THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING JULY 27. 1910. 11 FIREf.1A(l TRIES TD If OHM TO SAVE- PET PIG Menjberof Hazel Dollar's Chi nese Crew" Makes Strenu ous" Efforts .to Save Porker Which Goes Overboard. : Excitement reigned among ; the Chlr ncBe crew of the British' steamer Hasel Dollar when one of their pigs Jumped overboard In the .Yang-Tse-Kiang river , as they were outward bound for this : port,- and It was with difficulty that ,, the owner of the porker was restrained from following- it. in ah attempt to 'V,': effect a' rescue. . ' '." Officers tf the tramp, which arrived this morning from Chin by way of San Francisco, "say that-the pig1 was one of , two J Chinese animals which, were owned by No. J fireman, who with the assistance -of- several other members 1 of the craw- had trained them to such an extent that they could do almost any trick and , that their , understanding of the Chinese language was simply , mar-, velous. ' ' vr ' :- - - It Is said that on the day prior to Jumping overboard, the pig was surly and refused to carry outvhls master's commands, and the crew believe It was remorse . for this that drove him to suicide. In- order that- piggy might grace the board qf departed anoestors of the owner many pieces of punk were burned, the fireman believing that the pig would be wafted on the fumes of the punk to the celestial regions. When the animal went over the. side of the steamer the fireman demanded (nat a tinaf ho aunt out for hliTIn and - when told that It was Impossible he made several enorw to jump pig, but was restrained. " . r The IJaxel Dollar Captain . Alwen, docked at Albers No. 2 shortly "after o'clock, this morning, where she will discharge In ' the neighborhood of 100 tons of pig Iron brought from China, v where large Iron mines are controlled by Robert Dollar, owner of the steamer. rMM-r tit tha vessel renort a fairly -,' good .passage over from the orient leaving Mororan june zu man arriving at San Francisco July-18. From that port to the mouth of the Columbia river gbe'bad strong headwinds. - --f TKi im th first trln that tha Hudl Bollar has made to the, Columbia since last October, when she loaded a cargo of Lumber at Llnnton for China. After discharging her-Iron she will proceed tn tha. PnrtlnnrtT,iimhr rnmrmnv's mills where she will , load a cargo of about 3000,000 leet .. oi Oregon nr lor i,nincse V pons. , , RIVERDAJiE FINISHES . British Tramp,' With Lumber for China, leaves Tonight. The British, steamer Rlverdale, Cap tain Hay, la expected to complete her cargo of lumber early this afternoon and ' tha towboats have been ordered to go ' un to the Portland mill for her at 4 o'clock this afternoon." She will be brought down through- the bridges at about S o'clock and will probably pro ceed down the river immediately after being dropped in the lower narbor by 1 the towboats. The Rlverdale cleared yesterday afternoon for Tslngtau, with - '2,950,000 feet of lumberr the value be ing placed at $29,600. She Is under charter to the Chins Import & Export Lumber company. " . SUSTAINS NO DAMAGE , Steamer Rosecrans Reaches Llnnton , , ' After Being Aground. Laden with 18.000- barrels of oil, the Associated Oil company's tank steamer Rosecrans arrived at the Llnnton tanks last night from San Francisco, captain Moore, master of the Rosecrans,' said that the place where the tanker went aground in the river yesterday. morning was at a point about a quarter of .a mile off the old wharf which la situated" between the llfeaavlngr station and Fla vol.. A sounding taken by Captain Moore snowed a depth of about 20 feet at dead low water while the old chart, he says, shows 44 feet at that point The steam er was floated off at nigh tide and sus tained no damage.. - ' ; : v ' t - ; TAHOMA AGROUND. - j Towboat Goes Ashore in Fog Near Washougnl With Two, Rafts. According to advices received this morning by Captain O. WV Hosford, the towboat Tahoma of the Hosford Trans portation company's fleet, went aground . In a fog last night hear Washougal while " towing rafts up the river. The steam er had two rafts of logs - in tow at . the tlroe that she went aground,, but the report did not state whether sheaus talnedany damage or not, or whether she loBt her tow. vThe steamer No Won 1 der of the Shaver Transportation. com . ' pany's fleet was sent. to her relief,; ALONG THE WATERFRONT 'j Carrying ; 78 passengers and 100 tons -Of general freight,, the steamer -Breakwater, Captain Macgenn, arrived from - Coos Bay at b O'clock last night. ...-i-Y. , After discharging cargo at Oak street dock the steam schooner Qutnault, Cap tain Koffold, will sail tonight for WU , lapa Bay, where she will loadrlumber for San -Francisco. .:'.'.--, - With passengers' and general ' freight the steanier Roanoke, Captain Dunham, sailed last night for San Francisco and Los.. Angeles......" m.. :,::.:- r Extra work has been found necessary on lightship No. 78, which Is under going repairs at the Willamette Iron & Steel Works, and bids are being adver tised for now. The present contract is " nearly, finished, but it Is probable that the craft will be in port for another three weeks. ''.'.:; ' v'' v:'. ' ,.....,.. ...... The steamer Beaver, which was due " " to arrive up this afternoon ,from Los Angeles and San Francisco, Is reported aground In Toung's Bay by -the Mer chants Exchange. With all her first class accommoda tions filled and an exceptionally heavy second class list "for . this time of the . year, the steamer Rose City, Captain Mason, sailed at her regular time this morning for 'San Francisco and Los Angeles. She had 805 passengers and . over 2000 tons of freight, .- , ' 'J; : marine notes , .v;( ' Astoria,? July 27.Arrlved . down- at inldnightytfaTner"K:tamgthr"arrypa down during the night and sailed at 8:28 am. steamer Elmore for Tillamook; ar rived at; 8:30 a. m. British steamer St. Nlchol8,8, trom Antwerp via San ''Fran- ' clio; arrived at 4 a., mi steamers Bea ver and J.,' A. Ch'anslor from Sari Fran . Cisco. Beaver went aground In Toungs biy during .fog.". Arrived at S;40 a. m. steamej Maverick from San Francisco; left up at 10 a. m, British steamer St. Nicholas: arrived at 11 a. m, steamer Claremont from San Francisco. .-' San Francisco. July 27. Sailed at 10 last night steamer Washington for Port land. ' ;'. v . Astoria, July 27. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m. suooth; wind northwest, 28 miles; weather clear. Tides at Astoria Thursday High water: 5:08 a. m., 6.9 feet; 5:41 p. m., 8.J feet Low water: 11:16 a. m., 1.8 teet ' - . 1 ... ,. Dally Illvcr "Readings. 8:00 a. m. 120th meridian time. 8 STATIONS. 2 ewlston ....... .i. 24 80 25 7 "20 20 87 15 1:1 10.1 1.8 1.0 0.1 0,1 0.2 H Rlparla ............. Umatilla ........... Harrlsburg. . . Albany - . ...... Salem .....,,..'.... Wllsonvllle 0.2 2 o 0.2 1.1 Portland .......... 7.4 River Forecast: . The Willamette riv er at Portland will remain nearly sta tionary for the next two or three days. : ,? Wireless Messages. ; (United Wireless, via North Head) S. S, Chanslor., at Sea,' Midnight, July 28. -Six miles north northwest of.. Cape Hears. BarometerV 80.00; , temperature, 63; weather clear, moderate northwest breeze; smooth sea, ' 5LltLE INTELLIGEACB ' Begular tlners Due to Arrive. Beaver. San Pedro ....... .July 27 Geo. W. Elder, San Pedro. ......July 80 Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook ......July 81 Bear, San Pedro ...... Aug. 1 Golden Gate, Tillamook... ......Aug. 1 Brakewater, Coos Bay........... Aug:. 1 Roanoke. Los Aneelea ......... Auk. 8 Rose City, San Francisco ...... Aug. 8. Segnlar Users fine to Separt Rose City, Ban Pedo...... ... ...July 27 Breakwater, Coos Bay. ....... I .July 28 Beaver, an LDedro...,,. ........ Aug. 1 Kureka, Eureka .Aug-. 1 Geo. w. Elder, San edro. ...... Ayg. 2 Sue H. Elmore, TMlamook. ...... Aug. 2 Rygja, Orient .........Aug. 6 Bean San Pedro ....Au. 8 Roanoke, San Pedro....... ......Aug. 8 . ' Vessels la Port,- " ; . Geo. W. lder, Am. S. S....... Martin's M"-ble Gale, Am, sch......;...Prescott Nlnfa, It sh. , ...Prescott Hazel Dollar, Br. ss ............. . Albers St." Nicholas. Br. ss..,.. .Dn the way up Joseph Pulitzer. Am. gas sen ................ Port Drydock Inca, sch. ............ ..Inman Poulsen Rygja. Nor. ss. E. & W. Mill Titania. Nor. ss. North Bank F. S. LoOp, ss, ......... '.lnman-Poulgen Yosemlte. Am. ss. Oak St. Falcon, Am. as., Albers Rose City, Am. ss... Alnsworth Klamath, Am. ss. ...........ft. Helens Gerald C. Tobey, bk u-.Columbl No:-1 Johan Poulsen. Am. ss.... Oak St Sue IL Elmore, Am. ss...;,.. Couch St Sulnault Am. ss.,..,., Albers olden Gate. Am. ss.. . .Washington St Roanoke, Am. ss. ....... .Martin's dock. tin some w na veracm ui ueaeru Amlral Cornuller, Fr. bk. ....Antwerp Babln Chevsye, Fr. bk......... .London Bayard, Fr. bk.... ...Blasgow Bldart, Fr. bk... ........Antwerp Canneblere, Fr. . bk. . . . . , . . . . . .Glasgow 81aus, Ger. sh...., ........ k, Hamburg laverdoni Br. eh. ..v .......... .Tyne David d' Angers, Fr, nk. .... .Hamburg Glenholm. .Br. ah Antwerp I liocne, rr. an.. , . t ; ,;,.. tiivernooi Iverna, Br. bk. ......... .Santa Rosalia Marechal de Castrus, Fr. bk ...Tyne' Michelet, Fr. bk , Limerick Notre Dame d'Arvor, Fr. bk.. Antwerp Scsttlsh Moors. Br. sh , Antwerp Btr Nicholas, Br.' ss,. Antwerp Thiers, Fr. eh. ... ........... Antwerp Vlficennes. Fr. bk. ......... ...Antwerp Wllhelmlne, Ger. sh Antwerp Miscellaneous Toaaaff to Arrive. Glenlee, Br. as. . ., ..... .San Francisco Coulsdon.4 Br. ss. . . ......... . .Comox El", "Nor. sa.r ..Moji St. Dunstan, Br. ss.... Honolulu Coulsdon, Br. s. , comox Aaffot, Nor.- ss. .San Francisco Alert, Am, sch. .............. Honolulu Otaru No, 2. Jap ss.. I, .Hokkaido Irenes Am. sch.. ;.. San Pedro Sark-, Nor. ss Vancouver Geo E. Billings, Am, son. .San Francisco. H. K. Hall, Am. sch... ...San Francisco Luaon, Am, sch ............... Redondo Strathspey, -Br. ss.......San Francisco W. F. Jewett Am., sch...... San jpedro Lahalna, Am. bk.....,..8an Francisoo Washtenaw, Am. ss ...San- Francisco Shna Yak. Am. ss..,,....San Francisco Alvena, Am. sch.,...,... San Francisco V - Sn " Boats Wlta CoaL Andromeda, Br. bk. .Newcastle, N. S. W. Buff on, Fr. bk ............. . . .Swansea Col. de Vlllebols Mareull, Fr. bk. .;...... Newcastle, N. 8. W. Forfarshire, Br. blcNewcastle,-N. 8. W. Glenalvon, Br. bq. .Newcastle, N. 8. W. Gen. de Boledeffre, Fr. ' - bk. ''. ..-; Newcastle, N. S. W. Kirkcudbrightshire, Br. sh - ; . . , .......... .Newcastle N. 8. W St Rogatlen, Fr. bk.Newcastle.tN. sV wi r Navassar Ladies' Band. ' v Tha. following is the program at the Oaks thla evening: '. .' Doges March, . from ' "The . Mer-' chant of Venice.''......, Rossini Overturn 'nhRron'. ...... . , W.h For clarinet Seleoted ' ' Miss Shipley. Selection, "Fortune Teller".; . . .Herbert For saxophone .... .Selected - - . Miss Martha Hall. Descriptive, ;."A Day at the Circus"... '' ' .'."' ' v La nip 4 ; . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title, St Trust company. Lewis bldg. ,aiu G. H. Carter to Mary L. Cartp. , 1 ast H of lot 1, block 2. Sprlng . water acreage .......... ., .'. . . . 700 John A Bell and wife to Kath- ' i. arlne Serr, southerly 82 feet of ' - lot 12, block 28, Alblna . 4J00 Blanche Eollinger and- husband ' . to W. Ev.. Loy-lot 18, block 6,-- 1 Ina Park .,...;.............,. '2,250 T. H."Hocken and wle to Oar- . ence L. Craghead. fat' 8,- block 2 45, Rose City Park 8,600 Hibernla Savings Bank to ffohn Blumer. lot 20, block 2, Brock- - ton 800 A. G. Hawklne to H. H. Milllren. v ' Jot 20, block 9, Terrace Park addition .......... .... ....... - 800 James L. Conley to Elizabeth J. ' i McFerrln, lots 81. 32, block 2, . and lota 39. 40, 41. 43 and 43. , block 6, Lee Bow Park ....... 2,200 H. Hamblet and wife to Gabriel Thalman, lot 8, block 20, Falr- . port .... .. ... 250 Tena M. Mahany and husband to Theodore A Schall, lot 12,- . T block 22, Jonesmore 6,000 Amanda M Nichols to John , .Horn, lota ; 4 and 5, block 4, Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 1. 1,500 B. M. Lombard and wife to Bean - Clark Foullhoulc, lota 10 and Ellen J Newell and husband to -Anna Pond, et a'.. 8790 feet, - beginning at southwest corner of tract on Glen avenue .... . 1000 Carl F. Neth to Kathryn Wolf gang, lot, 1, block 4,, Beau voir. , addition 880 J. ft. Catfles and wife to H. B. . Kvani, part of lot 8, block 24, JVToMIlWs addition . , 4,000 L. R. P. LeComote and wife to Robert H. O'Brien, lot, 8, block - 12. City View Park addition .. 825 'iangiray LeGa.ll and wife to Lyd-' " ' ),Aa H. SteeL east Vi of lot 8 and ; all of lot 9, Wock 88, Univer sity park ....i. ...... ...I.... '-800 A. C. MlUef to George Ryan, lot S. Mock 2TPdwcrs tract T: ..". . BOO Carl Anderson to Theodor Young - t al, lot 28, and 75 feet of lot ' - 29, nd all of lot 80, Anna Ma- rle park 100 Ladd Entete company to Noah . Snider et al, lots 28 and 24, block 17, Westmoreland ...... " 1,215 Caper Wtfitent and wife to Gall (.'.rant ShfuHnftT, lot 2, block . -.2,-Lyolia aJJiUon r. ' 1,109 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A J. Melvon and wife to Gilbert Drynan, lots 43 and 44. block 26, Railway addition 8 800 Frank Schlegel, trustee, to Carl Anderson, lot 28, Anna Marie park r 100 Etta C Holbrook and husband to '. Scott Swetlnnd. lot R. 6. 7. 8. C block 87M Irvingtort Park .... ( 2250 tt. xi isoDie ana wu to .;nas u , Bchleffelln. lot 6, block 6, Ev- . aistcn 400 Hans Larson and wife to Cor nelius Tonseth, et at unflivia- , , : eo half of lot &. 6. 7, 8, block 4. Larsons. -addition .......... , 1000 Same to sane, north 40 feet of lot 3, block 8 .Larsons addi tion ....v......;.... 425 Wm - E Loy to Herbert Gordon, lot 19, block 5. Highland Park. . 650 Frank A Cooper to C W Wells, , i lot 18, 17, block 7 Laurelwood Hark 800 F. A. Cooper to same, lots 8 and . 9, block 8, Laurelwood........ - 800 Daniel Hart Jind, wife to Jacob 'Wittenberg, lots 43 and 44, block 164, University Park .. 400 Plin.L. Mathews and wife to Frank H. Krelnbrlng et el, lot ,10. block 83, Vernon, . 4,000 J. "A. Petit and wife to Rosa M. Cook, lot C. block 6. 8aglnaw 180 Newman. H.,Gleason and wife to v , J. D. Voce et aL lot 2, block 70, ; J- Woodstock . .. 8.500 Walker Queslnberry and wife to Charles F Wiegand et al, 10 ' acres In Dr. Hartley and wife donation land claim, section 81, " . .82, township 1 north, range 8 , ... east 8,260 Ernestine A Wehlam to W. D. Olden, lot 8, block A, Welham's . addition ,-. 1,000 Adallne F. Campbell to Roy E. Gardner, lot 2. block "C," Cher-. rydale ....................... 1,800 Brong-Steele company to Georjre . Schafer, lot 19, block 11, El Tovar ' 625 LAWYERS Abstr!t True wc, room Board of Trade bldg.;, abstracts a specialty. ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander eb ' strsct office. 411 rrw)lir. Main 14 PACIFIC Title Trust Co.. the leading Abstractors. 104-6-4-7 Falling bldg. NEW TODAY RIVER FRONTAGE 85x300 East side of river, opposite Oswego $1S Ml . EASY TERMS Chapin & Herlow 833 Chamber of Commerce. Lamanda ,;" Parle This beautiful tract His on tho Powell Valley road, Just east of Creeton and north of Kern Park, on the Mount Soott Carllne. Lots 80x100 jr-Mt-n Prtoes Prom 32SO and Up And are desirable' as residence property ' and cheap; water will run through tract and sold on easy terms, 10 per cent down and iu per moniru aae won o.t this addlUon. . J.W.OOIUBEE Km. 11, 148H 1st St, Portland, or. ON THE WEST SIDE Willalatin Park "Portland's Host Scenlo Aoreag,. $400 pD Per Acre 10 per cent down. 8 per cent per month. Soil rich and deep; every tract faces a road; macadamized road runs through tract; most beautiful , drive out of Portland.'- ''-, . ' . 1 -' : - There's no better acreage buy on, the market .' Take a .trip In an automobile with us and see this beautiful property. - Willalatin Investment Co. 314-81B Boaxd of Trade Bldg. - Main 6659. 1 A-4710. WAREHOUSE SITE "-Half fclockTW Nicola! "street, near 27th. i. United Railways trackage. :'z York-street trackage within two blocks. When extended, will run on south. side; of this property. ' PRICE $9000 i . This is 8 snap HcCargar, Bates & Lively 3lS Faiiing Building WEST SIDE ACREAGE $400 . EASY TERMS - A tWTt SB ' f V1 48J am tr a f aMa - A n1n Ing home of St. Helens hall. Beautiful view, solenoid soil, close to car line. 6 cent fare; 10 per cent down, 2 per cent a montn. uaKe unitea ny. car at 4in and BtarK and gel on at .uien uarbor. Glen Harbor Realty Co. 439 ICOKJlWX BUDO. St 13 LOTS PORTLAND'S EXCLUSIVE RESI DENCK niSTRICT. HARD-RT'RFAl.'E PAVEMENT WILL BE COMPLETED Tills YEAH. 912,000 . . Tira srAWTOw co, ' r . . NEW TODAY Brails Roselawn ? avenue, v near Union: 5 rooms, brand new. Terms 8?i:ioo Rdselawn avenue, near Union, 7 rooms, brand new, modern f 3850 E. 19th $t., near Inslie, 10 minutes' nae o rooms ipaaou Dekum avenue, near Union, 7 rooms, iuii lot v.....fxtoo Glenn avenue, near E. 32d anrl Emer- son, o rooms, new, modern f300O Siskiyou, near Union avenue, 6 rooms. Dasement;. jot aione worth , price asked 3000 Goddard & Wiedrick .243 STARK ST. ; TWO ' 6 room modern houses, bringing good rent; lots lOOxlOO, on East 10th st; only 200 feet from car line." $5500Gaash A. J. G ANTINER ; ; 618 Board of Trade bldg., , . Fourth and Oak sts. 1 .- : MARRIAGE LICENSES - Bondlnot- Conner. Medford, Or., 21, and Boeske-Ruh, 18. K. M. Layton. 204 North 24th st, 21, and Nell Sapp. 20. . William - Doollttle, Ontario, : Or., 41, and Bessie Bloyney, 23. .'.... Ralph Jef fcott, St. Helens, Of., 27, and Mabel Wright 21. Edward Gill, 804 4th at, 88, and Mary Ziegler, 43. . - . r Ira Huston, 80. Grand ave,, 81, and J. W. Kerber, 35. ' Jasper Smith. 423 Mechanlo st, 29. and Edith Radabough. 20. Lawrence Withers. Qulncy, lit, 35, ana rtaqie yniiiips, it. Washington bldg, corner of 4th ana wBsningion me. WEDDING Invitations, announcements. H:i"iam itiumpp co. aza wash, st ERE8d suits for rent all slsea Unique lauorina; co., tv BtarK et CLARKE BROS., florists: fine flowers ano norai designs. 18 Morrison at BIRIHS POLONSKYTo Mr. and Mrs. Jacob r-iuunsKy, as Aineria street, a girt FOX To Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, 1086 jMiei iweniy-nrsi street July hnv ORMSLET To Mr. and Mrs. Warren Orrnsley, 65th street July 21, a boy. KOLLANDER To Mr. and Mrs. Ira ; iionanaer, Doster road, yirland sta SBARSTo Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Sears, itt m. tea street, juiy , a boy. DAIRDSONTo Mr. and Mrs. James Dalrdson, 224 a 87th street, July 11. BECKMAN-i-To Mr. and Mrs. Edward HACKLIYA To Mr. and Mrs. Masa- mcni jnacKuya, jtuv ia. 62a street July a. uyy, .... '. t ..... RKET1-.T Mr mrA Xtrm Willi. Jtfced. 548 II mat Ilia, ivnnuii Inlv 19 . i . . - . iwjr, ..- ... , ..... COLLENDINE To Mr. and Mr. Charles Collendlne, (21 Greenwood avenue. July 22, a girl WILLIAMS To Mr an A Mm ' TTnrhrf wmiams, ... liijg Koaney avenue, July R6BKRTSON To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robertson, July 22. 244 Cook avenue, a arlrl. . . . .. . .. . . .. BOTTSRAMTn Mr - Botteman, 16th and Davis streets, v uir 19. a. girl. .... McFADDBN To Mr. and Mrs. William mcr aaaen, iu unorey street, July 14 MAltLAND To Mr. and Mrs. Malt iana, vain union avenue, July is, a .MATOTo Mr. and Mrs. Collo'gah Amatfl 110 Li Oth atrut Ti,l tf . bov . m IRONSIDES To Mr. and Mrs. John irummm, Ataer street, juiy zs, a girl. . -4 y. FERGUSON To Mr. and Mrs. J. Ir guson, 403 E. 84th street July 20. a DEATHS TELfaR Marlon Tllfar. July 28. age WANNAMACHER Alexander Wanna- naciier, ounnysiae, (jiacKamas coun tv. Julv 24. Brla-ht'a illRA.aa BERG Oscar Oberg, Rosemont and t. r.oirAr'-'j cpe- July 24. age 84. senile exhaustion. BURR Almira Burr, 709 Alleghany ttrant Till v i 4 H PATTERSON John Patterson, i.,'841 lmion lee juiy X4, age 68, myo caraitls. HAT.KAR flfava. TTaltraa C, in .-f, hospital, July -85, age 82. cancer of O'DONNELL James L. O'Oonnell, 848 .v. i " " auijr iJ, jt 13, gun JdAX M. SMITH, florist. 150 6th at.' opp. meiar et rTRnK a. Main 781s."- FUNEItAL NOTICES. BEAULIEN Funeral of Mrs. RAaalla Beaullen, daughter of Mrs. Rose Bice and sister of Josle Leonard, rwlll take piece irom tne residence of her aunt Mrs. E. Bradv. 219 Monroe street Thi.ra. day, July 28, at 8:80 a. m., thence to St. Mary's churchy Wllllama avenue and Stanton Street, 'at 9 a. m. Interment Aiouni uaivarv cemetery. Friends tn Vlted. , . WANNENMACHER -At his home, Aun- nysiae,. juiy zt, Alexander wannen macher. aaed 84 vears: 4 mon th. i s days. Funeral will take place from the tutrior oi me jb.ast.Biae unerai Dl rectors, East Alder and - East Sixth llrAaln Thnr.flsi. Tillu OO . 4' . M Friends respectfully Invited. Interment wunnoman .cemetery. PATTERSON John Patterson. July.ifi, at 842 Clinton street Funeral will take place at Holman chapel. Thursday inurninK, al o CIOCK. FUNERAL DIRECTOIU9 nunninv S. UndertakersL UUIIIIIIIg W. IVIULI UCO Modern tn every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 410. A-to&s. jLsay assistant. Zeller-Brynes Co. , IW.Ti phones; lady assistant . Moat mcdero estaoiianmwnt in city. T HlDfP I'he eaat side undertaker. -CKtn Ldy assistant B-1888, East ,Bi. k. stn ana Aiden Je-Pblsy-Sca-ad? leoy attendant. Main t. AlS. EAST HIDW funeral directors,-auceee ore to F. d. Punnin. Ino. E. 82, B-252S CDipOflM tfnrtertfl.kln Co., Main tniljOUlM i3, A-8288:''ldy'-vas'f Fhnnns C-2114 and A-4444. EOWARllOLMAl. undertaker. 228 -d at -Lady assistant- Main 7.. 1 MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA SPECIAL NOTICE. Officers and nalctmora of all CamoB in Myltnomah county, you are earnpst- ly requestea to attenet a joint meeun to be held in the hall of Oregon- Fir camp, at 109 Second street Wednesday evening, July 27, at 8 p. m. sharp. In honor of Major General J. H. Mitchell, commanding the Modern Woodmen For esters. General good time and refresh ments, jjon't miss it. ueorge m. Shaver. Consul Rose CItv Camo: R. W. Foster, Consul1 Oregon Fir Camp. Attest, F. J. Darlington, Clerk; H. T. McGrath, Clerk. CAMP meets every Wednesday evcnlna tn W. O. W. temple, 128 11th St All members requested - to. attend. -Visitors welcome. E. H. DEERT. C. C. HERMAN SCHADE. Clerk. ARBUTU3 CIRCLE No. 273, Woodmen or world Members are requestea io attend the funeral of our late neighbor, Rosalia Beaulleu, tomorrow, Thursday, July 28, at St Gary's church, Williams ave. and Stanton sts. Services at a. m. MARY E. RICHAKDBUW, U. Si. LOUISA J. STUART. Clerk. M. W. A, Rose City camp 481, Aionaay eveninae, caiunK-niraun umi. imi ..ui..,."'.. . w. Darlington, clerk. Phones, Maln :94, A4S86. - R. N. A, Oregon nose camp, meets vyeaneeday evenings. Aussy nan. a ana Morrison. ' R, N. A.. Marguerite camp, meets every Thursday evening at 10 2d st. bet Weali. and St irk. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 81050 Buys lot 18. block - Wlberg Heights, corner or Broaaway - 1 and 48th st Improvements paid . by owner. Terms half cash, Dal- ance ner cent. .. 11300 For lot 60. by 100 with small nouse, on eumner st. near v car line, high school. Term, 11750 Fine' corner,. 100x100, on Mary land ave.; street grading ana ce meno ' walk paid by owner. Tsrm. XI. rah hal. 7 ner cent. $1050 Corner lot and 4 room nouse on Montana ave.; eesy terms. . James D. Ogdeh ; 848 MlsslssloDl Ave. - Woortlawn 202. - C-2008 FUR gALE HOUSES 01 - Beaux Arts Home! Artlatlcallv end honeatlv hullt homes of all styles; they are different from omen; let us itgure with you on a .co lonial cottage or Beaux Arts bungalow. wiu ouiia on contract or -you rurnisn lot, or small payment downand balance RBATTX ARTS RTIILDING CO.. 201 Lumbermens Bldg.,' 8th and Stark. I 1IAVE a . 6 room. 8. room. 8 room and room bungalow and a 8 room and 10 room house: which you should' see before you buy. Strictly first class and modern in good locations on very easy terms. , wear -new jeirerson Hign sonooi and publlo school on the peninsula. U. L. Or St Johns car. Plttlnaer. 119 Killings worth ave. Also some choice lots on easy terms. OWNER MUST HAVE MONEY. Unable to occupy v lust completed beautiful 8, room bungalow, finished in nanasome style, swell exterior, rinest fixtures, gas, sewer all In, double floors, nreoiaco: soiia cement casement, laun- uijr, in &ai;i qvvi jf tiiiitK viuaa vat. 16 minuter ride, near new city mast Side park. Cannot sell for less than 1500 down. Phone East or B-1H94. SAVE YOUR RENT We will sell you a home and you can pay us in mommy payments; we win also build to suit you anywhere In the PROVIDENT INVESTMENT St TRUS TBB CO. 524, 628 Board of Trade Bldg. rnone Marsnau 471 ONLY $300" DOWN and $26 month on ' balance of 32000 buys new 6 room bungalow, 60X111 lot south front, Im proved street, siaewaia- ana euro, pan eled dining room, - full . basement, big floored attio, best- plumbing and fix tures, near good carllne and 10 minutes' ride to new bridge; complete abstract title has been examined. Call at once. 616 Ablngton Mng. $3800 New 7-room strictly modern house, Thirty-fifth and Tillamook 1 Sleeping porch, tireless cooker, furnace, and better value for the money than can be found in the city for 3700 more. Buy of owner and save agent's commis sion; good terms. ' s , ' 860 Oak street. $100 DOWN $18 each month and Interest at 7 per cent ; "r';r-;,.r.'::':;r?.". - . mc 2v, .j... . .... Modern 8 room bungalow. BOSS, Owner, . . , . . . .B1B Gerllnger Bldff.,., . Second and Alder. Rose City Park Bit room bungalow cottage. 429 75. 48th St., between Tillamook and Han cock, street lmprovemnts in and paid, well- finished, , must see the interior to appreciate; price $3350, $500 down. Owner will be at. house between 2 and 4, Sunday or phone Tabor 648 or B-2971. Bungalow. Bargain ,V The best buy In tne Ross City Park district. 5 rooms, bath, - city water, toilet? fireplace,-full basement, 60x100 feet, east front. Price $2350 this week, $350 down, balance monthly. Street Improvements in and paid. Main 840". E ve n 1 n ga. Main 5751 . .Owner. ' $800,for3 Room House Two blocks, from Alberta car. $200 down, balance on your own terms.' AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. . 24th and Alberta. Phone C-1110. FIVE room bungalow for $3000; mod- Awn ttnA-latA. llffla - famh Ann email monthly payments; property one DIOCK nswinunn variino. curionsnaw & Buehler, 49th and Hawthorne, Tabor 174Z. . I Tvrm VCAM Tttlt IVlMTB A safe investment should deposit his money with us and receive Interest on tne same, from 1 to 4 ner tent Port land Trust Company. 8. EL corner 3d end oaK sts. FOR SALE A bargain: 8 room house. 82100; terms, ah new ana up-to-aate, first class plumbing; close to streetcar. Ev Holladay ave., bet 84th and 85th sts. Take Montavina car. lis e. sist st N MODERN 7 room house on 2 lots, 92x .- 100,'. in -JNortnern Jtmi saaition, Ht. Johns car. $1400; $1200 cash, balance monthly payments. , Address Alex Sedor, 8t. jonns, ur. FOR SALE. ' 5 Toom house with bath, lots of fruit close to car.1 Terms. $1600. 8. FEIGHNER & CO., v 193 Morrison st, $200 cash, new modern 6 room bunga low Rose City Park, price $2600. New 6 room modern house best part of Going St.. $200, terms. - Phone SEELEY.-Main 6646, A-5662. - AN ideal home for sale cheap; 138 Flor- Ida St., southern Portland, by owner. 1615 Columbia St., Vancouver, Wash,; price I18QQ. rnone wain . 84.; $1500 BUYS the best business corner on japuoi - iiiu,-wim eiore auxu; if story; lot 100x100. Owner. Z-688, Jour nal. ONE ACRHI at Flrland, all cleared, pood soli, fenced, city water, nice plas- DEMENT & K RIDER. 248 Madison St. BARGAINS In lots and houses by 'own er. Terms or trade. . Phone Tabor T3ArTLf Vtl,lr mnApn hiinvalnw. V,.lu and two full lots, at a bargain. B- NAT. cosy 'cottage on 60 foot lot $60 cash, $10 per month.' Gregory Invest ment Co., end of Rose City Park carllne. NEW modern houses in Irvlngton. R. B niow. owntgr, iruipea. .'HREB room" house, large lot $650. Easy terms. Felts, 838 C. of C. .. j SlX room rpsldenre, motlern; 60x100 Joti y sold eheatw- Ownarr 231 Shaver st - MEL'TLa KOTICES f CAMP i WaO.W.V FOR SALE ROUSES 61 One half block from Alberta car. Part cash and easy terms. ; $26507 Room House On corner lot; IBOO cash, balance on easy terms. A , Specially Good Bargain Elsht room, strictly' modern house. Price 83450. See us for choice lota in good dis trict, some on easy terms. J, U, Repass &, Son 24th and Alberta. Phone Woodlawn 1834 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X $ $1250, TERMS 15 MINUTES OUT. X X 6 room cottage, 2 blks off Oregon X X Electric. Phone my home, Marshall X X 1214. Fruit flowers. Nice home. X X .,....".'..' x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx f MODERN HOMES ' ALL PRICES .. LOCATIONS ' . " ' - AND SIZES ; s ' If you are looking for a modern tin to date home, see me before you biiy, for I am sure I have what you want . . j; W. GREGG : - 818-817-318 Fenton Bldg. ' This Must Be Sold Just think! A 5 room house on 83d st 100 ft from carllne, modern In every respect; full basement: all for 32400. with the small payment of 3150 down, the balance 10 a month. This Is a fine place, worth at least $2800 cash; in fact, cost that much. Owner is not in city, so wishes to dlsoose of It oulcklv. We can make the easiest of terms, but have orders to sell Immediately. These ar the kind of buys to get, when the owner really wishes to sell; in fact Is forced to, '. "... . -, . . ..- , 1 ; - 411 Henry bldg. Bargains In Lots $3,200 for luOxlOO on Haltht avenue. near new high school, this is the com ing district for advancement and It Is below value. " :-' $528 for 60x100 hear Portland boule vard, facing east. A snap; terms. $750 for a corner 60x100 facing east, near Hawthorne. Can you beat it? NIT. 81.20U for 75x10 facing east and In Vernon; It Is fine and sightly; near car; fine dlBtrlct; the , best of sur roundings, investigate. Blanchard A Clem son, : Sj gisth street.- Only $250 Down We have 6 new modern S room hune-a. lows, with full basement and attic; ve neer paneled dining room; frieze celling in iivmg room,-witn rirepiace ana Door cases: cloak room with full lenirth mlr rorj Dutch kitchen; close to car and scnooi; gooa view, Take your choice at $2800 to t3H0. ' See ROSS, Owner and Builder, : 618 Oerllngqr Bldg. :,;.'::-: Second and-Alder. .;..-"', .'...'. Phone Main 2801. Jles. Tabor 1487. Will take good building lot as part payment at marnet vsiue. , 5 Rooms, $2d00 33 1-3x1 10; IPt, Alley New, all modern; H , , Near car barns,' Kenton, Swift Plant; . 1 Small cash payment easy terms. Unencumbered lot for first payment Fred F. Huntress, 630 Lumber Exeh. . Going to Build? 1 Let us finance the building of. your home. If you own lot small amount of cash sufficient Our reputation for well built houses, fair dealing, reasonable' prices Is bringing us many clients. It will pay to see us. Northwestern Const. Co. Successors to Portland Realty & Const Co nui-a Lewis bldg. Vernon Bungalow $500 CASH AND 820 PER MONTH ' Buys modern bungalow; fireplace,, pan eled dining room, beamed celling and Dutch kitchen; east front, on Improved street; a nifty little place for- $2500. ' We also have some bareains tn lots. See Osborne Bros, Cor. 80th and Alberta. - Sacrifice . - Beautiful 9 room house, west side, all strictly modern, full basement, splendid view of mountains and river? only 12 minutes from 3d and Morrison; $3000, cash, .balance . to suit I am compelled to sacrifice on ac count of family reasons. This Is $50 below value. See owaer, Mr. Smith, from 1 to $ p. tn., room 18, 27044 Wash- in gtonsi Willamette Heights West side modern residence of six large rooms, hardwood 'floors, pass pan try, full basement fireplace, furnace, etc., right up to date and modern; block to car; beautiful view; price $6600. your own terms; a bargain, - . WARD REALTT CO., sua iewis mng. $3,200 for a 9 -room house, can be made a double house with little ex pense; on corner 100 feet front facing southeast near Alberta and Union av enue cars; room for mora houses; would make a fine Investment Costs nothing to. see It . - - .,. , : , Blanchard ft Clemson, . . ' : 64 Sixth street SEVEN room bungalow, Irvlngton, new, modern, up to date, $600 less than value, as party la leaving city, and must raise some Cash. See this and you will buy. . Square Deal Realty Co, 4th and Oak sts. . $19 Board of Trade Bldg. CHEAP 6 room house, lot 25x100. B. 28th at., tp nua . . .. a,a 41M aai9 oi. $1550 For particulars, see J. J. OEDER, Cor. Orand Ave, and E Anken y. Sounds Good $2,750 for a fine .'new ' 8-room with den and everything to make a fine home, on corner lot one block from Al berta car, facing east. If you want a fine home at the right price and terms, call on owner. Sixth street. ' SNAP ; 5 room cottage, lot 50x100, near Union ave. and Alberta St., on 7 enr lines. Some one gets a bargain. Price $1600, y, cash, balance $15 per month. . Call 201 Lum- c-ermens caag. $1650 BUYS a aood 6 room' house, lot - 60x100, fine lawn, roses andi large DEMRNT 8r KRTDER, 248 Maaieon Pt $350 DOWN", and , $12 . per ". montli and -' interest ouys room monrn nouw, co(npletely fumUhed, electric llghto. Prfi-e $1700. This la a bargain. 402 Commaivlal block.- . - . $23 00 F I V ER OO M c,ottse, one bToTk carlton, $400 csh, $20 pr mr'nth. C-JU- Wiibh. 414 LiUt EiAik, cor. 6th, .- f t New 6 Room Ho-jm Close to rarliin. ...i. farp. for la Miann K,.,it' down, halance fikhip as rvnt. 1 FOR SALELOTS ',WI'''S,a'jaa,aai,ia. 'fc West Side Acreage $400, Easy Terms Acre sites on wjt side, adJMnin? aw hnmn of Kl TTolon. n.n. k..,,.i, 1 view, splndld soli, cloee to carhne.' f,'.- iare; iu per cent down, Z per cnt a month. Take United Ry. car at 1th and Stark and get off at Glen Harbor. , f VOr HAKBUU REALTY CO,, ' 432 Mohawk Bldg. , Dfisirahta Ruvs $300060x100. Raleigh st., just west of aMi at.; uara auriace pavement, street parked, south front view fiT TY Anntoina V n Ka a - a vi A $ 85060x100. Beautiful Wlberg Heights, East 48th : st bet Broadway and Hancock st. : overlooks Laurelhurst and city (mnrAUamanta ak 11 nsM a a a a ja , 1'ivnniioiiio au jctiu. ' ; $2000 46x100, Gantenbein ave, near nuMwit; improvements in ana paid. A snap. . RHfFPiiri.ri a. ttt vv 23 RussBll bldg.: Entrance 162H 4th st. HERE are some of tne best vacant prop- eiiy investments m roruana. 2 best residence lots in Kenton 173S for the two. ' 50x100 on 17th $878.: ' ; 2 Cf the bast lota on Ttavmnn1 mt : $200 below value. ,' btiSLET, 228 Lumber Exchange bldg. ' Main 6645, A-6652, - CORNER LOT ONLY $1750. . Right at the head of East 82d. tust one block , north of Hawthorne just the place for apartment, flats or bun galow, 15 minutes' ride; sewer, gas. wa ter all In: paved alley on the side; ce ment walki no better buy on the Eaet aiae. can at 29 East J6th after 6:30. Lot 60x100. '. . , FINE lot near east side High school, only. $1000: nothing tess than $1200 In neighborhood. Square Deal Realty Co. ;or. 4th and Oak. 619 Board of Trade. GOOD FACTORY LOCATION CHEAP. iuu feet or more frontage, with track age, on macadam street, near manufac turing district of South Portland. Prop, erty faces two streets; ' good location, for blackemlth. etc. This Is for sale bv owner who will sacrifice so as to dis pose of property quickly. P-686, Journal. ' $1000 Business comer, 60x100, 49th and Di vision, only $150 down, balance $la per month ft riAlv 4nt Intaraat . T3,,KalA Benedict 502 McKay btdg., 3d and : ONE- ACRE $425 .. , V rash. . rlarht nn carlh. an A. pot, only 25 minutes' ride. A-720, Jour- $12,500 Choice quarter block, 100x100. Close In, East Side. - - - - J. J. OEDKR. Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. WILL SELL my $218 equity in an im proved lot on Rose City Park carllne; also 2-room house and summer kitchen, $100 worth of lumber, all for $250. Phone Tabor 1936. . TWENTY lots, In Piedmont, must .be soia as soon as possible. By owner at a sacrifice price of $14,600, $9000 cash, remainder on good terms. vX-696, Jour nal. $650, $650, fi50 $400 CASH. Buys 8 lota on coming business street: 2 room house, barn and tent Frd W. German, 339 Btirnside. Main 277S. lift, r'aeir ik iiftTu $0x100 lot on Alberta et., overlooking river: nrlce 3650. Ownar 420 Rwotinnri Play. ' MT. TARDFt PROPirnTV " Lots, acreas-e . and trar.ta fnr aula hu Wilson ft Myers, end of Hawthorne car line. Tabor 1560. '- . INVESTIGATE this; you'll find blgirpst sacrlflce In Portland block on Wil lamette boulevard; 100 .feet to car: $1660. Woodlawn 808. " ' ' LOTS. $160 INSIDE THE CITY. v Railroad addition; fine soil,-" $7.50 cash, $5 monthly. Can you beat It? Fred W. German, 329 Burnajde. M. 2776. T.ATvrva a nriTTtnivT Must sell mv beautiful rnrnur IHt1?)I thla waalr Wfll taVa ItlA .k. marKPt prict. v-bsi, journal. TWO LOTS Lenox addition, $450 each; terms, r none j&ast sss3. ...Water, grade.' car line, already in, CHOICE, corner lot in Overlook. Owner in the east and says sell at .contract price. Phone geuwood 1773 after 6 p. m. TWO LOTS in Montavllla. each 60x1 oC for price paid two years aaro. . Owner. B-2301. "- - '' : $725 RARE 6t. Johns buy; two lots on loop: double soon; terms, Phone Jer- sey 1671. FOR SALEBungalow ,ite 40x75, at zstn ana Broaaway hit. ;fnonj A-5ZJ7. Main bza. BUSINESS corner lot 83d and Alberta sts.; bargain for cash. Phone C-1550. LOT 60x100 In Westmoreland; a bar gain, senwooa 177? after 6 p. m. HAVE eauity.ln lot cost me $110; will sell for-$78 cash. M-696, Journal. LOT 60x100, located at 1086 E. 21st st. "North. Chap. Inquire 682 H Alberta st. ACREAGE 07 Sacrifice Sale sixteen acres on county road, near Jennings Lodge station, Oregon City carllne, $3200, half cash; no trade. This Is 60 per cent below market price. In- ...I.. n boa i- . . . liutif . U4 - virun, uuuiuor VI lAIUJ' merce. Close in Quarter Block Suitable for rarage or laundry, very oheap , If taken -at ooce ; on ly" ' $ 4 5 0 o. Terms If desired. G, L. Webb. 414 E. Stark, cor. 6th. : . .. av uuuu piaiung ana summer resort, for. fruit or stock, 25 miles from Port land, 1 mile from R. R. station and river; about 80Q acres, $35 an acre. Send for description; part trade. Y-639, Jour nal. "Half Acre, West Side, $750 17 minutes on Oregon Elfictrlc: good spring In rear; fine ptnee for chlekonsi or ducks; $25 down, baL $10 monthly. X-69S, Journal. Near electrio K R.,- watr, fence!, $160 per acre, nrown, 411 Couch bl't ;. FIVE acres on ocan' hecli in Claisoi) county, 1 mile south of Fort Stevens; price only $CU0 pir acre, j cab; lit-., I lies nice for platting. A. C. liurilh.k. tn i.nemoer ot i-ointiicrce. Nir-B little chicken ranch. $10 tl-fvi.. $5 per month, 26 mloute out. Af'n 8 p. tn. any da v. Pmlth. ioardman e' tton Oreston cit.v llrie THRKE-KOURI'IIS Ai'UW. 2 blue, M-V car, $2050; $0 rtmvn, $. f r month. Q. L. Webb, 4,1 J.aft, corner 6th. - 640 ACKl-,i, 6UJ of tins titml Ia i- . , for plowing. This la 2 imUi-s fi good R. R. town, price $:. a.i n some trad, X-Si'O, Journal. MVHT HAVn &IOXKY 1 r-tty :, corner. 3 blockM fmm On-jS'in 7 , 25 nilnutps out, Hch soil, Jw" I 8Tr -fa-eiiaM wMm-'t $( AVRK3 nejr .Tualetifi. hu . orchard, fruit, c u'l-i ': c lennnhle Adrlivsa ii.'' "' '. tar,- 8750. uwnr t ink') Por,l 1 2 J-'i! f, part In voitnr imni'-l: tt..i.a . ' FOR SALE HOI'S i:s