THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,1 PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY ,27, 1910. 07 For an Acre of For a fchort time we ar able to offer tome wry fins rruil ana 'r "at the low: figure of from 116 to $40 rer acre: i mile from station and less than 20 miles from Fortiana. -. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT , CO. " - 436 COUCn B1U8. , . 22 ACRES - 7 miles from 3d and Washington, 3 blocks fromstation on the electric line, not a foot of waste land, S acres clear, 1, eiachoif 1R00 cords of green tirnhen rnnnlnir water, abso- ...i .?. fmm ntone two country f imIpIc 'mIa I offer this at Arir 5000. cash 12000, balance per writ1 F. E. Denlson, Gerllnger bldg. AN;ACRI 15 or 30 acre tracts near R. R.I best part Willamette valley; near good town; enough good timber to pay for land; good running , water; ; 25 miles from Portland. Terms to suit; an acre- nn Brown, cwnen n couch Wrig WILL pay $130 commission to "-ny""9 selling mr piace viiu - finest black loom soil and planted to potato?; good 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; fine family orchard in full bearing; buy this direct from me and save Jhe $160 or eit It to someone else and mane me du iur ju..,im..v. The price, $3500; terms. Owner. 713 Pekum bide. - 5 Acres, $150 , , ' $30 Cash,' $5 per Month 40 minutes' ride from Portland. . , One mils from station. . Good county road. ! Living spring creek. Red shot soil, no rocks or gravel. . Fred F. Huntress, 630 Lumber Ecn, Acreage in Demand Have choicest ' acreage in Oregon; tracts ranging from 3 acres ups prices range- from $12 up to $:!00 rer r aore. This acreage Is in all stages from raw land to plow land. ' BROWN. -411 Couch Bldg. - ; WILLAMETTE river trontage Level five acre tracts, $850. Felts, 838 C. of C. - ' . EXCHANGE KEAL JS5TATE 24 ' Good Acreage Close to Portland. - 10 acres planted tojipltz, Newtons, 3 years old, $300 per acre. Trade for Portland property. - acres, ' Ideal home on Clackamas river at Park Place, 17500. : Will- trade for farm. J, R, Homing 819 Alisky bldg. Main 4223 House and Lot 5 room modern bungalow, lot 60x100, corner lot, brand new building, a bar gain for, $2800; mortgage for $1300, 8 cent Interest,' due in-15 years; house rented for $20 a month; will trade my ennitv.for. farm land, rooming house or any good business; would consider auto mobile, reiers, id . om a. Full SALE OR EXCHANGE r25 acres 1U miles Tualatin station on the Ore ron Electric railroad: 10 acres cleared. . t more narttallv cleared, a small young orchard, living water, well Jenced, 18x l barn. 6 tons hay. wagon, buggy; price $4000. Will take City property to the amount 12000. terms a - balance; ' no agents. "Write or call at 120 E. 12d st. H. P. Blake, owner.-1 - ' - - ------:-' 6.000.000 feet of large yellow fir timber to exchange for Portland residence or Income property. - This timber Is well located and not far from Portland. Owner. A, K. HILL Phone Main 7842. 419 Henry bldg. WE HAVE numerous good properties to trade and could usesome more acre age either close in -or farms. If you have anything of yalue to trade come and see us. ? E. A. KNAPP, jAYTON WISDOM, M. 3263-r 524 Henry bldg. A-S265. WANTED A good rooming house In exchange for house and lot. - Will pay difference, but must have lease i SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. ' ' 619 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE or trade. My equity in a fine Rose City Park lot Price $600. Balance due, $500;- easy payments. Will trade for good horse Call 686 E. 6th. 7 ROOM modern home, - located in the v best residence district of Alameda, California. A good buy. Wll trade lor rortiana property. ios 4th at. iOR SALE or trade, my rooming house, clearing $100 mo. above all expenses. Price, $1500: take lots or anything of value. Inquire 88 10th st ' 20 ACRES near GreBham, 10 in crop; house, barn, orchard, team, wagon; will exchange for Portland property. DEMENT & KRIPER. 248 Madison St I HAVE $560 equity in two lota at Swlnton that I will trade for 6 pas senger automobile. Would pay some dif-ference-- Address 608 Corhett bldg FOR EXCHANGE---Leaving city, equity in jiiuuom v ruum cottage tor piano or motorcycle. 1 Z-684, Journal. 6 KUOM house for sale or will trade ior acreage; value $1660. C. F. John son. Yale Laundry. - - . y you want to sell, duv or trade, see onoemaner inv, v;o, bil Henry bldg. mam tiooi Aii0t, REAL estate bought, sold and . ' changed, write or call on Chittenden. VIW QC irtll, HV USX St. f WE TRADE for anything, anywhere. om louay. ui nenry Diag. FOR TRADE $110 equity la lot What have yout r-8, journal. SVAP" COLUMN 23 WILL trade a good Seaside lot In nice location Xor on or two cows and Fume casn. v-ou, journal. WILL TRADE $0 gold watch for good i Underwood .typewriter. 321 Henry biilllng, WANTED -REAL ESTATE 81 1 Immediately vo muni nave a oungaiow Of 8 or 7 rooms, In Irvington or vicinity. Hur ry this slong as our client is ready to Suburban Land Co, 510 Henry Bldg. :arshall lS8i.- . A-7105. WANTED Six room house in good diai met, jz.sou to 14,000; am responsible ar,d can pay $100 down and $50 per Ha agenta Address A-719, Jour- IIH 1 v am i.D lo . lease ranch, 60 to 100 acres, ready for plow; must have r ieniy waier jor biock ana be near rail mart. JW -697, Journal, ' f AN TED Lot east side, not over $700 must ne a bargain for cash; state I'run una location, vv-oyo, journal, VXNTED at once, a lot in the vicinity . f City Park. . Can Msfrshall i ,m. naraimra oiair. V1LL !' $100 each, $10 per m -vr t -TnonrTrnftckT Klve loca; o nth. .ior Uoo and price. Address W-e93. Journal 'ANTED Fixe room bungalow or cot tKO n h.ttnt Side up -to $4000. Call , j'm s.'imoermpna rung. 1 ii' yiui wain io st ii your real etttate, jiee t.pne 4t- Vtim-pbeM' room 14. ?70U v i ney nave Diivers. - ' T ACREAGE ill FOR SALE FAKMS 11 fllfllSittB The best on the market, come and see me. Will sell or trade for city property 80 acres of , improved land just across the river from Hood River. Price only $2500. - -'- - ill tM1t KnTIBA ttn : nflrfl . acres cleared, 35 acres can be cyltlyaL Price $3300. Will trade for city prop- For sale or trade. 80 acres or brush land with a few logs and some standing timber; about 80 acres of swale i .'.. ,v. kikaat nnrt Of tne irBe opiiuft nil uio aLnhnnl Place; good weu, ana cioo . " Price $2500' !;. 10 acres, good house and barn, all in high state of cultivation;, close to school and all in crop;;; close to Vancouver This snap can be bought for $4000, term to sujt. . -m , 90 acres. 35 acres in crop, balance slnshed and seeded to grass; running water, good spring and 2 houses; 6 acres of beaverdam: 11 cows. S horses, ivv Chickens, good orchard. oream separator ana ail rarnv tools go wun f 20 srres, 12 In crop. 1H acres in fam- lly Orchard, acres of timber; good ; mrnA hum nni4 well: farm implements lncluded. foroMy $5000; can give gooa terms. . , . ,,, J7 -arr'ML ii clpar and in high state of cultivation; three fourth; of a mile from car line, one half mile from school, one mile from good town and Church where land is selling from $200 to S3J0 ner-acre. This can be bought for $135 per acre if taken soon. . ' ' ;.' ' we naver auto. ""-JirrrL DIERKMA.N REALTY CO., ( IS03 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. III BUS ' 1 1 acres 4 in crop, S room house. good burn and hen house, bearing fruit trees, a short distance irom ,uictsu City; only $750. 10 Bcres, 8 in cultivation, small house and barn, 7 acres of excellent garaen soil, balance oerry or irun aiiu ' poultry; H mile to trolley line and good school; for this weelc only, iiiwu, terms. 20 acres 10 in cultivation, fair house. barn, spring, good Jersey cow, calf. 4 tons nay, iarm toois, uuBifr, and wagon. 4 acres in potatoes, rurm ture, all goes for $4500; 2ft miles from Oregon City. ;'';:.v;;v ' 40 acres, 10 in cultivation, 10 acres seeded to tame grass. 8 room house, bam. cellaiv a-flne sorin. 1000-ords nt KtHndlnir wood. 98 bearing trees.' one good Jorsey cow, calf, chickens, all farm implements; oniv i miiea trom ureBuu City. Only $3500. JKEHAU Si SWAJf URI'. Near fe. P. Depot. Oregon City. Or. 464 a.cres, 350 acres in eroptf, 100 acres pasture, 4 acres timber, fair house, 3 barns, plenty of wa ter for. stock, good fences, 3V4 miles to town on 8. P. it. R. Price including of the entire crop and all farming Implements, $50 per acre. Can let $10,000 run, till 1919, at . 6 per cent - - This is .: . positively the . best buy in - the Willamette valley. See , me at once.' x Chester H, Starr 1022 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. ' ' Forced Sale Eastern Oregcti" Wheat Ranch - l must sen my wneat ana stock ranch located near Moro on fine county road. 'mere is Si acres.. 6bo or wnicn is till able; 850 acres In wheat, balance fine pasture land. Plenty water, no rock, fine soil. Farming Implements and im provements go with' place, I will also give away free to the buyer. 820 acres of fine pasture land. My place controls 6000 acres of good outside range. Price $18 60 per acre, $6500 cash.; Call 808 Board of Trade, ; . IV. acres, house, chicken house, ran. city water piped to place, also 50 young fruit trees on place. Best poultry pros pect in Oregon. Price $1000;- terms, or will trade for cheap acreage or, city equity up to $1000, Owner, Homes & equity up to iiooo,- owner win -be in the city Saturday. Meet him at 317 Hamil ton bldg. - - Looking for Snap?- - Here's One, Read This " 126 acres in Dourlaa J rmintv nor Myrtle creek, on fine county road, fine trout stream running through place, near school, considerable timber partly cleared and quite a lot slashed. Land is fine for fruit, being: dark Price for few davs onlv iiano- tnnn cash. 308 Board of Trade. - - Buy '60 acres near famnim wnv,u Springs; house, : barn and other build ings 12 acres cultivated, 18 acres old rir; balance slashed for pasture;, run ning water; on R. F. D.. telenhone and cream route: close to school. iSKnn- good terms. Owner. 12 Rothchlld bide 1 60 Acres Fine Land, $600(1" 34 miles northpnnt nt Honb n-.oi, lngton county, Oregon. Some cleared, small house, barn, fruit, fine spring, 140 level, balance rolling, over 3.500,000 feet green saw timber, worth easy $1.60 per M. Will trade for unencumbered !.yLF0Perty ' "value. OREGON ADJUSTMENf CO., 84 H 6th 140 KB ;: $6.50 per Acre Would be a bar train nt 119 good county road and running stream through place. Meal for stock ranch. McCarthy, 403 Rothchlld. 280 -A CREW, 4 miles northeast of Oa t. lan2' ,Do,)S',a" Cc-. Or., 100 in cultiva tion, balance pasture and open oak tim ber; well fenced, well watered: dlr. able place for stock, fruit or grain house and barn: onlv .in r,, Grunstad. 829 Chamber of Comm.r FOR SALE A 160 acre farm nB7iTim boro; good house and building, with machinery and stock; farm Is suitable for dairy, orchard or chickens, with good running water: will take some town 70 ACRES I fine eastern Washington land In the fmous Yakama valley all in crops. . Will sell m ten acre - traVts prices reasonable or will exchange for FOR SALE 85 acres. 80 2 -mlle R.-R. ; J7560 4B n cultivated; $4200. 24 acres, 12 culti vated; $1800; near electric line, CL M -j. i -n mi vii, uuimniu) yi, t SIX room cottage, good barn, j lots and - 6 acres of bottom land on Yaoulna bay; berries and fruit of all kinds? a O. Q. Dalaba, Elk City, Or. "T ? w1 c board, Flrst and Alder, for particulars about farms and fruit lands; some trade. 'OR SALE Beautiful home 17$ acrea dress, M. Shakelf ord. Crawfordsviliu; Tfnn''.'rt,1'f1'un-and farm land' Dunoings, ciose to town. Electric dress owner, Y. Brooks. Carlton. rr " IF YOU WANT a farm m, n. . you DUV. I havn all - pn. wo. a, HoucK. Z27V4 Wash, i l a .. . - -. - . - l ilka. WHEAT land from tg to IZQ nr lr L. E. IJrower, Box T r 1 . . luexingion. ur. EH JIFFE Ml, N .CHICKEN'-RAMCH . 17 Two miles from Hlllsboro and near transportation; land in neighborhood selling from $200 to $500, while for a short time we are able lo offer this beautiful' piece for $125 per acre;' about 64 acres cleared and wood on balance will pay for clearing; about 20 acres beaverdam and balance beautiful black loam. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., - 404-5 Couch bldg.. HP PER. MURE- ' . READ THIS THOROUGHLY. 400 acres; of Al soil, no waste land, 200 acres In hi eh state bf cultivation, more easily cleared, 4,000,000 fet of fir saw timber, valued at $4000; 4000 cedar telephone poles valued at $4000; living springs on every 40; room house, large barrt, . all good outhouses, family or chard. . fi large work horses, 9 head of young stock, 6 milch cows, 10 hogs, 22 goats, 28 sheep, loo cmckens, aiuu Dusn els of grain, 68 tons hay in barn, wagon, hack, and all implements for large farm, close to good -school and church. - This place is m the Moiana vauey. Molalla Is 18 miles south of Oregon City, on a macadamised road. Inside or one year a railroad win do nnisnea between Oregon City and Bilverton, run ning through Molalla. kand will io crease ,in value two fold. ' 1 The owner has made a fortune from this raneti in the last few years. He is not selling because he Is sick, because he wants money or because he is going east, but simply because he has made sufficient money for the rest of his life and wants to retire. The price is $60 per acre. Terms, cash, balance to suit at 8 percent .1 '-. E. 1 EIXIOTT & BON.. ' ' End Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Or. 15 acres, all in high state of cultivation, 15 miles from Portland, good house and barn, 4vacre In grapes, 4 acre t.niranhprrlps. mod orchard, fine aolL very productive. - (A :m 11 mlloa '.frnm rood town. 70 acres cleared, all good level land; price $52.50 per acre. 150 acres, all cleared, level river bot tom land, fenced and one cross 4enco, ltt miles from good town; pric $100 per acre. , , . ' ' t.-, 135 acres, 90 acres cleared land, fair house and barn, on place, 5 acrea of heavy tlmbr, rest stump land, and easily cleared, fenced and crosa fenced, place well watered with spring; water, right in the heart of the big plantings of Yamhill county; price 376 per acre. Hyland, Jones & Co, 409 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. ' GOOD FARMS. 7300 acres, 1000 acres cleared, leveL bordering on the Umpqua river, 4 of 7300 can be cultivated; soil very deep and rich, good fruit land; price $16 per acre with good terms. 750 acres of this land is worth $100 per acre. 1340 ACRES NEAR R, R. STATION. 600 in cultivation, deep rich soli, good improvements; this la a bargain at $27 per acre; good terms. , 1435 acres, fine dairy, stock or fruit farm; price $21 per acre; all of the above places are well watered, located and climate of the best; have blueprints, at office. - - - - ; 640- ACRES. '. Wheat farm, Gilliam Co., fine crop; half of which goes with place at $26 per acre. ZIMMERMAN, 821 Board of Trade bldg. 6 MILES EAST OF GRESHAM ' 80 acres, fine for fruit and dairy, On DHItUf 1 T C , pM I. .TJ.IV. 11 IQllui 11, .1 v $60 an acre; wood enough to pay good part or price. . ilT.. HOOD LAND Ca - - - 711 Rothchild Bldg. W1WII1 Well improved farm of 102 acres, level land, aiiuviai soil 70 acres cuiti ,vation; nice 6-room house, good barn, family orchard (bearing); near school. daily mall; running streams. .$65--per sere. Terms. Y-sr, journal. , . 160 ACRES I will sell my fine stock farm at a great sacrifice; 100 tons of hay; good, range; Star route. Peak, Bo 2, Woods Creek. Or, ' FOR RENT FARMS. 14 FOR SALE Fruit on 10 acres, consisti ng or apples, pears and prunes, at a bargain ; also will rent same to buyer for $10 per month. W-W car to Mann station, east on Kelly ave. 6 blocks. George W. Evans. WANTEDFARMS 38 Farms Wanted : Ws want 40 acres good river or creek bottom land in Willamette valley ;must be reasonable; 10 acres to be onion land, balance for hops or hay. Send us des cription of your farm. We have buyers waiting for improved farms, both large and small. - THE STANDARD REALTY CO., 421 Mohawk Bldg. - - FRUIT LANDS 45 Young Bearing Orchard - 2"H acres, 17 H acres in apples, 2 acres in pears, 8 acres ih wal nuts, Immense crop of Lrfigan-, berries, raspberries, ' Mammoth -blackberries and - Lawtph berries planted between walnut treesi; trees are 4 year old tops and have always had very best of care and attention. This orchard has been pronounced by authorities from the state agricultural .college to ' be the "finest young commercial orchard in Oregon." Adjoins city limits of town of 1500, with good ' schools and churches. Price on this fine fruit ract is only $400: per cre. For photographs and further information, call on - Chester H. Starr, i 1022 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. Then if you! are interested in fruit write me. I am selling 10 acre tracts of Cultivated orchard land closa to Port land, the buyers Are clubbing with me in planting and caring for the trees, We are saving from $200 to $300 per sere.1"1 f-rant-a-few mors pgopTe"hd are Interested. It will make you money. Z-SPS. Journal. - , - . FOR SALE 2 acres good fruit land, all in cultivation, 1 acres strawber ries, good 8-room house, a few young fruit trees, In -city limits; all irrigated lln.l.rn aft Vontnnavtrot . iahlorM with city water, snaxi. Address G. R, ( . ' " ur. , ' FOR SALE FARMS IARM READ'H 43 v Double Your Money Hood River Bargain 10 acres volcanic ash soil, all set to strictly commercial orchard of Yellow Newtowns and Spltsenbergs, including small assorted family orchard of sum mer apples, peaches, pears, plums, etc.: located on main county road, 3 miles from town; if you want an ideal place, right in the heart of this beautiful val ley, at an inside price, and have $3000 cttsh to Invest, see this at once. ' Devlin & Firebaugh . " 610-511-B13 S wet land Bldg. ' v Cor. 6th and Wash, Sts. Fruit Land, $60 an Acre j 830 acres of fine fruit land 1 near Bherldan. Red soil. 40 acres in apples and walnuts, 240 acres cleared, 40 acres light timber, 60 acres stumps, Good buildings. A bargain that will bear. in vestigation. 1018 Board of Trade. HOMESTEADS FOR 8AIjE-Reliaqulshment 160 acres of land. 60 acres good orchard land. $2000 worth of timber, two good springs, suitable.- for Irrigation, 6 miles from Grants Pass. Address 1018 H st, Grants Pass, Or, '-,;':; ; -:' LOCATIONS , made on . government homesteads. 402 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. - HOMESTEADS near - PorUarid; good land; fees. $25 and $50; write quick. Address -W. R. Hampton, Hullt, Or. v FOR SALE TIMBER " ; 28 WE are headquarters lor timber ant! lumber enterprises or all kinds. Kin ney A Stampher, 631-8 Lumber ii Ex change bldg. MIXING , STOCKS , 8 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE MINING, oil " and industrial stocks bought and sold. Davidson & to. Lewis biag., Marshall 778, A-njs, MINING and industrial stocks; tele pnone ana other bonds bougnt ana sold. C 8. Fletcher. 126 Abirgton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 810 Oax. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 Rooming House "Bargains 20 rooms, verv ht furnltnrn rlnSe to postoffice. Jprlcs $1600, terms H cash. . 7 rooms. E minutes' walk from Steel bridge; rent $20.. Price $300. Terma $100 cash, balance $25 per month,' OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO.. 64 tt 8th. NEVER beore on the market; 30 rooms. swell furniture, good lease; rent $125; on 6th st; neat and clean place; can show it clears $260 monthly; well worth $5000. On account of leaving city, yours for $3500; must be cash. See Peters 16 TC. 6th st . , HERE IS A BARGAIN; " 23 rooms, 'corner building, all on one floor,' clears $160 month; will sell cheap on easy terms. Inquire 88 10th, near Stark 12 ROOMS; furniture complete; good order; on 12th st; $1060. 8 rooms on West park, $300. " ROSE & CAMPBELL, v '. - 14, 270 Wash. St. . A-8806. We have others. 22-R00MS-2f Corner location, 1 block from Wash ington, street; large, light and airy rooms; clearing $130 monthly; rent only $50. Price $1400; will consider dtjrprop-erty- See Peters, 15 N. 6th st 10 ROOMS - In the heart of the city, rent only $30, income $80, good furniture and location; $200 will handle this. Price $326. Peters, 15 N. 6th st $1500 Terms 36 room, lease, fine location, brick building; money maaer. 402 Commer cial block. H. JL CHANDLER REAL ESTATE CO., 610 Lumbermens bldg., cor. 6th & Stark. 28 rooms, Morrison street long lease, cheap rent terms to suit; better look quick. Phone Marshall 1418. ROOMING - house bargain. 11 rooms, good furniture, nloe airy rooms, part housekeeping, $700. Will sell on $200 down, balance monthly. 794H Thur- man. Z3ra and istn cars. 12-ROOMS Fins location, always full; good fur niture. Clears $60 monthly. . Terms. vv-BDH, journal. A FINE HOME 8 rooms, newly f ur ' Dished," cost $1,000 last fall; $69 worm or rooms- rented; rent only $30: will sacriflc for, $650; terms. Inquire 88 10th. 20-rooms, Washington street If you see it you will buy; j 24. room brick, center of city, long lease, cheap. 223 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1418. ROOMING houses, any size, at prices to suit: we buy, sell and exchange. PORTLAND ' ROOMING HOUSE CO, ..,v . 811 Henry bldg. -- " ' -' - 9 foom rooming house. 1 block fjom "Wash, st; swell furniture: clears $60 monthly; cheap rent Price $275; terms. Peters, 16 N. 6th ist. TWELVE room rooming house for sale by owner. $800. Call 10 Wash, st. Phone Main 4166. BUSINESS fTHANCES 20 GIVEN away free to those answering .his advertlsem it within 30 days, a map of all the California oil fields. Sa-gar-Loomis Co., 701 Oregonlan bldg., Portland. Oregon. ! MANUFACTURING business... a money maker, -will stand the strictest investi gation; on account of other business will sell at a sacrifice. C. J. Culllson Real Estate Co., 205 MorrlBon st. ' . FIRST CLASS , RESTAURANT man wants partner in the best paying lunch counter in Portland. , Call 248 Madison, - -' - ; WE CAN place you in paying business; befora buying be -sure and see ua Kinney A Stampher. , 531-3 .. Lumber Exchange bldg..A-4881. HAVE a store room jor rent suitable for delicatessen and can make a conrt 'proposition -to responsible parties. Fur- I " ream vo., zua aq st, CLOSING OUT new stock of groceries ana fixtures at 3t urana ave., corner East Pine. Bee at ., once. , .G. A. Cobb. Phone ;ast a3. HIGHLAND notion store; confectlonervl cigars, vodbcco; want to go on-Home stead;; good Dusiness, rent ? $l. 1017 Union ave. N. - - INVESTORS, call this week at 283U Tn at- MAVfian , ITf AAf - InnAH n .. ftnvH and see demonstrated the best proposl- lln. I. Pnrtlanil . . . . .. . ... RESTAURANT Want party to take small interest and manage some Washington street location.-: Owner, 416 Rothchlld bldg. t . MAN and wife invest $200 and sat it Pack eacn xn ionth: niCA rea. ntirant - and ' rooming -house. T-693i Journal WANTED Party ., with $200 to finance new inventlonr have patent! on ac count of sickness devoid of money, B-892, Journal. :' ' ' . . CONFECTIONERY doing a big business and located on one of best corners of Washington st . Long ease and cheap rent- Inquire 103.4th st 10 ROOM rooming and boarding housa A money ' maker, v Furniture, piano, etc.: rent $30. Good buy. $450. 103 4th. RESTAURANT Good location; -lease; must sell on account sickness; cheap. business, will sell cheap. Address O 691. Journal. , FULLY equipped restaurant in A No. 1 shape for sale at a bargain. Box 361, Kalama. Wash. WELL estalillslirtd ladles tailoring shop for sale. R-693, Journal. ' J6ll PRINTING oriiee a money maker. D-C99. Journa.n' FRUIT XAIU3 20 One of the best established grocery businesses, close in on the east side, en joying a very good business;" will In voice from $2500 to 83000. Will give leaso for lonj? term of yearsat reason able rent This is no trading proposi tion. - It is a good, clean stock, -and a legitimate proposition. , It will bear the closest investigation. Otto & Harkson'Realty Co, - m ist. st. IT $1250 A sacrifice; doing good rash business; close in on east side. Good reasons for selling. - Otto & Harkson Realty Co,- ' 133H 1st st. . Cigar Store , ' ' CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT On best -transient 'street in' the city; ?ood lease; laundry.': commission makes ree rent; doing. $30 dally; this place is well worth' $700; on account of sick ness will sacrifice; $450, terms. TO see is to buy. Peters, 15 N. 5th St. ' $3000 General store, upper Columbia j river. $5000 Stock general " merchandise, lower Columbia river. : v. ' .: Other good ones near by. Get partic ulars. ' ' Interurban Inv. Co., 108 Henry Bldg. HERE is your chance if you are not afraid of work, to invest' $700 cash and manage one of the best manufac turing buBinessea in city. Will guaran tee $6 per day salary and profits. If you mean business call 698 Glisan st IF you have a moving plcturo theatre for sale or if you wish to buy or open one. communicate with a permanent and successful' company. Peoples' Amuse ment Co.. 510-516 Rothchlld bldg.. Port- inna, ur. ' - . . PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE. " Fine location, no competion, estab lished business, cheap rent; must ba sold soon. X-684, Journal. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream and 1 cigar, fine location, nice, new stock, modern building, two ; lovely living rooms; dally profit $6; will- invoice $700; for Quick sale $650; terms. In quire 88 Tenth. . BOARDING HOUSE. ; 20 roonys, new furniture, fine board ing district, close in; 39 steady board ers; $160 monthly profit; leaving city; snap, $1600. Inquire 88 10th. - SALESMEN to Bell nursery, stock; big gest nursery in west; liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; $60 week ly easily made. Oregon Nursery Co., tireneo, ur, .ROOMING HOI ISF SNAP 17 jroomB, Washington st, rent $66; clearing $100 month; sickness; must sell. Will sacrifice for $800. 88 10th. FOR SALEx Restaurant in first class condition, In good location, cheap, STAR REALTY CO, 21 2 4th St, "Restaurant On good street in hotel w.ith over 100 rooms, new brick; good location. .Price tonay, $i&o, peters, 15 N. 6th st. LOOKING for an opening T Might have something to suit; commission-business every description. Louis Furcht. 51o Rothchild bldg. . HELP WANTED MALE 125.00 TO $40.00 WEEKLY. Larn to operate motion picWires at Newman's school of moving picture op erators. Competent operators in demand.-We start our Pupil in the mov ing: picture business free of charge. Particulars, Newman's Film Exchange & Supply Co., 626 Wash. St.. bet 16th and 17th. WANTED -Bridge contractors and graders. We nave a contract for.6H miles i of heavy railroad grading, and will sublet a nortion of It Men with team outfits or rock outfit including cars and tragic nrniarn .Alan hl.i and trestles Apply' 628 Chamber of uinrnrce ouiiairv fortiand. Or.. " WANTED MEN TO LEARN " .- To operate motion pictures.' Can earn from $35 up per week. Operators al ways in demand, s Can quality you in two . weeks. Terms reasonable. New man's . Motion Picture School, 626 aaiilllgivil, nwr I I in. OLfR motion picture operators depart roent the best on the coast; compe tent lnstrurtira In Mnk in n,.T,. make men competent for positions; have uuiauuu utiiiy, ior operators', pays $25 to $40 weekly. - Pacific Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg.- 1 WANTED Experienced cracker bakery men, X-SI1IO UUaSl BlSCUlt CO., IZtft and Davis streets. - . . 10,000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trace In 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn t w ?Z6 weekly; expert instructor; tools frj write for catalog. Moler 8stem ui i,uiige, bj (. -fin St., fortiand. WANTED Salesman: many make $100 . . IA SI 'A fip mAntV.. a stock clean, grown on reservation, far viu.vicuuiub, caaa aovanca wees Jy; choice of territory. Address Wash- lngton - Nursery Co., Toppen'sh. Wash. WANTED Ten first-class machinists for out-of-town work. Call room 1. Hotel Stratton, Third and Pine sts., immediately. INTERNATIONAL CORJiESPOHDENCE MOVED , -. 233 Alder st. near 2d. Main 6713. . WANTED Wood working , machine hands Of all klnita. fnnumitng mtar and cabinet buiidersV steady work, win ter ana summer; apply at once.. Segelke & Kohlhans Mf. Co.t Lacrosse. Wis. wanted Salesmen In every locality in the northwest;, money advanced weekly; many make over 8100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima-.. Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wanb.. K YOUNG MEN. about 18 years of age, j, wanted in several positions. . -; . OLDS, WORTSfAN & KING, WANTED A competent and - experi-.- enced man with small ramiiy, wants to .. take charge, or ranch. ' Understands raising and handling livestock and farming. Address V-693, Jodnal. , $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in practical -forms; day and evening ses sions. Address Myerp, 29 11th st, PorW land. Main 8512. - $1 DOWN, $1 weekly secures for you high grade dentistry by liquid air sys .0,,?all?Aes lnt'stry. Dr. Jones, Aiiroir -uiuij.i iq ann Morrison. LEARN operate motion pictures: on - erators $35 weekly; easy work. . Mo tion jPicture School, -62CH -Washington, bet. 16th and 17th. . s ' WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call 60-52 N. 7th st. , MACHINISTS call at 270 Alder street before going to work. : Strike on for eight hours. Ed. Carlson, business agent DRUGGIST wanted One who can take charge of a store. Call at 605 Main Street, Vancouver, Wash. . BOY about 16 to assist In care of few i cows and delivery of milk; good home and wages. 701 East Glisan at. LEARN driving automobile, day or even ing, boh wasmngton. Koora . 417, Main 6381. ' - . CHEF headquarters and heinr r?n. forala Wloiiiotai6--.amhtll.--next to Journal. . . FIRST CLASS pressf eeder. Vatson rrinting jo., uooanoiign bldg GOOD MAN sell tea and coffee" 1st, between Pine and Ash. ; 4iM LMARRIED man wants steady position; rnn nni i 'ir. A-I IK, JOtirilRI. CUiSIMS f DANCES FRESSER on pants; new work, experi .? n ccd. 3 4aasr,,r,,.i,,.... HELP WANTED MALE 1 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We want good, live men to handle BEAUMONT. Our latest subdivision, more talking Eoints than any. other subdivision which as ever been placed upon the marke.t and the genuine value is there; are pre paring for a good hot campaign; terms easy. Commissions big. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY,, , Board of Trade bldgV 84 4th. , - A Home and a Job With Uncle , Sam Just the Thing-for an Old Cou- ' pie $1300 House and two lots in small town close to Portland. Suitable party can easily secure ith6, postoffice. V-698, Journal. . WANTED Able bodied men for the U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of I and 35. MuBt be native born or have first papera. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compensation possible. Food, cloUiing, Quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 years" service can retire wfth 75 per cent of pay and al lowances. , Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg., 3d ' and Washington sts.. Portland. Or " f , WANTED1 - . - Independent or nonunion , ' mmm UNITED METAL TRADES ASSN.! 222 Commercial Club bldg. - COFFEE and tea route, clearing $25 weekly for sale $600; half cash. Bal- ance easy terms. Z-697, Journal. - HELP WANTED MALK AND FEMALE 20 GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write ior rortiana examination scneauie. Franklin Insututo, Dept. 248 R, Roches ter, N. Y. . . . " IF YOU are a good canvasser, call at Raleigh bldg., plenty, of room 23. money. ' EMPLOYMENT SGLXCIEi; 30 C. R, HANSEN & CO., GENERAL, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. uain orrice, if w. xa st. Portland. Ladles' department 7th and Wash, sts, upstairs, Portland. 424 Front ave., Spokane. ; $7-80 4th st., San Franclsoo, -Established "1871 HANLEY & T RAVERS EMPLOYMENT ' CO., Headquarters . for - & R .work, I8H N. 2d st - WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the aemana ior cnoioe nursery stock ; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE ! 2 THE GREATER OLDS, WORTMAN & - KING STORES need the services of large number of experienced saleswomen in ail depart ments. esnecfallv in GROCERIES, - JEWELRY. GLOVES. MEN'S FUKNISHLNUS, NOV fctillKS, PICTURES, ONE WHO CAN TAKE FRAME ORDERS. ' - "ART NEEDLEWORK ETC. GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. 1 years of age and over, who wish the opportunity to enter a business career, OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, WANTED Experienced chocolate dip pers; steady work. . i. Aldon Candy Co., , ' ,12th and Glisan fits. $1 DOWN. $1 weekly secures for you mgh graae dentistry Dy iiquia ir sys tem of painless dentistry. Dr. Jones, 207 Alisky bldg., ; 8d and Morrison. -WANTE Lady partner in photo , graphic -business; neat appearance; business ability. Call or address, this week, , Harry Lenor, 637 Rs26th et WANTED A stenographer. Prlnlclpal work will be making mailing list and addressing cards. State salary wanted. Give phono number. X-691, Journal, v WANTED Experienced 'body . ironer. Apply 869, East Washington. , Inter- natlonal Iaundry. APT apprentice for dressmaking ahop, will take time to teach same. ,-644 Hamilton Bide- 131 3d. street. - A MIDDLE aged woman to help, with -housework and care of two children. 0811,884 Park St. ';-;--'' '" '? " ; , WANTED Girl for office knowledge of bookkeeping or work; , type- writing not necessary. X-6! 94, Journal. WANTED Elderly ; lady - to assist in kitchen, one- who understands short brder work. 895 E. Yamhill m,ny- GOOD mangle help and hand ironers wanted. - Independent . Laundry,, 3d and Glisan. - -' - GIRLS WANTED to work in Paper Box Factory; steady work. n Oregon Paper Box Factory, 93 Front st. -; WANTED Good girl r woman for gen eral housework; no "washing. 289 7th. BOY and girl to East 9th South. make hair rolls, 428 GIRL or woman, to - help In a ema 1 boarding nouse. th Artnur st. WaTjTED Waitress at Swetland's.- 4c Morrison st. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 . .MUNICIPAL 70 MADISON, BET. 8D AND 4TH, MALE AND FEMALE HELT. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR - EMPLOYE. - ' ,v f" main -.3665- A-6624.', ATTENTION Small - business - matt; who doesn't have time to keep books and - wishes - to know standing of his business..!.- will, keep them-for . you; charges .reasonable; - interview solicited. Z-695, Journsl. . TRAP drummer, experienced -in moving cloture and dance work, desires posi- nlon in theatre or With good Jlance or fchestra; not a boozer or a cigarette fiend. Tim Aivin, uarayette, ur. FIRST class clothing man, a .hustler, who understands his business, desires to Chang's to northwest 1 in September. Address H. H. Moek, 620 0. Topeka ave.. WlcJiita, Kan, GOOD steady man wishes to learn cigar . -' I . . I. . . X V. maKing DUSineBS Wlin kuuu wnun-noio inhnron firm. John Hibberd. 77 Tilla mook at., irvwgton, CARPENTER, work wanted of every de scription; Jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specialty, Cummings & Catlln, 371 First ft. .Marshall 2327., '",.' '." ' 1 REPAIR furniture in first class shape. polish pianos, cnango colors ana var nish everything in house. Jim Brown, 660 Umatilla ave., Beiiwooa, ; -YOUNG man "wants position in a gar age; has some Knowieage oi automo biles. ' Call Main 6447; 1 WANT cesspool work; drain tile, septic tank a specialty; au worn prumjmy done. Phone Sellwood IS44. . FIRST CLASS mechanic , desires posi ', tion as carpenter foreman or flnlsh ing. Z-690, Journal. ' ' r A SOBER, , industrloss man wants po sition as night wattchman. T-694, Journal. - - - ''"'- .'-'''..''- ' - ' CHAUFFEUR with reference wants position. X-nai. journal, work, day or contract, ftciiwooq i CARPENTER work, any mna, nay or- contract Phone Marshall 2327i ) SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN arid wife, want posltioq in' room ing house. Can speak German. T-'695,-- Journal. '""''" SITUATIONS FE5LILK SITUATION wanted as, housekeeper by reiiaoie young widow with boy S yours; good worker;, widower or bache lor; no objection to leave city; near good srhool. W-6t2. Journal. STlDDLE AGED WOMAN, four years' experience as children's nurse, de sires (situation; alo ; dauKhter 17 will care for children. St. Louis. 303 WHKhinnrloii. Mnin 2039. A-4775. WANT1CD Curtains to launder; con tracts and terms to hotels anA annrt- mf-nt houses: called for and delivered. Phone Woodlawn 284. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, EXDerienced. Rntan rni,noM. 619 Commercial blk cltv. YOUNG widow wants position as house keener, widower nrefnrroik Main 90S2. Cull 88 N, 11th st. -- 1 - - A WIDOW LADY .with eoort uhnrban home would like th pr r,r nn or- two cnimren. 5x3 KldweU ave., Sellwood. WIDOW of 35 will care tor widower's home, with or without children; mod erate salary. X-699, Journal. : EaD wishes work by day, 25o per hour, Phone Woodlawn 2036. - : WANTED rDay work at 25 cents per hour, y-892. Journal. - LADY wants -day work; ions Mrs, Thompson, Woodlawn 185 FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE Under new management Nice clean rooms) $2.00 week up; free hath. Corner 12th and Washington, JMam 1038. LOVELY, bright front room,' choice lo- cation: 8 blocks from r. o., 4per woek. Smaller room, ..11.76.. All con veniences. 292 Tenth. - 338 THIRD One "large. light house-. keeping ' room, $10 per month; also one . small room suitable for gentle man. -'' . V ,- . .- . , ' . : MTR 1 247 H Dtlist. rooms $1.50 up per wses. Main 7764. Free phone and bath. I, 'v SLEEPING-TORCH. . .... . Large front room with fine sleeping porch, only $12. modern. 369 11th st. $2 and $3 single and double rooms, neatly furnished; light and airy. Call 609 Morrison st FINE alcove room, clean and nome-. like; modern, suitable 1 Or 2 gentle men. 195 13th st, corner Taylor. THE TEMPLE 343 V4 Yamhill st. op posite Hotel Portland. Furnished rooms: rents reasonable; transients. - SPLENjjID front room, fireplace, bal cony, suitable for two; 6 minutes from postoffice. 302 Park. Main 3002. THE KING, 809 Jefferson, rooms $2.60 per week up; strictly modern. Main 6360, A 2301. NEATLY furnished rooms, quiet and. homelike, prlvnte. Phone A-4681. , NICE furnished rooms, ; for one or two ; persons, centrall y located. 213 13th. FURNISHED ROOMS , i j EAST SIDE 62 PARLOR, dining room," front bedroom, clothes press, oath, in private family, first floor, one block from carllne; gas. -lawn, use of phone, some use of kitchen. For adults only., Call phone East S968, or inquire 802 E. Ash. - . . , UNFURNISHED ROOMS Mi s iti ii imiis 10. UNFURNISHED rooms from $3 to $10; cheap rent 795 1st St.. cor. Glbbs. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 NEATLY furnished rooms, with or without board; bath and phone; rea- sonahle. 208 Grant at Main 6691. WANTED -Couhtry board for two (2) ladles and child. State terms. X- 697, Journal. . J;..:..:" : c. LARGE front rooms, home cooklnn, reasonable; gentlemen preferred. Main 7018. - " ' " ' ' HOTELS 94 HOTEL FOSTER Portland's newest medium priced fireproof hotel; 190 rooms; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water in eevry room; rates 75j and $1; full half block; 247-250 Davis St.. '2d to !.-. ..-:....-r.4. tyf.e.'-r. HOTKL PORTLAND European piV only; S3, is day. - - . - - - ..- - ' VALIAMONT Furnished rooms for - rent 878 YamhllU BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE THE BEAVER 12th - and Marshall. Furnished for hodstekeeplng, gas ranges, electric lights, hot water,- bath, laundry, all free;' $15 per month up: a clean n1ff- heat In tha. cltv for the money; short "distance from Union depot Tak ,-8" or ith st cars norm, gei oi at -Marshall st. No dogs. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; 2, $8 month; 3 for $18; furnished cot tage; large rooms, 20i lower flat, 4 rooms, $14. 864 26th N. (west side river). W car from depot 5th or Morrison to 26th: block north. , ' "'"'---. ' "ONEONTa" apartments. 17 17th near YamhilL (Take W car at depot). . I and 4 room furnished suites. Hot and cold. Phones and baths free. $29 tier month. 86i oer week and ua Mam 46J7. A.47SB. ... THREE nicely furnished housekeeping , rooms, electricity, gas, . phone, bath and porch, rent reasonable to people employed.' 695 Glisan st, near 21st uaii evenings. $1.75 week, large c)ean furnished hou se- Keeping rooms; - launary, oain, s" clean linen. 184 Sherman, Bouth Port-; land. FINE SUITE ROOMS Large, airy, bay window, newly painted, calcimlned and furnished; first class location. 634 Morrison. TWO ROOM SUITE Furnished; bath, . gas and phone, only $4 .per week; runulnz water. 196 17th St. N. . THE SOUTHERN, 647 1st st Two room suites, light housekeeping a spe cialty. Phone Main 9312. THE COLONS Furnisnea housekeep ing rooms with all conveniences, $10 and up.' central location. 603 Alder at. TWO aas furnished housekeeDing rooms; ran. batn ana pnone. -.- diik: j rvm und postoffice 170 Park, near Morrison 2-ROOM suite, nicely lurnisneov ga bath and phone. .721 1st st phone Main 9053. THREE elegant -furnished rooms, strict . ly modem: rent $32; also other rooms., 628 Morrison. Phone Main 8899, WO front- finely furnished housekeep ing -rooms; situ : Btiiaian v meepuig room. Sbi lztn st. - TWO ' NICE furnished housekeeping rooms in oasement. walking distance. 4T4 Clay st. Til KEE furnished housekeeping rooms. Call after 12 o'clock, Sunday 250 N, 19th St. THE NEWCASTLE, 402 3rd; furnished housekeeping rooms; free baths, phone, hot water. - LARGE, clean. room, furnlnhed complete for nouseKoeping. 631 Tnurman st. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms;-light gas: moderate. tn & t lanaers. a-ui HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - EAST SIDE 48 $2 per week: clean, furnished housekeep ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phone, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. NEATLY furnished rooms for ngnt housekeeping; . bath, electric light phOT. Phone East 168. 82 E. 10th. THREE large unfurnished rooms cheap; bath, gas. 48Z K.- fine. - . , FOR REK T HOUSES 12 WANTED Adults; 4 tov 7 room cot- OUEXOIUM rooms by. Aug. 1 to 5 also bath. - Ad- dress W-696, Jonrnal, FREE rent in Gregory Heights. Greg ory Investment Co. . End of Rosa City Perk .car line. ; ;'. EIGHT room house, Montgomery St., near 11th." For terms see Fred S. Williams, 9 1 l Flrpt '' ' . ' FIVE room cottaee for rent, with yard! : $25. 415 7th. ' ;