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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
HIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, "THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 1810. i up ncr it? RTAL ESTATE TRANSFERS,. BL1ERIAGE LICENSES FOB SALE HOUSES 61 FOH S.VLE HOUSES 01 FOK SALE LOTS J ? , . - irr ..( XT f WW kaiu It f -England's New Queen. ! ; By Lady St. Heller In the Outlook. ' Queen Mary a woman' of reat,ln elllgence, well reai, an accomplished Inguist, a great lover of art, with 'con siderable gifts pf her . own. s She ,has een ; Drought up frugally- : and care ully, for her parents were always poor In a happy1 English home. '-."'"'.;'. She is English to the finger tips, 'and he Is therdaughrer of one of the most lelovod of . all ' English princesses, by vhom she was mora carefully trained, ind whose ' love, sympathy and unsel ishness she has Inherited. Perhaps " no ,ne was more beloved han Princess Mary, her. mother, whose iame will always be kept in affection its remembrance by? the English peo ple. In the marriage of hep -daughter o the heir to the throne the-country aw the fulfillment of its dreams, hopes nd wishes, and her life after she ' be ams the . Princess of Wales only ln reased the love and respect of the peo ple for her, and also the conviction that he would make a great and good flUeen. i; Sha.ia naturally shy, and Is not a per on easy to know, but t6 her friends She s a great personality, and her" affection or her husband and her 'children, her jlgh Ideal of life and her deep sense of eliglous feeling have endeared her to U who come In contact with her. Bhe as a royal look and bearing, and her meenly appearance and grace mak her. ,rom that point Of view, a fitting sue- essor to her beautiful predecessor. I Thla. vaf ter all. Is 6hly ona of the nany Items which go to sweU her uall- l ications to be the consort t th great- t 'sovereign iff the world. , But more mport&nt and far less ephemeral are ier' sterling qualities, which give us j 11 tha most perfect confidence that she viirmake a worthy, helpful and devoted i onsort to tha king, who at no time In 'ls reign will want the support and the vhola hearted devotion of a good and jevoted woman more than at this rnoSt rjtical moment In the history of our ountry. . fi Horses HIeh Desnlt Anto. i Horses In the west continue to com- nand hiah nrlces. There waS a speed i sle held at Chicago "recently at which 71 horses wer4 sold and the prices .that : vere paid emed to the old time horse- ! nen aflmethlng outrageous,, but they all vent like hot cakes, , Horses, from Ken ucky with a bit of saddle breeding in j henr that were anything but good look ing brought 300vand. 400 apiece. Tne 71 horses sold' realized almost $140,004, ays Bit and Spur, .; t'- .-i:.,-'-':..,,, . I An auction sal jf Shetland ponies vt held under 'the" auspices - of "the Shetland : Pony association., almost a iocen members contributing 100 ponlea These men did not put the pick of the arms In the sale, but nowlthstandlng his the average nrice was over 1100. g Draft horses are selling still higher, I'pair of gray Percherons realizing J1000 i short, time ago. These prices hold rood all over tha country and are not i onflned to any particular breed ' of lorses. Any useful - kind of , animal rings much more money than ha would ave brought years ago, and you cannot !OOK at snyor ine Deiier oreeas wun ut belna ataa-gered at the nrfces asked. number of. polo ponies were sold In njw lorn me oiner oy in uio, rougq j nd. realized exceptionally good prices, Und so It IS all down the line. ' I Of course the automobile is usurping t. great deal of the work that' is done ; n tha large cities, and has also done i way with a tremendous lot of horses i or fashionable driving purposes, but his. except In the cases of nonhorsey V rr- LOTS v : NOW ; 92a : -' - BEFORE THE ' ADVANCE : THE BETTER GARIBALDI BEACH REMEMBER,, this beautiful' beach is on the new P. R. & N'. railroad, on completion of which you 'can board the train at Portland and get off at the depot on our property. ,: ; - You will ever chide yourself if you let this opportunity by: -Even if youdo not intend to reside at the beach,' it will be a good investment to have one of those fint lots, for there, will be a plentiful scarcity of desirable lots when the new rail roads bring thousands of people to the; coast., r .". ' Just wait for the trains, if you will, ' ... . , . ' ' .' . -But we're certain it will not pay j ( 1 - For others your profit will kill k ' . 4 . By buying NOW at ROGKAWAY. ' 319 Lumber Exchange, Second and Stark. After Au. 4, 701-2 Spalding Bldg. Phones Main 1110, A-7CC3. J j co4 te l l3k $ 7 feuft, tupw KCIMD ' ' Chicago Tribune. people and for those whose business re quires rapid conveyance from placa to place, will, right itself as time goes on. In England, although the trade In automobiles Is booming, a great .many ladles are;returning to tha carriage; for afternoon ' calls add driving In the parks. -, There has not been a marked .increase lft the purchase o carriages, but this Is largely due to tha fact that f ashlouable people have still a variety of conveyances which they have not sold and which they are now beginning to use again. - Middies on Ileal Warships. ', From tha Philadelphia Bulletin. , Newer methods seem to be galnglng a foothold in the havy department. Whether this development is due to Sec- retar Meyer's energeMo war on red tape and old fogey notions or not, the fact remains that tha Annapolis midshipmen, the future commanders, captains and ad mirals of the American nvy, have for the,-, first time started on their regular summer practice cruise on real . battle ships. . - rt- It Js true that the Iowa, Indiana and Massachusetts, op, which they have Just embarked on a voyage which will cover 10,000 miles, with, stoppages at soma of the greatest ports of Europe are not in the' dreadnought .class toward which the fancy of naval designers is turning with slight consideration for the taxpayer's pockets. - ' But largely rebuilt and rearmed as they have bean sines the clash with Spain, they are fairly formidable" arm- orclads; they mount practically the sama-typa of erdnanea as tha,t carried by Our newest Ships, and they are al together without ' the ridiculously ob solete incumbrances of spars and satis which have usually been regarded here' tofora as proper parts of the equipment of the vessels on which tha middles put forth to sea. :r!-' v Exactly, whr It- snould have been deemed the rigrht thfng to send these embryo officers off en small antiquated vessels with a sailing rig which they would never have the . least - need to handle In their, future careers, has often been a puzzle to landsmen. - It is to, be hoped that this sort of nonsense Is 'permanently at an end. The modern shin of war is a huge stell citadel whose interior suggests the mix ture or me contents or an arsenal, witn that of a' machine shop. Mastery of the Innumerable deta lis which are e sential to tha skilled command of such craft should not be Complicated by Ir relevant attempts to teach midshipmen the art of navigating- vessels of a kind that bavs altogether passed out of use in navar arrairs. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . CERTIFICATES f tl made by the th nd Oak. ' . iloore - Investment .company to Gertrude Gudhart lot IS. " block 80, Vernon '.vr.... -.r t00 security ADStract Sc Trust Co. to D S Rsld, lot 14. block S4 Kose City Park 700 icoint view Keai Kstata com- pnny to Mllo B-Smith, lot 12 13. 14. 16. block 5. Point View . J00 isapoieon uavis and wire to J w . Morrow, lot 1. 3. block 62T. Stephens' addition ...a. , . . w 2B000 i. s. lcuaniei.ana wire to ciem W. Clark, lot 6, block i. Seldon Place ,,,.$ 1.000 jsopnus a. Amtson ana wire to , w. B. Keen, south half of lot B, . diock z, Kiisaoetn irvmga sec ond" addition . . -1.450 S. B, Holmes et;al to Estella S. Meservar South SO feet of lot block SO.lrvington 1,00 MONDAY AUG. 1 LAST DAY ' fin Julius A. Genz.and wife to Wil liam J, Uenz, lot 7, block 18, Trcrnont I'ark .1 8B0 Mary C. Hart and husband . to Klizabetu Boardman, lots I ana 2. block 3. North Mt. Tabor.. 100 G. W. Prlost and wife to Hans Detrlk Kock, lot 9, block 1, Faxon Park . 1,500 Jens Sorensftn and wife to B.. C. Gossman, lot 17, block 36, Ver non 3,000 Charles H. Thompson to Harry Huddleston, lots n ana i, block 11, Hawthorne Avenue addition (50 Morris Roof and wife to William Ilinphart, lot 6. block , sun set Park addition No. i. ...... . 1,000 ! T. M. Word and wife to E. A. Hornbeck, all of block 7, ana Ut 1A tn OA lUaKcltrillA 1.609 Louis G. AVroistad and wife to V. W. Mason, lOOxisa ieet oe ginning at .east corner of lot 8, block 8. Oak Park addition to St. Johns . ................ 2,000 Lydia Ostrand to Chellia I vvaiiter, a acres negmnins i corner marked "L" in plat of section 33, townahip 1 north, rancn 4 fast'. ....... r. ....... 1.200 The Land Company of Oregon to Klmer E, Wrignt, lot irt, oiocn 11. City View park.... ....... 873 Ada M. Dechand to May M. Howe, lot 5, block 2, Arieia Park No. 4... 778 Citizens bank, to Mrs. F. Shlna- barger, lot 23, blOCK ittnn'ft nrlditlon. ..-...-.,..... 850 Same to'Ralph.E. Bluco, east 30 Ieet or lot z. ana an 01 101 e, block 1. Sflldon Place. 1,300 Margaret Keave to Hobert Wool- uley, looxiau, reet coniiuei";ii'8 at southwest corner of lot 24,, Kftft ay Pn rk ....... i . i' ......., . 800 Security Abstract & Trust Co. to Maud Mattiay, lot 0, piuch. 1, Elmhurat , . . . . ... 6S0 J. C. Ainsworth and wife to EUa B. . Foley, Jot s, diock , An tf hurst .;:..:i...i.;.it': 400 E. W. Clark and wife to O. W. Drake, west one-nan 01 101 block 8, Third ; Electric ad dition.. . 600 Henry Freeborough et al. to Mary i. HODinson, 101 u. mioc WnlAhhnratiS'li 400 German Savings & Loan society to Jo. Robinson et ai., soutn one-half of lot 2 and lots 3. 4, block 18, Caruthers' addition to rnrnthpra' ' Addition 800 650 It A. McAdams to Graoe Parker, lot 4, block 4, Rose City Park. Noah Barnhart and wife to W. 3. Townsend, lots 8, a, diock 1, Kern Park 700 Mrs. M. A. Woods to Olga Bartsch Moreland, east nan or lot , block 190,' Hawthorne Park Ad dition rrrmitTn - . it . 4,480 Matilda Taylor and husband to E. A. Hornbeck, 25 acres in sec tion 32, township 1 north, range rant;...!.:........;......... 11.000 Hub Land company to Jennie R. Bpaiuding, easterly nair or lot 1 14.. mock z, wuiamette .Boule vard Acres ... .iUf.nrti't, S'i 800 175 Park Land company to sm, lot 4. block 71. university FarK. .. L. Shanahan to D. B. Thomas, lot z, diock u; lot e. diock 14; 101 1 2, block 8; lot 9, block 7 lot 13, block 19: lot 1. blook 28; lot 8, block 20, Capitol Hi". 4,200 LAWYERS Abstwt f Trua v;c, room Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts sneclalty. 1BSTRACTS of title. D. Alezandnr - street of tie. 419 (;orbett tildj. Main S PACIFIC, Title & Trust Co.. the leadlns Abstractora. . 204-5-1-7 Falling bldg. NEWTODAX HALF ACRE Inside tha city;' same price as a lot. : to per cent aown. isasy term a 420 Lumbermens Bldft. ALBANY VVUUtf 8tVB VI JJls. VVlkUV J 1 In tba heart of tha Willamette Valley, only 80 miles south of Portland. Wa offer the following bargains to quick tnWCHk: f..i.':-.'s . VO. 16240 acres of land. 87 acres of which Is In 4 year old Spitzenberg and Baldwin apples, and 10 acres of al falfa and clover, 8 acres of pasture, i large barns,' 1 house of B rooms, tool house, smokehouse, gasoline spray pump, and other tools go with the place; has electric light In house and barn, city water. We ran sell this property for 820,00.0 and on the easy terms, to a man understanding fruit. " HO. 190-290 acres of rolling land, win 100 acres of bottom land, 90 acres under plow, fcalanca In pasture and tim- ber, plenty of fruit, 8 room house, good barn, living spring year around. ! T Price. $10,000, half cash, balance 10 years time, If wanted, at 8 per cent In terest, possession given 1st of Octo ber. Any one purchasing this tract wijl double their money In 18 months, and we can demonstrate this. - HO. 161-13 acres, 10 acres ''under plow, 8 acres pasture, , good 6 room house, frame barn and outhouses, 8 acres of berries, good well, running wa ter year around, telephone goes with placa.-- R. F. D- mil a to school, 8 miles north of Lebanon. - . ; ; Price 31750. all cash axeept 3400, which an stand for 1 year or more. Apply to , - ' - - Tcbault Real Estate Co., Inc. ; AUBAHT, OKCOOH. - HALF ACRE Inside the cltyj same pVlce as-a lot. 10 per cent down, Easy terms, - 420 Lumbermens Bldg. ' ON THE WEST SIDE Willalatin Park "Portland's Host Soenlo Aoreaga.M 400l;Perto lO per cent down, 8 per cent net month. , Soil rich and deep; every tract faces a road; macadamised road runs through tract; most beautiful drive . out of Portland. - There's no better acreage buy on the market x n'x 1, 4 ( t In on Jiiitnmnl1si wltH us an see this beautiful property. . Willalatin Investment Co. aia-alB Board of Trade Bldtr.' Main 6659. ... . v . ' A-4710. HALF ACRE Inside the city; same price as a lot 10 per cent down. Easy terms. -. 420 Lumbermens Bldg. ;. ' , MEETING NOTICES 41 WEBFOOT CAMP. NO, 65. Woodmeii of the World meets every Fri day night in W: O. W. Temple, 12S Eleventh ' street. All members rc- s. quested , to be present. fcSrO' Visitors welcoma O. F. PHILLIPS. C C 1j. BAKBURi ClerR. M. VV. A., Rose City camp S46S. meets Monday eventnies. Selling-Hlrsoh bldg., West Park n - Washington r: ' J: Darlington, clerk. Phones. Main :94, A-4885. V R. . N. A., Oregon Koaa camp, meets Wednesday evenings. Allaay nail, id and Morr'Hon. . Ii. N. A.. Marguerite camp, meets every Thur'Uv evening at 10 Z4 sL. bet. asU fciiii St 11k, " 8. 8. Miller, 496 Sherman street, 68, and C. C. Hedlund, 48. ' Lemuel Nicholson, 324 Salmon street, 23, and Lily Lynes, 28. , Milton Sanders. 333 Sherman street, 23, and Glorane Ray, 20. w. C. Buck, Clatskania, Or., 45, and Gladys Nell. 20. Rov Taylor, Vancouver, Wash., 24, and RosfllForsyth, 25. . WFDDING cards. W. G. sSmllb. A Co.. Washington bldg corner of 4th and Washlnrton sts. WADDING invitations, announcements, William Klumppvco. 26Vfe Wash, st L'RKbti suits tur rent, nil alswZ Unlgu Tailoring Co. 8f Stark st CLAK.vE EHO8.. flormte: fin flowers and floral 6cgom. 2&i Morrison st. I1IRTI1S ANDREW To Mr. and Mrs. Fred An drew, 1125 E. Taylor street, July 19, a: boy. :. ROBiNSON To Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Robinson, E. 61st street N., July 10, a boy. SKWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Rsy Bewell, 184H Russell street, July 22, a boy. COATES To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coates, 132 Wilbur street, June 14, twins, boy and-gin.' RIID-y To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reidy, 415 Knott street, July 31, twin boys. GUILFORt To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guilford, 402 Third street. July , a boy. --.,. : HOLLEY To Mr, . and Mrs. Richard Houey. 122 East Tenth street. July , a bov. 1 -; rUBBlSKY To Mr. and Mrs. Abe t)u. oensKV. eneriaan sireei, juiy 23, a girl. ' - MUELLER To Mr. and Mra George Mueller. 487 ' East Burnstda street. June 19, a girl. C11RISTENSE.N To Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Christensen. East Salmon street, July 26, -a boy. . , McNTYRKt To. Mr and Mrs. -Wilbur Mclntyre. East Elghty-sixtn ana Main, July 25, a boy. , DAVIS To Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Davis, 1134 East Twenty-sixtn street, juiy WELCH To Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Welch. 253 ft East Sixth street, juiy ?o. a Doy. GUTH To Mr. and Mrs. Iewis Guth, 881 East Thirty-nintn street, juiy i, F'ri. - - .... DEATHS KLINgSpORN Olga KUngsporn, St. - Vlnrenfs samtarlum. July 26, age 10; diphtneria. ; s KEHOE AnnaKehoe. 8t Theresa's san Itarlum, July Z7. age z; tuDercuioBisi McIQNLElY--Je8Sle McKlnley, 680 Wa tor atreet- July 26. BES fi: tuberoulosts. WILLIAMSON Juanlta Williamson, Good Samaritan nospitai, juiy ar age 1 . InUfltlnal tha t runt Ion. - BAENSCH Christopher Baens'ch,Open Air sanitarium. July 23, ago 23; tu- BARKER- In this city, July. 27, at the family residence, 697 S'lanaers jSireoi, Mme. baran a. oariier, - jw Announcement of funeral later. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 1506th st,, , opp. Meier ft Frank s. Main ti. FUNERAL NOTICES. RILEY In this dty, July 27. Laurens Blanche Riley, aged 29 years, beloved wife of Charles M. Riley, daughter of Mrs. E. J. Harrison, sister of Mrs. W. . Angel and niece of T. C. Stuart Funeral will be held from Dunning & McEntee's narlora. Fridav. Julv 29. at 8:80 a. m.. thenea to 8t Patrick's church, Nine teenth and Savler streets, where Services will be held at 9 a. m. Friends respect fully Invited to attend, Interment Mount uaivary cemetery, HE8IO July 29, Herman Heslg, aged 11 - years 8 months, son 01 Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Hesig.'of Fifty-sixth and East Ash streets. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services at Dunning & McEntee's chapel, Friday at z p. m. interment Rose city cemetery. nnwriwn yi ' tr..,.i tv.k.J gocl 76 years. Funeral will tako place . -- wfjii t "t v w m vuyv4 ju a Amv rha QfVi a f 9.JE m 4KnnA. A "o 0asi sb.i 1 1 urn,, vucuuv Cathedral at 8 a. m. Interment Mount laivary cemetery. - rrienqg invitea MANIN July 24. John Manln, aged 63 Dunning & McEntee's chapel, Friday, the 29th, at 10 a m. Interment Rose City FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEntee wS?cWJn every deUiL 7th and Plna Mala 410, A-4SB8. inay assistant. Zeller-Brvnes Co. iV..1??. phones; - lady ssslstaot ;, Most mcdere estapiisnment in city. LERCH Lbd eat aids undertaker. Lady assistant . B-lttt. Kast 711. k. stn ana Aider. J. P. Finley & Son Le&o'i4 " Lady attendant. Main , A-16. EAST SIDE funeral directors, success ors to K. 8. Dunnina. Inc. E. 52.B-Z52S f RIPQnM Undertaking Co.. Mala i-Hiuuuii jug, a-1235: lady- as-t TrtC"'01 TTW XT' a TT T' C T! 'V , : T-l A t4i J a i t A A rimilCB u- lit BIIU ffMIHr EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. 121 sd st Lady assistant Main SOT. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 $1060 Buys lot 18. block . Wlberg Heights, corner of Broadway and 4Stlt st Improvements paid by owner. Terms half cash, bal ance 4 per cent $1100 For lot 60 by 100 with small ," nouse, on sumner st. near u - ' car line, high school. Terms, . casn. . .. " land ave.: street grading and ce. ment walk na Id by- owner, Terms, cash, bal. 7 per cent $1060 Corner lot and 4 room house on aiontana av.; esy terms. v James D, Ogden 84S MiSstsslDDl Ave. Woodlswn 202. - C-tOOJ 1 nnk Hfim For bargains. We have them In city and farm property, acreage. : Invest in gooa locations, see IAMS & HALL. 213 Gerlinger Bldg. FOH SALE nptSES 01 " Vernon Addition Snaos n 1H TnnmI Vinn 0-0 7 nrv t O i ft il 1 1 l fi rs a m 10 room's, double nouse, $4250; $1600 cssn. . i- 6 rooms, bungalow, $4500; $2000 cash. ( roome. house. S3260: $1000 cash. And many others as good. See us be- iore Duying home. H. A. CHANDLEn, . 610 Lumbermens Bldg. ' . TiiRISE room cotage; 2 blocks to car, Bellwood; full lot, $1650. Terms, 6 room cottage, full lot, 3 blocks to car. 16 00. Terms. Bnap. 6 room modern home, fine corner lot, 15 minutes ride. 2 blocks to car. Fine neignoornood. $"000. Terms. CLARKE & CORBETT. , 2Qg Alieky, 3rd Morrison. M. 2407. 1 A Sacrifice Six room house, all modern. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, close to carline. In restricted- district; If you want a snap investigate tnis. OOODNOTJGH & BEITZ, ' .' 713 Board of Trada . WAVERLY HEIGHTS BARGAIN. :;' New modern 6-room , bungalow Just finished, 32d and Clinton; all con veniences; $400 will handle this; Will taxe automomie as rtrst payment. i --. '"!.- RHKETS. 420 Swetlsnd Bldg. Phone Main T77, . 8 room cottage, lot bOitlOO, near Union ave. and Alberta st, on 7 carllnes. gome one gets a bargain.-Price $1600, H cash, balance f id per montn. can 201 mm bermene- mag. "TTeWfive ROOM phnoaloW rt)n ttftcrfrorrf "E-ATar710 mintlte out, has bunt m booic case, china woset fireplace, cement basement, floor, sev er and teas, for $2850. $500 cash, easy torms,' like rent. K-. J. G. GORDON, 827 Board of Trade FOR SALE 'A baraln.-5 room bunga" low. 32S E. 33d St.. for rent If not sold August 1; art cash, balance easy terms. Only $250 Down We have 5 new modern 8 room bunts- lows, with full basement and attic; ve neer paneled dining room; frieze celling In living room, with fireplace and book cases; cloak room with full length mir ror; uutcn kitchen; close to car ana school; good view. Ta&e your choice at JZ500 to Bee ROSS, Owner and Builder SIS' Gerlinger Bldg. Second and Alder. JTnln OOA1. U.a T a tin. 1iRT - imuo ui.rn.llt iovi. jvrn. . id wv. Will take aood building lot as part payment at market value. ' Going to Buiid? ; Let us finance the buildlnr of your home. If you own lot small amount of cash sufficient Our reputation for well built houses, fair dealing. reasonable prices is bringing us many clients. It will pay to see us. Northwestern1 Const, to. Successors to Portland Realty & Const Co., WU-3 Lewis bide. Mr, Rent Payer Do you know you can ' buy a 6 ' room modern- cottage for $60 down and $15 per month? Price, $2800. Lot 45x110, on corner, east front; full cement base ment, best of plumbing, electric llghta macadam street, fine view of city, one block from ar. Take W-W car to E. 41st and Gladstone ave. Phone Sell wood 634. ,- ' - . ' P. T. KLEPPER. . Willamette Heights " v West side modern residence of six large rooms, hardwood floors, pass pan try, full basement fireplace, furnace, eta,, rignx up to.uate and modern; ft block to car; beautiful view; price $5600, your own terms; a bargain. , WAKD KJKALTY CO., su ewis mog, Beaux Arts Homes Artistically and hnnentlv htillt Tinmen of all styles; they are different from otners; let us iigure witn you on a co lonial cottage or Beaut Arts bungalow. wuj ouiia on contract or you fusnisn lot or small payment down and balance monthly. " . B15AUX ARTS BUILDING CO., zOl Lumbermens Bldg., 6th and Stsrk. $50 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. At 6' per cent will buy 4 -room plastered cottage; wans untea, electrio light beautiful finish inside; this Is a new place; 6 or 6 nice shade' trees; corner lot 40x108, 1 block from carline; price. $1400. Take W-W ear to B. 4lst and Gladstone ava Phone 8llw6od 634. : r. T, KLEPPER. : I HAVE a S room, 6 room, 8 room and room bungalow and 1 I room and 10 room house which veu should see before you buy, Strictly first class and modern In good locations on very easy terms. Near new Jefferson High school and public school on the peninsula. U. u. or Bt. jonns caf. Flttinger, 119 Killingsworth ave. .Xlso some choice lots on essy terms. . OWNER MUST HAVE MONET. Unable to occupy lust comnleted beautiful 6 room bunralow. finished in handsome style, swell exterior, finest fixtures, gas, sewer all In; double floors, fireplace, solid cement basement, laun- ary; in tact, everything; close to car, is minutes' nae. near new citv East Side park. ; Cannot sell for less than $500 down. Phone East or B-1894. SAVE YOUR RENT" We Will sell you a. home and veil ean Day US in monthly navments- wa n-ti) aiso Duua to suit you anywhere in the city. ...... .. v . . , . ..... PROVIDENT INVESTMENT 4 TRUS TEE CO. 624, 12 Board of Trade Bldg, rnone warBnau 473 ONLY $300 DOWN and $26" month on balance of $2000 buys new 5 room oungaiow, 00x112 lot, south front im proved street sidewalk and curb. 'nan eled dining room, full basement hi or floored attic, best pluThbing and fix tures, near gooa canine and 10 minutes' fide to new bridge; complete abstract title has been examined. Call at onoe. 01 a AOington ning. $3,200 for a 9-room houaa. can . hk made a double house with little ex pense; on corner 100 feet front facing southeast near Alberta and Union av enue cars; room for more houses; would make a fine Investment Costs nothing to see 11. . 1 . Bianchard & Clem son. es fcixtn street. Sounds Good. $2,750 for a fine new . 6-room with den and everything to make a , fine nome, on corner lot, one oiock rrom Al berta car, facing east If you want a fine home at the right nrice and terma. can on owner. , Sixth street 3S0Q--J ew 7-room atrlctlv modern house. Thirty-fifth . and Tillamook: sleenlng Dorch. flreless cooker, furnaca and better value for the money than ean be found m the city lor $700 more. iuy or owner ana save agent s commls slon good terms. . . v G. U JOHNSON, 1160 Oak street. $100 DOWN $16 each month ami' interest at 7 per, cent .. Price $2400. . ...... Modern I room bungalow. 1 ' .. . ROSS. Owner, . - 115 Gerlinger Bldg., Second and Alder. - Rose City Park Six room bungalow cottage, 429 E. 48 th St.; between Tillamook and Han cock, street lmDrovemnts in and nald. well finished, must see the interior to appreciate; price $3350, $600 down. Owner will be at house between 2 and 4, sunaay or pnone xanor iig or B-2971 C V.. jv" v. VL.Tiv, null mi,lii, 'ta- tere: electrio Uarhts; one block from carline! must sell; bargain for cash or terms; $20d down; price $1400; Mount Scott car to Gray's Crossing. . Inquire for John Howe at Howe's store. Phone Tabor 1430. "New 6 Room House . 'Close to carline, west side, 5 . sent fare, for sale cheap. Small amount down, balance same as rent Inquire 433 Mohawk bldg. -... THE MAN THAT, WANTS A safe Investment should deposit his money with us and receive interest on tne same from I to 4 per eent Port land Trust Company. 8. E. corner 3d and Oak sta . ' - ill FOR. On 60x109 lot, good Street. Call 404 East 11th, or phone East 8578. ' , FOR SALE A bargain:, 8 room house, $2100; terms. All new and up-to-date first class plumbing;, close to streetcar! E. Holiaday av., bet. 84th' and 86th .sts, Take Montavllla car. 118 E. list st N. COMPLEJTELY furnished 7 ' room bun palow, Jn Flrland, with Kimball piano, will sell at bargain on terms; will not refuse any reasonable offer. Call Ta br 2861. Owner. AN Ideal home for sale cheap; 138 Flor ida st, southern Portland, by owner. 1616 Columbia st, Vancouver, Wash,; price I180Q. .rnone wain v $750 takes beautifully located corner lot eastfront-and small house two blocks from Alberta car; part terma losa m. zza st. in. $725 . $725 . $725 $100 cash. Neat 6-room house, eynall lot, close to car, JThis Is a bargain, Fred W.. Ger man. 829 Hurnsme. Mam Z776 $1600 BUYS the best business corner on Capitol Hill with store 20x30; 2 story; lot 100x100. Owner. Z-688, Jour- lini. BARGAINS In lots and houses by own er. Terms or trada Phone, Tabor 602 6 ROOM brick, modern bungalow; bath aiiiawii lull .aotsajuaiargi 111 and ask for 1611. Na-AT. coiy cottage, on 60 foot lot, $60 cash, $10 per month. Gregory Invest ment co., ena or uose city raric canine. NEW modern houses m Irvlngton. It. B. Rice, owner, urtn pnonea. Tx! room residence, modern: SOxioo lot; sold cheap. Owner, 231 Shaver st - On 17th st., near Thonipson, (high class district), lot 60x100, street Improvements all-in; a dandy. : house, new, of 6 rooms, large, hardwood floors downstairs, 2 fireplaces, cement floor In base ment and all modern conveniences; .best of material and workmanship In this house: owner built for own home, but for personal reasons says sell. If you want a first class well built home in a fine neighborhood let me show you this; price $7000, good terms. E. R. MARICHAM. -205 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Sacrifice Sale . , GOOD HOME. k - T.a ground alone worth almost the price asked; 6 room hard finished house, brick basementi concrete walks, over 6 full lots, well fenced; 9 large cherry trees, besides apples, pears, peaches, etc.; choice berries, fine garden, nice roses, etc.. In a nice, growing suburb, close to business center; fine school, etc Price $3600; terms, $1260 cash, the remainder most any way to suit the pur chaser. No humbug about this. . HEN'KLE & HARRISON, 611 Gerlinger bldg. ' $300 DOWN ' . . New 2 story, C room, modern house, full basement, good plumbing, double noors, 4oxiio lot very eigntiy. snaoe trees, close to car, good home; this week only $2500. If you want a bargain. In a home, here It is. : , . ,,, , MEIKLEJOHN & POND. 40S E. Morrison. Xast 1116, B-1437, MUST have niOweyi; $850 equity in 2-room house and lot. 100x100. closa in, for $476; price $1176, balance $10 inuiiin. inquire lutn. FOR SALE LOTS lfl THE SCIENCE af speculation Is to buy. First, on the west side: second, close In; third, property that will have future vaiue xor business or apartment pur poses. The following property meets these principles, and Just think, st a price of $1800. Terms, Including all Improvements, pavement. - sidewalks, sewer, gas and water mains, electric wires unaergrouna. a full lot, on tne went side, close In. within 15 minutes' easy walking distance of the P. O.; right on tne caruue, with frontage on one or the principal streets In Portland. This property will have a value of from $JO,000 to $40,000 for apartments when the residence restrictions are off. Build here end grow rich. . K-696. Journal. Desirable Buys $300050x100. Raleigh at., Just west of 29th st; hard surface pavement, street parked, south front view of mountains, harbor and city. $ $60 -50x100. , Beautiful Wlberg ' Heights. East 48th st bet. Broadway and Hancock' sts.; - overlooks Laurelhurst and city Improvements all paid. t $200046x100, Gantenbeln ave, near . Russell st; Improvements In and .imia. a-snap. . . . ' SHEFFIELD A RILET, . 23 Russell bldg. Entrance 162 & 4th st Bargains in Lots $3,200 for luoxlOO on Halght avenue. near new high school, this Is the com ing district for advancement and it Is below value. $525 for 60x100 hear Portland boule vard, facing east A snap; terma l 4750 for a corner 60x100 facing east, near Hawthorne. Can you beat lt7 NIT, S1.20U for 75x100 faclns: east and in Vernon; it Is fine and sightly; near car;- line oistriot; tne : nest or, sur roundings. - investigate. Bianchard & Clemson, 6 Sixth street 100x100 with an alley, corner of Alns worth and Mallory, worth $3000, re duced to $2600, for a quick -sale, half cash. Phone owner. Main 4379. THE nrooosed 200 foot scenic boule vard en the west side, which Is to be 4 miles long, will, be the fashionable drive af Portland. A full size lot fac ing on the boulevard, within 15 minutes' easy walking distance of the P. O., only one block to streetcar, with an absolute ly unobstructed view of everything, a lot with beautiful trees and foliage for iisoo. Terms. " jK.-et. journal Hawthorne Avenue Four fine residence lots, close In, one block from Hawthorne ave., - best car service In olty. For a few days you can make your own terms on any one of them This ' property will advance In value wl'th completion of Madison street bridge.- Owner, Room 609 Couch bldg. . .. .,' Lot Bargains , .u . . . 75x100 cor. E. 12th.; grocery. $1600; only $250 cash. ' ' v. - 100x100 cor. St Johns, one block from car: onlv $800; half cash. 100x100 -cofi Ivanhoe, E. Odj'soniy $800; half cash. OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO.. 64 H 6th. CORNER LOT ONLY $1750. Right at the head of East $2d, just one block north of Hawthorne Just the place for apartments, flats or bun galow, 16 minutes' ride; sewer, gas, wa ter all in: paved alley on the side; ce ment walk; no better buy qn the East Etae. i:au at zsk tuast ism arter :sv. ot 60x100. " ' . GOOD FACTORY LOCATIONCHEA P. .100 feet or more frontage, with track age, on macadam street,' near manufac turing district of South Portland. Prop erty faces two streets; good location for blacksmith, etc. This is for sale by owner who will sacrifice so as to dls poss of property qulckl y. P-688, Journal v 5B0FuirSized Lot Just beyond Laurelhurst, 3 blocks from cars, In one of prettiest little tracts ever But on the market -Your own terms. iontpass this up without Investigat ing. Tne Hart iasa to., us za st. WILL SELL my $21$ equity in an im proved lot on Rose City Park carline; also 2-room house and summer kitchen, $100 worth of lumber, ell for $250, Phone Tabor 1935. " " $10 CASH. $5 MONTH. 50x100 lot on Alberta st, overlooking river: price $650. Owner 420 Swetland $2500 buys seven fine lots, small house, rwefl or spring water; fiuuu casn, balance to run two years. Address M., Seaside, or., pox FOR SALE -One corner lot, 60x100, at the head of California et. In Fulton; $750. cash. OA. M. Downing, 1516 Co lumbia st, Vancouver, ; Wash, ' . MT, f AB6R PR6pRTT: Lots, acreage . and tracts for sale by Wilson & ' Myers, end of Hawthorne car iinw. - , nuw, .uwv TlTS. 1160 INSIDE tHE CITY. ' - - Railroad addition; tine soil; $7.60 cash, $6 monthly.- Can yoa beat it? Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde. M. 2776. LADD'S ADDITION. " Must sell my beautiful corner 80x128 this week. Will take $250 less than the market price. w-oni4 journal. PORTLAND Helnhts A whole lOOx 100. close to .car, 2u, or two lull lots. $1125 each, worth $1650. Terms. J-692. journal TWO LOTS Lenox addition. $150 eachi terms. Phone East 3883. Water, grade, car una, aireany in KORTHEIsT corner. BTaet 84th and Madison, $1550, 808 Allsky, Srd Morri son. M. 2407. ' TWO LOTS in Montavllla, each 50x100, for price paid two years ago. Owner, B-Z3'J1. $725 RARE Kt Johns buy; two lots on iooD;..aoubiaaaewXlQa.Ja isey l.i. FOR SALE Bungalow . sit9 40x75, at 25th and Broadway Ms. Pliini A-521-7. Main 6212. - - ., ; " BUSINESS corner' lot. 33d and Alberli sts.; barraln for cash. Phnne C16"a, LC)T 50x100. located at lfi E. hV. Nortiw Cheap. Inquire 662 i Alberta st eiiih LIT property at 60 rer cent below market Tirlf.A r. r anitn. " . . B.uni va tinners nreu or ;- I , A CBSn Payment OC IJoUO will handle this, and can a sure the purchaser a profit of ;o per cent on Investment CA3TEB-IIUIQ53 mmm Exclusive Areiits. 820 Chamber of Commpr''e, SEVERAL fine lota for shIa cheap an.j on easy ttrm. . Call at Dalva's gro cery store, 4022 SOth st. southeist; one-half mile northeast from I'lrlsnd station on the Mount Scott oar line, $650. $6tU, $6503400 CASH! ' Buys 2 lots on coming business street; 2 room house, barn and tent. Fred W. vrrt man, quv pu rnwiue. jnam 3nfl. BEAUTIFUL bungalow site, in a splen did locality, close to the csr and City pork, on the west side, exceedingly close In: $1260. Terms? J-S91. Journal. . ACREAGE 07 Fine tract of 21 acres, all In hlph state of cultivation, best of . soli, on macadamized road, running water, ad-' joining station on 'Gresham carline, and only 4 miles from city limits of Port land; price $400 per acre, $3000 cash Balance per cent. CHAS. L. HUNTER. 823 and 225 Board of Trade mm A-t garden soil all clear. 12 miles from Portland, one mile from electrio station. Price $200 and $225 per acre. Terms -10 per cent down and 3- per cent per montn, or win matte . imerai ais count for cash.- ' , Mattoon & Billings 283 Vf East Morrison, Phone Esut 803. 3 Acres $300 $60 Cash,' $6 per Month; , tveriiving spring; nair hours ride from Portland. One mile from village station. . On well traveled county road. Graded school of 10 grades.- - : Unsurpassed view of Columbia valley No hlUs or rocks or travel. .. But the best of soil. FRED F. HUNTRESS, 630 Lumber Exchange. 32 ACRES miles from 2d and Washington. S blocks from station on the electric line. not a foot of waste land, 5 acres clear. 10 acres slashed, 1500 cords of green, standing timber; running water, abso lutely iree irom stone, two country roads; for quick sale I offer this at half price; $5000, cash $2000, balance S per cent. P. E. Denlson, Gerlinger bldir. 15 or 80 acre tracts near' R, R.; best part Willamette valley; near good town; enough good timber to pay for land; good running water; 25 miles from Portland. Terms to suit: aa acre age snap. Brown,- owner, 411 Couch bldg.. ' ' ' . ; , 5 Acres, $150 $30 Cash, $5 per Month' 40 minutes' ride irom Portland. One mile from station.. . Good county road. Living spring creek. C.4 . 1 a, m .-. 1 MA an.t,. A Matu JV.7,.1 BllVfc Dl'll, 1 1 iui.nv Vfr B'"Tri' ' Fred F. Huntress, 630 Lumber Eeft, . Acreage in Demand . Have .choicest acreage in Oregont tracts ranging from $ acres up; prices range from $13 up to $200 per. acre. This acreage Is in all stages from raw land to plow land. - bkuvvn. 411 coucn ning. Sacrifice Sale Sixteen acres on county road, near Jennings Lodge station, Oregon : City carline. $3200. naif cash; no trade. This la 60 per cent below market price. In quire of owner, 820 Chamber of Com merce. 2-3 acres 10 miles from Portland, mue rrom rauroaa station. All in cultivation, level land, good soil, a small house. Well, etc. Owner must have" some money at once and will sell for $350 per acre now. B-720, Journal. ' A GOOD -p.attlng and summer resort. for fruit or stock, 25 miles rrom Fort land, 1 mile from R. R, station and river; about $00 acres, .$33 an acre. Send for description; part trada T-699, Jour-. nai. "Half Acre, West Side, $750 17 minutes on Oregon Electric; good spring in rear; fine, piaoe for chickens or ducks;" $26 down, bal, $10 monthly, X-69S. Journal, Near electrio It.' R., water, fenced, $150 per acre. Brown, 411 Couch hldgv FIVE acres on ocean beach In Clatsop county, 1 mile south of Fort Stevens: price only $200 per acre, cash; land lies nice for platting. A. C Burdlcls. 711 Chamber or c ommerce. NICE little chicken ranch, $10 down, $5 per month, "25 minutes out. After' 5 p. m. any day. ...Smith, Boardman sta tlon.; uregon 'lty line 640 ACRES; 600 of this land is' ready for plowing. This is z miles irom good R. R, town. Price $25 aa acre, some trade. X-890, Journal. MUST HAVE MONEY Pretty 5 acre corner, 3 blocks from Oregon Electric, 25 minutes out, rich soli. Just think, $1850: $850 cash, woodlswn 308. BARGAIN S6 acres, or will divide to suit; 5 miles Portland; near station;, fine soil; easy terms. Owner, F, IX. Lathrop. 816 Hami Itnn bldr. FIVE-ACRE tract, $500; ready to pluwT easy terms or ensh. Oltver Ander son, Owner. 317 Hamilton -bldg. HALF ACRE, Grays Crossing, city wa ter,, $750. Owner Oakdale Butter Store, 112 First st r EXCHAXGE KEAL ESTATB St FOR BALE or trade-. My equity In a ' fine Rose City park lot. Price $ji0(V Balance due. $500: easy payments. Will trade for good horse. Call 688 FVOth. 7 ROOM modern home, located m the - best residence district of Alamed. California. .A good buy. Wil trade for Portland property. 101 th st. WHAT have you to traile for a iirl..rri five-room- bungalow . . In . porter. I , Heights? - Will takti eiiullv up to.$ii, halanc'B like rentC Lij t-J' ,,n TO EXCHA"NHIi"fc.fluitv in two ln , - Kennedy addition for hore si 1 wneon. 1102 Daxt 2th st, north. 6 ROOM house for il or wi!l for acreage: value $1d30, C V, Jh,r) son, TaleLaundryi ; ; . rp- you vniit t s:D. ""Jfor t. i . i- i M nljJA'j , , , - . REAL etTe buught, suld wr-i -changed, write or Vil on Ch' Otoj& N!,i.L3i.lL.0r'k WK f KADK tor xm'i., - p na t,lny. 411 1 v ' jy: 'r.f. .. . nj,. - . . C!n Chick, C7J . - 11 mm