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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY ' EVENING, JULY 30, 1910. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS, ' Orpheum .... . i" VudeVlll Grand .........a. Vaudeville Vantages v ' Y,au2eyi"S Lyric "Idollred Ida" Ktar ohovjub jriviuin The Oaks. Navassar Ladies' Band Tae journal at aeiona - The following egents will sap- ply Journal subscribers at regu lar )ty rates; Seaside. Or.: Horace A. Wil son, agent; headquarter at Lewis & Co.'s drug storo Long Beach, Wash.! Kerlee ft Co., agents; Aberdeen stores. Newport, Or.: William Bur ton, agent. ' " - Gearhart Park, James Cellars, agent. - Columbia Beach: B. D,,Lan- , don, agent '. ;. ; ' ' i. Ilwaco, Wash., and an points , on North Beach: Louis Cohen newe agent, Ilwaco railroad agent . Breakers, Wash.: . Breakers hotel. "i Collins, Wash.: C. T. Belcher, agent Carson, Wash.1 Frank McQln nls, agent,- Seavlew, Wash.t Kerlee ft Co, agents, Aberdeen store. .. Bhtperd's Springs: Mineral, Springs Hotel Co., agent Hot Lake. Or.: Hot Lake Sani tarium, agent Wllholt Or.: F. W MjeLaraa, , tgent ; : "i -: -Wenaha Springs, Wenaha Hot ; Springs hoteL Ifuaeum of Art The loan exhibit at tne museum continues to attract many visitors. ' Among those attending the oast week have been some from the cities of the middle west which are en deavorlnr to establish art galleries and museums and these visitors have been , narticularly interested to see what j growth in this respect has been accom plished by the far west The beautiful and characteristic examples of - fine furniture, textiles, laces,. glass and pot tery, from Italian sources, as well as the ancient Greek and Roman vases, figurines and coins, are both attractive I and Instructive. The museum hours are from to 5 on week days: I Sundays from I to 6. Free: The afternoons of Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Examination for Draftsman The United States Civil service commission announces an examination for the posi tion Of draftsman in the office of chief of engineers, war department. August 24-25. Salary $1800 per annum. For information and blanks apply to Z. A. Leigh, postof flee, . Portland. An x- amination for the position of marine I fireman at Fort Stevens, Wash., and Fort Worden, Wash., will also be 'held. Applications .may be submitted any time before August 6. to Herbert F., Ward, 224 postofflce building, Seattle, Wash. Loses Diamond Sing While display ing a diamond ring in the McDermad sa- 'f loon on Couch street last night, Eugene Fanshet dropped, the . stone and now mourns its loss. Several men turned In 1 to help him find it, but It could not be '. discovered and Panshet, ' growing sus picious, finally called police headquar ters. Sergeant Wanless went to the sa loon and searched every man present at the time the ring was dropped, but no i results were obtained. rire Engine to Sesous A new use of ,a fire engine 1 was made last night when engine No. 1 .was called Jo the foot of Ankeny street to save Columbia -digger NoL 4 from sinking. The night watch man discovered a large hole In the dig ger and when the engine arrived It had already taken aboard three feet of wa ter. After the scow had been pumped tout the hole was temporarily repaired. " ' Crashed Under Xriff Unable to get 'from the path of a rolling log in time Robert Graham, an employe of the log ging camp of the Standard Box company of Portland, near Castlerock, Wash., was , badly crushed and mangled yesterday. ; He was brought to Portland on a train and removed to the Good Samaritan hos pital, where he died at 9 o'clock last evening. - Certified Uilk Is recommended and In dorsed by the State Medical society and state board of health. Is bottled and sealed on the farm under the strictest government requirements and is abso lutely pure and delivered In the city in bottles on Ice. Telephone your, orders In to Hawlwood. Private Exchange 40 or A-001. , . .. Curses woman. Arrested ' While a j street evangelist meeting was being held at Second and Burnstde streets last ' evening, Carl Johnson, a laborer, began to curse a woman who was speaking. ' Patrolman Leavens arrested him and he , was fined $10 in municipal court today. ' Tar Saras Man A bucket of hot tar ' overturned at the Barber Asphalt com pany's plant yesterday, some of the con tents falling upon the shoulders of P. W. Taylor, an employe. He was re moved to the Good Samaritan hospital badly burned, but will recover. A meeting of taxpayers, Couch and I Flanders districts, will be held at Up church hall, July 30, at 7:30 'p. m. to discuss ways and means whereby the enormous taxation in these districts -may be averted, r A large attendance Is . requested, - - - , Oregon City Boat Sunday trips leave Taylor st dock 8 a. m., 12. 8 p, m. Leave Oregon City 10:30 a. m., 1:30, ; 6 p. m. Round trip 45c. Tickets good ' ow O.. W. P. cars. This Is the only short river ride out of Portland. Jockey Down and Oat Eddie Burns, once a racing- Jockey of considerable fame, Is under the care of Clty Pbysl . Rev. Walter Bcnwcll HINSON Preaches Sunday at the White Temple Twelfth and Taylor Streets'; ' 10:30 A. M. " I "The Christian's Judgment" . 7:45 P. M. "The Value of a Man" Organ Recital. Musicwby Quartet. Clan Zlegler at the city jail suffering from an attack of delirium , tremens, and awaiting trial on a charge of vag rancy. Burns was once known all along the coast for his ability to bring: horses to the tape In t good position, but In recent years the liquor habit has ensalved him and In Portland he has gained the reputation of being, a racetrack tout, iatroiman .imgie arrested him last night as he came out of a saloon near Sixth and" Couch streets. . .; 1 Said Closes Grill Hull's grill at First and Main streets has been' temporarily closed following the raid made by the police Thursday night in which seven women and a waiter were arrested. The attorney for the proprietor saw Chief of Police Cox yesterday and said the owner was out of town, asking that ac tion on the warrant for the latter be delayed. Chief Cox decided that if the grill was conducted without any change in Its policy- until the proprietor came back he would recommend forfeiture of the ; license. Last night the doors of the place were locked. Broken Tlange BesponslolewThe re port of the board of Inquiry into the derailment of freight train No. 58. about a mile east of Norton .July 25, was made public this morning by the O. R. & N. company. It shows that the de railment was due to the breaking of the flange on the forward wheel of the back truck of Davenport, Kock Island ft Northwestern car , No. 80S, while the train was, going around a six degree curve. The following 21 cars were de railed, damaging equipment contents and track to the extent of $9000. Will Solid Hotels Articles of incor poration of the Government Mineral Springs Hotel company were filed with the county clerk today by S. D. Fox, P. JU Austin and Dr. Frank W, Wood, a capital stock of f 50,000 being named. The head offices of the corporation will be established in Portland. The com pany has been Incorporated to build and operate hotels and to bottle mineral water. Garbage Ken Arretted Two arrests were made this morning In the efforts of the police to reduce the garbage nui sance to a minimum. George Gustafano and Sebastian Schmidt were found at the corner of Third and Couch streets by Sergeant Parker with the covers off tnetr wagons. TUeir cases were con tinued In municipal court until Monday. Dancing, Hayden Fsrk.ravilion every Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon and evening. Admission SO cents, ladles free. Take Vancouver car to ferry land- ing. Union music. , Kra. Trumbull to Speak Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull will speak at Selling Husoh building at t p. m. Sunday evening;, July 81, under the auspices of the Port land Fellowship. , . Steamer Jessie Harslns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. LaVes Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Old Jewelry Wanted We buy old gold and silver.. Uncle Myers Collateral Bank, 71 Sixth street between Oak and Pine. "Hop sold" Bottled 8ee An ideal summer beverage, (jrder by phone. East 46, B-1146. - i W. A. Wise and ssslclates, painless dentists, Third and Washington. Jack Sing's Turkish Baths, Largest In city. Imperial Hotel Annex. Wooster's 1 Washington. great fruit store, 40S rnrrler si Taxidermist 248 Columbia. Try ''Q. S." root Bemclyl Guaranteed. " mi , . v r - Navassar Ladies Band The following Is the program of the concert at the Oaks this evening: ; - Coronation march from VLe Prophet" ".ii' . i ....... Meyerbeer Overture "SIcil ian Vespers" . .... Verdi For trombones . . ...... ... . ... .Selected Selection "Midnight Sun" ....Hubbell Operatic selection "Carmen" , . .Bizet "The Clock Stone" ..Orth S (Continued from Page Ona) from Rome which says the Vatican has warned Spatn against becoming involved , in civil war. It declares that the pope j can rely on the suppor of a majority of uie opaiusn peopie in. tne crisis oi at- fairs between church and state. This is regarded here as a covert threat, and it Is believed c that it Inti mates that His Holiness will throw the Vatican's support to the revolutionists. This undoubtedly would end in the over throw of Alfonso and the enthronement of Don Jaime or the establishment of a republic,; diplomatists here believe. 4 Madrid,. July 30,Theabrup't sever ance of friendly relations of Spain with the Vatican brings King Alfonso Into the foreground of European politics. Op ponents of the young monarch have doubted the Sincerity of the' king's anti rellglous actions from' the time the church and state locked horns in Spain. Today they praise the king's stand and give him credit, rather than Premier Canalejas, who is still held in popular Marquis Emillo de OJeda, Spanish am bassadpr to the Vatican, will probably return ms credentials to His Holiness and start for Madrid today. This would mark complete severance of relations. which now are virtually , broken off through the official announcement made by the king's prime minister.' The action of the cabinet Is expected to throw the kingdom Into turmoil While a great number of the Industrial population favor the supremacy of the state over the church, "there are thou sands, of Spaniards .who belfeve the church should have equal rights with the civil government Should a further split occur. It Is probable that these will jthrow In their lot with Don Jaime, the Carllst pretender to the throne, who has already announced his willingness to ac. cept the title of defender of the church. The Carllst societies have become more active, .but the government has been on the alert and thousands of gov ernmental spies are making dally re port! of the movements of the revolu tionary, plotters. . ALFONSO IS RULED BY BAD ADVISORS, , . .. IS VIEW AT PARIS '.. . S-.--.' ' . - , 'n (United pr Lued Wire.) . Paris, July 30. In vlewjpf the, StralhedTrelatlons between Soaln an"th Vatican, is indicated in dtspatohes from Rome and Madrid, the general feeling here, while inclined to be antl-clerlcal. Is that the power tf the young king has; oeen overrated in the Madrid messages, j Nearly every dispatch. coming from, aj AFFAIRS REACH CRISIS I PAIN WAR INEVITABLE Spanish city Is strictly' censored; the fulsome praise accorded governmental personages Is almost as sickening as it Is ridiculous. Even after careful prun ing of the overratlngof the official Spanish prowess, enough of the dis patches remain to show that theyare intended as curtains to hide from the world the real state of affairs in Spain. King Alfonso has Indeed become a world figure, but In the general Euro pean view he la a sorry' one. Undoubt edly his every move Is ruled by his ad visors and these are noted, on the con tinent more for rapacity, than for pat riotism." ''.. ; . France although anti-clerical and re publican. Is doing everything in ,hr power to preserve neutrality along the Franco-Spanish frontier. Strong de tachments of , troops are posted In the principal garrisons and every precau tion is being taken to keep faith with disturbed Spain. , AFRICAN TRIBESMEN : . SEfZE OPPORTUNITY - FOR NEW UPRISING ' (United press Uaieii Wire.) Cerbere, France (Spanish frontier), July 80. While the king and his min isters, are . facing, revolt and possiblo overthrow, 'word was received today at Madrid that the Riff tribesmen In Morocco, encouraged by the disturbed conditions in ; the kingdom, have re newed their activities.,: Rlfflat mueas- xlns are preaching a holy war and the first clash between the tribesmen ana the Spaniards yesterday resulted In' the killing of SO Spanish soldiers.- , - ' Alfonso's firmness in the great crisis has surprised and aroused the loyal ists and they predict that It, will win the king the support of numbers of disaffected Spaniards. It is conceded, however, that the king took his stand In absolute self-defense, as a refusal now to support the policy of Can alej as would mean the resignation of the min istry, and the possible downfall of the monarchy. EXILE LEADER CALLS FOR DRASTIC MOVE (United Preas tcued Wire.' Cerbere, France (On the Frontier), July 30. Don Jaime, who isencamped with 10,000 exiles near the Spanish 'bor der, today- Issued a formal appeal for all Spaniards to join bis banner wnen he marches into Spain. "I expect to take the place devolving upon, me by birth, and I look to Jthe people to rally with . me against the enemies of real liberty,'" his proclama tlon says. CAPTAIN KENDALL FROM SEA OF (Continued From Page One.) have secured Information valuable to the detectives. Captain Kendall's mes sage adds: "Mile. Leneve follows Crlppen about like a dog and fawis upon him," CAPTAIN KENDALL DOES CLEVER SLEUTH . WORK ON OWN ACCOUNT . (United Proas Leased Wire.) Father Point, Que., July 30. With the wireless of the Canadian Pacific steairV shlp Montrose working better every hour, additional details '.. were received here today of the conditions aboard ship that led Captain Kendall to suspect that "Roblpson and son" were really Dr, H. H. Crlppen and Mile. Ethel Claire Leneve. Dr. Crlppen Is suspected of killing Belle Elmore Crlppen, bis wife, in nortn ionaon. - . "When the pair first came aboard says a message from Captain Kendall, "I noticed that the 'son' pressed ; his father's hand tenderly. I examined the hats they wore and discovered the name Jackson in that of the man's. The hatband of the 'son's' hat was stuffed with paper. I also noticed that the 'son's' clothing fitted miserably and that the trousers were drawn together at the waist and fastened with a safety pin" . The Montrose is dus Sunday after noon. Inspector Dew of Scotland Yard Is here, and from the start has been unpopular with scores of newspaper men awaiting the arrival of the Mont rose. Dew secreted himself at the La Vole boarding house, rented the entire building and began his career on Amer lean soil by barring reporters and pho tographers. " ' 'r' ' - ' The Inspector then Issued orders that reporters be ba-red from the tug Eu reka, which has been chartered in order to go out to meet the Montrose In mld channol after the arrest of the suspects Is made. Dew also refused to allow the wireless to be used for anything except the government dispatches. ' As a result the correspondents wired to the Canadian government and Dew was warned that London methods were not Canadian methods, and that the Ca nadians desired a little publicity, the lack of which resulted In the escape of Dr. Crlppen in England. Dew adopted an almost Impenetrable disguise when he boarded the White Star liner Lnurentle to chase "Crlppen." He registered as "Dewhurst," and the passengers were nearly an hour in as certaining who the ruddy faced, mys terious gentleman was who trod so soft-. ly on the decks. ; The arrest of Dr. Crlppen has beccme v BANNER I ACRES j V We want to show you the (S m .Banner Acre tract if you , -V fx contemplate purchasing a w piece of land for a homeor JS ' for profit. We believe even j (; ' the most Cursory examfna-. y IX) tton will convince you that . w there- is no such : acreage ' 2 buy on the market We are is (A now selling Banner , Acres u V at 1100 to 3160 per acre, " ! and to any person knowing -2 anything about acreage val- Is : ues It will certainly appeat U as the best bargain as It " x Is the best site for a home ia '"of all the acreage adjacent Is m to Portland. . i t-FrB.-HpLBR0OKO.-1 (i) Room 1, Worcester Bldg (j V - Ground Floor. . x Phones Main 6396, A-7507, SENDS NEWS CRIPPEN A personal matter with the Inspector, as Dew accepted' Crippen's promise that he would not try to escape. Dr. Crlp pen, however, vanished as soon as In spector Dew had returned, to Scotland Yard. NSPECT0R DEW IS CERTAIN SUSPECTS ARE CRIPPEN AND LENEVE (United Pre Uaied WIre. V Montreal, July 80. So sure is In spector Dew of Scotland Yard that the couple aboard the steamerMontros are Dr. Crlppen and Mile. Leneve' that he is reported to have cabled to England asking that a man and a woman con nected with the police department be sent on the next steamer bound for Canada for the purpose of guarding the suspects on the voyage to England. BRIDGES WILL BE CLOSED AT ONCE , . BY COUNTY COURT (Continued From Page One.) - matter. ' Cameron's conclusion, mt- pressed this morning, was that both river and briaies are nubile hihwv. and that the rights of those who cross the bridges are to be considered along with -the ghts of those who travel In boats. ; - Oreatesi Knmber Has Bay. - The district attorney found that 10.- 000 people cross the river on the bridges to ; every boat that passes through the draws. ' His opinion, then, was that it is the accommodation of the greatest number which must be considered first and, this being the case, there could be no question but that the greatest number are those who cross the bridges. Judge Cleeton said, furthermore: "It is a part of the police power vested by the state In the county to regulate the draws. Federal authority nrovldes for regulation of the draws where con gress has interfered. The agent of regulation In case of such Interference is the secretary of war. But In this case commerce .has not Interef ered In the regulation of the draws and con sequently local authority would be Of first instance; the authority of the secretary of war of second Instance. and so it will continue to be until con gress has Interfered and has prescribed that there Shall be certain regulations which the secretary of war shall pre scribe. , When the draws are closed there may probably be soma arrests and some litigation, but I believe In the end tne county court will be suc oessful and that our course shall be upheld. ' 1 . - - - Boats1 Can Walt "My attitude has been ever since have been In office that there was no substantial , reason , why the draws should not b closes during the busy iiuuia vj. mo ajr, especially 10 Doats towing log rafts, to sand . scows and other boats of like nature and Impor tance, wnicn could wait for a short time without financial injury to thetr owners 'or Inconvenience or damage to any one. . "Few of the boats that pass throurh the draws carry any great number of passengers. They do not run on any particular time, and it Is .the testimony of the river men themselves that it is not possible for the boats to run on any regulae schedule. Such being the case,a delay of a few minute will not Injure any ona I think, of course, there would be no disposition to stop war vessels from passing through the draws at any tlrrte, nor do I think It would be wise to stop vessels of the- deep sea which are not running under their own power when they pass , through the draws. But war vessels only come to this port once In every- few months, and he big ships, many of them, would wait until the closed period has passed. ; Ides of Federal law. "My Idea of the federal law Is that It regulates commerce with consideration for water traffic and for those who wish to cross the rivers. I believe. In view of the facts, that the shipping Interests should be willing to endure some Incon venience, especially for the sake of re lieving a situation so acute as that in Portland today, when the benefit to many thousands of East Side people hurrying to work Is to be considered. "The boats can wait a little while for the draws to open without Injury. But there are thousands of men and women who need to get to their work else they lose a part of that day's wages. Be sides there Is to be considered " the great number of vehicles which are crossing the river and the great num TO SALEM Calls to Salem completed same as local calls in Port land by, our Two-Number Service. If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call "Information" and ascertain. " THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY ' " " Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets" ' SUNDAY EXCURSION TO CASCADE LOCKS STEAMER BAILEY GATZERT From Alder Street Dock leaves 9 a. m. : Returns S :30 p. m. 91.00 ROUND TRIP . Phone M. 914, A-S112 New Through Service ITEW . 8. BZAVEH BAILS t A. M., ATO. 1. (S. 8. XXASt, AVa. B.) ; Sailings Every Flva Uays, Direct to . , . MMMC!SXiUNDlO.SANGILES To 8an Francisco -First Class. ., .810.00, fia.OO, f 15.00 Second Class, 8 8.00 To. Los Angeles First Class. .... .$31.60, $33.80, $36.50 Second Class, 813J3 Round Trip Tickets at Reduced Rates. All Rates Include Meals and Berth. H. O. SMITH, CVT, A.. 142 Third St., Main 402, A-140a. . J. W. RANSOM. Agent. AInsworth Dock, Mala 261. sah rmAircisoo oTi,AjrD stbamskit company ber of important business interests that are involved. I "Nothlnsr hfof ths ceoDla of Port land today is so Important as the' rea sonable regulation of the draws unless It be the building of good roads, for both of which It Is my policy to stand unflinchingly for." Assistant United States . Attorney Walter Evans examined the k federal laws on the regulation of draws at the request of the district attorney. HU conclusions .were similar to those' ex pressed by Judge Cleeton. r ,.; Authority Tested In County. Plenary nower for the regulation of traffic across the bridges and on the river Is given first of all to the state, the theory being that the local authority Is more competent to govern than a government at a distance. This auth Ity Is, of course vested In Portland in the county court, which operates tho bridges and pays for the expense of maintenance out of the tax fnd. The famous Chicago case recognized tne right of the city to regulate the draws. Here the draws are kept closed from 6 until 1 o'clock In the morning and from 6:30 until; 6:80 o'clock In the evening. AJso there Is a provision that the draws shall not remain open longer than ten minutes at a time at any hour of the day. The closed Intervals shall always be for a period of not less.than ten mtnutea ':-'':t "'-.' r;X VV'"': '". This rerulatlon. Justice Fields com; mended. ' savin. "The object of wlso legislation Is to give facilities to botU with the least obstruction to euner. Bridges and their draws are not de clared "unreasonable obstructions" ; in any of the federal statutes which were examined , this morningi . There . Is no disposition either . to overlook tne rights of the people whose necessity it is to cross the bridges. ' MAN TAKES PLACE . OF FISH BUT IS SOON LANDED BY FISHERMAN 4 (Cnttcd Press Leased Wire.) 4 Santa Barbara, Cai, juiy-so- w If man were a fish he would not be classed among the game ones, 4 according; to Frank Garbutt, of , Los Angeles, who Is cruising from San Pedro to San Francisco 4 4 in his yacht r" e ' Garbutt's opinion Is based on a test struggle with Frank Karri- son of San Francisco. Harrison, git feet tall and weighing 175, permitted Garbutt to fasten a nine strand fish line to his belt ! and attempt to land him with a . nine ounce rod. Harrison is an expert swimmer, and before Gar- butt could stop his first rush the man fish had run out 60 feet of Una - Despite his struggles, however, 4 after that he was reeled steadily toward the boat He fought des- -perately, but within 15 minutes 4 was brought to gaff. Garbutt claims a yellow tall weighing one 4 4 third as much would have resist- 4 ed an hour. 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 More Bootleggers Fined. (Bpwtsl Dispatch to Tb Joarasl.t Eugene, Or., July SO. Charles Eberth, owner ef a furniture factory here, paid a fine of $60 In the Justice court yes terday for selling a bottle of whisky. He was arrested the day before and en tered a plea of guilty. William Bishop was fined 1100 on the charge of selling beer, he having plead, ed guilty. ' He turned state's evidence sgalnst his partner, Harvey Jones, who stood trial and was .convicted by a Jury, Jones will be sentenced today. Get the Original and Gsnulns j HALTED l1 ILK The Food-drink for All Agls. ' I ForInfanut,InvaEds,andGrovmgcMdreu r xt i 1 1. , i , i rUreINUmbon.UDbUlIdmoIhWhfl(lwlv Inyigoratcathenursing mother and the aged. '"i miiKt maneq gram, m powder torm, A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no inbstitute. Ask for H OR LICK'S. Iff No Oomblno or Trust alk Tluee Minutes 25 cents BIGJIM AFFAIR Judge Lawlor Has Roast in Re- serve for Officials Who Have . Not Found Him. (3pwlal DIspMrtfto The Joufnl. San Francisco, July 80. Judge Lawler of the superior court Intends to tell Lthe persons Interested In the case against Patrick Calhoun Just what he thinks of the continued absence of James L. Gal lagher, former supervisor and principal witness sgalnst Calhoun In the graft cases now pending. , The Judge declared he had heard much about' the reasons for the-absence of Gallagher. He said he would go over the entire record In the case and at the next session of court at which the case will come up, he would give his own views on the reasons for the absence of the witness. "If a. material witness .Is absent the people are entitled to have a reasonable effort made to locate and produce him," Lawler said. - .: The Judge Intimated that his remarks would indicate whether he considered a "reasonable effort" to get Gallagher here had been mada ( Gallagher Is Said to be living at or near Vancouver, B. C , s There are said to be 10,000 alcohol stills In operation on as many farms In Germany, the government permitting a farmer to manufacture a certain amount of aloohol at a reduced tax. "A Conitrvatlva Custodian" wmmk SAVINGS BANK PAYS 4 Per Cent. OPEN For the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St. Cor. Washington, Port landOregon.., - AMUSEMENTS urn . A-ioao HAT. ZVXBT SAT is-lio-oos sTlgte 16-9 S-OO- JULY as v THEATRE Advanesd Vaudeville. Gas Sohlke's Bama Girls to. "Toyshop Pastimes," Pranklyn Underwood si'rrances Slosson In "A Wicked Woman," 7 other big- acts. ADTAMOED VATOSVXX.X.B Weew Oont. Mon. Matinee, July 85. Encasement extraordinary, the Mel- vln Brothers; Princess Suzanne; Roland Dt1 WT .Wel .man, Marius' Bohemian Quintet In a ' nn art vrnlnn nt "The HnhemlBn nirl." LYRIC Seventh and Aider streets. . ALL THIS VTEE1C STBXb DAVIS, la "Idolised Ida." At 2:45, 7:45 and 9:18 P. M. Friday Night, Chorus Girls' Contest GRAND Week July 23, 1910 . The Incomparable Otorge De Voy A Dayton Sisters, Oeo. B. Alexander, Viola Crane and Company, Beulah Dallas, ai.bii, Xing- of the World's luusionists, wits special features and always something new. Boot Bros. QBAKDASOOFB. Matinee every day, 2:80; any seat 15e. Eve. Performances st 7:30 and :18; Bal. ISo; Lower FI. 2Sc; BOX geats BOc. T14IP OAKC Transfer -East Morrl 1 rib vniJ 8on and East Water. Last Fevy Days XABVXXVS&T SXTCCOESSrXJT. Navassar Ladies' Band Admission to Park. 10 CentsT 1200 feet above the' city; J000 square miles panoramic view; best scenic rail way In world; trip up Columbia, observ atory, wild woods, photo gallery and a nth., , , r rt t nn - nlnln ' grounds. Mo liquor. Thursday .chil dren's day. -J TEETH 5vo Your Teeth Now You save a dollar, we make a dollar end the Expensive Dentist loses two dollars when we do your work. We work for prices you can pay. Open evenings until 8 snd Sundays until 12:20 for people who work: Offices atabllshd tan years and our guarantee Is good. ' BOSTON DENTISTS, Offices corner Fifth and Morrison sta, entrance 291 Morrlstn at., opposite ; . Meier & Frank's and Postof flea PATENTS frnlted States and foreign Xreared. Defended and Sold, ' PACmO COAST PATUWT AQBNOT, Ina. Stooktoa. CaL . PARKER HAIR BALSAM lmm Md baMliflM tlit bdn romotM ft luxuriant rrawth. M Vsils to Battor On Hmir to itm Vonthful Hnln., JClUM Kip ditrtma hair (nujox. ma A , DR. N. J. FULTON - Til NATUROPATH 434 CLAY STREET , CRITICISED FOR ADVERTIZINO The medical - fraternity nave freely eritioised Dr. Trtlton for advertising In the newspapers. ". But just a In her practlce'so in her advertising, Dr. TnU ton has again demonstrated that the Naturopath "Blazes the Trail", for others 10 ioiiow. . . . - - The followlnar extract from an Iowa newspaper demonstrates that the Medical-Fraternity are waking up to the necessity of advertising: . - iu, , tuna,,. Ayii, w, v W, R. Cothern.. who came here a year ago from Illinois, has created a mild. scnaaiion in tne ranks or tne mea icm men, by overturning the long estab lished custom of not advertising in th newspapers. -He will run a series of ad vertisements and In his Fore Word ho says," etc., etc. Dr. Fnlton has built np her wonder ful practice by advertisng, and then by aotually oaring the cases which come to ner. xnoi aoping or patching up. . out . Performing noaitlva cues, which sre not so-called miracles, but simply, Hatnxo'a Uws t nlfilled. or. Fulton Is curing dally the most obstinate cases of , nervous trouble, asthma being one Of the worst; also stomach, bowel and kidney trouble, par alysis and all forms of rheumatism. Zn ract, she is curing every day the people the doctors have given up! This Is a strong statement, but Dr. Fulton Is making herself famous In our city. ii you are stui sKepticai, wny noi in vestigate? A wise man follows Nature's laws, bnt a fool follows the quacks I wnicn course will you take? One leads to health and happiness: the other to suffering, poverty and misery. It is for you to choose, but a moment's sober ;; thought will convince you that Nature has provided for all her children, and only man has failed to take advantage of her help. Dr. Xnlton is showlna hundreds the way to true health and happiness. If you are suffering', why not let her help yout vmui BVVMI S TO 12 AND 1 TO 5. Other hours by appointment. Rooms and care of patients during treatment if desired. - Of lice XoU2th & Clay Sis., West Side Midway Between 13th St ' and Mt. Tabor Crfrilnes. PHONES MAIN 7223, A-9133. ' Diagonally Across From Old Office JOURNAL BAND At Estacada, Sunday, July 31, The Journal -Band .will give free concert in the park. - FARE 75 Cents Round Trip Trains leave East Water and Morrison streets 5:25 a. m., 6:15 a. m., 6:50 a. m., 7:50 a. m. and hourly until 6:45 p. m. , Tickets must be purchased to obtain this rate. .". Portland Railway Light & Power Company , Painless Dentists One of tern aeopla can bare thIr plate and bridfework Dm Im ooe dof it pnowaary. W five yes gJ 22k g tie er foreite rewsfer $3.53 Volar CrooM 6.1)13 22k8ridgeTatli3.5 Gold Filllnn 1C3 Eiwstl Tilltags tCJ Silver Finings ' Inlay FHHnsa 2.51 3oo4 Rubbtr " , a ' PlttM Oat J Bttt ti Dub - r . aarriitat 7.0 13 HlBBBSWB:BOiSKM(v SaSBSSHMSSl ltSTs. Wilt, rBMSTsaMiMsa SM MaM Mil .rfSAB SB VSSTtlMi ' tlntMExtrttoe.63 WOKK CUARANTEKD TO It IS YEAR nlDlaas utraotum imwma pimot u,.u L ordered. Oonmluttos Vne, TooaBnotBtbe:te rainlea work dona anywhw AU work fully S" Snted. Modern electric unlpaanU metiuxJS, . iWise Bental Ce. iNCORPORaTsn lSiTmZ PORTLAND. OREGON WII0I BOOMi A.K. te t.M. tauUrt. te k SPECXAI, ATTENTION given to restor ing old violins, repairing bows, mando lins, guitars, cello or bass. 3 X C0ATX3, Tiolln Maker sal Jte pairer. f l54 Third St., near Morrieon. Room B. Portland, Or. Many violins are weak on some strings. I strengthen them and equalise the tone. ir Sssa --sssr w tjt rccmvAQFii:JTi::Qcc KjSOUCITS YC'Jn TAT ' ' r.TAm; i 1