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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY SO, 1910. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Clove II.' Madison to Michael lljitnowskl et al, lot 6.. block , Si ni tnnniflh ...... 963 Jul.n Hughes to Jacob J. Lam , breiht, lot 6, block SO. Multno- v EaWYERS Abstract ?rusk vx,room Board of Trad bldg.; abatracU eperlxlty. ' ABSTKAC1 S of title. D. Alexander an- tract nffln ml t:orbett bid. Main PACIFIC Tltla A Trust Co.. th leading Abstractors 204-6--7 Falling bldg. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 63 $1060 Buys lot 18." Wock K Heights, corner of Broadway and 48th et. Improvements paid by owner.. Terms half cash, bal ance 6 per cent, - - S1300 For lot 0 by, 100 with small house, on Sumner et. near L car line, high school. Terms, H $1750 Fine' corner, 100x100, on Mary , land ave.: street grading and ce . ment walk paid byowner. Terms, H cash. bal. ? per cent : James D, Ogdsn 848 Mississippi Ave. . nt Woodlawn 202. C-2008- Look Here For bargains. We have them in city and farm oroperty, acreage. Invest in good locations. See . IAMS & HALL, -21 8 Gerllnger Bldg. LIST your property , with . Charles - I. Lewis, 1 Commercial block, 2d and - Washington. 1 ' : , FOR SALE HOUSES 0 MIElIffiill ' ' Five room modern cottage, lot SOx 100, three blocks from carline. Price $2100, $500 cash, balance easy terms. S room house,, lot 80x111, one i half block from Archer station. Price $U00. Half cash, balance terms. ,. ( f, ; . . F. J, Mitcheltree Anabel Fta., Mt. Scott carline, Phone Tabor 210. ' Only $250 Down : We have 6 new modern 6 room bunga Jows, with full basement and attic: ve neer paneled dining room; frieze ceiling In living; room, with fireplace and book cases; cloak room with full length mir ror; Dutch kitchen; close to car and school; good view. . Take your choice at $2600 to MHO. See ROSS, Owner and Builder, S15 Gerllnger Bldg. , . ';" Second and Alder. ? Phone Main 2801. Res. Tabor 1487. Will take good building lot as part payment at market value. Going to Build? . Let us finance the building of your home, i If you own lot small amount of cash sufficient. Our reputation for well built houses, fair dealing, reasonable prices Is bringing os many client. It will pay to see us. " Northwestern ConsJ, Co. Successors to Portland Realty & Const Co., '. 101-3 Lewis bldg. . Beaux Arts Homes . Artistically and honestly built homes of all styles; they are different from others; let us ligure with you on a Co lonial cottage or Beaux .Arts bungalow. Will build on contract or you furnish lot. or small payment down and balance monthly. BEAUX ARTS BUILDING CO., 201 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. By Owner r,n -1 r??mL" ' i hert" E7th st N.. near E. J Burnslde. 4 bea- 1o. l.t off oooK rnnm ' IWIIIO) niLII aig VH'uv ,v wv. ...( porcelain bath tub, flouble parlors, din ing room, kitchen, pantries, front and rear norches and four fine cherry and 3 apple trees. 3 Terms ; reasonable. C-710 Journal. . . 1 HAVE a 6 room, 6 room, 8 room and 9 room bungalow and a 6 room and 30 room house which you should see before you buy. Strictly first class and modern In good locations on very easy terms. Near new Jefferson High school and public school on the peninsula. U. L. or St. Johns car. Pittinger, 119 Killlngsworth ave. : Also some choice lots on easy terms. SAVEY0UR1MT - We will 'sell you a home and you can pay us1 in monthly payments; we will also build to suit you anywhere in the City. -" .' v- . PROVIDENT INA'ESTMENT ft TRUS- .......... TEE CO. . - . . . 624, 628 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 473. $100 DOWN $1$ each month ' and Interest -' m 7 per cent i . - . Price $2400. . Modern S room bungalow. ROSS. Owner. , , . ? 616 Gerllnger Bldg., - Second and Alder. - . IRVINGTON. . ' SPECIAL. ' - . 7 room house, new, modern, complete In every detail; hard surface district; improvements all paid; E. 9th and Knott; $000; terms. Owner. Wood lawn i:o. WAVERLY HEIGHTS BARGAIN. - New modern : 5-room bungalow Just finished, 32d and .Clinton; all con veniences! $400 wll handlo this; will take automobile as first payment . . . - ' -. ... c. L. SHEETS. 420 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main T778 $100 Down, $25 Per Month, 6 room modern bungalow on lot lOOx 100, two blocks from car. Price $2400. Best bargain In Woodstock. ; ' . , - C. E. HOLLIDAY. ' W-W car to Mann's Station. ' FOUR-ROOM cottatre with bath, pla tered;. electric Hsnts; one .block from carline; must sell; bargain for cash or terms; $200 down; price $1400; Mount Scott car to Gray's Crossing. Inquire for John Howe at Howe's store. Phone Tabor 1430. $260 CASH, $20 per month, buys 6 room . house, lot 60x100 ' feet; nice shade trees; house- is new; on Union avenue. A bargain $2650. Brong-Steele Co., ground floor Lewis Bldg. Phone M-1743 ., ONLY $100 .t6WN . C And $30 per mo., buys new five room modern bungalow on Clinton at, all conveniences. This is a snap. ' ' C.-L. SHEETS. . : - . 420 Swetlnnd Bhlg. Phone Main 7776. THE MAN THAT WANTS ':- "1 A safe investment should deposit his mener with us end receive Interest on toe same, from S to 4 per cent Port land Trust Company. S. B. corner Id andvQalt ste. - $100 DOWN and $20 a month. Including Interest,, buys a fine new, modern 5 room - bungalow; nice yard, cement walks, good neighborhood, near school and car. i jOwner. 630 Worcester block. , men wenjnsts un :w. FOR SALE A bargain: 8 rooih house. 3L100; terms. All new and up-to-date first class, plumbing; close, to streetcar' E. Holladay ave.riet 84th and 86th ets Take Montavilla car, 118 E. 81st st N. AN ideal home for sale cheap; lSSTor - Ida st, southern Portland, by owner 1515 Collumbla st, Vancouver, t Wash I'Hce 81800. Phone Main 964. . $725 $725 ' $725 $100 cash: " Neat 6-room house, small lot, close to car. This is a oargain. - Fred W. Ger man. 329 Burnslde. Main' Z776. Il500 BUYS the . best ousiness corner on Capitol Hill, with store 20x30: 2 Ftory; Jot 100x100. : Owner. Z-688, Jour- ri I. :'- -' ';''' v'""'.'-" ' ' - ,- . FINE room residence; prick basement with a round 40 ft. 6 in.xino: fruit trees; scenery unsurpassed; cen tral -jwrcMtyrwestsiajsMain 6130. WITH Hi hmmes .paving' "id r"4;90rfe st side, aula 6139. -;r, " ' - ' ' . ' ' MUiAtNS In lots and bouses by ewn" r. Terms or trade. , Phone Tabo? LA" I to:.. ins list of modern houses before tiuyiiig. t Jiarlfw I, l,tin, 1S Commer- '. b'-vli. ;M und. Washington. - FOR SALE HOUSES 01 NEAT, coxy cottage on, 60 foot lot, 160 cash. (10 per month. Gregory Invest ment Co.. end of Rote City Park carline. 5 ROOM brick, modern bungalow; bath and two full lots, at a bargain. B Stll and ask for 1511. SIX room residence, modern; 50x100 lot; sold cheap. Owner. 231 Shaver at Furnished houseboat, 3 rooms, $160; , terms. C-72,0, Journal. " FOR. SALE LOTS IMFIOfli We have a choice block of suburban property at 60 per cent below market price on account of owner's need of ready . money. A 'cash payment- of $600 will handle this, and we can as sure the purchaser a profit of 200 per cent on Investment. 1 82ft Chamber of Commerce. , Desirable Buys $300060x100. Raleigh St.. Just west of c 29th st; hard surface pavement, i :' street parked, south front view of mountains, harbor and city. ... . $ 860 80x100. Beautiful Wlberg ' Heights. East 48th st bet Broadway - and Hancock ets.; .t overlooks Laurelhurst and ' city . Improvements all- paid. $200046x100, Gantenbefn ave. near . Russell st.; improvements In and . vpald. A snap. -. SHKFF1ELD & RILEY, 23 Russell hldg. Entrance 162 M 4th st ; 20 acres fine fruit land, partly im proved, 20 miles front city; close to car line; $2500, cash, balance 7 per cent. 160 acre of fine land with about 5,000,000 feet good timber; close to Burlington and Columbia? rivers; $80 an acre; will take some city property In exchange. C. J. Culllson Real Estate Co., 205 Morrison st. ' : T 100X 100 with an alley, corner of Alns- worth duced cash. and Mauory. wortn 3uuu, re to $2600, for a quick sale, half Phone owner. Main 4379. -!; VELl I vont to sell my lot; vot Is 3 bloks mlt the street car, ond It la olmost so big os 2 lots is, ond they vlll masure 83x94 feet, is on a corner of a street. I vill sell It This vay. if you Vont 2 bild a hous ond don't hove so much money, I vlll give you a deed to the lot without Borne moneyf ond 1 vill take a morggage for the price of the lot you con see me In the day, or call up my nephu In tbe evenings, his fone is east 1622 or bee 2126. ' Hawthorne Avenue ' Four fine residence lots, close In, one block from Hawthorne- ave., best car service in city. For a few. days you cari make your own terms on any one of them. ' This .property . will advance In value with completion of Madison street bridge. Owner, Room 609 Couch bldg. GOOD FACTORY LOCATION CHEAP. 100 feet or more frontage, with track age, on macadam street, near manufac turing district of South Portland. Prop. erty faces two streets; good location for blacksmith, etc. This Is for sale by owner who will sacrifice so as to dis pose of property quickly. P-686, Journal. 0I th O. R, & N. raUroad near Union i v, . i, j ,h. i V" V "'" " ." speculation In the city, free us or phone. BKUNU-STlfilSL.!-; CO., Ground floor Lewis bldg, fnones A-1743. M. 1743 1550-FuII Sized Lot Just beyond Laurel hurstj 2 blocks from cars,' In one of prettiest little tracts ever lu via 11ICT-4 new . X UUI V VV IX ' ici inn. Don't pass this up 'Without '-investigate ing. The Hart Land Co., 146 2d st. . . TIME AND TIDE wait for no man, neither does oppor tunities. A lot for $600 and one for $700, 10 per cent down, 2 per cent a mo. Improvements are In and uald. j '. They are In Itose- City Park. , iwiz, Journal. WILL SELL my $218 equity in an lm provd lot on Rose City Park carline! also 2-room house and summer kitchen, jiuo worm or lumDer, an lor .'60. Phone Tabor 1936. - ONLY four more lots for sale on Rose lawn ave. close to Union; 13 new houses going up there; better gt a lot quick. Goddard & Wledrlck, 2.43 Stark st FOR SALE One corner lot 50x100, at - the head of California st In Fulton; $750 cash. A. M, Downing-, 1516 Co- nimota st., Vancouver, vvasn. Lots, acreage and tracts for sale by Wilson & Myers, ertd of - Hawthorne car line. ; TaDor isu Mi ij '!. fV-oi Eft' Ttnt" LOTS. '1150 INSIDE THE CITY. . Railroad addition: fine soil: 17 Kn cash, $5 monthly. Can you beat it 7 Fred w. tjerman, szsjiurnside. M. 2776. MUST-aell my Rose City Park lot undur r coet; car 1 block; high, improvement paid. B-iu, journal. TWO LOTS In Montavlila. each 60x100, for price paid two years ago. Owner, B-2301. - . .' ' EAST front, lot. S9th and Hancock ets., $900; improvements paid. Owner, Main 1192. . . $726 RARE St. Johns buy; two lots on loop; double soon; terms, Phone Jer- sey 1571. .,- - - . BUSINESS corne? lot, 83d and Alberta ets.: Dargam ror casn. rnone C-1550. LOT 50x100, located at 1086 E. 21st st aT.U Uxt T ..4 . n i J Aia . . . nurui. ncfty. xiiijuiiP oo AlPerta BL ACREAGE 07 : Sacrifice Sale Sixteen acreson county - road, near Jennings Lodge statlou, Oregon City carline, $3200, half cash; no trade. This is 60 per cent below market price. In quire of owner, 820 Chamberof Com mereer"" ;. . . - $1500 Almost 8 acres; large house, barn; 2 dozen chtokens, 1 cow, hay and orchard; In small town north of Vancouver; near railroad and prospec tive car line, . Inquire 1130 J5. Tay- .i,.. : . -; - .... J-..'. iur, vtKy, Half Acre, West Side, $750 17 minutes on Oregon Electric: good spring in rear; fine fciace for chickens or ducks; $25 down, baL $10 monthly, X-J898, Journal. .... FIVE acres on ocean beach In Clatsop county, 1 mile south of Fort Stevens; price only $200 per acre, cash; land lies nice for platting. , A C Burdlck, 711 Chamber of Commerce. . FIVE-ACRE tract, $500; ready to plow; easy terms or cash. Oliver Ander son. owner. 317 Hamilton bldg. ' HALF ACRE, Grays Crossing, city wa ter, . $750. Owner, Oakdale Butter Store, 113 First st- ' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 7 ROOM modern home, located in the best residence district of Alameda, California. - A good buy. WU trade ror rortiana property, log 4th st, FOR SALE or trade for city lots, 60 acres partially cleared,' balance tim ber. Write or., call .432. Magnolia st. Woodlawn. i . , TO EXCHANGE Equity in two lots in Kennedy addition tor horse and wagon,' 1102 East 26th st. north. 'F you want to sell, ouy or trade, see . Gfioemaker Inv. Co.. 6ST Henr,r hJ .. . mi KbAt, estate bought sold and ex- LnanK- r call on Chittenden. Oto & Nelll. 310 Oak st ffdii onuitv In A Int.. l "yeif ei son st, fnone Main 612S $350 LajmchTo tra.Ie even for city lot I Glen Chick. 73 AVsco st "lif n Inl.i i mmm 111 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 , - ; FORTRADE, ; For pool hall or "cigar stand, 6 acres on Base Line road, all In cultivation, near proposed new Mt Hood line; easily worth $2600. Will take $2200. Owner, N-6H6. Journal. L ' ' ' ' 15-ACRE improved ranch, house, barn, 2 springs, creek, on good county road, fine soil, 10 miles from" Portland, near electric line; trade for house and lots. : WOLFF LAND CO., ., ; . : - :' 1464 1st st- ; ; I FOR SALE or trade. My equity In a I fine Rose City Park lot. rice $00. I Balance due, $500; easy payments. Will trade for good- horse, lau 6 m. Bin. WILL exchange 4 lots, 4 room house, for rooming house or store room. 203 oerllnger Ding. i WB TRADB for anything, anywhere. See us today. 4U Henry piag. t WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 I WANT 2 adjoining lots, on Mount Scott carline, must be reasonable and very easy terms. Owners only, B--729, journal. WANTED To lease .ranch, . 60 to 100 acres, ready for plow; . must nave plenty water for stock and be near rall- roaa. w-6, journaj, WANTED Ixt 100x100 bn or near Hawthorne ave., from owner; cheap for cash; give location and prlcei M-734, journal. MUST have cash Aui. 1: what will you give me for $543 equity In which re strlcted residence lot? E-713. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 246 acres. J60 acres good tillable land, 70, acres under cultivation, the best of nit vnn nrrefi lnveh excellent fruit land, balance timber and pasture land. itu Bern icnteu, iii,v,u-i".ii -springs, 10 acres bearing fruit, 9-room frame house, large barn, granary, ma chine shed, blacksmith shop, chicken houseT smokehouse and woodsliedu. F. D. and telephone, 8 miles from Oregon City, 20 miles from Portland, good t-oad, terms.- ' xzauu casn, ouuu iur- n y cm a at 4 per cent. $2000 for 1 year at 6 per cent $1200 worth of stock, implements and good -crop go wun tne.piace, . An will bear Inspection. W.- F. SCHOOLKT ft CO., 12 Main st, Oregon City, Or. , 686 acres, r 40 in ' cultivation, 4 m orchard, one 10 room house, one 7 room house. 2 barns; this land lies in a val ley, good dairy and apple land, a good fishing stream crosses the place, on county road. 7 miles from Oregon City; price $32.60 an acre, good terms. 11 acres at Canby, good i buildings, fronts on the river, best of soil; prloe $2600, terms. ,, 16 acres, part In fruit, best of melon land; price $3600, terms. ? ' 10 acres, 8 In crop, splendid soli, near trolley line, for onty ifuu. FREYTAG & SWAFFORD. l. -Near. S. P. Depot. Oregon City. Or. Look This Ud Quick $1000 cash, $500 in one year, balance In 7 years, will buy 160 acres, 80 ready for the plow, &o acres in cultivation, u In timber, balance pasture, all fenced and cross fenced, 2 miles from sta tion; 70 3-year-old fruit trees, 7 room house, 3 large barns, 8 living springs and creek; land lies sloping; good black and red soil; 100 tons hay; 2-3 crop goes with place; also 36 head cattle, creamery nearby; $6000 takes the place. THE STANDARD REALTY. CO., 421 Mohawk Bldg. If; If I Well Improved farm of 102H acres, level land, alluvial soil, 70 acres culti vation; nice 6-room house, good barn, family orchard (bearing): near school. daily mail; running streams. $65 per acre. 'Terms. Y-697, Journal. FOR 8ALE 85 acres. 80 cultivated, 2 H miles R. R.; $7500. 46 acres, 40 cultivated; $4200. 20 acres, 12 culti vated; $1800: near electric line. C. M. Crittenden, Huooaro, ur. FOR SALE Beautiful home, 175 acres stock ranch, 607 acres 'Linn Co. Ad dress M. Shakelford. Crawfordsvtlle, Or. 80 ACRES of A-l fruit land near Mosier $16 per acre; apple belt. C 1L Pig gott, owner, 14 Mulkey bldg. FOR RENT PARM3 it 160 ACRES, all furnished with stock. horses and tools; with privilege of buying -100 tons 'of ' hay, two-thirds. Box 100, Philomath,, Or. - WANTED FARMS 33 Farms Wanted Send us description of yours. IAMS & HALL, 213 Gerllnger Bldg. Write HOMESTEADS LOCATIONS . made ' on ' government homesteads). 402 Commercial block, 2d and Washington. -... '-.v. T- ;, HOMESTEADS near Portland; good land; fees $25 and $50; write quick. Addreea W. H. Hampton, Hullt, Or, FOR SALE TIKDEK S3 NO. 12 T. 240 acres, 200 acres of thia Is solid timber, 40 acres farming land, with house, barn and orchards 60,000 ties, 10,000 pilings; river and- good wagon road running through thia place; all for sale at the remarkablely low price of $6000 If taken at once. - No. 13 T. 19,000.000 feet 20 per cent cedar, 10 per cent larch; within three miles of S. P, R. R.; price $16,000. Apply to TEBAULT REAL ESTATE CO., inc., Albany. Or. - ' We have for sale at a bargain; tim ber In any amount up to 6,000,000,000 feet. Home iana uo.. iaf rirst st, WE are - headquarters for timber and . lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney A Stampher, 581-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. H MINING STOCKS ; C8 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE , MINING, oil and Industrial stocks bought and sold, ' Davidson A Co., i Lewis bldg., Marshall 778, A-1713. 1 MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought 'and old. C. S. Fletcher. 135 Abirgton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 810' Oak. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 63 Snap Today 16 rooms, on 3d st. near CnllerA $1100;. terms; rent $50. ..- 18 rooms on Flanders, near 18th; best buy in Portland, $800. ,12 rooms on 12th st, !$1050; terms. See ua before you buy. ROSE & CAMPBELL. 2704 Washington. Room 14. A-8805. FORTY-ROOM apartment house, mostly light hOUsekeeplnK rooms: eleetrlcltv I a".d ga-9i. .-wlth ... ."WJ. and lot or ranch; others, all sizes. C. J. cuiil'son, 205 Morrison st '" ".1 V. ' " Umh Ji-0K?,t"' :W hm. At nr1rA , iu buji; w uuy, bpii ena exenange. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO- 8is Henry bldg. $165 9-room . roornlng-liouiie; electric Ugnts; close in. Phone gel)wood 1033, $' f f J Oil' TIMBERTMEN ROOMING DOUSES FOR. SALE 63 FOR BALE Furnfture of II room house; fine location; good furniture; clean. Hatfield, 165 4h, st. BUSINESS CMAKCES 20 FOR SALE Photograph gallery dolrig ' good business, central location, 3 oper ating rooms; owner called east on busi ness and has to sell at a sacrifice; worth $1200: .for aulck sale $600. 1300 cash, balance easy. C-714, Journal. IF yon have a moving picture theatre for sale or if you wish to buv or onen one. communicate with a permanent and successful company. . Peonies' Amuse ment Co., 6 10-6 IS Rothchlld bldg., Port- in im, vr. FOR SALE or part trade. General stock. ' InVoice mdse. Nice clean about $3000. In No. 1 up-to-date town. No wlndgalla need apply Address, - s,, iiou rn a i. GROCERY on fine corner; muet sell m auL-ouni oi sicKnesa in lamny; sacri ficed; cash business. See .. t- i - - IAMS & HALL, 218 Gerllnirer bldr.'. nartleulBra. GtVEN away free to those aiiswerlna his advertisem it within sn Anv n map of all the California oil fields. Sa-gar-Loomls Co,. . 70J Oregonlan bldg., rurimnu, iir";on.. A GOOD opening for a good bUcksmith and norseshoer at barton. Ore., will put up a shop; good country to drow rrom.. tan at big store or write Taylor & Stanton" WANTED SO to ,80. room furninhed house, also 12 to 14 partly furnished. . . rosk r!XMPRir:r.T. . , Washington. Room .14. 'Phone A-8806. LOOKING for an opening? Might have ness every description. Louis Furcht. oio rtorncniin oiag. t . WE CAN place yoa in Daytng business: before buying be sure ard see ua Kinney & Stampher, 631-1 Lumber Exchange bldg. A-4881. . FOR SALE Grocery; stock and fix tures must be sold at once; also house and lota ; $2000 will handle, balance easy terms. B-717, Journal. - 3 WANTED to buy small Job printing business in or near i Portland; will consider country papers.' Address L-694, Journal. . i - Investors, call this week at 2 83 U East Morrison street, second floor, and see demonstrated the best proposi tion in Portland. , - ,; HIGHLAND notion store, confectionery, cigars, tobacco: want to go on home stead, good business, rent $16. 1017 Union ave. N. - i ,: WANTED Party with $200 to finance new invention; have patent; on ac count of sickness- devoid , of money. S-692, journal. 1 CONFECTIONERY doing a big business and located on one of best corners of Washington st. Long lease and cheap rent, inquire ivo bi, GROCERY with well established fam ily. trade, will bear investigation; about $6000 will handle it C-718, Jour nal. PARTNER, silent or active, with $160. in a light nice paying business. Call from 9 to 11 mornings, room 450 Mo- nawK hiag. WANTED Man with $126 to open of flce; have location, furniture and list. X-900, Journal. CtOAR 'and confectionery store for sale; can be bought at a bargain If taken this ween. - uwner, zaz sa st. FOR SALE Machine shop and foundry, in good location, not far from Port land. Address T-691, Journal, ON Investment of $1000 you can secure a business paying ou per cent, will bear investigation. B-712, Journal, r FOR SALE At invoice, a good small bakery In a good country town. Call or address 309 wheeler st, Portland. FULLY equipped restaurant in j No, 1 shape tor sale at a bargain. Box 361, Kalama. Wash. i-- , . RESTAURANT Good location; lease; must sell on account sickness; cheap. 103 4th st. --' SMALL hand laundry for sale, good business, will sell cheap. Address O- 6i journal. ' $100 BUYS one of the best paying busi ness in city; suitable for lady, or gent. Call 191 4th t. - ' RESTAURANT and confectionery, good Ice cream location, on east side. Price $260. E-7 10, Journal. " -' LADY wants lady partner in small rest aura n tPrlce$160;ElliJour FOR SALE Business manufacturing proposition. Call 135 Grand ave. , - EACH OF OURc 38,000 issued dally are read by five people so say the experts Imagine a gathering of 190,000 people and you have a mental picture of the daily read ing circle of the Classified Columns " ' OF The Oregon .PHONE. Your Want Ad to The Journal that's the quickest way of getting it before the thou sands of people in every walk of life who read the daily Want "Ads '. OF- ' ' ""' "'"T The Journal's -Advertise anything you want to buy, sell, rent,' exchange;!.; for help, situations, boarders or, in fact, for anything imag inable. You will find some one from amongst our readers who will reply to your want from The Journal's Classified Pages. , The rates are one tent a word per insertion, cash. Minimum ads, fifteen cents. . . Phone Ids 0st you seven cents a line per issue for the following clas sifications: ' Help Wanted, , For Rent or Wanted to Rent, ' Roomsand Board, Lxst and Found. ' : f , ( Your Name In Either Telephone Directory is : : ' Reference Enough For 0s ' STILL LOWER RATES ARE MADE to firms or indi viduals who wish to carry ads by the month. A phone call , will bring a solicitor to your address. . .' Journal Wanteds GetResiiltt Same Rate Applies to Sunday Journal ' "Covert the Oregon Territory Like a Blanket" s; -ASK FORTHE-AET CLERK 20 FOR BALE Saw mill, complete, sit uated six miles above Scio, Ore., Thomas creek. One new boiler 16x66, used one year; one Houston, Stanwood & Gamble engine. 9x12, used one 'year; one '12x12 Russell engine, good repair with all fittings; one American make planer, name New Northwest. 6x24, used two years, with good double leather belts; one heavy 4-saw gang edger;' two cut-off saws; rrtajn line shaft with good pulleys, belting, etc; one pintle chain slab conveyor. 210 feet chain with 'cog gear and chain sprockets; good rachet set carriage with patent dogs, drum and drite line, good saw arbor and shaft with, three 60 inch hoe saws; good fric tion canting- gear: fine log haul with-175 feet new line; two lumber trucks and two lumber cars. Price $2,500. Address Thomas Creek Lumber Co., Sclo, Ore. - FOR SALE, or will lease to responsible ." parties, j our ateam laundry, doing a rood business. $176 to $200 per week; machinery modern and In first-class shape; cheap fuel and rent; other busi ness has to be attended to. Address Dallas eytettm laqndry, Dallas, Or, POOLROOM , with cigars, tobacco and ice 'cream stand in connection, doing A-No. I business, right at transfer point and no opposition with lease on build ing. Inquire 406 awthorne ave. Phone H-2582. f -. ' - ' .. HERE is your chance if- you 'are not afraid of work, to invest $700 casa and manage one of the best manufac turing businesses in city. Will guaran tee $6 per day salary and profits. It you mean business call 693 GUsan st - . First Class Business INVESTMENTS. Our list free. Sto'res. hotels, etc., in and out of city.-, See IAMS & HAblj, 213 Gerllnger ,Bldg " " HELP WANTED-ftlALE, 1 SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; blg- gest nursery in west; , liberal' propo sition; few choice fields open; $50 week' ly easily made.. . Oregon Nursery Co., nrenoo Of. ,. V'"." . . . ' ' WANTED Railway mall clerks;1 Port , land examination No 12; $500 to $1600; preparation free. Franklin In- etitute, dept. zm s., Koonester, N. Y. NEW line sample hats, $1.60. cleaned. blocked. 60c- Ladles' hats remodeled. The Hatftery, 315 Aldet. cor. 6th. Base ment. ' ' o" V $t DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you -high grade-dentistry by liquid air sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, 207 AHsky bldg., 3d and Morrison, - LEARN' operate motion pictures; op erators $36 weekly: easy work. Mo tion Picture School, 526 Washington, pet. letn ana run. MAN to work In blue room, setting up furniture, some experience necessary. Peters Manufacturing Co., 441 , Haw-, tnorne ave. $a PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in practical forms; day and evenlng ses sions. Address Myers, 329 11th t Port land. Main 8612. WANTED At once. 2 men to learn to drive and repaint automobiles. Call 60-62 N.'7th--st ; '.:' GOOD all around farmer wants Job as foreman, of stock ranch (no dairy); Al references. G-716, Journal. . WANTED Experienced budders, good wages. Address Lafayette Nursery Co., Lafayette. Of. HARNESS MAKERS for country shops. Chas. L. Mastick & Co., 'wholesale leather, Front and Oak streets. A LITTLES money makes you your own boss and your, future fortune. C-717, Journal. WANTED TO BUY. - Diamonds, any sise; take old gold for cash. 828 Washington st . WANTEI3 Good solicitors for cleaning and dyeing house, good money if you can do the work. B-719, Journal. LEARN driving automobile, day or even ing, 326 H Washington, Room 417. Mailt 5381. j '" - . - CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call fornla Wine Depot, 289 Yamhill, next to Journal. i WANTED 10 first class machinists for out of town work. Call at room 1, Stratton hotel, cor. 3d and Pine. -COUPON AGENT Best offer in the cltv. R. M. Hogan, 625 Ablngton pidg. WANTED A feeder. Hawthorne Ave nue Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Several Page st. good boys. 146 WANTECv Man riresser ' on ladles' jackets. 148 Grand ave. JOUKMALS Daily Journ al Classified Columns BUSINISS f. DANCES HELP WANTED 3IALE . REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. : ' . ' " ' ' We want good, live men to handle ' BEAUMONT. . . . - . ' ' Our latest subdivision, more' talking points than any other subdivision which has ever been placed upon the market and the genuine value Is there; are pre paring for a good hot campaign; terms easy. Commissions big. ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bldg., 84 4th. WANTED A ..gentleman of t)od aDDearance, excep tional ability, wha dresses well. and enjoys robust neaitn. . - One accustomed tcT earning an Income of $100 a week and over, to present a proposition to the better cIbrs of busi ness menl- permanent position with rapid promotion if capable. . Western Press Association, 226 BoarS of Trade. . MOVING PICTURE ,X , ... ' Theatres are making $10 to $100 dally. Without cost to you we will start you in a moving picture theatre or help -you secure a position where you' can earn $25 to $40 -weekly. - We have the only fully equipped - operators' , school In Portland, and our pupils '.are employed In the best theatres in the northwest. See us first before' making 'arrange ments elsewhere. Rose City Film Exchange-and School of Moving Picture Operating. 626 Wash.- St., near 17th. - A Home and a Job With. Uncle V Sam, Just the Thing for ah Old Cou- nip fcisnn u : 4 House and. two lots In small ' town close to PortW.d, Suitable par rty can easily ' secure VV's Journal. V, postornce, V-698, WANTED Able bodied men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages ef 19 and 85. Must be native born Or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compensation- possible. Food, clothing,, vomers and medical attend ance free." ; After 80 years' eeryice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and al lowances. - Service on board ship- and ashore in all parts of the world, Apply at Breeden bldg., 8d and; Washington st s.. Portland. Or - '- WANTED -iv f Independent or nonunloia .'MACHINISTS-' r UNITED METAL TRADES ASSN., Til commercial Club bldg. OUR motion picture operators depart ment the best on the coast; . compe tent instructors to teach In two weeka make men competent for positions; have applications dally 'lor operators; pays $25 to $40 weekly, - Pacific Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg. WANTED Experienced cracker bakery men. Palf Ic Coast Biscuit Co., J2th and Davis streets.,- , 10.000 POSITiONB , .. -Fot graduates Inst, year; pien and wo men learn barber trace in 8 weeks; help, to secure positions; graduates earn $ U 2B weekly; expert Instructor; tool! free; write for cat a' or. Moler 8stem of Colleges. 3$ N: 4th at. Portland. WANTED Salesman: many make 1109 to $150 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash ipgtor iNursery (jo. voppenisn. waao. INTERNATIONAL CpIiRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS - - 'MOVED ; 233 Alder St. near 2d. Main 6713. WANTED Wood - working machine hands of all kinds, framemakers, stair and cabinet builders; steady work,-winter and summer; apply at once. Segelke 6c K.oninans Mrg. t.o... Lacrosse, wis. IF. your not afraid to' work in order to v earn big. money, can - offer you half Interest Jn established business, experi ence unnecessary, small capital required. van Ytapumpjiun p u, rwm 11." WANTED Party to take hold of res- ' taurant with rooms, an ideal - thing for man and wife, will clear from $35 to $46 per week if properly handled. 687 Union ave. WANTED Salesmen In every locality in the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima . Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wa'i. YOUNG MEN. about 18 years age, . wanted In several positions., OLDS, . WQRTM AN &. K1NG. f ' -.': i ... A.-.iJ., .... .,J ... ., .I-,.-'- WANTED Three high grade stock salesmen, to sell the' 7 per cent stock issue of gilt edge local ' manufacturing company, having entire - Paciflo coast neio, Apply rorenoons; 403 corhett Mdg. ELDERLY man for night - watchman. Apply at once. 148 (Arand ave. UEU' WANTED SLiliEi AND ; -.. .X'fTE3L.LE VXrj.? SB GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write T .1 1 , . , , . , iur x-urviaiiu - vAKiiiirraiiQn seneuuie. Franklin Institute, Dept 243 R, Roches ter. N. Y. ' -; ' WANTED Lady or gentleman to apt as treasurer with road show; $200-required; good proposition. a-711, Jout( nal. ;- v . ". i WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock: out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company.' Salem, Or. ' KAIPLOYMKNT GENCIHl. 00 "cTtThansen & co,, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office. 8 N. 2d at, Fortland. LadleJ' department 7th and Wssh, au , upstairs, Portland. 424 Front ave., Spokane. ' 87-89 4th st, Ban Franclsca . - Established 1871. kANLEYA TRAVERS EMPLOYMENl1 CO peadauurtera ,iJor.tSU.JL. ,wor. t N. d st . t THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT. AGCY, Gen'l employment Mar. . 318. A-2406. BUTTS & ELDREDGE, ; J4H N. Second. A-1291. Main 8205. HELP. .WANTED FEMALE - 2 WANTED Experienced chocolate dip pers; steady work.j . Aldon Cabdy Co,, ' 12th and GUsan, fits. OSTRICH plumes dyed, curled, .made over; Birds of Paradise cleaned, .Now 1s the time. - : OSTRICH PLUME CO., , '.-803 Washington St. WANTED G'rl or middle aged woman to work on ranch at Hood River;: cook for 2 and do 'general housework, 1 mile from town, wages $5 per-week. Address box 32 R. F. v., No. z. Hpoq River, Or. $ 1 DOWN. $1 weekly secures for you , -high grade dentistryby .liquid iar sys ' tern of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, : 207 AIlBky bldg., 8d and. Morrison. ( WANTED Womah i todo cooking and ' general, housework. Call 341 Flan ders. Phono Mam atiua ' WANTED Girl " experienced In , clean ' ing and pressing. Palace Tailors, 353 Yamhill. " .' -:'---'" -. - :. Diamonds, any size; take old gold for .cash..- 3-3- wasnipguin.. Bt. -..v., . WANTED One,fxpelienced polisher, 1 experienced lrqner. V ' Pearl Laundry, 863 Husseu HELP WANTED Palace Laundry Co., E. 10th wlid Everett sts. j - - ' n GIRL for general housework; ..670 Broadway,, corner l-9th. cull at iiOY and clrl to, make hair rolls.' . . East. tb .SouUu.i.-.f-K..C-.w 428 -HELP WANTED FE5L1LB THE GREATER OLPS. WORTMAil A KING STORES - ' ' . ' need the services of large number or experienced saleswomen in, all depart mentsf especially In ,-,: .' GROCERIP:S. JEWELRY, GLOVES. MEN'S FURNISHINGS,' NOVELTIES. PICTURES,- ONE WHO CAN TAKJ3 FRAME ORDERS. ART NEEDLEWORK. ETC. ; X , GIRLS AND , YOUNG WOMENf 1 years of age and Over, -who wish the. opportunity to enter a business career. - OLDS, WORTMAN & KINO, . WANTED Waitress, at Swetiand'a. 269 1 Morrison st - , SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 1 MUNICIPAL. ' ' ' !EE-IEl!PILWiEOT--KiIE 870 MADISON. BET. 3D AID 4TH. MALE AVO FEMALE HELF. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYKB OR v EluPLOYE. . , ' MAIN , 0555. A-5624, - ' , ATTENTlbN Small business man, f -who doesn't have time to keep books , and ' wishes to , know standing , of his business, "JL will ' keep them . for you; chargect rU.sonable;, Interview solicited. Z-695, Journal; . . ' , - - . - CARPENTER work wanted of every de scription: 'jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specialty. , Cummlngs & Catlln, 371 First at Marg'Wall 2327. LINOTYPE machinlstToperator-prlnter wants job near beach.: Phone Main 7353.) 07 Harrison, 1 Portland. . . GOOD experienced man, attend plasterer, mortar ana cement worn. - -none jasi 3883. .- ,- WANT cesspool work; drain tile, septic ;. A Mnanloltvi oil Wirlf. . nflWl Tltl V done, phone' Sellwood l44. : WANTED Young manwisl)es. nosltion as collector; referenpes.'C-Ua. Jour nal. WANTED Position as elevator man; ; have naa experience. ' txig, journal. CARPENTER, builder, new or repair work, day or contract.- senwooq iyiz. EXPERIENCED violinist wants work. AddreMS J. L. II.. 308 3d St. CARPENTER work, any kind, day br . contract. Phone Marshall 2327. rruATioNa female EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes po- sitlon in . ' Iirst-ciass aresaraaamg parlor, will sew by day or at .home. fnone wain ini, can rom e. WANTED Curtaina to launder; con tracts and terms to fliotela and apart ment houses; called for and delivered. Phone Woodlawn 2684. - YOUNG lady with some office, experi ence, first class stenographer and typist would like . a . steady position. F-719, Journal. 1 - : ; PUBLIC STENOGRAPID2R. , Ill iiixperienuea. xvaic cDui,au, Commercial blk., city. WANTED A position as housekeeper, by a young banish widow, with ona cniia H yeara oia.- m-iaa, jwurwi. A WIDOW LADY with good suburban knm. wnniH lliia thi enm of one or. two children. 683 BldweU ave., Bellwood. WANTED Position to cook for eight to 12 men. . camp, rancn, urtwn Phone M. 3961. ' WOMAN wants work by day. Phona Mrs. Thompson, Woodlawn 1864. DRESSMAKTNO 40 FAMILY sewing. and dressmaking b day! $1 and car fare. East 2397. ' - FURNISHED ROOMS - - - i WEST SIDE . TWO large furnished first floor room!, suitable for two ; gentlemen each. Phone, bath, electric lights. 268 Chap man. '''' ' -v 147 H Bin eL, room $1.60 ud per wcea, Free phone and bath. Main T7M. $2 and $3 single and double rooms, neatly furnished; light and airy. Call 609 Morrison st. THE TEMPLE 343 Yamhill St.. op- rooms Tents reasonable: transients. NICE furnished rooms for 1 or 2 per sons; centrally : located. 813, Thir teenth st. FURNISHED room, use of kitchen, .bath, electric lights, for working girls. $12 month. 107 ntn si. DESIRABLE furnished rooms; Urge, light and alsy, reaKonable rent 254 12th. Phone Main 7779. NICELY furnished' front room; three windows; bath and phone; rent only $16. 432 Montgomery. A-7358. LARGE front room, Suitable for two; everything modern.. 4,36 Taylor at FUKNISHED roomt $8 month walking distance. 41i Vtn, qorner nan. NEATLY furnished rooms, $2 and $3. Both ohones. 808 10th. Main 928. FURNnfflSD rooms in private family; gentleman preferred. 358 Grant st FURNISHED rooms, suites or single, gat and electric lights. 357 12th St. NEATLY furnished rooms, , .quiet and homelike, private. Phone A-4681. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE . ' 82 PARLOR, dining- room, front t bedroom, clothes press,, bath, In private family, first floor, one block from carline; gas, lawn, use of phone, some use of kitchen. For adults only. ; Call phone East 8958, or tnnnlre. 802 E.' Ash. TWO newly furnished rooms, walking distance to Washington st. 855 Has- tain mt.- Phone. C-2276. NICELY furnished. suitable ! for 4 - vnnnfir men; reasonable; , close in. aiaiA T? Burnslde. corner Grand ave. SUITABLE for 3 young men, .reasonable! cioso in, Grand ave. - 892 E. 'Burnaide, comer ' ONE furnished room, bath and gaa, $8, Z 9 rargo, St., u. car. ; UNFURNISHED ROOSIS 10 J-Ii-Ii,-'" 1 - - - 1 - 2 SUITES of large unfurnished rooms, 1st and 2d floors. 223 W Pine st. cor I't:;;,',;;;:; - UNFURNISHED rooms from 2 to 10 rooms, cheap rent, 795 1st, cor. Qltros.' : ROOMS AND BOARD 15 i n ,- -. i .-.-.,-.- i . , ROOMS for rent'-'ntca, furnished rooms, for gentleman only, with private family: room arni-breakfast, $4 per-.week.--1116 E.-Tavlor.-1-Y" "r ?-.t."--''i";.'fv: "'1T'-i ' NltE front roOm with .board in private, family; strlcyy home ; cooking; rea sonable. : rnone wooaiawn laaur NEATLY; furnished room, ( with or . .':. without yboard;, bath and phone; rea- sonpbie. . 208 orant st. Main 5tm. IjAKGE , front rooms, home .cooking, ; reasonable; gentlemen preferred. , Tiiain ' 7016. 'V.. : ', ROOM and board, private ..Close in. all convenience!.' Ziz in. ain Bt. HOTELS HOTEL ? FOSTER Portland's newest ; , medium prlced fireproof.' hotel; 194 rooms; team neat, not ana com run- and $1; full half block; 247-210 Davis St., :2d tO'Sd --- r-' : " ' HOTEL PORTLAND European , plan only: is. aav. VALLAMONT FurnUhed rent' 378 Yamhill. room. . for SBELVEDBKE. European. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING -ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 THE NEWCASTLE, 402 3rd; furnished,'' phone, not water. ; TWO nice front housekeeping rooms, . furnished. 458 Bin st. ii a month. LARGE, .clean room,, f umlHhed complete for housekeeptm?.- eai.xnurman st, TWO nice furnished houtspkeepini rooms only liu per mnnin, mm iwt st. s. MITCHELL Housekeeping room; Uht, gas; moderate. '7th & Flanders. A-4076 - A