THE OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 191u. PEOPLE OBJECT TO SCUM FOUND IN DRlIJKilJG WATER East Side taxpayers Pay for Bull Run Variety, butjn,- . stead Get Supply KomM bina Artesian. Wells -' m - . r O Many complaints are still being made by East Bide water, user? 'over the quality of water now runnlng.through the mains.' ; The general objection ; is that the people are paying1 for Bull .Run water and getting water from,, the Alblna artesian wells.. , i. In some localities the complaint la that the water la murky; In others that oily scum floats on the surface of water - taken from faucets, and in general, it Is so hard that housewives find It dif ficult to use It for washing purposes. Fully 4,000,000 gallons of this artesian water la pumped into ths mains svtry 24 hours. , , -" From ths -water department it is learned that all ths .trouble is over ths scarcity of water, and it is absolutely necessary to use water from the Alblna wells. Belief is promised, however, if the weather remains coal, but If the warm wave continues mors Alblna water will be necessary. - In the past few weeks a heavy drain has been made on the water mains, as heavy sprinkling and waste f water soon exhausts the , supply In the reservoirs. ' , '-" XTasvea Supply. - - The sltuatlon-in some parts of the East Side has reached an annoying state, as the artesian water which is mixed with the Bull Run water is scat tered unevenly throughout the mains. In Alblna it is worse. Dr. Wheeler, city health officer, examined the water be fore it was turned into the mains and found It to be perfect It comes from' a deep strata of gravel. . Word from the water department is to the effect that this Is the only thing that can be done to relieve the situation. The growth of the East Side has been so rapid for a year, and mains have been extended . so far, that the present ac commodations are inadequate. Heavy sprinkling and waste of water this year have made the conditions worse.' ' The supply from Bull Run Is suf ficient, but the reservoir accomme-da. tions are far too small. The Robert Wakefield company has the contract for the new Mount Tabor reservoirs. One should have been completed July 1. It will not be ready for use before Sep tember 1. The other will not be com- " pleted thisrwrnter.- : - -J - - . Will E&f ores Clause. . - The contracting firm has been BO' tilled by the water board that ,the for felture clause in the contract will be enforced. If this is done the contrac tor will owe the city 118,000 for over time. , The city stipulated that for every day previous to June 1 that the reser- voir could be used the city would pay $500, and for each day between June 1 . and July 1, the city would pay. $250 The Wakefield company, in, turn, agTeed to forfeit $250" a flay for all overtime. V The reason the work has not been completed on "reservoir No. 8, states the company, is that, no cement work could be done last winter, as the weather was against the work. With this reservoir completed; an abundant supply of water will be at hand for the East Side and will accommodate all proposed exten eions of water-mains In the southeast side sections of the city. "'As soon as the reservoir is "completed, the water from Alblna wells will be stopped. , .r JUDGE H. K.' HANNA I DIES AT JACKSONVILLE (SpeciI DUpstch t The Journal.) '- Jacksonville, Or.. July 26. Judge W. H. Hanna, who for 25 years was one of the popular ' officials W southern Oregon, died here last evening of a complication of diseases at the age Of 78- He had been ill about three months. Judge Hanna served for 2fi years on the" circuit bench without Intermission, lie was a courteous and Just Jurist, an .able lawyer and at last a man of great qualities. ' ,!,; ;.,,... ... : He came to Oregon In the early 80s and for a number of years was em ployed as a miner at Sailors' Dlgglns , in Josephine county. Here he studied) law nights and soon he was cnoscn ny the miners as Justice of the peace. In 1872 he was elected district attorney for Josephine county and in 187 dis trict attorney, for Jackson county. ' In 1S80 he was elected to the circuit bench. Serving two years, he resigned to take up his private practice lor eight years, when he was-again elected to the bench and served as district Judge continu ously from that time until February, 1910, when declining health compelled him to resign. ' HAWAII VOTES ON i LIQUjOR QUESTION Honolulu, July 28. For the first 'time In . their history the people of Hawaii are Voting today for; or against liquor traffic In the Islands., The question has been agitated here for some time. The agitation, began when a bill was intro duced 1 into Jthe United Btates senate which was Xo enact prohibition for the territory. : Many persons here who fa vored prohibition did not like it to Come in that way," which was regarded as an Infringement of local government, and it was owing to an. expression of this feeling that finally congress by a Joint resolution? submitted the question of prohibition to the people of Hawaii to be voted upon.' The situation is rather compucatea and It Is difficult to predict the result of . the special election with any degree of certainty. - Recently the prohibition leaders have been conducting a rather active campaign, and there hap . also been a good deal of campaigning in behalf of the liquor interests. Many persons who, while favoring the prin ciple of prohibition, feel at the same time that it wouia not oe pracucaDie to do better than -continue under : the present laws, which, are pronounced the best license laws . in existence any where. ' , iikcoiis show ihcrease School " Population: of Baker, . Malheur' and 'Tillamook .Grows Rapidly. RAILROADS ISSUE BOOK , ON. WALNUT INDUSTRY Special DUifetdi to Ths JoorntLV McMlnnvllle, Or., July 2. The South- era "Pacific-company "and" O." H." & N. lines In Oregon have Just published : a 69 page booklet "on "Walnut Growing in .Oregon," which was edited' by J. C. Cooper, secretary of the McMlnnvllle Development league. It is nicely il lustrated and gives full information on how to plant when to plant and what to plant, as well as full instructions for grafting. yamhUl county leads all oth ers in the growing of walnuts, (having over 5000 bearing trees and 8000 'acres planted to young trees. McMlnnvllle Is known as the 'Walnut City." and the Walnut club of this place won the irold medal at the Lewis & Clarke exposition for the best exhibit of walnuts. (Silets Bureau ef Tbe Joarnal.) Salem, Or July 2. The annual re port of the school superintendent of Ba ker county for 1910 shows an Increase in enrollment in Baker schools of 238 over the enrollment of 1909, and the census shows a growth of from 51T4 in 1901 to 209 In 1910. There were .139 teachers, employed as against 124 for the previous year, and 87 received eighth grade diplo mas as against' 63 in 1909. The total disbursements for school purposes were I1S4.1S2.7S as against $101,888.98 for 1909.. The average monthly salary of male teachers decreased from $85 to $7$. while the average monthly salary of fe male teachers Increased from $54 to $57. The enrollment in the Malheur county schools shows an Increase for the year of 122, and the census shows an increase of 182. i The enrollment for the past year was 1656, and the census shows there are sue persons oi scnooi . age wunm xne county. There were 78 teachers em ployed last year which was an increase of 20 over he fprevioutTear. ? There were about $48,000 expended for school purposes, which was an Increase of abput $500. The average monthly sal ary of male teachers decreased from $94 to $85, and the average salary of female teachers decreased from $54 to $52. . In Tillamook county the enrollment for the past year was 1176, and for the previous year 1089, and the census shows an Increase of from 1687 to 1728 in the same period. There were 71 teachers mployed last year as. against 69 the pre vious year, and there were five school houses built as against one for the year previous, About $3000 more were ex pended for school purposes last year than lor the previous year, the total ex pended last year being $43,133.01. The average monthly salary of the male teachers Increased from $58 to $67. and the average monthly salary of female teachers Increased from $54 to $56 dur ing the same perioa. HARAHAN TURNS OVER GRAFT CASE EVIDENCE ' limits Prew Imued Wlm.1 Chicago, July 25. President Harsh an of the Illinois Central road today gave the police all evidence In his possession affecting the investigation of : the charges of, graft In the car repair de partment prlor-totha death. ofIraG Rawn, president of the Monon railroad. Rawn'S name had been connected with me auegea car .repair scanaai ana ix was Intimated, just before Rawn's rays terioua -death, that an Investigation would be begun. It is alleged that graft In the depart ment reached $500,000. It Is said that the information was 'gathered by men or tne Burns Detective agency. GORE SAYS CANNON DUG HIS OWN GRAVE - " . (United Pren Leiiied Win V - " Kansas City, July 25. That Speaker cannon s invasion or Kansas in a cam' paign to defeat Senator JBriatow for reelection was. one of the worst politi cal blunders in his career was charged by Senator Gore of .Oklahoma today, , "If anything could have increased the already overwhelming prospects for a Democratic .house next session, that move was the thing," .' said Senator Gore, who is en' route to Wisconsin. "Cannon's defiant determination not to retire In face of the storm ot popular disapproval furnishes a clean cut Is sue Cannonlsm." They Grow Hair Certain Ingredients if Properly " Combined, .Stimulate Hu-v man Hair Growth. ' SHALLENBERGER PLAYS POLITICS WITH BRYAN IVvStt Preu ImhI Wlre.l Lincoln. . Neb., . July 25. Governor Shallenberger today ordered the attor ney general to start proceedings to oust three members of the Omaha fire And police board, on the charge that they had failed to enforce the liquor laws. It is believed that bosUUty 'to William J. Bryan's county option campaign caused the action. . It is believed that the governor's or der wll furnish Bryan with considerable ammunition In tomorrow s state Demo cratlo convention at Grand Island. 1 Resorcln Is one of the most effective , gprm destruyers ever discovered. Beta naphthol Js a moat powerful, yet ab solutely safe germicide and antiseptic, which prevents development f germ matter, and creates a clean,", healthy rondltIotfc"-''-"-1' -v tuocarpme, although not a 'coloring matter or dye, is an Ingredient well established for its power to restore nat ural coior to numan hair. worax,- Because of Us well-defined softeninig and cleansing properties Is moat useful in the treatment of scaln and hair diseases.; Glycerine acts as a stimulant to the hair bulbs, and has a soothing, healing and nourishing in fluence, f Alcohol Is i lndisnenHahln in mfllcine because of its anUseptic, stim- lllaftn rA n.... . .... suv uran isuvt qualities. itexau -s - Hatr, Tonic Is chiejfly v.-Hiiiucou vi mesa ingredients, which Hre compounaea in" a peculiar form, end we believe it IS the moat fftiv remedy known to medical science for bcalp end hair troubles generally. We personally guarantee; tt to - eradicate dandruff and scalp irritations and to grow hair even though the scalp in H'Ots .Is bare - of halr.providlnK. "of course, mere js uie, and vtuilty re inalnlng In the hair roots. . We want - every .one .1 troubled 'iwtth nlp dlRcase. dandruff or loss of hair i o try Resell "9 3" Hair Tonic, If it docs not remove dandruff and promote a growth of hair to the satisfaction of thn user we will, without cuestlon or ri'jibhle, return every cent paid us for it. This guarantee is printed on every rckBv n has rreoted most satls- inctory results in 93 out of 100' cases uhore put to a practical test. ; , itnuiio ana m every particular different . fiftm anything else we know of for the !urpos for which "It is recommended, V'e ur you to try It at our entire i i.'. Certainly we could offer no bet it guarnntce. Two fcl?s, 50 cents and U''". "i'h'e Owl Pru.jr Co., Inc., corner i v i i.i i. w.d W ashjgtou streets. Trains Reach Brogan, Vale, Or., July. 2. The tracklayer end construction train of the Malheur Valley railroad pulled into the new town of Brogan yesterday when the last rail was put into place in the Brogan yards, thus completing tne 26 mile ran con n actions from Vale. According to con struction engineers the railroad crew will be kept , here , for ' the : next two months, ballasting and otherwise pre paring .the roadbed for the regular train . service. .....Temporary schedule . Is maintained now with the construction train. 4 . SIX DIE IN BURNING CASTLE IN IRELAND (ColtrA Preu lMed Wtre.t Belfast, Ireland, July 26. The daugh ter of Sir Valentine Blake was burned to death and five other persons lost their lives in two fires here today. Two otnfer persons were probably fatally in jured. v.1' J'i.AiKvi'r;..'; ... Miss Blake lost her life when Sir Val. entlne's Menlough Castle was destroyed, Two servants who tried' to save their mistress also perished. ' Frantic ef forts wer made to save the castle and the servants-worked-desperately to res cue Miss Blake, but were cut off by the names. The -castle was consumed. The Hotel Kelvin was also burned and three guests lost their lives. The fire made such rapid progress that all the guests could not be warned and three perished In their nSome. Three others received burns that wilt probably result fatally.. The charred bodips of the vlo tlms wr round in the ruins. Rev. William McCaimhan and his wife. formerly of Chicago and Toronto, were fatally Injured In the hotel. While at tempting to' escape they were penned in behind a sheet of flame and burned. Finally they reached a window and leaped to the street. Both were severe ly burned, and Injured by the fall Many guests Jumped from windows and were Injured. HOOD RIVER YOUTH .HAS WIRELESS PLANT (Special Dlpatca te Ths Jouroal.1 Hood River, Or, July. Hood River Is soon to be In touch with the outside world by means of a wireless plant now being perfected by Paul Manning, the hustling; Journal carrier for Hood River. Paul has for a basic plant a system, that haa - proved moat practical, . and with some Improvements will be able to carry on communications with Port land and other nearby cities of the coast Paul stated that his plant would develop sufficient power to communi cate with, ships at sea, .. i; Light Registration la Malheur. ,' ' Special Pmpatcb to Tbe Jcuraal.k Vale. Or., July ; 28. The registration books in the county clerk's office show that only 95 voters in this county have registered. The precincts represented are North and South Vale,. North artd South Ontario, Barren Valley, Malheur, Red Butte. Stone and Star. Of the total number of registered voters, 63 are Re publicans, 29 Democrats, 3 Socialists and 1 of no party designation. TEMPEST SWEEPS owl Many Fishing tfoats and Pleas ure Craft Sunk Terrific " Storms. In Hungary. who have been employed on the cases for many months. Other charges are likely to result before the cases are fin ally settled. The Pennsylvania Lumber company, the Black-White company and the Cur-tlss-Colllns-Holbrook , company are the corporations accused of employing the dummies. ( (Cnlt4 Pw" 1414 Wlre.l Milan, July 26. Scores of fishing boats and pleasure craft were wrecked today on Lake Como in a storm. It Is feared that many persons have been drowned. Telegraph wires' were blown down and details cannot be obtained. . Reports have been received here of ter rific storms In Hungary. Thirty per sons are reported killed at Budapest ; TIMBER FRAUD CASES. - IN U. S. CIRCUIT COURT ' (United Prees Lwiwfl Wlrs.1 ; ' San Francisco, July 26. Alleging that dummies were employed to secure land unlawfully from the United States gov ernment, 97 complaints have been filed In the United States circuit court charg ing timber land frauds involving 25 square miles of territory. In each case the government is the complainant The complaints are based on reports of ; agents of the Interior . department ' 1 - on . . . ;: J .... . . ByTHB VEX. DESTAi CO., DENTISTS CROWNS :T Any dentist can crown a tooth, but' he must have exceptional ability who can make, a crown contoured to fit the tooth so perfectly that It will not accumulate food underneath the crown, which is one or tne prime causes of diseased gums. And a dentist must -be - skilled indeed who can fit the crown so deep into the gums, at the same time fit so close to the tooth beneath the gum that food will not work its way under the crown or between the gum and tooth. Filling a tooth one would think the simplest operation In dentistry, yet but few den tists can nil a tootn so tnat it win be permanent and at the same time look. act and feel satisfactory. There is a great difference between a dentist and a skilled dentist while our specialty is the new method of -Alveolar dentistrr. restoring lost teeth without the use of a plate, partial piate or Dridgeworic. Tight ening loose teem as solid and sound, as thev ever were, absolutely curinr Py orrhea (Jtlggs' disease), the most dread ed disease or tne dental profession, a disease that dentists as a whole have given up as Incurable. ' Yet we claim, to cure it This we will gladly prove to rou bv references to hundreds of a- lents riffht here in our home city that we nave eurea. we empioy in our or fices operators of the highest class. A dentist , must be , an- expert in every branch of dentistry to seoure a position with us. If he shows ability as an op erator and ' Can pass our examinations we teach him tbe art or tne Alveolar method of dentistry, then ' nrotect -our selves, contracting with him for a long term ax a salary sa nattering tnat ne cannot afford to open an office for him self, nor can the average dentist afford to employ him. ; Take our- word for it that tne pest in dentistry is none too good but the cheapest In the end. All work done In our offices must be ar tistic, beautiful and everlasting. Dr. Rex's booklet, a treatise on dentistry, is iree. . . 1KB XEZ DEITXAIi CO. 311 to $14 Ablngton Bldg. 1064 3d St Terms to Reliable People. : - t Qm CAMERA TIME IS HERE Cameras are so simple in operation that the veriest amateur is assured good results from the beginning. , Get one now and leVushow you how to use it.' This - store is Portland headquarters for, Cameras and sup plies of all kinds, for professionals and amateurs."Ve have the-best, finest" and largest stock, of Cameras, Films, Plates, Papers and Chemicals on the , coast. Hall Reflex Camera 4x5 . . . : 30.00 Goerz Anschutz Cameras . . .$82.00 to $106.00 Buster Brown Cameras $2.00 to $ 6.50 Ansto Cameras $5.00 to $25.50 ' Seneca Cameras ... . ; . :$7.50 to S60.00 Korona Cameras ............. . .$14.00 to $75.00 Cooke, Goerz, Turner Reiss -and Woolensak Lenses. Kodak. Developing, Printing and Enlarging done . at cut-rate prices.," Get our price list, ,:' Come In and Consult Our Experts. , Tl ITiririctraf inn All this week of Meteor"! Coffee UCmUllMidllUn Percolators - Manning. Bowman v Denatured Alcohol Stoves ahd 'Dekafa Coffee, Come. .'. Artistic Picture Framirig at Less We have the reputation of being the best and most artistic pic ture framers on the Coast, and who . do it for -Jess than else , where. Largest stock of the newest moldings to select from. Our framing equipment is the mOst complete in the Northwest Foot Arch Supports Try an Instep Arch Supporter for broken-down arches. Prices $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00. Mail Orders Filled. ' . rresident Taft at Rockland. (TJuited Preu Lotted Wire.) . Rockland, Maine, July 28. Rockland Is festively decked today in honor of the first Visit of the president of the United States. The streets were filled with peo. pie early in the day. , The president landed from the Mayflower at 11 o'clock and Was received by a committee that numbered most of the townspeople, and escorted to an automobile in which he was whirled away to see the? sights of the pretty Maine harbor add vicinity. President Taft will spend tomorrow at Bidderord Pool, the home of Professor Moore, husband of Mrs. Taf t's sister. Thursday the president will return to Beverly.- ', , . - . - Brownsville Man Killed. , Brownsville, Or.. July 21' Joseph D. Tower, a former Colorado newspaper man, one of the proprietors of the Brownsville creamery,-was killed .here yesterday while unloading ioe, when a cake, of Ice slipped striking a. board whtch flew up and struck Tower on the temple. -He died three hours later. . Tower was a member "of the Masons, Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World. He leaves a wife and son. He was about 54 years of age. ;. v J!U " ""i NEW USES FOR P0SIAF1 Burprisiar Besnlts After One Appliea ' tlon Skin Ailments Eradicated, Those who have on hani a jar of potlam. the new skin remedy, should try It for some of the little skin ail ments common to all households, par ticularly in the summer time. Surpris ing results will be seen after a single application when poslam is used foe ' sunburn, fever blisters, mosquito bites, burns, rashes, pimples, hives, red noses and irritated and inflamed skin. The complexion is cleared overnlnht; dand- ! ruff is dissolved, Itching or chafing feet are speedily relieved, These uses are suggested apart from the primary purposes of poslam, the treatment of ecsema, acne, skin scal.. all forms of Itch and other serious and virulent skin troubles. There is no skin disorder for, which' poslam should not be unhesitatingly used and which it will not benefit. Whenever itching is present, it Is stopped at once. : According to the uses for which it is employed,, postern may oe purchased in or 60-oent boxes S2 jars at all drug stores, particularly The Owl Drus Co. A free sample, which will demonstrate its marvelous work, will be sent by mall, upon. -request, to anyone who will write to the Emergency Laboratories, 32 West 25 tH. street., New York City. THE BREAKERS HOTEL AKXXZOAX FIAIT. 7 . f . ' t J'M'fffe; Lending Sumner Dcsort ol Ihc Pacillc Northwest Electric Light, Steam, Hot and Cold Bait Water in Every Tub. BuyTicketi to Breakers. Pacific County. Wash. -Postoffice Address, Breakers, wash. Bay ocean Tent City 1 ' SEASON 1910 Bayoeean tent city is a canvas-covered" hotel, American plan. Rates $2.50 and $3 per day,, $15 and $17,50 per week. ; Electric lighted, heated, , , v - ; purest water, sewer system, gravel walks. , .-, Further Information Will Be Mailed You On Request . , T. B. POTTER REALTY CO. ; Kansas City 514 CORBETT BUILDING 4, -::k San Francisco 208 R. A. Long Bldg. PQRTLAND, OR. 802 Monadnock Bldg. Ak' "The Cliff House 11ULC1 iYIUUFC of Oregon" Open All the Tea. Clatsop Beach, Seaside, Or.' Directly on the -Beach, overlooking the Ocean. Hot salt baths and surf bathing; recreation pier for fishing;, sun parlors; electric lights; fire place nd furnace heat: running water; fine walks and drives. Bea foods a specialty. Twenty-six rooms have been added this year and the hotel throughout has been refurnished and modernised, making it one of the largest, on the Coast , ' , ' DAS J. MOOBJ3, Prop. 'Th0helburrie ZATnrWV WA8K. ; Large, shady playgrounds and yard for children: hammocks, benches. swings and croquet laWn. Large, w sunny rooms. e raise our - own T. J. HOABi,' Prop. DOUltrV and vecetnhles. Snlnl rf on table board and for families. MAKE VOTTa BSSZBTATXOXTS 8T I tor s mi TrwMn i i 111 JfaVil ki iiVT"t lip mm & rem Sons of St. George Meet.' - Boston, July' 26. The Massachusetts grand lodge of the Sons of St.. George began its twenty-second annual - con vention this morning In historic Faneuil ball. The business of the convention will occupy two days; Delegates will be chosen to represent Massachusetts at the supreme lodge meeting to be held in Scranton, Pa.,' in October. On that occasion W, F. Ballou of East Bos ton la to be Installed as supreme presi dent ot the rder. - 1 . .- ; Rate Conference at St, Paul v. Bt.. PauV, Minn.,. July 26.-r-The rall- rosd commissioners of Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Iowa met at the state capltol here today for. an Impor tant conference with the traffic , man- agers pf the northwestern railroads and a number of large shippers. , The chief purpose of the. cdnference Is - to reach a satisfactory agreement in re gard to the proposed increase in grain rates. , Ixing Branch Horse 'Show. ' Long Brahch,.N. X, July 28. All El beron and Long Branch turned out, for the opening, of the seventeenth annual horse- show this - afternoon under the awptCTr-nBf-theIdfimOufhTCounty Horse Show association. . .During the remainder of the week the Hollywood grounds, where the exhibition Is held, will, be the scene of. a most brilliant gathering jfrom ths social sets of New Vork Phlladelphta and other cities. The show this year compr'ses 64 classes. J withr-prize money txceMng J7000. We j Gail Please Yon V ' No "matter wha you need in Clothing, Hats or .other 'furnishings; you'lj find here the most complete "assortment in Portland it's a i'att that's known and recognized by the best-dressed men of this city. Men's Hats Knox Straws 94.00, ?5.00, .6.00 - .Knox Felts ; . . .V., ..?.00 '. Stetsons ; .$4.00 to ?15.00 : Bristol all styles . .?3.00 - Men's Furnishings NECKWEAR New, snaopy pat . terns always1 arriving 50 to $2 ' FANCY HOSE-Wide range of col ors in fancy and plain 25f to 75 3il Morrison St. Opposite Postoffice SEASIDE HOUSE SEASIDE, OBSOOV. Knend vour summer vacation at this popular resort. Fishing) boating, fresh end salt water,, Purchase railroad tick- to Holladay station, opponuo "1 American' plan. - Free 'bus. Rates $2.50 'er gay ana up. unar iBimar""'j Occident THE LBADIWa BOTZXi OT ASTORIA FREIBV 'BUS MEETS . ALL . TIIAINS . . AND BOATS. Pacific View Hotel Necanieum SUtion, Seaside, Or. - 15.00 A WEEK AKB VP. pi.A.ii. Mha mnA hatha. Dlnlnsr rooiflS and kitchen enlarged and improved. Ail conveniences for parties wishing to do ligrit nouseKewping. . . Xb y. BABBESCKQV, Prop. HOTEL AtColumblaBeach TENTS Offers special' inducement to the Bum mer pleasure enlrar T. id j. located oft an elevation overlook lng the ocean. Eoatlnr. bathinir "i10."' clam digging, hunting 'J and fishing. Cuisine the finest. "r enulp'd with bedding and complete . fits may be. had at $6.00 per week. -Located on the banks of Neacoxle Creek, in the Nob Hill secUon, close to Idlewlld Park. Make your hotel or tent reserva tions now at our offices. . Columbia Trust Company: ; BOABD OP TBADS BtnLBWO HOTEL SUNSET Reach center. Open 'July I- Greatly improved accommoaauons: au rooms; newly furnished. Ocean in full view. Only OIl wn'v w.w.v. to grounds. Beautiful yard for croquet end hammocks, i Sea food served dally. Special rates for families." P. 0. ad- OreSS, IjOnS dchui, hwii. pita, llwlirun, prop. Elk Greek Hotel ON CANNON BEACH Tbe scenic beach, of OreonOnly.hotal on Cannon Beach overlooking the ocean. Open all Jthe year; Sea foods served at all times. Take train to Seaside, thence by conveyance. Fare from Btaside, $1, W. D. Torrey, Prop. The Wjiitehouse XO0 BEACH, WASKZBOTOH. A favorite hotel with Lonr Rmeh vis. ltors; large, comfortable - rooms, oven looking- the Ocean: unsurr988ed vUw One block south of station. Horns cooky MRS. Q. P. wHTTEHOtTBE. Prop, NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON The Hackney -, Cottage - has enlarged their dining room capacity and electri fied the house. Beautiful surroundings and most pleasant spot on- the beach.' Unsurpassed surf bathing, home com forts;' excellent table board. Special rates by the week. - Make reservation bv mall or wire. Hackney Cottage, mail address, Seavlew, Wash. ' ... ., NORTH BEACH INN BEWTOK'S STATIOir ,.M"-JJ; j-taJPeov "..Manager XTr trains Stop at Grounds of HoteL Directly Facing the 'Ocean. Large. Shady Grounds. Superior Accommoda tions. PostofWce and Telegrsph address, ' - X.OHG BEACH, WASH. THE . CtIAf,1BERLIN COTTAGE Private board end rooms: good view of ocoii plHPnt rooms; home ennklri p. -