the Oregon su;;day jou:;:;al. "? ftt"A 1 i m Li, wUij.ii K! m IP IB i liLffilll FALLSi POINTS OF INTEREST SEEM 0,'i LGuG AUTO Till? THHOUGII CENTRAL Cr.: 1 1 Party Rides in Autos From The! DaNcs to Crater Lake Cou; try, Thence to Portland . Scenery Grand. x ' That the automobile trip over the ". route" from The Dalles, South to Bend, on through the Crater Lake and Kla math Falls country and back to Portr land through the "Willamette valley, of- . fcrs more Interest-ahdi varied fascina tions than .any other-astomobll route in tha tVi rmtnlnn t.f.vM'lHH' TWatf Henderson, who recently, completed -the trip wun tier parents in a mx-cyiinder Oldsmoblle. " -' ', , In the party which made the trip were jr. una iura. ; r . jntinuerBoji,. ineir children.' May, Bonnie and ;MHton, and the driver. .George McCartney, In the Oldsmoblle, and Mr." and Mrs. P. H. Ran pom and children, Helen, Dick and Frank, In a' 3ft. Cadillac. , Messrs Ran cra and Henderson are members of the Eastern & -Western JLumoer company , The party made the trip--In easy stages and loitered at the points of par tlcular Interest, "getting all the enlov ment possible. The account of the trip, s told by Miss May Henderson, who kept a complete diary of events, : will rm Interesting : to other auto toiit-lt who may contemplate taking.' the same . ., . Relates Experiences. ',;.'. Miss ': Henderson related the- account of the trip as follows: - "Our machines were shipped to The Dalles and from there we started out on the road known t as Rattlesnake Grade, drove slowly and arrived at Shan- iko aoout e ociock m -me evening;. Throughout the day there, were several thunder showers which impeded - our progress somewhat. - The hotel at Shan lko was crowded,' and1 a fire broke out In It while we were there. This was extir'ptished, however, before It had done any amage. ' ' , "In the morning; when we left Bhan lko it 'was rather cool and windy. The roads were fair,, with some rocky spots and one slippery grade. ;, We arrived at Prlnevllle about ZAO p. m., and on account of the cold, decided to' remain there Instead-of going on that after noon to Bend, a distance of 35 miles. "When we finally started On again the next morning the weather was fine and the air was as clear as It could1 be. The scenery, lnclv.ding" many snow peaks In the distance, was grand. The lORds, however, were rocky and rough. Along1 the road we saw several coyotes. : , Lake Without Bottom- ' "Arriving at Bend about noon, " we stopped at the Pilot' Butte Innj-where the accommodation were fairly good. In the afterncon. we spent considerable time fishing along the Deschutes river, and then . lingered in the vicinity of Bend for a day . till a spell of bad weather had papsed over. ' , "Proceeding Again earlr In the morn ing, we stopped at a farm house near I .crescent, wnere tne cooicmg was first class. The elevation at this oolnt m. "-n , I v V! t i ! h . y . n j I . ' r - i 3 m 'w i i a ill' ....- ' a i I s i1:;-;... ;:;,:-, ...--. !-::; vrr ., , .,?. vj , I : ..- .v..'v(f . , . f v - - , 1 1 I I 1 - i I.,,' " it! i . ,t- - ---! 'V JTV r-kl "i1 1 h 5 ' - f s i ? - jv I ? . - , , t i I r ' I -? M L u u 1 I I i HL,i!) BiO ii 1 i ill Other Officials of Washington County Not So Enthusiastic as J. IV. Gcodin. . Top left hand cut depicts member 6 f party leaving to hunt coyotes; next Is fishing' scene on Wood river; InTenter beautiful. jCrateAake: . .lower left hand picture ahowB narty restlne npar Klamath Falls- nnn i r Z " " .. , ' . J C5 . ' v- . vi lcr,il L1LC3 VdiiJ UU. , I oured 4405 feet, on tne larm are several In terestlng sights, including a picturesque water wneei, uonunumg tne next flay we reached Lake Odell, a , beautiful body of water six miles long and two miles wide; Procuring a boat, we rowed out Into the lake and one of the men sounded It, but could not touch bottom, although he let down 100 feet of rope, "We reached Fort Klamath next day at lunch time, and whlleHe were there Mr. and Mrs. Gay lombard and Dr. and Mrs. Marshall came in on their way to the- lake. Five j-other : machines also stopped at the place while' ; we were mere. r.:-s .-.-.;.,, -t-,-.- Good ruhla.; r . ... 'Over roads full of stumps and rock and up hill and down, we-went on to Klamath Falls, . where we arrived .at 6:80 p. m., and stopped at the Liver-j more hotel .The fishing was so goodj rouna .iamain ans tnat we lingered there a' day or two to enjoy the sport. "While fishing, we came across nu merous water enanes. From Klamath Falls we started on " to Crater Lake, but about nine miles from it Mr, Ran som's machine suffered a broken axle, so that the Henderson machine had to take the party up to the lake In two installments. - A halt was called about ' five miles from the lake for lunch, I 'To get to the edge of the lake we had to climb on foot for about a mile but the sight of the beautiful body of water and the grand surroundings well repaid us for the effort spent In the climb. There was snow on the ground In spots and flowers grewing in- it The altitude, I understood, at this place is 8000 feet The deep blue-and phos- , ph orescent appearance of the water and the vivid reflection of the banks, and trees and the Island in the middle are too beautiful to be Justified by a de scription. ; r-;': r;..;rft .;. -. Whooplaf ; Congh Spldsnie. " Ve returned to Fort Klamath in two installments and mtst of the partv ' waited there walls one of the men pro-1 a new axle at Klamath Falls to reDlaen th hrnlrn nnn That hlAoknmlth shop at Klamath Falls, we learned, is kept busy making new axles. "Proceeding ' toward Medford, we stopped for lunch near the natural bridge, which consists of an od lava bed under which the Rogue river dis appears, and 'comes out at some dis tance below. . Ther nr nn f(h In ih stream above the bridge, but there are pienty oeiow. tn this- locality we learned -there are plenty of deer and cougar. , .' 'At the town called Trail w fminA a wnooping cough - epidemic. . The beds In the hotel werff hard, but clean. After fishing in the Rogue river we went on ana. arrived at Medford about noon. and reached -Grants Pass at 4:80 d.. m the same dav. The imnmmnHnMnni here were poor. : Tb nt mnrnin went On to Oakland, but not being able M Tina . accommodations her, wmt M miles further td Drain. - Dur next stop for luncheon was at the Osborne hotel in Eugene. Our trip from Eugene to Portland was unevent rui, except for tire troubles near . Al bany. & Some of the roads were rough ana qusty, wniie others were in Jflrst class shape, ' . "Mosoultoes all alone- the route fnm The Dalles to Klamath Falls bothered considerably, They were particularly annuying at crescent.- ,t . ,: Damages ot Allowed ' ''Special T)lntcli to it Jonrnsl V ' Dayton, Wash.. July 23. Holflln , i t. ... -i i , . . . . . intii - a cut. snouin nor. no - muria r sponsible for death caused by a fall Into an orjen stream. ravtnn' last night refused to allow the claim of 12000 damaa-es farourht hv a v. Mm. rls for the accidental death of his son Yates Morris last May. , Now , Morris nave to fight the case In the super ior court and thin ha fcftB AttnlAaA tn An. The council refuses to settle the claim ror any amount on grounds that In this case me stream nappenea - to : be con trolled by a private corporation.- - ' . ' A Z 1-f 7 .w-sV-Xw4e.'- i 1 j Ii it V fi :.:Z.z-m John Matthlen and family In their Locomobile ?0 near the Castle on the P-Mn t.frmany. -The rary ha Ven tonrlng In Europe for - Mml montln and h just reached New York on the return trip t U M(l,ahle Mr. MatfhoSfn will drive aoroF3 the contl-. .-n.t .r-- Nn. vnr)f rrrt!ar i ' ' " - Local Auto Man Proposes Con test to Increase Benefit . - Fund. ; To aid In raising the fund for the benefit of Marjorle Mahr, -the injured chorus rtr"Harrr Twitehell. the local lagent for the Cole 30, is endeavoring to rrange a race to Mount Hood and back. ' "Twitchell haJ announced he will Put up a purse of $200 and race-" any and an ao horsepower cars on the market over the 68 mile course to Mount Hood and back.' The entranrn fn will V linn for all cars. The winning car will take nau ana tne otner nan or the proceeds will go to Miss Mahr. i . The roads to Mount Hnnd r in good condition. It Is thought the pro- vobco race, u punea off. will excite Keen interest and , mmnotlHnn hnth among the racers and outsiders. AUT0ISTS OFF FOR DAY'S TRIP TO MOUNT, HOOD AbOUt thlrtv . ItVanVlIn .,,n,M- .... I . W......1 leave tne citv th i mnmin v v, ket to Mount Hood. The trip was ar ranged by the Mencles DuBols Auto COmnany. The nlnnln la fnr iir nimMi of Franklin machines who. can make the ' All Will assemble at thai ITranlrltn van. age at Seventh and Couch streets short ly after. 7 oVlnnk ttnii will nnwud .ii of town In a bodyrbut after getting out un ins main Toaas will, spread out la oraer to avoid the dust i One machine Will Ufa r aa.lw ... the turns for the guidance of those who are not acquainted . with the route. TA( nractH an kill hii kt.TiM.n. w- ' ... ....'. v - ii a camp ana tnose who are to do so m v remain there and enjoy 1 themselves wnne ui rest arive on to Government Funeral of Sirs. Wood Held. (8lcll Diaratrh tn Th Jnnm.l The Dalles. Julv ; 23.Th the late Mrs. E. B. Wood was held at tne Jr-utneran church An this city .yes terday afternoon, the Services being con ducted bv Rev: nr Tn nn,o. - n Wood was- the wife of K B. Wood, chief vi oeiecuves tor tne o. R. - & N. com pany, and died at the family homa' in Portland last Wednniliv: bv i In, The .Dalles. December 11. 1881., and wa ma oausnier or Louis j. Davenport, a pioneer. reaJdent of Wasco county. On Auguai w she yas married' to a. woDo, tnen chief of police of this city, and resided here, until three years mu wnw w. vvooa was made a Ue tecUVe for the, O. R. & N. comliany, and a,uo weni in . nnrr nri -a AHUa mi icaven a momer, xive sis ters and three, brothers. - ; Work on School iullding. jSperUi I)lpatoh to The Journal,) Wallowa. Or.. .Tniu- ii ::'i...i for building the new, schoolhouse was awarded to th irnnrion compattyJtor. J22.2oo..-uvrir..,m k-i.. Much has been said bv autolsts about the poor condition of the roads In Washi ingion county. Much of the criticism has been Justified by the condition, but it is believed many unfair - remarks about the Washington county off icials have been made by persons who are-not acquainted with the real- condition uf affairs.;:,,;.. '.;: , ' V; - v !- '.Many fit the. county officials,, it Is un derstood,;, are exceedlnglv - indifferent about having good roads, but there is at least one aoou road anthtiBinat. in the official list who Is' thlng.ln his power o get construction work under way. This ;is County Judge J..W. Goodln who has -earnestly advo cated a good roads Dollcv cvnr lnc ha came Into office, but has; had a hard time -waking, up some of the other of ficials and getting them to start some' thing. . :,.-.( . j.'-' '.-, ,- v.-? , One result of the efforts of Judee Goodln Is the establishment nt k rnrl crusher near Oswego. . This wilt be In operation next week and large quantities of crushed rock will be turned out and uisiriDutea an over tne .county. The county also has three Other nruiihera ami 'two rollers which may be, put in' opera jtion before long. - ; , , - - , - ii is inougiu aiao tnat men ana teams Will" he nut -tn wnrlr - unnn a-rArlln0 kaitia of the more Important highways of the county. It is the opinion of many Port landers that the eastern, 'end of Wash ington county should be . annexed to Multnomah county, as this territory really belongs to Portland and the. read in it would be brought sooner to a state of; Improvement If 'they ' were ;ln the Multnomah county Jurisdiction. TIRES" WITHSTAND . y 4400 MILE TRIP .An KtrjinrfllnRr. MrnrH wa maa r. cently Vj Goodrich tires on a Pierce Ar row ownea Dy j. AAtsyeny. . witnout single puncture four tires carried the machine a total of 4400 miles.;, This dis tance -was covered over- some of th I worst roads in the northwest, In eastern vresvn,i ine . jveiso route to Seattle ana various other places. At the end of the 4400 miles one of the tires was replaced, bdt the other three have traveled 46S0 miles up to date without repair, BUT FEW CANDIDATES FILE DECLARATIONS ';A,- - V -; "" . i n -;MV',--'..-y:y,:':,.. 'Serial Ol'Ditcb to Ttia JoarnaLI " . Olympia, Waah.. Julv 2S Th ftllnca of declaration of candidacy are coming in siuwiy ana Tor tne nrst wees there have only been the following to notify the state secretary of their intentions: United State , Rmfm . V Cotterill, Judge Thomas Burke, John e! numpnries. jjegn K. Freeman. With the exception ' of Mr. Cotterill: these senatorial candidates are'all Seattle men li,'iri':11 r- P'-iiofins. ;-.'r.. Cotterill is - -men to represent the -third district: A. E. Veatch, .'imurl A. Mann, Spokane; Sea- or apoto to r- : r, ..(--it the la eenatorial uiMricis in the state senate. All Re publicans. - . C'lH; ;r. f'H! - 1 t.-L- C()l ii; burv VALE COUNCIL LETS 33,490 CONTRACT . (Sredifl l)lspi,t.'h toThe Journal.l ale. Or., July 23.-The city council has awarded the contract for the Vale water and sewer system to the Amer can Light" & Water company, a con tracting i firm of, Kansas City. Work will .start when the material arrlv the latter Bart of Anmar .-i-k- ! nVJ?t comP''tel within four months. . The bid was 883,490. , i , j ,. The council has resirv th. .i.k ." decide within 60 days whether to install a pumping plant or & gravity system. The city has bonded for 876,000. -.. . . i . .. , .. '-;:; ';-.; Redmond to Hold Festival, ' . (fiiw-lnl rtiupptrh tn The .Tonrni-1 1 Redmond. Or.. July 23. Redmond will lfold a Harvest Home -Festival some time In Sentember. Exhlhlta r nn being secured for the festival! and it Is the intention to preserve the exhibits and send - them- to the county fair at Prlnevllle in October. J V .The While Car is the car for the" average man f or the man who wants to, know' that maintenance expenses , will : not '. make the car prohibitive for him. Cat alogues, owners' testi monials and other, liter- attire, gladly sent' upon request , ' V Deliveries lltw While Motor Car , . ! Company ;. a A. EASTMAN. Gen. Mgr. a. 6. BRACKETT. Sec'y. ' ' ' Sixth and Madison Sts. , ?gwa.vssaMMSafBWsjsMsjsJ ! ' ' vawuiucmco S O lla OCttlllQ (lien MHHaaHHNaBBHaMaHBBMBMJ IWNU ! mm . AMP MUDTOK PEOVEM J. - J WIS 0N : "-- . ;'. . ; . it Adaptable For Any Businesss' Immediate : ; V . ''.. . .. . -, ; : Delivc3ry : 4 . ' t , . - - .f?: -' -'-"' ' ' ; " i , ,' " " u ',,' ':' ; :::: f. ,''.";-' IDA'.' -:. ''! ; vl'vN ,'.3 and 5-Ton" Trucks " ISO O-lb. Dellyepy Wagons Hotfel Busses : Light Dolivcry Wagons Ambulances : Domestic : Express : .j. Motor Delivery Expert in Charg 'of Commercial Vehicle 1 .. . : ... . . y .' " . -i - '- " - Department - V ITS MTm ern e 1 J C. A. EASTMAN, jcneralJVfjnager G. S. BRACKEiecretaly. S3Jim-'Mr.Ia5OTJ'Sa&: o At..C.HC9. . ; V '