The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 31, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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the "Oregon Sunday journal, Portland, Sunday morning, jupV- 31, . mo!
52 acres. Clarice Co.; everything goes;
$6500. ,4 cash. , " . .
-oil acres, 28 acres bearing orchard,
apples and cherries. ,, r . .
40 acres, near Canby, with good crop,
, $2S0Q; $1800 cash. - .
27 acres, up-to-date fruit place, cear
, lng, $6500, Vi cash. i ""
' 45 acres near VVoodburn, orchard, run
' nlng water, $1000. '
6 acres, highly Improved, Oregon City
line,, orchard, $6500. .
... 8 acres neUr Beaverton, good settle
ment. $1600, -- ' ',
240 acres, Eagre Creek, young orchard.
i Blocked, 160 acres partlv Improved, :.
miles from car, $25 per acre. -,
t 5 and 10 acres, on car line, 12 miles
tout, ready to plant.
i , 160 acres fine land, no -rock or gravel,
good springs, Lajie Co.: $2000. f
, Land good for stock ranch, $3 ,
to $30 an acre..' Somejmproye
ments. pasture and ; hay land. ,
v Special 2 acres In town, lm
. provements, small house, 2 chick- f
en houses, GO young fruit trees
" all in cultivation; $1000. E ght
acres Just out of town. $500; at
least one-third -cash on the above, ;
t-aa It U below what Other, people ,
: Homes & Investment Co.,
Owners" -: - t
' 317 Hamilton Bldg. , -
A-l garden soll all, ctear, lmlh
from Portland, one mile from electric
'sistlon. - Price $200 and 225 per acre.
" Terms 10 per cent down and iS per cent
er month, or will make liberal dls
, count for cash.,". ,, t '.Uf.-;j
- Mattoon & Billings '
283 East Morrison. ;
Phone East 803.
- vttpv fwninn ACREAGE.
, . . --nr- h nifxaat nrn of acreage
on the market, 15 acres as level as a
,. floor and cleared; will piai; into u
:- full lots; adjoining properly Pitted and
celling well; this should sell for $250
.?Sa At- Hi. onlv.3900 an acre.
' half or less cash; this Is a chance you
will not get every day; If you want it
-Ciieak up; rememoer i i "
walk from 6o oarline, where land is. on
SMifayette hidg . Washington and 6th
First station east of Golf Links and
gellwood. The most scenic addition on
the east side. . , .
FuU sized lots, graded streets and
water piped to each lot; sidewalks built
and all paid for; price of lots $400 to
i, , Ea'sy terms. - Buy now before the
piices are raised. -
. r " 512-213 Board of Trade bldg.
T- Merchants Realty Co, -
f FT.Fisrmi .U'F.n.
." , lloom 22T Abington Bldg., 106 Third
' 'j ' ......l street..', ,
'' 30 acres neat Tigardvlrle, brush land.
30 acres near Tigardviue, cultivate
." 13 acres near Tlgardville, cultivated.
. . R and 2 1-2 acres close to car line.
v , 3 and 6 : room houses, ' cash or easy
monthly payments. Building lots, eic;
7 miles from 3d and Washlngtorr, 3
' blocks -irom station on ine electric une,
not a foot of waste land. & acres clear,
m ! lViu1 1K0A cnrrtH of creen
standing timber; running water, abso-
lutely rree rrom stone, two country
- roads; for oulck sale I offer this. at
half price; $6000. cash $2000, balance t
per cent, ir.-sa. uenison, ieriinnfr mug,
50,000 Acres
. . Central Oregon Land
SI 0 Per Acre ,
; The only .large body of land being
Offered today in tne state or urepon,
Includes water rights. Can all be irri
gater except 1700 acres. Oregon .Land
& Title Co., 206 Gerllngef bldg,
Fivs acres of beautiful land, thor
oughly cleared, on Forest Grove 31
vilon of Oreson Electric; small pay
mart puts you In possession. A dan,djr
investment.' Ij-bho, journal.
.15 or 30 . acre tracts near R. R., best
part Willamette i valley; near ' good
' town: enoueh Rood timber to pay ror
wland; good running water; 25 miles
J- from Portland. Terms to suit; an acre
f age snap. Brown, owner, 411 ( Couch
'bldg. , 1
i ,, , ... .... THE VERY BEST
- Bargain to be had on the West Side 60
Rcres, close in; on 6c fare; covered with
beautiful trees: scenic driveway and
.' flno vlow of river and mountains; only
.: atvv per acre, kouu luruiH.
329 Lumbermen's bldg.v
: .Acreage in Demand
' Have ' cbtilcest acreage m Oregon
tracts ranging i-o.m 3 acres up; prices
range from $12 up to $200 per acre.
T-hla acreage Is in all stages from raw
.land to plow land. -
BROWN, 411 Couch bldg.
.11600 Almost 3 acres: -large house,
'.. barn ; t dotca chickens, 1 cow, hay
snd orchard: In small town north of
; Vancouver; . near vallro&d an prosper
tlve cr.r lino. Inquire H30 E. 1 Tay
1 1 Acres at Tisard ,
v ' All i cleared. 3 blocks from electri
station, hoiiBe ron nlacftl' $350 fter acre
i cood ptoposltton for subdivision; 3 acres
ifnverflem. Brown, 411 Couch bldg.
TIVli! Jfl'il TRICT
Rich (Willamette valley soil.' Close
to port lend. -.: This land raises three
crops pr year. Uocionablo terms. CUS
TEH,- 414 Lumber .iOxcimnge.
Vt acres, 7 miles from courthouse, best
' fruit -land, county road with , board
want to station, oargain ir sola next
. weeks. Owner Lathrop, ISi- 3d st,, room
3JG. '
. 8 acres 6n Oregos City line.. Call or
' write, 1080 HRWtnorne. Taoor 1148.
,. 1 NlifciD cash and 1 have' ten acres oh
- tho' Taylor's ferry road. I will give
. fconieone a Dig Darjtain. Auaress owner,
l'-BS4, journal. -
K ACRES at Mllwauklfi, set to granes
walnuts. ' SDDles. cherries, berries.
etc, grove, running stream, on beautiful
corner, no touilciing. v-im, journal.
THHEE-milBTHS ACRE. -.2 hlor.k
' M-V car, $2060; $200 down, $25 per
month. G. L, ' weoo, i uast Btaric,
corner Sth. '
TWENTY-EIGHT; acres at $760 per
aero, on electric -line, 20 minutes out
best platting tract around ; Portland,
Ward Realty -Co.t 809; Lewis bldg.
U aci'Btt.. Uii sida,f.Otigon.Xltyw-4AvV
gooa sou, hall cultivated, gooa. water,
v $.1000. N-738. Journal. '
- ONE acre close to 6c carllne, all in
' cultivation, good loamy soil, this can
" M "8a 011 av terms, zift Henry buig,
FOK' SALE 120 acies. fair improve
, ; rnents, gooa soil, prico juou.
n tth st . ' I ' ' -7 i
, ACREAGE : .: 01
and crossed '
by- kit. mm mt"
On road to ML Hood, three 40 acre
tractsvjjght near Cherryvllle. cronsed
by Mt. Hood Electric survey. You can
have the choice 40 acres at $50 per
acre or will let you have the three 40
acre tracts at $40 per acre,
. Also several small tracts from' 10 to
20 acres in the choicest fruit growing
section out of Portland, These tracts
can be had on easy payments. It is up
to you to get in on the ground' floor
before present prices double.
We Just closed a deal with a syndi
cate of Hood River apple growers for
500 acres in this district, to bo planted
to immercial apple orchard.
For further particulars call and get
our DOOKlCt. r .
711 Rothchlld bldg.
Acres $250 '
$50 Cash, $5' per- Month '
U Acres $500
$100 Cash, SlOpecMonth
u minutes riae irom roruana. . .
One. mile from station. ..
On good county road. ,t
Living spring creek.
ttea snot sou, no rocKS or graveu
Land lavs well not hillv.
Fred F. Huntress, 630 Lumber Exchange
5 Acres $125 -
$25 Cash,' $5 per' Month T
0 Acres S2b0 .
$50 Cash, $5 per Month
u minutes- ride rrom-Portland. '
One mile from station.
Good county road. .
Living soring on creek.
Red shot soli, no rocks or gravel.
Fred F. Huntress. 530 Lumber Ex.
change. ' " .. , -
5 Acres Near Vancouver
S room house 'In food condition.- barn
and other outbuildings land all in cul
tivatlon; good orchard, grapes, berries
and vegetables, horse, cow, chickens and
a wagon go with the place; pries $2400,
ternis. phonewrite or call at the office.
n. m, uraani, Lumhfrmens bldg. Phono
Marshall 1868, A-5345.
6 Acres-r$1250
$250 Cash;, Easy Terms -
D...i! n.. . i . i i
nuiuu Dungajow, unicKen
House. Barn; ' v. - ,
air nour s ride from Portland,
One mile from village station.
On well traveled county road. -The
best of shot soil.
No hills or rocks or gravel.
Magnificent view of Columbia val-
hat will krII if fnV tsnnn :
Fred V. Huntress. 630 Lumber Exchan ge.
20 or 40 Acre Tracts
miles from Pnrtlanil TO .j O
choice fruit land, best red shot soil, no
gravel or rock; easy cleared. Price $25
to $3 y per acre; $1 acre' cash, ba lane
monthly. Arrange to go out with us
Wednesday. Round trip same day.
wftir an ,
830 Chamber of Commerce.
. v Acreage - '
20 acres A home nd a imnil iivinr in
the Tualatin vallev. 15 miioa from Port
land, 4 mile from statjon, school, store-
ana enurenr tamiiy orchard, 9 acres In
oats and potatoes; house and barn, all
. . " ' . J MIDI
W, H. Lang Co.. 4 14 Ablngym bldg.
Sacrifice Sale -.
Sixteen acres von countv road, near
Jennings Lodge ' station, Oregon City
carllne, $3200, half cash. no trade. This
is 60 per cent below market price.- In
quire Of owner, 820 Chamber of Com
merce. "
3 .Acres $300
$60 Cash, $6 per Month
naii nour s ride trom Portland,
Ono mile from village station.
On well- traveled county -road.
The best of shot soil. , '
No hills or rocks or gravel.
Magnificent view , of the Columhla
That will sell It for 13000
Fred F. Huntress. 630 Lumber Exchange;
E, 10 and 15 acre tracts with rnnnlm
water, air in cultivation, and only U
and IS miles from Portland. Price $150
u per acre; gooa terms.'
w. rt. jAjNti w., 414 Ahington hldg.
S . . ........ S
S 40 ACRES. 15 acres In cultivation 8
8- i 6 acres good orchard, some timber. S
S balance very easily cleared: cood m
S spring water,' 6 room house; barn 8
a ana otner.nunmngs; good soli, fine S
S for all kinds o fruit; 3 miles from S
S station, 1 mile from, boat landing. S
d juiverv Biaoin in e-onri raiironri s
S town of 2500, doing profitable busl- S1
o ness; norses ana au nectcssary S
8 equipment 8
8 What have you" to exchange for s
s tne above property ? S
a- . ou acres, mile from good town 8
8 On three main lines of rallroarl H
S boat landing on the place; 20 acres 8
o -in cultivation some timner, balance 8
8 easily cleared; good orchard, good 5 S
o mom no us a ana iargeDarn Iln-S
S" spring water piped to house. This 8
8 Is all fine soli and a fine place for 8
S a truck and dairy firm. Price 8
8 $3500. . W1H trade ':' for residence 8
8 property In Portland. , S
J. H, Shields ' ..
R ' 205 Gerlinger BldgMaln 8430.- 8
1) OR faALJv Or exchange for small
.rancn . wun gooa ounaings, equity . of
$2500 In four lots, Tiouse, barn, chicken
house, oil kinds of bearing fruit, ber
ries, in abundance; a nice place If one
wants-to raise small , fruits, chickens;
10 minutes from carllne. Call on
339 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 8476. -
House and Lot
Five room modern bungalow, lot 60
100; corner lot; brand new building; a
bargain for $2800; mortgage' for $1300,
6 per cent Interest due in . 16 years;
house rented for $20 a month; will trade
my equity for farm land rooming house
or any good business; .would consider
automobile. Peters, IS N. 5th St. -
$300 efiuity in 100x100 lot, graded
streets, Bull Run water; balance of
$500 payable $15 monthly: will trade for
piano, . launch or something of equal
value. 6T-678, Journal. 1
$1000 EQUITY in $3500 modern 6 room
home, close In on carllne; to exchange
for 60 or 80 acre farm. Will assume dif
ference tip to $4000. Q-736, Journal. ,
A HIGH grade, upright. Piano, well
knowrt make and 24 rare oft paintings;
will sell all very cheap for cash. Til
6th st, Ballantyne.
,$1000 equity In two splendid Council
v urest lots: win sell cneap or trade ror
Something clear as I cannot keep up the
payments. S-679; Journal. - . ; v
EASTERN Oregon wheat ranch $4000 for
- real estate or merchandise; Diamonds
and some cash for acreage. 253 M Wash
ington, room 5.
TWO lots.
s, value $oo; exchange for
value $900; exchange for
iautoi m
ueorge, Z27 Abington bldg.
GOOD lot, value $300, to exchange for
' good horse, buggy and harness. George,
227 Abington bldg.
$200 equity .in 4 lots for sale or trade.
442JefferHon st. ! Phone Main 6425.
FrnADK every thing. H. F. Lee. 1015
Board of Trade bldg -
B room bungalow, modern, best of car
flarvlce, price $3500: wants acreage not
too far out, on electric. . ,
8 room house, all modern, price $3500;
wants acreage near Portland... ,
10 acres, Hood River, 8 in young
Spits and Newtowns, for Portland property.-
'"'.', '..."":.'...
40 acres, Hood Elver, unimproved, for
something in Portland.
1100 acres. Lane county, fine stock
ranch, all stocked, $20,000; take Port
land property or close in acreage to
$8000; $0000 cash, balance easy ternis.
40 acres, 20 In cultivation, good set
buildings, all stock, tools and. crops;
3 miles to Cornelius. Or. Price $6500;
will take Portland home up to $3000,
some casn ana terms on balance
. . ; .. ...,'., .
Swell 6 room bungalow,' extra large
lot. close to car. Las Ansreles. lor .port
land property . to $2500, balance long
time; might consider acreage.
Fins 6 room budgalow,15 minute to
centcr of town, all improvements in and
pals) for, Los Angeles, price $6000, for
Chittenden, Otto & Neil!
310 Oak St.
Farm for House or Business
: We have ' B5 acres Dractically all In
cultivation, 3 room ' house, large barn,
outbuildings, creek across place, 3 acres
young apple orchard; also old -orchard,
lang Just sloping enough for drainage,
finest fruit soil to be found in Oregon,
on county road. f mile to station near
school; will trade for general merchan
dise stock or house and lot in Portland
to value of I4000: nrlce 1250 cer acre.
Particulars The Standard Realty Co., 421
amnawK oiag. . .
!' Well located 160. acres near
Dufur, Wasco Co., Ore. Fine soil,'
frame house, barn; near good '
school; 1,000,000 ft. yellow. fir;
If cut Into wood, will ' sell on
ground at $3.50 per cord. Will
exchange for 6 or 7 room mod
ern home.
Ablngson Bldg, .
15 Acres $2000
30 Minutes' Ride from Portland
One Mile from Pretty Villas
Kenool oi 10 grades, good .neighbors
. un wen traveled county road. , , :
.All cleared except few stumps.
: 4 room house, few fruit trees.
Good soil, no hills, rocks or gravel,
Will accept $100 In trade.
Balance 1. 2 and 3 years.
.Fred Y. Huntress. 530 Lumber , Ex
Farm for House : :
Will trade 40 acres, 25 in cultivation,
3 in garden. 15. acres in young orchard,
4S o'd trees bearing, bouse, barn, out
buildings, good team, 'Wagon, 2 cows, 1
calf, 275 chickens, all small - farming
tools, rolling land, located 35 miles from
city, Washington county; want house
value , $2000. Let us know what you
have,. The Standard Realty Co., 421
Monawg oiag.
Don't Let This Pass
' You Can't Afford to
F6r sale or trade ttt Portland or Val
ley property, hardware and Implement
stock located in one of best farming
towns in Oregon. This ( is without
doubt the best snnp that ever reached
our. office. Sales for-June. $7000.
Act quick; this wont last. -
103 4tn st.
well built and equipped family
launch; will take'vaennt lots.
.Waggener Real Estate Co.',
210-12 Abington Bldg.
6,000.000 FEET of large yellow fir tim
ber to exchange for Portland proper
ty. , This timber is well located and hot
far from Portland. It Is a part of one
of the finest bodies of timber In the
state, and is Increasing rapidly in value.
Owner. -- ' , . 1
Phcne Main 7342. ' 419 Henry bldg.
I Want a Trade for These
160 acres eastern Oregon.
75 acres Mosler. . . '
Several city lots.
6 room house, city.
Portland property for 30 acre chicken
ranch. i .
H. F. Lee, 1015 Board of Trade bldg.
A nice corner, 100x100, in fruit and-ber-riee,-
nicely fenced chicken' park, 2
blocks from car, fair house, electrio
lights and phone; for- 60 or 80 aero
farms must te good land and fair Im
provements, price not to exceed $4500;
will psy difference In cash; prefer own
er to deal with. 1276 Wilbur st., phone
Wondlawn 877.. - .
Will Exchange Portland
" r Heights Lot ; v
Corner of 20th and Laurel stdeets for
house and lot In Sunnyslde. Please
phone or come to the office, H Hv Ur
dahl, 1 603 Lumbermens . bldg. Phones
Marshall 1858; A-6345.
FOR sale or trade .for house and lot
in Portland. 180 acres. 6,000,600 ft.
Douglas fir timber, 1 miles from R.
R., $25 per acre; good soil, 410 rocks;
real ' snap at this jrice; land located
Benton county. Or.. Talk It over with
E. A. Haverstlc,' room 32S Lumber Ex.
bldg., cor. 2d and Stark.
GoodV-clean stock-of groceriesr-fix-tures,
etc.; good business; wonderful
opportunity to Increase ; the business
five times by putting on team; living
rooms in rear of store. Will consider
trade. Price $1000. See Deshot & Hawk.
407 Lumbermens Bank bldg. M. 2018.
WE HAVE some good land for stock
ranches or. chicken" ranches from $8
to $150 to exchange for city property.
Homes St Investment Co.
, i 'e.. J Owners.
317 Hamilton bldg.
1 6 acres at Tualatin, all set to apples,
fine condition; trade for good Vacant
lOtS.. - I :
611 Gerlinger Bldg.
2(0 acres or more of good rough- land
in Clackamas county cheap If taken at
once, as party needs money. By owner.
Main 6570, or A-1406. Call Monday. Mr.
Elliott .' -, '
40 ACRES with buildings, near Tlgard
ville, with 4000 cords of standing tim
ber, on easy terms. Will take . some
trade.. ' .''
, s 227 Washington st. -
6 ROOM house and lot $1400. or a better
6 room house-$2000, to exchange for
cheep land or acreage. .
v Homes & Investment Co,""
317 Hamilton bldg. '
'IV, acres of beautifully c lei red . Ian.
; at Stanley station on .Estacada ar
line, $500 equity to trade for something.
Owner, Goddard.S 615 Board of Trade
EXC ri AiS U rJ vacant lots in and near
Portland for house and lot or rooming
nouse, vaiue sasuv..." unas. b. jiiton, 133
lotn st. rnone Main 7U6S,
WILL- trade lfl acre 10-year-old prune
. ranch- , in first class condition, and
close to Portland; price $3500, for house
ana lot in rornana. h-tis, journal.
I At value. $500 equity to4rada
SPLENDID stocked farm in Clark
countv. Price S3000: 80 acres. Will
trade- for Portland home. John B., God
dard, 615 Board of Trade. -
LxcHANui5 anything "Anywhere
407 Lumbermens Bank - bldg. Main
Moore Investment Co,
Exchange Department
We have improved wheat farms, from
160 to 8000 acres, to exchange for city
property, fruit, dairy, alfalfa or timber
land. ...', , .'! . :' , : ..:
If you want a wheat farm you better
see us.
We also have a few combination grain,
hay and stock ranches to trade lor some
thing else. '
SSfl.000 worth of income bearing cits I
property (a brick) Duuaingsj. to traue tori
alfalfa land.
in modern' 7 and 8 room houses to
trade for land;, sidewalks and street lm-
nrnvmpntn nil ill. '
,v -..1 i
r .h. nr t sxrhanirs otIv t"s SSr
Lebanon, Or.,, to exchange, only, -s per
acre. .- . . . 1
' Moore Investment Co.
J04-2)3 lleniy bldg.
Kit iwm tnna tA 11 miles from Mo-
Ur. s miles from The Dalles, .on good
.Anntv h4' rnnt fruit land. 40 acres
ready zOr tno plow,' Sw acres ciearoa n i
in north lon a.silv cleared, bal-I
- . . ' . - . , . M ..J I
ancs good pasture, good well partly J
fenced ana some line pins ireeai iu i
$5000, will exchange lor rortiana rei i
dence or lots.' uwner, umnennro
b'qg- I
Arrene to traae for cltv lots.
, City r property to trade for chicken
ranch. - ....'. . , "
Rnomtnsr-hOiisa to trade for cltf lots.
City property . to - trade for farm;
rooming-house to trade for acreage.,. :t
W. F. lamfiR Investment Co. i
U...L.H iane ...... . bo mh .7o .1
WILL trade tor 10 or 15 acres close to
in every particular. lawn, eu roBes, nrs-
(.nrioim. fiiturM. k r on mil and
bath and strictly modern throughout;
PEl It'll8,a.?0 52
.h . nmm thrnnirhoift; I
1913. My equity is $2450.
Might pay
some difference,
What have youT N-737,
A TtrnwnavlllB. DO nrrtm Hllnma I
land, good hou 8e, 3 barns ana straw
shed, : 7 springs good family orchard,
price $16 per acre; will take ahot oi
Pnrtlan1 nrnnert. In'Hsal. Thta won't
last long, oee .
J. R. HORNING -is CO.,
819 AUSKy bldg.
TWO good rooming houses to sell or
trade for houses or "acreage.
Bakery, restaurant and delicatessen
in kwu iuwuuii, iittuc lor iow or hvuoo i
una iut. '.-
: Grocery stock, good location, doing
good business, trade for small dairy
ranch.'. ' 1
r 1454 1st St.
em t ro rru a ntr
Da 11. V. A
1 acre at South Mt. Tabor; 49 bearing
fruit trees, and berries; Bull Run. water,
nw i room hohsp modern, not ou i
I 1 1 L 1 . 1 1 i 1 Ml 1 - Will KKI1 H I M IIHrKHlH III
trade for home" closer in,
- -. . . - --
611 Gerlinger BJdg.
Equity in this fine, suburban, highly
improved, close In, 6 acres. Want good
small home on 6 cent car. If you want
the swellest suburban home tract around
Portland, Investigate. Would sell equity
for cash. The valuation is Way below
actual worm. f-7B3, journal. -
HAVE four 10 acre tracta in Yakima
' Co., Wash., bounded on north by main
line of N. P., south by .government
01 ten; clear or incumbrance; north slope,
no better fruit land in county; Itt
miles from town; wish to swap any or I
all ' for good house ' and lot or acres
near Portland. P-735, Journal.
3 acres at Sheridan with 8 room new
house, fruit, and other improvements.
Value $3000. Equity $2500. for 7 or 8
room house South Portland orast side.
close In. . Will pay some difference
monthly. Custer, 414 Lumber Exchg.
12 acres choice land, good home near
ly new; barn, orchard, crops, stock and
implements; will sell cheap or take a
good grocery business.
611 Gerlinger bldg.
For pool hall or cigar stand, E acres
on Base Line road, all In cultivation,
near proposed new Mt. Hood line; easily
worm 3tou. will take $zzoq. owner,
-, journal.
Want 7 or 8 room modern-residence.
Irvlngton preferred. Elegant tract of
land at Estacada on carline; only 18
miles by-auto road to center of Port
land. ; CUSTER. 414 Lumber Exchange.
Our exchange department ham special
facilities for handling this business.
Good deals waiting. What have you?
CUSTER, 414 Lumber Exchange.
HAVE new. modern Portland bungalow;
value S5000. and cash, want im
proved farm nearby up to $16,000. Write
particulars ror quick deal. Keeier. w est
and Lincoln aves.
40 ACRE ranch, with team, stock, etc.;
close to town and K. k.. to exciiange 1
for residence Montavilla" on Montavllla
carllne, east of Laurelhurst preferred.
Pftone-a'abor iST.- B-7i, journal,-
80 ACRE8, 40 in cultivation, 4 in good fenced; 6-room house, big barn and out
bearlna orchard. 2U miles south of bulldlnes: 5 horses. 9 head voiinc ator-lr.
Cornelius. Will trade for city property
or sell on eaiv terms. 306 Abington
wag., Mam 48ti, -
$20 PER ACRE will, buy 200 acres of
ohoice land handy to Portland, good
Soil, fine, creek and 5 good springs; goes at $60 per acre, one-half cash, bal
would take half In Portland property. ance 6 years at 6 per cent. This farm
DEMENT & KRIDER. 248 Madison St
20. ACULS. near . Giesnam, ,10, m ciop.
house, barn, orchard, team, wagon;
will rviiaugu iui x 'i iinuu piuuciij.
DEMENT .& KRIDER, 248 Madison St.
GOOD "home, 2 acres In Newberg, well
improved, good buildings ana plenty
of fruit, for Portland property.
DEMENT & KRIDER, 248 Madison St.
HAVE a sblendid farm. '22 miles south-
west or Portland, that 1 will exchange
for good home, 24a acres highly tm-
proved. Address owner, K-699, Journal.
IOR SALE or trade. My equity In a
fine Rose City, Park lot. Price $600.
Balance due, $500f easy payments. Will
trade Tor good norse. can 688 e. etn.
WHAT have you to exchange for house
5 lots or 8 vacant lots in city of Og-
den, Utah; also I acres 3 miles out from
pgden. C. Howard, 128 Francis ave.
$460 In trade as first payment on my
modern, nearly trew 5 room house, on
ram iwuw!, un
Write owner.
carllne; what have you?
I'"-7U, journal.
FOR SALE or trade for city lots, 60
t acres partially cleared, balance tim
ber. Write or call 432, Magnolia St.,
Woodlflwn. "'!--
10 ACRE tracts to trade for automo
biles, rooming . houses, ' furniture,
houses, lots, 'or business chances.
COURTOIS. 216 Lewis Bldg.
TRADE two 60xl00 lots in .thriving
rauroaa- town ana aivision ror d a
monds, safe or piano. 216 Iwis bldg,
TO EXCHANGE Equity In, two lots in
Kennedy addition for - horse and
wagon. 1103 East Z6tn st. north.
IF 'you want to sell, Duy or trade, see
, BnoemaKer inv. C9itaur
Mam ,BD. A-n,
REAL estate bought, sold and 'ex
changed. write or call on Chittenden,
Otto & Nelll. 310 Oak st.
WILL exchange 4 lots, 4 room house, for
rooming house or store room. 203
Gerlinger bldf -
WR. TRADE for anything, anywhere
See us today. 411 Henry bldg.
FOR 8ALE-r-Or trade, lot 50x50 corner
on carllne; 8 room house; fine location;
will rent for $10 per month; wll take 5
passenger automobile, acreage or vacant
lot as part payrrlent; good Investment
or make a good home. Call A-7130.
TRALE new IS foot launch hull for mo
- torcycle or what have you? Sell cheap
fur cajls; lenvlng city about 10th. H-711,
Journal. !
FOR SALE or trade for a lot. a first
class movlnsr -tcture outfit. ; Hall
price. M-736. Journal.
WHAT have you to exchange for Angora
caisT crystal uat ivenneis, xx. jrarn
6t. Main 6754.
WILL trade first class talking machine
lor good organ. Portland Phonograpn
Agency, 350 Alder st.
GOOO beach lot, exchange for dental
worn, zio iewis oiag.
uwner leavine ciiv.- win sacriuce in
Owner leaving city. : Will sacrifice in
n,k 1ulck ale. F ne.home on E. 15th
i.wthorn. Corner 50x100. east
facinu d rnnm mnriflrn. Imrri fturfuCA
both streets; roses and shrubbery; gar
age. Built for a home. At price, $7000,
can make big money in next 12 months
i as an investment. - i.ot aione . worm
I half the price asked; $3500 cash Will
i nanaie it. inquire 'jos lwis Ding,
'BMngalow Wanted.
Have 8 acres fine land near Gresham.
valued $1200, will trade as first pay
ment with some. cash on modern 6 or 6
room bungalow $3000 to $4000. Uive
full particulars first letter. P. O. Box
tr . V. Tl . l. . . . . . 1 i . . . . - A
. tt iw uu.T u noine on uie easi
side, not too far out from S3000 to
$5000; I can pay ons fourth cash and
unmugo uiuai d easy , payments ; vne
vaiua must De in tne premises. -738,
WANTP.n Kin, improved horn. 10 or
jo acres, rrom owner; close, in, gooa
location, and -want to buy . a chicken
farm, improved; must be cheap for cash,
P-736, Journal. fc
FOUR to 8 room house in good condition
not over fKflrt twtwwin Ttawtliornn
and uavis and west of 30th st.: small
payment down Snd balance on, monthly.
paymenis. Z67 vvasn. st. ri. J. BaKer.
BUNGALOW-k-B or 6 room house, about
Wakt . -i
"ANi to ouy.a bungalow north of
U,rl? Will
0 y'5 yh Yell Ive full Sar"
tieul. and address Box 707. Post-
I WANT 2 adjoining lots, on Mount
Scott carllne. must be reasonable snd
very easy terms. Owners only. D-729,
. : ' -v ' '
iv r "' :u ur near-
, nawwiorne ave.. irom owner, cneap
Kor ca9,h' ,ve location and price. M-73i.
.WANTED Modern 6 or 6 rpom bunga-
iow, .worm $3000, ror a lots, value
$650, $400 vash, balance liberal pay
ments. Main 8377. 15 N..5th st. '.-I
WANTED To buy 2 to 6 acres, within
40 miles of Portland, that can be naid
ror in clearing, f-HI, journal.
( CASli for property, any kind, anywhere.!
io Duy or sell, address Northwestern
Business Agency, Minneapolis. Minn. -
WANT to buy a farm direct from owner:
give run description in lirst-ietter.
now iar to maritei. is-734. journal. ;
I I i 1
TO BUY fom owner, small rooming
house: must be Reasonable.
i r reueni-it. i i Rre:o St. '
! ...... Ann. 1 . . . . II ..a,.
i . . u u ... 1 1, nug, it niiai wiijt yvu
give roe lor $543. equity In which re-
I strlcted .residence lot? E-713, Journal
WANTED One or two lots td $600
easn ior your equity. J-71B, journal.
$600 PER ACRE for J 4 acres. H -
.! mile from ; Beaverton. 6 acres
fenuins beaverdam, all in onions,
2 acres apples, best varieties, all
in full bearing, balance In oats
and. timothy. Will take city prop- -erty
up to $4500 in exchange and-1
$3500 cash, balance good terms.
800 acre dairy or fruit ranch In
southern Oregon, 6 miles from
good town on S. P.J 600 acres in
cultivation, balance pasture, fine
running stream, good buildings
and modern; this place is located
, in one of tho best dairy and fruit
districts of Oregon, Price $25
per acre good terms. '
Nice little vegetable and small
fruit farm , In Clarke county,
. Wash., 1 V4 miles from . good
town, best of bottom; land, fine
buy for an. experienced gardener.
Only $550 cash.
40 seres adjoining a good town,
6 acres cleared, all fenced, no
other improvements or buildings.
Price $1300; terms $500 cash, bal
ance easy terms.
$20 per acre for 160 acres In
Claike county. -Wash., -six acres
cleared, no buildings, lies fine
and good Boll. 6 miles from R. R.
The Washington & Oregon
: : ; Realty Co, .
308-309 Merchants Trust bldg,.
Portland, 6th and Washington,
Phonjs Main 2404 and 300 Main.
Vancouver,- Wash.
Stock, implements and this year's crop
goes with' this 400
)0-acre farm; 200 acres
in cultivation: some easily cleared: all
6 milch cows, 10 hogs. 22 goats. 26
sheep 100 chickens. 2100 bushels grain.
50 tons hay in barn; wagons, hack.
plows, harrows; In, fact, all the neces-
sary macninery ior nananng tne farm
" overlooking tno iamous Mollala val
15 ..,,. from nreeon ntv. n., a
For further particu-
lars call on
II M Mfr?fo)D)
311 Henry bldg.
75 acres. 25 acres in cultivation. 25
acres easily cleared; good family ; or
chard bouse, barn, and outbuildings;
fenced: one mile to eleutrfo car. school
and church; spring and creek on place:
' Des ' rult land- Price, $67 ;per
. , , , '
irn -rw Mv tn clear Krlm J
J2sv ts - . -trice, $00 per
...v tarma .
acre' easy wrmB" ,
- 35 acres, 30 In cultivation, 2 acres In
family orchard, In full bearing; handy
to car, school and church; fine spring;
larfd rolling; flms for fruit and berries.
ITice, $3000; cash, balance 6 per cent.
316 Board of Trade, i
unequaled as a dairy, fruit or- sheep
ranch. , Price, with "terms, $1$- per sere.
uest 'Duy on marKei.
1435 ACRC.8.
Adjoining the above ranch practically
II 1.... ntn . .m..t.i. .al . . . 1
loam; $21 per acre; good terms.
1334 AtUt,,
Less than 3 H miles from Oakland :
fine improvements snd excellent soil;
price' $27 per acre; fine for fruit; pearly
all.- Blueprints and full information at
office,' Tho above buys are unequalled
and we Invite Investigation.. - -
&IM MERMAN, 1 " V f '
821 Board of Trade Bldg- .
NOW irasMi
1 7Snn nir4 nn ITmnniia mvi 1 Kftfl
o; oi " finrat alfa fVlanl", i?RO oia- TrnjS.-f non
. 1 worth iiou' per acre: i can be cutti-n " ,
I ' . . . ' - , t r i : w Airman. a flna. auhcll virllna- nmnnalllnn ' 1 FOR SALE 85
246 acres, 160 acres good tillable land,
70 acres under cultivation, the best of
soil, 200 acres leveL ' excellent fruit
land, balance timber and pastuiw land,
140 acres fenced. 2 srood wells and 3
springs. 10 acres bearing fruit, 9-room
frame, house, .large barn, granary, ma-
houga. m0khousii nd woodshed. R. F.
jj. and telephone, 8 miles from Oregon
City.- 20 miles, from Portland, good road,
terms. $2500 cash, $5000 for 6 years
at 4 per cent. $2000 for 1 year at 8 per
cent. $1200 worth of stock. Implements
and good crop go with tie place, l ma.
will -Dear Inspection. '.';.
W. F. SCHOOLEY, & CO., j
612 ?vfnin St.. Oregon City, Or.
J 00' ACRE
A1J ' under cultivation, i well ;
watered by streams and springs;
all fenced with boards and wire:
$2000 hause, 4 barns, 2 frame and .
2 cnttle barns; H mile tt school,
3 miles to P. O., 6 miles to R. R.
station;' R. F. D. and cream1 route;
4 horses, 10 cows, 2 brood sows,
2 new wagons, all necessary farm,
implements to run the place; good
'family orchard of 3 acres; all the
crop goes w(th place; mortgage
of $5000 can run for 4 years at
7, per cent; will take good City
property up to $5000, balance
cash. i Price, $130 per acre. For
further Information call . . ,
.1022 Board of Trade bldg. , ,
, 10 ACRES $2000. ' '
All cleared. 2H acres in prunes; will
net about $250 this fall; crop goes with
place; lies on main county road and in
beautiful open country with half a
dozen schools within " a half mile
radius, high school and graded school
half mile of place 14 mile of , place;
about Vt mile to electric . line and
mile to small country town; 11 miles
trom Portland court house. This place
will make a good paying farm ? for
f rults.i berries, potatoes and chickens;
good heavy black loam. This season 11
acres of strawberries within 14 mile of
this place netted $350 per, acre. Pries
$2000, $860 cash, balance lonr time.
Land adjoining' this place selling from
$250 to $350. First party to see this
place will buy.:
Real Estate. Insurance, Mortgage Loans
; Henry bldg., 4th andOak sts.
' Main 6084; A-3J27. ' .
- 686 acres, '40 In" cultivation, 4 In
orehard,' one 10 room house, one 7 room
house, 2 barns; this land lies in a val
ley, good dairy , and apple land, a good
fishing stream crosses the place, on
county road, 7 miles from Oregon City;
price $32.60 , an acre, good terms.
s i-. i .... ...... ....... ' i- . ,. vl. ; ...
11 acres at Canby. sood butldlnss.
fronts on the river, best of soil; price
Z6ty, terms
15 acres, part In fruit, best of melon
land price $2600,; terms,
10 acres, 8 In crop, splendid soil, hear
iruuey une, tor only liuv.
Near B. P. Depot, Oregon City, Or.
45J' acres, 850 acres In- crops,
100 acres pasture, 4 acres timber,
fair house, 8 barns, plenty of wa
ter for , stock, good fences. 8 V4
miles to town on 8. P. R. R. Pries
including half of the entire crop
and all farming implements, $50
per acre. Can let $10,000 run till
1919. at 6 per cent. This lp pos
itively the best buy In, the Wil
lamette valley. See me at once. :'
Chester H, Starr .
1022 Board of Trade bldg. . .
1 ' Farm Lands'
160 acres,- 70 acres cleared, rest In
stumps, pasture and fir timber. 3 miles
from town.-. New 7 room house and
good barn. Price $35 per acre.
80 acres, partlv cleared, bottom land,
rest hill land. Price $12 per acre.
' .150 acres, all cleared,. level river bot
tom land. Rich black loam soil;. 1H
mllej from town. Price f 100 per acre.
Hvland, Jones & Co,
409 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts,
157 ACRES on 'Tualatin river, with
saiem electric line crossing in cen
ter. 12 miles from Portland; soil rich,
land lies well; about half cleared, bal
ance light and heavy timber; two fair
houses: large barn, . large hop house,
about three acres tamiiy orchard, never
fauing stream on place.. Price only $160
per acre, adjoining lands platting and
selMng at $250 rer acre, this is a forced
sale and a bargain price. W. A. Shaw,
trustee In bankruptcy, 245 Stark st.
Main 35.; A-3500. -,. - .
Exchange for City Property :
160 ACRES FINE LAND. $6000,
3 miles northeast of Banks. Washing
ton county. Or. Some cleared; small
house, barn, fruit, fine sorln. 140 acres
' lev('1- balance rolling; over 3,500,000 feet
?Iee" e "
m. Will trade, for unencumbered city
property of like value.'
FOR SALE Farm of 865 acres, dwell
ing and outbuildings, orchard, fine
water, oil- fenced; -land suitable for
fruit, walnuts, berries or grain. 320
acres in one bodv of . fine- piling and
saw timber. Balance open and pasture
land. Good terms. Write or, address
the owner, George W. TV fight, Albany,
Or. -
; Well- Improved farm of 102 acres,
level land, alluvial soil, 70 acres culti
vation; nice 6-room house; good barn,
family orchard (bearing) ;-near school,
daily mall; running streams. $65 . per
acre; ' Terms. Y-97. Journal. -
$100 per acre, 271 acres, highly im
proved, best of soil, clears $5000 a year;
about $Sf000 worth 1 personal property
goes with, worth twice the price asked;
i cheapest high class farm '.Inside the 19
mile circle of Portland.
F. Fuchs. 221
Morrison st.
20 ACRES, all cultivated except K
acre green amber; fronts on 2 coun
ty roads and in splendid neighborhood;
one mile .from electric: line; cost me
$3250: am offering It for $2760, cash.
Positively tnust raise money by August
8. L-697. Journal. ' . , . .
Board, 1st and Alder: 1 for particulars
about farms and fruit lands; some trade.
80 ACRES on Columbia river, well 1m-
I proved, suitable for garden or1 fruit,
' Q mtiA, frftm f1(V llmltfl t9nA anWA
it II" it u . ..... yvvv vv avi,.
wooaiawn- 2771 Own-
i f ront st.
acres. . 80 - cultivated.
2U miles R. R.f $7500. 45 acres, 40
cultivated; $4200. - 20 acres, 12 culti
vated: 11800: near lectr4o line. C M.
Ctittenden, Hubfcard, Or.
$60 ACRE
000; some terms.. 294 Williams aye.
Phone mast Data.
FOR SALE: Beautiful home, 175 acres
stock ranch, 607 acres Linn Co, Ad
dress M. Khakeltord, Crawfordsville,
Or. -
80 ACRES of A-l fruit land near MoKler
$15 per acre; apple Dit. uu. pig-
goiti.pwnerH Mulkeyb!dg..,
For a Few Days Only
80 acres of choice land, all In culti
vation, 30 acres can be irrigated from
springs on the place, 6 miles from "itv
limits, on Base Line road and only vi
mile from electric line statlon. There
Is a $10,000 profit In this in a few
months for you. . . ,
Sullivan St Cathef
' 421-422 Henry bldg. -
; . A Good One'
. 160 acres 1 mile from a good town
and railroad station, within SO miles of
Portland, 10 acres well cleared. Boa
house of two rooms, first-class soil, no
nwu9. : n fuvu. .. loniin, into an m
fine chance to get a good farm for a
little money. - , v'
. . Jhis ls a Good One -.
160 acres, 4 miles from railroad, 25
acres ' cleared and in cultivation, . SO v
bearing fruit trees, good barn, worth r
$500, fine spring. 600,000 feet of saw
timber, good soil. Price $3200, $700 cash,
balance to suit purchaser. Don't fall to
investigate If you want a bargain. . .
Look atThis . .
40 acres of good land, Vt acre cleared,
poor house, 500,000 feet of good saw
timber, 4 miles from railroad. Only
$600, with good terms. , .........
Dubois & Crockett
i Room 3, Washington bldg.
Two Farm .Snaps
810 acres, 20 minutes auto ride from
Salem; 300 acres .cleared, everything
complete as It stands; Sit cattle, 8 horses,
6 hogs.o 45 goats, chickens, farm tools
and machinery,-wagons, buggy, harness.
gasoline pumping plant, steam . wood
saw, blacksmith shop, 9 room house with
furniture complete. 2 barns; all under
fence, level land, black loam soil; living
spring, all for $60 per acre; place next
to it ask ioo, per acre ior iana aione.
Liberal terms.
8400 acre stock ranch. 35 miles from
Shaniko; ranch with everything com-
flete except ,6200 head of sheep; price
6 per acre. - v v- 4
Owners Realty Association
' 205 Abington bldg.
-y, ' 71 ACRES.
71 acres. 65 acres In cultivation, bal
ance logged off, In pasture, very easily
cieareu. uooa sizea 1 living stream.
throush ths place. Iand Is all heavy
sediment bottom land. and is sold
everywhere for beaverdam land, adapted
ror gardening ana aatrymg. " no oetter
soil in the world. 1V4 miles from elec- .
trie railroad, 13 miles trom city or
Portland, on perfectly ! level macadam-,
lsed road, all well fenced, large 7 room
house, good size, well built dairy barn, ,
family orchard. This place lays in cor
ner witn gooa . county roaa . on two .
sides. Location close to city makes it
suitable- for subdividing. Property
across road subdivided snd selling at
$300 per acre. Price $7500. About ha' f
cash. , - . ,..v,vv :.,v,-v:?
Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgage Loans
Main 6084: A-S327.
... " Culver Wheat Land , '
160 acres choice wheat land two miles
from town of Culver, the Junction of
the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes rail
road in Deschutes valley, 65 acrs In
cultivation, all fenced,, four-' roomed
! house, barn, chicken house, and - good
cistern. A snap at $30 per acre, hair
cash, balance one to three years' time
b 9 yVf VCill. IIUCICB ,: ....... T, ' 1
160 acres homestead relinquishment,
80 acres tillable, balance pasture, fenced.
snd has good house, but no other im
provements. One and a half miles from
Culver, price $1000 cash for quick sale.
301-303 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Or.
' Local office. Culver, Or.
FOR fc.LB 200 acres land, 9 miles
from Myrtle Creek, Or., 40 acres in
cultivation; creek lasting water, flna
spring, old Improvements; small orch
ard,, good roads ; and telephone line
through place, near neighbors, plenty
timber, near range. Would make a fine
dairy or stock ranch, 20 acres could ho
Irrigated; would make two homes, with
water and timber on each place. This
8 lace is a good health resort in summer,
ne mile to sawmill. Price $4,000. Half
cash, balance three years time. , Six
per cent interest. Address P. O. box
11. Myrtle Creek. Or. .
Well located 160 acres near,
Dufur, Wasco Co., Ore. Fine soil,
frame-house, barn; near good
school; 1.000.000 ft. yellow fir;
If cut Into wood, will sell on ,
ground at . $3.50 per ,cord. Will
exchange for 6 or 7 room mod
ern home. -
210-212 Ablngson Bldg. . ,
A Fine Buy .
680 acres, 6 miles from Buxton; B0 to
75 seres In cultivation; 200 acres more
easily cleared: 750.000 feet choice saw
timber on one 40 acres; 3 bearing orch
ards; 3 sets farm buildings; 3 gool
barns; plenty living water on place;
several acres of fine beaverdam; on
county road. Price only $U, per acre;
$3000 cash will handle it. .
-Chittenden, Otto & Nei!l.
810 Onk St. -
$65 per acre; 276 acres; 120 acres In
cultivation; house and bai'n. creek, 5
springs, 20 miles up tho valley.
$95 per acre, 404 acres; 320 In culti
vation;, some river front. , - . ,
$80 per acre, 181 acres; 160 in high
state of cultivation: good buildings.
$32 per acre, 295 seres; 100 in cultiva
tion; buildings.
All the above farms are convenient
to Portland and close to R. R. .
W. H. LANO CO., 414 Abington bldg.
10 ACRES on county road. 9 miles from
Portland, all under cultivation; orch
ard, berries, potatoes, trout stream,
well, 5 room house, barn, chicken housn
and shedsr 2 extra good cows, horse,
200 chickens, wagon, buggy, wood, tools;
all fenced and cross fenced; very fer
tile solU $5,000: some cash, balance on
very, easy terms.
! J , We have others.
V ."?. One acre or thousands. '
"It will pav you to see our list.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
40 , ACRES; 20 seres In cultivation;
balance fine timber; and -pasture;
faces on ' Willamette river; 24 miles
from Portland: good county road en one
side; $-room house; barn and outbuild
ings; one young team; 3 rows; hack,
tcols. all furniture.- Including floe rang
and carpets. Splendid orchard out of
which $700 worth of nppU-s were ild
last year.'- Price, $5500.00. t.fhrl
terms See Felts, after 2 p. in., 33S Cham
ber of Commerce.
ice -honolate inarl: ail nini-uhl
. ; ry; stock and crop goes with this it-n.
f a JUW- Jarnu In ,Tth (L. tug 'J v" r. '
for aifjies: prli-r Ji.'j.uj t-
god term; some trade fur 1'mtiii, i
home. . Q73 Journal. -y.
To acres. i.'iHl fur ( :hl-kii - - '- .
rsl) and river n nn'noi -r i i.
mllt-s from i'ort!
suit von. M. K. i.
..i t.
IK y cm WAN i j
you Buy. I hf-'
prices, .. uco. A, i.ji.