THEJ OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ''PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 27, 1310. 12 . CONGEST TRAFRC James B. Van Duzer, Repre senting River .and Millini Interests, Says People-Do' Not Understand Situation. -.' Opposers of draw-closlng- . regula tions, have their case ready for hear , Ing. James B. Van, Duser, chairman of the committee from river and m"UHng Interests, said today: "Tides, floods and loss prevent regu lar schedule of boats on the Willam ette. No definite time of their arriving at the draws can be arranged, , Should the draws be closed mornings and ev enlrgs for two-hour periods the con gestion of river traffic that would re sult would cause renewed congestion of trans-river traffio much more serious than now exists. The man who klcka now because he waits four , minutes would find something real to kick about if he were delayed a half an hour or more while the draws were open let tin through the boats that . had been ; waiting. . " "It Is certain that when the Madison street and new steel bridges are com pleted ; the congestion of team traffic across the Willamette wui oe - enaea. r wish to say that B. 8. Josselyn. pres ident of the Portland Railway, ugnt a power 'company, has been leading the fight for regulation Of the draws. Prepares Own Figure. "I wish to say thaf Major Mclndoe, Df the corps Of United States engineers, never recommended the closing of the draws, but on the contrary, is opposed to any regulation of the draws. I had figures made yesterday of the opening of the draws. - These are .not street company figures, .but "they are the "ex act record of the day. The total num- . ber of times the draws of the three bridges, were open was 84. The longest period any one draw was open was ten minutes. The average , opening . and closing time was four minutes and twenty seconds. . "This record la from E:So a. m. until : 7:20 p. m. Morrison' street bridge draw was open 22 times,, or a total of one hour, 21 minutes, and 35 seconds, with an average . interval for t each opening of 3 minutes and 35 seconds. "Burnalde bridge opened .25 times, a total of 2 hours, 2 minutes and 20 sec onds, with 4 minutes and 65 seconds the average time of opening. : The steel bridge was open 37 times, a total of 2 hours, 41 minutes and 40 seconds, with an average time of opening of 4 minutes nd 30 seconds. These figures show not nearly so bad a condition' as other fig ures procured have shown, but these . are. not street car . figures..'..). ,.,. r Object to Xegolations. "We object to any regulation what ever permitting the closing of the draws of bridges .that span the Willamette river. We base our objections first upon what may be construed as a sel fish motive that , the closing of the draws, will be injurious to-the interests . we represent, and likewise, the recula. lions as called for by various iush clubs of the east. side would be very det rimental to the Port of Portland at large., . -: v -. .. Hie government:is expending and all of us are urging the expending of large sums of money in the improving vi mo upper ana lower Columbia and the upper and lower Willamette. For us to put In force regulations tending to restrict commerce appears , extremely foolish and uncalled for. "The report, of Major Mclndoe, corps of United States engineers, after a pub lic hearing,, which was held last winter, which was sent to the chief of United States engineers, was thoroughly op posed to regulations. We cannot help ; but feel that when the people of Port land look at the matter in the broadest possible light they will be constrained to act more for the good of the port at iarge.":i":'''vi-'-j:--,';r.:',,;''?' WV ' "We shippers, ; riv'ermen and milling Interests have been accused by. various push clubs of acting for selfish inter- ALL PREPARED FOR HAY FEVER Ascatco, Bent of All Hay Fever Fte Tentivea, On Hand, "Ready for the Conflict"Keepg Nasal . 'Passages Clear and Per rnita Free Breathing. . t "Aacateo was ca'lfed to my attention by a doctor. I am never withmt- 4 righ now have a bottle on hand ready'! :,. v"j vuiiiuui wnen ine restlvlties commence. The fact that I can breathe - all the time, my nasal passages are clear and J can sleep nights during the hay fever season Is my tribute to the best of all hay fever cures and I tried I believe, everything going." go writes . Mr. A. C. Arthur. LouisvUle. Ky - The best results jn the prevention of hay fever are Been when Aacatco Is taken some weeks before the expected attacks then the synm Is fortified to .withstand it Climatic change is un necesearjc if afflicted with Rose Fever . or June Colds, take Ascatco at once. In any form of asthma, Aseatco's benefits are positive, cases of as many as fifty years standing having been eradicated Aacatco ma be obtained at The Skid more Drug, Co.i Wocdard-Clarke & Co and other drug stores, in two eizes at 60-cenfrs and $2. Be sure to obtain one or the free samples of Asratco which are mailed upon request by the Ascatco Laboratory, 32 West 26th street. New York city. . ' " ' . ' '.. ' ' ' " '. Wt ihi V7i fl,.;T 'cvT-I. ZZ v om com irom a thorough cleanalni of tha Tital fluid. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure Te uch treatment rehevea some of the itching and clVoroVort blTrf. VtISf,!r Cammatlon, and aids ia keeping the affewtedrS reach the blood, where the jkf cauLTlcStedffnS ft ?rJSf JS.5SJkJ paUiatingandthing.:.S,S. BSSVJii jther rariety of akin allecUon.? w S.8.& fn tZVZZ she blood, and purified the acid-heated ofrwiatlm tway, the cuticle is again nourished MiSie riven todiaease-tortured skins. Boolr vlcfw to ail whowrite, THE SYIFT SPECIFIC COT, LTLmSSL U. S. FdRTLASB AND VlfflilrJrj, FAIR ARD WARMER TO-IIGHTl' ,;THURSDAI FAIR. ' I0RTH 4 WESTERLY WIHDS." ' ORECOS ARB WASHlRGTOHl . FAIR AND WARMER TO-5ICHTJ ItHTJRSDAT.FAIR. , WESTERLY , tiros . ests. It might be well to call atten tion to the fact that tho lumber inter ests -which. Joined in a protest against the regulation of the draws employ ap proximately 2000 men, with an average monthly ; payroll of $140,000. ; These mills In a year's tlma pay for labor, beginning from the time the tree is taken from the stump to the time when It is loaded on wagon, boat or car, 13,600,000 annually. ' With Progressive People. . 'We feel that we represent people who are actually doing something toward the upbuilding of the city, and that - the hysteria and - cry going up from all sides -favoring bridge draw closing is Influenced by people who do not represent much of anything. ;i; "Why : such closing ; as suggested would work serious hardship on all the transportation companies, . The riaviga-tion-of the Wiliamette river is depend ent on tides, floods, winds and fogs and the elements make it impossible to op erate any craft upon a, regular ached-' 'Our business is better, and the city is more prosperous when commodities are brought closest to the heart of the city. But regulation of the draws would force business the other way and do the city and the Interests involved an irreparable injury , . ,, . , ; Since the information has come that Senator Bourne has secured a postpone ment of -the draw bridge matter, which was to have taken place tomorrow, not o much anxiety is felt by those who favor or those-who oppose regulating the draws to get their arguments and data filed with the war department and witn me Oregon senators. : ravora Closed Bridges. ' President Harvey Beckwlth of i, the Portland Commercial club - has . tele. graped to Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Indorsement of the closed bridge draw movement, giving as reason : that no material damage can be Inflicted upon the shipping or commercial Interests of the port if , the bridge draws are regulated for the brief period ot a few hours dally. . , .i; ;.. , . Mr. Beckwlth says that to him it appears that opposition to the move ment is of purely mercenary nature and for : personal reasons and not because It would damage the city or its com mercial Importance He believes that regulations should be made for the gen eral good of the greater number. Following is the telegram from Mr. Beckwlth to Senator Bourne In answer to the one appended: Portland. Or July 25." Jonathan Bourne. Jr., United States Senator, Washington, D. C I am firmly con vinced that the commercial !ntrpt of Portland wUl not be Injured by the morning or evening closing . of draw bridges. It would be of enormous ad vantages to our citizens without any material disadvantage to river trans portation. ' (signed) "HARVEY BECK WITH." Senator Bourne's telegram of I follows: - "Washington. D. C. Julv 2S.H Beckwlth, Portland. Or.. Klndlv wir me collect whether in your opinion commercial Interests of Portland will be materially lnlured hv morning closing of drawbridges. Will advantages to Portland outweia-h dis advantages. (signed) "JOHNATHAN BOURNE, JR." M. A. A. C. READY TO ELL BONDS TO BUILD CLUBHOUSE (Contlnu ed from Page One ) ' "" ' " on the south central or Salmon street side of the grounds at a cost of about ivu.uoo. una to apply the remaining 3100,000 In furniahinig the clubhouse, constructing grandstand and improving the field: also in liquidating the $50,000 remainder of our Indebtedness. . after having applied our Insurance money to that purpose. This Is the tentative plan so far as developed in the short time had for Its consideration. Find further particulars in prospectus herewith. "This is a critical moment, and the future success of the club depends en tirely upon the support of its member ship. , , ., "This Is a splendid opportunity to demonstrate in a substantial way that proverbial club spirit which has led us to success in the past and upon which 1 'AO-0 f WW . I II . . rrL lTJ . . A.' I ', 7W . 1 9 " w i ....... v iff j . I BEHOVES AIL HD1I0BS FROM M BLOOD Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU . Llrr-5 tK-. . - I... EXPLANATORY NOTES. ObMtvukm uka M a. aw wreMyUtk wmfam Daa t Ku. MMlkMiAMblUllMllBri . Iwmmu. w dottad Xam. u HmuA Ponu d Mul taniwntttit; willbtdrwUy(oiMro,(reiiJ,,Bdl(. ; 8nuiiiktttUWorUr; Q 6mr; Q ftntj&nir, WuoiT 3W nkbIL V a mvuk Hi M; thirf, MMet WaihsbireraMNk' v the future of M. A. A. C. depends. v , Authority for Zssns. A formal statement from the club de fines the security upon which they base authority for the bond issue.. The total bond issue which the club is author ised to make is $260,000. In addition the statement reads: i "The Multnomah Amateur Athletic club is a regularly Incorporated body organized under the laws of the state of Oregon : In 1 891,: for educational, so cial and, athletic purposes, The-club has from the first ranked with the most popular. and progressive associations of this character throughout the Paclflo coast and the country at .large, and includes among Its membership many of the leading business and : professional men and women of the Pacific north west The total membership of the chib at the present time is something over 2600. - i- v- "This proposed issue, of bonds Is to be secured by a mortgage to the Se curity Savings & Trust company, Port land. Or., as trustee, covering the prop erty owned by the chib, - consisting; of nine acres of very ? valuable ground. bounded by Morrison, Chapman,' Salmon and Stout streets. In the heart Of Port land, valued conservatively at $300,000, together , with the proposed improve ments in the nature of a new club house, grandstand and other Improve ments, to be erected at a cost of $150, 000, and to refund the club's existing Indebtedness. -' "Annual receipts, consisting of club dues, and 'other Income sources and ex penses for the several fiscal years end ing January. 81, as fbllows: . -.' !' ' Quar. ending . . ' ' ... ' . ... June . V 1808. ' 1809.. S0.1910. Or. ree... $50,095.20 $60,315.80 $1S.782.S5 Op. ex... 48,064.00 39,377.04 10,788.15 Net earn. $12,031.20 $10,838.76 $ 2,944.20 For the quarter ending June $0, 1910, the gross receipts were $18,782.85; op erating expenses, etc., $10,788.16; net earnings, $2,944,20. ': "It is. proposed to offer on lease a portion of the property of the club con sisting of a frontage of 237 feet on Morrison and 150 feet on Chapman streets, on a basis of an annual Interest charge on appraised valuation, to pro vide for the larger part of the Interest charge on the whole bond issue, y "On the renewed , basis provided by these funds, the club has other inde pendent sources of Income, through its entertainments, sports, amusements and club appointments,' sufficient to provide moneys o meet charges thus to accrue. "Members - subscribing for this issue have the opportunity to offset interest accruing oa bonds against accruing dues to the amount of such accruing dues." ROAST CONGRESSMAN (Continued From Page One.) ular with most of the Woodmen, was elected. . " ' The , nominations of head managers came simultaneously with the flame ot wrath from , the Oregon Woodmen. Schade, of Oregon, was the only new name proposed. The remainder, accord ing to administration plans, were nom inated for reelection. "By a bit of clever play, an adjourn ments was 'secured before the nomina tions for head managers could be voted upon. . When, the session convened at 2 o'clock this afternoon it was planned to have corrections of yesterday's min utes, together with - other matters- of routine so completely occupy the time that another adjournment could be se cured before the vote on head managers could be taken. If they are successful in this, the Oregon delegates will spend the time of the excursion to Hood River tomorrow in telling the other delegates what they think of Hawley. By this means they hope to secure his defeat when the vote is finally taken. " , MANZANITA CAMP , OF FRESNO WINS $250 . AND SILVER TROPHY Manxanlta Camp, No. 160, from Fres no, Cel., won leading honors in competi tive drills at the Armory last night. Their prizes were the Head Camp Pa cific Jurisdiction Woodmen t of the OREGON WOODMEN World stiver trophy and $250 in cash. Their drills - were re"markable ,evolu ttons. Including the formation of. the Woodmen's ax, the letters W. O V, together with several other evolutions that excited the admiration of the thousand or more spectators. Hime Camp, No. 286, from Seattle, was a close contestant, The Fresno camp's percentage was 94.7, while that of the Seattle Woodmen was 93.6, only a little more than one point difference. The splendid drills won for Seattle the second prize of $150, and the Boise Cam Pf- I r-w eih-Wrdirt wvtft $100: Boise's percentage as' awarded by the Judges, Captains. ScotV Crouch and ICollock, of- .the Oregon National Ouard, was 92. . The'Reidt loving cup for the best drills presented by a local team was won by Portland Camp No. UU. Ten companies partlctpaed In the ...., .. - Portland, 0rt,JUly 27,1910 i-;',..... '.'iT am. Barometer :.t.... 'Ji00 T e mp e r a t u r A .'.''I 2 HunTdity..; .v.,1'57 '- Wind, Direct ion. Wtnd, yal.ooUy,.......! Weathir , CL1AR Rainfall .... , v 0 Maximum temperature , yesterday " ?' tfcqr 1 9 M competitive; drills. Their percentages are as folows: ; Prospect. Portland. No. 140, 74.8; Home Camp, Seattle, No. 886, 92; Botie. No. 150. 80.6: Golden Gate. San Francisco, ' No. 64, 87.6; , Webfoot Camp, Portland, No. 65, 90; Oregon City, No. 148. 74; Seattle, Nov 169, 84; Port land, No. 107, 91: Arleta, No. 806, 67; Manzanlta, Na 160, 94.7. FROM BOAT AND CAR " VISITING WOODMEN ( WILL SEE ALL SIGHTS The visiting Woodmen of the World and their wives will be taken for a trolley ride to Council Crest - at 8 o'clock this evening. , On the crest a band concert will be given mhonor of the visitors. The care will leave from Washington and Thirteenth streets. An excursion to Hood River on the Charles R. Spencer will be the feature of entertainment for tomorrow. The Spencer-will leave from , the foot ' of Washington street at 7:30 a., m. UDon arrival at Hood River a committee con sisting of H. W. Waitt. B. F. Barrett, and W. E. Shay will have charge of the entertainment The visitors will be banqueted, after ; which . they will ' tour the beautiful Hood River valley, the excursion through the valley to be in charge of : Professor J. Adrian Epplng. Tiaay evening .the woodmen of the World will be ' banqueted and royally received by Miejtnomah Camp, East Sixth and East Alder. An elaborate program has been arranged.' A trolley ride to The.Oaks has been arranged for Saturday evening-, and on Sunday even ing a special service in their honor will be held at Taylor slreet Methodist church. There special music and the address V will he delivered by Dr. Benjamin Young, the-pastor, who u a member of the order. MOTHER'S FISTS SAVE DAUGHTER -FROM KIDNAfER (Continued from Page One.) Streets was reached he stepped up to the group and tried to hug the girl He was shoved away and Mrs. Patterson and the children quickened their pace. - Seizes M. The corner . of . Fourth unit trail streets Is shaded by trees and was fairly dark. No other people were In sight when Hlslop again caught up with the family and grasping the girl in his arms began to carry her awav. Mr. Patterson threw herself upon him and the man dropped the half fainting girl to combat the mother; In the struggle PARISIAN SAGE, Puts Hair on Your Head and ". Keeps It There. Whata the use of being bald? What sense is there in deliberately allowing your hear to turn gray? ? , , , . Do you want to look old before your timet Give up the thought; old age will come 4l.-4a-SK)Otfc-.rir4-'--. T---r-r Look after your hair. If you have dandruff, get rid of it JusTas quickly as you can. Parisian Sage ; will kill the dandruff germs, and' the only prepara tion, so far as we know, that is guaran teed by Wobdard-Clarke & Co., to do so. r Man or woman, no matter how old you are, ' Parisian Sage, the unequalled hair tonlc,: will make you look younger. Why not go to Woodard-Clarke & Co., and get a generous sized bottle today, it- only costs So cents, and your money back if it does not' cure dandruff; stop falling hair, or itching scalp. : It. will make your ; hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it is the most refreshing,, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Made only in America by Glroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. T. The girl with the Auburn hair on every bottle. ' i VOLET XTDSHT FXLZ.S HELPED HTM Carpenter, Paris. 111., tells us his story. "About two years ego I was hurt in a railway wreck, and from then on I had trouble with my kidneys. My back and hips pained me so that I could not stoop over, or walk more than a block or two. I heard of Foley Kldnev Pills and took them as directions said better, my kidney action became regular my um-.m. uu bjuw jiuina tessenea and I felt strong. I . can now get out and walk s good as ever,'' and . can truth fully say Toley Kidney Pilla have done more for me than anything I know of " Skldmore Drug Co., main store 151 s'd st, branch' store Morrison and West Park sts. ... 1 BirigXhong CELEBRATED CHINESE DOCTOB Cures all diseases of men and Women by use of the famous te -Herbs. orrzea hoxtes 8 to 11 a. m.. 3 to 6 p. rq. Office, room It, 335 Vj Alder St., or X33V4 1st St. - ail a. in, in a ona of Mrs. Patterson's arm was torn ' by 'the man's nails . and her wriat wrenched until the bones almoat broke, but she tenaciously clung to him. ,; Young Arthur ran into the street and, coming back with a stone, flung It with all his force at Hlslop. Mrs. Patterson, exhausted, was about to give up when , the missile struck Hlslop oft the fore jhead and he dropped back stunned, half falling to the sidewalk. He had recov- icred his balanca and was about to run I when a number of firemen, attracted by ithe acreams of Mrs. Pattersont reached the pot and flung themselves on Hlslop. i Still resisting he was dragged to the en gine house and the doors closed on a large crowd which had gathered. ;. Take Man Tram. Policeman. Patrolman Lytle reached the scene a few, minutes later and placed Hlslop I under arrest. The officer had Just stepped out of the engine house with I Hiaiop in a tight grip when half a dozen I men with a sudden Jerk pulled the pris oner out of his hands and a number of women and boys called out, "Lynch him.".; Lytle made a Quick dash for Hls lop -and succeeded in getting bin back. "Whatever this man has. done he la I going; to' Jail and I can't stand for any Interference," , Lytle told the crowd and, ;club In hand, he led HUlop through the mob and to a patrol box. ; At police headquarters' Hlalop de scribed himself as a gardener, 33 years old. " - - , . In municipal , court this morning he was trivet) a sentence of 30 days on the WAR DEPARTMENT'S : t ORDER AS TO DEBTS Captain Clifford Game, quartermaster at Vancouver Barracks, ... has ; received from the war department instructions relative, to the. collection of debts con tracted by enlisted men of, the army. The order In full reads as follows: "War Department, Washington, . July 16.In view of the fact that the prac tice by dealers of selling; . articles of merchandise to , enlisted men . on "credit burdens the 'war department with un necessary correspondence in ; the cases of nonpayment of the Indebtedness, and that such transactions, which are rapid ly increasing in number, often involve enlisted men in debts which they can not pay, and frequently lead un to de sertion, the following statemenvof the policy of the department with respect to this matter Is published for the infor mation and guidance of all concerned: "The department will no longer con cern Itself with the business of persons, firms or corporations selling' merchan dise to enlisted men on credit, and all communications with 'respect to such sales and all arrangements -looking 4? the .establishment of such business re lations, must be had with the command ing officers of the organisations to which the ' enlisted men belong. The war-department - will decline to assist, by answering Inquiries or otherwise, in securing the payment of obligations of this -character that are incurred with out the previous knowledge and consent of the Commanding officers of the Or ganizations to which the debtors belong. "By order of the secretary of war: . "WILLIAM H. CARTER." r "Official: HENRY P. MCAIN." . , president Taft at Biddeford. - (United Preu Leaned Wire.) biddeford, 'Maine, July 27. President' Strong Healthy Women It women ) stron and healthy In womanly way, moth, erhood mesne to her but little suffering. The trouble lies in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and era unfitted ' for motherhood. - This can be remedied, ;- Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ' Cores the weaknesses and disorders of women. 1 " It ecu directly on tho delicate and important organs oonoeraed in motherhood, makiaj them ' boalthy, strooi, vilorous, viriio and elastic. ' Fvorite Prescription" banishes the bdispceidons pi the period of expectancy and makes baby 'a advent easy tnd . almost Painless. ' It nuickena anl vitaliTH f.m.'.i.A r"ni . healfhy and robust baby. Thouiendi of women hart tesUfied to its marvelous merits. . : V ' .- Mf Msse Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Wt . Honeit drugiista do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as "Just ns ood. , Accept no secret nostrum in place of this ntm-tecnt remedy. It ' eontaint not 'drop of alcohol and not i train of habit-formin. or injurious drugs. Is s pure glyceric extract of healing, native Americsn roots.. SA E For Every Weak, Nervous, Worn Out and Ex-. hausted Man NO CURL NO PAY WHEN OTHERS FAIL CONSULT US XXAMINATIONAND ADVICL IRLL MLN, WHY SUrrLR? WHY BE DESPONDENT? WHY CO ON DISSATISFIED? WHY NEGLECT YOUR DISEASE AND LET IT UNDER MINE YOUR HEALTH? , WHY GIVE UP AND LOSE ALL? - Many Cases Cured for $5 to $10 Tee DON'T WAIT ANOTHER DAY! If you are tired of paying, out money and waiting tor results, this is your opportunity to be cured quickly. There all the difference in the world between doctors and treatments, and you want the' best, . If you have any disease, call, t , . ' - ' We cure contracted disorders, contagious blood poison, urinary ob ; itruetions, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Weakness, Kidney and ' . Bladder Troubles, Ulcers, Sores,' Nervousness, and ' ' . all disorders common to men. ' REMEMBER! 'Free Museum for Education of Men Men. make no mistake when they come to us. ; We give you the re suits of long-experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best service that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicines1 aurn'SMCunoupriyatcJatoratau If you cannot call, write for. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. daily. Sundays, 9 to 12 only, . . '. I - ; . OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE MORRISON ST., Bet. Fourth and Fifth, PORTLAND, OR. Taft spent the day "here quietly visit ing Professor Moore, husband of Mrs. Taft's sister. In the afternoon the president addressed the villagers at the golf links. The Mayflower, with, the president and his party, is due to start for Beverly tomorrow. . REMARKABLE RECORD rush-forming ; rood That Succeeds , Nearly Every Time A man or woman might as well starve outright as to take food into the stomach and not have it asaimllated. yet in Portland as well as in every other town and city, there are , many people who are thin, pale and seem un derfed, simply because the food they eat Is not assimilated, and falls to make good blood and firm flesh. v - Samose, the wonderful f lesh-formlnsr rood, taken before or after meals, min gles with the food, so that it is assimi lated by the system and .makes rich blood and pleasing plumpness.: Anyone who is thin, weak.' scrawny and emaciated can put 60c on deposit with leading druggists snd take home a box of Samose. If the treatment does not give a noticeable increase, in good, firm ' flesh and restore strength, and health, they will return the money with out any questions, , Sent, postpaid on receipt of price, 60c. Also for sale by Woodard, Clarke & Co. A Many a Portland Citizen Finds ; the Struggle Hard , With a back constantly aching, -: With distressing urinary disorders, Dally existence is but a struggle. -No need to keep It up.' ' Doan's Kidney Pills will cure you. , Portland people Indorse this claim. . I- Mrs. A...M. Hollabaugn,. 328 ; A, Grant street, Portland, 'Oregon, says: "For two or Jhree years I suffered Jrom kidney complaint aryl Inflammation of the blad der. I had considerable backache, but the worst symptom of my trouble was a difficulty with . the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills 1 relieved ' me soon after I began their use, and in everj way lived up to the clalme made ' for them.", (Statement given "January. 16, 1906). -" ' , ' BSUrsOXSEMZITT. Mrs. Hollabaugh was Interviewed on March 26, 119, and she added to' the above: ."My health has been excellent during the past sevetal years, due to an occasional use of Doan's Kidney Pills. I cannot say enough In . praise of this remedy," , j . .v- ' ' For sale by all, dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn C04 Buffalo, New Tork. sole agents for the United States. - a Remember the name Doan's and take no other, . 95. Not a - Dollar Need Be Paid for Our Services Until You Are Cured self-rexamination blank and book. HARD STRUGGLE e uQw ) M - TOPS ASTD M,VS DOWJI Come to Me and be Cured Pay When I Cure You pay me aa yoa get the benefit of my. treatment ' TMJS doctor ' i . THAT flTDV FEE WOU r.-r.T, . r,7rTir. . lower man ant !ES"'i ,n tb cltJr- hal; that others fyi!y?u' an(1 no exorbitant charge AimVl ? Practice (n the treatment of El-i . my onicee are the best equipped in Portland. My methods are monern and up to date. My cures are quick and pocftive, do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly exftmina aiiiti x i Wye It and thus e"ire the flljienan. vi- a vaneote vein, connrae4 Slaeaua. Bdu aw, ... , - - .1 t , euwuiq 0.wn cvp son and all Diseases of Mto. . 6PECIAI, DISEASES . Newly con tracted and chronlo cafes' -cured.' AU pad In 14 boura . Cures effected In sev. ' XTI O-VS. ' . ,1 iimui va very. man a lifelong cure, with-, out tsklng medicine into the stomach, Examination free. If unable to call, write for list of questions ' - Offlca hours a. m. to I p. m. 8un days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. tn. only. - DR, LINDSAY I88H SEC m ST. COB. 'TP AiDIB, STOP PAYING DOGTORS' BILLS sTo Tsmporary Cures or Sudden Oheoks 10 we Diseases by Ky Method, Only ABSOLUTE, SAFE, AJSTD lASTXa CURES . ' , THB VtUl8ja vvwi'OB . I can assure you of much better health in just a few treatments if my : Instructions are carefully- carried out The remedies I furnlah are. not poison ous, being derived from Roots, Herbs, Barks and Buds that have been gath ered from all quarters of the glob. I treat all diseases, and,. the phenomenal success I have had is shown by - the large book of testimonials which have been sent to me by prominent people of the. Nprthwest---,; ,4.:., 5.. OOKSXTX.TATZOS TXEV. ; If you live out of town and cannot. call, write for symptom blank and cir cular, Inclosing' 4 cents in stamps. The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 1634 Tixit Bt, cor. Korrlson, Portland, wregon. .. . , Are You Sick? Dr. D; Qlng Chow Noted herbalist of the Chinese empire, now associated with the On Wo Tons; Chinese Medicine Co. - This noted doctor has learned the secrets ' known only to.r. the . famous Chinese sa-; uonta fnr nvar 4ftft(t . years ana nan specially importea nerns from the remote provinces of China that positively cure all ills of the human system. Diseases of the.tieryous sys-:K tern, female disorders, blood poison,, stomach trouble, etc,, absolutely cured. No matter how many doctors have failed, no, matter how many medicines vou have used without result, call on us. VVe can cure vou.-- - ' , Consultation free. Treatments by mail. On Wo Tong Chinese Medicine , and Tea Company 93 8d Bt.. Honrs a. m. to 10 p. m. : WOim A SPECIALTY 'The well known Dr. U. X. CHAW, with tneir ;mnesi nmi . nt herbs and roots cure wonderfully. It hat cured many sufferers when all other remedies have failed. Sure cure for male and female, chronlo, private hlood DOison. rheumatism asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung; trouoie. consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney nd diseases of alt kinds. Remedies harmless. Wo operation. Honest treaN. ment. Kicamlnation for ladies by MBS. g. X. CHAW. Call or write to THB I. . CKAX MEDICIWB CO. I2SH Morrison t5t., Between. 1st and Id Portland. Or. . - 1 . 1 1 J..J . '. .. i 1 . J Gee i ,1 Gee . -. . : ' t 1 ...v VH.A., j. 1 - , . if . . '''X.'": '"'' gT Bwtti Col Je teal ', i, ' j " f- l' ''- I Aaafe Ma simple reme4for ' J I fm f-f UraacAto Catarrh, Haj Ftvr I ryi tiomoC ALL mooooi membrane tmSm4 or linings ( tha aora, tbroat, ytomaaa or urinary orsaai. , lC?rMl , T 6RU00I8T8 l ; .' lQ 1IV Wh noteryPHTMlf mmmmm ' ' V!!7TrawHhaaclibotue I I etrnftUesoaraqusit, hj ' xft OaAal Ca. J V 4th and 6Wu ' - ; 1 t ; ;. 1 t"u ni 1 im a -ju ,...,.'..,. ' :' " : "' i 1 Jr-J