- f f , M." H i IEB1I CEilTRilOiffl! n !I0 UILB WOODS IlEEDSHDIlOi NOBBY TCEAD I PREVENTS Skiddinir and Wears Longer Party Has .Rou&h Journey Along Nehalem River; Na tives Excited Over Car. , Klamath and Harney , County r.en Pull Together for Road . ' Across State. 1 ' Ballou 2 Wrinh Auto Supplies, Bicycles and Motor Cycles ' 86 Sixth Street, Portland --y a . . -p,, ' ? i , ' 1 1 i, ' 5 I I T '"' r Driving Into a country sJong the Nehalem river which had never before .been disturbed by the chif of automo biles, P. A.- Combs, of Archer Combs & Co., C. A. Eastman, of the White Motor Car c6mpany and Monte Smith of the Packard Motor Car company, made a ramarkable fishing trip last Saturday ana Sunday In a White gas car. ' The party ventured over roads which were said by' natives of the country to be Impassable. They were warned re peatedly not to venture further if they wanted to get out again,, but proceed ing in spite of warnings, they went ahead, had all kinds of good fishing and came out with hardly a scratch as far as the machine was concerned. ' The party was the first to venture In an auto beyond the railroad camp on tha Lytle Road, known aa Camp 8. The path was found to be uneven, up and- down, and with grades whloh reached a 83 1-3 per cent pitch. - "The country was the prettiest I have ever driven through said Mr. East man. "but I would not care to attempt the trip again In. a machine that is, If I wished to be sure that I -would have an automobile at the finish. Tha wear on our machine was something awful, t although we were in good running order- at the end of the trip, ; - .. "The fishing up the Nehalem river waa first class. Our biggest catch was a nine pound Rainbow trout which Combs and X landed by uniting our ef-.- forts. . ' -,j . - : ', .v -, ; v. .j....; "We found one man living In a log . cabin who ba?d never seen an automobile-before.' He fell all ver himself with delight when -we explained the mechanism and announced that he would buy a machina as soon as n could' ell ' off soma of his timber. He own large tract of valuable timber. '- "Seven miles of the road over which w traveled had been built by the rail road contractors as a wagon trail for , hauling supplies. An idea of their con dition can be had from the fact that " the supply wagons have . to be gulled Jong in spots with the .assistance of owes ana lacKie. ' ' Y " " ; v' PARTY MAKES RECORD M RUN FROM SPRINGS What la thought to ba record time for the ma from Wllhoit Springs, to Portland by way of Oregon Cltya dla tance of about 88 miles, was made re cently by Julius Meier in his Thomas 70. With Mr. Meier In the machine were Mr. and Mrs. X. Meier, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Frank and Harold Meier. Julius Meier said yesterday that in order not to maxe it too uncomfortable for the women passengers he did not drive as fast as he might, and that he proceed ed, carefully over the rough spots. ".,,. "I did not let the machine out." he said. ,"and 1 think If I had we would have come back in two hours flat, or lees. We left Wllhoit Springs at exactly .11:30 a. m.. and arrived iq Portland at 1:45 p. m." Julius Meier, as WjbII as W. J. Clemens. Read What One t jaMaassjBSWP.-i ' "V jLEliLiitiVifil ?. V Competition Demands Quicker and Better. Service : Northwest. Buick Co., Portlan, Oregon." . Gentlemen: We" have now been using your Model 2 A Truck 24' ! Horse Power, purchased of you, nearly two months,, and are pleased to say bo far it is making good In fact,. one man and your truck is doing the work that required two men and two teams -before." " The matter ofiquick service, which we obtain by its use, makes it very agreeable and. pleasant in our business ; and,, so far as tried, we do not wish at all to go back to the team service. , - - Very truly your3,. T. S." Townsend Creamery.Co. , , - ' Come to Our OfHcc cr PZufns and Wc Will Show Yon 'How Easy tt Is , to Eliminate a Lot cl Expense in Your Delivery Service ,C. S. Brown and F. L. Parker In their Buick, In which they recently Astoria to Portland P7 way of the Nehalem expects to attempt soon the trip to As toria over the same route which, was attempted on July 4. II 10 Within two weeks a new road, less than 100 miles In length, will be opened up to Tillamook bay. This will extend through Forest Grove and Buxton, and along the right of way it the new Pa cific Railway A Navigation company's road to Nehalem city, and thence around the bay to Tillamook city. .. , Extending along the railroad right of way.- the road will have an ideal grade. and with the proper amount of grading and graveling can be made Into a model automobile road.-' Within a vear nr two it Is expected to be the most used of any of the routes to the coast The railroad extends for about SO miles through Tillamook county and along, this portion ! of the county has taken over a strip of land wide enough for the wagon road, and has completed grading all but four miles of It ::;-- The road passes through a very scenic bit of country and ,rlch timber belts, as well as near streams prollfio with trout , xne j. wiicneu Motor car company has been organised and has moved Into Its new home at Union Avenua and Wasco streets. - .. -- The Twltchell Motor Car company will handle Cole cars. A shipment of 1811 model cars is expected within the next few days. Tha consignment will contain two new model, five passenger fore door cars and one flyer; all having 115 inch wheel base.' Roy Marx will be assistant sales manager with the new company. . , NEW ROAD TO OPEN mm BAY of Many Portland Owners Say About '-taJ-JtJjjai.jiiswifiwsiiswwi,. V Cl vs. ' v, n.ctia nil ;.; : v ; ' ,- ' - 'i:' :rt?':rr-'. , '.''rv''"-. '.' ' i '.. jrff ' . l! ' , CENTRAL TACTORIES- (ftr lUifiJ,. 'W' , , f Jr - SSSSSe - ' icecream. , : , ; , lOr litis. rUK I LAND , OREGON ' k.V.y hi It 3WIES 1 Phinneys, of Seattle, Arrive Here on Way to San Fran cisco in Lozier Car. C. and J. A. Phinney of Seattle ar rived In Portland Thursday with their six cylinder Lcteler in which they will start early this week lor Bant Francisco. The machine Is a Lakewoed model with a green body and Is the only one of this type on the coast In it the owners have already traveled 8800 miles, although they have owned the machine less than two months,- . - Owing to the condition of the road between Kelso and Vancouver, Wash. tha car waa driven toward Portland Only as far as Kelso and then shipped. W, a Phinney remarked tola morning that he could have aome over the remainder of the road In good time, but that he did not feel like subjecting himself to tha iolts which' he had experienced on tha through trip from Seattle during the Rose Festival. ,-- '- ' : t .. "We drove from Taooma to Kelso be,- tween 9:80 a. m. and 6 p. m.," said Mr. Phlnnev. '"and I think . wa could have completed! the remainder of the Journey in 12 hours at least We were not in tha mood to tackle the high spots be tween Kelso and. Woodland, however, and shipped our car to Portland. - On tha ride to Portland during the Rose Festival we found this stretch of road f ' IN 11 III ll - ... Il n II Tk - Vttiflr i II 4 .tight CP' Delivery MaaIo All JtTEH.CHEtSC; . w -w t f w l 'J, ,Vrjs Pres. i completed a trip in 13 hours from Talley. v about the worst yet I understand, however, that considerable work has been dona by the county since then in repairing the worst spots., . From . Ta coma to Kelso tha road was, in excel lent condition. -v "We expect to drive straight through from here to San Francisco unless we are prostrated with tha heat along the wayside We probably shall stop three or four days at Medford and indulge in a little fishing. Wa shall be back in Portland in about three weeks. . . EAST SIDE HAS NEW AUTOMOBILE AGENCY Another new automobile acency has been established on the east side, at nouadsy and Union avenues. The firm Is known as the East Side Auto com pany, and will handle Apperson, Black Crowe and Thomas Flyer machines., A Consignment of Appersons has been re ceived already and carloads of the,,other makes are on tha way., v xne establishment h ? a ' - fully equipped shop and employs a number of machinists direct from the factory. The place Is equipped for changing cars and has a waiting room for ladles, contain ing writing material, chairs and tele phones. HUPM0BILE AGENCY . . .HAS BEEN 'ESTABLISHED A Hupmobile agency has been es- xaoHsnea at Beventh and Couch streets by the Smith-Cleveland Auto comDanv. Although the company .has been in oper ation out a few days, a number of the popular little cars havebeen. sold al ready. Another large aohslgnment la on the road from the factory. , . V. K. Titus, a salesman with the firm, was ' formerly with the factory at De troit. He is considered one of the most expert drivers in the country. ,4 Journal Want Ads bring results. "TAe Classiest mil ; Colics QQ33(Q)99 Fore-door touring car and demi "t tonneau, and the Flyer, which was " ' -so popular for 1910. Watch For Our 1911 Announcement IN NEXT SUNDAY'S JOURNAL ' :.W e are now-located at 273 ; Twitchell Motor Car Co. ' ' '. PHONE EAST 322 ' . "THE CAR YOU'LL BE PROUD TO OWN" Arched Combs & Company, Auto SnppHcs, 306 Oai Street SS& A. J. WINTERS CO. A HnrdiviirA - 67 Sixth Street IZIIlS and DEALERS b 'fb Auburn Motor Car Co. y ht'PZf 4 . ROUT. SIMPSON, Mgr. - I ' ; " "-t- - - " " ,;' -' JZ Judge George T. Baldwin, vice presi dent of the Oregon State Automobile as sociation for Klamath county, who was in Portland during the week, told of plans he and Archie McQowan, of Har ney county, arej making for an improved highway from The Dalles to Klamath Falls, and thence through to California. Judge Baldwin la enthusiastic over the proposition of securing a good road through central Oregon and thinks this route, when made passable, will be more used for the trip between Portland, and the California cities than tha Willamette valley route. , ' . ' F. I Parker, of Clatsop county,5 re porta that much work la being, done on the roada from Astoria to Portland, and thinks the trip should be made -now without great difficulty. E. Burton Watterman, ,of Medford. Or who was in Portland during tha week, reported much road work being done in that sec tion and. that he had secured a large list of members for tha state associa tion. The Auto Delivery company, with P. E. Bean as manager, started business this week, with ten White gaa delivery cars and two White 6 ton trucks in operation. The place Is located at Twelfth and Burnslde streets. ' The use of auto trucks has become So common that the firm has encount ered more business than it can handle and -has ordered additional equipment to the extent of three five-ton trucks, two one fend one-half ton trucks and two 1600 pound delivery wagons. . 4 Cylinders 20 ii.P. Sliding Gears Bosch Magneto The ctr that it ready, at a moment's- notice, to go' anywhere and do any thing- that can be asked,' in reason, lot an automobile. . "Nothing ." cheap but the price." Y Smitq-ClevelandCo. COR. SEVENTH AND COUCH. Car of Them Air Union Ave. N.,'cor. -Wasco.- fP Northwest CuicK Co. U W. VOGLER, Gen. Manager 7tb and Belmorc, MacDougall, f.loores: Co. AUTO REPAIRING AND REBUILDING GLASS FRONTS A SPECIALTY O ABACS, CCCUTE3 SETEHTTXXBfTH AITS ALSEJk Crowe Mo Sixteenth CroxtonfKeeton Marmon HOLLENBECK MOTOR CAR COV. Distributers Agents for Excelsior Motor Cycle. FIRST-CLASS REPAIR SHOP IN CONNECTION. 85 TENTH ST. .' MARSHALL 1915, A-1915. APPERSON. EAST SIDE AUTO CO. Repairing, battery charging gasoline and oils, storage. East 566. HoUaday and Unibin Avese. ciai l- M U "IB II i It, Vulcanizing & Retreading R. E. LAK Wlin L'll'Vla llslCy Magneto Repairing- Quick Service. OIBSON Storage Battery H ESS & O'BRI EN, Inc AUTOMOBILE MACHINISTS Cor. Union Avenue AUTOS REBUILT, PAINTED, and East Davis St. FOR HIRE . PHONE EAST 78 gggl AUTOMOBILES ' COMPARE WITH ANY CAR. REGARDLESS OF PRICE. ;V WAT50N AUTOi GO: W- LiMBMd Vnto StWUa Patent A-7612, MAIN 8121 503 ALDER STREET Lfolor Cars r' s Palmer-Singer Parry Car Clement-Bayard Aeroplanes BENRY FUiiK AUTO CO.; 335 Anlccny Street N--, Vi V., ,u, Wajblitjjtoa la. J crncts. OIOKMAW, YOUMltO; DEM0U1ITASLE RIMS KEPUDLIC TOES AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES 71 Seventh St. A-3520, Main 3520 Oft PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. ' SIXTEENTH AIfD AUTOMOBILE FOV DemonBtration by Appointment, the? V in IX t Coach Sts. A 2320 M 4335 Co. Oldsmobile Overland and Alder THOMAS FLYER. UTERES. BL0DGETT, 510 Alder St. l!aia703S wIfs All In the Tire" O , West Coast Supply Co. v 320 Burnslde St Kconomlcal, Safe and Convenient Battery Kecharging and Repairing. Company SJSTiJSt. BARNESAUT0 MOOILE CO. 83 North Sixth St Phone Mala 7022 Agency BZQ AtOER ST. C0HEM.WGR. rsosn ax. 4337 K nUlW VVe n , V- naei 19th and AUer ts., I';:' . - il 303 First Aver.39$o., C::tt: ; Seventh ri r-h wkj uurnmao utrccc r nln I