THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 1910. Ion Win' .Mwayo Receive d Boyo' Trleoh Wmdepv'E' Shirts and Drawers "jl (TK W la 50o Quality at . ilcd , An out-of-the-ordinary bargain.' .Trutly 'you' may shop" around a lot after this sale, but; you will never get such bar gains in boys', underwear anywhere not even here. A; fine line of boys'-ecru cotton mesh underwear,. cool well finished -shirts and drawers in all sizes." The shirts come with long or short, sleeves and the drawers in both ankle and knee length.. If the boys are in need of summer 'underwe'ar, don't neglect to. take advantage of this saving opportunity. Regular Q 50c garments are priced for Bargain Friday at ........ 1 tC ft - I 1 1 i I The Boot in Onnlitxr iii in i " i in u im i Mi in -. - . , t In 5j ;n( ''fAyl Value WuLVvyV y- mm i a. i i a T7 omen'oIF&ney Veoto Ilado Sleeveless fjfh , 01.25-01.50 Vals. High-grade vests at a very low; price. ' Remember, these gar ments were not purchased for sale purposes, but goods taken right, out of stock that dependable kind you always find us selling. V We are overstocked on several lines, hence these great reductions. - Women's fancy sleeveless vests of fine lisle thread, made with dainty hand crochet yokes. A lafgfe variety, of styles to choose from. All sizes in regular $1.25 and jr ; $1.50 -grades," specially priced, for Bargain -Friday at.-. )jC Mb Jabots and TabB 5it x - o ( i . 19b very ' important sale of nty Jaboti and Tabs, the most serviceable and desir able neck pieces for summer wear. An unsurpassed as-; , sortment of styles to choose from. 'Values from to 50c, are priced for this sale, Bargain Friday 19c Oiir 54tli Bargain Every section of eyery department the whole store will abound with un paralleled, opportunities for real economy Friday. , The splendid character of the goods offered, together with the important price reductions, make the following offerings of more than usual importance. Don't fail to attend to morrow's great sale, don't miss a single offering, and come early as possible. r Kaysep's Chamoisette Gloveo Best 50c Grade Friday Only at A-mid-season sale of Kayscr's celebrated chamoisette gloves at almost half price. They come in all sizes and are shovn in colors gray, white and biscuit, sold everywhere at OA '60c a pair. On sale Bargain Friday at .......v..,.UC Sflto A Wonderful Sale of White Cambric Skirts , A dozen styles to choose from, trimmed, with laces, em-" - broideries, - ruffles ? and hemstitched tucks. Beautiful, well made garments,' fully worth $1.75, on sale at. ... . ; Every Skirt an Out-o-the-Ordinary Value! About 50 dozen skirts in the lot,. and every skirt is nftw. fresh, stvlish and most desirable from everv ooint of .amKrii r!tti . firming tTtmmiA with rnwi hf fin. Valenciennes or Torchon lace' insertion, wit ruffle to match. ; Other styles havfc deep embroidery flounce,' with insertion to match or rows of neat hemstitched tucks. All are. made very, full and finished with cambric dust .ruffle and underpiece. i Not one in the lot worth less than $1.50, most all are $1.75 values. Make tfce most of this QQ-out-bf-the-ordinary sale your choice Bargain Friday at ..V.. r... v.. Rognlor 7 5o Corset Covers on Sale Friday for 3 0o A splendid assortment of dainty new styles to , choose from view, iney are maae 01 oesi quaiuv Hen You'll Find Values Here Tlat Yoii Can't Get Elsewhere ''....Jrjere'i a sale that ought to interest every man in town a sale of seasonable garments at prices "'that permit of splendid savings Shirts, Underwear and Neckwear at a third to a fourth less than' real worth, for instance: , .' .... :' ; f , Men's Balbrigrgran Underwear 25c a Garment ' A special summer 'clearance sale, of Men's' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at less than regular 'whole sale cost. The shirts are made with fine ribbed wristlets and the bottom, front and neck are bound with tape:,., The drawers have double" seat,' are' faced at top and finished with susjender OCr ; straps-35c, 39c an& 45c garments, are on sale Bargain Friday X f...,.i.:i., ...... aiJttOK. $1.50 Hens NoffHfree Shirts at 01.15 A sale of men's fine summer weight Negligee Shirts, mercer ized to look like silk and made with soft button-down collar .and double button sleeve. They come in plain tan,, cream and . white; also in fancy self-figured patterns and assorted colored., .stripes. Alt our' best $1.50 numbers are included in 1 C this. sale.' Special for Bargain Friday at $11I, 91.25 Men's White Shirts at 99o : A special purchase and sale of men's plain white Dress Shirts. "They are made coat style, with cuffs attached and full pleated bosom, shown in three-width pleats. The best $1.25 val- QQ ues are. priced for Bargain Friday at. ....... V7C Men's 2 5o Four-in-fland Ties at 10c 'A special offering of men's Four-in-Hand Wash Ties, made re- i versible.v lhey come in a large range of patterns and colorings; in stripes, checks, broken plaids and plain - colors and white. .Values to 25c, on sale Bargain Friday at .... r - o - f 10c Tl Worth your while reductions in women's and misses' Tailored Suits garments that more than hold their own with suits priced roflsiderablT ' 4. fl it. I- I a- I! . J-,IJ !il 1... .t . . . . ' . .' ' . . . 1 '...' . 1 11 " i I. i i i ill , peyonq tmg moaeratc wgure. xweive aoiiar suits win pe ine central attraction in our ouu ' jjepartment tomorrow. 1 alloyed coats of medium and shorter lengths, fitted or semi-fitted and lined with a' good quality satin. serges and cheviot suitings, in black and many popular light and dark colors. Values up to" $19.50 Bargain Friday aft ine newest siyies in pieateq starts, riain or-striped 00 aa Blegant Silk . Dresses Fifteen to twenty-Jive dollar Silk Dresses for ten dollars. You will readily concede this greatest silk dress offering of the . present season a great range of styles in fine quality silk taffeta. All the pop, ular colors. Some are rather plain in ef fect, with yoke, etc. Others are Knore elaborately designed with lace yoke and otherwise tastefully trimmed with lace. Actual $15 to $25 silk dress (MA Afl values Bargain Friday viuUU Women's Covert Coats Stylish,"TaiIored coats of an extra godd quality, of, covert, coating. ...( Mediurrt length . and semi-fitted. A bargain in coats. - Values up to $7.50 d0 Qrt Bargain Friday .............. )J.U Children's Canvas Hats These serviceable little Summer Hats of two materials, in tan, gray and white a neat style, with stitched brim t- 1:. T5 : 17.ij. I ff yudiiij ciiaui ruui;'ww Bathing Snlts Made of a twilled material, very suitable for this purpose. A very neat style, with sailor blouse. Nicely finished with wash braid. Greatly reduced for OQ Bargain F riday . ; . . . . .... ... , $ 1 r Children's Dresses SI. 19 Wash : dresses, , sizes 6 to ' 14 years, of gingham, chambray and percale, in stripes, checks, plaids and plain colors. Many different styles, plain or finished with braid Bargain Friday "19 Petticoats at 77c Good quality black Percaline Petticoats in a very neat style 14-inch circular flounce- finished with two rows J of straps and ruffle underlay of dust ruf fle of Same goods. Bargain Fn day special reduction ........... 77c 1 5,0Q0; Yards of Linen Finished Suitings Shown in the popular, new rough weaves, in tan, navy, cadet, pink, light blue and brown. Regular 20c quality, Friday only v; ;k i : Now, Don't Let This Wonderful Opportunity Pass Without Profiting by It No need to ask if our " great Wash Goods Sale is a success. -If you could see -the crowded tondition of our store at-the, present time.' The W&sh Goods Section is filled with shoppers ' intent pn securing their share of the great, values which this' sale offers.,, For tomorrow we announce a great half-price sale of the '.Dooular new roufirh weave linen finished suitings about 15.000 vards in the lot. shown in all wanted .shades tan, navy, cadet, pink; light blue, brown, etcf r Comes full 34 inches wide and bought -Ifl to sell regularly at 20c a yard, priced for this sale Bargain Friday at IvC Curtain Hodi, 15o Values 9c About 100 dozen Brass" Extension Curtain Rods, on sale tomorrow at one-third less than regular. Good, strong foda, extending from 30 to 54 inches and finished with neat silvered ends. Best 15c values, priced for this sale Bargain Friday Q , 81.23 Swiss Curtains at 88c A special sale of White Ruffled Swiss Curtains, shown in a variety of styles in cross-bar, dots and. figures. They come full 40 inches wide and 2V and 3 yards long. ,- Our regular $1.15 and $1.25 . 'lines.v priced for ' Bargain Friday at Tanetas, JLiOUissines and itiessaime Sillis in 85c to $1.00 Qualities at 59c " . If you want exceptional values, just come 'and look at these silk offerings. Think of buying , beautiful new silks at almost half price. Well, that's what you can do at this sale. Full width Fancy Messaline, Taffeta and Louissine Silks, shown in a splendid assortment-of neat, small patterns, jacquard veaves, pin stripes, two-toneq novelties, etc. Not a desir.ed coloring is missing from this showing, and not a yard in the lot worth less than o5c, most all are regular . $1.00 values. You have choice of all while they last, Bargain Friday at f.. '. 59c TWO EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IM WOOLEN DRESS GOODS Mohair Sicilian jaa 75c Grade at , . ttUC 52-incb Double Warp Mohair; Sicilian, made of fine brilliant yarns, a dust' resisting, durable fab ric, very suitable for outing wear, bathing suits. and separate skirts. Comes in black, navy, brown, cream, green, tan, gray, etc. ?5c grade, on sale Friday at 49c Striped Challies 39c Grade at . 23c 28-inch Half-Wool' Silk Striped. Challies, in light and dark patterns, also Persian and Egyptian de signs, in rich colorings, finely finished, evenly woven fabrics that are extremely fashionable for summer wear 39c grade,' bn sale Friday OQi at ..s .........&OC r broideries Values to 01.50 Yard 50c ' Never before in the history of this department have we offered such , a wonderful .Embroidery bargain. For this sale we have collected all broken lines and short bolts, in cluding hundreds of," patterns' of . fine imported allover embroideries " of sheer Swiss and ' lawn and marked them at a ridiculously low , price. Values in the lot run up to : $1.50 a yard. : You have choice of. all while they last,, Bargain CA Friday at ............, ...0UC 1000 Leather Hand bags ih.LjKTe.wI Styles 2 Values at 98c Each ; The Best Values Offered This Season., We have just receive a' special purchase of over 100 fine leather handbags that are quite the best values that we have, ever offered. They come in. all the. new shapes and leathers, made with gunmetal -atid gilt finished Jrames litvedwith excellent quality leather or rnoire ""fitiea with" com purse andfirnshI with "double or sfngfe . handles., v Bags that if bought regularly could not'. be .sold for less than $2 Aft are priced for Bargain Friday at ..'..'. "5C w omen s iu ew otyie Sweater Coats at aTbirdtoaHalfOff ' A' great stock reducing sale at interesting price re ductions. It isn't, often you get, new style Sweater Coats at sale prices, but such is the opportunity we are offering you. .We've brought the prices down to rock bottom level,' as you can see by these offerings, . Sweater Coats in Q3 and 06 Grades $2.98 In this assortment you have choice from a half dozen neat styles in all the most popular weaves, They come in all sizes in colors white, . gray,, red and navy; cor rectly fashioned, all well made garments that have sold all season -at $5.00 to $6.0O, are priced -for-PO AO this -sale-T-Bargahr Friday at 0 s .93 , Sweater Coats in 02.50 and Q3 Grades Misses' and small women's fine All-Wool Sweaters and SweaterjCoats, made uq in the best stvjes inbothplain "and fancy" weaves. "An sizes m"colo'rs gray, white, -red, ,,. 'and navy, the kind that sell regularly at $2.50 to $3.00, priced for this sale Bargain Friday pi QO are at Vfi JV ft e- IA .. . J ff rJ Fi sr. i Econoi In wi;Hbdiery -. If you knew of the good things the' uncommon things we have in the Stock- g line you wouia oe impauent to get here, such selling as this sale occasions ill encourage hundreds of prudent women to supply both present and future needs Women's Tan QlT r' I Women's Fancy 1 K w Hose,25c-35cat A splendid assortment of Women's a Fancy Lisle and Cotton 'Stocking, in polka dots, laces, tancy stripes, etc.; Hose, oo Vals. A special sale of Women's Tan Stock- , ings at less than actual wholesale cost -fine seamless stockings,, made with ' jdouble heelj sole jmd toej all sizesjn "alT shades" of lah, th'e"kindfliat self ?egularly at 20c a pair, are priced for this sale Bargain Friday, ' Q 1 at 03C. jusq 'plain n snaoe m all the P0!"'13-., ""new colors! FineTFulI fashioned lur.c," that sell pair, on at ...... regularly at 25c and 35c sale Bargain Friday IIJ . i i ... , 1 w