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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1910)
t I, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 1910. F1C0II ARRIVES iii pom num. CAPffl CARGO New York ,ahd' European ,;: Freight From Three Steam ers Brought Some Is Car .go From Steamer Alaskan. to beat the other craft both claiming that the victory would have been easy for their respective boats bad they done so, - : ... - LOUR FOR ORIKST. Liner. Rygja Will Take 20,000 Bar. : ' rels for Asiatic Porta. When she Balls for the orient August 6 or 7, the Norwegian steamer Rygja of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship com pany's line, will take oat a cargo of ap proximately 2,000,000 feet of lumber for Manila and 20,000 barrels of flour for Japan and China. ..The Rygja Will shift tonight or i early tomorrow morning from the Eastern &" Western mills, where she worked 760,000 feet of lum ber, to the mills at St. Johns. She will take on 600,000 ,feet there, and will then move up through the bridges to - the Inman-Poulsen mills, where she will work 600,000 feet more. ' After complet ing her lumber cargo, the Rygja will shift to one of the grain docks, where she will load 20,000 barrels of flour. - r - Laden with the cargo from three ol the other steamers of the Amerlcan-Ha- """ wallan line,' the steamer Falcon. Cap tain Dahlqulst docked at Albers dock ; this morning with the largest. amount of freight, both bonded and New York, that she has yet brought Into port Her cargo consisted of 1400 tons of which about 800 tons was tn bond from Europe and Canada by way of the Isth mus of Tehuantepeo and San Francisco. ... Among the cargo on the1 Falcon is some of that brought' from Saliha Crus by the Alaskan which ( arrived in San Diego harbor with f ire in her No. hold. The. remainder came from the Isthmus of Tehuantepeo on the steam ers MUsourfan and Virginian. None ' of the cargo Reived by the Falcon from the Alaskan was in aay way dam aged by the fire which burned fiercely In her hold for several days. Another consignment from the same steamer was brought in by the steam schooner Qulnault which arrived yesterday af ternoon from Ban Francisco, and it is aid that still another consignment will be brought her by . another steam schooner. v rv.-'rK : ! -v1' '' Although the Falcon can carry much more dead weight than , she has this , ' trip, she waa filled to her capacity. ' according to the officers, every bit of ' space in her hold being filled up and she had a large deckload besides. . Among the bonded freight on the Fal con were feathers, manufactured met al, toys, wines, decorated earthenware, . buckets, settlers' effects, manufactured granite, wood furniture, manufactured , flax, whiskey and gum chicle. j For her outward cargo the Falcon has bo far received 100 tons of salmon for enipment to New Tork., .YOSEMITE AND FALCON RACE Steamers Have Brash on Way Vp Coast From San Francisco. In a race up the ' coast . from San Francisco to the mouth of the Columbia river between the ' steamers Yosemlte and Falcon, the captains of both ves eels claim honors for their respective craft, although in the end the Falcon won out, arriving here at 1 o'clock this morning, two hours ahead of the Yo semlte. - Both steamers set sail from the Bay City at about the same time, and the .Falcon picked the' Yosernits up off Point Gorda,: a little below Cape Mendocino, on Sunday, .From then on they raced side ( by side for more than an , hour, : when the Falcon passed the Yosemlte, the spray flying over her bows as there was a strong northwest wind blowing, and the sea was choppy. A short time later the Yosemlte got closer ln: shore and in this ' manner - pushed ahead, of the Falcon again, and .. they seesawed back and forth until they reached Cape Mears, when the wind died . down somewhat and the Falcon passed the other vessel again,, finally leaving Her out of sight ; : Both Captain Dahlqulst of the Falcon nd Captain Reiner of the Yosemlte say that they did not make any extra effort Happy,; Happy, Use TIZ ALONG THE WATERFRONT A Marvel for Sore Feet. Acts - " " Right Off. ' Carrying passengers and freight, the steamer Sue H. Elmore, Captain Schrader, will sail this afternoon for Tillamook. - Laden with lumber and' carrying pas sengers,, the steam schooner Klamath, Captain Jahnsen, will leave down to night from St Helens for Sail Franclsc. leaden with pig iron. : the British tramp steamer Hazel Dollar, .which was reported outside the mouth of the river at noon today, will be due to arrive in the harbor tomorrow morning. ' : The steam schooner Washington, which has been undergoing repairs at San Francisco, will sail from that port toa&y ior Fortiand 'laden with cement, asphalt and general freight' She Is coming on the Olsen St Mahony steam ship Una i The steamer Golden Gate, Captain Astrup, will sail thia afternoon for Tillamook laden with 145 tons of gen eral freight and carrying a full list of passengers, . The steamer Yosemlte, Captain Rei ner, which arrived this morning from the Bay city, Is discharging 60S tons of cement at the Oak-street dock. She brought 45 passengers. It was expected that the Norwegian steamer Titanla. Captain Kroger, would finish discharging general freight at the Balfour, Guthrie Co.'s section of the North Bank at noon today. As yet she has not been chartered for an out ward cargo. ' . On the Olson & Mahony Steamship line the steamers Sagjnaw and Thomas L. wand sailed last night from San Francisco for this port the .former hav lng 600 tons of cement and 200 tons of asphalt and the latter having 400 tons of cement and J00 tons of asphalt The Nome city will sail tonight with 400 tons of cement and 200 tons of asphalt ana general freight She will also have passengers. -. i , District Forecaster F. A. Beals says that the summer of 1908 and the pres ent one are very similar and in July of both years there was no rain here From January 1 to date there has been 23.17 inches of rain and for the same period in 1906 there waa 21.76 inches. Last year to the end of July there was Z3.7S inches of rainfall. Before taking on a return canto for Europe, the British steamer St Nicho las, which will be due to arrive in the harbor tomorrow, will take a cargo of coai coastwise from Puget Sound to San Francisco. The St Nicholas is coming on the Balfour, Guthrie & Co. steamshiD line and is bringing general cargo from Antwerp by way of gan Francisco. ( , MARINE NOTES i Astoria, July? 26. Arrived down and sailed at midnight steamer Rainier, for San Francisco.., Arrived at 7 and left up at 8:10 a. rru, steamer Breakwater, from Coos .Bay. Arrived at 7:15, steamer Roseerans, ifrom .Monterey. Outside at 12' noon, British steamer Hasel Dollar, from San Francisco. - Eureka, July 25. Sailed, steamer Eu reka, for Portland. . Astoria, July 26. Arrived at 1:40 and left up at 8:30 p. m., steamer Falcon, fronr San Francisco. Arrived at 2:40 and left up at 4 :20 p. m., steamer Yosem lte. from San Francisco. San Francisco, July 25. Sailed at 1 p. m., steamer Beaver, for Portland. Ar rived at 6 p. m., steamer J. B. Stetson, from Columbia river. Sailed) at 6 p. m., steamer Thomas L. Wand, fdr Portland; steamer J. B. Stetson, for San Pedro, - Astoria, July , 2. CondlUon at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m smooth; wind northwest 12 miles; cloudy. Tides, at Astoria "Wednesday High water, 4:07 a. m.. 7.6 feet 4:55 p. m., 8.1 feet; low water, 10:32 a. m., 1.0 feet 11:18 p. m.. 2.1 feet. JI S. Department of Agriculture. WriAiniiin, J3U sxlja u afyiLLIS L. MOORE, Chief. I 3 A II . Ve- It ' - - ... ... ' " 1 ,: S Wf M J "-J V .... . poiitu:io wid vicinityi fair t0-5i5ht; wednesday PAIR A3D WARilER,,' KORTH : 'TKSTERIjf VIIBDS OREGON FAIR T0-IIGHT TODME3DAT FAIR, WARilER EXCEPT HEAR THE COAST.' UORTH7E3TERLY WINDS. . WASHIBGTOHl FAIR TQ-BlUH'Ji COOLER NORTHEAST PORTIOH. WEDNESDAY FAIR. NORTHWEST llERLY WINDS. ioo .r... , EXPLANATORY NOTES, Obaminst ukn 1 I v m . wvly4Iik nnto Ita Ait il b. inn only fr tt. Intuit. W, itA 100 'a Audyi (g)nii mw, itport iiii. . Anw tb ta to l(Ui, WmpmlaR; nee&d. M-iaa nultu. 0 riocrty 10 BiUtpw tourer man. jornso Portland, Ore ..July 26,1910;! , , , j o a.n Barometer .......,..,..5;09 Temperature.. 53 . Humidity ' ' Wind, Direct loa Wind. Velocity.... Weather -i. ...... .....Ceak Ralnfalli... Nasimuia teoperaturt , yesterday ,.... .. GHEGK KOT CASH COURT'S DECISIOII Johnson-lankivetz Case Af ffrmetf by Supreme Court; Other Decisions. 19, battleship first class South Dakota. At Darlen, cruiser Charleston.' July 17. lArrived at.) . Bailed from uneroo ior Darlen," cruiser Charleston, July 18. Hongkong for Shanghai, collier Pompey, July 1. Portland, Or., forSan Fran- bisco, gunboat Yorktown, July 19. Yo kohama for Guam, the Supply, July 19, Yokohama for Hongkong, gunboats Wheeling and Petrel, July 20. Panama for Corinto, gunboat Vlcksburg. July 15. The gunboat yorktown, now at Ban Francisco, Cel.. .has been ordered to duty on the west coast of Central America. - ' JOHN M NULTI, , i Nautical Expert in Charge. Larke ' Derrick Breaks." What proved to be a -fortunate acci dent was that which occurred this morning when the boom of the derrick belonging to the Portland Sand com nanr on the east side of the river broka and the heavy bucket crashed onto a rock-laden barge without injuring a person and with no damage to the barge. As preparations were being made to discharge the barge at about 10 o'clock this morning at the 'dock on the east side pear the Morrison street bridge, the 60 foot' boom of the heavy derrick broke in half And the bucket used for raising the 'rock fell to the barge below. The bucket weighs over 8000 pounds and by the merest accident missed striking any Of the men en gaged in unloading the craft Wireless Message. V '(United Wireless Via North Head.) S. S. Chanslor, at Sea, Midnight July 2 ft. Latitude 41. S2 north: lonritude 1 124.29 west Weather clear and hazy Barometer 29,97; temperature 54. Wind northwest .. J. B. M'DONALD. MAN HE KILLED BY FALL unless instructions fere followed, is the report of Professor B. B. Conklin,' bee Inspector for this county, who has just completed a two days' visit of the apiaries of this section. .'. ' WASHINGTON PHYSICIANS MEET AT BELUNGHAM (Cnlted Press Ltascd Wire.) Belllngham, Wash., ' July 28.- -Two . D. COrprOn rallS FrOm I eie- hundred and fifty physicians of the -.u-.-- n.i. j stateof washinigton are nere today to jjiiune rum aim nauiures Skull on Pavement. ' attend the three days' session of the State Medical association. Thirty-five of these are regular, degelatea Dr. Ho bart Amory Hare, of Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia.. who was to have delivered the principal address of the day, was unable to coma The delegates McMinnviiio. o.. Jul jn a . fnip. and visitors were welcomed this after pron. 65 years of age. a well known clti- noon by the mayor ana later began the Sneoll Dispitrh to Tbe Joorntl.) min; Journal Want Ada bring; results. Bon rest! Xfever After train TIB Good-bye sore feet aching feeT swol len feet, sweaty feet ' smelling feet , tired- feet . Good-bye corns, callouses and bunions end raw spots. You're never tried anything like TIZ before for your feet, it Is different from anything ever before sold. It. acts at once and. makes, the . feet feel remarkably fresh and sore-proof. TIZ is not a powder. Powders and nther foot remedies- clog up the pores. TIZ draws out all poisonous exudations which bring on soreness of the feet and is the only remedy that does, TIZ cleans out every pore and glorifies the" feet your feet r " : You'll never " limp again or draw up your face in ' pain, and you'll forget about your corns, bunions and callouses. Ypu'll feel like a new person. . If you don't find all this true after trying a box,of TIZ, you can get your money right back; TIZ Is for sale at all druggists at 25 cents per' box, or it will, be sent you direct, if you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge A Co., Chicago, lit Rec ommended and sold by Tlie Owl Drug Co. ; 7tb and Washington streets. Dally Illver Readings. 8:00 a m. 120th meridian time. ' , , 3 -5 s9 O, . 8 Fit Sg 8 STATIONS. " -J )V, : g - . i t ? Lewiston I 24 I 1.1 0.21 0 Rlparia SO 2.0 0 ;0. Umatilla ., 25 10.8 0.1 0 Harrisburg ........ 7 1.7 0 , 0 Albany ........... 20 Salem 20 0.2 0 0 Wilsonvllle 87 1.1 0,4 0 Portland ........I.. 15 7.6 0.4 0 - 'Had dyspepsia ': or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me."J. H. Walker, Bun- oury, unio. - - : .... 1 -'. ' -i , 7 -.,., - ' ,....7v I. Dont let the baby suffer from ecze ma, sores or any itching or the skin Lon s Ointment gives Instant relief, curn quiiniy. ..vrtriwur. sale ior Call' drtsu. All druggists sell It, , Constipation reuses headache, nan. tea, dlMMiess, languor, heart palpitation River Forecast: The Willamette rlv er at Portland will remain nearly sta tionary for the next two or three days. NaTigators' Notice. , , Hydrographio Office, Portland, Or. Erratum: Bar soundings, Coquille riv er entrance soundings published in last issue of this notice - were called Coos Bay soundings by mistake. - - ' ' ' Obstruction Captain Davles, Br. S. 8. Oceano, reports that on July 18 passed a large spar standing upright in water as if attached to submerged wreck, lat itude 48 degrees 47 minutes nortlO lon gitude 115 degrees 33 minutes west . Captain Reilly, S. S. TJmatUla,"sight- ed ice In latitude 61 degrees H minutes north, longitude 167 degrees 40 minutes west; kept to eastward and found clear water running along Yukon flats, June 12, 1910. Encountered ice all the way to Noma Norton sound filled with Ice June 15, ;" Captain Faria, 8. 8. Montara, reports that he passed great floes of ice be tween latitudes 61 degrees 30 minutes north and 63 degrees 17 minutes west, on June 22 and 23. The pack was set ting westward about H knot an hour, Juno - 28 the icei was out of Norton sound, but on June 24 it appeared again off St. Michaels harbor. , . Aids to Navigation. July 18, outside bar gas buoy, San Diego entrance, Cali fornia, was increased in intensity. Char acteristic same. Buoy HS, first class nun marking southwesterly side of the cut at the upper, end ,of mlddla around. "half way from Ballast point .to La Playa, heretofore reported adrift was replaced July 19 1910. . - .J. June 25, latitude 68. degrees 89 min utes north, longitude 188 degrees 86 minutes west saw a log about 60 feet long. Seward, (S. S.) Moore. . Same ship JfjLg Uaibi erip..iol tte bowels and don't cure., Doan's Reg- vieis act gently ana cure constipation, 8i cnta Aak yd!r. druggist , : , .ever . can tell when you II mash a Tltifft tsr enffer a cut, bruise, burn or a .t aia. t-ie prpar3. lit. Thomas' Jb-c'fftrlo Oil instantly relieves the pain ,.uuy cures tue wouna. jtrepoEtaJUaebergs about 1 5 feet hlgh-Jnne -2o. lainuae es oegrees y minutes north, long! tude 137 degrees west ' Charts agents take .notice that H. O. charts No. 93, 1766 are on sale. 'British Admiralty Mariners' Notices on file. . Naval vessel, movements for Pacific ocean Arrived Hongkong, JUly IS, col- j Her j Pompey. At San Francisco, July I . MARINE 1NTELMGE1SCB : .7 7.' 'r, ' . '. "'''' '. Begular liners Due to Arrive. Golden Gate, Tillamook.,....., July 26 Brakewater, Coos Bay.......... July, 2 Beaver, San Pedro ,....July'J7 Geo, W. Elder, San P.edro,...,. .July 80 Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook ...... July 31 Bear, San Pedro ....... H,..;.. Aug. 1 Roanoke, Los Angelee ......... Aug. 6 Rose City, San Francisco .-,.', .Aug. 6. , Begular Liners Due to . Depart Roanoke, San Pedro .July 26 Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook., s, ..July 26 Rose City. San Fedo..,. ....... .July 27 Breakwater, Coos Bay ...July 28 Beaver, San l?edro , ....... Aug. 1 Kureka. Eureka .Aue. 1 Geo. W. Elder, Ban edro, . . . . , .Aug. J- RyffJa,- Orient . . , : . -i . . . . . . ... . Aug. 6 Bear. San - Pedro ........... . . .Aug. ( 7..-. '...-.-Vessels In, Port..:,,,;,,'.;' Geo. W. -Ider, Am. 8. 8....... Martin's Mable Gale, Am. sch .Prescott Nlnfa, It. sh ...Prescott Joseph Pulltser. Am. gas sch L Port Drydock Inca, sch. .............. Inman Poulsen Rygja, Nor. ss. . .E. & W. Mill Tltania. Nor. ss. , North Bank F. 8. Loop, ss. Inman-Poulsen Yosemlte, Am. ss Oak St Falcon, Am. ss, ............... .Albers Rone City, Am. ss. ........ .Ainsworth Klamath, Am. ss. . ......... St. Helens Gerald C. Tobey, bk Columbia No. 1 Johan Poulsen, Am. ss.., ...... .Oak St Sue H. Elmore, Am, ss ...Couch St. Sulnault, Am, ss , Albers olden Gate, Am. ss. . . .Washington St. Roanoke, Am. ss. Martin's dock Ea Boute .With - Content and General. Amiral Cornuller, Fr. bk..... Antwerp Babln Chevaye, Ft. bk. . . . . .... .London Bayard, Fr. bk................Blasow Bldart Ft. bk., .....Antwerp Cannebiere, Fr. bk... Glasgow Claus, Ger. sh. . . , .V.. . .. ... .Hamburg Claverdon, Br. sh Ty ne Davldl d' Angers, Fr. bk Hamburg Glenholm, Br. sh. Antwerp Hoche, Fr. eh Liverpool Iverna, Br. bk........... Santa Rosalia Marechal de Castrus, Fr., bk ,...Tyne Mlchelet, Fr. bk. .,,..... . , .Limerick Notre Dame d'Arvor, Fr. bk. .Antwerp SoQttish Moors. Br. Bh.. Antwerp St. Nicholas, Br.' ss. .Antwerp Thiers, Fr. sh.... ............Antwerp Vlncennes, Fr. bk .......Antwerp Wllhelmine, Ger. , sh.. ........ , , Antwerp Miscellaneous Tonnage to Arrive. : Glenlee, Br. ss..... ...'..San Francisco Coulsdon, Br. ss. .............. . .Comox Elr, Nor. sa .Moji St. Dunstan, B'.ss.... .Honolulu Coulsdon, Br, ss. , .Comox Aagot Nor, ss. i., San Francisco Alert Am. sen....... .Honolulu Otaru No. 2, Jap ss.......,,. Hokkaido Irene. Am. sch...... ....... '.San Pedro Bark, Nor. ss. . . . . .-. . . . . . . . .Vancouver Geo E. Billings, An sen.. San Francisco H. K. Hall, Am. sen..,,.. Ban Francisco Luzon. Am. sch ............... Redondo Strathspey, Br, ss, . . . . .San Francisco w i . Jewell. Am.' scn....:.san Petlrn Lahalna. Am. bk.. San Franclsoc Washtenaw. Am. ss .....San Francisco Shna Yak, Am. ss. , . . . .. .San Francisco Alvena. Am. sch. . . . . . . . .San Francisco Sa Bonte With Coat Andromeda. Br. bk, JS'ewcastla N. S. W. Buffon, Fr. bk. ......... ......Swansea Col. de Vlllebois Mareull, Fr, bk. .... . . ., .Newcastle. N. & W. Forfarshire, Br. bk.. Newcastle, N. 8. W, Glenalvon, Br. bq. .Newcastle, N. 8. W. Gen. de Botsdeffre. Fr. bk.i: . ........ ..Newcastle. N, S. W, itirKcuoDngnisnire, Br. sn . . ...........Newcastle. N. 8. W. 8t Rogatlen. Fr. bk..Newcsstle. N. 8. W. Captures Escaped Prisoner, - (Special Ditpitch to The. Journal.)'': i-" Prosser, Wash., July 26,Deputy Sheriff Ed Bean' yesterday - captured . Frank M nJtfeleee, !! broke "jni -hrre in June by digging through the brick outer walL . . . Nelson Is charged with a statutory crime. .'. ! v .-.7 The sheriff has placed him in solitary confinement in a steel cage. r. ' sen of this place was instantly killed work of the session at 1,0:80 this morning by falling from the top of a 40 foot telephone pole. He struck on his head on the concrete side lawk, fracturing his skull, his law bones on both side and his right leg. H0 had been employed as a flneman by the McMlnnville Teleohone company for the past two years. No one saw . him fall, but he was seen Just before he fell by Rev. Hoberg and K. P. Loop, a mail carrier. He was then sitting astride the wire with his feet against the pole. He went up the pole without a climbing strep, something he has never been known to do. His foot might have slipped, or he might have been shocked by tommlng a live wire, causing bis ran. The accident occurred at the rear of Wilson and Son's store, at the corner of Third and B street No Inquest was neid. Corpron leave his wife, a married son. whose home is at Seattle, but has" been working with him, and a daughter, who lives at Portland and was visiting him (Salem Boreas f The Journal.) Salem, Or., July , 26 Holding that property in, a thing does not pass when a check is tne price paid Jn a sale of personal property and the check is dis honored upon presentation at a bank, the supreme court today affirmed the case of Charles F. Johnson, doing busi ness as the Portland Gun & Bicycle company, respondent vs. Sam Iankovets, aoing Dusmess as the Maine Loan of fice, appellant ' The case was tried be fore Judge J. B, Cleland in the circuit court for Multnomah county ; and the opinion affirming the lower court was written by Justice Eakin. ' .Iankovets bought a gun of Johnson and .gave a' pnecx in payment., Tne court held that this was not a sale until Johnson had received the cash: that it is nreaumad sales are for v cash, and when .cash is not forthcoming, the sale falls and: prop, erty does not pass. The decree in the case of William Howell, respondent, vs. Edgar Wheeler and. others, appealed from the circuit court for Coos county, waa affirmed by tne supreme court this morning. The decree awards ownership of the stand ing timber on 160 acres of land in Coos county to the plaintiff. . J. Harding, respondent, vs. the Oregon-Idaho company appellant, appealed from the circuit court for . Douglas county, is reversed in an opinion writ ten by Justice Slater. -' 1 John C. Jenkins was admitted to prac tice permanently and Herman C. Kornegay temporarily on a certificate from the State of Kentucky. CONVICT KILLED; MATE WOUNDED BUT ESCAPES . (United Press Leased Wire.) Leavenworth, Kan., July . St. While attempting to escape from the federal prison here today William J. Laughlln was killed by the guards and Chester K. Armington was seriously wounded. Despite Jits wounds Armington made for the open country and , escaped. The guards are now searching for him, This is the second prison break at Leavenworth within : the past few months 7,v.;'v-i : ? as a result of the financial failure of an American wild west show, will sali tomorrow en route to their home1 on: the Pine Ridge reservation in South Da-j kota. The government at Washington cabled the funds necessary, to relieve tne plight of the red men. Astoria Boy Shoots Himself. OpeoUl DISDatch'to The Journal.) Astoria, Or.. July 26 Last evenlne DeWitt Gilbert, son of Rev. W. 8. Gil-i bert accidentally shot himself in the right thigh with a 22 calibre rifle, while' camping in the Nehalem valley. The wound is not thouarht to he serious. The fcoy's parents are now in Alaska spend ing ineir vacation. , . . - :: : John C. Hart former attorney aenn erai or ueorgia, has ; withdrawn from the gubernatorial race In that state. Stranded Indians Coming Home. Brussels, July 26.- A party of nearly 40 Ogalala sioux Indians, who have been stranded here for several weeks Journal Want Ads bring result .WeimTien''t,laj 1 iiy.ywT" wi'yT' """W"1' r " v" RED MEN MEET INCOKVEKTION Three Days' Session to Be Held at Astoria; 80 Delegates in Attedance. Mm: 1 1 v .,:fl'7: i ....... ., We Lead the northwest u Ow ing Disorders of Men. - (Special Dispatch to Tht Jonnnl.) - Astoria, Or.. July 26. The great council of the state of Oregon of the Independent Order of Red Men convened this morning with Great Sachem Walter L. Little . of Wacheno tribe of Oregon City in the chair. - The morning pwas occupied Jn reading reports of commit tees and receiving credentials. During the convention, which will last three days, excursions to; the seaside and Fort Stevens and . other Interesting points will be given by Concomley Tribe No. 7 of this city, and after the busi ness is concluded' a banquet will be tendered the 80 delegates from the dif ferent tribes in Oregon. , LIBBY, MONTANA,. IS SURROUNDED BY . FLAMING - FORESTS " (Continued From Page,6nei)' The company is about to leave Libby for a two weeks encampment of troops at Amerjoan lake, Washington, and every man is needed at Llbby on the fighting line, so serious is the situation reported early this morning. ; District No. 1, office of forestry serv ice, has received calls for aid from all parts of western Montana in the past 34 hours. .More man nair a dozen new fires having been reported since yester day noon..'. 7.. ' '-, . ',' ,".' 7 ',. 7; s Sixty men are at work endeavoring to check the flames on the Milwaukee's right of way near Nine Mile. A big biase in tne Jewis and Clark torest is reported, also. four new blazes in the Helena forest IN THE - country: . . .... , . . Bervons Kea in Portland and from all parts of the country are oomlng to the Men's Greatest Specialists at St. Louts Medical Co. to be cured. All sensible' men afflicted with any nervous disor der. Rheumatism,' Rupture - Ecsems. Blood Disorder, realise the necessity of having reliable specialists euro - them. Many times a poor doctor, through lack of experience, will do more injury than good. Be careful, be sensible don't make - a mistake go to the St Louis Medical Co. Our physicians are the eadlnr specialists for men's disorders, na nave oeen so cor yeara One Week Free- If you call at once I will give you one week of treatment free if'you desire to prove that I can cure you. Did you ever receive a fairer offerT , IH CM 1 us the quickest care in the world for acute disorders, which I will cure ss low as $3.50. Call and investigate. Make no mistake. Come to me first and avoid wasting your hard-earned cash on worthless medicines or treatments. Consultation and examination free. Call today. Prirrtr! Pdieee If hve an old case that has been hanging on for ' trill Ui Ills wdaco months, and which medicines from doctors and drug- , gists can't seem to cure, there is some reason. I have a scientific cure for these cases and will cure you right quickly and cheaply.. Don't let a dis order drag you down in health and weaken you. . Blood and Skin Disorders aftr&oW ma. Don't go to Hot Springs; I can cure you cheaper and better. ? Under my scientific treatment all these terrible symptoms quickly disappear and robust health roturna If others have failed to cure, or are not benefiting you, come to me. 1 cure permanently, quickly and cheaply. Wnrinnea Xoine UuUy occur en the left side and tften cause drag VcUIOUou YGlllO ging, aching pains In the groin and loins, worry ner vousness. They are usually caused by strains, lifting, bicycle riding, pro longed standing on the feet sedentary habits. I cure without cutting. The cure is safe and absolutely certain.. Come and e me free. Bladder Troubles and KidneV Disorders g.v, Ur-Jfe- plexlonT Have you weak or fainting spells? Do your feet swell? If you have any of these symptoms don't wait until your case gets bad. I will give you careful esaminatlon free. Come nowv , 7; ) ; , "Mflmrtiio Mon" "ot ercK nr bid, tit hudit abib to NerVOUS men WO BTSXT BAY. Vhis is how you feel. There is usually pate across the small of the back, blue rings under your eyes, specks before the eys; sleep does not refresh you; you get up in the morn- . lng feeling tired; yoer memory is poor, your mind wanders; you are hoi- : low-eyed; you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen; nervous, no appetite. Dear reader, come to me and 1 will lend you a helping hand. -I cure cheaply and permanently. Come today don't put off any longer. is what you want. I will give you a written LEGAL GUARANTEE to cure you or refund your money. If you are tired of paying out money and waiting foMfisults. this is your opportunity to be cured qulokly There is all the difference in the world between doctors and treatments, and you want the best Out ol Town Men Visiting Jne City Consult me at once upon arrival and maybe you ean be cured before re turning home. Many oases can be cured In one,.,, two or more Visits, con 1 Unulng treatment when home. "7-:.:-,' oosrsTXiiTATio jf a3to BXAjJXJTATiojr nsi, ' at office or by mail. One. personal visit is preferred, but if this is im practicablewrite us a full and unreserved history of your' case and get our oplnloft free, Many cases cured at home. Medicines fresh from our own laboratory, 81.50 to 16.60 per course. 7, :,77 Soars t Am M. to S P. BZ. undays, 10 to 10. ... ' STEotJIS MEDICAL CO. Good Fellowship occasionally lead A to over-indulgence in the gooq things of the table. Be good to your stomach. Right it at once with - Sold Everywhere. . la boaee lOeaad SSs. fey ME N '' ' TXAT AJtH WEAK, ' sTXaW ' . VOUl AJTS BV BOWS Come to Me and be Cured Pay When I vu 7 m (lis ortpay : me1 aa- you y4iJ?ti'U re the benefit of m' tH.fa.Ht THE DOCTOR mf' treatment. that cures TTT ro& a. ensa la lower than an aneclaliat In tha lt, half that Others charge you. and no exorbitant charge zor meoicinea ' '".. . I irn'm axnert arvarlallsL HITI Bia tO veers practice in the treatment of distaste of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My methods re modern and up to data my cure are quick and positive. X do not treat symptoms and patch up. ' I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, re move ft end thvm eire the disease S CTh Tarlcose Veins, Oontreeted Diseases, lMlee sad Specific Blood roV on and all Diseases of Men. . BPECIAX, BIS EASES Newly con tracted and chronio cases cured. " All burning. Itching and inflammation stop ped In 14 hours. Cure affected in sev- tuauiva vvery man a uxeiong cure, wicd out taking medicine Into the stomach. Examinorion rree. ir unaois w.cwi, write for list of questions Office hours a, m. to I p. m. Sua days. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only. . DR. LINDSAY 188U ruse in BT. CO. AUMTB. DR.- IDI RGE Ncrvo-Manly Decline Tt Is humillatinar to know that your manly strength. Is slipping away to be weak, nervous, fretful and gloomy; have Pains and aches' in , different parts of the body, your sleep disturbed, weak back, headache, despondency, mel ancholia. nalDltatlon of the heart ' un able to concentrate your thoughts, poor mnmorv easllv fatlarued. SDecus neiore the eves, aversion to society, lack of ambition, will power depleted, dixxy spells, vital looses, poor. Circulation, to fl cold, lifeless and worn out pri marily induced in many cases through ahii-ps excesses, overwork, etc. We have gladdened the hearts of thou- sanas or young ana miauie ageu men wng- wore iiiuuriub - ww restnrlna- them to sDecimens of physical manhood. If you are lacking in these essential elements or . mannooo you hnuid consult us at once, and we will restore you to what nature intended in the shortest possible time and at the least possible cost that is consistent with tkllllul ana nonesi treatment. . Call or write SB. T. X PIEBCB, 311 Allsky Bldg., Portiana, or. ..-"Xisrrys:-. 'or ' limit .... Every Vcsnsn is interested and sheald know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Ihe new Vaslnal iyrtnge. Betfr Mont convenient. 11 111. Stantlr, li TAnv rfrafffftst f thu MAHVKL. accent nAAth,.Hut Mnd HtAme tnr lUnntmtml hook lealed BiTAi toll particular and dlreo. tlons tnTalnable to ladles. ABTtt Gft. tt lad 1M 8U JtXW tot mm by Bkldaore ' rrat Oo Clarke Co., aid Laue-oavls On T0XX. WeodaM a Co. 4 stor. FOREST FIRE BURNING IN VJCINIH OF BEND (Special DlsDRtrh to The Jnarnsl.) ' Bend, Or., July !6. Forest Tires have been raging for the past five days In the reserve about 80 miles southwest of I Bend in township 19, range 9. The Shev rln Lumber company have timber hold ings in this vicinity and Mr. Sellers, representative at - mis place, sent a I force 'of 26 men to fight the fire this morning. The rangers are also getting men to. help trrem checK the fire. Bo far,TBrrltttgTiamgge'1iar'beelf,aone'. DR. Bees Die in Malheur. fSoeolal Plunstch to Ttwt Jnurniil.t Vale, Or.. , July 26. That the Ifoul brood,." a disease among the bees in this vicinity, is spreading and practi cally means the extermination of one of Malheur county's largest industries,. The Great Chinese Doctor ' LOOATXB 1ST POBTtASB SXBCB 1880 He Is called the great because he cures, all diseases without resorting to the knife. Call and have a free examination. He will tell you the exact nature' of your trouble. . He treats success fully every form of female -complaint all private and bloods diseases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheu matism and all disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys. He has had great success in curing con-unTpttow-hefl-hrrtlrrr1s"Tiottoo much run down by the disease, and will stop hemorrhages' in an incredibly ehort time. He brews his own medi cines from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetable teas, all of which are entirely harmless. ind whose' medicinal properties are unknown to American doctors. He uses- in his practice over 600 - different Oriental remedies. Hundreds of tes timonials from-grateful patients. UK. vyirNQX,EE 27Na Fifth Ota IT& i.'V.-V I "i'7S!f!i7;i j,:. L T VP P Chinese .1. I CC( Doctor. Yee and Son's Medicine Co., spent lifetime study of herbs ana researcn in China, was granted Diploma by the Em peror, wonderful cure all ois eases of men and women. When others failed. : if you suffer call or write to YES fc BOUTS MEBICIITB CO 142U ZhT.Tee 1st, cor. Alder.- Portland. Or. If 1 (i r va 11 wiucn , vnu 1 1 tv- is Dr. Sanderson's Compound liX Eavin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PER IODS. Cure the most obstln- ate cases ln to 10 dya . Price 3 per bo" or tnree doxs. to.yv. dj druggists everywhere Address T. J. P'-fiaCE. Ill Allsky bldg., Portland, Or , awfeMaieMiaBaBaBaaHMasHsessssaasaaMSBaaesSsss h AS rr