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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1910)
t THE OREGON DAILY ioURNAL, 1 PORTLAND, ' SATURDAY EVENING, JULY SO, 1910. W LATEST ; HALF M MORE ADDED 10 PIE OF BUTTER One Maker Puts Value -Up to 35 1 -2c Pound for 2 Pound , Squares; general Advance . for Coming Week. . Kuut to aYoc wu. : w On Monday morning there will be a general advance M the price of butter to 84c, for cubes; This wllj make the price on that pack ; J4c a pound. Extra charge will . be made as usual for email prints 4 and delivery. An' advance of a half cent a pound Is being charged for beet creamery butter by some ' local . makers. The price therefore is as high as 85e for two i pound squares. s ', " The advance is not general but Is ex- fiected to be shown the first of the com ng -week. . . . ., . The make of butter locally Is de creased greatly and local ereamerymen state that they are experiencing consid erable difficulty in filling orders. According to a prominent m butter maker, the output of this product in Oregon the past season has been actu ally smaller than any normal season up to three or four years ago while. the demand has shown a heavy Increase. Country store butter is holding-firmer and while the average quality fails to bring more than 23 Wc a pound In the Front street market; something better will sell at a slight premium, ,; -..f; " " , " '.",;.; Cucumbers Too Plentiful. , Cucumbers are too plentiful In the local market at . this time and values are low. For, the larger sizes, hothouse stock Is selling at 36a to 60c a dozen and for the medium ones sales are generally at 80c to 26c f , Canned Milk Is Scarce. : Canned ml'k quotations are showing a further advance for some brands but the best known ones are still selling at 14.05 and $4.10 per case. There Is a great scarcity of supplies and further rises are expected. Chickens Move Slowly, Chickens showed a alow movement during the past 24 hours although few codps will e carried over. Trade is about as dull as for some weeks. FRONT STREET QUOTATIONS Hops. Wool and Bides. HOPS "1909. prime to choice, 12e; r rime, 'lie; medium, 8QJ10C; 110 con rurte. 12ft. . - i WOOL Nominal, 1910, Willamette . vllev IfieiSr" eastern Ore eon. 1217c 6H6EV8KINS Shearing. 1026o each; ehort wool. z6 60c; medium wool. 60cIl each;, long wool, 76c I tl. ?h each. '-y,v fr.,-; TALLOW Prime, per ; lb.y eef No. I end crease, 2i0. : : , CHITTIM BAfiK 1909 Nominal 8c: 1910. 4c. HIDES Dry hides, 16 014 He l(b.; green. 614 7 He; bulls, green, salt. 6o lb.; kips. H7Hc; calves, green, 12 13c per lb. .. MOHAIR Nominal; 1910. SPS2o. Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER Extra creamery, 3535c for 2-lb. squares, l3o for cubes; store, 22H24Hc BLfTTER PAT P. o. b. Portland, per pound: Sweet cream, 31Hc; sour, 29 He POULTRY Mixed chickens, 16 lHc; hens, lHlTc; stags, 14c; broilers, I7cr fryers, 17c; geese, old, 11c; ; young, 1814e; for . live ducks, young, '15 16c old, 15c; turkeys, fcUve, 2021e; . dressed, ( ; pigeons, squabs, $2 60 dozen; dressed chickens, l2e fc "pound higher than alive. EGGS Local No. 1. 27H28e; No. 2. 26Hc: at mark. 2O025c; eastern. 25c. CHEESE New Oregon fancy full , cream. 17 H" 18c; triolets and daisies, 1718c; Young; Americas, 18 H 19a Grain, Plour and Bay. WHEAT Nominal Old, Track club, S8c; bluestem, 96 96c; Willamette val ley; 90c; new club, 86c; bluestem, 92 BARLET Producers price 1910 Peed, 123; rolled. 925; brewing, $24. . C IN Whole, 83; cracked, $37 ton. ' HAY Producers, price 1910 Timo thy, fancy, 11718; ordinary, J16; east ern Oregon, S19 20; mixed. I1416; clover. No. , sl3; wheat 114; cneat 114: alfalfa. $14. ' MI LLSTuFFS Selling price Bran, ' 821.60; middlings, 830; shorts, 322.60, chop, 319 25. OATS Spot delivery, new. producers' price Track No. 1. white $27 28; v gray. $2627. - . 7' FLOUR Old crbp, patents. $.35; Willamette, $5.40 per bar-el; local straight. $6.20: bakers. $6.206.35; ex port grades. $4.00; graham, H sack. : $4.80; rye. $5.75: bales. $5.15. -7 ' Pmlts and Vegetables. FRESH FRUITS Oranges Valen cies. $4.004.60 box; bananas, 5Ho lb.; lemons, J6.00 8.00 box; arape fruit, $3 80; pineapples. $2.604.O0 doz.; can taloupes, $2.603.0flj peaches 3686c; plums, . 60 75c; cherries. 12 ftc; Lam, berts,, 14c; Wiermelons, $1.00; grapes, . . BERRtSS -. Loganberries, . I1.SS: biacKcaps, 11.asa1.6O raspberries. $1.7602 per crate of 24 boxes: hlnrkh.r. rlen. $1.50. I'OTA TOES New, $1.25, ' VEGETABLES New turnlos. tl.OO 125; beets, $1.0091.26; carrot. 11.00 e)'l.26 sack: cabbage, $l,8i6)B per cwLi , tomatoes, California. 6060c; local, 75 ws&c; oeana, 2qsc per lft.; horseradish. 12Hc; green onions, 15020c per dozen; reppers,, bell, lO12He per lb.; head lettuee, 1520c per dozen: hothouse. 7bc box; radishes, 1012He dosen uunnies, ceiery, i.uu OOien; eaK uikki, , cucumpers, local, 60c ONIONS California, $2.60; 10c per lb. garlic. 7 APPLES New, $1.001.75. Orooeries, Vnts. Etc. SUGAR Cube, $8.65; Dowdered, $6.25; fruit or berry. $6.25; dry granulated, $6.25; conf. A. $8.05; extr B, $5.56; golden o. $6.60; 0 yellow, $5.65r beet 16.05: barrels. 15c; half barrels, S0o: uyjifn. hoc ouronci uu nacH oasis. Dove qootatio.u are 30 days net . .easn nuoiaiions. . RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 4He: No. 2. 6Hc; New Orleans aead. 4?47c; Creole. 6c. BALT Coarse Half ground 100s, .t per ron; bus. is.uo; table aalrv SMITH Will. PAT YOU 10. for Dressed Veal. 12V4 for Dressed Pork. 164 for Live liens. - 164 for Live Spring Chickens. Smith never charges commission. You get AU. your money when you ship to Smith, Tow don't divide with the middleman. Address all shipments TXXVX X.. SMITH MEAT CO "Tiirbtiir te Beef TrnsV - VOflXIa.D, OKEGOIT. " H MEWS AH SELLING AT LOW VALUES; Heavy Increase in Arrivals Re cently Adds to Congestion of the Market Here; Some as Low as 50c Crate, v Apricots are being soldi at prices that are below the cost or transportation from the farms. . Four basket crates were . sold as low as 50c during the past 24 hours, and this, too, was for fruit or rainy gooa quality. . ttecenuy tnere were very neavy snip- ments In this fruit from the Wenatchee country.. Some of the supplies were of excellent quality, but a large per cent of the shipment was only fair and some was very poor. j Local cots are in gooa conamon, ana tha Heat nf lh An helnf Bold In & small way as hirh as 90c and $1, 4 crate.' Taken as a whole, the entire market is exceedingly dull at this time, and values are the lowest for like qual ity in many years. Some dealers attribute the dullness and low prices on apricots to the great er supplies of other fruits that nave recently been forced upon - the local trade. , , .- PRICE OF PRODUCE - AT SAN FRANCISCO "pltet lre LeiMd Wlre. San Francisco, July 30. Wheat- Australian, $1.751.80; Sonora, J 1.75 1:80; rood to choice California club. $1.62HS1.67HJ northern wheat, blue- stem, $l,75(g1.80; club, $1.62H(il.67H; Turkey, $1.70 1.76; Russian red, $1.62 H 01.65, Barley Feed, good to choice, $1.10 1.12 H; poor to fair, $11.05; new ship Diner. 31.11U01.15: Chevalier, nominal. Eggs California fresh, Including cases, extras, 32c; firsts, 30c; seconds, 23c; thirds, zoc. . : . Butter California, fresh, extras, Slttc: firsts. 29c: seconds. 28c. New cheese California flats, fancy, 14Hc; firsts, 13Hc; seconds, 12Hc; Cal ifornia Young America, fancy. 16 He rirsts. 16c; Oregon, fancy, 1SHC. . Potatoes New river whites, choice, per box, 6013175c; extra, 75 tf 85c; per cental, i up 1.10. ' Onions Fer sack. $l.50a.0. Oranges Per box. choice, $31.60(92.60; extra choice, $2.608.26; Valenclas, fancy, wwi choice, $22.50. . r SEATTLE PRODUCE ; PRICES FOR TODAY (United Prewi Lessed .Wire.! ' ! Seattle, July 30, Butter Washing ton creamery, firsts, $4c: ranch. 25c: eastern creamery, 32c; process, 28c; Ore gon, 32c, '-. r . Eggs lxcal ranch. 28c; eastern se lected. 28c; Oregons, 80c. - S Cheese Tillamook twtns and triplets, 17H 18c; Wisconsin twins. 1818Hc; Young Americas, 19c; Tillamook Young Americas, 18c. a . :, Onions Texas Bermudas. $1.26 per crate; Walla Walla, $2.252.50 per crate; California, 22Hc per pound. Potatoes Fancy graded. , $1218: fancy eastern- Washington, $1201: new California whites, $1.60 1.75 per 50s. $18.00; 100s. $17.00: bales. $2.2: extra fine barrels, 2s, 6s and 10s, $4.00 5.00; lump rock. $20.50 per ton. BEANS Small, white. 4c: lare. white. 4; pink, 7 He; bayou, $7.86; Llmas. $5.80; reds, $7.85. - kuwey New, 13HC per It. i Meats, Pish and ProTiatoaa. . DRESSED Front street hntra fannv 13c; ordinary, 12 12 He: veals extra. 1212Hc; ordinary, 12c; spring lambs. llHc; yearling lambs, 10c; mutton, 80. HAMS. BACON. KTC Hams. !0 22c, breakfast bacon. 20 30c; boiled ham, 2729c: picnics. cottage roll, - -); regular short Vliars. emoked. nacas, smoKea. ishia; pickled ton sues 40c lb. IjAKD Kettle iear. 5s. I7c ner lb. steam rendered. 6s, 16Hc per lb.; com pound. Bs. 12c per lb. , ox o TKKo -onoatwater bav. ter . Ion. $2.25; per 100 lb. sack, $5; Olympla, per gallon. $2.75 per 100 lb. sack. 7 .bo: cajinea eastern. 5&0 can: J5.50 aoit: eastern in shell. $1.66 per 100. FISH - Nominal Rock cod. lOe: flounders, 6c; halibut, 9c: strlpd bass, 16c, catfish. 10 lie: fresh Chi nook, ll12c lb.; blueback, ll12c lb.; soles, 7c: - shrimps, lie: perch. 7o; tomcod, ( ) : lobsters. 26c ; herrlngii, 6c; black bass, 20c lb., sturgeon, 13c per lb.: silver smelts. 7c lb.: black cod, 7 C; crabs (out ot season); dressed. snaa, tc; roe enaa, gc: snad roe, 30c if CLAMS Hardshell, per box. 4c lb.: raxor clams tout' of season). TURPENTINE In cases. 76c: bar reis, 69c per gallon. Paints, Coal OIL Zto. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., $1.01j cases. $1.06: boiled, bbls.. 31.03: cases. $1.08: per eanon lots 01 zao canons, lc lees: oil cake meil (none In market). BENZINE 8 degrees, cases. ISO er gai.; iron oois., per gai. WH IE L1AU ion lots, 70 BS id., suu 10. lots, so per 10.; less iota, uc per 10. w. - ,,. . COAL OIL Pearl, astral and star. 18a per gallon; eocene, 21c gallon; elalne, zso gallon; neaaugnt, ie gallon: ex tra star, 21c gallon; water white, bulk, lltt16c per -allon; special water wnite. 160 gauon. GASOLINE Red crown and motor. 1825c gallon; 80 gasoline, 8087H gauon; v. m. napntna, 14(1220 gauon. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland Banks. Clearings today ,.$1,655,296.37 1 ear ago 725,524.83 iv $ 729.771.64 Balances today ......,...,$ 259,671.51 Year ego ................. 116,854.70 Seattle Banks. Clear! ties today ........... . $1,643,775.00 Balances toatty 147,336.00 Bpoaane Bancs. Clearings today .. ......,$ 668.705.00 Balances today , .78,430.00 Taooma Banks, Clearings today ........ ... .$ 850,107.00 Balances today ......... . . . 41,785.00 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET (Furnished by Qverbeck & Cooke Co.) new iotk, juiy au. cotton marxet: Ooen. High. Lowf Close. January 1 ebruanr .1349 1344 . 1231 1342(t3 13430)45 134748 136062 151819 1412(ft13 March 1847 .... .... May .......1345 1348 1345 . August .....1623 1625 1515 September ..1413 1416 1406 October ....1365 1365 1349 1360(66 13506: December i.1360 lzil 1338 1350)61 Marriage License, . (Special Oltpiteb u Tne JooroaLt Oregon City, July 80. A marriage license ..was issued from the county clerk's office yesterday to EdmOnd Dickson and Miss Ethel Stakely, SUPPLIES HEAVIER dDF, WdDISMD'S RMMETS 1910 ONIONS (IF STATEHAVE IDE Sizes Are Small for First Ar rivals, but Quality Is Good Dry Weather Is Affecting Size of Yield. . , New crop Oregon onions have made their appearance in the market, and Increasing supplies are anticipated dur ing; the next two or three wetks. : . First arrivals were naturally of small else, but were well matured. Therefore they found . instant demand within fraction of the highest quotation. Dry weather is affecting the onion crop in this state, and semi-official in formation that the yield will be some what under previous estimates has been brought to this city. The onion market is firm, both locally and elsewhere, although some attempts are- beintr made by northern people to , 1 .... Tir.11.'. Tir.llH I. whip hand Just at present, and growers there are naturally inclined to hold for present prices. As 'they have almost a monopoly of present supplies available for northwest consumption. It is not known Just how dealers will be able to buy for loss Just. now. , New York, July 80. Lower prices prevailed in the stock market today as a result of the strength In wheat, oc casioned by the damage reports. Trad ing was small and total sales for the day were btit 242,700 snares. The action of the Acme Cement Co. and the probable action of the Sloss Sheffield company iu dodging the divi dend caused general weakness to vail in industrial shares. ' Missouri Pacific earnings for the third ween . or July show an increase of $80, 000, , ' Denver & Rio Grande for the third week of July showed an increase In earnings of $701,000. Southern Railway for the same period Increased $160,378. j Canadian Pacific net earnings V for July increased $829,491, The Wall Street Journal says In Ita summary today: . Better rains reported In parts of the corn belt ' Pennsylvania settles all wage differ ences with employes west of PlttRhurv. London market closed today and Mon- Twenty-seven banks of New York City unite to form an emergency cur rency association under the terms of me vreeiana law. Bradstreets reports general feeling vi optimism as 10 tne ruiure despite crop losses which are being scaled down. Duns Review savs there is a. nntahln Improvement In business confidence due to recovery in security prices. . wreaier acuvjiy in wooiens. , ., Bethlehem Steel report for six months ended June 30 the best since 1905, show ing 7.8 per cent on common stock. central L,eatner earnings for current year expected to show seven per cent on common. , . , Ran are of New York nrleea furnlaheA by Overbeck & Cooke company: uescriptton Open High Low I Bid Amal. Copper Co.J 62H 62HI61H Am. C. & P., c ao pro Am. Cotton Oil, c Am. Loco., c. . . . . Am. Sugar, c. ... Am. Smelt., c.... Ana, Min. Co 66H 96 ii 64 S8 94 U Am. Woolen, 0.. . Atchison, c Haiti. & Ohio, or. Brooklyn R. T.. Canadian Pac, c. Cent. Leather, e. 108" 108 74 i 73 ,184 183 31 21U Chi. & G. W., c.j. 30 21 cm. M. 8. Paul 8. L. A 8. P.,' 1st p 121 14 119 Ol. Lj. & . w c bo.' Pacific, c. So. Railway, e. H1H do pfd 60H 26 Texas & Pac.. T., St L. & W., c ao pra ....... Union Pac. e... 169 ,do nfd . U. S. Rubber, c. do nfd U. 8.. Steel Co., c 67 oo pia Wabash, c . . . . my do nfd . 1 1 . 33 C. & N.. c 141U Chesa. & Ohio. . 71 2H III J . & I.." c. c. a, c do 2d, pfd . . . do 1st. nfd . . Corn Pro.-c... 1 ! " 13 do pfd D. & ft. 0.. c.... 28H 69 22 28 ao pra Erie, c. 69 22 do 2d, pfd ... do 1st. Dfd... 37 37 1231123 36 O. N., pfd ..... 122 127 111. Central ... I. M., c 16 44 Mo nfd Louis. & Nash.. 135 M., K. & T.,c... ao pra Distillers Oar Lands . . . , 60 Missouri Pac . National Lead , 61 49 jn. r. i;en ..... N. Y. O. & W. 110 H 40 iNorwoir & w. c Norfolk & W. p in. American N. Pacific c. 115 116 114 Pacific M.'8. Co Penn 127 126 V. Peo. G. I & C. 106 105 Pressed 8. Car c Pressed S. Car p Reading c. Reading Bp.. Reading 1 p.... Rep. I. & S. p. . Sock Island o.. Rock Island p.. 29 29 136 136 134 28 29 eo 39 St. ia. & S. F. Z p w. u. Telegraph Wis. CentraL c. Westlnghouse , . Beet sugar.,... Utah Copper..,. 28 44 28 43 Third Avenue.,. 9 V Ice Securities. . . 18 26-, 18 Cons. Gas.i. .. . . izs Bie Four....... Railway Springs. ' do pfd. . ...... 29 0 Virginia Chemacll 68 do Did .... . . K. City Southern 2 Gen. Electric. , , , Wheeling Lake E Allis Chalmers. . ' dopfd.,.,.;. Am. Can:,, , . .. . " do "pfd. . . . , .. . 8 8 8 rr TfT Nevada Cons. . . . 19 40 19 19 40 O. W. pfd. . 40 Total sales, 242,700 shares. King George V has approved the re constitution of the royal commission on mines to inquire into the hea'tb and safety tne woriters. mm she LOIR PIES TODAY IN NEW YORK STOCKS HOP OUTLOOK IS FOR 9HI1 Size of the Yield Is Likely to Be 10 Per Cent Smaller Than t Previously Expected Accord ing to Dealers. Very dry weather is greatly affecting the hop crop of Oregon. Information to this effect- is being daily brought to this , city by growers and visiting aeaiers. 80 'far as present indications allow, the 1910 crop of hops In this state, will be of . excellent quality,, but ' there Is every Indication Just now that the size of the yield will be curtailed from the estimates generally given out by deal ers a short time ago, ' Then it was believed that the yield In Oregon this season would reach a total of 100,000 bales, but this esti mate Is now being cut practically 10 per cent by most dealers. ixaturaiiy. moss wno nave - nop con tracts at low prices are tearing down the estimates for the coming crop as much as possible, but at this time there appears to be some cause for their talk. With the exception of an occasional Inquiry front eastern brewers and from England, which has resulted in nominal business here recently, there has been nothing of Interest in the trade situa tion here during the week. Most of Arrivals in Yards To day Are From Gem State; . Prices Holding. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hog. Cattle. Calves. Sheep: Sat Frl. ...... Thurs. . . . Wed Tues. ... . Mon Week ago. 572 839 105 892 103 30 IS 'i 152 lit 14 e . 88 44 2476 289 183 - 231 1489 840 62 3157 Portland Union Stockyards, North Portland, Or., July 30. A heavy run of hogs put in appearance In the yards today, most coming from Idaho. For selected quality xne price wan main1 talned at 110.25 but most of the ar rivals came under this and sold at no in - There was a heavy run of cattle dur ing tna flflv ana lor Eooa nun me mar ket remained at high prices although values were not so stiff for Inferior quality.'- ;':; M f"- Sheen ana lamos neia urm a xoriaer values. , : , Among1 na Biuppen. Dinbat Bros, had a load of hogs from Bertha, 1 C Leifer shipped two loads of sheep from Harrlsburg. . ' . , ... Steutoff Bros, sent in a ioaa 01 came from Salem. -y:.- v. J, E-Colton et V. snippea xwo iobqb of cattle. ."' '1 J W. L. ShattucK naa a ioaa 01 nogs from. Idaho Falls. . . F. A. Mllner sent in six loads of hogs from the same place. M. Murphy was in irom ixampa, iaano, with three loads of cattle and calves. George Dixon shipped four loads of cattle and calves from, Weiser. Frank wann. tne nuDDara snipper naa a load of sheep on 'today's market . J. E. Edison brought a mixed load of cattle and calves from-811 verton. J. E. Reynolds of Condon was orrer ing four loads of cattle and hogs. - "Latest Livestock- sales. Following are official transactions. They represent demand, supplies ana quality offering: Av. lba. Price, $4.76 4.25 4.25 6 20 5 910 ,.io67 COWS. 8 cows ................ 83 1 cow ................. 970 18 cows 0 STAGS. 1 sUg ... ...1370 $4.00 ' 8.00 $.76 $4.25 $10.25' 10.10 10.10 80 hogs I 68 hogs , 132 hogs .......... ' 120 hogs , 65 hogs y 81 hogs .. ...' 21S 218 206 20T 10.10 10.10 N 10.10 147 194 183 10.10 General range of the livestock values as shown byafctual sales: .... CATTLE Best Oregon steers, $6.00; .in.rv utaern. t5.705.75: common steers. $4.25; cows, best $4.65; fancy, $4 60? Poor, $3.50; heifers. $4.755.l5; bulls, 13.00 3.75. ' , HOGS Best east of , the mountains, m 20(8)10.25:' fancy. $10.15; stockers f...r 19.00. " . SHEEP Sheared, best jwth ers. $4.25: old wethers, $3,25(3.50; spring lanlbs, f 4.60(S).o; ewes; jj.xsai a en . - . - ...... . .. . CALVES Best, i.75; ordinary, $5.60 05.76: poor, 84.0QCTB SOi OMAHA HOGS DOWN QUARTER AGAIN (Rnertil DliDitrh to Tut Jnnrnat.) South Omaha, Neb., July 30. Cattle Receipts, none. steers, i.8uoh-i; rowa and heifers. $4. 755.75. Hoes Receipts. 9300; market, 25c lower - Bulk of sales. $7.607.75. gheep Receipts, none; market, un changed. Yearlings. $5.005.5O: weth ers, $3.854.25: lambs, $6.507.Q0; ewes, 2.75 3.75. , : THEATRE MAN FALLS AND SPRAINS ANKLE Louis B. Christ, the treasurer of the Orpheum theatre, Is confined to hU home suffering from a severely sprained ankle, sustained in a fall from the Six teenth street car at a point where re pairs are being mad to the track.4 Mr. Christ stepped into a ditch and fell. The attending physician says it will be three or four weeks before he will be able to get about except on crutches. - Clackamas Couple. Wed. V. - (Special DUpctcb to The lournaLt Oregon City, July SO. A duiet wed dins" occurred in the office of Justice -of the"" Peetee, SampeewfeseeTdayTtf j ternoon, when Eamona uickson " and Miss Ethel Stakely, Of Clackamas Sta tion, were united in holy marriage. Only the bride's father, Thomas Stakel, and a friend, Mrs. Alex Robinson, were present; --v" ;- . ".y.,. Journal Want Ads bring results. LACK OF EtAIH HURT HOGS FROM IDAHO IN GOOD SUPPLY GROWERS HOLDING FOR HO PRICES WHEAT MARKET Are Excited Over First Sales and Therefore Demand More Than Dealers Say They Can Afford to Pay. Iforthwesi Crop Weather. ' ' Portland and Vicinity Fair to night and Sunday; northwesterly winds. - . Oregon Fair tonight and Sun day; northwesterly winds. Washington Fair tonight, ex cept rain extreme northwest por tion; . cooler northeast portion, Sunday-fair; westerly winds. . Idaho Fair tonight and Sun day. Wheat Trade Stagnant? Practically no buatneaa la rennrfed In th wheat market either locally or else, where in the Pacific northwest, while some newspapers are still quoting- $i a uuanei ior Diuestem, u remains a ract that not a single sale has been made at tnls figure. Even at 99o only one transaction was reported and this is believed to be merely to test conditions. High prices have excited the growers and they are inclined to hold for values wnicn tney believe themselves entitled to. Dealers say they cannot pay these usrures ana tnereiore the deadlock con unues unoroKen. . .-. e Considerable strength remains In the local oats situation and some who have urgent orders to fill are said to have raisea tneir quotation again. The ad vance is not general -- Barley market is quiet though steady at $23 a ton track delivery for No. 1 The Peninsula " band will give the first concert of the season in the Pen Insula Pack from 1:80 o'clock to 4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The park has been attractively fitted up for the comfort of visitors. At an expense of $2500 swings have been placed for chil dren and every day from 600 to 600 tots make use of them. The park has not yet been supplied with water and the grass is commenc ing to dry up. The water board has let a contract to furnish the park with water, but owing to the fact, that the contractor has until October to lay the mains, the park will not be benefited at all during the present dry weather. It Is hoped that some means of reliev ing the situation can be found imme diately. 1 : V V Lightning struck and tore a big hole in the Christian Science church at Mer rill, but did not set it on fire. PENINSULA BAND IN -FIRST CONCERT SUNDAY lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS . PORTLAND, OREGON Capital, i OFFICERS. O. K. Went worth, President John A. Keating .Vice President Oeo. Zo McPherson..... Vice President H. D. Story. . . . . . .. ..... .... . .Cashier ' P. A. Freeman... ...Assistant Cashier Graham Dukehart... Assistant Cashier IMMD)) H)8I! mm fr U. )(I5l(fi?t Oldest Bank on Capital fully paid . ... $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $600,000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. Ladd, President Edward Cookinghara,Vice-Pres. W. H. Duncldcy, Cashier. Interest paidnJirrie.cpQsits Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and individ ' uals solicited. Travelers', checks - for sale "and V drafts issued available in all countries, of Europe. iraraiK 111 1 WHEAT PRICES TODAY, Portland New club, 86c; blue stem, 93c. ' Chicago September, $1.03: Decem ber. 1.04; May. $1.08. 1 Kansas City tsepiemuer, vie; juiy, 96o bid. st. Louts juiy. c BeptemDer, $1.00 aak. . ' Winnipeg- December. 11. 03: uctooer, $1.05. -'a . v. Chicago. July 30. A severe slump oc curred in the July option of the wheat market today. Opening was 2o under yesterday, while closing showed a net loss of 3c a bushel. Other options opened with a loss, but the closing was unrhenged to c advanced. - The slump in the' July was due to the closing of that option and its for mer advance over the cash stuff.-. No market was shown at Liverpool today and none will be held Monday. : Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co. ' WHEAT. ' Open. High. Low. 102, 107 107 63 60 61 86. 38 40 ' Close. 105 103 108 108 64 61 63 87. 88A 41 July 4 . 106 Sept. 102 103 107 1 108 107 108 CORN. : 63 . . 64 60 62 62 64 OATS. 86 - 27 38 38 40 41 ' 1 . PORK. Deo. May Sept. Dec. ..... May Sept. Dec. May Sept. ...,2160 .....1810 ,M147 1117 2162 : 1817 ; LARD. 1167 ,1143 1025 RIBS. 1135 1095 927 2160 1810 1147 1137 HIT , 1125 1083 917 2157 1815 1162 1142 1025 1133 1093 937 Jan. Sept. Oct. Jan. Sept ....112T ,....1082 81T Oct Jan. mm mad Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and (Surplus, .$900,000 . - Invites Accounts of ' Merchants, Individuals and Savings FirstNational Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the .v.-. Rocky Mountains $500,000 DIRECTORS. O. K. Wentworth Charles 8. Russell P. 8. Brumby , Dr. K. A. J. Mackinale George G. Bingham Lloyd J. Wentworth. J. E. Wheeler Geo. L. McPheraon' ' John A. Keating Robert Treat Piatt K. IX 8tory the Pacific Coast RS. Howard J- Asst- Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst. Cashier. OiNION T.IEN ALL GET ADVANCE FOR SUPPLY Walla Walla, July 30. Tbe onion crop of the Walla' Walla 4) valley this year amounted to 100 4 carloads, worth about $52,600, ac- e cording to figures prepared here 4 by local shippers. The price paid for the bulbs this year is abuut three times that of last year, $1.75 -being the quotation now, aralnst an average or 60 cents in 1909, Thl shipments this year are only about half those of lt e season, but the difference in the price makes up this loss. . , r 'Most of the crop was raised by Italian gardeners south of the city.- I . J ' ' J BARLEY SELLS AT AT Walla Walla, July 30. The first sales of barley this year were made here yesterday, when the" Jones-Scott company bought 6000 sacks from Mrs. Chris Ennis at-$20.25 a ton. This is considered a good figure, although about $4 under the price paid last year at this time. Offers are being made at slightly higher figures today, and quotations of $20.60, $20.76 and $21 are reported, At the quarterly meeting of the executive council of the American Fed eration of Labor an increase, of 223 more - unions than, existed last Decem ber was reported. . High Grade Municipal and BONDS We have several good issues on hand. B u y- direct . from contractor and save broker's com mission. - Warren Gonstruction Company 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. Main 9357. . r A-4611 Overbeck & Cooke Co. Commfsshn Merchant Stocks, Bonds Cotton. Grain, Its. f: ,216-21? ' V Eoard of Trade Buildlnj Members CMcsgo Hoard e Trsa Correspondents of Lkbb Mrru. Cblcsso, JNew Vors, Uoetoa. We have the only private win eonaectlna Portland lt th altera xebaagaa, !!20.25 NTERI Improvement