THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 27, 1910. norsES For. rent ' la Greater Meier & Frank Store ft i m, i r ' Rental & imormaiion Bureau Horn hunters, visit our modern, com pletely equipped ' information depart- ...... ftnnr main hnlMtnir n mtflll (Ullivii ttwu't wm.v.r, kiiu not the vacant houses and flats on our 'list. You'll nave time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep la touch with all the vacant flats and house! In all parts of yie city. We have the combined lints of all the real estate agents in the city. We also have a list f .11 new huflrlino-oi in r-nursa n,f r-.on- tructlon. ' . '.--; If You! Want to Rent a House ' See Us. WHEN you move youn neefl nevr rue - ntture. Buy Judiciously and 'your savings will exceed moving expense. Our NO-RENT PRICES made u one of the largest furniture housea la the city in less than two years. Looker shown same courtesy as bujN rs. MORGAN-A, 1CHLHT FURNITURE CO, iirand ave., eor. F. 8tarlc st East Ankeny .and Russell-Shaver Car ' . pass our door. - $16 6-room modern, full lot, tea. $20-w5-room- modern, pas, east side. ; Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 133 FIRST ST. CLEAN modern t room house, unfur nished' yard, fruit, vegetables, quiet, Blghtly neighborhood, near in; occu pants four rooms will remain t etgree able. 685 Front. Main 6415. VERY DESIRABLE : nearly new room house, strictly1 modern; furnace. 887 East Ash, corner ,28th,. Rent $28. Phone Tabor 645. ' R1X-ROOM house on Hawthorne ave. near 86th at; $25 per month. Phone NEW modern six room house, 774 2nd St. apply next house, 229 Grover. HOUSES FOR RENT, . FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 COMPLETELY furnished 8 room lower flat for sale, Including fine leather couch, leather chair, Moquette ' carpet, steel range, etc.; all for $285; rent only $25, within 10 minute' walk to business center, - NEW FURNITURE and comolets tut- nishings of - five-room ' cottage for Bale. .Going east; must sell at once. Make me an. offer.- Call 431 Morris Btreet. evenings. . HOUSE for rentFurniture for sale. 5 rooms, $18; . Kimball piano, new. Leaving town. . Bargain. Inquire at 1074 E. Washington. ' - , FURNITURE for sale, include dining room, chairs, bras bed, hot water heater, gas range, . etc. . 401 - H&lsey. Phone East 8S8. : ; FURNITURE 8 room houBS clearing $25 ner month over exoenses. Owner. 101 lutn: reasonaoie. - FURNITURE of 8 rooms, six rented; - fine location. Phone B-2669. 425 E, FURNITURE of S room flat must be tT sold this week. , Call 249 Clay, be twn 2d and 3d. - " ' . '" FURNITURE of 6 rooms, srood con dltion,- $250. Call 428 Everett after p. nr. -... FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale; price s&o; rent only iit. can 4iH 1st at, FURNISHK0 HOUSES SO FURNISHED cottage, $20; lower 4 room - flat, - $16 -month; - two housekeeping rooms $10 month; west lde river. Apply S64 . asth. w car from- depot, 5U or Morrison to 26th. block north. room furnished house with garden, corner Sexton and Charles. , Caxadero car to Buklev station. . r i26 Six rooms furnished; gas range. bath, fine car service. Call " after s:so evenings. IZ5 E. 28 North. ; FOR RENT -FLiTS 13 NEW six-room flat and sleeping porch, choice location, west Bide; every mod ern convenience. , Slnnott & Sinnott, , 621-525 Chsmher of TYimmerfA NEW, modem 4 room flat, corner Wll- liam iv.. and warm. Inquire ' 290 Farge. Phone East 8305. FOR RENT Five room flat, $20 per uiunm. , vvesi Blue. . ViZ ft -u irst SC. i none Main iu. ROOM upper flat; no small children B?5 Mill; $12. Main 6024.1 - iB W modern UDDer 5 room flat 118 Phone Sellwood 902; 858 Clinton st FURNISHED FLATS 00 $20 B-room modern flat, furnished v . complete, east siae. ? Otto & Harkson Realty Co. ' ' 133 FIRST BT. APARTMENTS 43 LOIS APARTMENTS. :-''-: - 7n4-7fl Hnvt Rt New brick apartment now ready for occupancy; 2, i and 4 room suites, pri vate bath, phone, electric and fireiess . cookers, , eleotrio light, large sleeping porches,; steam heat, beautifully fur nished; janitor service; references re- quireq. Phone Marshall 2010. "THE WASHINGTON" "W" car to 21st and IJorthrun.' ' - Beautiful 5 room ' apartments fur mailed and unfurnished., with all mod ern conveniences, bath, telephone, hot una cum water, sieam neat, rerrigera' tor. gsa range, gas, electrlo light. Jani tor -service, etc. .- WELLINGTON court 2,'i and 4 room apartments, all furnished complete wun private Datn ana tree pnone. Best of farallx service and ft fine place for clerks ana business men.. Phone Main RE-UKAN Aoartments. 24 Marshall completely furnished, tip-to-date, most Deautuuuy iocatea. - w car.' Mam 0032, STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Choice location In new - building, corner E, 18th and Alberta Bt. Fine opportunity for millinery or barber; will give leasertsheap rent "Apr j'iy B.i rj, lsxn st. iMonn, STORE building, pa WUliams ava., good luuniion. - - Otto h Harkson Realty Co; ; lS.lli V1RHT HT FOR RENT; ground floor office epace, wumwBHt corner f roni ana Ankeny jJfchKKROOM furnished, with use 'of r Fnui w montn. zi Lewis bid FDR RENT Small store, No. 260 H urai mauieon. - Apply next OOOr; '"zX! IC ornces in the Couch and Chambers bldg, 601 Couch bldg.r kmX room 'or rent. 817 Alisky SUMMElt RESORTS. LONG BEACH S room furnished cot. tage, ridge, ocean front Adapted two t" season, boo East Oak. SMALL COTTAGE for rent at Seaside iK,g eennuu. main or 343 N i virt Birepi. 1 ' - WANTEDTO HENT WANTED t6 rent, furnished enttatr or rooms, ana Datn, water, heater, as or electric light, near carline. f1 Phorte B-2587 LADY with 4-year-old girl wishes 8 or 4 nicely ; furnished rooms in private rniiy, one . wiin yara i prexerrea., ' Y - journal. . FOUR room " furnished cottar - Tn Beach, two to four weeks from Au gust i. 1-992. journal wanted Apartment; or room with MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS. From the "House of York." , The Chas. E. York Band Instrument una music House.- t "fineclal .Distributing Agent." I 88 4 3.1 St. HORSES. I'EIUCLES. ETC. 18 BARGAIN Llverv barn and stiSok 2 stairs teams. $500; 18 horses, 82500; 9 double rlss, $450; 1 single. $35; 2 carriages, $150; 33sealed hacks, $250; 22 sealed hacks, $100: harnesses for all horses. $50o: value of barn $5600; size. 85x100; in beft location; other robps and whlpn. worth $9a85; will take $7500.-. X stage route pays. $3000 year; Wail contract, $1000 a year. Good business got to sell, as I have other business. I have run this a long time. See R. M. Cramer, 269 ft Washington St., room 5. -l ' Horses, Wagons & Harness ' for sale. flavin 'bousrht the Merchants' Ex press company's outfit and all of Mr. Bchulderman's mail wagons, we will sell all or part at a very reasonable price; we also Keep all kinds or norses on lend for sale: all of our horses are guar anteed to be as represented or money refunded. Hawthorne Stable, 420 uaw- thorneiave. " " FOR SAL 2 young matched teams; 4 to 6 years old: about aiuo lbs. witn harness, and almost new gravel wagons earning $7 per day. Also light driving ana saddle norso wun narness ana cart or buggy. Good family cow, etc To be sold on account of leaving city. 729 Commercial St., cor. Freemont Bt A PAIR of chunky horses, weight 2600 , lb.; bne bay horse, weight 1600 lbs.; one nice driving horse. 1100 lbs.; one nice saddle norse, sou ids.; au guaran teed. 186 Madison at. west Bid ap proach -of new bridge. ST JOHNS Sand & Gravel Co. wants teams for wagon work, $6 per day; wagon, water and stalls furnished, pay each week, . phone Richmond 157L Or. In quire E. 2d and Taylor. . , $210 buys team -: and harness; team weighs 2550 lbs.: good pullers, single or dftuble; harness is nearly new. Call residence, 874 Savler Bt w or ISth st Car, - -.v ' : BAY mare . and horse to match; weighs 2600 lbs., sound and true pullers; make , fine ranch team; also heavy breeching harness, complete. Price $190. Call 433 N. 6th Bt, inBide gate. GOOD team mares; sound and ready to .work: weighs 2850 lbs.: fair harness. good wagon; $375. ; 642 East 15th Bt Take Brooklyn oar. " -' ; . WANTED, 'from cwner, 1200 pound mare, not over 10 years 01a, souna and true puller. State cash price. X- journal. -- ... TEAM mares wit new collars-v A good ranch team 1180. ; True pullers. Ernest E. Hatter. Estella t, Lents, On N. w. or scnooi'j nouse. kORSES and buggies ror rent by day. week - ana montn; special rate in business house. . tb and Hawthorn, liast 72. STYLISH, gentle mare, weight 1160; suitable for lady, also runabout and harness. Must cell. A bargain. , Z- 691, Journal.- . ' v : FOR SALE cheap, driving mare, rubber tired . runabouj and hai new harness. Must sell at once. Call 534 EU69ttt Bt, end of Hawthorne ave car line. , TEAM Mare and horse, weight 2800; double harness and wagon. All com plete for i$276, $56 for mare, weight 1100. 242Grand ave. S. MUST . sell good. true. 2500 lb. team horses. 2175: guarantee to be true workers, single or double. True guar antee given. Call 826 7th st. $110 takes fine, young, gentle, driving or saddle pony; rubber tired top bug by and harness, nil complete. Owner going east, uait ga vtn et. WANTED Horses- for uncut oat pa . ture; $1 per week.. 1010 -Kelly ave., bet Mllwaukle road and W.-W. cartine. FOB SALS3 Span mares, 7 and 8 years . old; weight 2600; $400 for horses, narness and wagon. Inquire 310 E. 6th. CARLOAD young horses, all well broke ana gentle, at star isarn. 30S-31U Front Bt. M. S. Lindsay, salesman. 1400-pound "mare, true worker, single or double; 6-year-old horse; is single or double city broke. 666 E. Main. E5395. $85 buys rubber tired runabout buggy and handmade harness, nearly new. Call quickly. 874 Savler st GOOD mare, sound and true, drives single or double, safe for ladv. 1060 lbs.,- cheap. 694 E. 14th. BL car. - WILL trade timber claim, value $3000, for horses of. any dlsoription. Z-694, Journal,' " FOUR year old horses cheap; weight, 2900. Inquire at stora for Kelly, Mulloy's. Q.-egon Electric. ONE good light workhorse, buggy and harness. $40. V-691, Journal. A GOOD light farm horse, $26. V-692, journal. . -. LIVESTOCK AND l-OULTRY 83 FRESH JERSEY cow, extra find milk er. irieann certlllcate. km 5 hk Yam. hill. ; ' TWO MALE SplU pups for sale.. -Main osoo. ao inn. street. WANTED 150 head of . tested dairy cows. Mokel-Bruce Co., Stockyard Fpft SALE--MISCELLAXEOrS 10 - Tentsl Tents! - Tents! - And camp outfits of ail kinds; also a large assortment of all kinds of house hold furnishings sold on the installment plan, too. : . , . . .... . Western Salvage Co. ' 627, 629. 631. 633, 685 Washington' Bt CORDWOOD stumpage three-fourths of a mile, from Gladstone switch on Oregon City carline; for sale cheap for cash. There are about 800 cords, partly old and partly second growth; very ac cessible. Owner. 820 Chamber of Com merce. , .... FOR SALE 3 new screens, gas lamp, bricabrac, 2 wall brackets, bedvlin en, mission stand, hat rack and um brella stand a chiropodist outfit Must sell quickly. 181 6th st. - $55 Drophead Singer Or $65 Wheeler-Wilson sewing machine, in good order, all attachments, choice ior fio, at mi isi st. fora Auction Co, NEW. and utroona nano poot anc biV iiara uioies oougni an sola on easy terms. , Bowling alley,, refrigeratora for Immediate delivery. ""ddress, the Brunwlck-Balke-Coliender Co.. 46 5th, . CITY. BIC YOLK HAS PIT AT. : New and second-hand motorcycles for ale.3iepairing a specialty. -189 Mor rison st. Phone Main 1909. . SO .VERY fine rare oil paintings, teken for a debt, will sen all very cheap; also a-good plano cheap Csll 225 6th it - Room 1. t .. v. SCOOTING GALLERY outfit doll rack. . etc.,. "without guns. - Box , 24 8, Salem, Or. ' ' - : " ' I HAVE 5 acres in spuds. will sell Bpuaa cneap; make an offer. N-697, Journal.""-. ' -..--. FOR SAI-E Good KlmbRll organ, cheap. 621 Going st Phone Woodlawn 196. White! cfiuie pups $5 to $10. phone Sellwood 1507. - FURNTURB for sale "cheap In private residence.. 434 11th st. . t will 'trade lot 40x100 for motorcvele, not to $150 in value. T-670, Journal. $10 Domestlo sewing machine with .attachments. Call 383 E. Morrison. PERFECTLY . new rotary sewing ma enmny is jyearney. FIRST class range for sale. Tabor 2291, WANTED -MISCELLANEOTJS S BE-WISF; get -mora for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st , Main g9l, A-2443. HIGHEST cash price paid, for 2d-hand household goods: furniture exchanged. Koch f eld Bros. East 294. S8 Grand ave. WANTED By the People' Institute, house furnishings for an aged woman without money. Telephone Main 1871. OLD auto tires 7c cer lb.: old rubber 4 hmtt artit shoeare-"pfrr J.'Leve; jBb-t-ommma st. . Mam binw. . WANTED 500 stone Jugs, 1. 2 and 5 gallons. c. Merre, Public market, 1st and Washington. - r HIGHEST PAID for secondhand fur niture, hardware and clothingprompt attention. Msrisliall 2348. WAN 1 fc,l 1 uvilo suit. slz 39. "CHI VANTED-iJIISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash rjriee tor second hand household goods. Seater & OuRtavson. 143 Russell East 1 662. UK cir price On your turnliute, 1 it will pay you. We want the goods. Savage and Fennall. 851-3 1st st Main tso. - SPOT cash paid for yom rurnllure; prompt attention always tvn. E. 1047 FOR SALE AUTOJIOBILE 41 FOR SALE or exchange: One 7 passenger Thomas, 2 Franklins. Two Buicks. 4 Reos, 1 Mitchell. S Ca dillacs. One Chalmen Detroit 1 Wayne, 1 Pope Toledo. .. 1 One runabout- v All in first class condition. PORTLAND AUTO COMMISSION HOUSE. . 60-52 N. 7th St. FIVE passenger 80 horse Mitchell, in first class condition, will exchange for lots or acreage. . ' . ' 7 passenger carTa good condition, will sell at a. sacrifice; might accept aorao trade. ' . . . ' 6 passenger Reo ih first xlass condi tion, fine family car, will exchange' for lots or equity in house and lot. -C. J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO. 205 Morrison st. $500 in giU edged, fully paid and non assessable corporation stock; also, town lots in Culver, the railroad Junc tion town in the 'Deschutes valley, to trade for automobile. Also, farm prop erty in Deschutes valley for good machine-in good condition. ; a . DESCHUTES VALL1SY LAND & V- 'INVESTMENT CO. 801-S02Buchnnan Bldg,: Portland, Or. Phone A-7141. FINANCIAL 51 Quick loans on r furniture and pianos, Btorage receipts, life Insur ance policies, livestock, real estate, etc U. 8. Real Estate & Brokerage Co.. 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. CASH for first and second mortgages. lot and building contracts.- Call,- or address S07 McKay bldg. Main 4710. MONEY TO LOAH S7 t w ' i HUTTON CREDIT CO. j ?l An Kasv Mnnev Pronosltion. ' Money is easy to get if you know where, to get It We have ready money at all times and you can get from $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture, piano. storage receipt, real estate contracts, etc.. nt half the usual rates..' We loan on the easy payment plan the plan that helps you and gets you out Of debt; you get the cash, all you ask for, and repay in amounts you can conveniently spare eacn pay aay. Will remove to 807-Spalding bldg. when completed, corner 8d and Wash ington Sts. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 612 Dekum Bldg.- Phone Main 2869. mM m wi mLmmmwmimmmmmm--- 'am ' SALARY- LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. , 110 ' TO iuu. t T1WEST BJTEH TO PORTLAND. 810 repaid in installments of $ .48 $20 repaid In installments of ...... .80 $50 repaid In Installments of ...... $.00 Larger amounts In proportion. - All we require is your personal note) no mortgage, no lndorser or .security; everything stnctiy conriaentiau STATE SECURITY CO., 808 Falling bldg. this r-R trans-NT loan agency. 408 Rothchild bldg., corner 4th and WkShlngton. Tb lecognized bank of Lthe wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, tain money of ua on bis not without security. .4..-,.--'-,,-.e,-.:- ,,---.'.'-- lis return to ua.........l 4.00 a month 130 return to us. $ 8.00 month $50 return to us.. $13.85 month Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special vate on piano, furniture, etc MONEY advanced salaried people, House keepers and others upon their own names without seourity; cheapest rates, easiest navmenta: offices in 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms, -ioiman, til iumoer h,chdhl CASH paid for .mortgages or seller's interest in contracts on real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negotl ated on improved property.-H. E. Noble, immbermena bldg., 6tn ana btam Is good at the Employes' Loaa Co, 121 MONEY-to loan in amounts from $500 to $1500, on city Improved property J. L. Wells Cott 636 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. ft M. Delovage, jewelers, 169 Washington st ; , , 1 $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKensie Co., Gerllnger bldg. 2w and Alder. $300 or $500 to loan for a year on real estate security. Miller, 416 Cham ber of Commerce, n LOANS on city or farm property, low rate. m. . tiicuson, on Trade bldg. " - ---;- Board of MONEY to loan, any amount. to 8 per V:ent Goodnough & Belts, 718 Board of Trade. . " ' ; ' "'.;."": .' ."' ; SMALL sums money to loan short time on good security by private resident Confidential. Phone C-240S. MONEY to loan on Portland real estate. Harding & Reynolds Co., 313 Chamber of Commerce MONEY to loan.' large loans a specialty. UUJluing loans; mwui inies; mi ta suranoe. W. G. Beck, 312 Failing. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, firs insurance. 881 Sherlock bldg. ANY part $50,000 to loan at 6 per cent lnurest goo uoucn piag. SUMS of $2000 upward on real stats. Goddard ft weiaricK, xa ctar. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat teS. Tite Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. S. W. ' King. 46 Washington pldg. Main 6108. NOTICES 28 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY REF EREE By virtue of that certain de crea and order of sale of ,the cirouit court of the state of Oregon for Mult nomah county, made and given on the 15th-day of July, 1910, in case No. 7048, wherein Eliza J. Dalton, Hannaa T. McGrath and John TMcGrath, her lius band, are plaintiffs, and Mary Flllacy and Frank H. Fillacy are defendants: I, John H. Stevenson, sole referee, will sell at .-th west courthouse--door-of the courthouse of Multnomah county. Ore gon, in Portland, on August 24. 1910, at the hour of half past 10 o'clock a, m., of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash, lots numbered three (3) and four (4), in block nine (9), in East Port land Heights, now within the corporate limits of th city of Portland, Multno mah county, Oregon, subject to ctmfir matton of said Bale by the above named courts, ' . .. - ,. The abstract of title of said real prop, erty can be seen4 and examined at my office, 421 Mohawk building, southeast Corner of Third and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. . Dated and first published at Port land, Multnomah county, Oregon, this 20th day of July, A. D., 1910. , I ' v JOHN H. STEVENSON. ' Bole Referee, ; PORTLAND GAS & COKK CA Blh and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or., July z, m. x-reierrea siock aividend No." 2. . A dividend of Igi per cent on the out standing preferred stock of the Port land Gas & Coke Co. for the quarter ending July 1, 1910, has been declared. payable to preferred stockholders of record on July 27, 1910, on which day the books for the transfer of the pre ferred stock will close, to be reopened op August 1, 1910. GEORGE F. NEVIN8. Treas. ' Sealed bids will bs tecelved by the scnnui eoara os ecnooi aisxrici, jno.i i, iae to.. 'ur ror ; tne erection or a school .building- In Bald district until 6 p. m. Aug. 1, 1910. Plans and specifica tions can be had at the office of- J. R. By order of the board of directors, 1 ' , HERBERT E. WALKER, " . Clerk of board. THEATRE MANAGERS We fan furnish you mpetftnt'mo tion pirture operators at shortest no tice. Newman's Film Exrhance and wotlon Picture School, Hi ft Washing, ion.fiear lith, - 20 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY REF- EREE By virtue of that certain de-i cree and order of sale of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Mult nomah county, made and given on the 15th day of July, 1310, in case No. 7049, wherein Eliza J. Dalton, Hannah T. McGrath and John G. McQrath, her husband, are plaintiffs, and Frank II. Flllacy and Mary Fillacy, his wife, and John Donnerberg are defendants. I. John 1 H. Stevenson, sole referee, will sell at house of Multnomah county, Oregon,' in Portland, on 'August 24, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash, lot numbered one (1) and two (2) in block nine f. in East Portland Heights, now within the corporate limits of th city of Portland, raumiuuioii vuumy, uregon, SUDject to confirmation of Bald Bala by the above entitled court ' The abstract of title of said real nron- erty can be seen and examined at my office, 421 Mohawk building, southeast corner of Third and Morrison streets, ruruano, uicgim. . Dated and first mibllshwl at Port land, Multhomah county, Oregon, this iUlU UJ IU J "I V, A. U.. 1J) 10. , JOHN H. STEVENSON. ' Sole Referee. - OTICEi OF STOaCHOLDERS'MEElC ing The annual meetine nf th tnnr. holders of the Coeur d'Alene Develop ment Company, for the lRflnn nt a board Of directors for the enmiina vnnr. and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly "com before them, will be held at the office of the Company, rooms 601 to 604 Chamber of Commerce building Portland, Oregon, oh August i.:(j.u, at iu o'ciock a. m. GEOROH3 F. HOT.MAtt Secretary Coeur . d'Alcn Development wuiiiuuiiy. j Portland, Oregon, July 7, 1910. LOST AND FOCITO 21 LOST On Foster road or Grays Cross' ing road, near the junction, Wednes day, July 20. gold watch and fob en. fravea '-vv. ,o. K. on watch and fob: 8 reward. Call 162 First st. LOST Odd Fellows' charm, valued as ' gift; liberal reward - to finder. Re. turn to Charles Cooper, 830 E. Morri son, or phone A4184. LOST Brown bay horse, Vhite streak on forehead, weighs between 1000 and iiuu ids.; Harness and bridle on. Call vvoocuawn 617. Reward. s LOST Locket and chain, Tuesday, 26 with C. E. W. on locket Return 123 KlUlngwwortn ave. LOST Large leather time book marked K.eenan isros. win Bay liberal re- n.ii. j'jnni uuuu. LOST A watch fob, gold monogram i. a. w. xteiurn ziu-stars st; lib. eral reward. LOST I,nrr liattir tlmohnnlr marlr jeenan ijros. rhone East 5600; lib- eral reward. LOST Brown cow; 8ho"rt horns, white star loreneaa; strayed from 720 Ne halem. ,...'! . !,,.. LOST Gold locket and chain; lock hair insiae, jtteturn to journal oriica and receive reward, i LOST Near Mississippi ave. and Free mont child's white dress and skirt. Mrs.. J. 8. Wallace, 759 Borthwjck st LOST Blllbook containing notes and papers. Please return to 287 Couch st PERSONAL i 23 ' DRALICHl "dMriT"?'" Diseases of women ' and children ex clusively; Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting ms. - Nervous diseases or children . a specialty. Private hosDltal accommoda tions. - Conflnemeats cared for. . Cor respondencs eolicrted. No charge for coneujiauon. rnonea, Aiain sixs, a-oui Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg. wasnington ana part - Men cured -OnicUv "Modern electric treatment for diseases or tbeprostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. wT L Howard. M. D, $04-6 Rotb- COJ1M bldg.. -4th and Washington. .Are You RuDtured? The perfect truss is made and fitted dv a specialist to men, women and chil dren, satisfaction guaranteed or no cnarge. Wilson, 68 6th st. .a - .DR.. LEWTB. Physician and surgeon: treats women and children - exclusively; private hos pital accommodations: . examinations free. Main 4047, A-8411, E06 Common- wealth bldg., Stn and Ankeny. - GERMAN books, macasines, novels, etc German, English, French, Spanish, DweaiBn ana naiian aicuonanes; lor eign books of all kinds. Schmals Co DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 1st, Port land. ." . - r MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent, use sexoia fins as a oracer; re stores lost vigor; pries $1 per box, poxes ror a. t.j. fierce. 311 aiibkv.- LlQUOR habit- permanently cured in , tnree aays; no surrenng and Harm less. - Cardiola Institute.. 1627 Peninau iar-av.. fortiana, ur. : - SANDERSON CO.'S Savin and Cotton ' Root Fills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or 2 boxes for $5. i. J. nerce, an Aiisxy oiag. MRS. MAYFIELD, gives ladles baths and treatments at their homes a Inn shampoo and scalp treatment Phone Main 20. , . ... .. WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected in 10 minuies; ires demonstrations. 9 Beiung-Hirscn blag. Main 8271. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental spirit- uai scientist zi eeiung-tiirscn bids-. main oz MRS. VIRGINIA . RONIE. Magnetic fteaier, spiritual ana mental scientists til am rt. WANTED By gentleman of 40, to hear 1 .1 . , , a num wuiuij.mur wa. wouiu. marry. WOMEN Use Femoids when others rait; soia ana ruaranceea Dy tne Au El mnq urug tjo.. im w. stn sr. Main 81 .06 DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases or women; an irregularities corrected; no exposure. Call or write 811 Alisky, BATTLE Creek Baths, ladies days, men nignts. zzi urexei tiotei. m. 1938 BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women. oz rseimoni ac Kast 249g, TRY Ldttie Hungarian-Yiddish restan Littl .rant 345H Yamhill, near Port hotel. SEXINE Pills onlv 75c box. Call or ,l dress Bridge Pharmacy. 188 Morrison. BUSINESS DrRECTORY ARTISTS' MATERIALS AKTIST'3 materials, Dicturs framing. B. H. Moorehouse ft Co.. 411 Wash, st. . ASSATEAS WELLS 4k PROEBBTEL, assayers, ana iytlcal chemists. 204 ft Wssh. M. 7608. MONTANA assay iff Ice, laboratory sod ort testing wors. ins Morrison. AXTOIUTETB CHRI3TOPHERSON MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-lt. Buchanan bid. t BUSINESS CAED 'mm, i - -wx HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 Jd t . Blank books m'f'g; arts, for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see to new Eureka leaf. A-S183. Mala 181, W A R RE N " CONSTRUCTION CO, . etreet paving, sideways ana cross- ings. a r7 ttecx piog, TIN roofing, guttering, repairing ring, J. Lb; and . senersi lODDing. son st Main 1424. SlL 211 Jeffer- THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO!.' . Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of in sursnce. surety bonds. McKay bldg. "BicrcLEKTrjRrx NEW, second band wheels, repairing, key, safe and lock work. Hummer. 188 10th. CARPET CLEANING CALL lib Portland Vacuum Cleaning Co., and Bbk for an estimate on your rnrpet (-loaning' fat'sctwa guaraateed. riumo-.Et lfiSS. . . - NOTICES REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME " BakMV D. M.. OltT. rsrm- Property Broog-Steele Coronany ............. Brubulcor ft BenKJlrt ' .' Botterwiwth-Steuhtuton Company, Inc......... W5 ..5"2 Cook Co' B. 6.., Cbapln Herlow... Hobart A MarabalL Forma. City Property Hoock, Oeoria A. (ColontaaUoo).. Knapp It Macay...'. Orre m Heal Estats Co.. be. ' . - RenltT A IVhnlk. Geonta D. li. ..... SMelda, J. R , , Xbompaon, r U. E. .C....'... CARPET WEAVIXa NORTHWEST Works Rugs from Old caipeta, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. loi union ave.. near bj. xiwnp WE Atave rag carpets, bath room rugs. r 1 , , ;, " r ... yss CUIKOI'OOISTS CHIROPODY . AND " PEDICURINa Mrs. M, D. Hill. 42 rneaner pips. ' CLEAJi'ISO AND t To es.ll for vimr aiuit to be SDonged and pressea by one wno unaersianua hminui tv, -ciit rMeanina- Jk Press ing Works, 813 3d, corner Clay. UOAl A1TO WOOD N0TICEp?a?nSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per l?ad..$8.53 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.60 INSIDB DRY SHORT, per load ... .$8.60 BLOCK WOOD, per loaa ........ 3.ev BAWDU8T, for fuel and bedding. - Tte Pcrtlana Slacwcoa ca. Main - 8119. A-7001. PACIFIC BLABWDOD CO. . Dry inside wood, per Ibad, Srnall dry Inside wood, per load. $2-o0. Green short slgbwood, per load, $2.60. Planer trilaminar. 13: blockwood. per load, $4. . Ammlt ... ' . rnones Main sum, Yamato Wood and Coal Company. ' Ctarccai PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8787. Foot of Curry Bt WoodLCoal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, 287 B Morrison. East 226. B-1029. SOUTH PORTLAND 6LABWOOD CO., Main 2158. A-8842. Dry Inside wood, frees slabwood, clean sawdust for bed- aing, cut rugi; DiocKwooa, WE WILL saw your wood promptly. - uascade wooayaro, rnons . arsna. 1908. ... A. II. Edlefsen, the fuel man Ch. of Com meroe, sells anmracite end eannel; i Jso cheaper grades of coal and dry wood. STEEL Brjdge Fuel Co., wood sad coaL rnone ti7's, m. m. SHORT dry board wood, $3.(0 per load. rnone Marshall lsus. ? .. : CEDAR block, $ 1.60 for 80 : days. fnone. Mam ziss, A-4a. BEST 4 foot fir cordwood $5.50 deliv- ered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 7oa Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency, all debts collected. 817 Allany, A-7317; M. 4ZI.. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' 'and dentists' collections only,- L. Fincknsy Whits. Main 6074; A-7028. CONTRACTORS AND BUILD E IIS CUMMINGS & CATLIN5 Building In everv branch of the building trades: jobbing, remodeling, repairing a special ty; show cases, counters,, shelving, etc. Office and shop S71 1st st , Phone Mar shall 2327,' -: - ';-' '; WILLIAM F1SHBECK. carpenter and builder, jobbing and contracting. 201 4th. Main 8241. FOR cemenf work, plastering, brick - work, excavaWng, call - on Olson. Marshall 144rr A-4020. ' - 'K"- "electrical surruis Motors for rent or sale. Pacific Elec tric Engineering Co., 218 Second st. ELECTUOLYSTS aSlaaSSBjaagBaaas, MOLE8, wrinkles, superfluo 's hair re . moved.' Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4i Flladnsr. LEATHER ft FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO? 74 Front Leather of every "description; tap maufacturers, findings. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 188 6fh. bet Taylor and Yamhill. Books So per day. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and . marine; electrlo equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail: enslns renalrino. Belerson Machinery Co.. 188 ' Morrlgort MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES Laemmle Film Exchange handles all kinds motion picture supplies, new or slides. Over Pantages theatre, Portland) ur, iinoepenacnt.; PAKia, complete macnines, rums, song slides, films. reasonable. 626 Washington st. MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIEIHORN. violin teacher, titioll Bevcik. Mar. 1629, A-4160. 900 Marquarn PIANO, violin, cornet mandolin. E. A. Smith, 292 12th st Prof. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, scuts and chronic diseases. 81T renton Pldg. Main 8P61. 1898; post grad 1907. 818 Swetland F. J. BARR, A. 8. O, 207 Mohawk bldg., 8d and Morrison. Main 222. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone East 1356. . All .work- guaran teed satisfactory, FOR beat work, prices right, call P. A, poane,-104 union.--jBoinjnone::' PATENT AT10RNEY5 HANDBOOKS tor Inventora free; tells ' how to obtain and value of patents, trademaiks registered. Besler & Robo, 171-181 Mcuiu piag..-waaningron, L. u. INVENTORS' free book. J. K. Mock. 41 S Board or Trade tiate u. s. patent office,) R. C. WRIGHT, X), 8. and foreign pat ents: mtringement cases. u uaKum. PAINT, OIL 1 ANO 4 GLASS - RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High SUndard" paint.-ne. cor. 2d ft Taylcr. M. A-1771. FTe. BEACH ft CO. Pioneer Paint Co., 130 1SI SI. M. 1491, A-IU3. - PRINTING WELCH .PRn9TID6G Cd "Doer of clever thing with lyps u4 ink on paper." 141H 1st THI3 EAGLE PklNTiNG CO., noi in i - - XI : J Aist trust: close figures, good work. 808 GoodiisiHlli-bldsi'UoD- A4aia-4i i I RUiUiER UTAMt'& AN l SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun Co.. 231 Stark.' Main 147. IVALTElt M. OBER. platting, subdlvld lug . and . topOKraplucAi-. maps a ioa ADDB3SS .S03 Corbctt Elds.. .110 8eMid St ' TF.LEPHOSK A-4492, Main 7101 .......Mala and A-HS1 jnnvay nuuinng .Mam m, Uftti KIUg...6tb and Wh. Main . Sdolvay Kulldtng... ...Main fi!H. S1!? OTbtt tlfg............,aiaiii 5. A-Sli'jJ Lbamber of Commerce Mala 10S.I ioom 7. Aldsr,.... Main BCTl .4S lftb BMf....- ..Mala U") Chambr of Conmieri. ...Main and A-2"I9 raiie am.- and Multcoman. . . . East VI, C-tTO 8tar Bt.-. Mala B!2. A-iKa PMv....-4i Ma WM nenry ciua;., ain-uaa;.;. M. BOB4. -saf SUOWCASK3 AS F1.TUUE3 SHOWCASES of every deocrlptlon; bank, bar and store fixtures mad to orJr. The Latke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, new end old showcases, cabinets, store nd Office fixtures. 289 Cowb. M. 2708. biUN AJVU SHOW CARU3 FOSTER tk KLEISER. signs: the larar est sign makers In the northwest; 5th ina ttverett sts.. fhone Friv. Kx. 6a, Home A-1165. ' v" "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland sign v-o., it starfc Facifif 15. SAFES THE Mosler Safe' Co, 108 Id st Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts openca; oargainn in second nana sates. KUXXGLES BEST in - Portland. See them. 201 wasnington st 8. E. Gilbert lOWEL bLPPLX CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. . i per month. Portland uaundry m Towel Supply Co., 8th and Couch sts, t none aiain io, A-4410. v XllAASFEIt A3tD BTOriAQU ; Oregon Transfer Co. EstabliBhed 1870. . Transfer and forwarding agents, Storase. free trackasa. Offlcs, 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and ta, v nones: ..Mam es, a-iii. C. O. PICK Transfer A Std-aae Co.. of flcs ' and commodious 4 story . brick warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables; . north west corner 2d and Pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed tor snip- mam, main bb, a.-iib. - OLSON-ROE TRANSFER COl General -transfer 'and atorace. safes. pianos and furniture moved, packed and snippxi. XUD UttK St Main 647, A-2247. INDEPENDENT Baggage t Transfer ' Co. Storage. 824 Stark. Main 407. A-41B8. .-.-. ' - ',..v., v...,..t.: ....,..,.,..,. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired.. Bold. Cuo mngnam Co.. 2S1 Btark. M. 1407. VKTEKLNAKUII OR. A. G. SMITH, V. S V. S. Stables, its taoni. Main 4ius. Kes. Main isus. WALL PAPS-. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting. ana tne gooas tnat go witn tneia B. H. Moorehouse, 6 Co., 411 Wash, st WHOLESALE JOttlUUUi EVERDING St FARRELU produce and immtala lift 1.-. a m . rortiana. ur. f none Mam its. M. A. GUN ST, ft CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OR. Wadha MS ft CO.. wholesale arrocera. manufacturers and coffea roasters. 4th kna ukk sts. . ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS IKMAN-AMEfUCAN BANK Portland. Of. U r. Corner Sixth and Washington Bts, Trana. mm m snal-l hanlrlnf. hittfna YW.fta taaoed aTai)nlle la all ilia principal cities of tne uiuiao bum ana Europe. roof per cent Safe OS- loteraat poult to interest paid on . savings accounts. llU. - -: - BONDS AND INVESTMENTS H0BB13 BH0THEBS. Oiambef - of Coat, sierra B.'ldtng. Mnnlclpal, railroad and linhlliT ufiIm ffnrnnr.tlon lwn,l. TBAXSrOKTAXION iSS ALASEIA sfcJfyj ' AND BACK Including Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS 'V , via Smooth flnuds Passage , , Twelve tlellgliil sxcnralons from Seattle to ALAtiKA and back cheaper than . .. .staying' at home, j, : Don' icoif a ntll staamsr sirs told cut Wtit loick for dttaiU md trvat ion Paclflo Coast Steamship Co. 249 Wsshlngton St. , PORTLANO Columbia Kiver Scenery Fast Excursion Steamer GjtiAS. R. SPENCER Leaves daily '- exoept Wednesday. 8 a. m., For Hood River and way laddlngs and return leave Hood Kiver, 2:30 p. m.; arrive Portland 8 p. tn. , BUST) AT SZOTJSSZOsrS Leaves 8 a. m.i returns, 6:30 p. m. First Class Meals Served. -Fare, One Dollar Kound Trip ' Up-town Office, 69 6th St. ' Phones Marshall 1979, A-1298. Lndln?r and Office, Foot Washington st - Phones Main 8819, A-2oT . JUnvcst Bates to Picnic Parties. K. W. SPENCER, OWNER. Tits Open Elver Transportation Company Str. T. N. TEAL Vot TUB BALLZS and Vay X,andinf s Leaving Oak street dock Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 1 a. m . re turning, leering Tbs Dalles Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdav, maklfia; ron nctions at Celilo with STEAMEB TWIK CniSS 'for Pasco, Kennewtck, and all points on the Columbia as far as Priest Rapids. CAPT. W. ftJpUCHAfAV. Rnpt. a. c. wAiii-xjN.uA e;en t. Ssn rrancisco 8s Portland Stsamship Co. Mew Sorvics to lios Anyeies. via Ban J Pranoisco, ' every Fits Says.- . . j From Ainsworth' dock.- Portland, 9 a. m a 8. Beaver, August Is Bear, Aturust 6; Boss city, Auaprt li. -r.. " ' From San Francisco, northbound, 12 m B. S. Bear, July 30; &oss City, August 4 1 Besvsr, August 9. From San Pedro, northbound, ' S. & Boss City, August, 2t Beaver. - Auyust 75 Bear? TAurnst 13, - 1 H. O. Smith. C. T. A., 142 Third st: phone Main 402,-A-1408.. J. W. Ransom agent. Ainsworth Dook: phone Main 268. COOS BAY . UIINB B Bar Service Btr, Brsakwstav Portland a. m,. July la, 83 snd 28; Aufetist tt, 13, 17," 83, 87, from Alns worth dock, for North Bead, Marshfield and Coos Bay points.? Freight received until 5 p. m. on day before. Passenger fare. 1st clasSi 810; 2d class, $7; includ ing berth and meals. Inqtijre city tick et oirice, ou oiiu nasnmntoii streets or Ainfwortn nncK. rnone Main ix rvv-r t..-los direct WORTS PACiriO S. S. CO. 8, S. BOAWOKS sd 8. 8. ELDEB CAIX. Every Wednesday, alternately, at 8 n. m. Tlufcst office lit Third, near Aldor. Phones"' M. 1811. A-1S14. VHTIX J, IIICLEY. ras-sAetnt. v. jL- tLA, .i,tv. if it-U iit A-"tit ! ' - 08AKH CENT'S At, trf"" J lit'Hvlntf I'xi-tUHTT AshUnrl PaasenKw ... l!oplmrj rtixt .... Mama MrultPd PllTrin t'aiMfer j... Callffirnla Exprrsj1"... San Kranctsot) iurea WMf Si'tc , CorTalllg I'mnrmn .,, Shrrltlaa Paaaenstt-r ...... 8: . !. ...... 4 in r- " 6 l p. -, ...... 1. . .,. f :- ...... l-M . . ...... t ? . v 4.' p. r.u ....... e i p. m. B.SO . TO. nrpar T . c . r. - ..... . ar-t Grove Paiwner , ( 40 u. si. ' Afrivln Portland Oregon Express f:!" . si. aniann rnasnifOT , lft.iv p. m. Koaeburs Piuutfnrtm ... a.av. Porllautf Kxprm .M..,,,,,,lt!iK i. Shaata Limited ...,...,..,,.,,,.,, S no p. . 8ilT?rtoD Local 6 ft) a. S3. . west Bide . , ' , . , , rorTallls raan(rr : p. m.: Pllverton Paaangi-r ..,....,,,...,, 9 Sit a. a.' ShM-Man PaMenger 4.10:2 a. m. Foat Gro Paanger 8 a. to. Fort GroT I'aaaengar .12:00 at. JTorthftrn Pvifflfl, NM-tq Coaat Limited la Sound : Foget .10 .10 a. St. north Coast Limittd , Tia- Korta AtjnJe EiVrMa'Vli'p'nV't" Souna... 12; 15 ! m. tn t. a:. iw ' Q7 Express via Pnept Bound 8:80 s. m. r win ut- Expraas tU NortS Bank . TW p. m, S!?8 gPref, Tl fugn Sound ...18:15 . si. KaHtrn Express Tla Kortb Bnk .... 0.-00 a. . Mlaaoarl Hit Express tis Pngrt - Sound ,i().jo , si.- Miaaoiirl giT(r Kxprws Tit KortB J;O0 B. SB. Poctlan. TaccDia and ftasttls If- i.rww, urajrt uarnor, Olrmpls sad South Bonrt K.., vw my M.ti Puset Sound Limited. Qrtf.Uw ' i.? Sou,h E(i4 srtaclMS .... 8 90 p, m. Jlt PsssyngPr 4:00 p. rriTing Portland ... North Coast Umited ris Sort Bank 8:1B p. bu' Aorta Coast Limit Wa Paget Bound t. ......T... S. to. Horthtrn Pacific Exprsss tU KartB MU?k i - s - T:SO s. Northern Pacific Express Ti Paget sonnd .. .........r,......, f;it p. in.' Piolfio Coast Express Tla , Kortk nans , ,,..,,....,,..,.,..,.,.., ajuo p. si.; Piclflc Coast Express tin t Paget 8ound . T:) a. ta. Western Express. Tia North Bank ... 8:15 p. m." western Ixprena Tia Pnget Boond ..10:80 p. to. Mlaaourl KiTer Expresa rla Notts Bank . ......v...,,,..,.,. ........ t:80 a. BW Mlasonrt '. BiYsf Express via Paget Sound , i. ........ ,4 4.-00 p. to, Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Ernra and , - ... lraia uiympia, soocs tieon aba Orara Harhor A4IA. an Pnget Soand Limited T:10 p. 6u VancouTer-PortlaBd Bpaelal ......K:80 p. ta. Yaoolt Passenger :00 a. ru- Ortgon Railroad ft yatiyatlwi Co. LeaTlns Portland. Baker City Pasaenger .............. T:4t a. m.- Oregon-Washington Limited ....... .10:00 a. tn.- The Dalles Local :O0 p. ta,, npoaane iijer ..................... s:oo n. m. fast Mall ;80 p. tn. Soo-Spokane-Portlaad , T:00 p. Bt. Oregon Exprees 8;O0 p. a. ArrWIng Portland-"., t - ,!.. The Dal Pi Local ....,...,...,,..,.10:15 a. In. Bpokana Flyer ..................... t: a. m. Oregon Express ..............10:30 a. in, Soa-Spfikane-Portland ... t:00 a. m. l-aat Mali T:(XI a. Di. - Baker City Local Pwaenger ........ TrOO p. m.; Oregon-Waahlngton Limited . 8:tWp. tn. Astoria ft Columbia attar, Tatlns Portland . Seaalde Exprea 8 00 a. tn. Ocean Shore Limited .............. 0:30 s, m. Saturday Seaslda Special ......... S:80 p. tn. Seaside Express ................... A:SO p. m. itamier rasaenger ................. 1:18 p. to. Rainier Passenger 8:45 p. m. Arriving Portland Seaside Eiprena . ....... ........ ...12:WJ p. tn. Monday Seaside Special ,..,.,.,..,.12:80 p. m. Seaside Express .......... ...... ...10:00 p. to. ucean anora Limited ........,.iu:ia p. m. Rainier and Portland Pasaangn .... 0:40 a. m. ' Rainier and Portland Paaaepger 8:00 p. m. Canadian Taeifia Railway Co. Ieattni Portland . C. P. B. Short line via Spokane .v. 7:00 . in.; Tia Seattle 12.15 a. m,. Arriving rorttand . . ' i . C. P. R. Snort Lin via Spokane ... 9:V a. m. Vis Seattle T0 . m.' Oregon ft Washmgtea Railroad Co. tSTlnf Portland , Seattle Passenger ......... Shasta Limited ............ .... 8:80 a. tn. Owl . ....................11:43 p. au Arrlrina; Portland - Owl . T:l a. m. Pbanta Limited ..v................. 8:30 p. m. Portland Paasenger 2'4fl p. tn. mrrtBsow btbett btatiow. Southern Psiie, Leaving Portland . , . . Dallas PaSMDger T-.46.S. St.. Dallas Paasenge :. 0.-00 p. Si. Arrlvlnr Portland . Dallas Passenger ,.,..,.,,,,.. 10:1S S. . Pallas Passenger .B:BB p. m. ELEVENTH AMD HOTT BTEIXXB AS-. SENSES 8TATI0N. . . Bpekano. PortUnd ft BeattU Ballway Co. Lei Tins Portland :,.'" : ."r Inland Kmplre Express .......... u :0O s. B. For CnlcagO, Bt. raui, umsna, utj, 8t. LouU, Billings. Spokane tc.klntn. Paaim. Rooserelt. Gri nokane. Vtasatuoea. It, GranddUiea, dendale, Lrle, Whits Salmon, Stetensoa and Vsncouver.. -.. .... t V -'.. ; ' ,4 The Oregonlan J1:05.,!n' For St. Panl, Spokane, Paso. Orsaddanea, . Lvle White Balmon. Stevenson and Tancouw. Ooiumbla River txx-ai ; f p. - Nm-th Bank Limited ................ T:00 p. Bi. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, : St. LouU, Billlnga. Spokane, Washtncns,. Kahlome, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddallea, Lyie, White Salmon, Btetensoo and Vancouver. rrlrliif Portland . . . The OregonUn .................... TJJ From St. Paal, ; Bpokane, Pasro, Msryhlll, Lrle. White Salmon,, Stevensos sad Vancouver. Hortb Bank Limited ............... 1:80 - From Chicago, St Panl. Omaha. Kansas. City. Bt. Louis. Billlngi. Spokaaa. Waahtuena, . KahlotTis, Pasen. Rooaevelt, Granddallea, Xjle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vanconver - Colnmbla Biver 1oeal 13:85 p. w.1 Inland Empire Expresa J- ; Trom Chicago, St. Panl, Omaha, Kansaa CltV. St Louis. Billings. Spokane, Wasbtoena, . Knnlotna. Pasco, Booaerelt Granddallea Lyle, White Salmon.' Stevenaon and Vancoaver. . ' Great northern Railway C, Leaving Portland 11th and Hojt ts. OrlcntU limited, via Seattle ....-JO; . ' The Oregonlan. vis North Bank ....11:00 a. tn. . Oriental Umlted.-vla North Bank T.-00 p. m. Tseoma, Seattle and Vanoouvar, B. C .10 :0ft a. tn. Tacoma, Seattle And Vancouver, B. C. 6:00 p. m. , Taeoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C.ll:30 p. to. Arriving Portland-Uth and Hoyt sts -Oriental Limited, tta SeaUle ........ 8:40 a. W. llie Oregonlan, via North Bank T:t9 . m, Oriental Umited, via North Bank ., 8:18 p. m. Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Taooma 8:4rt a. m. Vanroarer, B. 0 Seattle and Tacoma t :M p. m. VanuterB. C. Seattle and TieomjJjj)jkjn. Time Card Oregon Pectrle aallway Oo. Depot foot Of Jefferson Bt Portland, Or. Leaving Portland tor Salem and Int. stations 630 7 50 11:00 A. m.i 2:00, S:R0. :3i. 8:40 u rn.' Limited for Tualatin ind Salem 9:1.1 a m Local for Wllsontllle and Int. stations b'-Io'o. m. Dally except Sunday (or point on the Salem. Falls City Western Ry. v . Salem, 6:30 a. xa.siAQ p. . Sunday vuU, 1LMininportlBnd for Forest Grove and lilt, .tatlons-7 109. 8.30. 10.20 a m ; 12 10. 2 1. 8:30, 6:80. 8.25 p. to Ssturdsy only, 11-t P'A,rriTln at Portland fcr Palen ;nd Int. SUt5m-l:tO: U:00 a. m.i 1:18. 4.00, :0.i 8-20 10:60 p. tn. Local from WUsoovtlls a4 Int. stationa, 6:40 . m. Dallr except Sua-, day. and T.3I5 . m., dally. . Arrlvlne Portland from oret Orove i Int talons-;00r :0. -T ;t J' 2'oO, 6:20. 8:10 p. m. Saturday only 11:00 p. , mJiSu n rlav only; 4:10 ?.J, ... ' . . . Portland BAllway, Ught Power Co. Ticket Office and' Waiting Poem, . Fu-st and Alder and Kast Water And Kast Morrison Street. Cera leave Kaat Water and WnrrlaoS str's. Oregon City 4:00, m. ss4 ss-y 80 minutes to and weinaing iai car nsiou Greaham and Interwedlaia points .vi. ? 4-, 4S 9'45. "10:4. U:4 A. rfl.,,12 4J, 1 . :45' 8-45. 8:45. 6 45, 6:45, 11:"1 p. s; 'rairv'iew and TroMtdale .55, t S V -46. 10:45. a. ta., 12.43, 1:45, 2.45, 8.4.1. 4 ',. Cmadero ana iiiierwuste i - - -t ,, 10145 S, St., 12.48, 2-.45...4:4. l. w. v-nr Vascosf tr-TI-ket sf tire and Wh.i Second and WanhltiEk-a. 6:18, 8:80. t:, 8.00. '. " Jl i-i, H Wi; p. m - 12 3 . 1 i.i 8;lft, S Sft. 4 5:H. 5 ?", 6 gift la in ra. ir4o. Ori tbir-1 M "i -lay l'' ey li es r 1 t I .'. -p. ui. - rMHryerrept- nv r 1