only In the evenings. Examination at library The annual examination for library assistants will be held on Thursday, August 88, at the central library. Applicants for posi tions must please register with the li brarian on or before Saturday, August 20. . t.'":v r- - '. ... Portland -Bellowsalp Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull-.-will speak at Selllng-Hlrsch building at 8 p. sm.V this evening. Sub ject, "The Message of the National Con ference of Charities and Corrections for 1910." " We tell halt mattresses retail st wholesale prices, for 80 pound beds from $7.60 and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Port land Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, proprietor, .228-228 Front street Main 47 iA-1834-. . 't . .... '. -I Hen, Buy four Trouaeraof ma Am now selling regular 85 trousers for $3.50. Regular 34 values for $2.50. AH new fall patterns, Just arrived. Jlmmle Dunn, 815 Oregonian building. Bide on the Slver steamer Bate man. Leaves foot of Washington street for Sollwood, MUwaukle, Rock Island, Cry stal Springs Lake and Bundy'a, ; 7, 9 and 11 a. m., 2, 4 and 8:15 m. B. X. irjoorehouse ft Co Interior and exterior painting, papering and tinting. Dealers In wallpaper, paints, eta- 411 Washington at - e. Steamer Jessie Harklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock it J p, m, l . Old Jewelry Wanted. We buy old gold and silver. . XJncle Myers Collateral Bank, 71 Sixth street between Oak and Pn " , B. W, Moore, Photographer For 'up to. datawork.patro,mga the oldraUaMe Seventh and Btark streets, Elks' bldg.. Diamonds. flema nf th ft rat wti only. C. Chrlstensen. 2d floor, Corbet oiag. xaxe elevator. r . Oregon Uty Boat. Sunday trips leave Taylor st. dock 9 a. m., 12, t p. m. Leave Oregon City 10:30 .a. in -1:30, BUILDING UP Warehouse covering full block to be erected between Fourteenth,1 Fifteenth, Kearney and Lovejoy street ' 1 by the Marshall-Wells company. The building 1b to be four stories with a five story tower and will cost approximately $150,000. Contract for its construction will be jet this week and the building will ' be ready for occupancy by Januaix 1,1911. 8 p. m. Round trip 45c. Tickets good on O. W. P. cars; This is ' the only short river ride out of Portland. Bwtnunlng' positively guaranteed for 85. Professor Rlngler, Portland Swim ming baths, 1(7 Fourth. , "T. E. Beach ft en, the Pioneer Paint company, 186 -First street Phones M. 1884, A-1884., "Hop Gold" Bottled Be summer ' beverage. ' Order East 46, B-114S. An -Ideal by phone. Swiss Watch-Bepairlng. C. Christen sen, 2d fir. Corbett . bldg. Take Ele vator. .... . . e ... W. Ju'Wlss and asslclates,- painless dentists, Third and Washington. . . Jack Sing's' Turkish Baths, Largest in city. Imperial Hotel Annex. . Wooster's great Washington. ."; v : fruit store, 408 - Barrier- ft Taxidermist, 248 Columbia. ( Try HQ. Xf Boot Remedy I Guaranteed. A new amusement device employs a moving picture machine to simulate a trip through space to patrons seated in a huge projectile. . . . 0 THE GREATER Olds-Woptmaii-King (GiPocD.oipy . Delicateascn and Bakery , ,. .. I. l , m , ,, ..-I II jp.l.1.1- ...I M l.-I.M . IM Peparfm eri t 4tlv Floor ... 1 ' "- r 1 " 1 1 1 i . . 1 1 n i i i i i ..I . i . 1 1 Our pure food section, largest, most up-to-date, best equipped depart ment in the West Nothing' but choice foodstuffs will be sold. , The newest refrigerated delicatessen. An departmerK, carrying all the finest imported and domestic "goods, such as genuine Westphalia Hams, German and Italian Sausages, Cheese, etc. Everything kept in sanitxry glass cases, assuring to patrons absolute purity and cleanli ness.". You will find here at all times the best . goods at the lowest prices. We want our customers to be satisfied and will willingly re place any article which does not prove satisfactory. We aim to give you prompt service, a long-felt want in this community. We Are Agent o for Jackson's Napa Soda, Queen Lit Pineapples, Dr. Mack's Purest Olive x Oils, Burnham ft Morrell's Jellycon, Ankers' Bouillon Capsules, Hunt Bros.' Supreme Fruits -the best goods packed in the world. Maspero ' Italian Oils, Benito Macaroni, and many other articles, of merit Ths department cannot be excelled. The finest of French Pastries, Cakes, etc., to meet the requirements of the epicure. Orders for wed dings, parties, etc, will receive very prompt and careful attention. t . SeeDemonstratlori Demonstrationsof Burnett's Extracts and cooking by Miss Crowley, uu& ui wnciiv.t iuuvi-uc99cii iiiu cane exponents, iemonstra tion' of ' Jellycon, Hunt's Supreme Fruit, Ankers' Bouillon Capsules, Chris Hansen's Junket and Junket' Buttermilk. Delft's Peanut Oil. Crescent Bakinsr Powder. Upton's American Coffee, Pacific Coast Biscuits; Kaola, the new product that replaces Butter and Lard. Full line of Cresea imported delicacies. One visit to our large, light, airy, place,, the onlyone. ollu kind in "Portland, will convince you that it is the only place to trade. Abso lutely true weights. You get what you pay for. Dept 4th floor. Phone Orders Filled Promptly, Satisfactorily Pacific Phone Private Ex.x 1Z Ask for Trunk 29, 30 or 31 They Mean NORTH PORTLAND WAREHOUSE DISTRICT 0'CONNELL CAN'T TOSS . HINDU; TWICE IN HOUR (Snelnl Diipiiteb to The Joornl.) Astoria, July 30. Eddie O'Connell, the Instructor of the Multnomah club of Portland, lost his wrestling match here last night with Dodau Singh, the Hindu, falling to throw the Hindu twice in one hour as per agreement Between 82000 and 88000 was won by the Hindus, one winning $760. Where to Dine. A special 60o chicken dinner today. Ball's restaurant, 830 Washington st Chicken dinner at peerless Cafeteria, 104 Fifth street Card of Thanks. I wish to extend my thanks to the many .friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of my beloved wife, Harriet B. Holman, and also for the many floral offerings. GEORGI3 A. HOLMAN. , We wish to extend our thanks for the many floral offerings and sympathy re- Lceived following the death of our wife and daughter, Clara Schnleder. ' JACOB SCHNIEDBR, ' , ;W S . J; JOHN MARDORF. . - Tea. M. T. B. Coffee. German. HOME PHONE A-6231. for Trunk 24 or 2tf Ask Oorriethinrj NEW COMPANY ENTERS FIELD TO BUILD HOMES William H. McFarlane, Lewis C. Oar rlgus and J. W. Travers yesterday filed articles with the clerk of Multnomah county incorporating the Suburban Home Construction company, with . a capital stock of 325,000, face values of shares being 310 each. As named in the ' articles of incor poration, ' the purposes and objects of the new corporation are to buy and build, sell, rent and lease homes, to deal In a general way in real estate and per sonal property and to do a general con tracting, building and trading business. The head offices of the corporation will be in Portland: ' The Meier Frank Store's -ffEire Food Gmcery Monday and Tuesday Spscial The fltcicr & Frank pure food grocery department haa recently been ! enlarged and several necessary new departments been added. The NEW DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT, is fast winning favor be- cause of the quality of the articles prevail. The CRACKER DEPARTMENT has been enlarged, and we now carry the most complete line of cookies and cracker in the city. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES ON GROCERIES; Dr. Johnson's Wafers, 2-pound boxes, reg. 50c, introduction price 45e Heinz Sweet Glrkins, quart SOtj Heinz Chow Chow, sp'l qt. 30s) Heinz Dill Pickles, sp'l, doz. 3Sf Heinz Sweet Mixed, sp'l. qt; 30e) Heinz Sour Girkins, spl, qt 30e) Eagle Milk, special, can, 15c; dor cn, $1.75; case, special at f6.90 Catsup, .regular 25c,, special, bot tle, 21c; dozen, special at f2.40 Granulated Sugar, J,7 lbs. f 1.00 Imported Roquefort Cheese, reg ular 55c the pound, special at 494 Salad Oil, regularly 30c the quart, on special sale at, the quart 27 Call Exchange 4 or A 6101 Prompt and Carefnl Attention to All Phona Order To the Real Estate Dealer JNo. 12 Safetr! " A CEJRTinCATE OF TITLB issued by Title ft Trust Company Is. first of all, safe. This Is so because the financial responsibility of the company is placed behind each certificate issued. ; In case of ions, the guarantee clause which Is Inserted la each certificate, specifically and plainly indemnifies the holder In en amount equal to the valuation of the property covered. ' The assets of the company, exceeding 1250,000 . Including 150,000 specially deposited with the etate. and which must be increased each year by tenper cent of the gross Income from CERTIFICATES. OF TITLE, are amply sufficient to guarantee the worth of this indemnity clause. . This special depoxlt is made exclusively for the protection of holders of CERTIFICATES OF TITLES and is subject to no othf r liabilities of the company. Therefore, it furnishes a protection that could not be obtained In any other way, nor by the 'use of any ovner hub pviaence. The reaulrements of the laws od of title conveyance, . , . Title 5t Triiot Company . . I-. i - Paid TJp Capital 9350,000 . lewis Bids;., Corner C AM L Fourteen-year-old Virgil Maya, who lived with his parents at East Thirty eighth and Glisan streets, will spend an Indefinite length nf time in the deten tion home and his parents, for dere liction of duty, must pay 810 a month for his keep. Virgil is the lad Who last week stole a pony shipped to Circuit Judge C U. Ganteitbeln, who. Inciden tally is acting as Juvenile Judge, and who tried the boys case, acting as court and prosecuting witness., , Judge Oantenbeln had a Shetland pony shipped from Hood River, Or., to Port land, end intended it for his youngest child. The pony arrived Wednesday, and Virgil Maya, getting wind of It went to the depot represented himself as its owner, and got possession of the pigmy horse.' Mounted patrolmen hunt ed for two days before they found it In the possession of the boy and his pa rents. Judge Oantenbeln said he exer cised more leniency than usual in the sentence because of the fact that he. the court was the interested party. He censured the mother and father severe ly for allowing the lad to keep the pony. and then sent Virgil to the detention home Instead of the reform school, ai he would have done under ordinary clr cumstances. BAND HAS FINE PROGRAM FOR TODAYS CONCERT '7..".'... L. II ' ' I" r"-: 'V"''.,.;; Brown's Park, band will ' render the following program at City park this at ternoon, the concert to begin at 3:30 o'clock: ' Fest 'March, from Tannhauser" . . . .......................... Wagner Walts. "Italian Nights" ..Toban! Overture, "Zampa" -. Hero Id Celebrated Minuet . ... . .raaerewski (b Pilgrims' Chorus, from "Tann hauser" ...... . . . . ...... . .Wagner Excerpts from "Babette" ..... .Herbert Intermission. Paraphrase. "Nearer Mr Ood to Thee" Langey Caprice Elegante, "Donees Promes- . sei" i .Laurendeau Scenes from "The Mikado" ...Sullivan Tropio Dance, "La Bella Creole" Herman Two Bten. "A Missouri Mule. (No Kick Coming) . . . i . . ... ... . .Blake CHARLES L. BROWN, Conductor, Midweek concert at Holladay Park, Wednesday evening, August 8, at o'clock. . ;,'i;: Hewitt Would Be) Senator. , Hoqulam. Wash., July 80. Harry, B. Hewitt one of the best known young men in the southwestern part of the state, has filed his announcement for state senator to flu the place neia by Alex Poison. Hewitt has served two terms in the state legislature and has a large following in this county. As yet no candidate has filed against Hewitt but it is rumored that J, D. Crary of Aberdeen is being induced to enter the race. a;.;,';..;.j.,, offered and the low prices which , N. Y. Snappy Cm Cheese, lb. 28e , i I II , HII .1 Plain Queen Olives, sp'l., qt 45s Stuffed Green Olives, quart 38a? Roast Beef, special, pound, 3S) Roast Veal, special, the lb. 38 e Country Club Milk, special, can, Pe?-dozcn,' f 1 -case at f 3.85 Mild Sugar-Cured ,Pig Hams, special at low price, pound 2 Ac) Little Picnic Hams, sp'L, lb. TeJ E. & S. Olive Oil. at these prices: Pints at 46s) Half pints at 23s) Royal Baking Powder, lb. boxes special sale at low pnee of 39e) , , Of the State of Oiinn tmv in. , . U ronrth and Oak Streets. . ACTSASJUDG n iirESS AGAINST LAD m we sell so fJANY WATCHES BBAS0HS TOST Every "Watch We Bell 4a Kunranteed to give absolute sat-' Isf action, or It Is replaced with a new one. ;. i,-. BBO02TD We show the Very Xriurres Assortment . In the cltr from the Inexpensive one at J3.10 to the better ones at SS00. THttD-Oai rrlcti Ton WU1 i Tiai to be the very lowest in the 4 city. Sec Our Windows for Watch Darfjalns 012.50 for Ladles' TElgln, Wal tham or Hampden Watches. In cass warranted for !6 years. SIO for rentlemen's gold filled Watches, sold at most places for SIS to SIS. Ladles' and gentlemen's solid (Old Watches from g20 up. Every watch Is regulated and oiled thoroughly before leaving our store, thereby insuring an ac curate time piece. If ytm need m watch it will pay yea to see oar stock. JAEGER BROS. . 866 HOSUtZSOV BTX3EET, Between Third and ronrth Streets JOURNAL BAND ...... 'i, ........ .... t:l , ' , . " . At Estacada, Sunday, July 31, The Journal - Band , will give free concert in; the park. FARE 75 Cents Round Trip 1 Trains leave East Water and Morrison streets 5:25 a. m., 6:15 a.m., 6:50 a.-rn.,-7i50 a. m. and hourly until 6:45 p. , m. r Tickets must be purchased to obtain this tat e. s ' Portland Railway Light & Power Company TEETH 5av Your Teeth Now Tou save a dollar, we make a dollar and the Expensive Dentist loses T'"S I two dollars when we ao I your work. We work tor prices tou can par Open evenings until 8 and Sundays until 11:39. for people who work. ftff1a aatuhllahitd tan years and our guarantee Is good. - B08T0H SXSWTISTS. Offices eomer Fifth and Morrison sts., entrance 2 SI Morrison st, opposite Meier ft Frank's and Postofflce. Portland Marbte Works'. Established 1885 We carry the largest and best stock on the coast. Call and get our prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. ' 864 and 866 Tourta Bt. Opposite City Hall. Mala 86-L-lfilS VBJted CtatM and rereln tVwmred, Defended and Void. VAcma coamt axswt ftosaror,; Xno. Btooktoa. Oat SUNDAY SPECIAL Chicken Dinner at SOo plate. Cool and , comfortable, dining-room. First-class service. ... HONGKONG C AFL io7tt era st. Hotel Saltair Opened for the season. Buy your tick ets to Raltair station, North Beach, . Wash. Best of Accommodations at feeaeoneUe - Sates. : Elk -Creek-Hotel ON CANNON IUJACII Th enie hmm on Cannon beach oTpriooltln too Open all the year, fcea f'm.n f f , . all times. Take train to . ! by coneyence. Tare from , i. XT. D. T"rry, rrn s S5 oh v e & PATE J 5