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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1910)
X h Topics of I Fads and Faslnons If iEW TORK, July 80, fcorrespon- dents who nave maao me of the most fashionable seaside resorts of France write In terms f anthnniiuira about the charm ing costume which they had. the oppor tunity to see. They say that the dis play of handsome ling-erie costumes is unusually bewitching thl season. Many of the handsomest frocks show more or less broderle Anglalse, Madeira work and cutout linen. The material may be white 'or colored, sheerest linen or heavy linen, but the openwork em broidery la there and la unquestionably effective. -' A bodice and oversWrt or tunlo of broderle Anglalse over a skirt of plain stuff or of lace are often seen and some of these are not so expensive as models apparently more simple. - This la because all over embroidery .or deep flouncing la often used, and thou&h In fine quality such embroidery Is expen tve enough, It Is by ncnrieans so expen slve as embroidery done, to order on the (rock material. v ." , ' Excellent effects are obtained by us ing the ready made bands of English eyelet, which come In all widtha and dualities and may ha set in between groups of tucks or bands of lace. There are eyelet motifs of all kinds, too, which may readily be shaped Into yokes, over sleeves, eto ana now tnese emoroiaer les are marked down to .tempting prices. Such embroidery in color on white or tn white on color Is tremendously effec tive upon linen, chambray, etc. Lovely robe patterns In the eyelet embroidery ire being- aold at prlcea far below those naked at tha beginning of the season, ind are. often so clearly designed that tven an uninspired seamstress can put them together. icarfs, Bashes and lining. . Scarfs are greatly In vogue and oc cupy an important position in tha aum- ?ier outfit of fashionable women. Chlf nrt lenda ftiiAlf to u easv adaDtation. Bombining a aufficient body with sup pleness, and offering a wwe neia ox jolor from which to choose. Moussellne le aoie, tulla, net and satin are ma terials from which summer acarfn. ars fashioned with the best success, while inything that will giva color or decora tion to them Is sanctioned. - These scarfs may be edged In various sraya. There can be a deep border of 1 m broidery and beads, either t ran spar se t or wooden. From this deep hem a ihln lino of decoration should trail up tach sida for a foot or two, than the rracaful and highly favored fringe can s used In any width. Knotted or itraight, It gives a finish to a acarf that la delightfully easy and very ef fective. Orb of the striking features of the lummer coat Is its lining. Of soft foulard in some of tha most attractive Sun6o aptua. First White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. Walter Benwell Hlnaon, 10:30 and 7:45. "One Accord." Prayer meeting, 10; Bible school, 12:10; B. Y. P. U., 6:15. Topics, "The Christian's Judgment" "The Value of a Man."- J Second Seventh and East Ankeny; Rev. H. S. Black, 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school, 12; B. Y. P. 6:30. Central East Twentieth and Ankeny; Albert Ehrgott 10 to 12 a. m. and 7:45. Arleta Rev. D. M. McPhail, 10:4o and 8; S. S, 12; B. Y. P. U.. 7;. topics, "First Things First" "Personal Accountability.".-;"- ,;-'vv;tr.' ;--f'-'-v. Highland Alberta and Sixth, Rev. C. B. Eliot. 11 and 7:30; ii, Y. P. U 6:30i 6. 8., 10. ' - Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, 11 and 7:30; S. R. 10; Y. P. U., 4:30. Calvary East Eighth and Grant, Rev. J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:80; & 6, 10; B. Y. P. V., 6:30. :,-',.-:-': . Immanuel Mead and Second. Ser mons by Rev. Curtis P. Coe. Mass Bible school and sermon, 10:30 to 12; Young People's society and sermon, 7:80 to 8. Grace Montavtlia: Bev. - Albert E. Patch. 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10; B. Y. P. U., 7. University Parit Rev. H. F. Cheney. 8, 10, 11 and 7:30; tB. Y. P, U4 7. Sunnyslde (GermanJ Forty-first and Hawthorne; Rev. J. Kratt 11; S. 8 8:4i.' - - - -, St Johns (German) Rev. Karl Feld meth. S. S, 9:45; services, 11 and 7:30; Y. P. M. 7. :. :.-.Z; St Johns Rev. C L. Owen. 11:30 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10: B. Y. P. U.. 6:80. Chinese Mission 363 Baro'lde street S. 6., 7. Pastor, Rev. Fung Chak. First German Fourth and Mill; Rev. J. Kratt - 11 and 7:30-, 6. B.. 9:46. Second German Morris and Rodney: Rev. Frederick Bueerman. 11 and 7:30; o. s:45: 1. r. u :&. East Fort v-f If th street Corner East Main; Rev. A. B. Walts. -11 and 8; B. Y. P. 7. Topics, "Minute Men for a Re vlval, "Are . There , Any . Impossible umnga" 1 . Len ts Rev. jr. M. Nelson. V 8. ' EU 10; 11 and 7:80: B. Y. P. V.. 6:80. ' Mount Olive Seventh and ; Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. ' 11 nd 7:80. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Erick Scherstrom. 40:45 and 7:46; 6. S., 12; B. Y. P. TJ. 6:30. Tabernacle East Forty-first and Hol rate; Rev. F. E, Dark, H and 7:30; 6. S. 9:45. '' Third Knott and Vancouver, Rev. W. J. Beaven, 11 and 7:46; S. 6.. 10; B. Y. ii FIGHTING THE Fine, Fancy Spring Chickens Real Choice Hens Columbia Rirer Sturgeon .... , , . 84 Columbia River Salmon...,. 15c Halibut 10t Smith's Norway Butter. , 70oJ Smith's Fresh Eggs. 30 Smith's HamB ..' Sl Smith' Bacon, by piece, , ,-.aat Smith's Lard, really pure, B-lb pail ,..00 Smith's Lard, 8-lb pail. 55 Smith's Lard substitute, also pure 5-lb pall. 65J 3-lb pail ...... . .400 Veal Breasts, fori1 stuffing ....10, 12 Shoulder Roast Veal. , ,10, 1SV4 Veal Cutlets ,12, lfy voal for pot-pie ,.,10 Calves' Liver 15 r-r k SatiBftKe . . , 15 r"i:p Bore k k , .4 Trirae Rib Roast Beef., rolled,1' l-onelcfs .. 15 Interest in THE LATEST By Jean Dare. '-. F ROM Seattle comes tha final ex pression on the vanity of woman. The designers of automobiles have catered to the latest whim of the ahinnnhiii and the result. is an automobile of a solid plate glass body, lighted with electricity. The Idea is to show the splendor of tha gowns within, that the rabble ..may be, Impressed and held spellbound with admiration as my lady sweeps by. ' . When a woman has acquired a hand some new gown, her , next step ib 10 exploit It Her ; motive In getting tha gown was thaf m tna , wearing n .h admiration and ' attention. Many a man, who has bought a shim mering creation executed by his wife a favorite couturier, has discovered that the buying of the gqwn la omy inci dental. What ' fqllows In Its wake la what really denudes the pocketDoon. Mrs. .Vanity ; wants to have her latest anil commented UDOn. She must go to the smart resuuranta, that other women may envy, ana tuai meu w,.- Via foaMnftta1. .... firm Itllllt hSVO a box at the theatre for tha same reason. designs, It generally contributes to a striking whole. . White Barge is pirn in high favor; oyster gray and tan linen r ariiirhtfuiiv heavy in the new bas ket weaves, while woolen materials are loose enough to afford comfort without too much warmth. The summer coat MOT,arhntaA with i marine collar or with long revers that cross and button quite far down, ueiai ana wnoin um. buttons are used on the summer coat and huge pockets are not lacking. Enchantrosse IS the new material of the moment, and the latest addition to the long list of soft satlnea launched during the last three or four years. It is as pliable aa muslin, yet as firm as chiffon velvet Sashes, tied In the mode of child hood, with bows and long ends, are seen on many whit dresses In Paris this summer, giving a dainty touch of color oar, vinit AArV hluft. mauva brown and black . predominating. With the white dresses little coats In colored sat in, harmonising with the shade of the sash, are universally worn. Tha back Is made without a seam. Wide revers h ithr ran or can be but toned trim the front, and the coat enda at hip length. All this Indicates a de parture from the one color costume. Moreover, the dark coat with the white dress some now maxes a oeuer iookiqs, more aasning- costume xor mo street. Absence of tha Ridiculous. : A't tha fhantUlv racea recently ft was very noticeable that the extremely tight . . . . . . . 1 1 , , . IKin OOllOUI IB KU1I1K Ul. JUUBl ui tha nnatiima war In enrflulsltalv rood .aste. There was a marked absence of Services at tl)e portlcnt& P. V., 6:46; "Religious Comradshlp." "Entertaining Jeusu" illustrated by stereoptlcon). - - -. uethodlsi. Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young, D. DN 10:30 and 7:45; S. S.. 12:15; E. L 6:46. Topics, "Revelation and Personal ity," "Our Debt to Christ" ' - Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John H. Cudlipp. D. D., 10:30 and 7:46: E. L., 6:45; S. 8., 12:15. Topics, "Tha Prophet of Godliness," "Good Cheer." . Trinity-East Tentn and Grant- Lewis F. Smith, 11 and E. L., 7: S, 8., 10. Top ics, "Hands Full of Honey," "Buying Without Money"; class meeting 12:15. r '; First - Norwegian-Danish Eighteenth and Hoyt Rev. H. P. Nelson, 11 and 8; S. S., id; Y. P. M.. 7. ; Sunnyslde East Yamhill and .Thirty fifth: W. T. Euster: 11 and 7:80: 8.. 8.. 9:50; E. L., 6:46. Topics, "The Salt of the Earth": evening, stereoptlcon ser mon on "Environs of Jerusalem, the Holy City." - St Johns Rev. F. N, Sandefur; H and 8: E. L.. 7: 8. 8.. 10. Epworth Twenty-sixth -and Savler, Rev. Charles T. McPheraOn: 11 aqd 8; S. S., 9:45; E.L-. 7. Morning address by Dr. L. 8. Hand of Grinnell, Iowa; evening. R.'C. Lee. r.-!.,.-rf Chinese Ulaslon Chan Blng Kal; . 11 and 7:30. - ; - Iurelwood Rev, R. B. Myers; 11 and 7:30: 8- S.. 10; E.L.. 6:50. - Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo street Rev. C. L. Hami'ton, 11 and 7:45; S. 8.. 9:45: E. L, 6:45. Topics, "The One Who Never Falls," "Being a Baby in the Church." - Norwegian Danish Corner Vancouver avenue and Skldmore streets; Rev. C, J. Larsen, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 12. Japanese Mission 111 North Fif teenth, Rev. Eileen Ribara, 9:19 and 8:30 S. 8, 8:30. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach.' Rev. John Ovall. 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10: E. I. 7. ' First German Fifteenth and Hoyt: G. A. Waasa; 11 and 7:80. Second German Stanton and Rodney. Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; 8. S 9:45? E. L. 7-: 30. , , Centenary East Pine ' and Ninth streets. Rev. Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:30 and 7:45; S. 8.i l8:16; E. L. 6:45. Topics, "The Heroism of Faith," "Job. the Tragedy of the Ages." i Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma, Rev. Lester C Poor, H and 7:80; J. E. I. . 2:30: E L.. :. The Clinton Kelly Memorial Thirty tilnth and Powell, Rev. W. IL Hampton, BEEP TRUST" ....25 ,25t Pot Roast Beef . . ... , , . . , , . , . 10 Beet to bake. .'.7t to 10 Hamburg Stealp , 12 Round Steak . i. 125 ei. 15 Shoulder Roast Beef , ... 100 Sirloin Steak il2H0, 150 Tenderloin Steak .....120, 150 Shoulder Beefsteak. ... . . . . . 12 V4 0 Beef to. spice .., . . , . , . .70 up Corned Beef, brisket. . , 80 Corned Beef,"- plate'. 80 Corned Beef, Tump, . .',100,' 12H0 Corned Beef, shoulder cuts, . ..100 Beet to Btew . . ; , , ., 70, 80 Beef to boll , ... . , , . . , , i .70, 80 Beef for hash 70, 80 Steak for beefsteak-pie t20 Beef Hearts '..,.,.:.......' Tripe '.lOl rBMrTonguts ; 15 Mutton Chops. '-,,...'4 150 Mutton Stew ..,.,,.';... ,4 , .80 Legs of Mutton ; , ,". 150 Shoulder' of Mntton-. . ; 4 100 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SATURDAY EVENING, JULY SO,, 1910. ii I .in mmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm u. . .1 1 1 1 II !Ui I 1 . 1 1 I I ll the Realm reminine IN VANITIES There must be soma Informal entertain ing, when those Jn her inner circle will be invited to gase on the ravishing product of the dressmaker's art. And thus the merry expenditure goes on. On the way to the restaurant or the theatre it will not do to wear a hand some gown in a street car. The taxi cab, the carriage or the automobile un fortunately conceal the beauty of the toiletteand ; If this wonderful gown cannot be displayed right and left to the populace, madams la not' satisfied She cannot reach her idea of perfect admiration unless she can bowl through the ;, streets, ' a target for every eye. Therefore, the designers of automobiles have come to the front, and the auto mobile of solid plate glass body, lighted with electricity, is the result. The vanity of our shatter-pated worn ent In their reckless desire for no toriety the next atep will probably be plate glass houses, so that the world may assemble outside and remark In awe and astonishment at the lavish dis play of gorgeousnesa and . aplendor within. he sensational. ' Perhaps the abaurd shifts to which women who adopted the narrow width skirts have been put In case of bad weather In entering and leaving their 'carriages have brought the fashionable back to their senses. The Parlslenno lovea to be chic, but be ing ridiculous la far from hen, desire. That does not mean that wide skirts are back, but skirts are decidedly wider and more graceful than they nave been for tha last six months. . . . Afternoon gowns of liberty satin or satin foulard continue to present a combination of plain and spotted ma terial. Very short aleevea are worn, so short that they reach only a few Inches below the shoulder. This, of course, means that very long silk gloves are again in vogue, The lingerie hat la now made of straw, the lingerie effect being accom plished with the trimming. Allover eyelet embroidery and fine sheer swiss patterns are pleated Into dainty frills that hang over the brim, and wide pieces of tha soft, fine embroidery are twisted and folded around the crown, with a big chou or rosetta at one aide. All ruffles this summer are pleated, and sometimes flowered dimity Is used instead of white embroidery with pretty effect :: :'"''':. ,'.. .):;.. -v..; The Jungle handles for parasols, for which ex-President Roosevelt's African trip is probably responsible, are all the rage Just now. Provided the parasols have some of these fierce animals' heads or gentle birds carved upon their handles, it matters but little what the cover 1b made of. The wooden carvings, which in some cases show some crude 8. 8.. 8:45:'TT-anr i: ft. L 7: third an. nlversary. aoeclal ; Drograma mornlnc and evening. - , Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth streets. Rev. Harold Oberg; 11 and 8; o. d., iv, cuui uicBLiug, i a. im, t and 7:80; & S.. 10; E. L 8:80. university jjaweon ana i isxe, Rev. W. R. Jeffry, J.; 11 and 7:80, African Zion Thirteenth and Main, Rev. W. Matthews: 11 end 1: R. S.. 1: C. E 7, Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty- T w if.n., , , ..a ,iiBi, tf. TV. mvuuuaui auu , ov. - Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen- ter.D. A. waiters; ii ana s; . w., io; E. L., 7. , . Lenta Seventh end Oorirm. tt. w. 7. . WOOdBtORlf -J' D. VfMMt 11 U ! 8. 8., 10; EL U, :t. Oak prove Rev. James T, Moore, H and 8, 8. C. 10. Wesleyan Oleason and Bast Fifty third street. North. Rev. O. C. Wicker. 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10; T. P. It, 7. mresDytertaa, " ..First Twelftn and Alder, Rev. Wil liam Hiram Foulkes, 10:30 and 7:46; 8. 8., 12:10; C E., 8;S0. Topics, "The Call to Worship," "The Abundant Life." MIspahEast TwelftB and Powell; Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 10; C E. 8:80.-.- -r-- 4 - ... Calvary Eleventh and Clay. Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:46; Bible school, noon, Fourth- First and Clbbs; Rev. Donald Mackenzie, 10:80 and 7:30. & 8, 12; C E., 8:30. " .. . - Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30. "The Half Not Told." Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln: Kc"""5 lh !7:805 a-: . Piedmont - Cleveland and Jarre tt: ?e-VCJEE'7Sny(Jer' - :8 nd 8 a ' thl'nese ilSHFirst, 7:45; B. 8.. 8:45. Westmlnsttr East Tenth .and Weid ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:80 and 7:46; 8. 8, 12; Y. P. 8. C. , 8:30, M Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev, C. W. Hays, 11, com munion; 8. S., 10. : Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty man; Rev. Edward M. Bharp, 11 and 8; Bpokaiie ' Avenue-East Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 and 7:80; 8. S 10: C. B., 8:80. ThirdEast Thirteenth and Pine; Rev. William Parsons. 10:80 and 7:46; 8 S 12 ' Hope Montavllla, East Seventy eighth street. Rev. Henry X Nave. B. 8., 10; 11 and 7:80. ' Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. Rev, A. Robinson, 11; S. & 12;-. Z. P.,1. -" ' -j.-..-..-. . Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town send: services, 10 and 7:30; 8. S., 10. . Trinity Dakota Mreet. Rev. A. Rob inson, 7:45 p. m.; C. . 8:45; S. 8., 11. Anabel Rev. R. N. MoLean. Serv ices. Uatid 7:45; S. g., 9:46; C E., 7. Topics, "God's Partners," "A Dubious Disciple." Vernon Wygant and East Nine- iwnui; nev, ueorge w. Arms Jr.. 10:30 and 8; 8. S., 12; G E., 7. - ; s , St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev, A. Chiistie. D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and . High mass and sermon, 11. Vespera, Instruction and benediction, 7:45- , --- 8t Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and Couch Rt, Rev. James Rauw, V. G. Low mass, 8. High mass end sermon, 10:80. Vespers, benediction. 8:30. St Francis, East Eleventh and Oak Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass. 8, 8:88 and 8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vesper Instruction and benediction. SU Lawrences', TWrd and Sherman Hy.' J-,9. Hughes. Low ma-a 8. 7 and 8:30. High mass . and Sermon, )0:30. St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Failing Rev, John Brzosa. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon. 10; vespers and benedicUon. 7:30. , " " Ascension, Montavtlia, Rev. J, - P. Fltzpatrlck. ' Mass and sermon, In, cnapei 01 piaiera or me rrecious Blood. St Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savier Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass. 8. High maaa and sermon. 10:30. Vespers and Mlchaers mUan)t Ff""thsndlFifi?rt . . 1 ' ' ' UCIIBUJUI 1,111. B..IV a. . " iwwn mans, : , and benediction 7:8 . . St Stephen's, -;rty-seconV and East 7Ml0T'7;Pvr- w- A Want, masa 8:30.- Hltfh .a and sermon, 10:30 immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams aim oLnmun nov. w 1 a.'imiw. iav maaa I I.., a ,i 11 mass. 6, I and 9. High mass and ser- Hints for ike Divorcee NEVER go to court without a maid. She should be there to hold your decree and your vinaigrette, A gold vinaigrette with monogram worked out in diamonds is popular among smart divorcees, but plain sliver is more ef fective If you ars asking for alimony. . a . Divorce your husband gently, but firmly. ' If you don't know what It Is about him that aggravates you consult a lawyer and he will find grounds for you. ... V r v.;'--V " Do not throw away your wedding ring. In time you may make a very Interesting collection of these, to be handed down to posterity as a memento of "grandma's girlish triumphs." ': The proper costume for afternoon di vorcees la a. simple black gown, show ing sorrow, relieved by a touch of mauve or violet Indicating the beginning of hope. New Tork Evening World. U v coloring, represent the heads of lions, tigers, hippopotami, elephants and othi er denizens of the Jungle, or the entire figures of parrots and other tropical birds. . Mow that all the summer blouses are 'cut low, the Dutch collar is again in vogue, but mounted on a neckband so aa to avoid the unpleasant exposure of the whole neck, so frequent last Bum mer. No Jabot Is worn with these col lars, but they are fastened by means of a large -cameo or soma other pin in tne same quaint fashion. -' Earrings in PuU Torce. , Very handsome buttons are In de mand by high class garment manufac turers, especially outside coat makers. The variety embraces lines made of metal, imitation gems, cut ateel. crochet and combinations that are really works of art -esc, Pendant earrings are here In full force. Disks of sapphires or amethysts, surrounded by pearla or diamonds, are set swinging and are extremely becom ing, but those made of Jet or turquoise or pink coral or baroque pearls, with a iittie goio, rind a ready acceptance. Hats bizarre in shape are made more so by the rakish pose they are made to assume. Tilted over one eye, it would seem to the exclusion of sight they convey an impression the reverse of gentility though they may be consld ered -chic. Exquisite aro many of the Dresden flower striped mualina. Soma of ; the blouses of this material are trimmed with frills of sheer white muslin, bor dered by tiny colored blinds. - While much neckwear is shown which includes Valenciennes and fine Cluny, It is noueeanie tnat in high clasa lines Irish and other crochet effect laces are almost exclusively employed. FLORENCE FAIRBANKS. (Tfyurcfyes I mnn ia.ia Vespers and benediction. 7:80.' Holy Rosary, East Third and Union Very W TA, 8. Lawler. Lew maiT 7 and 8:i0. High mask, and sermon! iv. ou. vespers ana oenedictlon. 1:80 gory Roble, O. 8. B. Low masa 8. High luans ana sermon, 10:80. V-ssotira and benediction. 7:8 , " Holy Cross, Untveralty Park Rev. J. P. Thlllman. C fL r. T.nw .,, ?h. nss and sermon, 10:39. Varaera nfi benediction. 4. I TTrtlv A aa. , , . I ..vuavurai. t. K 'iiu aina -a,n- oouver Rev. Ed K. Oantwell. C. SS. R, f"" .s. ..nign maaa ana serrooa 10:80. Benediction. 4. ...... I St. Andrew's. N'lnth end Athr I High mass and sermon. 10. Vespers. In- o , ueneaiciion, i:su. imiauuir orcy-secona ana Powell Valley road Rev. F. Dillon, s. J. LoW mass. 8 and 8:80. Maaa, sermon and benediction. 10:80. Splsoopax. Trinity. Nineteenth - - - v(waWa,v alffa A. A. Morrison. 8 and 11.8. 8v .Matthews. First and Caruthera Rev. W. H. M. Breck. Services f and Iw. mon 11, Even)ng service at St Helens, Pro-Cathedral of St 8tepnen, th Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. M. Ramsay. Holy Communion. T-an- Dr&var nrl aurmon 11 mrA .n. o j ! School, 10." " . vr, 0,.u.y Vespers h 4 0ur Savlor Woodstoek. St. Davi'd'a-East Twelfth and Bel mont Rev. Henry Russell Tamot. Holy communion, 7:30; S. S., 10. Servicea 11 and 8. : " St Andrewa, Portamoutn Holy ucharlst and sermon. 11; prayer and sermon, 7:30; S. 8., 10 a. m. ' , , All Rafnr'a Tfor, ( u . a , t T VTi "-"j iiiu caviar. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Servicea St Mark's, Twenty-first ana Mar-shallv-Rev. J. E. H. Simpson. Holy eucharlst. 7:30; 8. 8., 9:46; holy euchar ist 11; evensong, 8.' Rt .Tnhn'a r-hnrnh 17'l..v . Iouit,". Rev Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 1 Good Shepherd Graham and Van couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:80; S. 8.. 8:45. ' ' ?r?..aMemSrlal- - East Seventeenth aim r nuior aev. ueorfre a, van wa VeoynerS Ascension Cha nete Portland Uoi ..l... 8. S.. 9:80. " ' a"" Bishop Morris Memorial chaoel, ood Samaritan hospital, Rev. William B, PoweU,. chaplain. . . Holy communion, 7 a. m.', ward services, 8; prayer and sermon, 7:16. , , . Ooagreganonax - Firat Madison ana Park."" Raw" Luther R. Dyott. D. D., 11 and 7-4fi Bible school, 10. .Topics, "The Reserve Forces of Religion.'" "What Dow th Earth Teach Us About God?" Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue. Rev. Guy L. Dick. 11 and 8; S. ST. 7.-Mornlngaddress by Rev W. W. McArthur, of Denver, Col., on "The True Christ Healing." . Bvenlnk address by Rev. R. M. Jones on "The Economy of the Liquor Traffic." : St Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and Ql J54 O.. 10 ' Laurelwood Rev. William H. Meyer. S. 8.", 10 and. 8; C. E., 7:15. er"r. B.s.u.nnX8ller'fiJ?8t Jylor and ' East Thirty-fourth, Rev 3 . J. Staub; U ad 8: 8. &. ,10; C E, 7. Topics: "The Superlative in Christian Experience" "The Man Who Failed to Die . Hassalo Street East Seventh and Hassalo Rev. George E. Paddack. 11 and 8: S. S 10; C. E.i 8:30. ? HIghland--East Sixth and Prescott Rev. E. 8. Bollinger, .11 and. 7 : 45; Y'P. S. C. E., 6:45; 8. S., 10. "TodIos "The Life Giving That Counts." "A Study of Bridesmaids."..., ...-. Firat German EMgt Seventh and Vni Xf,rali7 ark. Haven, near Dawson. ?,8V- w. 9, Kantner, D. D.; 8. Sv 10, 11 anfl C. E., 7. ' ' ' . Cntrlsti&ai Central East Twentieth and Sal- 5.11 : ReJ- i'-." Ghormley, U and 8; Bible school, 10; praise ervice,-6:45. Kern Park Pitt and Mldburn; Rev. A T K An mm 11 nut A 7 . 3 ff . n n r. n ' nnmaa u. rietnn ii, on 7.ic. a a :45. Topics;, "Better Then Gold" "The Mission of the Church." -. First Corner Park and Columbia. Rev. W. F. Reagor, 11 and 7:45; S. B., 10. Topics: :"Not'. Disobedient ' to f livriMiiaj auuress Iiy ij C. McFarlane. of Kansns. An.r.i uur viBions. jivming address bv D. retary of the Men's Brotherhdnd of the Disciples of 1 Christ - r eellwood Eleventh and Umatilla 10:30 and 7:30; C. E.. 8:30. Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wricht 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; C E.. 7. f Gladstone Rev. A. 1L Mulkey: preaching 10 to 12; merger service and worners council at s. tneme, "Jesus Only." . - Xiutheran, St James Enftllnh West Park and Jefferson. J. Allen Leas, 11. S. 8.. 10. Rev. A. C Anda of Chlcaco will preach. Juetama Daman f40 union avenue N Rev. J. Scott 11 and 8; 8. S-. 10. Topics: "First War, Then Peace;" "When Jush na Departed." - Swedish immanuei Nineteenth and Irving. 11 and 6; S. S.. 9:tt ' fJfrWACifttl . Svnnri-ffnat . Tpnth anil Grant, Rev. O. ilagoea. It-and 7:45; 8. 8., 12:10. United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth: Detmar Lara en. 11 and 7:30; 8. S- :4&. :30. .- Zions German Cnapman and sal mon; H. II. Koppelroann. 10:14. 7:48: & & 8:15. -. St Paul s German East Twelfth and Clinton. Rev. A. Krause. 10:30 and 8; S. 8., 9:30. Triniry uerman (Missouri synoaj Williamr and Sellwood: J. A. Rlmbach. 9;16; S. S., 10; 7:30. bt. jonn s f eniasuia , avenue ana KllpaMck; S p. m. Swedish Augustan - Rodney and Stanton: Rev, II. K. Sands ted t. 10:48 and 7:46; S. S.. 9:S0. Swedish Mission Beventeentn ana Gllsan; Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and t; o. .. j; x. jr.. :ai. . Elim Chapel Michigan avenue and Skldmore, Rev. B. J, Thoren, 11; & 8 10. -J '.If.;--' V'f:- : Immanuel German Corner 15th and Leo (Sellwood). H. C Ebellng. 10:30; S. 3., 9:30. v Grace English (Missouri 8ynod) Kerby-and Fargo, Rev. Carl Ha.sold. 10 and 7:30; S, 8.. 10:30. - t Cnlted Evangelical, First East Sixteenth and Poplar. Rev. H. A. Deck. 11 and 8: S. 8., 10. Ockley Green Gay and Willamette. Rev. J. Bowersox, 11 and 7:30; S. 8 10; C. E. 6:30. 7 Second Fargo and Kerby, Rev. C G Poling, 11 and 7:3 St John's lV&rihoe anC John, Rev. C. P. Yates, e. B.. 10. XTnlted Brethren In Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. Russell S. Showers, 11 and 8; S. S., 10: C. E-. 7. Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev, Os car A. Martin. 11 and 7:30; a 8.. 10; C E., 6:30. '-. - Alberta East Twenty-seventh ano Sumner streets, Rev. . J. W. Sprecher, naetn, 11 fi Q Q In. V t C r V . Topics, "Sabbath Observance," "The Ministry oriService." . v ThirdSouth Mount Tabor; Rev. C P. Blanchard. 11; B. 8.. 10. Tremobt Wisdom and Curtis streeta Rev. H. C. Shatter; B. S., 11; C. E, o:aw: sermon. 1:30; Alblna Mississippi and Killings worth avenues. Rev. H. C, Shaffer; 8. "'.Ki-' ? rrea Methodist. v t First church East' I4inth and : MilU Rev, B. F. Smalley; pastor. Evangelis tic preaching at 11 and ii street meet ing. 7;-8. 8., 10; Y. P. M., 6:30. . Second church East Flanders, be tween Fifty-third and Flftv-fourth streets. , Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11 and 7:30: 8. S., 10;' class meeting, 6:30. From July 17, Rev. C. M. Damon of S. Dakota will occupy the pulpit during the pastor's absence. St Johns 11 and 7:30. Chrlitlaa gcienoe. First Church of Christ Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and. Lownslnle, 1lt i: S. S:: 13; subject of lesson sermon, "Love." . -..- . Second Woodmen's hall. East Sixth and Alder, 11; S. S., 11; subjact of les son sermon, "Love." XTnlted rresbytenaa ' Third East Thirty-seventh snd Clay! Rev J. L. Acheaon, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8, Flrst-Sixth and Montgomery, Rev. Frank De Witt Findley, 10:30 and 7:45; 8. S.. 12; C. E., 6:45. Topics, "Our Reef dence in God s Love," f'Awaitlng God's Good Pleasure." . , The Church of the Strangers-Grand ave. and Wasco, Rev. S. Earl Du Bols. 10:30 and 8:00;' 8. S 12; C K. 77 .evangelical Associations. - ' First German Tenth and Clay. F. Bens, 10:45 and 7:45; 8. 8., 9:30. First English East Sixth and Star ket streets: F. B. Culver; U and . 8; 8. S. 10; Y. P. A., 7. - ' - Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb betta. Morrla Heverling, 11 and 8; a a If. A ....... German church Second and Petty grove yts. 8. S., 10; services 11 and 8. Y. P. A., 7:16 p. m. , - . TJnlversallst, Church of the oood Tidings Broad way and East Twenty-fourth: Rev. J. D.-Corby, 10:45; S. S.. 12. Topic, "Christ's Universal Cure for Sin." - Prlrtii1 ClawB. -'t'" '" :' ; M Sunnyslde, Main and East Thirty fifth. Lindley A. Wells, 11 and 7:30; Blbli school. 10; C E.. 8:80. Ints. Center street Myra B. Smith. 11 and ,7:30; Elble school. 10. .V.. Tjaltarisa. '" - ' ' f Church of Our Father Yamhill and Seventh. Rev. V.- G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. Sermon by Rev. Miss Marion Murdock 01 ivenuaaa, wis. . vi'..' r- -, saforaed. ' ! First ; German . Tenth and Stark Streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services 10:45 a. m. and 8 p. tn.; a 8., 9:30 a. m; V. P. 8. a E 7 p. m, - ". , Servicea for the Deaf. United Presbyterian Grand avenue and Wasco, Rev, 8. Earl DuBois. 10:30, PILES CORED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD ?I2iW e' " '"vou'r T a aV tl-.Ji ..... auureas, auu i wiu in you now TO cure yourself at home by the new absorption t.iro.i.iiQitL, anu win also aena some or this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if roquirea. immeaiais reiier ana perma nent cure assured. Spnrt nn mnnpv. hn tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers. Box P, Notra ijamev.ind. - Good Health is within reach t nearly every man . and woman who earnestly desires it Start right with . : ' Wvwhere. Ia Boxm 10c and 2Sa ,' HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square " ' Just opposite Hotel St. Franci ' ' turojean'1PIaa"$OtJ ' Vday up . American Plan $3,00 a day up New tteel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and eoo , venlenc. On carlines rrnsferrin( all over city Orrnibm meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of Sao Francisco Meeckamtt MU4 sermon interpreted by Mrs. F. C Met calf. Sermon by, pastor, VL E. Chorott South, Union avenue and Multnomah street Rev. E. H. Mowre, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10; E. L., 7. , Morning sermon, "Building Up the Work;" evening address by Rev, J. R. Ennis on "What Is Man." JTlsoellantona. Church of the Brethren (Dunkards) Borthwlck and Kllllngsworth ave. Rev. George C. CarL 11 and 7:80; & 8, 10; C W.. 6:30. Swedish Corpe Salvation Army 430 Burn Bide. 11. 4:30 and s. Volunteers of America S8S Burnslde street 8:30 and 8:30. International Bible 8tudy, L O. O. F. ball. Kast Alder. Bible lesson, 1:80: Church of Naiarene East Seventh and Couch. Rev. A. O. Henrlcks, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 9:4R: Y. P. M.. 6. New Church Society (Swedenborglan) Eleventh and Alder. Knights of Py thias' hall. : Lay service and sermon, 11. Portland Fellowsldp Selling Hlrsch hall, J8 p. m. " . -.- ' KfAratol mnA Snfrlfnal maHn finn. jay 81 p. m., 21 Selling-Hirsch building. Lecture Dy Mrs. Bopniajs. eeip on "Psychic Forces." Swedish Evangelical Free Church Mississippi avenue hall. Christian and Missionary Alliance- E. Ninth and Clay streets. Rev, C. A. Chrlsman, 11: S. S., 10. ; Commons Rescue Mission 23 'North Front street Special services, 1 and 8. Peniel Mlsslon---224 'Madison street Services 3 and 8 p. m. ' . Y. M. C. A. Sixth and Taylor streeta R. R. Perkins, religious director. , Meet ing for men at 8:30. 1 , , Do you think yon sion or trado tite, and lay your nervea all fm f f lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at tha lungs, it will bring about a cure in 98 per cent, of all esses. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y whose edvict ts givtn frt$ to all who wish to write him. His great success hse come from hit wido experience and varied practice.. Don't be wheedled by penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior, aubsti tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be " just as good." Dr. Pierce's medicines are of known coMrosmoix. Their every ingredient printed on their wrappers, Made from roots without alcohol. ' Contain oo habit forming drugs. World's Dispense ry Medical Association, Buffalo, Y. OREGON HOTEL HOTEL OREGON SEATTLE Portland's I4vs, Growing Hotel, Haw, Kodara, Centrally, Located, .. .. ".. ..-.-..... 7th 5 StarK, Porlhnd, Or. Pioneer Square. Seattle.Wa . wtaeWiWrwwVVVwwwwwW tyWNMfc WRIGHT - DICKINSON ' WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANY, Props. HOTEL COMPANY, Props. lamm-un-aii-i u , n ,. i ii -i am m a n in ,i. n a iwm -nw. THL , PERKINS HOTLL CO. r. HAS BJESTJMED THB SCAirAOXKXNT 01 THE PERKINS CAfL AND GRILL , Prlcea Modified Service Improved asnslc Snrlng Lunch, Sinner and After Thaatra i ' KUSIOAl -UASXES BXOTSXSS The Ferklna Hotel Qrlll has as an additional musical attraction secured the ' services of XATXZBHTB SI1TSM02E, Uesso. toprano. THB PORTLAND. OR.-. European ria Modern Ksstauxaat, V aaw PORTLAND : '"'fi ' L!Jf!jslH' GOU-S OITB MILtlOW D01.1AXS v -ia t. r.t L ' 'L A',, ,1 1-4. .. as. us nrtj "-.. jt ; THE IMPERIAL Oregon's Greatest Hotel ' 350 ROOMS, . ' 104 SUITES. With Private Baths NEW FIREPROOF. BUILDING ' MODERATE RATES ' PHIL METSCHAN & SONS, Props. " THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome" CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS , Beginning May 1 our rates will be as follow: Out side back rooms, $1 per day; single front rooms, $1.50 per day. Our omnibus meets all trains. Portland' Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C W. CORNELIUS . H. E. FLETCHER Proprietor Manager John A. Melton CAUFSHTER AND SDH T7 Factory and Of flee 23S 8a ' atreat, near Mala, - ' Phones: Main 17S7; A-17St . , . Bulldin and. Structural Work. ' : PHORNIX IPOIM WCIQK . - - - - m I m a , : ; .ENairstifjRs , . . s- ". ' '' .Of floe and Worse f wmmm m .v isaia, MM! .,-.,...,.. Th,Td 6trae' TO ORGANIZE CLASSES I IN GOSPEL HEALING Ssnday afternoon at 3 o'clock a publio meeting will be held in the Hassalo Con gregational church, Hassalo avenue and East Eighth street by Rev. W. W. Mc Arthur of the Denver Bible school, who will organize classes in gospel healing in Portland, as he has done in a number of -western cities. His subject Sunday will probably be "The True Chrlst'Heal ing." - . ''. ,., The Denver Bible school la an inter denominational institution, formed of members of nearly all of Denver's Pro testant churches. Its work is feomewhat along the lines of the Emmanuel move ment, although not oo psychic. Its the ory la the applying" of the gospel to health, and may tend to prevent menv bera of churches from going outside to "et7 beaJth by heana of absolute belief. Church for Butte Palls, Or. (Special Dispatch to The 'Journal.) ' Prants Pass. Or., July 30. -At a re cent meeting of the Presbytery for this district it was voted to Organize a Prea byterian church at Biitte Fajls and Rev.v Robert McLean, pastor of the Presbyter Ian church" here and Rev. Shields of Medford. left last evening for thatTolnt to perfect the organization. - ' Do You Feel This Way? feel all tired out P Do yon sometimes iust can't work away at vour orofea any longer P Do you have a poor apa awake at .nights unable to sleep P Aro done, and your stomach tooP Has am - bition to forge ahead. in the world left. youP If ao, yoo night aa well put a stop to your misery. You oaa do it if you will. Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery will mak you a different individual. ' It will set your lazy liver to work. It will set things right in your stomach, and Soar appetite will coma hack. It will purify your blood. ; there it any tendency in your family toward consumption, ' h will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con sumption has almost gained a foothold In the form of a HOTELS Seadanarters -fot Toorlit and Com. msxeial Travelers. Special rates made to families - snd single a-entlemea. The manaitemeiit will be pleased at all times to show rooms and five prices.' A modern Turkish bath tabllshment ia tai hotel B. a Bowers, itrr. Hot and Cold Water . Long Distance Phone IN EVERY ROOM Hotel Lenox COR.THIRD AND MAIN STS. 5tWffl5r: RATES $1.00 & UP 5 mm Office and Store Fixtures built and remodeled. Altering snd repairing boussa . Rhov -aea and Counters built. aTUVUtJ.bavBI.VVa roaTiAiro, obgo. X