t GUi:i);w JoiMmnms or- tue diw iud miiEvis of the vjeek-we suudhy jgu::;: Itil THE DAILY JOURNAL IS IL70 CEUTSHCOPY Sunday Journal 5 cents; cr -15 cent a we;k, for Daily and Sunday Jour nal. b7 carrier, delivered, The weather Fair tonight and Friday; northwesterly winds. JOURNAL CirXUlATIO,"! YESTERDAY WAS VOL. IX. NO. 121 PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1910. TWENTY PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. lUlimV S A . V ' i 1 ;VUUlLUUW Lisa I, ., " -. 1 T V 1 v k. rsi K' i ' . ' f 1 '11 Pf, Ro YA )hI W-ggr- '. II' A 1g " "" SB TRAC1I FIGHT; ACIiTE Rioting ;AII Night uuL During Early Hours Today and Po: lice Are Powerless to Cope , With Situation: ' ,.: j. MORE TROOPS WILL' . BE HELD' IN READINESS Two Regiments of Infantry and -One Troop of Cavalry'AI ready on Ground. . . .. (United Press 'betted Wire.) Columbus, . Ohio, July ?8.Two thousand' state militiamen arrived here today to quell riotUg which followed an attempt last' night and today' on the part of the Columbus Railway & Light company to operate streetcars manned by strikebreakers. ' Mobs of Btrike ' sympathizers at tacked the cars, beat the nonunion crews And tore up 'the tracks. The police, were " powerless and Mayor Marshall, called on the state authori ties tor troops.- j , -, . Governor Harmon ordered Adju tant General Weybrecht to call out the Second, Third and Sixth Ohio In fantry,', the Cleveland troop of the First cavalry, a signal corps and a hospital ambulance' company; The adjutant general sent. orders to the Fourth, Fifth, , Seventh, and. Eighth Ohio regiments to ' hold, themselves in readiness. . ',:, ... ; x. Until military, control has been fully established the, traction ' com pany will make .no further effort to operate its cars.. . , ,; -; 'x .u -,. ' Governor Judson Harmon is en route from Charlevoix, Mich.,, where he baa been spending Jila vacation, to take per sonal "charge, of . the , strike ,i situation here. -V. Js- l.:'-:)':-'- ' This .1 the second time , Governor Harmon has been called back from Michigan on f account. of disorders In Ohio.- He was at the summer resort when the riot ' at Newark, which re sulted in the lynching of Defective Carl Etherlngton, broke out, and . he came back to. Columbus to take charge of the case. .. .: ; ,. . , TO LEAVE COUNTRY Two Freight Cars and Cabdose ... Burned on Buffalo Division of Grand Trunk. Road De - tectives on Trait." T ' . Buffalo, TC. T July 28. The Gand Trunk strike took " on a more 'serlpus aspect today when a delegation, of strike sympathisers notified Yardmas ter H. G. Foster ' Of Bridgburg that he would be shot unless, he left Buf falo. - , Two freight cars -and a caboose were burned during the night on the Buffalo division. Railroad detectives are seek ing the' identity of the Incendiaries. The Grand Trunk station at Amagarl, Just outside of Brldgehurg, was burned (Continued on Page rive.) , v REACi S STAGE ATCAPITAL STB YARDMASTER ; '. v REGISTER NOW 1 ; ' . There is attempt by the Portland machine to setzef the reins of government.' There, is attempt by it tq ostracize and disfranchise ' regular. Republicans., -There is anonsJaughtrtra the direct primary v system. There is plan to throw the election of senator back into the legislature. ;; There is attempt to scuttle direct legislations; There is . .secret design by corporations to control the next legislature and de- ., prive the people of political powers they have recently won The biggest political cQflflict that ever raged in Oregon has begun.' The first battle groundsill be in the open pnmaries.cv The issues, directly oiKern-evetT-'ttKett-tfrffgCTn7riis-righ nis right to initiate laws, his, right to help select senator; and his right to help nominate candidates ate at stake. It is charged that he is in competent to. do tkese things. Every such citizen is on trial.,- Wheth er fie is his own boss or must be bossed by a Portland machine may be decided by whether, or not he lines up at the primary. Register now. OIIE II KILLED; THREE WILL DIE; Strikers Attack Strikebreakers and . Officers at American ' Sugar Refining ' Company's Docks at Brooklyn. POLICE, UNABLE TO '' . QUELL RIOT, OPEN FIRE All M en Shot Were Strikers-r : Many Arrests Are Matte " Policemen Beaten. United Prcwi Letted Wlre.f ' New York, July 28. One unknown man was killed, four persons were shot and a score were beaten if a riot at the Brooklyn docks of the American Sugar Refining company today.' The riot be gan when strikebreakers started to work under the guard of special policemen. -. A. crowd of 800 .strikers and their friends charged upon the strikebreakers. The police drew their clubs and defend ed the nohunfon men for a time. The mob savagely beat the : strikebreakers and watchmen, and a call was sent for the regular police reserves. -: When -the police arrived -they were Stoned and beaten. The mob was gain ing the upper hand ' when an order to fire wa given. The police drew their revolvers and fired Indiscriminately upon their assailants. Five men fell at the first volley, and i the crowd broke and ran for cover. V ' Three of the wounded men will prob ably die. .? The fourth; may recover. All of the men shot were strikers, A num ber of strikers, strikebreakers, police men, and watchmen were, beaten. Mny arrests were made. . '- INTERURBAN MAY STOP ' - AT TACOM A LIMITS Taeoma, Wash., July. 28. The Seat- tle-Tacoma lnterurban trains may be stopped at the Taeoma limits, 18 blocks fron the present depot, If the city commission stands pat on Its resolution passed yesterday. ; IThe 4nterurban com pany has no franchtse In the city ' of Taeoma,. but comes in on ' the tracks of an allied company. vThe council in an effort to bring the. local street car company , to terms on the 6 cent fare Issue, passed a . resolution - giving the lnterurban- concern ten days .in which to apply for franchise.-' v .Manager Bean of the local company and also of the lnterurban Is awaru that no franchise will be granted unless he agrees to concede the 6 cent fare, no he will refuse to apply for : thu irrant, announcing that .. the lnterurban trains will be stopped at the city limits if, the .council enforces Us reso lutlom , "' .- Gems Worth $100,000 May Have Been Taken by. So-., :ciety Raffles, Is Belief; OBlte Press rtrd Wire.) v Plttsburg, Pa,, July 28. The jewels of Mrs. Henry R. Rea, sister of United States Senator George T. Oliver have been found after a search extending over a year. They are .valued at $100,000. All circumstances regarding the restora tion of the stolen gems are withheld. The general belief is that they were taken by a society Raffles, who finally consented to return them under -certain conditions. The detectives .who have been working on the case, scout the idea that the jewels were hidden In a safety deposit box by Mrs. Rea and then for gotten. "' ' . " ..' ' . ' SEVERAL INJURED AFTER OIIE M TRAMP STEAMER CAUGHT BETWEEN MADISON British steamship Rivet-dale hung TO FREE BIG SHIP STUCK III RIVER Steamer Riverdale Stilt Fast on Sunken Draw Pier of Old Madison Street Bridge; Con tractors Criticised; , aeoent Karlne Accidents. Within a few days a series of marine accidents have occurred both In the harbor at Portland 'and In the lower river, v 4 On Tuesday the Associated Oil company's steamer ; Rosecrans went aground In the mouth of the Columbia river this side of Fla- 4 ve. but was floated off at high, 4 tide with no damage to the craft.'1. Yesterday morning ; the, San Francisco and Portland liner Beaver went aground In Young's , 4 bay In a dense fog below Astoria, 4 . after narrowly .escaping a. colli-. 4 slon wlrii the British steamer St. 4 Nicholas. .; . - - Last night the British steamer. Riverdale hung up on the draw: pier of 4he old Madison street . ., brldga while being towed Into the ; lower harbor. ' . . ' i At an early hour this morning . the O. B. & JJ. passenger steamer Tv J. Potter had a hole stove' In, her by the barge Klickitat in tow , p of the Ocklahama... , Other mishaps yesterday were ' 4 the sinking of a digger dredge be- longing to the Columbia Contract 4 company, and.! the grounding of the towboat Tahoma, : 4 hlle passing through the Malso street draw j. In tow of the a steamers Ocklahama 'and M. F. Henderson, , the British tramp steamship Riverdale (Continued on rage Eleven.) George Welch "and Fred Alex ander. Fight; Alexander Dies, Welch Surrenders. , . ' (Sseeltt DlfllMtrti to 'i"h Jnnrntl.t ' Klamath Falls. Or., July 28. George Welch shot and killed Jfred Alexander, proprietor of the O. K. feed barn Jast night.; Welch wen t to , Sheriff Barnes home ' and. surrendered. He claims to have shotVin self (defense. ' Welclr'had been in the employ of Alexanders They Quarreled and Alexander, It is said, at tacked , Welch ' with a pitchfork s and Welch shot him twice with a At alibre revolver. . . . The shooting occurred at. 10 o'clock last hlght, Alexander died at 2 a, m today. A coroner's Jury Is holding an Inquest ' " ..' Taft'g Keturn to Beverly. nit4 Pmmi" Wtiry-" Blddeford, Maine.July 28. Cheered by an enthusiastic crowd . of cltiii'ns, President Tan ana ms, party boarded the yacht Mayflower to'Uay and started on the return to Beverly, concluding a 10 days' sail- along the New England- coast. The Mayflower will arrive at nnnis SHOT AND KILLED 4 -r c 4;;v,,.. .-a r ! fill 1 1 ' ' v 4 : V - . . . . - -.v. .- . .-M ...!'" '' ;; .;..: np on snag of old Madison street bridge isnea pier on MAN'S 511 KILLS HERSELF IN HOI, ATI Mrs. Dorothy, Knighton, After Quarrel, Lifts Cup, to Lips . and Drinks Deadly Acid Leaves-Two Children. While her husband and . a v boarder watched her drink what they supposed was whiskey, Mrs. Dorothy Knighton, aged 88,- swallowed carbolic acid In the kitchen of her home at.f 30 East Twenty sixth street North,' at 6:30 o'clock' last evening .nJ fell dying to the Xloor be fore them. Death followed before a physician grrlved. 1 ' ' . , . When H. M. Knighton, the husband, who is a carpenter, , returned from his work last 'evenlng, his dinner, was not roady, and there Is said to' have been a quarrel. - The woman went into a bed room in a rage, and remained there for nearly shalf an hour. Then she walked Into the ikitchen wher Knighton was preparing dinner for' himself,. William Buiuvan, a boarder, ana the two children,, aged B'and 7.";:'X-i.'S.v,,i -''.:' '! '' Going to tha pantry ahe took, out a cbp, and with no warning to the jnen concerning the nature of the contents she drank the potion. With a cry Of pain she swayed and Hank to the floor. The two children were -en the porch of lb chouse lat-lhei-tlme-and-the-father. sent.them to call a physician.' Dr. M. E. Thornton, 60 East Twenty-eighth street North, arrived shortly afterward, but his services were , not - needed. - The body was removed to the morgue, - Mrs. Knighton was the daughter of Richard Knoll; a retired wine merchant who lives at 404 East Fourteenth street but has been at 'his summer home at Long Beach recently. The deceased woman at one time gave promise of be coming an able artist and spent consid erable time in studying In this Country and abroad. ' ' . OKLAHOMA CAPITAL REMOVAL HELD UP (United Prts Ltawd WIm. ' Guthrie, Okla... July 28 Guthrie and Oklahoma City must leave all maters pertaining to the change of capital fight asi they ira : at presents aecordlnc.to a declston.of the Oklahoma supreme court The decision means that the federal courts ' ultimately wilt decide whether the capital may be moved from OWa homa City. The supreme court .granted Governor C. N, Haskell's petition for re lief from the Idwer court's Injunction restraining htm from removal to Okla homa City, but forbade other state of flclals to move their offices or effects until .final settlement of the question is made. ' ' Big Nugget Prom Old Diggings. 1 1 1 ttrnlterTfvrteUe(f"yire. ' Ellensburg, Wash., July v 28. John Robinson, purchasing an old claim In the Swauk mining district near here, found on It a nugget worth $168, ac cording to ; news received here today. The nugget was found In an unworked section - and Kobinson also uncovered a good pay streak. CARB0LI& ACID EMPLOYED BY HOTMER AS AGENT OF DEATH: DROPPING BJW ET draw pier. Photograph shows finished pier on west side and;unfin- east siac. , ATTEMPT FAILS BULLET FIRED BY . REALTYOEALER I A. D. Marshall, Despondent Over III Health, Fails in At tempt to Take Own Life at . . Irvington Home. - - a Record c-f the Week Suicides. - Lee Wing Won. Twelfth and Gllsan; hanging. t i 4 4 ' Benjamin Stanton, 1026 . East a . Thirteenth North; revolver. Mrs. Clara Snyder, 946 Wll- Hams avenue; gas. ffs -Mrs. Dorothy Knighton, 630 V East Twenty-Sixth street north;. p carbolic acid, .v 4 4 ;Attemptel Suicide. 4 - "Arthur D. Marshall, 725. Weld- a ler street; revolver. 4 . His mind weakened by his own Ill ness and worry over his daughter's ali ment Arthur D. Marshall.-, formerly a prominent real estate dealer and . an heir of the' Marshall estate, made an unsuccessful - attempt to . kill himself (Continued on Page Five.) After Serving 12 Months of 18 Months' Sentence, Prisoner . . Strives for Release. An application . for the- pardon of Charles H.x Strauss was filed in the of fice of United States District Attorney John McCourtthla mornlng -Strauss was convicted In the United States court and sentenced to the county jail for ! having A failed to deposit ; postal money. The trial was a. long and hard fought one and it' was never made clear where the money., some I800Q,i went -to. It was a mysterious case - and much sympathy was expressed 1 for Strauss, who .contended that his accounts were perfectly straight when he 1 was com pelled to relinquish his position because of falling eyesight V u t ' ;f, .-- ; Strauss was sentenced in August a year ago and has consequently served nerty--y"-rVWH8iwmthrf-'hts sentence. Hi petition has been signed by a long list of prominent officials and citlxens, of the city, county' and state. It will be considered by United States Attorney McCourt. who will then for ward It to President Taft with what ever recommendation hei may see fit to make. , k , , . i -. is m BRIDGE PIERS MOTHER? THAT MACHINE IS 111 Republican State Central Com mittee to Open Headquar ters lto Boost Convention Nominees. ' v . "Headquarters will -be opened by the Republican state central , committee In the Cornelius hotel, f and ; will j be con ducted In the Interest-of the assembly nominees. You can quote me as saying thai much for publication," said E. V. Llttlefleld, secretary of the state cen tral r committee, . . this morning- which puts the finishing touch and the clinch Ing argument to the general assumption which has heretofore prevailed that the "assembly" was In reality an old fash ioned convention, and that the boosters and backers of the movement consid ered a nomination by the convention to be equivalent to a nomination by the party. , . " 1 ,. Accordingly, from 'this time on. all candidates ; for Republican nomination for office In the state, who have not been put in nomination by the conven tions of the state or of their respective counties, "are up against the assembly machine organization. According to this plan of the Repub- (Continued on Page Eleven.)' Chicago Paper Says $35,000 Tfor Hopkins; Candidate Him J self in Jgnorance of lt.; ' (United Press Lpm4 Wlr.l , Chicago, July 28. The Chicago Trl bune today charges that a S3 5,000 "Jack cot" was raised prior to the last sessidn of the general assembly, to be used in. purchasing Democratic -votes for John P. Hopkins for the United States sen ate. The scheme, according to the. news papery was blocked by Speaker Shurtleff and Roger Sullivan, reputed Democratic boss 6f Illinois.' Hopkins, the Tribune says, did not know of thef plan. in IITU PAHninilTCC lllll UHHUIUMILO OTHERS BESIDES LOR IR A POT QUEEN ELIZABETH OF ROMANIA TO GRACE PORTLAND WITH VISIT Elisabeth, Queen ef Roumanla (Car men Sylva), Will come to Portland, probably in September. ; While here she will be the guest of the Better Citizen ship association, and will participate In a national , anniversary meeting of the organisation, according to ' annouce tnwtttrsrrnartmtTr"g9nra secretary E, PI Rosenthal.,, '0:.-'::,; xi-: Queen, Elizabeth expects to make a tour of the United States that will take her to the principal cities of the nation. The date of her arrival in Portland has not been definitely fixed, but she Is ex pected the latter part of September. ' The anniversary conference of the GIRL'S MURDERER SEEN IH FRISCO; ESCAPES POLICE Joseph Wendling Has Been Un der Surveillance for , Three Weeks but Eludes' Officers Before Arrest Is Made. PREPARATIONS FOR HIS , ARREST WERE MADE Alma Kellner's Alleged -Slayer Slips Away After Identi-. fication, San Francisco, July 28. The police today, admit that Joseph Wendling, wanted in Louisville,-Ky., on a charge of having murdered Alma Kellner on the 8th of last December, and . whose body was, found In the basement of a church, has been under -. surveillance here for the last three weeks. Just as the police .were preparing to make the arrest . Wendling disappeared and the police still seek him. It is thought that he has fled from San Francisco. Wendling was seenvon the street and -Identified, according to police st flclals. , DR. HAWLEY CR1PPEN , ABOARD THE MONTROSE . Xo&traaL Qaebeo, Jnly 2a A wireless dispatch from , the steamer- Montrose aays Dr. Hawley K. Crippen, wanted at London for the murder of his wife, la aboard the vessel. EDMUND, C. KIRBY TO .," WED JULIA DENT GRANT San. -Francisco, Juty 28. Letters re-' ceived at San Diego from TJ. S. Grant, Jr., are In effect that his daughter, Julia Dent Grant Is to marry Edmund C. King,, of Portland, Ore. , Z Noted C. T. -r.i Worker Dead. . ? Olympla, Wash., July 28. Miss Emma E. Page, blind W. C. T. TJ." worker and humanitarian of national prominence, is dead at the home of her brother, Ben jamin Curry, a few miles northeast of hore.. Death was due to paralysis, foU lowing a general breakdown. Mis Page was blind from early childhood, due to ai accident, but was the author of sev eral books On humanitarian subjects, in, spite of her affliction, and had Jectured -In practically every city, iown end ham let in the northwest ; - Terrific Heat Takes Toll in Mid dle West; Special Prayer Services for Rain Are Held in Churches. "-- - ' (Cpited Pr l-esd Wlre. , Chicago, July 28. Five persons are dead and scores are being treated at hospitals as the result of the terrifio heat Of the past 24 hours. Three per sons. In addition, were bitten" by rabid dogs last evening.' They were taken to the Chicago' Pasteur Institute. . : Special prayer services for rain were held In several churches last evening. (Continued tm Page Five.) Better Citisenshlp association had been set for yesterday, but when word came to Mr. Rosenthal of Qupn Ellzaheiva coming It was Instantly .decided that tt would be best to defer the. -conference until her arrival- , In tbe meantime 20.000 or more Invi tations to attend the -eonferenf I ' 1 beer'fnruTBrtd -TM-ytoTrirrMrwr. . r of the world,' .It .wos. not. po!tl at the late date to.: recall, the liivttail.i.i, so Ut;, "A..' A:' Morrison, president tt t association, end Mr. KriS:al i. , t rfcponas to the In vlt : vUI ti'I by letter end not in jwr'- ,A ' 1,1 1 of liio lav ?&':oni a-vr-! it t.iV ' n as a t fi ' ,r t 1 i -" DEATHS FROM HEAT AT CHICAGO: RABID DOGS ADDED PERIL Beverly this afternoon. f - - . ' - I- -i,