""""" CECTION FOUR lO PAGES SUNDAY PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY. 24, 1910. -DRAMATIC AND OPORTO PERSIAN BANDS llew- Autumn Trimmings Displaying the first arrivals ' of New Imported ; Persian Bands for early autumn trimmings on suits, waists and coats. These beautiful bands are embroidered in oriental colorings and designs1 ranging from 1 inch to 3 inches in width. , MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY De Miracle, Yaucaire Galega Tablets, Hair Goods Remarkable "Cleanup" Sake Fetching Wash Dresses " at $435 pipings,buttonsand embroideries. Some have,dajnty chantecler ruffles on the cuffs and collars. " ' Exquisite Imported Tailored Suits at Haff Ence We' are restricted by contract from advertising the maker's name of these suits. Suffice to say thafmany women reading, this advertisement can readily guessvthe name. These; exquisite imported garments are" so well known' that little description regarding quality, exclusiyness and wonder ful tailoring need be told.' On' Monday we sell . . AU $25.00 Russian Crash Suits at $12.50 All $35.00 Russian Crash Suits at $17.50 -All $40.00 Russian Xrash Suits at $20.00 All $50.00 Russian Crash' Suits at $25.00 )m y mm? ' - Special $4.85 -rLEATHER SUITCASES; made' on a steel frame, reinforced leather -corners, brass . bolts and catches, shirrfold, extra strong- handles; Watch and Jewelry Repairing, , -All kinds of Jewelry Repairing and Engraving at prices much less than exclusive jewelry stores. In our 1 atch : Repairing Department we have Mr. Farney, ar specialist on Swiss Watches, for the past 30 years ohe of the experts ' in the foremost factory in Switzerland. , . Vals. to $8.75' -O n e - P i e c e Wash. Dresses of percaie, ging hams, chambray, 'dimity a n d lawtis. , I ' All in the deli cate shades for summer, in pink, light blue, gray, green, lavender, rose and tan. In plain colors; checks, stripes and figures. Made in ' the Dutch neck and higfrlieckstyjes; long ors hort sleeves. Plain and plaited skirts and tunic effects. Trimmings of h a. n din? s . Russian Crash n 1 oaie Suite ases Special $3.45 Rattan Suitcases, very light weight and made to withstand the roughest , usage. Leather corners,, extra strong locks and catches. ' - ' It . ' . Special $5.95 16, 17 and 18-inch Sole Leather Bags, made on covered English " frames, hand sewed, strong locks ' and catches. . . ; .. , -' v ,. - r ' ,' . v-av.-.;--' ,)- ' ' Special $1.95 --FIBER , GRASS Suit, cases, 24-inch steel frame, brass locks and bolts, in side leather straps, linen lined, full size shirt fold. Special $295 ; 3 MATTING HANDBAGS, light weight and strong,; leather., bound, extra quality, - locks V and' catches, made on a covered frame, popular '14-inch -si zes H -i-f------.rjp New Golf Stocks Just Hie Thing: ' Many well-groomed women wear Stock Collars as thetr exclusive sum mer neckwear; ! For these: women we have ; a new collection just re ceived, in plain white, tastefully em broidered in dainty designs." They run in price from 35 to 75 each. A few are embroidered in light 'col ors. .'. A Dispersal of Wash Fabrics At Heavily Reduced Prices; Two best-selling fabrics of the season, and both sold at less than half the regular price. These wash fabrics just came to us from New York, arid go 'on sale tomorrow for the first time. This insures you bright, clean, crisp, new goods, not soiled or handled. , , , Fine French Batiste in white and White English Madras in beauti- tinted grouhds, in choice floral, fig ured and stripe patterns. Also Frencji Muslin) white and tinted grounds, with floral and stripe de signs. . All beautiful summery and airy materials. ' ' , , Could not be sold if bought at reg ular prices for less than 25c. Spe cial fty yard: ' . Mu slin Underwear and Kimonos $1.50 Values, Special at 98c Combination Corset Cover and Drawers with embroidery ed pin p. lace and insertion The belt is finished with beadr.. ing and ribbon. , ,. Sk I $2.00 IGHTGQWNS of over style, with circular, A with lace oFTiemstitching. Also V"' shape tucked yoke, with trimmings of embroidery and insertion, 50c Values, Special 39c CORSET COVERS with circular necks and yokes 0f lace and insertion, and ribbon strung through dainty beading. $1.75 rvimonos, Special 98c Ladies Long and Short Kimonos in fancy figured designs, with trim mings of plain or fancy bandings. In loose or belted styles. Special 98. m aterials at 20c Curtain Q Rods . . yC -Full-Length Curtain Rods, made of good quality brass, ;with ferrule finish. Brackets complete. 10c Sash Cur- :5 tairi Rods . Brass " Extension ' Rods " for" sash curtains, with knob finish, 22 and 44-inch extension. All brackets complete.' ;-- 1 2 l2c Figured !9. Silkoline . Figured Silkolines of best quality, in light or dark grounds of floral and conventional designs. A large variety of handsome patterns. ,v 25c Art Cretonnes I f ' Special . ,:.::.,l JC Fine Art Cretonnes for bedroom V, draperies r. and the summer ' home., - for the artistic home. A lare ya Handsome patterns in floral designs, . riety of handsome patterns in all on'lightor dark rounds. v"-1;.; colors." . ' Manufacturers' Curtain Samples ; at 1 9c M;- " ffl! :iues:tc $1 .00 at 1 9c Each ; ' ; - TTnngn'amirTain Arabian color, 1J4 yards.tong, 40 to 50 inches wide. Just the curtain for the sash window.,.;,,.' ,':';'..:..'S.H .C v'. v ' V $3.00 CURTAIN SAMPLES SPECIAL 41) EACH Two hundred im- ported samples in Insn. romt and t5russeis jsti ana;ijauejnDerg enecre, .white ht-ecrji: colorUa yards. longUnchewide,: '.;',: 1, J; ; ,"; ;Try Casavera Greaseless Cream . Casavera Cream is now being in troduced to the women of Portland. This is the month to test the. quality and the merits of Face Cream. Casavera cleanses the pores. It is not a cosmetic; We are sole Port land agents. Price 50. ful Jacquard effects of dots, figures and fancy stripes. White Lawn and Mull with satin and corded stripes and checks. 1 ; ; These goods could not be sold in the ordinary way for less than 35c a yard. Special 14 yard, :-,t , : . Values, Special $1.10 LADIES' GOWNS of fine longcloth, with yoke or band finish, circular and square necks, slip-over and button styles, with elbow or puff sleeves. Trimmings" of embroidery, laces, in sertion and medallions. $1 .25 Values, Special at 59c longcloth or muslin.' Made in slip neck and short sleeves, finished Cleanup Prices 25c Curtain Scrims, Special 19, Fine Plain Colored Curtain Scrims in light and dark shades. A very large assortment 50c Cretonnes O C Special . LdDQ Art Cretonnes, Taffeta and Dam ask, in beautiful patterns of 'floral and conventional designs. Suitable for bedroom draperies and hangings. $1.25 Curtain Nets and Madras . : Fancy Curtain Nets and Colored Madras for curtains and drapery use. White: and . ecru color, fifty inches wide. S... ; 85c Curtain Nets A O and Madras . . 1JC Curtain Nets and Colored Madras U nr r DRINKING CUPS ' ; Aseptk Clean Here is a little novelty that is being i sold by- the;r. hundreds. These Paraffin e Paper. Drinking Cups",' each one, in a sealed paper envelope, : recommended bv the! Boards of Health and School Boards in all cities. : ' Ideal for traveling. Price, three for 10. MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY Nemo Corsets, Butterick Patterns, . Forsythe Waists An Astonishing Petticoat Sale . ... ' . ..' . ' '. : 1 . "' Less Than Wholesale Cost ' 4 SILK ' NeWM:SilEPetticpats;35 It is an exceptionally fine lot. Not a great number not over a' couple of hundred. The advance samples of one of New. York's best manufacturers. Hindered by the great garment-makers', strike,' he" disposed of these samples, realizing it was impossible to .'take any. orders; with the unsettled conditions of business. ' -. :' ' These Petticoats are made .of an extra f inequality high-grade taffeta silk, generously full, with the best of tailoring. In black and all desirable colors. Values run easily frbm'$(?.00 to $7.50.' On Monday the entire lot is offered at 33.35. ; " Throw on Evening Capes at $695 Selling Regularly to $17.50 . - Handsome, long, Full-Length Capes of plain broadcloth linen and fancy diagonals. In pearl gray, tan, navy, shell pink, light blue, delft blue, rose, leather, cream and black. All have fancy collars bound with satin and gold trimmings. Double-breasted models, fastened with large dull brass buttons. Also single-breasted models in tailored effects. t ' .Exquisite Fine Lace Neckwear at 98ft $1.25 lo $150 Articles Neckwear in dainty patterns and fine quality of Venise and Irish lace. Lovely lace collars and Dutch collars. Handsome jabots in cascade styles and single, tab effects. This neckwear sells ' regularly from $1 .25 to $1.50. Monday your choice 98c. Owl Cut Rate 25c White Toilet Chamois ...... 19 25c Whisk Brooms . . ........ . .10 50c Santiseptic Lotion for sunburn on sale at Y. . , . .33 50c La Vida Rouge . ........... .29 35c Rubberset Toothbrushes .. . .25. 35c French toothbrushes . . . . . ,19 35c Prophylactic fToothbfushcs.. 25 25c Celluloid Dressing Combs. . .19. 75c Hand Mirrors for traveling.50i . 75c Stand Mirrors bevel glass;. ;50 35c Powder Puffs ........ ...ill9 , 7 Hand Brushes, genuine bristles, at ' i i i r r ir Vi r 1 V r T It 39 $1.00 Ideal Hair Brushes . .79 25c jewel Pockets .. . . ..........19 65c Jewel Pockets,' chamois lined 48 75c Embroidered Covered Jewel Pock ;'. ets for;..........,..:. .......09 25c Silk Toilet Sponges' . : ; ... . . 19 Victor Talking Machines Vacation : Sale - - 50 DOWN 50 A WEEK For Victors, Numbers 1, 2 or3 Thousands of the latest records, which are included in. this offef, embracing every possible demand. Drug Necessities 50c doth Brushes . '. 39 50c La Blache Face Powder . . . ,33 25c.Powder Books 16 35c Java Rice Powder 29 15c Kirk's Juvenile. Soap ....... 11 75c, M. & L. Florida Water. . . .7.59 25c! Jersey Cream Soap . . . .20 25c Cheney's Listerated Tooth- Pow der for ...... ;.,lGt 25cEversw'eet . . . 1C 25c Spiro Powder 1C - 50c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream 5.cJtaIsaJcum Powderl 75c BeefTJron and Vv ine ZQ& Absorbent Cotton : '....Mr linker 'Ahsnrhent Cotton V -4 .Aseotic Paper Drinking Cur'". ' three for 25c pint bottle Grape Juice ." 7