THE ORISON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 2 V 1310. 13 REMAINS OF STUDENT r- FOUND ON MOUNTAIN , . ... . .,. ., , "!-''1(v:' Tan Francisco, July 37. Members of the Slenra ; club. t an organisation of mountain climbers! say they are certain that proof they hare fllscorered leave no doubt that J. D. Archibald, a Cor-r-flU student who disappeared two years ago, perished in the .shlftln surfaces of Mount Klxford, which, he attempted to cross. - f'.'; ' - Following the disappearance of their companion, several members of the Sierra club started in search of Archi bald. They have returned with Archi bald's eyeglasses, parts of his clothing, money he Is said to have had and bones .aeged to be remnants of his skeleton. - '-!; ,,: '"',,",:'.'' It is believed Archibald traveled ovor the mountain for two or three days, but was Anally engulfed in the treacherous surface near the head' waters of Kings river. i o Journal Want Ads bring results. I ft f".33.i .. ,1 I, 1 i J Willamette Sewing M a Week on Club Plan Portland Home of Nemo CorisetsM Dutterick Patterns and Publications ON Aim weaken rflwir m vrmrn MEN'S TRQUSEES g cd&Is m? ii tes&wiy iMmllalHilu SaSe'of CaMeNefc Cirtalias $3.50 Vahses $8.95 Efr. Tomorrow we offer 900, pairs of fine quality cable net curtains at a very low price On sale on the third floor, in bur immense drapery and upholstery departmentCbme up and look over the large assortment They come in ' cream, .white or ecru, and are made with heaw thread. finished with overlockedgerThisE assures de pendable wear 1 he patterns are m neat border ana scroll enectsou m. wiae, 6 f ay yds long Eeg. $3.50 vak, special tji) Ho Spacing GatiGlass at 1-5 Less Tomorrow in the cut glass and silverware department, first floor main building, a great sale on our, entire stock of cut glass. The lot : includes many articles greatly in demand for hot weather, such as ice cream sets,ankards with coaters,, iced tea glasses, sugar and creamer sets, ice jugs, etc. Hostesses who areplanning luncheons and dinnersior the warm weather, will do well to take advantage of this opportunity and provide their table with a supply of nch cut glass. -TOiJAPll';: Every article in our stock are now ,' ir 1I$M1 i IWSS Steel ElailD Tomorrow in the basement 100O mail boxes, made of black sheet steel with glass front plate and double clasp for attaching padlock. Also a pack age holder and sliding door. Glossy black japanned finish. Don't let- the 31 : .i ' , - : ' 1 . - - . . mail carrier, take your mail by because there's no place for him to put it. Get one of these boxes and Jiave a place for it Specially priced y for tomorrow's great sale at the extremely low price of, each, only J & C r On Sale in Fifth Floor ;1oyDept: A legiEtor3.9 Vols. $2.3 Tomorrow on the fifth floor, , featherweight card table with top. 30 inches square, covered with leatherette or. green felt, just the thing for informal luncheons or card parties Strongly made and fold into small space Regular $3.90 (?) values, special. for tomorrow at only w. iici'asSesIiii interest The great Midsummer sale of Men's Shirts is one of the greatest events in the men's haberdashery line ever.known in Portland. Six of the best makes on earth are included, and our entire 6tock is offered at prices that mean much to the thrifty man. J Every Golf Shirt in our mammoth stock reduced. Included are such well-known makes as, Manhattan, Eagle, Star Gotham, K; & -y, and M. & F. Note following low prices: Our 'regular $1.50 grades v 9 Our regular $2.00 grades f 1.35 uur regular $z.50 grades ?l.75 Our regular $3.00 grades $1.J5 Our regular $3.50 grades , $1.95 uur regular 3.uu grades aa.?D LOT 1-$1.00 VALUES, SPECIAL AT 55 Golf style, in a lare as sortment of styles and patterns; great' variety in Jight and dark-colors. Made of good auality madras, percale or gingham; cuffs at-'CC-tached; our regular $1.00 values, priced specially for this sale at-OdC LOT 2 $1.50 VALUES, SPECIAL AT 5Men's Golf and Negligee Shirts, of -fine-quality- madras,- percalersotsetterttcrmade-coat style: cuffs attached or detached, soft collars.. Our regular $1.50 val- AF ues, placed on sale tomorrow specially at this big reduction, only. JDC LOT l VALUES, SPECIAL' AT ?H5-Men'l Golf Shirts, made coat style, with cuffs attached or detached; endless as- (M.1C sortment of light or dark colors and patterns; $1,7S values, sp'l il J LOT 4-$2.0O VALUES, SPECIAL AT 1.35GoIf or Negligee Shirts for men, made coat style, with cuffs attached, soft collars. Ma- flt Ot tenals are imported madraspercales and chambray; $2 values PXOD S l.OQXolorcd-Pictures at49c Each Tomorrow ia our ihVge Picture Department,' a special lot of beautiful co!oredLSubjeets, size 5x8 inches,; mounted on fine gray mat, framed in Ane-inch oak moulding, size of frame 11x14 inches. Regular price At U-00 each, placed on sale specially: for tomorrow's selling at only 4"C Stylish : MeiiiSaviRg on Suits Money Wow Young men who want snappy style comprised with good materials will be interested in these offerings. The best fabrics, correct styles and all grades, for young men and boys In these suits. Every suit in our entire stock now reduced, Come at once, while the assortment is ; still com plete and select a nstty suit The finest of tailoring, the best finishing; most careful attention to the details has been given in the making of these suits, and the result has been such as to warrant the great popu larity which they have. If there is need of any alteration, our expert tailors will make the change for you. Following are the cut prices: Regular $15,00 Suits, ''pi' 11.15 Regular $25.00 Suits, spl $17.65 Regular $20.00 Suits, spl f 13.65 Regular $28.00 Suits, spl 20.85 Regu ar $22.50 Suitv spl $16.35 Regular $30.00 Suits, spl $21.45 Regular $35.00 Suits, special for tomorrow's selling, at; each $24.35 Sale Boys' Clothing The Knickerbocker Suits which are being so greatly reduced in our third floor Boys' Clothing Department are made of all-wool fabrics in cluding: fancy, thevibts,- tweeds, serges, in light or dark patterns. rThe w.wi. ic MSui Vr u,ir. gray, moae, Drown ana aarK tancy mixtures Suitable: for dress or .school wear. . Made in newest ' style . and cut Regular $ 4.50 values now $3.38 Regulars 5.00 values now $3.57 Keguiar $ 6.00 values now $4.23 All Boys' Wash Suits are now . p Regular $ 7.50 values now $5.15 Regular $ 9.00 values now $6.25 Regular $10.00 values now S6.83 aced on sale at just HALF PRICE 05 Reed Folding Go-Carta at S 1 .69 Tomorrow we offer( the' balance of our Reed Folding Go-Carts " well made, with rubber-tired wheels! reclining hack anil Hash? a 'Ai aa i great value at $5-00, special for tomorrow only at the low price spl. UJ At-every one of bur 5 MOYER Stores ' Every pair of men s medium and light weight trousers included in this great STOCK REDUCING SALE ' GENUINE REDUCTIONS $2;50 TROUSERS NOW $1.95: $3.00 TROUSERS NOW. $2.25 .'$3.50 TROUSERS NOW $2.65 $4.00 TROUSERS NOW $3.00 $4.50 TROUSERS NOW $3.25 $5.00 TROUSERS NOW $?.95 $6.00 TROUSERS NOW $4.50 REMEMBER! When You See It.ln Our Adit's So Third and Oak First and Yamhill 89 Third Street 'imxxrTm' ; 1st and Morrison 2nd and Morrisqn m m Trousers S2 We offer you the best values procurable at either price, anywhere, s at any time. We are enabled to do so because we are manufacturers ' and are therefore in position to sell you without having to take the middleman's profit into consideration. ' - ace me pumir i ou win wnen you see tne gooqs lace to tace. ; IX7 $25 Service Guaranteed Suits at . . . Extreme values"; that is what these suits are, through and through'. Outside'and inside; the part you" can't see, but it's vital just the same .. Mr J these suits are of the sort you've got to pay $25 for anywhere but- Sr.yi siae oi mis siore. in iacj, we guarantee inese'. suirs to give you . that' much service. . s ' ' " ; 'x '-v . , " v " . ' . . " "f "", pr J. L. Bowman & Co. MSy " Popular Price Clothiers Fifth aitd Alder 7 .-- - --- - - ----- : - w . lielic3$tf? rJipX yitrx Jipvp str Hf- ti ystV KEEP COOL-KEEP HEALTHY When tired, warm or run down, shake a little BATHASWEETinthetubwheri. v bathinjr. BATH ASWEET softens and per- ' - " ' fume3 the water instantly, isbathsimscentcan. ''' - IT'S WORTH A TRIAL BATCHELLEI ,IMP(JRTINGlCO . :: ,MEW .YOHK . RHICHESTER'S PILLS Py l-Ill. 1 K.4 d .I4 D..ulliXJ b, mled Willi Bin Ribbon. V UIAAIOMD I1RANU PII.i .VS; .3 r , yeowlil llcn.MfMt,AIT Reliant