The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 25, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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the ' Oregon daily journal, Portland, Monday evening, july 25, 1910.
tf'-w. a., Roe citv earcp 4fi. meats
:!..n!iv evenings. Selllng-Hlrach bldg..
West lark end Washington , T. J.
Darlington, clerk, rhones, Main 9294,
A-4S8h. ' '
H. N. A., Oregon Ko camp, meet
Wednesday evenings, Allsay hall, 3d
and N'orr'Fon. y 11 v..
R. N. A., Marguerite camp, meets every
Thursday evening at 108 2d St. bat.
Wali. and St irk. ... .;
G. C. McDowell, Tiimwater, Wash,
26, and Grate. Abbott, 2.'. . .
J. A. Show, Occidental hotel. 27. nd
Minnie Beaud, 22.
George Dudd, Calland, Va.. 33, and
Mabel Raley, S3.
Robert Rutherfwd. Oregon City, R. F.
D. No. 4, 49, and Isabella Murton, 34
WEDDING cards. W. G. timith Co.,
Washington bids., corner of 4th and
Washington sts. ' ' ' ' ' 11
WEDDING Invitations, announcements,
William Klumpp C. 3::ctt , wasn. st.
DRE&tj suits ivT rent, all slseav Unique
Tsilorlns Co. SP Stark at 1 '
CLARKE BKOS.. rioriets: fine, flowers
and floral designs 2S9 Morrison (.
DEPP To Mr. and Mrs. John Depp,
60 Union avenue, July 22, boy.
D1ETY To Mr. and Mrs. Pavson Diety,
332 First street, July 22, St, Vincent's
Twpital, a boy. .-.' , .- ... '.
' BENNETT To Mr, and Mrs. Nell Ben
nett, 1689 Hope street, July e. a ony.
PETERSON To Mr. arid Mrs, cue r&
tprson. cltv. Jnlv 22.. -a bov.
FOX To Mr; and Mr,-William M. Fox,
4S1 East Ash street, July 6, a girl,
KOKHLER To Mr:, and Mrs. August
KVhler, Hillsdale. June 10, a boy.
ROBINSON To- Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Robinson. 380 East Twenty-fourth
street, July 12, a boy. i .
DEXTER To Mr. and Mrs. George
Dexter 1033 Vernon avenue, juiy ,
GESTRA To Mr. ' and Mrs. Ambrose
Gestra, ; Hotel Khcinprai., juiy,, . a
O'D.ONNELL In hls city. July 23, at
4a East Stark Street. James L.
O'Donnell. aged 45 years, 10 months, 18
days. Funeral services will be held
Tuesday, July 26. at 8 p. m., from
Ericson's chapel, 411 'Alder street. De
ceased was a member of Ivanhoe
, Knights of Pythias, No. 1. Members
and friends are respectfully' Invited to
attend. Interment Rivervtew cemetery.
Dunning & McEntee 5gSSW
every detail. 7th and Pins. Mala 411
A-4tbS, laay assistant.
phone; lady assistant" Moat rntdani
establishment In lty.
f ClOrn The eadt aids, undertaker.
LCSxLa Lady'aS.fTstanL B-1688.Eat
711. E. 6th and Alder. :
J. P.'Finley &-Sca mSoT
Lady attendant. Main I. A-1699.
EAST 8IDK funeral directors, ucceae
ors to F. P. Dunnln. Inc. E. 52. B-8621
6188. A-2235'
Phones C-21U and A-4444. '
EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. 220
td at Iady sssistant. Main 807.
CERTIFICATES of Utla mad by tua
Title A Trust companT, Lwl bias.,
4th and Oak.
' LA TEUSbstract A- Truav uc, room
t Board of Trada bldg.; abatracts a
ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ah-
strsct office. 41S Uorbett hide Main
PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading
abstractors. - Z04-O-B-7 Kalilnc bids.
$3600 BargainBusiness corner, good
o luuin ijuuse, electricity, gas, porca
lain bath. 1 Ankeny cars pass door.
J ' f'.'i i H UWllKr, OF'IIWOOO 0!f. -
.' 6 room bunjralow, modern, In tha heart
,f Rose City Park; highly improved dis
trict. This place ts a snap at $3500.
See this home. .. ,
BROWN, 411 Couch Bid?
J"IVE room new house on car line.
ftoOO. Good corner lot facing south
and east, 60100, and one street Im
proved. House has good ' modern
(plumbing, full cement basement, elec
tric lights, etc. All O. K. This Is a
anap of the neighborhood, Terms. The
lot alone is worth $1000. "P." Chapln
& Herlow,- 332 Chamber of Commerce:
$15 each, month and interest at 7
per cent
Price $2400. - ' '
Modern. 5 room bungalow,
BOSS. Owner. " '
' :' 615 Gerlinger Bldg.," '
jsecona ana Alder
Rose City Park. .
Six room bungalow cottage, 429 E
48th st., between Tillamook and Han
cock, street lmprovemnts in and paid,
well finished, must see the interior to
appreciate; price $3350, $600 down
Owner will be at house between 2 and
4, Sunday or phone Tabor 648 or B-2971
4 mom cottage, 2 fine lots, nice bear
ing fruit trees, garden and chickens,
close to car, all fenced and In good
shape: ft cash, C M.Ross, Laurelwood.
Mt. Scott car. - ... . ,,...
v..,, T.v iiiuinu, u ruom moaern
bungalow, basement, full plumbing, elec
tric fixtures, window shades, Dutch
kitchen, close to car and school, $2300.
C, M. Ross. Laurelwood. Mt. Mr
r.fih tQA ma-., m . L. . c - -
VlVE room bungalow for $3000: mod
frn. Httlo .a.u
fsmall monthly payments; property one
block Hawthorne carllne.- Burtenshaw
ft. Buehler, 43th an4 Hawthorne, Tabor
' 14 Id. - - ' -.v
A safe investment should deposit his
monev with us and receive interest on
tr.e same from 2 to, 4 per cent Port
land Trust Company. 8. E, corner 3d
p mi i in viv
$300 Down Buys New, Modern
5 ; room bungalow.;: 15 minutea- from
business center good terms. Charles
I Lewis. 616 Commercial block, 2d and
Washington. j . ,;. . - .. ....
6 room furnlwhed house with 4 lots"
fine chicken park, fenced; $2880 takes
,lt. j;o the first -buyer with the cash
we will give a $450 piano, almost new
Owner, 70t Qorhett bldg. Main 7855.
FOR SALE A baigain; Troom houiie
$2100; terms. All new and up-to-date'
first class plumbing: closa to Streetcar'
)'. Holladay ave., bet. 84th and 86th sts
Take M on ta villa car. 118 E. 81s't at. N'.
"fuTiERN T 'room house on' 2 lotsfl?!
100, In Northern Hill addition'.' St
Jnl.ns car. .$1400; $1200 cash, balance
inonthly payments. ' Address Alex Sedor
f.t Johns, Or. '
AN id''al home for sale cheap, 138 Flor
Ma ft., southern Portland, by owner
IMS Columbia st., Vancouver. Wash :
1 Kill yALj cheap,, beautiful, largf. niotl-
fin . room Dungaiow on 29th and
Tirof.klvn St., Waverleigh Heights, terms.
H Hr'n(lyn St. 1 . j. '
i,A"K3 i'tNS" Til lots and houses by own
er. Terms or trade. Phona Tabor
1 0 11 S A LP 4-rooni house, two lots
hi Silw(Hid. $15110. $nft cnMh, balance
"w wwr-r'-wrr"-.'pT'tr',72 " Li fi n a VC
'L.AT,rcj;y touaxe on 60 foot lot, $60
'H,.h, tltt per month. Gregory invest
m'nt '(.. end of Itos City Park carllne.
4 lt(i,M i-fitti. nut: lot, easy terms.
: i)'il;.v s-ouiii of Arlota P. O.. Mt,
! 1 1 i n!- linn. . '. " ?. . ,
mod, !') roupre in irvlngton.
I'ta : r H'lh phorrs.
R. B
Piics S3000 '
This Is a beautiful location on Haw
thorne ave. ' House strictly modern and
up to date, equipped with furnace,, ce
ment EUewaiKs and street smprovc-
T. W. Marshall & Co. "
39th and Hawthorne Phone Tabor 864.
Hawthorne Avenue District
Modern 6 room bungalow with:
j Veneered paneled dining room,
- r,- Beamed celling,
v Dutch kitchen, '' ' '
. -" Full attic, basement
Coat closet ; with full mirror,
r -Fireplace, i , .
! .. uood location.
Easy terms.
Phone Main 2801.
. " Owner, '. " '
SIB Oerllnger Bldg,. 2d and Alder Rts.
Close In between Hawthorne and Bel
mont cars; : 6 very large- rooms., - and
Bleeping porch, lot 50x100, all Improve
ments paid, hardwood floors, cool press,
clothes chute, 2 wash bowls, 2 toilets,
laundry tubs, bedroom downstairs, tint
ed throughout, . combination gas and
electric flytllt-ea rnrnana : Msi.W
closet, wood hoist, cement walks, wood
iinisnea aim, wiae rront porch.
To a person looking for, a convenient
and well built home this house is sure
to apneal. W1I make reasonable terms.
-uall lU4b Hawthorne Ave,.
Onlv $250 Dnwn
lows, with full basement and attic; ve
neer nsnnjfd rilntnir rnnm frl.
in living room, with fireplace and book-
ciohk room wun run lengtn mir
ror; Dutch kitchen; close to car and
school; good view.
aaKS your cnoice at $2800 to IH9. ;
Bee ROS8, Owner and Builder,
615 Oerllnger Bldg. .
Second and Alder, c
Phona Main 2801. Res. Tabor 1467.
Will take o-nnil huilrilnir Int na rtari
payment at market value. ' ' .
., Going to Build?...;;
T,t tin flnnnm thm" KiHMItir f
home. If you own lot small amount of
cash sufficient. Our reputation for well
built houses, fair dealing, reasonable
prices 'Is bringing us many cllenta. Jt
Will pay to see us.
Northwestern Const; Co. -
Successors to
, ; Portland Realty & Const. Co,
Lewis bide.
TCeflllHfnl a print fcmaA nr.nt 'all
strictly modern, full basement, splendid
view of mountains and river, only 12
minutes irom sa and Morrison; $3000,
casn, . uaiance to auit. -
, T flm rinifiriAllarl in . anrtftn. .mm am.
oaunt .flf fxuuiltf' muaas rr.M i Icnn
below value. See owner, Mr, Smith.
from 1 to S p. m room 16, 2i0V4 Wash-
tiift tun n I
We will sell you a home and you can
pay us In monthly paymentg; we wtll
Hty bulld to 8Ult;yu anywhere in the
624, 626 Board of Trade Bldg.
only imii iiini'M an,i t9R :
balance of $2000 buys new 6 room
bu ngalow, 5 Ox 1 1 2 lot, south , front. Im
proved street sidewalk "and curb, pan
eled dining room, full basement big
uuviou nuiu, oesi pmmDing and 1 fix
tures, near good carllne' and 10 minutes'
ride to new bridge; complete abstract,
title has been examined. . Call at once.
516 Ablngton bldg. ; " '
A . BARGAIN 6 room house, modern,
cement basement; large closets, Dutch
kitchen, wood lift, large bathroom, fine
porches; lot 60x100; worth $1000; new
house, cost $1800 to build. 100 ft. from
one car. 4 blocks from Hawthorne car;
owner leaving city; must sell; small
payment down, monthly installments:
$2360. ...... .,.i.,l
End of Hawthorne Ave, Carllne."
For sale. 100x100. in . Woodstock: 2
room house, cellar; barn, fruit trees,
roses; place all fenced; vegetables in; 1
block to car and station; full view of
city. Owner, 435 Brown "at, and Kil-
SIX room residence, modern: 60x100 lot;
oiu i-iiesp. uwner, wi fcnaver at. ,
TVSa In at ,W,ua tn n ,1 A i 1 1 nn A
Portland, lust opened. Lots 60x100 and
larger, whh alley; only $460 to $675
each. Highly improved. No gravel or
rock; best of terms. . -
8.. o YBELDON & CO..
wsj. cth at.
FOUR city lots. 250 chickens, chicken
houses for 1005 rhlcknns! 9 Int.
planted In potatoes, large quantity ber
ry bushes; good horse; 2 wells, spring
water; between 2 carllnea, 10 minutes
walk. Good 8-room house, new 2-story
barn; a good home for a quick buyer.
jnmjna, nm ueKum DIOg.
Kdvi !! iyr 1 '.' '
PAY 160 ' dnwn SI A mAnth' H
--". ...v.. .... ..Uk.V (
parking, . This is near carllne, lV rain,
ftscttmll tlrlii rrnm tkmf kihita t r.. ti
in. atKive grade, level good soil. Com-
pieie aosiraci,; .call at once, 61V ADlng-
100 feet or more frontage, with -trackage,
on macadam street, near manufac
turing district of South Portland. Prop
erty faces two streets;, good location
owner who will sacrifice so as to dls
pose of property quickly. P-686, Journal.
; Close in, walking distance, sewer,
water, gas, electricity, cement' walk,
Improved street, everything paid; good
nlui. frt lata m nli. lrm . TkU I
bargain. Hellman, & Lathrop, Ablngton
One Acre
For $425
Right on marline and at depot; 15 min
ute ride; cash, balance to suit S-699,
$1500 BUYS the best business corner
on Capitol Hill, with store 20x30: 2
story: lot 100x100. Owner, Z-688, Jour-
nal.. "- .'!.' :' :- ''' i1., ...
. $10 CASH, $6 MONTH. r"
60x100 lot on Alberta st. overlooking
river; price $650. Owner 420 Swetland
Jots, acreage and tracts for sale by
Wilson & Myers, end of Hawthorne
THREE beautiful lots, each 60x100 "at
" MontaVUla, each for $460; terms. ' Ad-
U I rpg miCTW:,, Vf 1 1 IIH III, AU OtO.
Main. 6812: :.''.'." ' '' '. -,.'..;
$450 Ut 42x145. 8 blocks from end of
W.-R, car line; terms. Owner, Tabor
1523. , ... - ..; ,y' V, ; .,,. " , .
BUSINESS corner 'lot. IpndTATberta
ijHtit: bargatnfor eauh. Phone V-it)
Hr iifixion-licntedTt lorrTilFfcr
Nortii. .Cheap. Inquiro 66214 Alberta st
nnfirr n -n n n m m rp v
m ill nl UiiS !
2 IDTS. 60x100. 7 room house with all
necessary outbuildings, about' 25 fruit
ires. ail BeBrinsr, apples, prunes, pears
Plums. cherries. One milk cow enes
with place. A new niano. cost 1350,
Wood for winter, good valine cook stove
and heating stova. If place is taken at
onc me price is fnva.
Over Bank of Oreson City. Oregon City,
4 IjOTB located In fiaglnaw Heights;
will sell cheap, ' $100 Will hnd'.9
uieRf. '. rnone Main Kis.
. Read, Reason, Act
We can av J300 per acre; I have an
option on 200 acres of the best fruit
land in Oregon, am Dlantlnar 20 acres
to apples; I want several people to buy
me DHianoe in a. 10 or zu acre tracts.
ana ciuo togotner with me in purchasing
me trees ana caring lor same; you win
know my proposition if you have jaug
ment to reason and nerva to act. ' '
W1L.L pay $160 commlMsion to anyone
selling my place of 10 acres, all the
finest black foam soil and olanted to
potatoes; gooa & room house, barn and
outbuildings; fine family orchard In
full bearing; buy this direct from ma
and save the $160 or neil It to someone
else and make the J150 for commission.
The price, $3500; terms. , Owner, 718
' In tracts from 10 acres-up; -enoogrh
good live timber on this land'to mora
than j pay purchase price. Terms on
tnis. iiooti neavy, Diaok son. , ,
BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg, '
' ; Sacrifice Sale
Sixteen acres on county road, near
Jennings Lodge station, Oregon , City
carllne, $3200. half cash; no trada This
Is 60 per cent below market price. In
quire or owner, szo cnamber or com.
meree. " -'
FIVE acres on ocean beach In Clatsop
county. 1 mile south of Fort Stevens:
price only $200 per acre, Vt cash; land
lies nice for platting. A. C. Burdlclc
711 Chamber or commerce.
;; i Small Acre Tracts r
On carllne, close in; trade or sell cheap.
Wlnterbotham, room 7. 250H Alder st
' : We Have
Acreage to trade for farms.
Farms to trade for acreage.
' Farms to trade for city property.
;i oage o iiaue lor cjiy iiroperiy. .
City proDerty to trade for farms or
vs case. :
' - J, R, Homing . - .
319 Allsky b!dr. ' r Main 4222.
1 miles Tualatin station on the Ore
gon Electric railroad; 10 acres cleared,
5 more partially cleared, a small young
orchard, living water,' well fenced, 18x
24 barn,' 6 tons ' hay, ; wagon, bugVy;
price $4000.. Will take fcity property to
the amount $2000, terms on balance;
no agents. Write or call at 120 E. 32d
st, H. P. Blake, owner. . , ,
House and Lot
6 room modern bungalow, lot 60x100.
corner -lot, brand new building, a bar
gain for $2800; mortgage for $1300, 6
per cent Interest, due in. 16 years; house
rented for 320 a month: will trade mv
equity for farnVlandi rooming house or
any gooa Dusiness; 'would consider au
tomobile. Peters, 15 N. 6th st.
We have special facilities for handling
exchanges between these properties. Of
fices in both cities, and hava man hera
thoroughly posted on Seattle values.
t-usiKKi 41 4 number Exchange.
WILL trade acreaee: nlattlna-. nrnnn.l
tlon; or fruit land, unimproved, near
Portland, for business lot, infproved or
vacant; $4000 to $30,000; owner. Parker,
FOR SALE by owner, or will trade for
new residence In Portland, a 42 acre
tract of fine fruit land. Rogue river
valley, 4 miles from Central Point, Or.
nr,t- iYJ Mlfl Ofin, A"JJUd!,
WILL trade my 20 acre fruit tract al
ready for the plow near Eugene, well
worth $3000; will take up to $2000 n
good rooming house, balanceUo suit T-
MOSIER apple land. 6 acre tract; will
- take piano or horse and buggy part
payment ' See owner, 434 Chamber of
Commerce bldg. Main 8380.
NICE 75x100 lot. i 'good 9 room house,
close In. price $9500; will take mort
gage, notes or suburban property part
payment. 0-695, Journal. s.
FOR SALE or trade. .My .equity in a
fine Rose City Park lot Price $600.
Balance due, $500; easy payments. Will
traoe ror gooa norse. can 686 E. 6th,
$0 -. ACRES Columbia county, also lot
and fraction in Seattle to exchange
for Portland property or what you have.
C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard. Or.
FOR SALE or trade for Portland prop
erty, small chicken, fruit and berrv
ranch, near two good towns.- For par
ticulars, address K-695. Journal.
HAVE acre and a half at Courtney; I
wnt a vacant lot. ennd rButrlonoa H ta
trlct. 317 Chamber Commerce.
FOR SALE OR TRADE for valley land.
40 room apartment housa. , Call 389
6th st. Phone. A-2645.
FOR EXCHANGE Leaving city, equity
In modern 5 room cottage for piano
or mortgage. ,-ogt, journal.
$ ROOM house .for sale or will trada
for acreage; valua $1660. C F. John-
noil, 1 nig Liaunury,
tF you want to sell, buy or trade, sea
Shoemaker Inv. Co., 627 Henry bldar.
Main 4466, A-7434. - "
160 acres at Goldendale, trade for any
kind of equity. Boggess, 221U Mor
rison, room 6. ' . . -
WILL tfede 240 acres, Klamath county,
for J. C. C. stock or any other stocka.
REAL estate bought, sold and ex
changed, write or caU on Chittenden.
Otto & Nelll. 810 Oak st -
20 acres fine land and some cash for
good rooming house. - Marshall 14 1 8.
WILL trade clear lots for; What you
llttvp. HQ jjCWlB Plug,
WE TRADE tor anything, anywhere.
Sea us today. 411 Henry bldg.
WANTED A. house : with three bed
rooms upstairs, on which a payment
of $200 can be made and then $25 a
month and Interest. House must be
modern and within 20 minutes' ridft of
center of city. Prospective buyer is a
mercnani. owners oniy, : phone Mar-
Bliall 1948. -r i .
HAVE customer for 6 to 15 acres highly
improved place near Portland and
near 8. Paciflo. that will justify hiring
a man to care for it and pay his wages.
- 332 Chamber of Com merce. - ?
WANTED Five room bungalow or cot
tage on East Side' up to $4000. i Call
or'addreus 201 .T.iimherrr'onB bldir
FOR SALE160 acres all cleared, 6
miles of Oakland, yj mile of school.
70 acres bottom land, water right to
irrigate same. Running stream, wood
and fruit- Well improved, all fenced.
Bargain if sold at once. Terms. Mnt
sell on account of health. Address Box
132, Oakland, Oregon.
WHILE in the notion will sell our farm.
170 acres, t mues rrom Hillsboro,
including crop, all personal property,
11 cattle, 9 milch cows, 6 horses, every
thing; come on and buy; only $90 acre:
terms." N. 6th at.
160 ACRES I will sell my fine stock
farm at a great sacrifice: leo tn
hay: srood range: Star xoute. PmJt. p.
Woods Xrcuk. Qr . ,.. .. .,.,
130 acre farin, fine fruit and farm land
buildings, close to town. ?' Electric
line coming by piaoe; a goon puy: Ad
dreKis1 owner. V: Brooks, farltnn. cr
Brooks, Carlton
FOR '8 At
OU'hAUt-86 acres; 80 cultivated, 24
miles R. R.. $7500f 45 acre. 4ft .,1H
Vnted. liBO; 20 acres,' 12 cultivated.
to $30 per acre.
js..oroww, JLiox :a, iJ-'xinf tonOr.
The best on the market,' come and see
me. Will sell or trade for city property
80 acres of improved land Just across
the river from Hood River. I'rice only
40 acres, small house and barn; 7
acres cleared, 35 acres can be cultivated.
Price. $3300. Will trade for city prop
erty. :, . , .J. V. ,,,'..
For sale or trade. 60 acre of brush
land with a few logs and some atandlng
timber; about 30 acres of swale with a
large spring on the highest part of the
place; good well, and close to school.
Price $2500.
10 acre. arnnA Viniino and ham. all In
high state of cultivfttlon: close to school
and all in crop; close to Vancouver..
Tki. .... w . . , 1. tintin-
terras to suit. .;' . ,.:
90 acres. 2S' acres in oroo. balance
slashed and seeded to grass; running
water, s-onrf inrinr mil timises: S acres
6f beaverdam; 11 cows, S horses, 100
chickens, good orchard, cream separator
and all farm tools go with place? 90 per
acre. ., . r
. 20 acres, 12 in crop, 1U acrea In fam
ily orchard, 4 acres of timber; good 6
room house, good barn and well; farm
Implements included, for only $5000; can
give good terms. ' . 1 w
37 acres, nil clear anA in high State
of cultivation; three fourths of a mile
from car line, one half mile from school.
one mile from good town and church,
where land is selling from $200 to $300
per acre. This can oe pougnt. lor io
per acre tr, taken soon. , ' . . .
wa nave auto. ,
60S Main St., Vancouver, VTash.
14 acres on hanka of Willamette. -
14 acrea In hlffh state of cultivation.
all fenced with woven wire fence, fine
cemented spring with water piped to
nouse ana oarn, zuuu gauon taiiK wun
hvdraullc enelna to furnish water all
over the ground; good orchard of about
70 trees; all kinds of vegetables and
berries; comfortable 7 "room house, barn,
outbuildings; Ilea right on Willamette
river with line view noun ways: zu
miles from Portland; 1 mllea from
electric station: boat .landing on the
place, mile to good -8 room school:
telephone in house; main county road
on two sides; R. F. I).; board walk
from property to station. All crops go
with n ace. No Detter sou anywnere.
Price $5000; $2600 cash, balance, long
lima, . . ... ' -, ..
Henry Building, 4th and Oak Sts.
Main 6084. A-3327.
60 acrea - of fine ' Boll, no rocks or
gravel; 80 acres in fine cultivation, 2
horses, 2 houses, good barn and out
buildings; good well, stream and spring;
level land; lies on mala county road, 22
miles from Portland, 2V miles from R.
R. station; on R. F. .B.. milk Touts and
telenhone: new mower, olows. harrow.
cultivator; all small tools. This place
is (4, mite to church' and schools; tflne
farma all around it , Price $6000; $3000
cash. Will take city property in trade.
M. E. THUaifSUIN w .
Real Estate. Insurance. Mortgage Leans
Henry Bldg., 4tn and bis. -f
Main 6084. A-3327. . . ..'.
Exchange for City Property:
160 ACRE FARM, $3500 "
miles west of Cleveland. Klickitat
county, Washington, 40 cleared; house,
outbuildings. alL- fenced; fruit, creek,
main road, level, good soli. '
160 ACRES FINE LAND, 18000
3H miles N. E. of Banks. Washington
county, Oregon. Some cleared, small
house, Darn, rruii, line spring, kv level,
balance rolling, over 3,600.000 ; feet
green saw timber, worth easy $1.60 per
M. Will trade ; for unencumbered city
property of like value. ? .
Forcod Sale
Eastern Oregon Wheat Ranch
I must sell mv wheat and stock ranch
located hear Moro on fine county road.
mere is 7 acres, oso or wnicn is till
able, 360 acres in wheat, balance fine
pasture land. Plenty water, no rock,
fine soil. ' Farming implements and im
provements go witft place. I will also
give' away free to the buyer. $20 acres
of fine pasture land. My place controls
6U00 acres or gooa outsiae range, price
$16 50 per acre. $6500 cash. Call 208
noara or xraae,
Looking for Snap?
Here's One, Read This v
155 acres in Douglas county, near
Myrtle creek, on fine county road, fine
trout stream running through place,
nn r irhnol innalrl ArflKI a tlmhiii . Ttaptlu
cleared and'qulte a lot slashed. Land is
rinc for fruit, hemg dark' rich loam.
Price for few davs onlv 21200: xssa
cash. 308 Board of Trade.
SIX room cottage, good barn, 2 lots and
6 acres of bottom land on Yaqulna
bay; berries and fruit of all kinds; an
Ideal home on river and R. R., at $2100.
O. G. Dalaba, Elk City, Or. . .
Get busy lf you want this . nirk.un:
160 acres, 8 V4 from Bull Run power plant;
house, barn; about 10 acrea cleared;
over 100 acres A-l fruit land; rest fine
for dairy. Terms. This will double
In price within a year. , , , .
. MT. HUUD CU-. .
711 Rothchild Bldg. -
FOUR 40 acre tracts, partly timbered.
1 near Portland and railroad town. aoodJ
roaus, tiv 10 so per acre, pari cash;
this is a bargain, would trade for city
cottages, call or write. - '
J10 Corbett bldg.. Portland. "
ORCHARD tracts, set to apples and
aV. .m. nm m, ' XyWftlaM : V. n 1 ........
unci . - . . , " . iiatiu, nail UBUO.I
prices, , best soli, no irrigation needed.'
J...1.I. n n.. t. .. .... l-..!-. . .
Bummer,-- Part cash, balanoe 6 per cent
310 Corbett bldg., Portland.
Why Be Landless' -
When there isy good free, government
land in Crook, the best county in central
Oregon,, where railroads are building,
cities springing up and industrial enter
prises being developed? Do you want a
home in: this promising country? Wo
can locate you on a homestead or a
desert claim within 8 to 20 mllea from
Culver the Junction city of the Des
chutes calley, where the Hill and Harri-
man railroads wnicn are pushing con
struction through the state. - form a
Junction. Free automobile transporta
tion from Shaniko and return if you
take a homestead and buy a Culver town
lot Deschutes Valley Land & Invest
ment Co., 301-2 Buchanan, bldg., Port
land. Or., on Washington near 6th st
Local of rices at Culver, Or., and Laid
law, Or ;
LOCATIONS made . on government
homesteads. 402 Commercial; block,
za anavv BMmjiKi"".
HOMESTEADS near Portland; good
lantM fees $25 and $50; write quick.
AddreM W. R. Hampton, Hullt, Or. -
For Sale Several Good tracts
, of fir timber in Washington,
mate operauon, rnce reason
abie;,terms if desired,!
Journal, -'
WE are headquarters- for timber and
lumber enterprises of all ktnda. Kln
ncy & Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Ex-
. 30 ROOMS 30
Rent only $75, good lease, depo loca
tion, placa where rooms are always rent
ed; clearing over $200 monthljif Price
In the heart-of the dry. rent only $30
Income $80, good furniture and location:
$200 will handle this. Price $325. Peters,
16 N. bttl st
20 Rooms 0nly$1 500 -
'"All good furniture. nearly , new. mod
tkWn li,illna t.11 nln. rrr tr, ' r, at an,)
baths; only fi blocks-of postof flee, rent
iu. a positive snap at me price,
$1600. '$750 cash, balance easy.
' . 22-R00MS-22"
' Comer location. 1 block from Wash
lnarton street: larsre. lieht- and airy
rooms, clearing $180 monthly; rent only
$60. Pr.lce $1400; f will consider city
property.- see peters. 15 is. 6tn at.
20 rooms. Wash, street : If you see it
you will buy; - 24 room- brick, center
of city, long lease, cheap. 223 Cham-
Der or t:ommerce.. Marsnan imd.
ROOMING houses, any size. at. prlcea
to suit: we ouy, sen and exenange;
is Henry Ding,
FOR SALE Boardlna- house, in" good
, location, doing a good business, will
sell very cheap. Mr; Mackey, 534 Thur-
man si. rnone a-3ui.
28 rooms."-' Morrison street long lease.
cheap rent terms to suit; better look
autcK. fnone Marsnau .juj
10 room house, good furniture, cheap
, , 11 rA- TT-.l.l ,
, -rent, .paying wen, mu. v naiiieiu,
165 V, 4th. room SB. " . ?
A 80 -room lodging house, brick bulld-
ing, good corner,, niceiy lurnisneq ror
rent cneap. oo w. znq y,
TWELVE room rooming house for sale
.. Dy owner. uv. jau iio nana,
St. rnone Main nioa. -
FOR SALE Furniture of 11 rooms:
gobd location;- low rent; cheap for
cash. Z68 Jefferson. . -
Cigar Store'
On best transient street in the ' city;
good lease, laundry commission ' makes
free rent, doing $30 dally; this place is
well worth $700: on account of sick
ness wilK. s aerifies. $456; terms.' To
see is to tuy.- feters. 16 Pi. Dtn st.
$3000 General , store, upper , Columbia
river. -v . , - - ' : '.
$6000 Stock general merchandise,
lower Columbia rlverv ' '
- Other" good , ones near by, Get partic
ulars. -. : ,
Interurban Inv. Oo.,' 208 Henry Bldg.
.x Grocery Store
-'' Good lqcatlon, 3 yi years' lease, rent
only $40; this includes 7 living rooms;
fixtures and stock will invoice $2200;
guaranteed to be doing- $60 daily. Price
iKUU, peters, it N, 5th st
$150 buys business, nets $30
per week; terms; no agents,
Knone labor 2384,
tlVtlt? 'l.'
DfltflM flf wnrlr Invaar AA naaVi
anu iittiiKa on oi ine Dest manuiuo
LuxiiiK uuainuBues in cuy yiii Ruaran-
fmtk iB' vtat itov aalafir ami mvifTra ' T
vmi hiAAn k..0.Ann ..11 dnn J .a, '
IF you have a moving picture . theatre
lor taie or u you wisu to Duy or open
on communicate with a Bermanent and
successful company. Peoples' Amuse
meat Co.f 610-516 Rothchild bldg., Fort
iana, or.
: Fine location,, no competion, - estab
lished business, cheap rent; , must . be
soia soon. j4.-84, journal.
GIVEN away free to those answering
hlfl AVOItlapnt iff vttVilM ftn Aavm -
map of all the California oil fields. Sa-
gar-L,oomis co., 701 oregonian bldg.,
Portland. Oregon. x
On good street in hotel with over 100
rooms, . new , brick, good location. Price
today, $150. Peters, 15 N. 5th st.
FOR SALE. -Restaurant
in first class condition, in
good location, cheap, .. ... . . -
- 212 -4th St,
Tl for an nnanln.t lurlnkt k...
fnm.thlnv tA olli f ' nnm rvi ar,4in . , . I
ness every description. Louis Furcht.
r 1 1 .i i .1 v. 1 .
WE CAN dlace yoa in paying business;
before buying be cure and see us.
jvinney at oiampner, - ssi-a i.umDer
HIGHLAND notion store; confectionery.
cigars, toDacco; want to go on Home
stead; good business, rent $16. : 1017
Union ave. N.
INVESTORS Call this" week ' at 28314
Morrison street aecond floor, and see
demonstrated the : best proposition, in
Portland. - r
SPLENDJ.D opportunity in book busi
ness; low price for cash; state amount
of cash or trade you would Invest V-
st, journal
FOR SALE A first class delivery out
. fit; horse, wagon, harness; also 2
extra wagons. , Columbia Fish Co., 3d
and Ankeny. ' -
MAN and wife invest $200 and labor
and get It back each month; nice res
taurant and rooming: house. T-693,
Journal. ....
WANTED Party with $200 to finance
new Invention; have patent; on ac
count of sickness'--devoid of money.
S-692, Journal. .
CIGAR and confectionery store, living
room, central location; low price, $600.
it m. etn st.
RESTAURANT Good location: , lease;
must sell on account sickness; cheap.
l, . .v. . .. t .. - i
XVO "Lll DV.
POR SALE At invoice, a good small
bakery in a good country town. Call
or address 809 Wheeler st, Portland. -
I HAVE cash buyer for moving picture
Vheatre in small town or city. H. W,
wertn, - rtotnunuu mug.
WANT to buy. small cigar store; drop
Dostal stating your price. P-698. Jour-
W. - ...',:. .-"I :..;
SMALL hand laundry for sale, good
business, , will sell cheap. ' Address O-691,-Journal.
- ,
FULLY equipped restaurant in A No. 1
shape for sale at a bargain. Box 361,
Kaiama. wash.
FOR SALE-rBusiness manufacturing
proposition. Call at moving picture
hous, corner E. Morrison and Grand, ave
WELL ' established ladles" tailoring
shop for sale. R-69 3, Journal.
money maker.
D-699, Journal.
MINING, oil and industrial stocks
bought and sold. Davidson & Co.,
i,wjs piag., Marsnau a-iyiz
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought end
sold. C. 8- Fletcher, 126 Ablngton bldg.
IF YOUwlsh to buy or sell mining
stocka. call on J. B. Purcell. 810 Q k.
MACHINISTS call at 270 V4 Alder street
Di'ioie . giuiiK ... to u wuin,.' Diriae on ror
eight hours. Ed. Carlson, business agent,
BOY about 16 to assist in care of. few
cows ana aeiivery or mug, good home
end wages. 701 East Gllsan st. -
CARPENTER Work wanted in exchange
for dental work. Room 207 Allsky
Dulg., cor. au anumoi iiboii via. JV1-SU02
LEARN driving automobile, day or even
ine. 3261 Washington, fi.oom 417
jvjniu mi, u i
feittNpaifttlagwanted 4nxe)iange-fOr
. ,ni -t, i.,nnm nni .it..
, uniiiai. wwia. ' ivwiii avi innKy DlQg..
.ni 3rl nnH lUorrianni mitm
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call
- fornla Wine Depot. 2S5 Yamhill, next
to journal.
PUEKSER. on pante;
jpn.J!jl6 1st.
new work, experl-
26tli,Taj'lor et , t,,
years of age.
Vfe want good, live men to handle
Our latest subdivision, more talking
points than any other subdivision whlih
has ever been placed upon the market
and the genuine value is there; are pre
paring for a good hot campaign; terms
easy, (commissions mk.
oonraor xraoe mag., Mjtn.
"jmnu Aoie bodied men tor tne u.
S. Marine Corps, between the ages of
19 arA E r...,5L' ..... 1 Tnatra
W n .. ... ... . ,f (.
. i r11 mommy pay io i
Additional compensation possible. Food
ance free. After 30A years' service can
a wim io per cent 01 pay nu al
lowances. Service on board ship and
r i," " BU pans or tne worm. i.vvw
t Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington
SttS , Pdvt)an4 A
-i'fi rtA 'PA tin An itxj' i -ir
I .an r n r Antnn . t . 1
... iw wj'ti am iiyiiuit uiciuicb n.
. w man vur J'UliJ 111 tne ITIUV-
i'i??5'!?!.0" 62(i Wash. st bet. 16th
4 1 111 . "
' Inaependenf or nonnnion . - ''
For graduates last year; en and wo-
J !?ur9 Positions; graduates earn $16
" jr ; tiueri instructor;- toois
,Yr,t or catalog. Moler System
At PAHAataia AST Vf lit. A. . . .
pa t. ttn yortianq. ,
WINDOW DRESSER wanted by . large
' firm; only those having several years'
exnerlenra nrlth in. a
OlV: A hl.7n rraita nneltiAn 4,.- KA K .,
manln. 1 e bulne8s; etateage, salary
oiiu iiui aotans or experience applica
tion flni.fMa.tlnl Tr if no 1 f
...... v ,i nuniLuu. xv-tJo, uuurnai.
SIX travnllnir man tn a, .11 h
4iclefi! mil.t h nietla-ai win n.Ap.
ned apply; gobd wages and' commission,
. uio usui men, out tney,. must ae-
1 1 VP, tha rnArl. IT A. O rv..l-1 '
Vancouver, Wash. ' ..
VAMTED Salesman: many make $100
.to $150 per month: some even more;
StOCK1 clean, arowa on raa'rvatlnn far
rrom oia orchards, . cash advance .week
ly; choice of territory. Address Wash
ington Nurserv Co.. Voppenlsh. Wash.
WANTED Ten first-class machinists
for out-of-town work. Call room 1,
Hotel Stratton,- Third and Pine sts.,
uuuieuiateiy. . . , .
233 Alder St., near 2d ' Main 6715.
hands of all kinds, framemakers, stair
dim cnuinet ouiiaers; sieaqy work,, win
ter and summer; apply at once. Segelfte
oc n-uuinnna Mig. to., Lacrosse, wis.
WANTED Salesmen In every , looalliy
weekly; many make over $100 monthly;
v-iiuivb vi territory. ISKima . . v alley
Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Waab.
YOUNG MEN. aboat 18 years of age,
wanieu in' several positions. , , .......
WANTED A good reliable married
man as Janitor- for- a new 24 room
apartment building. , Call every after-
"uonaicer P. m. ai 65 IS, 2d St
T,.EATiN . ftrmra ta mnllnn. ntyitiiraa, .n
era tors $35 weekly: easy work. Mo
tion Picture School, 626 Washington,
wci. aoiii auq ii in, j
T H RKF1. shove1rs wanted on 421st and
Irvine tttroitn' bMa tr.aa
vation worit. wages $2.60, payable on
ran ran yn 1 g n t.
LEARN operate motion pictures;
ucaiuiD ... wcrmy. raoy , worn.
Motion Picture School, Washing-
iwh, un. mm ana i in. , - r
A-l SALESMAN wanted by old estab--'llshed
housfe; city and road work; per
manent . position;" exclusive ; territory.
xi-Dow, journal.
WANTED A man that understands
" hnth Mnnlnir arA TklumKlna. v ,t.fln,,
loh for-thft' rlirht mnn VatanaAa itr..
i PER MONTH-Telegraphy taught In
. nrftCtlCAl fnrmR AaV nvxA auanln. mam
slons. Address Myers, 329 11th St.. Port
land. Main 8512, , .
WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to
ui-ivb anu repair autoniODlies. call
50.-52 N. 7th st. . ' . "
WANTED By ehingler. good steady
partner., call 475 Falling sr., cor.
Hill HI. l.
AGENTS wanted to sell a good house
ttiune., tu at Hi inn SL
WANTED Painter and paper hanger.
. a 4 noo a. "
'Jr.' FEMALE . .. ,.,,..29
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write
for Portland examination schedule.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 248 R. Roches
ter, N, Y. - - r .
C, R, HANSEN & CO.. - "
Main office. 24 N. 2d at, Portland,
Ladles' department 7th and Wash, sts,
. .. upstairs, Portland.
424 Front ave., Spokane,
v- $7-89 4 Mi st. San Franclaca
-nstapnsned I87.
CO.. neadquarter? for R. R. work,
2H4sN. 2d at - - ' " ' -.- -V ' .
SALESMEN making small towns can
. earn a nice income carrying our pock
et side line. Write for order book to
day. 20th Century Mfg. Co., 1308 Wells
8t.y cnicago.
AGENTS With $1 to $5 .capital - make'
$10 day. Send 10 cents for sample
and information. - Krullers Dutch Sup
ply Co,, Dept.- A.:. Hillsboro; Or. .
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the
demand for choice nursery stock ; out
fit free; cash weekly, . Address Capital
City Nursery Company. Salem, Or. - t
need the services of large number of
experienced saleswomen in all depart
ments, especially In
years of age and 6ver, who wish the
opportunltv to enter a business career.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, widower with
- two children, ages. 10-13, wants neat
reliable young woman, gopd home and
fair salafjt to right party. Z-687, Jour
nal. WANTED A woman to keep house for
: a bachelor living on a farm. Good
home, light work. Address, T-690, Jour
GIRLS to learn to finish men's - neck
wear. Columbia .Necawea'r: Mfg. Co..
AN fxperieiiced girl for general house-
work, $40 per month. Phone Marshall
A,., . .
a J.40
If'OR general houHework, easy position
to fill, work is light East 2463. 87 E.
17th- at.' - 1
iFINISHERS wanted on men's .neck
wear. ColumMa Neckwear Mf. Co..
2 91 Stark at. ,
8CHQ0L girl to. assist' with general
hounework in a smaii family.' Inquire
at 810 SiHffj-d st. St. Johns Heighta.
WOMAN to care for 3 children, age 3
"ilj 9' country Preferred .Phone East
CAMP, beach, ranch, city cooks, other
help,, $25 to $50. Agency. R. 314, 326 ft
Wnsli. . , .; ,
WANTED. Experienced collar girl.; Laundry. 12th and Flnnfler,s .
WA NtKD Waitress at BweUand'a. 26
MorriKon st. i
. i. - -i -i tl-T...I-U -uiri.ji i 1 1 i
';: i'-'' MUNICIPAL 1
MAIN 3655. A-6624 -
TRAP drummer, experienced In moving
picture and dance work, desires posi
tion In thpntra r . t u r.nn .
' .......... ..,,, a,v.uU Ul I IV.13 1
chestra; not a boozer or a cigarette
niiu. urn Aivin, L.aiayette, ur.
YOUNG man with business, , abstract, -bookkeeping
and legal experience de
sires eniDlovment evenlncn . T..ot "
Journal. . '
CARPENTER work wanted of every de
; scrlption; Jobbing, remodeling, repair
ing a specialty. Cummlngs & Catlin, 371
First ut. Marshall 2327. .
I REPAIR furniture in first class shape.
. pousn pianos, cnange colors ana var
nish everything- in house. Jim Brown,
660 Umatilla ave., Sellwood.
A SOBER, industrious man wants po
sition as night wagenman. ' T-694.
CARPENTER builder, new or. repair
work, day or contract. Sellwood 1712.
CARPENTER work, any kind, day, or
contract, Phone Marsnau
BEAUTT speciallsf graduate of Colum- ,
bla college Of Chicago, wishes posl- .
tlon; facial , and scalp work, K-693,
Journal. i - .
Experienced. . Rates reasonable. ' 619
vuiii iiit:i uini ui rv., city.
PRACTICAL nurse to assist doctor, day
or night - nursing or confinement
cases. Phono Woodlawn 226il.
LADY wants work by the day or week, :;
cooking or any kina. paone Mam ;
8962. Call 210 N. 16th.
LADY wants day work; phone Mrs.
Thompson, woodlawn 1884.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main ;
into or A-zom.
MAN and wife want position in room
ing: house. can speak' German.., T
695.. Journal.
FOR. trained nurss, hospital graduate.
pnone sellwood ltfis. city or coun
try- ' ' '' il-''
PLAIN and fancy dressmaking, reason-"
aoie; references. 326 Hall st. .
TTnA.t h.w mnnflmnt. Nice"- clean
rooms, $$-.00 week up; free bath, Corner
12Jthand Washington. Main 1088. - .
SLEEPING porch furnished like room,
$2.50 week. 7 blocks poatof f ice. Also
other , rooms suitable for 2; runnina;
UP TO DATE front room suitable for 2;
. gas. bath, ohone. reasonable. 647 Mor
watrr in room. 1 an jaiii..
rison et---"v.... , '.;'r :--'tf 9..;;'v.;'-; ,.;-4j
Large front room with fiae sleeping
porch, only $12. modern, 869 11th st
Kree phone and bath. ' Main 7714. "
-FRONT room, suitable 2 or ' 8 young
men, aiso Da semen: room. , tb Mor
rison st. A-7495. . ' ;.". '. ' ; : '
TWO finely furnished connecting room.
suitable for 4 people; low rent 2Ua
lotn st. ' Main 8ti'J.
FINELY".' furnished frent room, 4 win
dows, close in; fine for 2 people, $14 .
montn. 8o4 ciay, corner Fark.
FrNE?Jtttcove" room, clean and home-
Ttlra. MAdarn a.fitaVxla 1 n-m ..n.U.
... .in,, 11. wu.vMu.a a v, a a,u...v
... a.w . m l . ..
men. ; xvo jiotn bi.,- curlier ayiuiy
SPLENjjID front room, fireplace, bal- '
cony, - suitable ' for; two: 6 minutea
from postofflce. 302 Park. Main 3002.
NICE furnished rooms, for one or two
persons, centrally located, ris i3tn.
NEATLY furnished, room, one or two
persons, close, in.' 33fr Madison st.
PURNISHED- sleeping room for rent
j, oatq. iig nail bu.ui.iii ojuo.'
CLEAN, large north front bedroom, $l6.
- Ya- tnjinth - A Mill at - I
private, azs Man il jwain naan.
FRONT room, 6 minutes'- walk f rom JP.
P.. $3 a week. , 848 'Clay at v '
A NICE large front room suitable for
two. 205 1 1th st.-, near Taylor. -
ii'lCELY furnished front room, suitable .
"tor lr 2 gentlemen. 168 18th st.
r ; '. EAST SIDE .
PARLORr dining room, front bedroom,':
clothes press. Tjath, in private family,
first floor, one block from carllne; gas.
lawn, use of phone, some use of kitchen.
For adults only. Call phone East 3958, .
or inquire 802 E. Ash.
NICELY-furnished front room, private .
- family, walking distance. 290 Benton
st.. rnone t;ast eusi.
NICE .furnished rooms for rent, bate.
phone ana electric ugnts. 680 E. Sal
mon st., cor." 14th.-
FRONT alcove room, private family,
neatly furnished, -suitable for one or
two gentlemen, .fnone Kast 47.
FINE room, with breakfast $16 per
- month: strictly modern; walking dis
tance. 816 Broadway. East 1202.
FOR RENT 3 rooms rear 887 H Mont
gomery, $8.60; free water. .Inquire
490 Mfill, - ; - , ?
- "" - -mi S'--a.aa .
NEATLY 1 furnished rooms, with - or
without board; bath and phone; rea-'
sonable. 208 .Grant st Main 569L
WANTED Room and board by young
men; private family preferred; refer-encet-.'
T-689, Journal. ' -
LARGE connecting suite, suitable 3 or
- 4 gentlemen, - real home cooking,
taring TFonoiy. Njerrerson st.
LARGE front' rooms, home cooking.
reasonable; gentlemen preferred. Main '
7016.' " '. . ,' ".' .' . .
ROOM -and board in private family;
bath and free phone.-C Tel. A-2369.
Call 214 N. 16th st. , - .
FRONT room, with board; home privi
leges, with, private family; 20 mln-
...nnf l,!n SiinnvaU. :OAd -DAtKU,
mrn . in.. iiuiiii.Tni'ir, nun imniimi
653 Washington . St. Room , and bo
ior two gfiuienifTi; rates reasonholc.
ROOM and board; private; bath and
phone; $5,50 per week, 232, N. 15th.
ROOM and board for young- women. 6
Grard avo. N. " Phone- East 261, ' ;
HOTEL -. FOSTER Portland's newest
medium priced fireproof hotel; 190
rooms; steam heat, hot and cold run
ning water in eevry room; rates 75i
and $1; full half block; 247-20 Davis
St., 2d to id.
HOTEL PORTLAND European' 'plan
,... a K . Jk A mt 1 S 'Mr ...
VALLAMONT Furnlbhed room.- for
renu J78 yamnni. .
BELVEDERE. EuropeRn. 4th and Alder.
THE NEWCASTLE. 402 3rd: furnished
housekeeping - rooms: rree - baths.
pnone, not water.
TVV suites ,of housekeeping rooms and
1 4 room Tiirnisnea riat. S40 Front.
LARGE, clean room, furnished comp!tai
v for housekeeping. 631 Thurman n