The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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FOR SALE New three-story frame ho
ter, SO rooms furnltthed; all outside
rooms; on corner lot 100 feet square;
best location and best hotel In Wood
land, Wash.; fast growing Lewis river
valley town; 20 miles north of Van
couver on N. P. railway. Price $6,500;
half cash. Better see it soon for It will
sell. S. G., Lane, Woodland, Wash.
PARTNER WANTED Attorney, grad
uate of Harvard university, wishes a
partner In the real estate business, and
will sell a half Interest In a well
lyjulpped and well established real estate
office. A chance to make good. A hust-
ling, well recommended young , man
wanted: others need not apply. Coast
Commercial company. 419 Henry bldg.
Grocery Location
A slKhtly triansular business lot In a
neighborhood of SO homes (more being
Yiuiitt ruhn riastra a store: best location
fin Oregon City; will ell cheap. Phone
Sellwood 1242, or address 602 Douglas
sve., rorimnu,
LVlD1 OAt-f llmiur ntnm StOCk.' f lX-
tures, building, all complete, doing
fine business; sales jWlll average about
$40 day, mostly cash; no delivery, but
can. double this, with, wagon; don t an
swer unless you have5 the money. C-.eB,
FnrSalti bv Owner
Cigar and confectionery store, hand
ling fruit, ice cream and magazines;
lease; corner; good business; reaon
selling, have other, business.: J-695,
J ournal.' ' '
23 rooms, all on 1 floor, West Side,
close in, good building, rent $50, clear
ing $125 month; will sacrifice; price
lf?0j term. or trade jre?l estate r
- INCJUlKli; Ba -linn. m
$150 buys business, nets $3U
' per week; terms; nb agents,
Phone labor ww,
HERE ia your chance If you are not
afraid of. work, to Invest $700 cash
and manage one of the best manufac
turlng businesses In city. Will guaran--
tft Mt Aav RB.ln.rv and profits. II
j you mean business call 693 Qllsan st
JF you have a moving picture theatre
for sale.or if you wish to buy or open
one, communicate with a permanent and
successful company. - Peoples. Amuse
ment Co., 610-615 Rothchlld bldg., Port-
ispd, or.
WANT partner with small capital, or
with good team to equip a money man
lug proposition to follow railroad camps
along line oi new rentwu vuho..
work. Room 522 Tourney bldg., after 1
xi E".virrkAifrlMiUiira.I land $6.60 to $15
per acre without Irrigation; Orogon
land $160 to $500 per acre needs Irriga
tion. 4Se comparison), buy Mexican
land. F-99. journal,
Fine location, no competion, estab
lished business, cheap rent; must be
sold soon, x-884, journal.
inn KAT.K or. nart trade. General
mdse. Nice, clean stock. Invoice
sbout $8000. In No. I up-to-date town
No wlndgalls need apply. Aaaress,
SSR. Journal.
' . i i .
WILL sell you a neat, clean business?
good location, long lease, part cash,
bal monthly. Investigate this if you
are looking for a money maker. W-685,
GIVEN away free to those answering
man of all th California oil fields. Sa
rar-Loomls Co.. 701" Oregonian bldg.,
Portland, Or:on.
trfiR BALK Confectionery, ice cream.
stationery, notions,, cigars and tobac
co, etc., near lame school, having rooms,
lease, suitable for man with own help;
no agents. . D-6B3. Journal.
rrm sale.
Restaurant in first class condition, In
' " 212 4th St.
ATiK .vim tvl.i:in to take a legitimate
chancer A Dig aeai. muss raise
I10.B00. Can use from 2 to 4 good peo
ple. ' State all first letter. P-680, Jour
I MADE 50.000 in five years with s
small mail order business; Degan wiui
Id. Send for free booklet. Tells now,
Heacock. S078, Lorkport. N. T. '
have buyers '?or all kinds of bus!
ness ope.nmKs; we can sen yours. v
. 88 Htth. Marshalrl298. -
FOR SALE Modern cleaning and dyeing
works; rine location, taxing in au to
160 per week; $880 cash if taken at
ones. Call 814 Henry bldg. V
EUOKlNG for an opening 7 Might have
- something to suit: commission Busi
ness every description. Louis Furcht
61 Rothchlld bldg.
WE CAN place to J in paying business
before ouvinr - oe sure sna sea us.
Kinney A 8tampher, $31-3 Lumber
Fxchange bldg. A-4881.
IF YOU don't succeed it's your own
fault If you have a little money to
invest in a live wire answer mis. it-
P89. Journal. -- -
WANTED A first class printer to tak
an interest in an up-to-oate joD'-orrice
in jfortiana: , give,., reierences. ; , j,
Journal. : , '
BLACKSMITH shop and tools, 6 room
dwelllnsr house, 3 lots. 2 good wells
lots of work. If Interested call or write
B Remington. 'Grass vaney. ur.
HAVE a new store building in good
growing location, ror general store:
will give long lease; by owner. F-691
Journal. - :
feALKHMAN side line: or exclusive: ad'
vertising novelties: liberal commis
ions; samples free. Andrew Paysen
;nnton. la,
FOR SALE Barber shop and confec
tlonerv. Also 4 room cottage and
lots. Good business. No competition,
Cheap, pot 45, limey.' Oregon. .
illGHLAND "notion store; confectionery,
cigars, tobacco! want to go on home
stead; good business, rent $16. 1017
Union ave. N. ' -
GROUND floor proposition for S good
men. Opportunity of a lifetime, In
vestigate. (3500 required. N-670, Jour-
rai. ,.- . y ; . , , -
bi'LENDFD otioortunltv in. book bus!
- ness; lowprlce for cash state amount
or casn or trade you would invest. V
osa, journal.
FOR SALE A first class delivery out
fit; horse, waKOn. harness: also :
extra wagons. Columbia Fish Co., 8d
and Ankeny. . '
FOR SALE Btfhdtng with boiler and
engine sultublgfor factory or mill, .on
remea grouna near K. R. and river,
J -683. Jourpai. .
FOR SALE, cheaD: Good, clean room
ing house and restAurant, paying $133
near, - ive iviuingaworxn ave. -rr
FOR fiALE Neat, clean, navlnor' eon
f ectloncry store; owner must go east
Ut Kllllngsworth ave.- , ;. , (.
CONFECTIONERY ttnd lee cream parlor
ior rem, biuuh ior saie; rent reason
ante, piiBsissippi ave.
FOR SALF At price bought for year
: ago, msiae Business 101 on carllne,
rairport, repinsyia. fnone A-2574.
FOR SALE Best located saloon, doing
Dig iiuineoBi rm- , enance; invest!
gate, f-6), journal. . -
GOOD poolroom for sale; good paying
business. Owndr must sell on account
inmag. m,.-b, b.. uregen (Jity, Or.
FOR SALE At invoice, a good small
bakery in a good country town. Call
OP address 809 Wheeler st Portland.
I HAVE cash buyer for moving picture
theatre in email town, or city. H. V.
wertn, 404 Kotncmia ping.
1. have a tsure ' customer for a cigar
- stand If it's a bargain. 615 Board of
rraoe: .:.-s- .-: -.- -
WANT, to buy small cigar, store; drop
Hi ,.r - w.j"" -
Wr ANTED Smell grocery or general
mercnanuise at discount; t-699, jour
BAIALL hand laundry for ;sale, good
business, will sell cheap, Address "Cfr
B9 1 , jowrnw I, - ' '
VELL established .ladles" tailorin
shop for shIr, RSflS. Journal.
TTlVrrp for 2 lad
its, bmall capita
Main 2492.
CANDY kitchen for sale; established
, business, clearing above all expenses
over $45 per week; can be largely in
creased; 4 'years' lease; will teach pur
chaser to make candy. Price $500 cash.
If you mean business and have the
money, answer. N-691, Journal.
$3000 for this up to date confectionery
and Ice cream parlor, sales $1000 month,
dirt cheap; easy terms: established 1j
years; my health compels tna to change.
iN-6t, journal
SPLENDID picture theatre close in for
sale; doing good business ana very
chean: can make terms: also have a
party with $2500 for good picture the
atre. Pacific : Amusement Exchange,
Marquam bldg. 1 1 -
SMALL grocery and rooming house
combined with restaurant, aii ior
800, some terms. This place la worth
1500; first come, first served; hurry.
616 Board of Trade.
SKftn RHYS firm homestead relinquish-
Snent, 320, acres; fine house, barn; Ln
plements, furniture, 7 horses and nay
crop; win lane jzduu casn, uuvin
mortfDia or trade. Mall route, tele-
phone and school. W-694L Journal,
WE have an out Of the ordinary open
lng'for a party having about $200,
who will be active and fill managers
position. No experience necessary, just
a reasonably sensible man. Pacifio
Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg.
WANTED Two Al real estate sales
men: will nay. salary and commis
sion to right people;' must have refer-
encea. S-696, Journal. -.--- -
IRST -CLASS restaurant man fan Is
Dartner in the best paying lunch
counter In : Portland: will stand closest
investigation. Call at 248 Madison st
NOTICE A small hotel, doing a good
business, furniture and business for
ale cheap, write B. L. Walters, Wllson-
vi lie, ur.
The best paying on the east side. K-
692. Journal. . - 1 -'
WANTED A grocery store In. ex
change for good real estate. Aaaress
R-694, Journal. 1
WANT party with few hundred to in
vest In a good business proposition.
X-S95, Journal.
FULLY equipped restaurant In A Nov- X
shape for sale at a bargain. Box 861,
Kalama. Wash. ----- ' : '
OR SALE Business manufacturing
rnonosltlon. Call at movinr picture
house, corner B. Morrison and Grand ave
STOCKS of merchandise wanted at dls
count for spot cash; quick deal. R-699,
Journal. .,..-.. . ., . ; ... . ..
FOR SALE A good paying business for
$160; business done over teiepnone.
P-697. Journal.
JOB PRINTING of flee a money maker.
D-688, Journal.
UKNleSHED restaurant for rent! stock
for sale. - Rent $20. X-688, Journal.
2,000 Alaska Pet. & Coal treas. special
6,300 Alameda Con. transfer'ble - bid
10 American Life & Acc... . special
60,000 Black Butte (will trade) bid
10,000 Black Eagle (Santlam).. cheap
6,000 ti. u, Amatgamatea uoai.oargain
100 Clark Wireless snap
1,000 Comstock G. Gate...',... .16
5.000 Eastern Ore. O. & O.. .. . special
6,000 Fidelity Copper ......... market
100 Gov. Standard Powders.. bid
6,000 Grande Ronde M. & P.. . snap
2,000 Kern River Drillers. .. .bargain
300 Meader-Cochrane Press. ; market
25 National Chemists Aas'n. special
2.000 National Copper .06
150 H. O. peck Auto. Wheel. , special
2,500 Oriole So, Ore.. .09
210 Portland Coal & Dev.. bid
20 Portland Concrete Pile. . special
2.600 Silver trail... .04
1,000 Section Six Oil j .35
60 Royce Suspension Hub... see us
100 Slmonson Flx. lt bid
1,000 Standard Fendei'........ " .20
11 xeiepost A ana conv. . . .Bargain
49 United Wireless pfd. . ... . $6.00
All other stocks and bonds'. . see me
before buying; may be able to do bet-.
Kupreanof. Necarney Hydrocarbon.
Almeda Con. at 15. Port. Cement st'k.
Campbell's Aut. 8. F. G. B. Rose City.
Coledyke Bak. Pow.v Port Concrete.
Fidelity copner. TeieposiA or ju.
FUltf UJEOKUK, . .
Three lots, about one-half company
price. .
Hi ADington Jtuag.
MINING, oil and industrial
bought and sold. Davidson &
Lewis bldg., Marshall 778, A-1712.
MINING and Industrial stocks; tele-
nhone and other Donas Doucnt ana
sold. C. S. Fletcher. 126 Ablrgton bldg
IF YOU wish to buy or sell, mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purceii. 310 Uak.
Prompt Delivery -
Any Length
Green and Dry Slabs,.
' ' Short or 4 Foot
Phones: E; 182, C-1 117
$5 PER- MONTH Telegraphy taught In
practical forms; day and evening ses
sions. Address Myers, 328 11th st, Port.
aiatn hrz.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors.
Biun. jnaipn u. uiyae, aaverusing man
.fli'er. 80 Goodnouuh bldg. - 1
VvivTij At once, 2 men to learn to
drive and repair automobiles.
80-63 N. 7th st, -
VANTKI. Kirct class, wagon
ojacit -
Hmitn. iuw k. 4tn St.
BARBER'' wanted,' Portland Motel Bar
ber Shop, Monday mnrtitng.
AGENTS wanted to sell
a cood hous
Call at 372 11th st
28 N. 2d St.,
A reliable place, to secure reliable help.
Established 1876.
Blacksmith, country, $3.75.
Blacksmith, city, $3.50.
, Cranesman, south, $90.
Carpenters, city,-$4.
Brldgeman, country, $4.
Carpenter, R, R $4. .
600 laborers, teamsters and rockm-m
at Klamath Falls, $2 to $3 per day. Free
lare. snip aaily. , ;
Teamsters -laborers, rockmen for
Utah Construction company at Natron
via Eugene. Free fare, good wages,
Head faller $3.7ff
Second faller M-EO
Rig rustler K....$3-.B0
Loader $350
Buckers ,.,.....i.,,............$4.00
Saw filer : : ,.$3,00
l rack foreman
Kxtra gang foreman
10 drillers, city......
.$ 3.00
z rarmera ..................
3 ranch hands, near city $30.00
Deck hands for steamer. . . .$40.00
Bookkeeper; log road. ...... .$65.00 up
Wood choppers, tools furnished... $ 1.25
lisnan, city. ..................I Z-eo
r yard man ;.$ 2.50
Wragon teamsters, city $ - 2.50
Muckers, county road worlt, 8 hrs.$ 2.60
Hostler, city 2.00
10. shovelers, city... $ 2.76
Coal wagon teamster, city..... .$ 2.60
Camp flunky- .......... .$40.00
iunKy ior log road ao.uu
Bookkeper for logging R. R. Co.
a to.,.,...
Walters. , ' -
Kitchen hands.
Porters. '. , . ,; . ' v -
, 28 N. 2d st.
424 Front'ave.. Spokane. Wash.
80S-807 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal.
920 2d St., Sacramento, Cal. .
138 Los Angeles, st.. Los Angeles. Cal.
A Job free to any man who Is broke.
We want good, live men to handle
Our ' latest subdivision, more talking
points than any other subdivision which
has ever been placed upon, the market
and the genuine value is there; are pre
paring ror a goon not campaign; terma
easy. Commissions big;
Board of Trade bldg.. 84 4th.
is best employer; pay is high and
sure; hours short; places permanent;
promotions regular; vacations with
pay; thousands of vacancies eveTy
month; all kinds of pleasant work ev
erywhere; no lay-offs; no pull needed;
common education sufficient. Ask for
free booklet GR-368, giving full partic
ulars and explaining my offer of posi
tion or money tacks Earl Hopkins,
Washington, P; O.
$25 TO $40 WEEKLY. .
'.Learn to operate motion pictures at
Newman's School of Moving Picture Op
erators; competent operators In demand;
we start our pupils in the moving pic
ture business free of charge. Par
ticulars Newman's Film Exchange &
Supply Co.. 626Vi Wash, st, bet. 16th
and 17th.
OUR motion picture operators depart
ment the best on the coast: compet
ent instructions to teach in two weeks.
make men competent for positions; have
applications daily for operators; pays
$25 to $40 weekly. Pacific Amusement
njxcnange, Marquam bldg.
WANTED Man; must be willing to
learn and capable of acting as our
representative; no canvassing or solicit
ing; good Income assured. Address
National Co-Operatlve Co.', 909 Marden
bldg., Washington. D. C
U-uL give permanent job. (livery) to
anyone buying furniture of 8 rooms,
all full; can more than clear your rent;
2 years lease. Price $150. 618 Henry
$100 monthly and expenses to travel
and distribute samples for big manu
facturer; steady writ fiV- Scheff err
treasurer, F-239, Chicago.
WANTED A good . reliable married
man as janitor for a new 24 roora
apartment building. Call every after-
nnnn n ft 9 ti m a f X7 OA ,
........ ....... w , . ( uv w ... , V .
"WANTED First class motion picture
operator, must have experience. Pa
cific Amusement Exchange, Marquam
o. V
FACTORY superintendent who desires
to invest with services; must be first
class man. Call at factory office, 475
E. Alder.
WANTED Wood working machine
hands of all kinds, framemakersr stair
and cabinet builders; steady work, win
ter and summer; apply at once. Segelke
& Kohlqans Mfg. Co.. Lacrosse, Wis.
WANTED baieSmen in every locality
in ui norinwest; money aa"ancea
weekly; many make over $100 monthly;
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
Mursery co.. .Toppenisn. wa"'?,
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon
with staple line. High commissions,
with $100 monthly advance. Permanent
position to right man. Jess. II. Smith
Co., Detroit, Mich.
ANYBODY . can add $8 to $30 weekly
to their income, growing mushrooms
in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Big mar
ket. Free booklet, Hiram Barton, West
48th St., New York.
LEARN operate motion pictures;
operators $35 weekly; easy work.
Motion Picture School, 626 M Washlng
ton, bet. 16th and 17th.
A-l SALESMAN wanted by old estab
lished house; city and road work; per
manent position; exclusive territory.
II-C60. Journal.
WANTED Neat young man with $50
to show property. Big money can bo
made. Call between 6 and 7 evenings.
242 Fifth St.
iF . you want to beoome a traveling
salesman Write for particulars of our
system. Bradstreet System, Rochester, J
IN. . - y,. , - ---..r-
WANTED A man that understands
both tinning and plumbing, steady
job for the right man. Estacada Mer
cantile Co., Estacada, Or.
BO? wanted to run knitting machine
and learn business.
Portland Knit-
ting" Co.. 231 Alder st,
WANTED By shingler. good steady
partner. Call 476 ft Failing, st, , cor.
i'.. 9th st. N.
HOOFS recovered at first cost; entt
- mates furnished. Sam. Wood, Wood
stock. -
WANTED By first class man, position
as assistant bookkeeper, clerk or time
keeper; references F-69 8, Journal.
A-l INSURANCE and stock salesmen
wanted; best stock on the market
MACHINISTS call at 370 Vi Alder street
before going to work. Strike on for
elaht-'hours. Ed. Carlson, business agent
WANTED two teamsters and 10 la
borers, cor. Dekum ave. and Moore st
Call Sunday. R, L; Ray, contractor.
WANTED man -nderstandihyivirdiF-
imr. to eo to country few dlvs. pwf
einit. to ko to country few days. Phoh-
cruft,')' "i . v ,
WANTED A good union painter for
outsiae wor.K. uati at iass i 13th St
N. between 10 andB o'clock Sundnyr
BOY about 16 to assist in care of few
cows ana aeuvery or mure, good home
BRICK wheelers ana truckers, best of
wages;- V; K Dricx yara, Denver and
i Breinard aves
take St. Johns cur.
CAilraTt-H worn wantoa in exchange
tor rienurl work. Room 207 Aiisky
, f b i a g.,'Oor. sa ana lyiornson st s. At-8002.
LEARN driving automobile, day or even
ing, aaeyfc vvasmngton, ltoom 417.
ilain 53S1. ..... -.
BOYS WANTED over 16 years of age.J.
264 Via?-01 st.
Require competent elevator operators:
only those having had experience need
apply Also a number of day end night
porters, who can pome well recommend
ed. Permanent positions with rapid ad
vancement. Also expert crockery pack
ers. Apply superintendent's office, 6th
floor, Annex, 1 to 10 a. ni.
WANTED Able bodied men for the U.
S. Marine Corps, between th ages of
19 and 35. Must be native born or have
first papera. Monthly pay $15 to $69
Additional compensation possible. Food,
clothing, quarters and medical- attend
ance free. After 30 years' service can
retire with 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. . Service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply
at Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington
ets.. Portland Or
Competent Real Estate Sales-
, i man-
Wanted to. handle new plat
with right prices and terms."
146 2d st'
close in,
WANTED Exnerienoeil farm hunrt
Musr be responsible, sober, able to
milk, drive and make himself generally
uncut, uu uuub, cranKgrumDler, shtrk-
w r iibiiiu neea apply, will give a
steady,! industrious man who can bo
depended on and takes an interest' in
things, work, by the year aijd pay what
ever is right. No objection to man with
a email family. Farm near Portland.
Address with full particulars, P. O. Box
$26.00 TO 140 nn WMVT.v
Learn to operate motion pictures at "tuuui ui moving picture op
erators. ' Competent operators In de
nmnd. We start our pupils in the mov
ing picture business free of charge.
Particulars, Newman's Film Exchange &
Su?piLuCo" 62s Wash, st. bet 16th
and 17th.
MEN wanted. are 18 to UK. tnr rnin
$100 monthly, and brakemen $80, on
nearby railroads; experience Unneces
sary; no strike; promotion to engineers,
conductor: railroad cmnlovlnr huil.
quarters over 600 men sent to positions
monthly; state age; send stamp. Rail-
"y jtaguciation, Lt-tsw, journal.
Have vacancies for two competent
iiuurmen. . -appiy at superintendent's of.
nee, 6th floor, Annex, 8 to 10 a. m.
Independent or nonunion
222 Commercial Club Bldsj.
SALESMAN of good appearance want-
c, who wno is capable of meeting the
best people; If you are enersretlo. re-
nanie, conscientious and will appreci
ate an opportunity which offers at
tractive inducement write for lnter-
M-ssj. journal.
lo.uaa priialTlr.icB
For graduates last VMr- mn wn.
man learn barber trace in ft weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $il
to $o weekly; .expert Instructor: tools
i'fA 7!At for catalor. Moler System
v-"nei;pg. c in. tn St., fortiana
WINDOW DRESSER wanted by large
""'y inose naving several years
experience with mnmi nun n.
v.j, a uis ii Braue position ror uie Dest
man J1?. tno business; stateas;. salary
ana mil details of experience; applica
tlon confidential.
11-698, Journal.
Liive wire attention a no- 1 i ,n
oe aoie to place two men of good ap
ycftiauvB uil B. DrorinBlTtnn riavtnar tin
usually etron- and unique sellinr fea
tures. . write for interview. J-698,
journal, i
SIX traveling men to m11 hnnachnlit ar,
, tides; must be rustlers; no others
need apply: good wages and commission
t the right men. but they must de
liver me goons, it. & a. Chemical Co.
Vancouver, wasn.
' ienced man to assist In delicatessen
Appiy at once to superintendent.
viahima) Salesman: litany make $100
tO 11 KR .
stock clean, grow a on reservation, far
irom oia orcnaras, cash advance week
ly; choice of territory. Address Wmih
ingto- Nurserv Co.. 'i-ODoenish. Wash.
233 Alder' St. near 3d. Main 6713.
SIGN painting wanted in exchange for
uemai worn. oom zui Aiisky bldg.
cor, oa ana Morrison StS. M-800Z.
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call
fornla Wine Depot 285 YamhUl. next
io journal.
AMATEURS taught and rehearsed, for
aramatic and vaudeville work. Made
competent for all lines of statre busi
ness. Competent directors at the head
of all departments. Sketches written
and staged. Artists booked. Companies
uiKiuuzea ana routea. we handle every.
thing in the theatrical line; buy am
sell theatres and picture houses. Only
iiiueiienaeni tneatricai hooking ex
changej in Portland. Pacific Amuse
ment Jb.xcnange. Marquam bldg.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write
ivi roruana examination scneauie.
ran Klin institute. Dept 248 R, Roche
ter, iy, ,
wi in nniiuLii-us, uuii
Main office. M M, 2d st, Fo
Ladies' depurtinunt 7th and Wasl
kash. aia.
upstairs, Portland.
424 Front ave.. Spokane.
87-89 4th st., San Francisco.
KStaDllsnei IR7S.
CO.. neadquartera for R. R. work.
N. Id St. ,
AGENTS make 500 per Cent profit sell
ing -nign graae post caras." special
selling plan; enormous demand; 6000
varieties; samples loc. Particulars free.
Sullivan Card Co.. 1234 Van Buren at.
Chicago, III. .
AGENTS earn $25 to $50 weekly selling
latest styles exquisitely braided em
broidery, waists and Princess dresses,
various novetties. ' Catalogue free. Na
tional Importing Co desk D, 699 Broad
way, New York.
SALESMEN making small towns can
earn a nice Income carrying ourpock
et side line. Write for order book to
day. 20th Century Mfg. Co., 1308 Wells
Bl.. v.ltlvaH;il.
AGENTS wanted to introduce article
which helps to reduce household ex
penses. Particulars free. Write today.
The Buttner Specialty Co.. 911 Howard
St., San Francisco.
FREE samples, agents,- both sexes, can
Writ fnr ;rnr.n7mX0T
5 'Lte. I00. Proof and samp e. G.
S 'Z"wTn.Tt?-T
New York.
WAITED Acents: legitimate substl
tute for slot machines; patented; sells
on sight for $1.00. (Particulars, dlsha
company, Anaerson, ma.
AGb-NTS With. $1 to
$5 capital make
anu liuuiiiiaiioti. . Kruners Dutch Sup
ply Co..Dept. A. Hlllsboro, Or.
AGENTS wanted to aid'us auLjly the
demand for choice nursery stock; out
fit free; cash weekly. Address CspltsI
uity iNtirsery t-omrmny, sniem, ur.
$18 PER WEEK and commission guar
. anteed for hustlers. 1 Phone Wood
lawn 1792.
TACrKNTS "to handle the Terfcct Dus'tless
Brush In Portland and Salem. Room
800 New Grand Central, lQisL-JPcttlancL
KING STORE need the services or a
large number of j-xporlenced sales
women In the following dewrmien is:
nrnr a avt.. vnirVJo' WOMEN 16
yenrs of age -and over wbo' wish the
opportunity to enter a buelnes areer.
are now taking on apprentices. Girls
of 16 and over have a splendid oppor
tunity to lear the business, uooa pay
while learning; rapid advancement for
good workers. Apply at Superintend
ent's office,! 8th floor, annex, 8 to 10
m. : ...,......,....;.,..,.
WANTED Seveial bright young wom
en to learn telephone operating: stu
dents paid $20 per month while learnt
In-! a thnrrMiff-h iralninir elven each StU
dent before assignment to poottion; this
is an exceptional opportunity ror ucn
applicants that qualify. Apply to School
Prlnplnal nnr Kaat Office. E. Ankeny
and 6th sts between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m..
weeK aays.-' xne : racuic . si eiepiiwiro
Telegraph Co. '
requires saleswomen for the louowing
departments: Gloves, ribbon, hosiery,
neckwear.' knit underwear, veiling, cor
sets; waists, wash gooas, noyons, men s
furnishing goods, Jewelry, sUtlonery,
leather goods, noaaits, ciocxery, etc.
GIRL wanted for general housework.
1 man and 2 boys, on hog ranch, take
Fulton ear to Southport' sta.. walk 1
mile west to vHillsdale. or take steam
tion; pe your own dobs,
CHANCE Cor publio stenographer to
nave use or nice, light onice ior wni-
ino; rew letters occasionally ana n.
swering questions. Apply Monday morn
Ing to 820 Henry bldg.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses,
chambermaids, laundresses, nurses. t.
Louis Agency, S03V4 Washington. Main
Z039, A-4770.
LADY interested in horseback . riding
to Join advertiser in ulvlnur lessons.
R. J. Stephenson, Riding School, 433 N.
!itn st.
GIRLS to learn- to ftnish men's neck
wear. Columbia Neckwear 'Mfg. Co.
zih stark
CAMP, beacli, ranch, city cooks, other
help, $2o to $&o. Agency. tL 314, iZibi
AN !xnerienced Kirl for general house
work, $40 per month. I'honc.Marshan
WANTED Elderly lady to help In
mtcnen. one who can cook some. 335
rcsst Yamnni. t:aii eunflay.
FOR general housework, easy position
to nil. work is light uast Z4S3. 87 12.
i nn st.
FINISHERS wanted on men's neck
wear. Columbia Neckwear Mf-. i'o.
291 H Stark st '
WANT lady partner to go south, good
ousiness proposition to . tne . right
party.. Jt-95, Journal.
SCHOOL girl to assist with general
housework in a smau family. Inaulre
at iu wtarrorfi st.. st. jonns Heights,
WANTED A middle aged woman to
help with housework, go home nights
690 uoucn st,
WOMAN to care for 3 children, aire 3
to 9, country preferred. Phone East
WANTED Woman for shooting gallery
at Seaside,
Call Monday p. ra. 291 H
Hall st.
WANTED For the road, chorus people,
. Dotn men ana women., pacific Amuse
m"nt Exchange. Marquam bldg.
WANTED Stenographer who under
slands bookkeeping. Apply 72 6th st.
WANTED Experienced collar girl.
American Laundry. 12th and Flanders
WANTED Waitress at Swetland's. 269
' Morrison st .
GIRL for general house work. Good
home for right party. 409 Everett.
GIRL for general house work and gi
to beach. 330 Park st,
THE MILLINERY department Is now
ready to enlist the following help for
next season: Trimmers, makers, appren
tices and saleswomen. Apply at Super
intendents' office, thilQor annex, 8 to
10 a. m.
MAIN 3665. A-B824. .
YOUNG man of , neat appearance, fair
education, 21 years old, living with
parents, wants position where he can
learn architectural drafting; will com
mence with very small salary. B-892,
journal. ,
TRAP arummer, experienced in moving
picture ana aanco worn, cteaires posi
tion in theatre or with good dance or
chestra; not a boozer or a cigarette
nena. Tim Aivin, iarayette, ur.
LICENSED chauffeur desires private
car; careful and competent; knows the
city; experienced on repair work. R-698,
YOUNG man with business, abstract,
bookkeeping and legal experience de
sires ' employment evenings. L-691,
ROOlCKEEPER Man with 15 years ex-
perience desires position with good re
liable firm; best of references, moder
ate salary, u-esz, journal.
CARPENTER work wanted of every de
scription; jobbing, remodeling, repair
ing a specialty, tjummings & catlin, 871
First st. warsnaii mi,
I REPAIR furniture in first class shape.
puiiBn pirtiiua, euangc cuiurs ana var
nish everything in house. Jim Brown.
A-l presser, recently from east wishes
position; is bu years oia ana married;
can press ladles' and men's garments.
O-6S0, journal. -
WANT IsD Fosttlon for strontr bov o
18 in dairy or on ranch. Phone A-
1356. X81 vam nut st.
JANITOR or clerk, experienced, steadv,
temperate, wants position hotel or
apartments. E-699, Journal.
CARPENTER, builder, new or repair
worn, gay or contract, peiiwoog 171 3.
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or
contract. 5 rnone Marsnau Z327.
RTTTTATION wanted as housekenner b
young widow with boy 9, city or coun
try, near a good school; none hut re
liable people need answer. 0-696, Jour-
riai. -.. .- y
UluAUi r speciaiisi. graauate oi Colum
bia college of Chicago, wishes, posi
tion; facial ' and scalp . work K-693
YOUNG woman, boy 3. desires situation
houtiekeeper widower's ' family; wages
$20. St. Louis Agency, 303 Washihg-
ton. Alain zviv. A'tiio..
MAN and wife, thoroughly reliable, ex
Derlenced. would take charge of room
ing house for room and board. J-698
Journal, $
GOOD, experienced woman havinsr
child 1 years, wants a position as'!
botmekeeper or cook for men. Cfiat" 1
PRACTICAL nurse to assist doctor, day
or night nursing or " confinement
cases. Phone Woodlawn 22'l.
WOMAN with one child wants, position
.... as housekeeper for roomin(?house or
ged couple. $26 month.- 51 N. 9th,
nure would
like a postti
a position; can give reference.
LADY wishes
pare of child under $
.7 Union ave, Nwm,
FOR trained nurse, hospital graduate.
Phone Sellwood 1658. City or coun
try." .
MAN tailored skirts that fit. $3; your
own . material. Suits, coats, street
gowns, reduced prices. I. Reubih, Elite
banies' -Tailor, &4 Washington, near
lsth. ::
DRESSMAKING at your home, by the
uav. fnone laoor ins, xiis. uii
Stewart 861 East Taylor st Cor.
Twenty-eighth. -
PLAIN and fancy dressmaking, reason-
BOie; references. 826 liau st. - - -
TTnder new management Nice clean
rooms, $2.00 week up; free bath. Corner
12th and Washington, Main 1
N1CU home and rooms for parties em
ployed: fine location, 1 block to Wash
ington; bath, and phone; light house
Keeping ' if desired -reasonable. . 68,1
;verett - - - - - - . - norch furnished like room,
$3.50 week, 7 blocks postoffice. Also
other rooms suitable for ,2; ! running
water in room, tztn.
UP TO f)ATE front room suitable for 2:
.. gas, bath, phone, reasonable. 647 Mor
rison st. , . -
Large front room wita fine slesring
porchf only $is. moaern.. 5B9 iitn st,
247 H Sin st. rooms
11,50 up per wee.
f ree pnone and btth. Mam 1764.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In mod-
ern steam heated flat 469 Jefferson.
Main 2009
THE RANDOLPH 3rd and Columbia,
. moaern rooms, $3 per week up. Tran.
slent. 60o up.
FRONT room, suitable 2 or
3 young
475 Mor-
men. also basement room.
rlson st. A-7495.
TWO finely furnished connecting rooms,
suitable for 4 people; low rent 295
roth st. Main 3862.
LARGE front room, 8 fine windows,
clean -ana well rurnishede cheap. 324 Vi
zn. Mam v&vi.
SLEEPING room, nicely furnished,
nouse moaern, gentlemen preferred.
ii Miu st. wain is.
NICELY' furnished room, walking dis.
tance, reasonable. 448 7th, cor.- Col
lege. Main 8385. -
NEATLY furnished room, $1.76 to $2.75
per weeK, bath ana phone. 228 12th,
near paimon.
uwsiKAm.iii rurnisned room. - large
cioset, airy and clean, $10 per month.
rnona iviain 4uty
FINELY furnished front room, 4 wln-
dows, close in; fine for 2 people, $14
montn. ant tiay. corner rarg.
FINE- alcove roomj clean and home
like; modern, suitable 1 or 2 gentle
men. 195.13th st, corner Taylor.
NEATLY furnished room for 2 gentle
men; cooi; sightly; fine surround
Ings; modern. 609 Morrison st.
NICELY furnished rooms for rent; also
4 'roomed house to rent, sell or ex
change. 448 Columbia st.
2 furnished or unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping, 1 large front 1st
floor, 1 small bed room. 87B Alder St.
NICE furnished rooms, for one or two
persons, centrally located. 213 13th
TWO nice sleeping rooms, walking dls
tance, $1.25 per week. 458 6th st
NEATLY furnished room, one or two
persons, -close in. 335 Madison St
FURNISHED sleeping room for rent,
private. 329 Hall st Main 8938.
CLEAN, large north front bedroom, $10
per montn. aus miu st
FRONT room! 6 minutes' walk from P,
u $8 a ween. 848jiay st
NEATLY furnished room, bath; gas and
phone, li.lft per weeK. 510 Hoyt s
NICE furnished room for rent
loth st.
NTCELY furnished room, modern, close
in, reasonable, 2d St., Mam 9009
A NICE large front room suitable for
two. Z05 nth st, near Tayiorr
FURNISHED rooms, $2.00 up.
wasnington st
NICELY furnished frout room, suitable
for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 168 13th st.
NICE large sleeping room with 2 win
dows, bath and toilet connectlngi mod
ern home, no other roomers; one room.
$8; both rooms $io; no cittidren. 93
K. 11th. bet Wash and Stark. Phone
East 4808.
PARLOR, dining room, front bedroom.
domes press, oatn, in private lamny,
first floor, one block from carllne; gas,
lawn, use of phone, some use of kitchen.
For adults only. Call phone East 8958,
or inquire 802 E. Ashi
NICELY furnished front room, private
ramtty, wanting distance. zo Benton
st. Phone East 6061.
NICE furnlsned rooms for rent bath.
phone and electric lights. 580 E. Sal
mon st., cor. 14th.
FRONT alcove room, private family.
neatly furnished, suitable for one or
two gentlemen. Phone East 4897.
fclNE room, with breakfast $15
, per
mfint Vi at ftiH v tnnarn iva 11 In c
iiivii w i rj wa I ia .' H
tance. 316 Broadway. East 1202
NICELY furnished, . also unfurnished
rooms, single and en suite, quiet and
very suitable for gentlemen. Karatn
bldg., 1st and Pine. Reasonable.
FOR RENT 3 rooms rear 537 Mont
gomery, $8.50; free water. Inquire
490 MIU. ' '
FOR RENT 3. unfurnished rooms,
Rodney ave.
WANT two refined young men to take
room and board together; lovely home,
reasonable; close In, east side. B-2773.
WANTED Room and board by young
men; private family preferred; refer
ence. T-689, Journal.
LARGE conneotiug suite, suitable i or
4 gentlemen, reJal home cooking,
terms 'reasonable. 414 Jefferson st.
liAHGli front rooms, home cooking,
reasonable; gentlemen preferred. Main
7016. , ,
ROOM with board suitable for 2 gentle
men, price reasonable.
434 Yamhill
corner 12th st
A DOWNSTAIRS front room and home
toard for two persons, well located.'
51 N. 9th. -
ROOM- and board in private family;
bath and free phono. Tel. A-2369.
Call 214 N 18th "st. - -'!-
FRONT room, with board; home privi
leges, with private family; 20 min
utes nae, sunnysiae. -tint neimont.
653 Washington st Room and board
for two gentlemen; rates reasonable,
ROOM and board; private; bath and
phone; $5.50 per week. 232 N. 16th.
ROOM and board for young women. 8
Grard ave. N. Phone East 261.
WANTED Board and room la private
f amllyr close in on east Bide. X- 697,
HOTEL FOSTER Portland's newest
medium priced fireproof hotel; 190
rooms; steam heat hot and cold, run
ning water in eevry room ; rates 751
and $1; full half block; 247-260 Davis
r ' n. ' , i. ' p
St., za to a
I UT11TI 5. in UlV.
VALLAMONT Furnifched - rooms for
- rent. 378 Yamhill.
BELVED&.RS.'. European. th and Aidr.
1',75 week, largo cl"n furmshei ocs
keeplng rooms; lautiut-y, bat'ii, ..-.
clean linen,. 184 Ehurman, EoutH Fori-
i:oisi::c:;T:ri.r; r, ni.i:
THE - BEAVER 1 2th and Mr.Mt?.
'Furnished for housekeepln.?. t vj
ranges, electric lights, hot watr, Imi...
laundry, all free: $15 per month up: ,i
clean plsce; best In the city for t!
money; short distance from Union dev"1'
Take "S" or ltith st. cars north, get olf
at Marshall st. No d''"?.
WELL furnished houst-k'eplng room-i;
2. $8 month: a for 813: furnished cot-
tage; lRrge rooms, t20: lower fint, 4
rooms, $16. 364 26th N.- (west side rtvor).
W car from depot 6th or Morrison to
ZBtn; ciorn nortn.
o.N.uilA" nparinents, JK7 17th near
lammu. (Take w car at depot).
and 4 room furnished ultes. Hit
and cold. Phones and baths free. $20
per month. $6 per week and up. Mala
T, A-4739.
IlRES nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, electricitv. ess. nhone. hath
and porch, rent j reasonable to peoplo
employed. ,695 H Glisan st, near 21st
Call evenlngsr . i
THE COLONS Furnished housekeep-"
ing rooms with all conveniences. $10
and up. central location. 503 H Alder st.
TWO neatly . lurmshed housikeeiilmr
rooms. 115.
188 N. -Hth st. Maiu
TWO housekeeping rooms; ' pleasant io
Cation, walking distance.
309 Jack-
on st,
TWO front finely furnished housekeep-
ing rooms; also . separate
room. 853 12th st, -
ONE small housekeeping , room, third
iiuor, iree db in ana pnone. 12 per
week: 308 13th st.
FOR RENT 3 clean, furnished, house
f keeping rooms;, yard, 'bath, laundry.
Inquire 629 Thurman st. A-402L
WO NICE furnished housekeeping
rooms in ba somen t. wallrln rilstanc..
474 Clay st -, - - '
URNISHED housekeeping rooms ia
brick bulldincr. cuntral rat en ruinnn.
able. 342H 1st st. -: ;- ' - K
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
tjau arter iz ociock. eunaay. 250 n.,
19th st
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2 ensulte; . na . i J
' M fcll. RB. -IBHKO I11U " J.UIII11UI-.
ground floor. 635 Montgomery. "
SUITE of rooms, large- kitchen, $3,7 s!
Also back parlor, $4.50. Gentlemen. 138
14th st, at Aider. ,,-
$12 3 unfurnished housekeepinpjooma,
bath and pantries, suitable for-man
and wife. Inquire 610 Columbia st.
ONLY $12 2 clean, nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, yard,
close in. 368 2d.
THE NEWCASTLE, 402 3rd; furnished1
housekeeping rooms:
free baths,
phone, hot water. '
ONE or two housekeeping rooms, gas.
pnone, bath, running water: rent rea
sonable, 173 N. 17th.
TWO housekeeping rooms, all conven
ient; reasonable rent, close In. 2:'6
13 th. - -- - '
TWO suites of housekeeping rooms an4
1 4-room furnished flat 840 Front
LARGE, clean room, furnished complete
for housekeeping. 631 Thurman st.
NICELY furnished 2 room suite, walk-
lng distance, $10 per month. 370 12th.
NICELY furnls'hed housekeeping roomst
i per montn. 4a wasnington st.
813 14th, corner Clay, large, light 1 and
z room nouseKeeping suites.
FINELY furnished housekeeping sui ts
or single room, modern. 857 12th st.
MITCHELL-Housekeeping rooms; llht.
gas; moderate, un ft tanaers. A-4Ui
.... . EAST. SIDE . - .- -
FOR RENT Pleasant rooms, light
housekeeping if desired? bath, phone,
gas, etc.; large ahady yard. , 404 Morris
st, half block east of Union ave. Phone
C-2825. '
TWO neatly furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, modern conveniences.
Phone East 168. 82 E. 10th.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pri
vate family; hot and cold water; gas.
580 E. Morrison, cor. 13th.
THE LAMBERT, 23 Union ave.,
housekeeping rooms, $2.25 to, $3.25;
sleeping rooms, $1.50 to $3.00.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In
private family, 268 Cook ave., near :
Williams i ave.
FURNISHED-'., housekeeping room v
692 E. Morrls,on, 2 for $15. or 3 for
$18 month. Phone E. 5901.
$2 per week; clean, furnished houeekfc(
ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard.
phone, clean linen. 406 Vancouver are.
2 furnished housekeeping rooms,
stairs, nice location. 728 E. 8th st.
'' L'-. .. . 1
Greater Meier fit Frank Store
Rental &; Information Bureau
Home hunters, visit our modern, com
pletely equipped Information depart
ment, rourtn . iioor, main ouuunig, ami
note the vacant houses and flats on our.
list You'll save time In getting properly
and comfortably - located. We keep in
touch with all the vacant nats ana
houses in all parts of the city. We have
thfc combined lists of all the real estate
agents In the city. We also have a list
of all new buildings In course ol con
struction. 1 1
If Yqu Want to Rent a House
' See Us, : " "
WHEN -ou move you'll nees new ru.
nlture. Buy Judiciously and your
savings will exceed moving expenses. ,
Our NO-RENT PRICES mads us one
of the largest furniture houses In the
city 1b less than two years.
-Lookers shown same courtesy as buy.
ers. . r
wrand ave or. F. Stark st
East Ankeny and Runseil-fShuver Cart
pass cur ioor.
CLEAN modern 9 room house, unfur
nished; yard, fruit vegetables, quiet
sightly neighborhood, near In;, occu
ranta 4 'rooms will remain if agreeable.
695 Front Main 5415.
TWO nearly new, strictly modern, 6
room houses, furnaces, corner 2 8 tit
and E. Ash. Rent $27 and $23. Keys
at store, 28th, cor. 42, Ankeny. - I'houn
Tabor 187.
FOR RENT Aa 11 room house, close in.
All modern conveniences. Large
grounds, some fruit, good location.- Call
or address 227 WhlttRker st.
FOR RENT Eight room house with"
barn, convenient to Ml Tahor car.
suitable for two , families. $12.00 per
month. Phone B-1973.
FOR RkNT $8, to good ' tenants, 7
rooms, very large lot, fruit trees. Ev
Couch st, two blocks east of Weiberg
lane. " - "':' - -'--'-
FREE rent tn Gregory Heights, Greg
ory Investment Co. End of Ross City
Park ear line. - ;
7 ROOM house, large basement and
gas; west side; $12.50 per month.
Z93 Hooxer st.
SIX room tenement house, good order,
$15; nice and sightly, good neighbor.
hood. ; 749 Mississippi ave. ' - -J
'$16. 007 roomliou so," el ec t r i o 1 i -j, b t.
bath, etc 1002 Mississippi ave. Key
at store. - ; ; ' , ' - .;
NEW 1 room cottage, 10 miutes' waU
. ast Of S. P. car shops, for rent rea
sonable. Phone Sellwood 625.
FOR RENT Modern 7 room house, hei-t
1 location, nice garden. Phone East
6846. i':"'-r"f";
KENT On carline near school, 8 ' rooiM
"modern house with furnace; lot luO
xlOO. Phone v-2203.
MODERN 6 room house,, 411 Uro..
way st; rent $2$. James & Klg,aiin,
141 1st st. Main 7R42.
neVv modern six - room lt'..i-,
T.v -
I '". - 1 . ...
4 ROOM house, larg rd.
MODKRN 6 room house. E, Pit,', ritnr
13th. Addre838Jlaly. '':-:'''
FTJIFRiUNt" 6" room iot i.nuu . -'
-Inotilre St fci) Wm-ililam t. M (: '... .
Ftf irf roJ'im 'rotiaie 4r" t:if,' i '. j
$7. 4l57h.
v f.'.ntn tnoilr'-n -
' "i. e i r i v.i.. ..! il